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The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast

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Dec 31, 2019 • 31min

Episode 53: Co-parenting with FAYR with Michael Daniels

As you know I’m a huge fan of the co-parenting app, FAYR. Today I have FAYR’s founder and CEO, Michael Daniels, as my guest. (ICYMI, FAYR is a collaboration app for co-parents, available for both iPhone and Android.) I adore Michael and his app because he’s not just a tech-dude trying to ride the app wave. He’s a divorced dad who has personally shared the experiences of FAYR’s users — including those navigating complicated and contentious litigation. Michael literally created FAYR out of his own personal need.  In this episode we talk all things divorce, co-parenting, and working with a legal system to create a smoother transition for all parents and their children.   Show Highlights Why Michael created FAYR, plus he explains what the acronym FAYR means (2:39) Some of FAYR’s features including geo-tracking, screenshots, and expense tracking (6:18) Why communication is the key to bettering any situation (10:00) The importance of keeping your side of the street squeaky clean, how a co-parenting app can help you do that, as well as how the app can aid with divorce proceedings (14:31) Some advice for co-parents who are just at the starting line of their co-parenting journey (16:00) The transition from being a married couple to being co-parents is hard (20:00) The difference between FAYR and other co-parenting apps (26:42) How using an app like FAYR can help ease co-parenting anxiety (27:00)     Learn More About Michael: Born in Syracuse, N.Y., Daniels grew up traveling the world while his father served as a United States Army Officer. An All-American athlete and avid outdoorsman, Daniels set a world record at age 12 as the youngest person to  hike the 135 mile Philmont trail in New Mexico. He now lives in Weston, Fla. A custom homebuilder by profession, Daniels, 39, created FAYR to provide parents with a simpler, more effective way to track and keep logs that are  required to prove custody schedules and events, child expenses incurred, written correspondences, and timely arrivals to pickup or drop-off children all while saving time, money and anxiety.  Michael is uniquely and strategically suited to successfully bring Fayr to a national market.  He is a divorced dad who has personally shared the experiences of Fayr’s users, including and especially those navigating complicated and contentious litigation and living the day to day life of a co-parent. His personal experience enables him to personally connect with Fayr’s end users and their lawyers who are Fayr’s primary clients.   What is equally important is Michael’s prior success and commitment in business.  It was the same kind of commitment, drive and determination Michael brings to Fayr which rapidly propelled him to a senior management position while in his mid-twenties with the Miami-based Lennar Corp.  After Lennar, Michael spent ten years creating a thriving business building and designing one-of-a-kind multi-million dollar homes. The same focus on precision and quality that was the cornerstone of Michael’s successful home building career, is now brought to Fayr.  This focus along with his personal experience ensures that the Fayr business model is built with equal attention to success and quality.  Resources & - Use Code: KAnthony for 20% off your subscriptionFAYR on Instagram FAYR on FacebookFAYR on TwitterThe Inspiration for FAYRGwynth Paltrow and FAYRThe Ultimate Divorce Survival GuideShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group
Dec 24, 2019 • 58min

Episode 52: [Rebroadcast] How To Co-Parent with a Narcissist with Lindsey Ellison

This week I am taking some time off to celebrate the Christmas holiday. If you celebrate Christmas, well then, Merry Christmas to you!  A break this week means no new podcast episode. But, I still got you covered.  Instead, I am re-airing my interview with Lindsey Ellison.  Lindsey is the author of the book, MAGIC Words: How To Get What You Want From a Narcissist.  Navigating co-parenting any time of the year can be difficult, but during the holidays it can be especially hard. In this episode, Lindsey and I discuss her step-by-step formula for creating a communication plan and script of empowering magic words that can help neutralize the power struggle that you have when you are co-parenting with a narcissist. She details exactly what to do, how to do it, and why it works. After you listen to this episode (and maybe even grab her book) you’ll be armed with information you can use to engage with your narcissistic ex with confidence and authenticity.  Here are just a few of the topics we touch on in this episode:  Providing your children with the tools to empower them and help them communicate with a narcissistic parent, without labeling the parent as one (to your children) Breaking the cycle of narcissism No contact messaging and why it’s confusing For show notes and more visit:  
Dec 17, 2019 • 50min

