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Love in Action

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Nov 2, 2023 • 59min

Dr. Amy Edmondson: The Science of Failing Well

Amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, and is renowned for her research on psychological safety. She is the author of Right Kind of Wrong. In this interview, Amy sets the stage for how leaders can learn and thrive through intelligent failure. Quotes:“That is love in action, when you find work that you feel is almost meant for you and you can do it in a way that people seem to appreciate.” [13:04] Amy Edmondson shares her journey from engineer to her unlikely position at Harvard Business School where her work is world renowned. “Mistakes are deviations from best practice in known territory whereas intelligent failures are an experiment that didn’t work out the way we’d hoped.” [17:41] Why are leaders afraid to fail? Amy explains the difference between mistakes and failures. To operate a failure free organization means there are no risks being taken. Leaders must embrace intelligent failure or fail to innovate and ultimately fail altogether. “It’s good to have high standards, it’s good to pursue excellence but perfectionism is this crippling belief that ‘I cannot make mistakes, I cannot come up short or I'll die.’” [25:56] Explaining perfectionism, Amy draws this mode of thinking as a mindset at odds with healthy failure. Marcel and Amy discuss the small failures and how you react and respond can help perfectionist attitudes by relieving the pressure. “If you’re a leader in an organization, get out ahead of these predictable failures in mindset and behavior that your employees and managers will fall prey to.” [37:27] Amy sets leaders up with the steps for setting up a culture that allows for healthy failure, by breaking the path to perfectionism. Leaders must start emphasizing purpose and encouraging curiosity. “As soon as you remind yourself to be humble, you are almost naturally curious.” [42:47] How does humility connect to failure? Amy describes that humility allows the questions to arise that you don’t have all the answers. Providing opportunity for risks and chances to learn from these intelligent failures.“We are all fallible human beings, that’s just a given. Now, how do we thrive?”[55:14] As Marcel and Amy close out the episode, she answers her own question connecting it all to love in action. We thrive through intelligent failure, with love, interconnectedness, facing an unknown future together. Mentioned in this episode:Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well by Amy EdmondsonAmy Edmondson on LinkedInAmy Edmondson (@AmyCEdmondson) on XTomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Amy Edmondson (Episode #87)Marcel Schwantes on LinkedInMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Oct 26, 2023 • 8min

Marcel Schwantes: The Best Leadership Practice to Learn and Teach Others

“Leadership and life is about human relationships.” [1:04] Servant leadership has emerged over the last 40-50 years as a solution for leaders in the business world changing their attitude when it comes to leading their organizations“Listening lands first on my list because it’s a crucial yet frequently absent trait in leaders.” [3:08] Marcel credits Robert Greenleaf as responsible for the modern Servant Leadership movement as he dives into the characteristics of a servant leader.“Empathy has been proven to drive performance.” [3:32] Listing empathy as the second characteristic of servant leaders, Marcel explains that it is an extension of listening. Where leaders are able to be understanding and listen to others without judgment. “How have you been a servant leader?” [6:23] Marcel poses this question after he shares the other 3 characteristics of a servant leader: Self-Awareness, Foresight, and Commitment to the Development of people. Consider how you have modeled the traits of servant leadership. What would it do for your team if you were to think and act this way?Mentioned in this episode:Marcel Schwantes - Ooltewah, Tennessee, United States | Professional Profile | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Oct 19, 2023 • 57min

