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The Business Brilliance Podcast

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Sep 27, 2019 • 54min

16 Sylwia Swider - Police Officer Leaves Career, Starts "Water Business" Crushes it, Makes A Killing, Makes People Healthier In The Process

In 2016, Sylwia's mother was diagnosed with cancer. Sylwia started researching and reading different health and wellness stories in other parts of the world, hoping that she could help her mom with her illness. What she didn't know was that this research would take her on a life-changing journey and would ultimately have a powerful effect on how the way she looked at life and her life's purpose. A year and a half later after her mom passed away, all Sylwia could see through her role as a police officer was broken systems, negativity, traumatic situations, and had suffered PTSD. Sylwia started to research further into self development and health prevention, this research directed her to an amazing Japanese technology for water processing. The Kangen Water system. The Kangen water system has been used in Japan for over 45 years, which is approved by the Japanese ministry of health, and has some astonishing health benefits. Sylwia and her husband Frank, a firefighter, started to use and drink Kangen Water, which helped him recover from medical conditions such as gout. They loved the product so much they eventually become distributors, not just in Canada but worldwide. When she started to drink Kangen water, Sylwia started to notice changes and improvement in her health, so she shared the water to other people whilst conveying  information on the health benefits of Kangen over that of reverse osmosis and bottled water. “The technology behind Kangen is water is that the machine ionizes your water, it takes the minerals from the ground, from your tap water, eliminating all the chemicals and bringing the water back to life.” After handing in her papers and leaving the police, Sylwia made the the same amount of income in four months, as she would have done in two years in the police. Everyone works as a team, the more successful the people in your team are, the more bonuses you make.  The company is all about true health, financial, physical, and mental.
Sep 19, 2019 • 1h 3min

15 Andrea Lake - How Does This Multi-Millionaire Business Owner Create Her Businesses With Ease?

"The part of entrepreneurship that nobody talks about is the unromantic side, that you just need to send out a bunch of catalogues and make cold calls, go to the stores, talk to the buyers, negotiate pricing on your t-shirts. It's all of the stuff that you work for years and years ... and then comes overnight success. It builds the momentum of attraction that carries you." Andrea 'cookie girl' Lake is a serial entrepreneur who started her first company at just 18 years old. She created her first clothing line, Anti-establishment Clothing, in the late 90s which made $150,000 in sales in it's first year, growing to successfully earn millions in sales during it's second year. Andrea Lake is a legend when it comes to business, not just business, but spirituality in business. She is the founder of the Power Chick Mafia, Sticker Junkie, Yoga Junkie, and Teecher which shows you how to build a million dollar t- shirt business. She is the CEO of Delinquent Distribution which at one point had the rights to major mega online gaming brands such as Minecraft, World of Warcraft and more. She has a phenomenal story, we are so lucky and blessed to have her as a guest on our podcast. She has been in the Hot Seat out of anyone ever on the planet for the Abraham Hicks Events. She's all over YouTube. Andrea Lake, welcome to the Business Brilliance Show! When she started her first company, she was so passionate, working hard didn't feel like work and she did not take a day off in seven years.She has the mindset to always make sure she sets a good example to her staff by being in the workplace first and the last one out. She was able to sell her t-shirts to Hot Topic earning millions of dollars in sales. Andrea's brand gained increased visibility after hit band Blink 182 wore her Sticker Junkie stickers at a concert and rock band System of a Down wore her Anti Establishment brand t-shirt on the cover of Guitar World magazine. From then on, the bands fans started wearing her t-shirt brand all over the country. Andrea was able to get an advance copy of the book 'The Secret' and she resonates deeply with the work of Esther Hicks. She purchased CD's of Abraham Hicks and began learn more about the law of attraction. Andrea believes 'whatever you focus on is going to expand'.Andrea has built a strong and reliable team over the years, so that whenever a new company is created, Andrea has the ability to focus and dedicate her time and resources to growing one company at a time. If you are in the T-shirt business and want to it to the next level, be sure to check out Andrea's live webinar training, sign up here
Aug 12, 2019 • 51min

