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Feb 17, 2022 • 48min

#136 – Romans and Doctrine of Salvation

JT English and Kyle Worley talk through various terms that are commonly used when talking about Romans and the doctrine of Salvation. Questions Covered in This Episode:Over the last few seasons, we have been using and introducing a ton of terms that could be new for our listeners and thought: “Mother is the repetition of learning, right?” So let’s do some review and repetition on the terms in Romans that concern the doctrine of salvation.SalvationSinRighteousnessJustificationFaithSanctificationIn Adam/In ChristFlesh/SpiritAdoptionPredestinedCalledGlorificationHelpful Definitions:Salvation: To be saved from something.Is the good news, at the highest possible level, that God loves His creation and is bent on redeeming us through the person and work of Jesus.Original Sin: We are implicated in Adam’s sin.Total Depravity: Our nature as a result of Adam’s sin.Sin: Identity: We are no longer living in the identity God has given us. Idolatry: We are born into this world not giving our worship, affection, and loyalty to God. Immorality: We don’t behave as we ought. We are unable and unwilling to choose righteousness.Righteousness:From God: Righteous standing that God gives. The source of salvation. What we need to be made in order to be saved.Of God: The perfect character of God that we are to imitate. God’s standard.His expectations of His people.His faithfulness to his covenant promises: The character of God.Justification:Is to be declared righteous by the righteous God.Forgiven for good, forever.When we are justified by the blood of Christ, we are saved from sin’s penalty.Faith:The instrument of our salvation, we draw everything from the work of Christ and contribute nothing to it.The ascent of our minds to that which God says is true. Adoration, God deserves my worship, love, and affection. Giving my actions over to Him, a life of obedience, allegiance, and loyalty.Sanctification: Freed day by day to look more and more like Jesus.As we are being sanctified, we are being saved from sin’s power.Grace: You have been given freedom so that you can live in God’s way.In Adam/In Christ: Federal Headship: You are either being represented by being in Adam or by being in Christ.Flesh/Spirit: We are born in the flesh (our natural state apart from the intervening work of God in salvation), some are reborn in Christ and because of that are able to set their minds on things of the Spirit.Adoption: We have been invited to fellowship with God. The beloved Father who welcomes us to His table.Compatibilist: Hold in tension that God is sovereign and providential over everything and yet our wills are compatible and fully free within His sovereignty.Predestined: God elects a people for himself before the foundations of the world.Called:General Call of the Gospel: The gospel proclamation to everyone.Effectual Call: Those whom God predestined he calls through the preaching of the gospel into salvation. The spirit wrought activity of awakening the heart and bringing that person into Christ Jesus.Glorification:There is a time that is coming in the future where we will be gifted a resurrected body and we will be glorified. Meaning we will be free from even the ability to sin. We will be transformers from one degree of glory to the next. We increasingly become aligned with who Christ is.When we are glorified, we are finally and fully saved from sin's presence.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 1:16, Romans 1: 26-32, Romans 1:18, Romans 6:1-4, Galatians 2:20, Romans 8:5, Romans 8:9, 8:18-25, 8:29, Genesis 4, Genesis 12:1-3, Romans 10Knowing Faith Episode #128 – The Internal Struggle with Dr. Tom SchreinerAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degree programs designed to equip you be more effective in full-time ministry or as a lay leader: SBTS.EDU/EXPLOREFollow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Feb 10, 2022 • 37min

#135 – Romans 9 Part 2

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on Romans 9 and talk about the doctrine of election. Be sure to listen to Episode #134 – Romans 9 with Dr. Mike Bird before this episode for helpful information.Questions Covered in This Episode:What on earth is Paul suggesting (V.3)? Is Paul saying he would give up his salvation in order that Israel might be saved?Who are the patriarchs?Did God fail? Did God’s word fail?Did Israel have primacy of place in God’s plan?Is God faithful? How is he going to maintain His covenant?What is election?What is the difference between Isaac's birth and Ishmael's birth?How should someone read these passages?How should someone not read or talk about Romans 9?“What shall we say, then?” (V. 30)Helpful Definitions:Election: God’s sovereign choice in salvation.Providence: The world is currently upheld by the Word of the Triune God of Scripture. God’s continued care and governance over the whole of His creation.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 9, Romans 11:29, Romans 11:1, John 1:11-13, Genesis 12:1-3Knowing Faith Episode #134 – Romans 9 with Dr. Mike BirdAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degree programs designed to equip you be more effective in full-time ministry or as a lay leader: SBTS.EDU/EXPLOREFollow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Feb 3, 2022 • 49min

