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Sep 29, 2022 • 1h 4min

Mark C. Crowley: Lead From The Heart

Mark C. Crowley is a renowned global thought leader, speaker, and the author of the leadership classic, “Lead From The Heart.”Highlights: “I have science that proves that the heart actually plays an enormous role in influencing human behavior.” [7:45] Mark explains the sentiment behind his original book and new revision Lead From The Heart.“The strength of a heart-based leader is to see the potential in others and have the belief in them that they don’t have in themselves.” [14:40] Marcel comments on the change that can happen in an employee when working with a leader who truly believes in them and sees what they don’t see within themself. “The heart and the mind are actually connected and the heart actually sends more communication to the mind than the other way around.” [27:50] Mark gets into the science behind his idea of leading from the heart in which feelings genuinely influence our mind. He shares research from Heart Math that explains when people are working in a positive, appreciated environment they operate in their most optimal performance in what they call coherence. “Recognize that just because you have an opening, and someone comes who wants the job is the right fit for it.” [37:08] Mark explains the principle of Hiring from the Heart, having a high-performing team is about using great discipline in how you hire.“You have to adapt to your employees; so you have to know what it’s important to them and know how to support them.” [37:11] Building a Relationship Mark says is not just spending time with your staff but getting to know their needs and wants and how you can help them be successful, that builds trust and provides a positive environment. “If you’re a manager, you know something about what your employees do all day…so teach them, coach them, give them your time.” [40:15] Giving Time is an investment that Mark shares as an important responsibility and commitment for leaders.“There is a significant gap between what people feel from their manager and what managers think they’re doing for them.” [41:45] Mark encourages leaders to make real Recognition a priority for their employees.“Any act of kindness, coaching, validation, or appreciation….is a micro manifestation of love.”[54:38] What does it mean to love your people? Mark wants leaders to know that these positive emotions are not the romantic version of love but real authentic professional ways to do business and lead. Mentioned in this episode:Mark C. CrowleyLeadership & Sales Management Consultant, Professional Speaker - Mark C. Crowley & Associates | LinkedInEmotional: How Feelings Shape Our Thinking HardcoverThe Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain: Paul, Annie MurphyInfluence Is Your Superpower: The Science of Winning Hearts, Sparking Change, and Making Good Things HappenPermission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive eBook: Brackett, Ph.D., MarcSigal Barsade: The Power of Emotions - Knowledge at WhartonLove 2.0: Creating Happiness and HSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 22, 2022 • 9min

Marcel Schwantes: Authenticity and Leadership

Authenticity may be a big buzzword in the leadership space, but what does it mean? Marcel Schwantes breaks down what it means and why it’s important to be an authentic leader in 8 simple points.Highlights:“They Show Up with Their True Selves: Authenticity is showing up with your best self. It's leading from your mind and your heart.” [2:33] Marcel explains that leaders with authenticity show up with emotional honesty, excellence in everything they do, a great attitude, openness to receiving feedback, and self-awareness.“They Treat Themselves (and Others) as Human Beings: Great leaders display authenticity by making room daily for laughter and joy while accepting that they're not perfect and that they make mistakes.” [3:45] Marcel highlights that leaders create a safe environment to display trust for admitting mistakes themselves AND their teams“They Approach Conflict by Looking at All Sides: Authentic leaders don't assume and jump to conclusions. They look at difficult situations from several angles.” [4:20] Marcel explains that authentic leaders make educated decisions by getting clarity and multiple perspectives. “They Speak Their Truth: Being authentic means you don't say things to sugarcoat, to try to please others or to try to look good in front of your peers.” [5:10] Authentic leaders have great reputations because as Marcel says, they speak clearly, honestly, and with integrity. “They Are Teachable: Another way of being authentic is to gladly accept the role of a learner.” [5:43] Marcel reminds listeners that good leaders are willing to ask questions and have a genuine interest in the answers.“They Listen to Understand: Authentic leaders listen to understand, which is a rare and forgotten leadership skill.” [6:12] Marcel shares that these leaders reflect back on their employees with a goal of connection and helping them succeed. “They Are Accessible: Authentic leaders are out in front of the organization sharing plans for the future, and being open and transparent even during hard times.” [7:10] Marcel explains here that authentic leaders are out in front, communicating.  “They Promote Trust: In trustworthy organizations, people respond to leaders they can trust and are motivated to another stratosphere because they feel safe.” [7:37] The previous seven points from Marcel culminate with this ultimate leadership practice. Mentioned in this episode:Marcel Schwantes | Professional Profile | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 15, 2022 • 7min

