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Knowing Faith

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Feb 14, 2019 • 35min

#31 – There’s No Such Thing as 2 Samuel

This season, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley will be talking a lot about 2 Samuel. This episode is an introduction to the book—why we’re talking about it, what it’s about and why we should care.Questions Covered in This Episode:Why are we talking about 2 Samuel?What is 2 Samuel?What are some of the megathemes of 2 Samuel?Who are the major characters?What is the main question in 2 Samuel?What is the role of God in the book of 2 Samuel?Why shouldn’t I skip 2 Samuel in my bible reading plan?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:2 Samuel 7, Romans 1:1-3, Genesis 1-15, Exodus, Daniel1 Samuel The Village Church2 Samuel The Village ChurchCity AlightKnowing Faith Episode #22 - Blood, Names and NumbersKnowing Faith Episode #24 - Don’t Even Look at It with Kelsey HencyKnowing Faith Episode #26 - Talking David and Chopping Heads with Elizabeth Woodson“Even Better Than Eden” Nancy Guthrie Forum“All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr“Reformed Dogmatics” by Herman Bavinck“Them” by Ben Sasse“The Vanishing American Adult” by Ben Sasse“Shoe Dog” by Phil KnightAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a season, we’ll be talking a lot about 2 Samuel. This episode is an introduction to the book—why we’re talking about it, what it’s about and why we should care.   Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Feb 7, 2019 • 40min

#30 – How to Read the Bible

How and why should you read Scripture? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley explore everything from choosing a reading plan to knowing why it’s important to understand the various literary genres that make up the Bible.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is the bible?Why do we read the bible?How should we read the bible?What are your bible reading tips?What is the relationship between bible reading and bible study?What about “devotions” and bible reading?Helpful Definitions:Revelation: The self-disclosure of God. God Himself is the sole and proper witness to himself.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Acts 1:8Read Scripture AppCBR JournalThe Bible Project“Women of the Word” by Jen WilkinAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a and why should you read Scripture? This episode explores everything from choosing a reading plan to knowing why it’s important to understand the various literary genres that make up the Bible.   Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jan 31, 2019 • 34min

#29 – Can Kids Be Theologians with Julie Wilding

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Julie Wilding to talk about the littlest theologians—kids—and how the Church and families can help form them into healthy disciples from their earliest years.Questions Covered in This Episode:Can kids be theologians?What have we learned about teaching doctrine to children? How does TVC do this?How have you done this in your home?But, aren’t they just repeating what we say? Is it really doing anything?Helpful Definitions:Theologian: One who has beliefs about God and operates from them. Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Deuteronomy 6:4-9Your office thermostat is set for men’s comfort. Here’s the scientific proof.TVC Memory Verse Calendar 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018TVC Five Foundation Truths: God is good, God made everything, God is in charge of everything, God wants to talk with us, Jesus came to save sinners.Mosaic Four Foundational Truths: God is good, God is great, God is gracious, God is glorious.The Westminster Shorter CatechismNew City CatechismThe Jesus Storybook BibleSeeds Family WorshipAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a crew talks about the littlest theologians—kids—and how the Church and families can help form them into healthy disciples from their earliest years. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 27, 2018 • 54min

#28 – Lightning Round: Q&A with Mason King

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley hit on several topics, like the Trinity, gluttony, the age of accountability and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:RE: Matt. 24:32-36...if the Father and Son are one, how does only the Father know the hour “these things shall come to pass?”How should we as Christians approach the topic of gluttony and personal health? How should we prioritize exercise and healthy food choices?As Christians, are we able to live without sinning?Does God speak to us through thoughts in our mind? For example, we ask God something, and the first thought that pops in our head is from Him?Is there an age of accountability?Lord’s Supper: Who takes it, how often, and why?Helpful Definitions:Communication of Attributes: The relationship between the two natures and the one person of Jesus Christ. Jesus has all of the attributes of his divine nature and all of the attributes of his human nature. Nestorianism: A Nestorian would admit the full deity of Christ. They would also affirm the full humanity of the person of Christ. It looks as if this is orthodox because they admit to both the full deity and full humanity but unfortunately they would not proclaim the unity of the person.They segregated the humanity from the deity. The belief that there was never a Christ who was fully divine and fully human at the same time.Age of Accountability: The idea that there is a time in which a person becomes accountable to being able to confess that Christ is Lord. Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Matthew 24:32-36, Titus 2:11-13, Matthew 5-7, JamesSponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a Q&A episode hits on several topics, like the Trinity, gluttony, the age of accountability and more. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 13, 2018 • 42min

#27 – The Incarnation (And Other Fun Advent Party Topics)

You’ve probably heard the term “incarnation” before, but what does it really mean? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley explore what we’re talking about when we talk about the incarnation, some common misconceptions around this idea and why it matters.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Advent and why does it matter?What does the word “Incarnation” mean? What theological issues are wrapped up in the incarnation?Was the incarnation a surprise? Didn’t the OT prophesy it?Helpful Definitions:Advent: ComingIntertestamental Period: 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and the New Testament.Kenosis: Jesus gives over his divine rights. (Philippians 2:7)Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Philippians 2:7, Isaiah 9:2-7, 1 Peter 1:10-12, Genesis 3:14-15, Genesis 4:1, Knowing Faith Episode #25 - Providence, Sovereignty, Aseity—Oh My!Knowing Faith Episode #5 - Three Wise Men Walk into a BarnSponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a’ve probably heard the term “incarnation” before, but what does it really mean? This episode explores what we’re talking about when we talk about the incarnation, some common misconceptions around this idea and why it matters. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Nov 29, 2018 • 35min