#134 - Romans 9 with Dr. Mike Bird

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are back to discuss the book of Romans! They are joined by Dr. Mike Bird to take a look at Romans 9 and the study of Paul.Questions Covered in This Episode:Before we jump into Romans 9: How did we get here? What’s the flow and argument of the letter so far?How does the audience of this letter shape the way we read Romans 9?What is the argument of chapter 9?Romans 9:6-7 appears to be distinguishing between two kinds of Israel? Is that correct?Is Paul trying to make the argument that the promises of God to Israel are not for all of ethnic Israel and are only for the children of the promise?What are people's working assumptions of Israel in the Bible?Is there a more pressing question for Paul? Is God faithful (V. 6)?The most incendiary section of this chapter to modern readers is Romans 9:13-18. How does Paul build the tension in his argument? How does he relieve it?Why would you encourage someone to read Romans 9? If you just had to steer people away from the biggest misunderstanding, in your view, of Romans 9: How would you caution them?Study of Paul: What do you see right now as some of the most interesting questions that are being asked in Pauline scholarship?Complementarianism: Why do you care about the issue of women in the church?Helpful Definitions:Israel: The name for the sacred people in the Jewish sacred history.Ethnic Israel: Those who are genetically, biologically, or familially part of the people of God.Israel according to the promise: A subtype within ethnic Israel. The ones God has used for his various purposes and who his plans have centered on. Guest Bio:Dr. Mike Bird is the academic dean and a lecturer in theology at Ridley College in Australia. He describes himself as a “biblical theologian” who seeks to bring together biblical studies and systematic theology. He is the author of 30 books including but not limited to: The Story of God Commentary on Romans, An Anomalous Jew: Paul among Jews, Greeks and Romans, Introducing Paul: The Man, His Mission and His Message, and the New Testament in its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians (which he co-authored with NT Wright). You can also find him on Twitter @mbird12.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 9, Romans 8:37-39, Roman 10-11, Romans 16“Some Christians See a ‘Road Map’ to End Times” by Darrell BrockKnowing Faith Romans EpisodesRomans ResourcesAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degree programs designed to equip you be more effective in full-time ministry or as a lay leader: SBTS.EDU/EXPLOREFollow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jan 27, 2022 • 27min

Introducing Season 8

Introducing Season 8Season 8 of the Knowing Faith podcast begins on February 3! In this episode, Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley give you a preview of what is to come in Season 8 as they cover the book of Romans.Questions Covered in This Episode:What is Romans? Who wrote it? When? Why?Why are we studying it?Who is the audience of this letter?What did we uncover in Romans 1-8? (Major themes, concepts, outline, overview)What are the kinds of things we will discuss in Romans 9-16?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Knowing Faith Romans EpisodesRomans ResourcesFamily Discipleship Podcast: Twitter, Instagram, FacebookAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Sponsors:Reserve your spot now by going to Southern will waive the $25 registration fee for listeners who use the promo code KNOWING FAITH. Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Jan 20, 2022 • 1h 9min

