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Jan 4, 2016 • 38min

226: How to Lead Training, Attitude, and Energy, with Bonni Stachowiak

Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak is the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast, a professor of business and management at Vanguard University, and my life partner. Prior to her academic career, Bonni was a human resources consultant and executive officer for a publicly traded company. She joins me monthly to respond to listener questions. Question from Maurice Are there any resources out there on energy and leadership? With that I don't mean the energy which seeps out you as you struggle through the day, but rather the energy which you project in any given situation. I volunteered at a dog shelter for a year. During that year I devoured any and all episode of 'The Dog Whisperer'. I discovered that being aware of one's energy before entering a scene had impact. In this case on dogs, their reaction to me and their attitude in general. I strongly believe this awareness of one's energetical state impacts humans as well. So, in February of this year I became a dad. Being aware of how sensitive small children are, I tried to be conscious of my energy around him as well. It worked! Usually in the way, that he tends to fall asleep in my arms. I've found a way to create a pool of calm energy around me. Some might call it: centered, or grounded. I'm confident that the purposeful use of our inner energy has a deep impact on our environment. This sub conscious communication fascinates me hugely. Do you, or does Bonni, know of any resources on this topic? Question from Lisa Thank you for the coaching for leader's podcasts, they helped me to get my first manager role which I will start in January 2016! I have a question which I hope you might be able to assist with. The team leader (who I will be reporting to) was speaking at our team Christmas party about how the work we do just isn't really a worthwhile job, and while you are on your deathbed you aren't going to be thinking about it (for background, we deal with legal claims against a government agency). The fact that he holds that view isn't great, but I think sharing it with your team is plain wrong! I want team members to know that they do important work which is worth being passionate about. How do you recommend dealing with this attitude in the most professional way? Question from Ian Six months ago I started a new position and have implemented a fair number of changes to the team to improve performance, metrics, and customer services. Most initiatives have been well received, we are definitively making progress and everyone is now seeing the benefits. To capitalize on the credibility that this has afforded me, I have begun the next phase of revitalizing the department by conducting monthly goals/coaching sessions with each individual. The point here is to keep them on task with their professional goals, encourage them to develop personal goals, and to continually work with them on time management, team building, and to continually refine their "Why" (a topic I was very interested in on episode 223). As part of this process I want to provide them with some good reading, podcasts, or other resources for honing these skills, but I have been coming up short. There are no shortage of leadership/management books and podcasts but I am looking specifically for resources that are geared towards promoting personal and professional development for staff. My normal go-to's for staff reading have been, Raving Fans and Gung Ho by Ken Blanchard, but I was looking for more resources to offer my team for professional development. Resources Real Magic* by Wayne Dyer The Power of Intention* by Wayne Dyer Power vs. Force* by David Hawkins Flow* by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi What Search Dogs Teach About Engagement, with Jan Frazee (episode 25) How to Improve Your Coaching Skills, with Tom Henschel (episode 190) Start With Why* by Simon Sinek 7 Habits of Highly Effective People* by Stephen Covey
Dec 28, 2015 • 32min

225: Discover Your True North, with Bill George

Bill George: Discover Your True North On this episode, we learn how to discover your true north with Bill George, one of America’s most seasoned business leaders. Bill is a senior fellow at Harvard Business School and the former Chairman and CEO of Medtronic, the world’s leading medical technology company. He is the author of several bestselling books including True North*, Authentic Leadership*, and most recently Discover Your True North*. Quotes Your life story defines your leadership. –Bill George Leadership is your choice, not your title. –Bill George Leadership can be lonely, and the only way to overcome that loneliness is to surround yourself with truth tellers and people who care about you. –Bill George Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
Dec 21, 2015 • 40min