#26 – Talking David and Chopping Heads with Elizabeth Woodson

You’ve more than likely heard the story of David and Goliath, but what’s really going on in this story? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley dive into 1 Samuel 16–17 to talk about common misrepresentations of this story, the role of anointing, and kingship in the Old Testament and more.Questions Covered in This Episode:Israel has a king, but in 1 Samuel 16, David is anointed King? What’s going on here?What is the role of anointing in the OT and in kingship imagery? Is this a moment significant?What is happening in 1 Samuel 16:14?What are some common misrepresentations of the story of David and Goliath?What are we to really see in this story?What are we supposed to learn from this story?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:1 Samuel 16-17, Genesis 1-2Mosaic ChurchSponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a’ve more than likely heard the story of David and Goliath, but what’s really going on in this story? We dive into 1 Samuel 16–17 to talk about common misrepresentations of this story, the role of anointing, and kingship in the Old Testament and more. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Nov 8, 2018 • 41min

#25 – Providence, Sovereignty, Aseity—Oh My!

What is the doctrine of providence and how is that different from God’s sovereignty? Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley discuss how God continues to reign and rule over His creation.“We talk about these things in the light so that we can stand on them in the dark.” Kyle WorleyQuestions Covered in This Episode:What is providence? What are the key positions of providence? Where do you fall?Helpful Definitions:Providence: God’s continued care and governance over the whole of his creation. Infinite: No limit of any kind.Sovereignty: He has the authority to use His power.Omniscient: All things are known effortlessly and instantly.Aseity: God is a se, or has aseity: He is self-existent and self-sufficient.Libertarian Free Will: I am in no way caused to choose either A or B. Nothing external forces me to choose.Molinism: God possesses knowledge of not just everything that is and everything that isn’t but everything that could be. This knowledge is called middle knowledge. God chose to actualize a world, because there are all these possible worlds that could have been, and God saw every possible world that could have been and chose to put into effect the world that preserved the maximum amount of human free will with the least amount of collateral damage from evil.Theological Compatibilism: We are free to act in accordance with our desires. God determines the course of the world in accordance with our desires that are either broken by sin or redeemed by grace.Theological Determinism: Everything that is done is because of the superintendence of God.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Colossians 1:15-20, John 6:35-40, Genesis 45:4-5, Acts 2:23, Ephesians 2:10, Genesis 1-2, 1 Samuel 12:12“Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion” by John CalvinAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a is the doctrine of providence and how is that different from God’s sovereignty? We discuss how God continues to reign and rule over His creation. Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Oct 25, 2018 • 35min

#24 – Don’t Even Look at It with Kelsey Hency

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Kelsey Hency, Editor in Chief of Fathom Magazine and Bible teacher, to talk about the Ark of the Covenant. They look at what it is, why it exists and its relationship to the presence of God.  Questions Covered in This Episode:What’s the big deal with the ark? What is it? Why is it? How is it?Does the ark have magical power? Is this a Harry Potter situation? Why are the Philistines afraid about the presence of the ark?What is the relationship between the presence of God and the ark? Why does Phinehas’ wife say what she says in VV. 21-22? Why does it seem like death accompanies the ark?What is happening with Dagon and the ark?What are we to make of the Philistines sending back the ark with gold mice and tumors?God blinds many men of Beth-Shemesh, and why?Guest Bio:Kelsey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Fathom Magazine—a media company set out to compel people to seek out the depths of Christian faith. Fathom publishes a monthly magazine, two podcasts, four weekly columns, a newsletter, and runs a monthly book club. She also teaches Bible classes at the Dallas campus of The Village Church where she is a member.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:1 Samuel 4-6, Genesis 3, 1 Samuel 17Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Website Support Knowing Faith and Become a, Jen and Kyle are joined by Kelsey Hency, Editor in Chief of Fathom Magazine and Bible teacher, to talk about the Ark of the Covenant. They look at what it is, why it exists and its relationship to the presence of God.    Sponsored by:You can learn about the Bible through the eyes of its people. Or, you can take a journey to see Christ as central to the storyline of scripture. Find out more about the Bible studies at and Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Oct 11, 2018 • 32min

#23 – Is God Still Speaking?

Exploring the concept of revelation, divine interaction, and God's ongoing communication with humanity. Distinguishing between general and special revelations. Focusing on Christ in God's revelation and biblical communication. Emphasizing humility in response to divine encounters. Delving into challenges of obedience to God's word and divine illumination. Embracing the value of old truths in spiritual understanding.
Sep 27, 2018 • 33min

#22 – Blood, Names and Numbers

Explore the overlooked depth of 1 and 2 Samuel beyond blood, names, and numbers. Discover the major themes, figures, and God's unique work in these books. Unpack the shift from tribal rule to monarchy, the pattern of straying from righteousness, and the relevance for interpreting the New Testament. Learn about historical timelines, character reflections, and using resources for deepening your understanding of the Old Testament.

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