#133 – Q&A For Days

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions submitted from their patron supporters! To learn more and become a patron visit Covered in This Episode:“Do you have recommendations for books/podcasts/resources/etc for doing something similar but age appropriate for older kids?”“Is the language about God being Father & Son literal or figurative or both?”“Are we ever at risk of reading too much into parallels, types, significant numbers etc. and drawing conclusions that weren’t intended as we attempt to comprehend and interpret on our own?”“Why do you think that in the New Creation there will be no darkness (Rev. 21:22-25) yet in the first creation, before there was sin, God created darkness and light? 1 Jn 1:5 says there is no darkness in God, but why then did God create night in the first place?”“Regarding Gen 3:24. What happened to the garden, the cherubim & flaming sword after Adam and Eve left? What happened to the tree of life or tree of knowledge of good & evil?”“What is a theological belief or tradition that you used to hold too firmly but changed your mind (or at least you are no longer as confident in)?”“I’ve been wrestling with postmillennialism, amillennialism, and premillennialism eschatology and have been leaning towards post. I know it’s not an essential of our faith but I was wondering what you guys can comment on this and any good resources as well.”“Are you ever worried about how much influence you are having through the podcast?”“Is justification by faith alone a first-tier ("essentials") issue in your view? It seems that many evangelicals do think so, but if so, how does that affect how we view people in church history like Thomas Aquinas, if this doctrine is an "essential" belief to be saved?”“Is there a resource that charitably explains what different Christian denominations believe?”“What is one of your favorite things about your fellow cohosts/friends/frohosts? How do they encourage you?”“Is the Son the only person of the Trinity we see "embodied" (I'm not even sure if it's ok to use that word in relation to the Trinity at this point) in the scriptures or do we see the Father and the Spirit take on a form? For example, is the one Isaiah sees on the throne in Isaiah 6 the Son? The Father? The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Outside of the incarnation, how do we apply good Trinitarian theology to moments when we see God taking on "embodied" forms like in Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Revelation or more general forms like the burning bush, pillar of cloud and fire, etc.?”“I only recently came to understand that the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually changes my reality now (on this side of eternity). How should we think about the transformative power of the resurrection as it relates to the topic of besetting sins?”“Is it important that Adam was a historical figure? If so, why?”“Each of y’all’s simple tips for studying scripture on your own.”“Historically God has always had masculine pronouns but recently I’ve noticed gender-neutral pronouns are being used more often (particularly in scholarly writings). Is our understanding of God as masculine or gender-neutral an important aspect of our relationship with God? How does that impact our view of men and women being made in the image of God?”“When reading Acts, it seems like the apostles go out of their way to lay hands on new converts and ensure they are specifically filled/baptized with the Holy Spirit in a way that causes them to prophecy, speak in tongues, etc. This seems like an additional step, not synonymous with water baptism. The apostles didn’t seem to think that we are filled upon conversion, but rather manually through specific prayer. As believers today, are we missing something? Should we be doing this after we baptize someone? Am I lacking the Spirit if I haven’t been converted with this procedure?”“In Isaiah 9:6 Jesus Christ, the Son is referred to both as Son and as Everlasting Father...How does this work out in the Trinitarian community? Is there a lending of their titles? ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’”“In the OT, the Angel of the Lord is often a Christophany. In Matthew 1:20 is this also a Christophany?““How should Protestants read the early fathers if their leanings are more Catholic (the church)?  Should we ignore their beliefs on Mary or communion?”“References are made to the gift of tongues throughout the NT. There seem to be two types, one of which is speaking a known language, and the other which is a bit less clear - some sort of tongues of angels or heavenly language. Paul says in Corinthians not to forbid tongues. Why is this not commonly exercised in our circles? Are we missing out on some sort of joyous fellowship with the Spirit by not pursuing this, at least in personal prayer, if not in community with other saints?”“Can you give a run through of some of the differences between dispensationalism and covenant theology. Are they in direct conflict with one another or can they be harmonized?”