224: How to Lead Through Uncertainty and Change, with Jacqueline Farrington

Jacqueline Farrington: Executive Coach On this week’s show, Jacqueline Farrington teaches us how to lead through times of uncertainty and change. Jacqueline works with senior and board-level leaders. She specializes in helping executives create high-impact personal brands and communication strategies, with particular focus on cross-generational and cross-cultural communications. Key Points 70% of all major organizational changes fail 20% of employees will support your change from the start Book: First Break all the Rules* by Marcus Buckingham Quotes People often have the perception that organizational change is about change management and not change leadership. The distinction is that while they both deliver change, change management is about the processes that we use. Change leadership is about the vision, creating a sense of urgency, and speaking to the hearts and minds of your employees. —Jaqueline Ferrington Generally, when an organization introduces change, 20% of employees will support the change. But the rest, 80%, are either fence-sitters or active resisters, and often leaders forget about that. —Jaqueline Ferrington Often, leaders look at their change champions, and think, “Ah, I don’t really have to pay attention to these people because they really believe in it, they’re driving it.” But if those people begin to feel ignored or that they aren’t being used to support the change, they can become highly disengaged. —Jaqueline Ferrington Leaders often approach change from their perspective, not from their followers’ perspective. —Jaqueline Ferrington Recommendations Book: Your Brain at Work* by David Rock Book: The Progress Principle* by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer Book: Overcoming Immunity to Change* by Robert Kegan Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
Dec 14, 2015 • 40min

223: Start With Why, with Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last, discusses the importance of purpose in leadership, the problem with market research, and the significance of wanting to be a leader. He emphasizes the fulfillment that comes through service to others and the importance of creating strong human relationships. Sinek also highlights the role of empathy and trust in effective leadership.
Dec 10, 2015 • 35min

222: How to Achieve What You Want in 2016

My 2015 Goals Produce and launch the first Coaching for Leaders product or service. Achieved. Play 7 songs on the guitar. In progress. Free 2-3 hours a week of work by delegating significant audio production. Achieved. Dale Carnegie goal. Not applicable. Read 15 books, including 1 fiction, 2 on early childhood development, and 2 HBR essentials. In progress. Strengthen my network and friendships through two significant interactions interactions each week. No. Attend a copywriting course. Achieved. Go on a camping trip with our son. Achieved. (I mentioned the Last Child in the Woods* by Richard Louv). Double the weekly listenership of Coaching for Leaders. In progress. Final 2015 tally: 4 goals achieved 3 goals in progress 1 missed goal 1 not applicable Two calls to action: Michael Hyatt has released a free LifeScore Assessment It will help you: Evaluate Where You Are Track Your Progress to Where You Want to Be The LifeScore Assessment is completely free and accessible at:* If you're ready to move forward in 2016, join this year's 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever course. You can register through the end of the day January 7th, 2016, but take advantage of the early bird offer for the course through December 17th. Join with me: 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever:* I’m also making adding a special offer just for the Coaching for Leaders community: Keep the Momentum Going on February 6th I’m hosting this live, video-webinar on Saturday, February 6th, 2016 for members of the Coaching for Leaders community who register for the 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever course this holiday season. Just forward the receipt you receive from Michael Hyatt to the email address I mentioned on this episode (or message me through the contact form on this site). Again, the two calls to action: Michael Hyatt’s FREE LifeScore assessment:* Course registration for 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever:* And remember to forward your receipt to me! If you feel like you have too much to do, too little time, and the important things are falling through the cracks, I hope you’ll take one of those two actions. Don’t just survive each day in 2016 — make meaningful progress towards what really matters. Thank You Thank you to JessieMac12 in France for the kind review on iTunes. If you would like to post a review as well, it's a huge help in the growth of the Coaching for Leaders community.
Dec 7, 2015 • 0sec