Marcel Schwantes: Emotional Intelligence - 9 Questions You Need to Ask

Emotional Intelligence is an integral part of leadership and navigating business. Marcel Schwantes shares 9 Questions from Daniel Goleman, for a self-assessment on Emotional intelligence.Highlights:“Emotional intelligence does its best work to get you promoted to the next level when the stakes are higher.” [1:57] Marcel Schwantes presents the research behind the importance of Emotional Intelligence. “To get a better understanding of where you measure up against the high bar of emotional intelligence, I will leave you today....with nine questions that Daniel Goleman, the foremost authority on emotional intelligence, has offered for your own self-assessment. Your only job is to answer with an honest ‘yes’ or ‘no.’” [3:20] Marcel shares the 9 questions you need to ask when it comes to assessing Emotional Intelligence.Are you usually aware of your feelings and why you feel that way?Are you aware of your limitations, as well as your personal strengths, as a leader?Can you manage your distressing emotions well -- e.g., recover quickly when you get upset or stressed?Can you adapt smoothly to changing realities?Do you keep your focus on your main goals, and know the steps it takes to get there?Can you usually sense the feelings of the people you interact with and understand their way of seeing things?Do you have a knack for persuasion and using your influence effectively?Can you guide a negotiation to a satisfactory agreement, and help settle conflicts?Do you work well in a team setting?“As you think about improving your leadership for the rest of 2022, which of these questions can you confidently answer with a resounding "yes"? And which do you feel are a work in progress or an area for growth?” [5:40] Join Marcel on LinkedIn to continue the conversation!Mentioned in this episode:Marcel Schwantes | Professional Profile | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesDaniel Goleman - Senior ConsultantSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 8, 2022 • 6min

Marcel Schwantes: Vulnerability is Reality

Closing the loop on the recent discussion of vulnerability on the Love in Action podcast, Marcel Schwantes reflects on past interviews. Marcel quotes past guests and business leaders to prove why Vulnerability is not a weakness but instead a strength and a realistic approach to the reality of life and business. Highlights“Some welcome it [vulnerability] as an emotional leadership strength to build trust and connect with people, while others see it as a weakness and they reject it as a leadership practice deemed as too emotional, too touchy-feely for people in positions of power.” [1:10] Which is it? Marcel begs the question: is vulnerability a strength or a weakness?  “In my study, observations, and interviews of leaders, I have found that when leaders model vulnerability, whether it's by admitting blind spots or truly listening to the views of others, it creates a culture where everyone feels empowered to bring ideas forward that will grow the business.” [1:50] Over the course of Marcel’s research he has discovered the importance and powerful impact leaders with vulnerability have.  "Our jobs make up a large portion of our lives, and to turn off your emotions for eight hours every day invites emotional disconnectedness in all aspects of life, and undermines self-confidence” [2:48] Marcel quotes Jason Tan, CEO of Sift, on why he finds Vulnerability to be not only an important part of leadership but an important part of life.  “I asked Amy Edmondson to define vulnerability in her own terms, as the word has undesirable connotations. She says ‘To me, vulnerability is a simple statement of fact; If you are a vulnerable leader, you are simply willing to acknowledge reality.’” [3:50] In episode 87, linked in the show notes, Marcel interviewed Amy Edmonson and Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, two of the foremost organizational psychologists of our time. Marcel quotes Amy in her striking statement equating vulnerable leadership to recognizing reality.Mentioned in this episode:Marcel Schwantes | Professional Profile | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesLove in Action: Vulnerability, Not Bravado with Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Amy Edmondson on Apple PodcastsJason Tan - San Francisco, California, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedInSiftDr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - Chief Innovation Officer - ManpowerGroup | LinkedInAmy Edmondson - Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management - Harvard Business School | LinkedInSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 1, 2022 • 37min