“Lately I’ve had real difficulty accepting an impassible view of God, especially when considering the suffering of Jesus on the cross. It is hard for me to think that the Father, so intimately united with the Son, did not also suffer out of compassion for him. Did God feel nothing as he watched his son die? The last thing I gather from the incarnation/crucifixion is that the Father is apathetic, so my understanding of impassibility must be off. But I don’t understand how God who is capable of love could be incapable of suffering or emotion, and I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts.”“Per Scripture, is baptism presented as being a part of salvation? Or, put another way, is baptism when your sins are forgiven?”“Thanks for the JL Packer essay - Early in the essay Packer defines "Unconditional election" as God's free, sovereign, unconditional choice for sinners, as sinners to be redeemed.  He then goes on to define "Limited atonement" as "The redeeming work of Christ had as its end and goal the salvation of the elect."  Is there any easy way to understand how this can be a free choice for sinners and yet you are also elect?”“What advice would you give your 25-year-old self or a 25-year old Patron with a desire to pastor?““What would your recommendation be regarding the use of outside curriculum in your church classes/studies? How would you balance using outside resources as opposed to training up your own teachers and developing your own materials?”“Why does it say in Romans 5:15 “many” died by the trespass of [Adam], versus everyone/all? Don’t we all experience death and it’s only through faith & allegiance to Christ that we can be born and experience true life again? Interestingly, almost all main translations have “the many.”“What book of the Bible do you think you’ve read/reread the most and what is it about that book that keeps drawing you back?”“Do you all reject or affirm the concept of “autotheos”? Currently reading Arminian Theology by Roger Olson in order to have a more well rounded understanding.”Where do you think the line is for having a proper place of spiritual authority?“I am wondering all y'all's thoughts on the movement of evangelicals to embrace "Torah Observance" and return to keeping the OT law. In discussing this with a friend who is being drawn to this new (old) way of life, my thoughts have been on Paul's comments about the Law in Romans. She brought up 2 Peter 3:16-17 and Peter's comments about Paul's teaching being misunderstood and misapplied leading to "lawlessness." I'd love to hear your thoughts! ““If we are continually be interceded for by God the Son (Jesus), are those who were spoken to by God in the Old Testament being spoken to from God the Son, or God the Father? The New Testament seems to suggest that we only have access to the Father through the Son, but I often hear people talk about God’s words spoken to the prophets as coming from God the Father. How should we think about the trinitys function in the Old Testament, specifically concerning God speaking to men?“What recommendations or resources can you suggest to help women who want to grow their skills leading small group discussion?Helpful Definitions:Eternally Begotten: The Son’s unique attribute in relation to the Father and the Spirit: the Son is sourced in the Father, but there was never a time when the Son began. All things are from the Father, through the Son and by the Spirit.Eternally Unbegotten: The Father is without origin (never been born, made, or created) and He is the fount of divinity.Archetypal Knowledge: Knowledge of God that God himself only possesses; true and full.Ectypal Knowledge: Our knowledge of God is true but not full because of our finitude.Chiasm: Is a literary technique that has bookend statements that work their way inward.Christophany: An appearance of the Son of God before the incarnation.The resurrection power of Christ means that we have been delivered from the penalty of sin. The resurrection power of Christ means that we are currently being delivered from sin’s power and the resurrection power of Christ means one day we will be delivered from sin's presence.Autotheos: Self existence of God.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Revelation 21:22-25, 1 John 1:5, Genesis 2:3, Genesis 3:24, 1 John 2:1, Isaiah 9:6, John 10:30, Matthew 1:20, Romans 5:15, John 13-17, Hebrews 1, John Bible Project“A Case for Amillennialism” by Kim Riddlebarger“Postmillennialism” By Keith A. MathisonKnowing Faith Acts Episodes“Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants” by Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum“God's Kingdom through God's Covenants: A Concise Biblical Theology” by Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum“The New “New Orthodoxy”: Only The Impassable God Can Help” by Wesley Hill“The Impassable God of the Bible: Replying to Some Objections” by Wesley HillJ. I. Packer’s Famous Essay on Christ’s Death“Calvin, Classical Trinitarianism, and the Aseity of the Son” by Tyler R. Wittman“Iron Sharpens Iron: Leading Bible–Oriented Small Groups that Thrive” by Orlando SaerAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degrees designed to equip you to do even more to advance the cause of Christ and His Kingdom: SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.To learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 23, 2021 • 47min