[REPLAY] HUBERT JOLY - At the Heart of Business

HUBERT JOLY is the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Best Buy and is now a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School. He is also a member of the board of directors of Johnson & Johnson and Ralph Lauren Corporation, a member of the International Advisory Board of HEC Paris, and a Trustee of the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Joly has been recognized as one of the top 100 CEOs in the world by the Harvard Business Review, one of the top 30 CEOs in the world by Barron’s and one of the top 10 CEOs in the U.S. by Glassdoor.Quotes:Marcel asks Hubert what he believes business is about. “At the heart of business... is the pursuit of a noble purpose, putting people at the center, embracing all stakeholders, and treating profit as an outcome, not the goal,”[3:12] Hubert responds. “There are three imperatives to an organization and tackling them in the correct sequence leads to optimal outcomes: a people imperative - having the right teams properly motivated and equipped; a business imperative - having happy customers who you sell good products to; and a financial imperative - about profit. [10:05]” Hubert shares how financial results have to be the end focus. First, you have to start with people; when you do this, the financial results will come. “The old model of leadership portrayed a leader as a superhero here to save the day, probably the smartest person in the room, and, unfortunately, too driven by power, fame, money or glory,” Hubert claims. “This [type of leadership] doesn’t work... [people] want to be part of the journey and the solution.” [16:55] Hubert debunks the concept of perfectionism as a key to success; he shares how demonstrating his imperfection actually helped create the right environment for optimal performance at work. “Operational progress creates routine degrees of freedom, so sometimes you have to start with the basics before you think about creating an amazing future,'' [35:47] Hubert advises. He describes the five ingredients for creating a fabulous work environment, which are: connecting dreams, developing authentic human connections, fostering autonomy, achieving mastery, and putting the wind at your back. “Work is love made visible... Business is about embracing all stakeholders… This is a beautiful friendship you’re building with all stakeholders, treating all of them, in a sense, as customers.” [50:30] Hubert shares how he thinks leaders love in a practical way, day in and day out.Mentioned in this episode:Hubert JolyMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Oct 12, 2023 • 41min

Dr. Jennifer Nash: Be Human, Lead human

Dr. Jennifer Nash, a leadership expert and consultant to Fortune 50 organizations, is the bestselling author of “Be Human, Lead Human”. She invites you to radically disrupt your leadership thinking and practice to lead effectively in a post COVID-19 world. She shares a research-based, actionable framework to transform leadership thinking and practice, engaging human connection as the cornerstone of organizational performance.Quotes:“There is no personal self and no professional self, we’re all one human being.” [6:50] We don’t leave part of ourselves at the door when we walk into work each morning, says Dr. Jennifer Nash, as she describes the power of innate curiosity to understand the way humans operate in the corporate world.“We have leaders that for the most part want to do the right thing, they wanna lead well but they don't have the tools to do so”. [11:55] In a post COVID-19 world, Dr. Nash says we’ve been in a leadership pandemic. Leaders want to fall back to the old school mentality and old tools because they can't get comfortable in the new normal. She takes a look at what is driving this discomfort and what tools they need to make the change. “The first part of that internal GPS, the ‘Leading Yourself’ is figuring out…what are your values?” [22:55]  Dr. Nash discusses the Human Leading Operating Model, a triangle that features three legs: Self, Others, and Business. She explains the first step: determining the values that guide decision making. This model works together so that leaders can take a look at how they lead themselves so they may lead others and the business more successfully.“There should be a lot more emphasis placed on building relationships in the workplace, because that is what helps work get done, it’s the glue that holds the social fabric of the organization together.” [27:00] It's not just the output or just the work employees are doing; who your people are and all of the different facets of their being are important. Dr. Nash explains the fuel and power that is relationship building in the workplace. “The HUMANS Framework came out of all of the research that I did for the book, it addresses all of the needs that we all need as humans.” [30:00] Dr. Nash created the HUMANS framework to highlight 6 elements: Hearing, Understanding, Mattering, Appreciating, iNspiring, Seeing… all connected to these important dimensions of humans and powered by relationships. “Where do you fall on this human leader paradigm?” [36:35] In Dr. Jennifer Nash’s book Be Human, Lead Human is the Human Leader Index, a 67 question assessment. You can also find this online on her website. Not only can you gauge where you are as a human leader, but if you want to move the needle and do the work, Dr. Nash has resources and activities as well.  Mentioned in this episode:Dr. Jennifer NashJennifer Nash, PhD, MBA, PCC on LinkedInHuman Leader Index (HLI) Assessment | Dr. Jennifer Nash | Coaching and ConsultingMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Oct 5, 2023 • 53min

[REPLAY] Zina Sutch and Patrick Malone: Bringing Love and Laughter Into Your Work