Episode 51: The Beauty of Anger with Adèle Théron

Today I am bringing you an interview with Adèle Théron. Adèle is an author, trauma and divorce specialist, founder of Naked Recovery and runs an award-winning 21-day divorce recovery program called The Naked Divorce. We have an amazing conversation about anger and how powerful of an emotion it can be for women to embrace.  So, let’s talk about anger for a moment. It is such a misunderstood emotion.  Anger management is really just anger suppression. In emotional abusive situations there is shame around anger. But as Adele explained, anger is a very important emotion for restoring self-esteem, self-love, getting out of depression and more. The beauty of anger is that it can blast through all of the noise. It gives you passion again. It cuts through all the deadness and resignation.  Your anger might just be your greatest gift this holiday season. Tune in to find out more.   Show Highlights The goal in going through a divorce is to get to a place of genuine forgiveness (4:31) Divorce is shame-based trauma and what that actually means (5:48) What is required to heal from divorce (9:38) The unbelievable weirdness from your community in the face of your divorce (14:07) The relationship between anger and trauma (16:35) The most dangerous aspect of divorce trauma is avoid healing from it (21:14) Catharsis therapy and how women can work with their anger (29:06) There is no dial for your emotions, if you suppress one emotion you suppress them all (31:58) To genuinely forgive somebody you have to work out what you are angry about first (37:53) Learn More About Adèle: Adèle Théron is an author, Trauma and Divorce specialist. She is the founder of Naked Recovery which provide online treatments from PTSD and she runs an award-winning 21-day divorce recovery program called the Naked Divorce. She resides in Thailand, New Zealand and the United Kingdom and serves her clients globally. Resources & Adèle on FacebookNake Divorce on YouTubeNaked Recovery on YouTubeAdèle on TwitterAdèle on InstagramAdèle on LinkedInThe Ultimate Divorce Survival GuideShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group
Dec 10, 2019 • 36min

Episode 50: Trauma Bonds: How to recognize them, break them, and co-parent through them

This week’s episode is about trauma bonding. I’ve been doing a lot of research on trauma bonding recently because it comes up with so many of my clients and members of my groups. In doing the research I realized that I had a trauma bond in a relationship that ended only five and a half years ago. What this means is that a good five years into my coaching career, fifteen years into my codependency recovery, and well into my divorce, I slipped down this rabbit-hole myself.  According to Shahida Arabi, author of the amazing book, Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare, a trauma bond is: “A bond that forms due to intense, emotional experiences, usually with a toxic person. Similar to Stockholm Syndrome, it holds us emotionally captive to a manipulator who keeps us “hostage” – whether that be through physical or emotional abuse.”  Trauma bonding can happen to anyone, especially those of us who are pre-conditioned to be drawn to relationships that are abusive or in some way reflective of past or childhood traumas. And let me be absolutely clear: There’s no shame in this, but there is great power in seeing the trauma bond for what it is, because only then can we begin to break free of it.  Here are just a few of the topics I touch on in this episode: How to recognize a trauma bond: I share the story of my own trauma bonded relationship, which, surprisingly, was NOT with my ex-husband. How to heal from a trauma bond: To break free of a trauma bond, professional help in the form of psychotherapy and life coaching is always highly recommended. How to co-parent when healing from a trauma bond: when parallel parenting is better than co-parenting.  This is a deep, dense, and intense topic. Please be gentle with yourself as you process this, and be sure to let me know if you need help breaking a trauma bond. Resources & Links: Private Coaching Consult with MeShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group Becoming the Narcissist’s NightmareThe High-Conflict Co-Parenting Survival GuideBIFF: Quick Responses to High-Conflict People, Their Personal Attacks, Hostile Email, and Social Media MeltdownsHigh-Conflict Divorce for WomenMagic Words: How to Get What You Want from a Narcissist  DSG Episode: Surviving Abuse with Mickie Zada
Dec 3, 2019 • 48min