#132 – Season 7 Q&A

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley answer questions from listeners.Questions Covered in This Episode:“Jen, I have heard you at least twice talk about situations where it’s ok to lie → I think you used the phrase “truth to whom truth is due” → How does that fit with scriptures' admonitions against lying? You guys are some of the best bible teachers I know so obviously you're not saying to just lie whenever. Please help! Thanks Jen for all the work you do keeping JT and Kyle in line and on track!”“What do you think of the conversations about how we should not refer to ourselves as sinners once we’re saved?”Who is having this argument?“JT, if God knew his plan of unconditional election would send the majority of people he created to hell, why did he create man at all?”“What’s your best marriage advice?”What do you think of the idea of dating your spouse?“Thoughts on Christians reading apocryphal documents?”“What is your favorite book that you read in 2021, and what books are you reading now?”“How should believers regard secular art/entertainment with obviously biblical themes? I watched Dune this weekend and found it to have a lot of biblical themes. Are all works of art/entertainment just outworkings of the ultimate story of the bible?”“How would you clearly define the gospel?”“My six year old wants to know if we will see the Holy Spirit in heaven?”“JT, what was the title of your PhD thesis and can you summarize it in a few sentences?”“What’s the difference between women teaching in the church and pastoring?”“The concept of predestination is really confusing. Could you explain its basic tenets?”“What’s your favorite thing about being in ministry?”Best books on church planting?Helpful Definitions:Sinner: One who is separated from God, alienated, fundamentally unrighteous, and in Adam or under the federal headship of Adam.Apocryphal Documents: Noncanonical documents (or books) that are related to the history of stories you might find in the Bible, adjacently, directly or indirectly, that speak to some of the issues of the Jewish people. For example: the intertestamental period, 1 & 2 Maccabees.The Gospel: Life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ mean that I am free from sin's penalty, I am being freed from sin’s power, and I will one day be free from sin's presence.Predestination: God chose a people for himself (Romans 9, Genesis 12) so that he might receive glory among all peoples, all nations, all tribes, forever.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Exodus 1:15-22, Hebrews 10:14, Romans 9:19-23, John 3:16, 1 Timothy 3 , Titus 1, Genesis 12“Grant” by Ron Chernow“Band of Brothers” HBO Series“Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer“Jesus and John Wayne” by Kristin Kobes Du Mez“The Lymond Chronicles” by Dorothy Dunnentt“The Red Rising Series” by Pierce Brown“Live No Lies” by John Mark Comer“Band of Brothers” by Stephen E. Ambrose“Dune”“The Stories We Tell” by Mike CosperThe West Wing Series“Planting Missional Churches” by Ed Stetzer“Center Church” by Tim Keller“Deep Discipleship” by JT English“Sojourners and Strangers” by Gregg R. Allison“The Church” by Mark DeverApple podcast review! affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degrees designed to equip you to do even more to advance the cause of Christ and His Kingdom: SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.To learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 16, 2021 • 33min

#131 – The Crescendo

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley continue their discussion on the book of Romans by looking at Romans 8:31-39.Questions Covered in This Episode:We get another one of those rhetorical questions, “What then shall we say to these things?” (V. 31)“If God is for us, who can be against us?” (V. 31)The Father has sent the Son, what do you believe he is going to hold back that is more precious than Jesus? (V. 32)“Who shall bring any charge against God's elect?” (V. 33)“Who is to condemn? “ (V. 34)“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” (V. 35) Where does V. 36 come from?How should we treat the phrase, “more than conquerors?” (V. 37)How do you feel finishing up this season?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 8:31-39, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Ephesians 1:4, Psalm 44:22, Romans 11:33-36Knowing Faith Romans EpisodesKnowing Faith Romans ResourcesKnowing Faith Apostles Creed EpisodesAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degrees designed to equip you to do even more to advance the cause of Christ and His Kingdom: SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.To learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 14, 2021 • 8min