14 David Binns - The High Cost of Success On Your Health - And Why You Might Need a Mind Body Reset

 "The High Cost of Success On Your Health - And Why You Might Need a Mind Body Reset" Today’s guest is my good friend, the founder of Mind Body Reset, performance and wellness coaching company for real estate agents. He is a great man, leader, solid guy and person who has gone through a very big personal transformation in the last few years. Today we are going to get into what 'Mind Body Reset' is, what brought him to create it and all other good stuff. Through ten years of personal development and leading programs he has been able to formulate a whole new paradigm of performance for real estate agents. He realized that the main need is to take the mysticism out of mindset and actually bring it to a framework of reality that people can actually use. And the other aspect of the company is around wellness - there is no one in the real estate industry that is providing people with holistic coaching. David had been carrying an extra 50 pounds of weight for a few years. He was sitting with full bank account, but in huge jeans, without sleep, and was very angry. He knew he couldn’t be doing that any more, he had to reformulate his life. And when he dove deep into why he was so angry, what did he find? A total absence of love - it was not the circumstances, he was angry at himself. That was the moment he started tuning in with a ruthless commitment to get happy. It is necessary to make corrections and adjustments in your life and business or life will do it for you in a lot of different ways - inescapable truth of life. It took a monumental life event for him to wake up to that. He emphasizes that it’s not about being perfect, it’s about what are you doing 90%of your time. Keep in mind that your business should support your life, not run your life!
Jul 8, 2019 • 1h 3min

13 Frank De Lio - From Forklift Driver to Financial Advisor Giant

 Frank De Lio is one of my mentors and the number one leader at our company. He is huge... He runs the best training's in the company hands down and everyone undoubtedly agrees on that from coast to coast. Frank is responsible for a huge part of my growth in the last few years. Part of his vision is having an impact on people’s lives, helping them overcome the obstacles with the right tools and a good dose of reality. (A really good dose of reality.) In this conversation he talks about his beginnings - his desire to be an entrepreneur which led him to putting on a garage sale with his dad’s tools for sale (without his permission!), to bringing a newspaper to school showing stock options to friends, all the way to owning his own financial services office and nation wide team! For this final transition, Frank had to stay open, for the right offer, which was a huge pivot in his career. He puts a big emphasis on dealing with failure and straightening yourself up from it. "Success is about your perception of failure and the opportunity to learn, so you have to embrace it in order to move forward towards your goals." Frank knows a huge problem in business today is in relation to self delusion and the real effort that's required to truly become successful. I personally feel Frank is tapped into what people are really searching for in their progress towards success. I myself have had several deep, reaffirming, realigning conversations with Frank which have helped me stay on track.   When ever I personally get a chance to meet with Frank or sit in his training's I do. (Every week on Wednesday! Wouldn't miss it for the world!) Frank isn't afraid to tell us, we have to go speak to people who have more knowledge and more experience to give us advice. Because a solid dose of reality helps a lot when we are making tough decisions and career moves.  Whats really amazing about Frank is how much of a family man he is, and how much he cares about his three daughters and wife. For him, 'there’s no separation of business from other segments of life, so we have to be continuously searching for something that can help us with our thinking, with our mindset and skill set in order to be able to beautifully interconnect all of our life stories.' This guy is so amazing, he will make you want to get to work!
Jun 21, 2019 • 46min