Episode 49: What the Heck is Self-Love Anyway? with Jonathon Aslay

This week, Jonathon Aslay, America's Leading Mid-Life Dating Coach, joins me to discuss the importance of learning how to love yourself. In this episode, Jonathon shares his divorce story and his journey to self-love, and how that journey prepared him for the biggest hardship yet to come. His story is a powerful testament to personal development and self-work. As you’ve heard me say before, there was a (large) part of me that died in my marriage. And I will say it again and again, the greatest gift to myself (and to my ex) was to leave my marriage.  As Jonathon so eloquently put it, “This experience called life, is our experience first.”  It’s okay to end a relationship that does not serve you or your partner. Our conversation today is a great reminder that there are ways to coexist but not stay married, and ways to begin a journey of experiencing life on your own terms.  I’ll leave you some of Jonathon’s words of wisdom, “Divorce is the unraveling of one’s former tapestry and that takes its toll. If one chooses to begin to work on themselves, they will be much more prepared when it happens.”  (And, shameless plug, this is exactly what we do in my program!)  Show Highlights Jonathon’s experience with divorce and what he had hoped he learned about marriage beforehand (5:00) Through relationships we learn about ourselves (9:29) Some things men and women do that scream, “I’m wounded and haven’t healed yet!” (10:00) His online dating addiction after divorce and how he transformed from living life from an egoic place to how he now sees and experiences life; through the eyes of love (13:18) If you are on a spiritual path and your partner is not, what do you do? (17:06) Staying in a marriage ‘out of obligation’ and why that’s not enough (21:03) Men are nesters in a relationship and women are the container of the heart for a relationship; plus what that all means (21:33) Emotional connections and why communication is a skill we don’t readily have (27:00) It’s a daily practice to invest in oneself, because it begins to strengthen us from the inside out (32:31) How the daily investing in himself prepared Jonathon for a devastating loss, the loss of his 19-year old son (35:41) Whether we’re grieving loss of child, parent, loved one, job or marriage, the work we do on ourselves prepares us (38:00) Personal development is not just for women, self-love and self-help is for everyone (43:00) Learn More About Jonathon: The focus of one of America's Leading Mid-Life Dating Coach has expanded into a deeper, essential philosophy of what it truly means to LOVE.     After losing his 19-year-old son Connor in 2018, Jonathon Aslay’s grief led him on a soul-searching inner journey, where he became aware of an often-overlooked dimension of the dating conversation.    He realized that the process of dating reveals the most common emotional health issue faced by many singles seeking a partner: a distressing lack of self-worth, self-regard, and self-love.     Today, he is on a mission of encouraging both men and women to fully love themselves with a new book, "What The Heck Is Self-Love Anyway?"—packed with fun, engaging spiritual and personal growth practices—and his dynamic Mid-Life Love Mastery mentorship program, that inspires hundreds of people daily, around the world.  Resources & Links:→ This episode was sponsored by FAYR, the easiest, most intuitive and conflict-diffusing co-parenting app on the market today!  Sign up at:  Use code KAnthony for 20% off! Then download the app from the Apple’s App Store or Google Play.  -------------- Jonathon’s websiteJonathon on InstagramWhat the Heck Is Self-Love, Anyway - Free Chapters Download GOOD NEWS!! ROOTED is back! And now it’s an online course that you can do on your own, in your own time! If you think you might want out of your marriage, but you can’t seem to find the courage to make a decision once and for all, and you’re scared you won’t have the strength to get through all that comes after you say those four words,"I want a divorce,” then ROOTED is 100% for you. ROOTED is my online coaching program that’s designed to help you FIND YOUR STRENGTH, BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER. Learn more here.The Ultimate Divorce Survival GuideShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group
Nov 26, 2019 • 21min

Episode 48: NOW...he wants to go to therapy.

Today I am talking about what to do when your husband or spouse tells you, “NOW, I want go to therapy….” And boy, this is a big one. In fact, it is very common too. And I have thoughts, I have so many thoughts.  Here's the scenario: You've been unhappy for a while. Maybe a long-ass while. You've told your husband you're unhappy. You've asked him to go to therapy with you. Often multiple times. Maybe you’ve begged him to go with you but he’s still said, “No”. He may even have said, "I'd rather get divorced than go to therapy."  So you continue to suffer, to make the most of it, to care for yourself and your children, to put on a happy face to the world, all the while suffering inside. Until one day you just can't do it anymore. Until one day the switch flips and you JUST.FUCKING.CAN'T. That’s the day tell him you're done. And you mean it this time.  And he knows it. He feels it. And he panics. And he tells you he'll do anything. He tells you, “Now, I want to go to therapy. Maybe he means it, but more often it’s a last ditch attempt to get you to stay. If you have one shred of a fuck left to give, even just one corner, go to therapy. Watch him carefully. See what he's willing to DO. Remember ACTIONS 👏🏻 ACTIONS 👏🏻 ACTIONS 👏🏻. You cannot fix what’s broken in your marriage on your own. You need help. So today, I am offering some help on this podcast in the way of advice so you know what to do if or when your spouse utters those famous words, “Now, I want to go to therapy.”.  Here are just a few of the topics I touch on in this episode: What to do when your spouse says they want to go to couples therapy, after you’ve told them you want a divorce The credentials and attributes to look for in a good couples’ therapist Why you feel guilty when you know you’re done and your spouse is pulling every play out of the ‘please don’t go’ book Listening to and understanding your personal truth Resources & Links:→ This episode was sponsored by FAYR, the easiest, most intuitive and conflict-diffusing co-parenting app on the market today!  Sign up at:  Use code KAnthony for 20% off! Then download the app from the Apple’s App Store or Google Play.  -------------- GOOD NEWS!! ROOTED is back! And now it’s an online course that you can do on your own, in your own time! If you think you might want out of your marriage, but you can’t seem to find the courage to make a decision once and for all, and you’re scared you won’t have the strength to get through all that comes after you say those four words,"I want a divorce,” then ROOTED is 100% for you. ROOTED is my online coaching program that’s designed to help you FIND YOUR STRENGTH, BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER. Learn more here. The Ultimate Divorce Survival Guide Should I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group
Nov 19, 2019 • 1h 2min