After The Fact: Why Southern Seminary with Dr. JT English

Kyle Worley is joined by JT English to answer the question they get asked all the time: Why did you choose Southern Seminary?Questions Covered in This Episode:Why did you choose Southern Seminary?What kind of graduates are they producing?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Southern Baptist Theological Faith After The Fact EpisodesAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:After the Fact is brought to you by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you think now might be the time to pursue more theological training, log onto SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE. This online diagnostic tool considers the theological training you have now, factors-in what more you want to accomplish, and explores the Southern Seminary degrees will prepare you to do even more! Whether you're exploring the idea of theological training, or you feel called to full-time ministry, you can get personalized guidance at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.To learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 9, 2021 • 31min

#130 – The Spirit and Our Waiting with Dr. Jarvis Williams

Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley are joined by Dr Jarvis Williams to look at Romans 8:18-28 and discuss suffering and our ultimate hope.Questions Covered in This Episode:What are the sufferings that Paul has in mind here?Creation is personified here as something that is waiting and groaning, is that strange to hear about something non-personal in personal terms like that? (v. 19, 22)What is the “revealing of the sons of God?”But it’s not just creation, it’s also we ourselves who are growing as we wait for adoption? But haven’t we already been adopted? (Rom. 8:15-18)The Spirit helps us by interceding with “groanings too deep for words,” what does Paul have in mind here?Discuss why Romans 8:28 is better in its context.What is our hope?Helpful Definitions:Sufferings: The normal rhythms that all human beings experience in this present evil age that are the result of the fall and the curse that Jesus has come to deliver us and the creation from. (Could be persecution for our faith, cancer, poverty, etc.)Guest Bio:Dr. Jarvis Williams is Associate Professor of New Testament Interpretation at the SBTS. He has published numerous books including Christ Redeemed us from the Curse of the Law, a commentary on Galatians, and the recently released Redemptive Kingdom Diversity: A Biblical Theology of the People of God, and has commentary with IVP coming out on Romans.Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Romans 8:18-28, Romans 5:1-5, Romans 8:35,38, Psalm 44:22, Exodus 2:23-25, Exodus 6:5, Romans 6, Romans 1:17-18, Romans 3:21-4:25, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 1:13“Redemptive Kingdom Diversity” by Jarvis WilliamsKnowing Faith Episode #129 – Freedom In ChristKnowing Faith Episode #128 – The Internal Struggle with Dr. Tom SchreinerAmazon affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:Explore the Southern Seminary degrees designed to equip you to do even more to advance the cause of Christ and His Kingdom: SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.To learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.
Dec 7, 2021 • 7min

After The Fact: Is Seminary Right For Me with Dr. JT English

After The Fact: Is Seminary Right For Me with Dr. JT EnglishKyle Worley is joined by JT English to answer the question they get asked all the time: Is seminary right for me?Questions Covered in This Episode:Is seminary right for me?What are you interested in studying?Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Southern Baptist Theological affiliate links are used where appropriate. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases, thank you for supporting Knowing Faith.Sponsors:After the Fact is brought to you by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you think now might be the time to pursue more theological training, log onto SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE. This online diagnostic tool considers the theological training you have now, factors-in what more you want to accomplish, and explores the Southern Seminary degrees will prepare you to do even more! Whether you're exploring the idea of theological training, or you feel called to full-time ministry, you can get personalized guidance at SBTS.EDU/EXPLORE.To learn more about our sponsors please visit our website.Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteSupport Knowing Faith and Become a Follow Us:Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | WebsiteOur Sister Podcasts:The Family Discipleship Podcast  | Tiny TheologiansSupport Training the Church and Become a Midwestern Seminary is excited to announce FTC Talks, exclusive conversations with MBTS faculty about ministry related topics. Completely online and FREE, you can sign up for any and all FTC Talks today at to reserve your spot. Join us for talks about women's discipleship, God's heart for the nations, gospel-driven ministry, Spurgeon's pastoral ministry, and how every Christian is a counselor. We hope these conversations will spur you on in your service to the local church and help you connect with even more ministry leaders and friends across the country. Sign up today at (feel free to riff off this, but this is the content).To learn more about our sponsors please visit our sponsor page. Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.

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