[REPLAY] Sabrina Horn: Make It, Don’t Fake It

Sabrina Horn is an award-winning CEO, communications expert, and author. Sabrina is an advisory board member to several organizations and founded Horn Group, becoming one of the few female CEOs in Silicon Valley in the early 90’s. Her book, Make It, Don’t Fake It: Leading with Authenticity for Real Business Success, aims to help executives make the right decisions as they start and grow their businesses for long-term success.Highlights: (THIS IS A REPLAY OF OUR 4TH MOST LISTENED-TO EPISODE)The phrase ‘fake it til you make it’ has bred and normalized dishonesty to get ahead, Marcel says. It encourages people to lie or twist the truth for personal gain, which sabotages your success and destroys your reputation. [3:17]“Technology is often misunderstood or not understood,” Sabrina claims. “I made a living out of helping people who would otherwise never meet, connect with each other; and making complex things simple to move things forward. That’s essentially an act of love to me because you’re making the world a better place that way.” [7:42]Running a business with integrity and authenticity is difficult because taking the shortcuts to avoid that is easier, Sabrina says. By definition, integrity means truth, but the reality is that sometimes truth hurts. “If your product has a flaw and you have to do a recall or if the market’s turning sour and you have to do a layoff, that’s hard to face,” she remarks. [13:00]Marcel asks Sabrina to discuss why core values and transforming your workplace and brand are important. “My advice to every entrepreneur is to determine what you stand for and what your company has to offer before you start,” she replies. “Think about every business process you’ll have in your company and how your values will integrate into them.” [21:00]In recreating and revamping your company culture, you should first elaborate on how your values manifest through the culture and what you will and will not tolerate. You must also lead by example. “I also suggest that leaders overcommunicate with their teams, especially coming out of the pandemic,” she adds. “In the midst of all this uncertainty and doubt, you need to know what is unknown. You need to acquire a bias for information and overcommunicate with your people to remove that uncertainty and doubt.” [25:46]Marcel asks Sabrina how leaders can show love at work. “A leader loves well by creating an environment where values and culture matter, where people feel like they can stay and grow and build their careers, where they feel like they can be themselves… when you give that kind of care [to your people], that ultimately translates into better financial performance, more employee retention, and a stronger brand; all of it pointing to a more successful business,” she responds. [33:12]Mentioned in this episode:Sabrina Horn on LinkedInSabrinaHorn.comMake It, Don’t Fake ItSend Marcel a text message!
Aug 25, 2022 • 59min

Bill George: True North

Bill George is former CEO of Medtronic and currently a professor at Harvard Business School. He’s written two leadership classics of all time: Authentic Leadership and True North. Highlights: “Why shouldn’t we lead with our hearts in business, and bring our whole humanity there?” [5:25] Bill George shares the heart and inspiration of True North: Emerging Leaders Edition, as today’s leadership moves from past eras of leading with your hands or head and instead from the heart.“Employee’s today have agency. They say if you don’t care about me…I don’t wanna work here.” [20:53] Bill comments on the shift in our workforce that has led to the so-called ‘Great Resignation.’ His ideas and motivation for his new edition of True North is to inspire emerging leaders to create an environment that cares for everyone.“Leading with your True North means to know what that sense is of who you are and being real AND then enabling everyone around you to be real.” [23:31] How has leading with True North changed in 2022? Bill reminds that leadership is no longer about command and control but instead realness and vulnerability.“The key for people to understand is they first have to discover themselves and be introspective to arrive at this point in leadership.” [24:57] Marcel questions that this level of realness in leadership requires personal work. Bill recommends spending 20 minutes every day to reflect and learn who you are so that you can go out and inspire other people.“The three great seducers are money, fame, and power.” [26:46] Bill George lists the forces that drive many leaders away from their True North. Bill shares illustrations of leaders without a True North and the consequences of that. “What does it mean to have an integrated life? Think of your life in four buckets: Worklife, Family, Personal, and Friends/Community.” [37:30] The key to success and fulfillment is an integrated life.  Bill elaborates that there is no such thing as the “perfect balance” but encourages to question if you can lead with integrity and in the same way in all four buckets of your life?“Think of yourself as COACHing other people, to be a leader of leaders.” [42:42] Bill explains COACH, the acronym from the book. Care about your people. Organizing your team into their sweet spot. Alignment of your team into the mission and values. Challenge and encourage your team members to do better. Help your team solve problems. Mentioned in this episode: Bill George William(Bill) George on LinkedInMark Zuckerburg, FacebookElizabeth Holmes, TheranosRye Barcott – Co-Founder and CEO – With HonorTeam – With HonorJennifer Hyman – CEO, Co-Founder and Chair of the Board – Rent the RunwayRent the RunwayKen Frazier, CEO, MerckJonathan Lee Kelly, Founder, Asymmetric HoldingsSend Marcel a text message!
Aug 18, 2022 • 6min