When it comes to using love in the workplace, our guests on this podcast literally wrote the book. Zina Sutch and Patrick Malone are the co-authors of Leading with Love and Laughter. Zina has been leading development and diversity programs in the U.S. government for 20 years. Patrick Malone spent 23 years in the Navy, serving as an officer in the medical service corps. Today, Zina is also a faculty member of the key executive leadership program at American University, where Patrick is the director. Quotes:“I look for people having fun at work – laughing. If I see people in a staff meeting cracking up with each other… that’s a good team. So, why hasn’t anyone written a book about this?” [8:55] The two talk about how they decided to write a book about love, laughter, and the workplace. “The perspective that we had on love was that it was a mutual admiration, respect, and care for one human being to another.” [10:54] It’s important to define ‘love’ early on – there are a lot of different types of love, after all. “People have this false idea that having emotions in the workplace, feeling love and exuding that love for other people is a weakness.” [13:33] This isn’t true, as Zina says: “But the exact opposite is true: When you are so confident in yourself, in who you are, you know yourself well enough to know boundaries, to know what is right and wrong, how to approach people, what love feels like to you, what it should feel like to others, then you become the strongest person in the room.” [13:47]“If you think you’re a leader, and you look over your shoulder and no one is following you… you’re just taking a walk.” [15:07] Patrick talks about how there are a lot of people in positions of leadership who can direct and tell people what to do, but are they really leading? This happens at all levels of an organization. “The single most important factor for organizational success and accomplishment is psychological safety.” [17:42] Patrick shares the science that backs up Zina and Patrick’s book. Technology isn't the most important factor, according to Microsoft's research.“Laughter in the workplace, people think, ‘OK, I’m going to be a joke teller’. But that’s not what it is at all. It’s much deeper than that.” [29:18] If you can develop environments where people feel free to laugh and love one another, you’re on the right path. If you walk into the room and everyone stops talking, there’s a problem. It’s important that your presence in the workplace breeds positivity and good feelings—in other words, love and laughter. “Love starts with the self.” [39:46] Everyone, from the bottom of the corporate ladder to the very top, should focus on loving themselves. That’s how you really begin to love others. Take time out of your day to do self-analysis and determine what 'self love’ means for you.“Don’t make it about work,” [41:02] Patrick says small, one-on-one interactions create love, and when you do that, don’t make it about work. Ask your employees or coworkers about their lives and what’s going on with them. That’s how you create real, authentic connections. Mentioned in this episode:Leading with Love and Laughter: Letting Go and Getting Real at WorkSutch & MaloneZina Sutch - LinkedInPatrick Malone, PhD - Director - Key Executive Leadership Send Marcel a text message!
Sep 28, 2023 • 46min

Dr. Natalie Baumgartner: The Foundations of Manager Effectiveness

Dr. Natalie Baumgartner is Chief Research Officer and Partner at Contemporary Leadership Advisors (CLA) and Chief Workforce Scientist at Achievers.  She has spent over a decade focused on driving the translation of culture research and theory into SaaS based software, working to help make it possible for organizations to solve problems and achieve goals that advance their performance. In this conversation, Dr. Baumgarnter brings home her passion for connection within organizations with the four pillars of manager effectiveness. “It was very eye opening in terms of where managers are thriving and where they’re struggling, and how employees are feeling about all of the above."  [9:52] Dr. Natalie Baumgartner is talking about the Achievers Report on The Foundations of Manager Effectiveness. Using a variety of factors of effectiveness, the report found that only 28% of employees would actually recommend their managers to others.“Managers aren't getting the training, the support, the scaffolding that they need to deliver these really critical factors that employees need to receive."  [13:01] It’s no surprise managers are not reaching their employees effectively; Dr. Baumgartner says 1 in 5 managers never received any training. So many employees are promoted to managers, but there is no clear guide on what it means to shift from an individual contributor to a manager. This lack of empowerment is creating a systemic issue of failure in management.“There is no such thing as too much recognition as long as it’s meaningful”. [22:08] Recognition is one of the Four Pillars of Manager Effectiveness, in addition to meaningful contact, coaching, and development. Dr. Baumgartner speaks to the great impact of recognition. Managers must give some form of recognition once a month at the bare minimum, but she explains that weekly specific, individual recognition can make all the difference in manager effectiveness and team productivity.“Manager effectiveness and manager empowerment are two different concepts that are linked. We must be empowering, supporting, developing, training our managers to deliver." [25:29] Dr. Baumgartner asks the question, How can we measure and monitor effectiveness if we are not first empowering? First, managers need to set themselves up for success with education, support, and empowerment, and then ask team members how they’re doing. When it comes to measuring effectiveness, the employees ARE the measuring stick.“We’re seeing that female managers are struggling in even more ways than the general population of managers.” [35:17] In their report, findings showed an overall lack of development in managers, but Dr. Baumgartner was surprised to find just how lacking it was when it came specifically to women. She describes the challenge women managers face to move out of middle management and how they are deepening research in this area.“We need to be creating connections inside our organizations. Between managers and employees, between one function and another function, up and down. We need that connection; people aren't getting it, and it’s hurting all of us.” [36:50] Throughout the conversation, Dr. Baumgartner shares the effects of isolation as it relates to this post pandemic era. Now more than ever, in our organizations, in order to be effective, connection is so important.Mentioned in this episode:AchieversAchievers Workforce InstituteThe foundations of manager effectiveness reportSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 21, 2023 • 49min

