Frank Schaeffer In Conversation with Professor and Author Melanie Springer Mock, exploring the themes of her book, Finding Our Way Forward: When the Children We Love Become Adults._____LINKShttps://www.melaniespringermock.comBOOKFinding Our Way Forward: When the Children We Love Become Adults_____Melanie Springer Mock is professor of English at George Fox University, an evangelical Friends institution in Newberg, Oregon, where she primarily teaches first-year writing, memoir, and journalism courses. She is author or coauthor of six books, including Worthy: Finding Yourself in a World Expecting Someone Else (Herald Press, 2018). Her essays and reviews have appeared in Ms. Magazine, The Nation, Christian Feminism Today, Chronicle of Higher Education, Runner’s World, and Inside Higher Education, among other places, and she is a regular reviewer for Anabaptist World, Red Letter Christians, and Christians for Social Action.She and her husband live in Dundee, Oregon, and have two young adult sons. She is a stepmom to two adults, and “Nani” to two grandsons. In her free time, Melanie enjoys running, swimming, biking, knitting, and watching reality television._____I have had the pleasure of talking to some of the leading authors, artists, activists, and change-makers of our time on this podcast, and I want to personally thank you for subscribing, listening, and sharing 100-plus episodes over 100,000 times.Please subscribe to this Podcast, In Conversation… with Frank Schaeffer, on your favorite platform, and to my Substack, It Has to Be Said. Thanks! Every subscription helps create, build, sustain and put voice to this movement for truth. Subscribe to It Has to Be Said. Support the show_____In Conversation… with Frank Schaeffer is a production of the George Bailey Morality in Public Life Fellowship. It is hosted by Frank Schaeffer, author of Fall In Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy. Learn more at https://www.lovechildrenplanet.comFollow Frank on Substack, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Threads, TikTok, and YouTube. https://frankschaeffer.substack.com In Conversation… with Frank Schaeffer Podcast