Marcel Schwantes: Vulnerability, an Important Virtue in Leadership

“Dr. Brown's viral Ted Talk, The Power of Vulnerability, has already solidified the importance of vulnerability in the workplace, and how critical it is for leaders to connect with and inspire others.” [00:45] Marcel shares Dr. Brene Brown’s philosophy on the virtue of Vulnerability as ‘the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.’“Employees and leaders who trust one another learn to be comfortable being open to one another around their failures, disappointments, weaknesses, even fears.” [1:25] Marcel explains that vulnerability-based trust is the backbone of successful leadership. “Courage sets vulnerability apart as a major strength of now it’s no longer weak, soft, and fuzzy.” [2:30] Sadly, many teams work together for years and still distrust one another, and others only together a short amount of time display an incredible amount of trust. Marcel drives home that the difference is having the courage to show up with emotional honesty, acceptance of shortcomings, release perfections, and have open dialogue.“Increase self-awareness, Lead from the heart, Listen to understand, Be ‘present’ with your feelings.” [3:52] How can you lead with more vulnerability? Marcel gives 4 big ideas and actions to practice becoming a model of vulnerability.  Mentioned in this episode:Marcel Schwantes | Professional Profile | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesThe Power of Vulnerability TED Talk Send Marcel a text message!
Aug 11, 2022 • 8min

Marcel Schwantes: The Foundation for Effective Communication

Highlights:“When you focus on the needs of your employees, growing and empowering them, we can agree that this cannot be properly done without good listening skills.” [1:48] An often neglected, rarely mastered art form, Marcel explains that listening is the foundation of human communication. “Authentic listening is the ability to understand what's happening on the other side of the fence; to identify the will of a group and help to clarify that will if you’re a leader” [3:25] Marcel defines authentic listening as selfless, begging one overarching theme: how can I help the other person?  “If you place yourself in the position of listening to feedback for your own good, to further your development...I promise you things will change in a positive direction.” [5:40] Marcel relates to leaders in that it is hard to listen to feedback. But it is SO important for yourself and for your team.“Be open. Listen without interruption, objections, or defensiveness. Be responsive. Listen without turning the table. Ask questions for clarification. Be accountable. Seek to understand the effects and consequences of your behavior. Be self-aware. Be aware of your own emotional reactions, body language, and how you're coming across in the listening. Be quiet. Refrain from making or preparing to make a response, or trying to explain, defend, or fix. Just stay....quiet.” [6:05] If you're stuck feeling hesitant about feedback, Marcel provides 5 tips for setting yourself up to successfully receive feedback to your benefit.  Mentioned in this episode:Marcel Schwantes | Professional Profile | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesTalk, Inc.: How Trusted Leaders Use Conversation to Power their Organizations Hardcover – June 19, 2012 Leadership Is a Conversation Send Marcel a text message!
Aug 4, 2022 • 43min