Todd Finkle: Personal Insights on Warren Buffett

Todd Finkle, Gonzaga University Pigott Professor of Entrepreneurship, is the author of Warren Buffett: Investor and Entrepreneur. He was the entrepreneur of six ventures and obtained a PhD & MBA in Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management, and with over 250 books, articles, presentations, and scholarships.Quotes:“He [Warren Buffet] was doing so many entrepreneurial things through his youth that he made $76,000 by the time he graduated.” [15:08] By the age of 10, Warren Buffett already knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur. Warren started his businesses early with youthful ventures like lemonade stands, selling bubble gum and coca cola door to door, and barbershop pinball machines.“In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: Integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.” [25:45] Marcel quotes Warren Buffett in this advice for hiring as a testament to Warren's good character. Todd Finkle, the guest and author of Warren Buffett: Investor and Entrepreneur, shares parts of Warren’s history that contributed to his value of integrity. Beginning with strong family values but continuing with big life events like his court testimony in the case against the Solomon Brothers.What defines happiness? “Warren will tell you, it’s how many people that love him…he won't say how many houses he has or the kind of car he has.” [33:42] Todd comments on Warren’s philosophy of happiness, which revolves around love for others, generosity, and the people around you. For Warren, more important than money and success is leaving behind a legacy of love.“They’re [Warren’s shareholder meetings] are kind of a combination of a rock concert…a carnival…and a cult. …The people that go there are the best part.” [38:35] Many of Todd’s insights on Warren come from his attendance at Warren’s shareholder meetings, where he got to be face to face with the legend. Beyond the words coming straight for Warren, Todd shares that the environment and community at these meetings with smart, like minded people from all over the world are invaluable.“How to live a better life is so powerful and so important, if you’re doing that you won’t need as much money to be happy.” [42:06] Financial freedom, personal success, and living life to be happy—these are the lessons learned from Buffett and the takeaways author Todd Finkle hopes his readers will take to heart.Mentioned in this episode:Todd Finkle - LinkedInTodd A. Finkle, Ph.D. | Gonzaga UniversityWarren Buffett | Columbia University PressMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 14, 2023 • 49min

REPLAY: Amelia Dunlop: Elevating the Human Experience

Amelia Dunlop is Deloitte Digital’s Chief Experience Officer and the author of Elevating The Human Experience. Amelia writes and speaks regularly on the topics of human experience, design, and customer strategy. In this episode of Love in Action, she touches on the three paths to elevate the human experience involving self love and worthiness at work and in life. Quotes:“So many traditions and philosophies teach that the fundamental human condition is one of suffering. There are many things you and I may not have in common, but [we can understand] that feeling of suffering we share.” [9:30] Why is elevating the human experience so necessary? Amelia shares the importance of helping people feel loved and worthy and the impact it has at work.“If you're not putting human needs at the center, you feel burned out; if you’re not feeling heard, you feel gaslit, if you’re not feeling included, you feel excluded.” [12:43] There are many ‘trends’ of focus in the workplace right now, and as Marcel points out, ​​burnout, loneliness, and isolation are not new concepts. Amelia turns these problems around and focuses on the cause: human needs and the human experience.“The first path is the path of the self where we learn to see ourselves as inherently worthy of love.”[16:15] How often do you share love with yourself? Amelia explains the system of external affirmations in society through grades, gold stars, etc. It is the self love that comes from within that allows us to see that we are worthy. She challenges listeners to write down the reasons they are loveable and explore those answers.“You could argue that doing the work on yourself is selfish. No, doing the work on yourself is critical as a leader in particular. You now have to mirror back the worth into somebody else, and that’s the second path.” [29:20] Amelia quotes Ian Forrester when she says, only connect. She explains how we cultivate worthiness as leaders within our employees. We can do this by showing up as allies at work: As a friend, as a mentor, as a sponsor, and as a benefactor. Consider not only who those people are for you but also who you are to others. “What does it mean to leave someone better off, no matter how brief the interaction?” [37:37] As Amelia begins to discuss the third path, cultivating love in the community of work, she places importance on acknowledging the system that is there; even though it is invisible, it can be deconstructed and redesigned to support our human needs.“The journey element is key, there is no point of arrival…we are always a work in progress."  [41:48] Marcel and Amelia wind down there discussion on the three paths to elevate the human experience. Amelia notes that these paths are not always sequential and require a lifelong journey of work. “We have about 40 years of research from Gallup that says [recognizing your employees’ contributions improves employee engagement]; it does something special to the human spirit when somebody lifts and builds you up through gratitude.” [43:30] Closing out their conversation, Marcel notes research that backs up Amelia’s tip for leaders: Catch your employees doing good work and let them know!Mentioned in this episode:Amelia Dunlop | LinkedInMarcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!
Sep 7, 2023 • 60min