12 Giovanni Marsico – Knowing Yourself Is The Ultimate Game Changer In Business

 I am humbled by this interview. I get to interview one of my most favourite mentors in this episode: Giovanni Marsico. I was so excited for this interview, I forgot to introduce him in the beginning and just got right down to it. I’ve known Gio for a long time. But there’s a lot I don’t know about his journey from nothing. And equally important, how he manages to continue to be such a leader and giver to people like me. People in his ever growing tribe. So I got the chance to sit down with him and ask him all the questions I’ve wanted to know.  Giovanni is the founder of Archangel. Archangel is incredible. Its what people like me and my wife needed when we needed it: A community of people just like us, entreprenuers, 'the crazy ones', leading from the heart.  He is on his mission…. His is on his mission so much it amazes me and its the first question I lead with. He serves us. He represents our tribe. My tribe. His is our Professor X – and we are his X Men.  At his events, he curates the most amazing speakers to match the most amazing audiences: Gary Vaynerchuck, Seth Godin, Robin Sharma have spoken on his stages. And Elizabeth Gilbert and Lisa Nichols are both on their way.   He describes himself as a comic book nerd -  he was in the gifted school. He used the pain of being bullied because of his gifts to build a tribe of people, a community of people that are like him. He gets us. His conversations, his marketing, his ideas, leave me and so many others feeling so understood, its remarkable. Gio is also a shower nerd, as you'll hear in the episode – he takes 30 minutes showers, which is where he does his best thinking. (He can fit 10 people in his shower if he wanted to… Not that he does.) Giovanni attributes his success to his craving for the neuro-chemical feeling of helping someone and watching them transform. Honestly, this episode is jam packed with tonnes of solid amazing content and fun laughs along the way. The most amazing thing that struck me in this conversation was that Giovanni knows himself so well, I think he just might know himself better than any other entrepreneur I've ever met. And its clear to me, that that's what has brought him the most success. Listen in, I know you'll enjoy it.
Jun 14, 2019 • 1h 9min

11 Brandon Pearce - How To Travel The World, Crush It In Business, Living With Your Family In 40+ Countries

 This is a special treat for me. Why? Because Brandon Pearce has the life I want. Period. I'm willing to bet he spends less time on his business than you or I combined. He's traveled the world with his wife and three kids for over 10 years, and he's been to over 40+ countries, all while his businesses run on auto pilot. Yes, that's right, I said business(es). His daughter even has a business! It's a video production company called Crystal Cut Studios (I mean come on!) In this episode I’m sharing with you a conversation of pure gold I had with Brandon Pearce. He is the founder of Music Teachers Helper, founded in 2004, now a one hour a work week job.  Brandon has been featured on The 4 Hour Workweek with Tim Ferriss, The $100 Startup and other amazing travel-living-life-hacking-less-working books.  Brandon has a magic touch running other businesses as well. And he did all of this while traveling for more than 10 years with his family. Together with his family, Brandon designed Family Adventure Summit and Family Adventure Academy (just for parents), which are events focused on how to educate kids on the road from birth to university, how to earn location independent income, and create thriving family relationships. (Isn't this freaking amazing!?) They also organize the "At home in the world family retreat", where you can deeper explore how to be at home with yourself, at home with your family and at home with the world, wherever you happen to be. All the events came from their own needs - after a period of integration and introspection, and trying to understand themselves, they wanted to create more community and make something that gives back to the community that raised him.  Brandon emphasizes how important a role great books have had on his road to growth and transformation. By cutting his work time he made his business more successful and even managed to start new ones that branched out of the Musics Teachers Helper. (He tracks his time like a NINJA and makes sure that he uses it wisely. He even developed a super sophisticated but simple to use time tracking tool - which I started using recently.) He treats his time with so much love and care - he tracks it not only to look back and see if he is spending it on the things that he values, but because that keeps him present on what he is focusing and working on.
Jun 7, 2019 • 1h 7min

10 Kris J Simpson - Innovate or Evaporate! How To Make It In Business (21 Years Looking Back)

 Kris J Simpson is an absolute hero. No like, he's an actual hero. Last year he saved a family from their burning home in his neighbourhood. He literally went in, through the smoke and fire and found a family that had no escape out of their home. Kris is also the owner of a gym in my neighbourhood, called Bodies By Design. He is the author of “The All Inclusive Diet”, an international best selling book that gave me a lot of great tips on health and meal prep which is fantastic for me, because I don’t cook and I do not eat well. Today on the show, we are talking about his twenty one years in business. Yes Twenty One! Kris shares his story about how 'BBD' was born and how much persistence had to do with overcoming not only financial challenges, but legal and mental and emotional challenges as well. "Necessity makes us move faster", says Kris and business is always changing and evolving, so you have to adapt. (This is NOT cliche when its coming from a guy who's been successful for twenty one years with a gym that nearly never opened.) Having that in mind, he wants his children to make as many mistakes as possible, because that’s where change happens. We are going to fall down anyway, the question is how much time we are going to spend on the floor. Being a person who lost everything, and managed to regain it all back and more, he emphasizes how much power comes from healing and how important it is to ask for help. Now that he’s on the other side, he uses his experience to give and help others heal.  Kris is someone I admire and look up to as a business person and as a father. And it helps that he is a physical specimen of near perfection... so yeah there's that too. Regardless, Kris is someone I'm proud to call friend and Im proud to have on the show today. And I think you'll enjoy and resonate with why when you listen.
May 31, 2019 • 44min