Episode 47: Preparing for a High Conflict Divorce with Debra Doak

This week on the podcast I am joined by CDC Certified Divorce Coach®, Debra Doak. Debra specializes in helping women make hard decisions about marriage, divorce, money, and life. She is also an author, speaker, and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® who loves giving women the confidence they need to speak up in their relationships or at the negotiating table. Her new book, High Conflict Divorce for Women, comes out today! Her work and her words truly resonate with me, which is why I wanted to have her on the show. Today we talk all about the preparations women need to take before pursuing divorce, including creating an exit strategy, getting your financial house in order, and more. We also talk about how we help women understand who they are in the world and provide them with the tools needed to be their own best advocate.  Because when it comes right down to it, you are the decision maker in your divorce. As Debra said, “You know what is best for you and make your own decisions. I don’t want anyone to punt that responsibility to somebody else who doesn’t have to live with the consequences.” Today, Debra offers sound advice and coping skills for maneuvering through a high conflict divorce.    Show Highlights The knowledge that women can co-exist and lift each other up in all aspects of life and business (6:00) Debra’s path to becoming a CDC Certified Divorce Coach following her own high conflict divorce (8:26) The things we normalize in relationships; when what is happening really is NOT okay! (11:15) Debra’s book High Conflict Divore for Women: Coping Skills and Legal Strategies for All Stages of Divorce (16:00) The importance of preparation (or creating your exit strategy) before pursuing divorce (17:00) If you don't have access to your household financials, change that NOW and the power that comes when you can, “wait with intention” (19:00) Using child support and child custody as the worst form of revenge (25:00) Having your BFF backup and support system ready (27:00) The biggest mistake people make in divorce is forgetting who the decision makers are; you are in charge of your divorce and you get to make the decisions (31:22) If you don’t feel safe or protected by your lawyer, go find another lawyer (32:00) Emotional regulation: what it means and how it can help you with a high conflict divorce (37:00) The importance of processing your pain first so you don’t pass it on to your children (48:18) Equipping your children and giving them agency so they can navigate co-parenting relationships and for life, in general (52:00)   Learn More About Debra: Debra Doak specializes in helping women make hard decisions about marriage, divorce, money, and life. She is an author, speaker, CDC Certified Divorce Coach® and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® who loves giving women the confidence they need to speak up in their relationships or at the negotiating table. Debra believes that knowledge is the antidote to fear and that planning well for divorce creates better outcomes for everyone. Most of her days include messy buns, tons of coffee, cats and Zooming with clients. And she has 2 kind, resilient, adult children who are out changing the world. Resources & Links:This episode was sponsored by FAYR, the easiest, most intuitive and conflict-diffusing co-parenting app on the market today!  Sign up at:  Use code KAnthony for 20% off! Then download the app from the Apple’s App Store or Google Play.  ------------Debra’s websiteDebra on FacebookDebra on Instagram Debra’s book: High Conflict Divorce for Women Debra’s Know Your Numbers Starter Pack Get a head start with this bundle of tools, tips, and worksheets I use with clients every day to help them take charge of their financial lives. Because knowing your numbers means making smarter decisions.  YogaClub - use this link and get $20 off your first order! The Ultimate Divorce Survival GuideShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group ------------ GOOD NEWS!! ROOTED is back! And now it’s an online course that you can do on your own, in your own time! If you think you might want out of your marriage, but you can’t seem to find the courage to make a decision once and for all, and you’re scared you won’t have the strength to get through all that comes after you say those four words,"I want a divorce,” then ROOTED is 100% for you. ROOTED is my online coaching program that’s designed to help you FIND YOUR STRENGTH, BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER. Learn more here.
Nov 12, 2019 • 41min

