If you are a woman who has started her own business, I don’t have to tell you that you face quite a few challenges. You have to know why you're in business, your goals and obstacles, and what's working and what isn't working. You also need to know how to ask for the money, how much money to ask for, and how to feel good about asking for it.In other words, even in the most simple, solopreneur business: coaching, consulting or professional services, you need to know your why, what you are trying to achieve, your advantages and disadvantages, and what aspects of your business are actually driving your success and which ones are inhibiting or delaying it. Our relationship with money is the other elephant in the room, and a surprising number of women have trouble with establishing their prices, selling, and accepting payment. With all these challenges, the majority of us dive head first into consuming content about business, hoping it will make the daunting task of decision-making easier or more comfortable. There is nothing wrong with seeking advice, consulting or coaching, but the risk of following others, either too many experts or over-reliance on a so-called “expert” is you may very well end up with a business you hate. As hard as it is to admit, you would not be alone if you ever said or thought this. In fact, there is a growing number of women who have hit the wall in their business and don’t know what to do. Like everything else in life, it starts with self-awareness. What you’ll learn in today’s episode: Four wrong ways to start a business The warning signs that your business isn’t right for youWhy you need a simple business plan My thoughts about the word “expert” in the online world There is hope, even if you hate your business, so don’t give up! If you find yourself thinking “I hate my business”, you don’t have to figure this out alone. The first step is to figure out the habits and behaviors that are holding you back. Take my quiz and you will find out your specific challenge but will receive feedback, guidance, and practical advice about steps you can take to fix it. Click on this link to take the quiz: What’s Holding You Back? https://bit.ly/obstaclesquizWith 20+ years of experience as a psychotherapist and 7+ years as a coach, I rarely meet a solopreneur who wouldn’t benefit from some expert guidance in this area. Click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to see if my signature 12-week 1:1 coaching program is right for you. https://calendly.com/diannwingert/free-consultation/If you are the kind of entrepreneur who learns as much from others as you do when you and your business are the sole focus, my brand new group membership program is starting soon and the first step is to get on the waitlist. Click here to be notified of all the details: Group Coaching Waitlist Join The Driven Woman Facebook GroupThe place to be for entrepreneurial women who are ready to go from driven and distracted to focused, fired up, and flame retardant (https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedrivenwoman) Let’s connect on Instagram:: https://www.instagram.com/coachdiannwingert/ So, that’s all for now, Driven Woman! Please join us next week for an amazing guest interview and in the meantime, stay driven!