REPLAY: Julie Winkle Giulioni: Promotions Are So Yesterday

Julie Winkle Guilioni is the author of the international bestseller Promotions Are So Yesterday: Redefine Career Development. Help Employees Thrive. As a champion for workplace growth and development, she believes that everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their potential. Julie supports organizations and leaders who want to make that happen with keynote speeches, consulting, and training.Quotes:“It really does feel like Promotions Are So Yesterday is the sequel [to my previous book] because, as you know, Help the Grow really focused on the conversation, ‘How can we disarm this whole thing called career development?’.” [12:14] Before diving into her new book, Julie reiterates the message behind her first book and what that means for her research. “The climb is listed as well as your other 7 discoveries for these new alternative ways people want to grow and develop.”  [17:05] Marcel and Julie touch on the 7 dimensions of development in the book: Contribution, Competence, Confidence, Connection, Challenge, Contentment, and Choice.“We found that contribution across ages, genders, levels - that was number one.” [23:21] Julie discusses the really positive meaning behind the number one dimension, contribution, as a top need for people in the workplace. A surprising yet comforting bottom dimension? The climb of the corporate ladder. “This whole conversation around choice is really alive for a lot of employees, managers, and organizations alike, as we try to figure out: where does that decision-making lie?” [30:28] Julie explains how the ranking around choice fluctuates and has changed heavily based on COVID related shifts in the workplace.“A facilitative mindset acknowledges there is wisdom, there are insights, there are brilliant ideas inside each person just waiting to find expression.” [34:59] Julie outlines how leaders can act as facilitators by asking great questions and, at the same time, cultivating silence to create a safe playing field for employees to share their contributions.“The work becomes the development, the development becomes the work.” [47:00] Marcel drops a quote from the book that sums up the movement in which employees are shaping their work and the way leaders can seamlessly embed this intention of learning in any job.Mentioned in this episode:Marcel SchwantesJulie Winkle GiulioniAssessment - Julie Winkle GiulioniJulie Winkle Giulioni, Author | FacebookJulie Winkle Giulioni | LinkedInSend Marcel a text message!
Aug 31, 2023 • 5min

Marcel Schwantes: World's Best Boss

“To this day, Bruce is my favorite boss because of his penchant for leading with love.” [0:44] Marcel ‘introduces’ Bruce, a favorite boss from his corporate career. He explains the qualities of love Bruce led with and how they impacted him at work.“While he was still "the boss," I was much more satisfied and engaged in that job than at any other time during my corporate career. The big difference? Bruce never managed people from the top down; instead, he led from the bottom up.” [1:30] When it comes to being “the boss” it doesn’t mean leading with high demands and personal gain; instead, it was the freedom and autonomy Bruce allowed his employees that made the difference.“We had a higher level of commitment because we could see the relationship between the organization's direction and what we personally believed in and cared about.” [2:50] As Marcel closes out this excerpt from his book to be released in Fall of 2024, he shares exactly how the entire organization and the employees benefited from the leadership of Bruce and his focus on relationships and trust.Mentioned in this episode:Marcel SchwantesSend Marcel a text message!

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