Episode 46: Should You Stay In Your Marriage For Your Kids: Three Truths Revealed

This week I am bringing you a solo episode! As I continue to roll out weekly episodes, you’ll hear more solo episodes, like this one, from me.  And of course, I’ll continue to produce interview episodes as well. Weekly episodes means more support and resources for you; and more fun for me. Win-win! This week I’m bringing you a training I did as a webinar last year about whether or not you should stay in your marriage for your kids. This is one of the BIG topics I get asked about all the time. Of course it is. It’s the biggest conundrum we all face If you’ve been mulling over this particular question, I know you’re feeling a lot of uncertainty — about your future, about your present. You’ve heard horror stories and maybe people in your family and community are telling you you’re selfish for even thinking of leaving, and you think surely you should just suck it up and stay for your kids. And despite everything everyone’s saying, more than anything you just want to know that whatever you choose, your kids will be ok. As a mom, you put them first in everything. Every move you make for yourself and your life you put through the filter of “what’s best for my kids?”  So how can you possibly make a decision about your marriage without putting them first? Without considering how this will affect them? Without the deepest fear that if you decide to leave your marriage, you’re going to break them? If the idea of leaving is just as terrifying as the idea of staying, what should you do? In today’s episode I’m going to reveal 3 vital truths about whether or not leaving your marriage will screw up your kids, and then I’m going to dig deeply into each one.  Here are just a few of the topics I touch on in this episode: You deserve to be happy, and why your happiness is actually vital for your kids’ mental health Divorce doesn’t screw up kids. How we do divorce screws up kids. Why I had to leave my marriage, for my son Keeping your own side of the street squeaky clean (aka co-parenting with integrity) Resources: This episode was sponsored by FAYR, the easiest, most intuitive and conflict-diffusing co-parenting app on the market today!  Sign up at:  Use code KAnthony for 20% off! Then download the app from the Apple’s App Store or Google Play.  _____ GOOD NEWS!!  ROOTED is back! And now it’s an online course that you can do on your own, in your own time! If you think you might want out of your marriage, but you can’t seem to find the courage to make a decision once and for all, and you’re scared you won’t have the strength to get through all that comes after you say those four words,"I want a divorce,” then ROOTED is 100% for you. ROOTED is my online coaching program that’s designed to help you FIND YOUR STRENGTH, BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER. Learn more here. The Ultimate Divorce Survival Guide Should I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 or
Nov 5, 2019 • 43min

Episode 45: Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate with Gabrielle Hartley, Esq.

This week I am joined by the fabulous, Gabrielle Hartley, Esq. Gabrielle is a leading divorce attorney and is the author of Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate. Gabrielle founded the positive divorce movement and is known for keeping 99% of her cases at the negotiation table and out of the courtroom.  With her book, Better Apart, she has created a complete Bible on how to get through your divorce in the most positive and elegant way possible. And I just love that word, elegant. Can you imagine your divorce being described as elegant? Her book is the first of its kind to combine the life-changing and healing wisdom of mindfulness, meditation, and yoga with practical advice and legal wisdom to get the reader through and beyond divorce. I cannot recommend her book highly enough.  Gabrielle joins me to talk about the five elements of the Better Apart Method. She answers the question, “Can divorce really spark joy?” and talks about how to create an elegant divorce for you and your children.  Show Highlights The positive divorce movement can spark the change we need in the world of divorce (3:10) Can divorce really spark joy? (4:02) Clearing the emotional clutter can help regulate your response to common divorce triggers (6:03) If you struggle with responding versus reacting, give yourself the permission you need to make space in your body first (8:20) Creating an elegant divorce for you and your children (13:50) Many of the relationships we have are dictated, partially, in how we interact with those people; plus understanding we are not responsible for others behaviors or choices (16:46) The five elements of the Better Apart Method and some exercises to put them into practice: patience, respect (respecting the process and yourself), peace (noticing the neutral), clarity (where we go from blame game to active visionary), and forgiveness (forgiving yourself will provide emotional freedom). (18:52) In order to move forward, we need to take a big step back; plus how reflective listening and marriage counseling can help you even if you do decide to divorce (37:24) Learn More About Gabrielle: Gabrielle Hartley Esq. , is a leading divorce attorney, mediator, case closer, author and speaker.  She founded The Positive Divorce Movement and is the creator of The Better Apart Method. She is known for keeping 99% of her cases at the negotiation table and out of the courtroom.    Her new book, Better Apart; The Radically Positive Way to Separate (Harper Collins) is the first book of its kind to combine the life changing, healing wisdom of mindfulness, meditation and yoga with practical advice and legal wisdom to get the reader through and beyond the divorce. Better Apart was named “the conscious uncoupling how-to” by People Magazine.  She been featured throughout media channels including The New York Times, U.S. News and World Report, The New York Post,Yoga Journal,  Mind Body Green, The Hampshire Gazette, The Brian Lehrer Show.  She is a regular guest and blogger featured on local television and radio as well as dozens of podcasts and blogs around the world.    Gabrielle is on the faculty of The American Bar Association (ABA) Mediation Institute and is a sub-committee chair at the ABA Dispute Resolution Section.  She is also a member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, The Hampshire Bar Association and the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation.  Gabrielle is committed to wellness and technological innovation in the divorce space. She serves as advisor to the FAYR co-parenting application.   She is former Court Attorney to Judge Jeffrey Sunshine.    Gabrielle maintains a private law, mediation and coaching practice in Northampton, Massachusetts and in New York City where she offers live and online consultation and mediation.  Work with Gabrielle at  Links:Gabrielle’s websiteBetter Apart Masterclass - Listeners Use Code BETTER30 for $30 offGabrielle on InstagramGabrielle on LinkedInGabrielle on Facebook Resources:NEW! The Ultimate Divorce Survival GuideShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group
Oct 28, 2019 • 51min