Jacqueline Carter: Compassionate Leadership

Jacqueline Carter is a partner and North American Director for Potential Project, and the co-author of Compassionate Leader: How to do Hard Things in a Human Way.Highlights:“Not only is it possible to do hard things in a human way, but when we do…our people thrive.” [9:50] Jacqueline Carter dives into the data behind her new book Compassionate Leader, delighted to find this human way of doing the hard things that solves the leadership challenge of better well-being and better performance.“How does being rated high on compassion help with our stress and anxiety levels, which are off the charts?” [10:55] Marcel, taking note of the rising stress levels post pandemic, asks Jacqueline how compassionate leadership changes that…interestingly enough, it benefits both the leader and the staff. “There are many leaders that are smart…being smart means you have the answer to the question; being wise is knowing when not to give the answer to the question.” [13:40] Not only is compassion important but Jacqueline drives home the point of the importance of wisdom in that equation. A wise leader can bring together the greatest potential of the team.“Empathy can lead to empathetic burnout; we can care SO much that we can get stuck and then we can’t do anything.” [21:20] Don’t let empathy hijack your brain. Jacqueline encourages leaders to ask the question, how can I be of benefit…to drive and influence their ability to lead with compassion. “Compassionate action can be no action, so long as it is done with wisdom.” [23:31] Leading with compassion can sometimes mean taking a step back. Jacqueline explains the need for space in decisions and actions…at times doing nothing at all. “Before we lead others with compassion, we must first learn to lead ourselves with compassion.” [23:45] Marcel quotes Jacqueline’s principle of ‘Oxygen Mask First’: a critical point for leaders to meet their needs and take care of themselves first so they can then be of service to others. “Busyness does not equal productivity” [25:30] Jacqueline’s tip for leaders is to stop wearing busyness as a badge of honor and instead pause and approach tasks with a calmness and understanding of what is possible and reasonable to do. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if as a culture, we valued our downtime as a restorative opportunity for us to be able to show up as a better version of ourselves.” [28:00] What does it mean to appreciate the "busylessness"? Jacqueline encourages an emphasis on creating space in your life and mind for actual downtime, where you are present as an individual. “It takes an immense amount of courage to see vulnerability as a leadership strength and not as a weakness.” [32:45] Marcel comments on the principle of ‘Courage over Comfort’ in which Jacqueline explains the hard stuff, that requires courage and uncomfortability where leaders should embrace the fear and tame it.“We can both be hard and human. We can focus on results and care. Not only is that better for ourselves, for our people, but also for our business.” [36:55] Rounding out the discussion on the 6 principles, Jacqueline parts with what she hopes listeners and readers will take away from her book, Compassionate Leader.Resources:Potential ProjectJacqueline Carter - Senior Partner & North America Director - Potential Project | LinkedIn Harvard Business School Columbia Business School Berkeley HaasAmsterdam Business SchoolSend Marcel a text message!
Jul 28, 2022 • 36min

Jenn Lim: Beyond Happiness

Jenn Lim is the CEO of Delivering Happiness (DH), a company she and Tony Hsieh (the late CEO of cofounded to create happier company cultures for a more profitable and sustainable approach to business. Highlights:“A big part of happiness is not just our highs but it’s also our lows…and I did not know that at the time I would be experiencing one of the biggest lows in my life.” [8:45] Jenn Lim reflects upon the loss of Tony Hsieh during the publishing of her book, Beyond Happiness.“I started doing really purposeful work on how you can create organizations with scientific happiness, positive psychology, and be profitable too.” [12:50] After a series of profound life events, Jenn experienced a shift where her work with Tony Hseih and Delivering Happiness began.“A sense of authentic self, pleasure and higher purpose are essentially the three elements of happiness.” [14:05] Jenn provides a brief definition of happiness and Marcel challenges the meaning of the book title, Beyond Happiness. Going beyond creates deeper conversation on the highs and lows, mental health, and “shadow sides”.“Did the pandemic affect how we were able to connect and relate to each other and raise our happiness? We are kind of post-pandemic now, but we’re never really past it. So how has that changed how we should look at happiness and business?” [18:27] Marcel brings a connection to the pandemic...the time in which Jenn was working on the book. Jenn comments on how we are seeing that shift in attention to happiness with the “Great Resignation”, what she refers to as a “Great Awakening”.“They realized their whole entire purpose, which was to ripple out impact and happiness, to their customers and community.” [23:30] Mountain View Egypt is a client of Delivering Happiness, Jenn shares their journey in and outcome in shifting their practices surrounding culture and happiness in their business. “If you think about these different levels of happiness all of us as leaders can embed these things in our systems and know that if we give people more autonomy; we give people more sense of progress and connectedness and a higher purpose that they align to their personal purpose. That’s where the magic happens. ” [27:00] What can leaders do to improve happiness in their organization? Jenn discusses the impact that can happen. “It’s great to have a mission statement on the wall, but what does it actually mean?” [29:00] Jenn challenges leaders to hone and develop their purpose and how they are embedding these practices of happiness by attaching meaning and value to their people’s work. Mentioned in this episode:Jenn LimBeyond Happiness: Inside the BookJenn Lim - Emeryville, California, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedIn Mountain ViewSend Marcel a text message!

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