9 Brian Francis – A Unique, Impactful Way to Attract New Clients

 I met Brian Francis at a networking event a few weeks ago. Its funny, because when we met, he was already speaking to a friend of mine. (What an interesting thing!) And what struck me about Brian was how approachable and comfortable he was talking in person. He was confident. Not like the majority of other people at the event. Cuz you know, networking events can be awkward for people sometimes. But not Brian. He was comfortable and confident, had a great energy and smile. He was happy to connect with me and share with me about his upcoming event he was hosting. As we chatted, I realized he had an interesting business idea and model.  He'd taken his years of event production and stage experience, and created a new way for businesses to market to and attract their ideal clients. I thought it was brilliant! Which is why I wanted to interview Brian on the show.  His business is called Creative Ideals. Instead of doing your normal, going to events, networking, then hope to meet someone in your target market, why not create an event to target your market and have them come meet you face to face at your event!?   Brilliant!    Listen to the episode and enjoy, and Brian shares his unique business idea and how it works. (Including a couple of great case studies!
May 16, 2019 • 1h 17min

Episode 8 Jamie Prickett – Do You Have A Dark Side And Can It Drive You to WIN?

I respect Jamie Prickett so much. Jamie and his wife Leeann are some of my favourite local business heroes. As far as I'm concerned they are Canadian superheroes. As CEO and President of Experior Financial Group, they are an inspiration to me because they have built from the ground up, a 100% Canadian owned financial services company that actually does whats right for people. I'll be honest with you, being on the inside of financial services myself, its crazy how many agents and companies think of profits first before their clients best interest. But a few years ago, I joined Experior myself as a financial advisor and while there were many reasons why I joined, the main one is because the company and executives passed all my stringent stress tests of high values in integrity, honesty and doing whats right for people. I work with Jamie. He is my CEO and I'm proud to say it.  (How many people get to interview their CEO!?) The business has resisted and fought past the many BS criticisms and attacks Jamie's competitors have tried to throw his way. Him and his wife have come under a lot of attack. A LOT. He has done something unique that no one else has done in their industry. Like all great change agents, they are coming under fire from naysayers. But despite all this, they are thriving! Jamie was a wrestler in high school and all he wanted to do was be an Olympic athlete and win the gold. But that didn't happen. Instead him and his wife created a unique business model that does not exist anywhere else. He created an opportunity for people to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in their own business, while owning their book of business and becoming a shareholder in the company all at the same time. And this will Business can be a ruthless, cutthroat world. But Jamie just loves to shove his victories and success in peoples faces. Is that his dark side? You be the judge.
May 13, 2019 • 1h 14min

Episode 7 Vanessa Ferraro – Why Selling Your Time Is A Losing Game

"The old way of doing business is falling apart. There is a new way to do business and we need to embrace it." Vanessa Ferraro is a leading six figure online business strategist and wealth advocate for women. Through the power of Soul Wisdom along with powerful and potent laser-lucid-clear-strategy, she helps service based female entrepreneurs experience more abundance and create a bigger impact.   Wow! That's a power-mouth full! Which is perfectly perfect, because Vanessa is a super powerhouse of a woman. It didn't happen overnight and its been a journey for sure. But Vanessa is going to be the first millionaire in her family and I believe her!  (Sorry to any siblings! I don't know you yet!)  I've known Vanessa for years and we've done many self development and business workshops together, so we often cross paths. But I have to tell you... I have never seen her this powerful! This on point! This ahead of the game!  I had to sit down with her to find out what she's doing and where shes getting her mojo from!  Her last few months have been ah-may-zing for me to see! Because she has packaged her offerings in a crucial and beautiful way on Facebook and online. And she is getting tonnes of great response and business because of it! What is she doing?  Well listen in and find out!

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