Episode 44: Journey Beyond Divorce with Karen McMahon

Divorce coach Karen McMahon joins me on the show this week. In 2010, after discovering that the pain of dissolving her marriage had been the very stimulus for her personal transformation, she started Journey Beyond Divorce. Her practice allows her to  help men and women navigate the emotional difficulties of relationships, breakups, and divorce. You must know, I am down with that story. In fact, our coaching styles, beliefs, and teachings are very much aligned, as you’ll hear in this episode.  When you’re going through a divorce there isn’t much that you can control. You can’t control the attorneys, you can’t control the court proceedings, and you certainly can’t control your ex. The one thing you do have control over is you. You can control the decisions you make, the actions you take, how you change your thought patterns, and how you change your behaviors. If you can take that kind of control over your life and your journey, holy shit, that’s powerful. That’s the kind of transformation we are talking about today on the podcast. Life-altering, life-affirming, and deeply transformational changes to help you move beyond divorce with compassion. Afterall, the only way over is through — and it starts with you.   Show Highlights Leaning into the feminine and intuitive guides (6:36) As painful as the divorce journey is, it’s more about us getting to a new place than just getting  to the end of divorce (8:15) Turning “Why does this keep happening to me?” into  “What is it that I continue to do to create and draw this relationship type to me?” (aka falling for the same type of man or woman you just divorced) (9:35) Looking at your part in where you are and where you want to go; it’s not about fault or blame, it’s about personal responsibility (10:11) Karen’s 12-step divorce recovery program to help men and women keep focus on themselves during divorce (12:00) Understanding resistance and suffering during divorce and how to shift away from it (12:13) The many faces of conflict and how to learn to curb the conflict (16:19) What it means to slow a reaction or put space between you and a problem (18:08) Finding the opportunity in the trigger and how to let go of what is not serving you (23:30) The importance of sitting with all the feelings, processing them and releasing them, realizing that grief is not linear and movement through denial (25:42) Success after divorce doesn’t always mean meeting someone new and getting married; instead what if your happiness was not attached to another person? (37:30) Learn More About Karen: Karen’s passion is to help men and women navigate the emotional difficulties of relationships, breakups and divorce. Your work together will open up the possibility that your current relationship challenges can lead to a rewarding voyage of self-discovery and an immensely more pleasing life experience.  Karen founded Journey Beyond Divorce in 2010, after discovering that the pain of dissolving her marriage had been the very stimulus for her personal transformation.  Karen is the mother of two emerging adults, a graduate of the world’s leading coaching institute, Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and a Certified Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).  Karen’s other accomplishments include work as a NYS Lobbyist, Health Advocate, Community Organizer, and Chairperson of a NYS non-profit organization, Director of Sales and Marketing, and successful small business owner.  Links:Karen’s websiteKaren on Facebook Karen on TwitterKaren on LinkedInKaren on Instagram Rapid Relief Call - FREE 1 hour call with one of the coaches on Karen’s team Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast Resources:NEW! The Ultimate Divorce Survival GuideShould I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group

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