221: How to Build Your Leadership Confidence and More Community Questions

Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Audio Question from Steve Steve had a question about how to be a project manager and deal with tough situations while having an introverted personality. Episode 124: How to Get What You Really Want Out of a Conflict CFL: How to Restore Productivity When People are Angry CFL: Make Difficult Conversations Easier by Dave Stachowiak CFL: 5 Ways to Address a Hostile Audience by Dave Stachowiak Question from Michelle I'm rather annoyed with myself this week as I was very harsh to my team member. I have apologized and she accepted my apology. However I'm not happy that it occurred and I need to deal with the cause. I think the cause is to do with the fact that she is older than me and is a different personality type. I find it difficult to believe that she does respect me and so my harsh communication was a result of my suspicion. It's such a shame because we'd reached an even closer level of communication this week too. We both wanted to work with each other and after my apology she reconfirmed that the reason she wanted to do this job was to work with me. I think I need to go back to basics with her again and find out again what she needs from me. I also listened again to episode 59, but my problem is almost the opposite to the issues raised. I have another new team member starting soon. If you have any advice, or can recommend another podcast episode…I’d be grateful! Episode 54: How Authentic Leaders Apologize Episode 59: Seven Principles for Leading People Older Than You Book: Leadership and Self-Deception* by Arbinger Institute Book: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team* by Patrick Lencioni Question from Hollie I am full of energy, eager to share and learn. Today I was told by someone I went to for advice that they think that here I can't teach people, that I am presenting myself as if I know everything. My questions is: how do I deal with situations when you think you are doing things the right way because that is your experience and everything you have learned and it was working, and it is what is being discussed in your podcast but yet not now working? Episode 143: Accepting Feedback Episode 149: An Astronaut’s Guide To Life On Earth Book: The First 90 Days* by Michael D. Watkins Question from Tim I work in one of the top five fields were there is a huge demand for skilled laborers but, there is also not much room for advancement. My hope is that in getting an MBA I would be better suited for a higher role. Is my way of thinking off? Why would anyone hire me as a manager if I have no experience in the sector, even with an MBA? But my hope is that armed with an MBA that somehow someone will see that I’m trying to better myself with continued learning, and give me that chance. Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is Episode 225 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books, to support your development between shows. As a bonus, when you join the weekly leadership guide, you’ll get immediate access to my reader’s guide listing the 10 Leadership Books that Will Help You Get Better Results From Others with brief summaries from me on the value of each book. Download the 11-page reader's guide and 9-minute video of these book recommendations. Visit
Nov 30, 2015 • 40min

220: How to Find the Right Voice, with Laura Sicola

Laura Sicola: Vocal Impact Productions Quotes In teaching, your best skill is flexibility. – Laura Sicola Most people are painfully oblivious to how they come across when they communicate. – Laura Sicola Typically, with somebody that you choose to listen to regularly, there’s something about the way they communicate that both speaks to you in their content, but you also like the sound of their voice. – Laura Sicola What I’m trying to help people see is that you already have the entire range of speech styles available to you. They’re already a part of who you are. It’s just a matter of being able to tap into them when necessary. – Laura Sicola Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
Nov 23, 2015 • 39min

219: How to Steal the Show, with Michael Port

Michael Port Author, Steal the Show* Reporter: “How can an actor run for president?” Ronald Reagan: “How can a president not be an actor?” Michael Port is a NY Times bestselling author of six books including Book Yourself Solid*, The Think Big Manifesto*, and his hot new release, Steal the Show*. He has also been a successful professional actor, guest starring on shows like Sex & The City, Law & Order, Third Watch, All My Children, and in films like The Pelican Brief and Down to Earth. These days, Michael can be seen regularly on MSNBC, CNBC, and PBS as an expert in communication and business development. A good performance is authentic behavior in a manufactured environment. –Michael Port The better prepared you are, the easier it is to be authentic. –Michael Port If you have a high stakes situation, and you need your Powerpoint slides to know what’s coming next, you’re not prepared enough. –Michael Port Three questions people ask when listening to a speech: Will this thing work? Is this something worth my time? Is this person able to champion this idea? The five components of great speeches: A big idea that is relevant to the listeners  Be very clear on what is being promised in the presentation Make sure you can demonstrate that you understand the way the world looks to them Be able to demonstrate the consequences of not adopting the big idea Work hard to serve the audience Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 221 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books, to support your development between shows. It also includes a brief overview and link to the full weekly show notes. As a bonus, when you join the weekly leadership guide, you’ll get immediate access to my reader’s guide listing the 10 Leadership Books that Will Help You Get Better Results From Others with brief summaries from me on the value of each book. Download the 11-page reader's guide and 9-minute video of these book recommendations. Access everything at:
Nov 16, 2015 • 34min

218: Increase Your Personal Capacity, with Beth Buelow

Beth Buelow: The Introvert Entrepreneur Beth Buelow, author of The Introvert Entrepreneur*, shows us how to expand into our capacity zone while still using our comfort zone as a home base. Quotes When you 'fail,' it’s usually because you were attached to a particular outcome. And when it doesn’t happen that way, it gets labeled a 'failure.' —Beth Buelow If you approach your goals with less attachment, you’ll find yourself much better able to see those failures as data, rather than indictments of your character and who you are. —Beth Buelow The comfort zone is what makes stepping out into the unknown possible. —Beth Buelow Remember to celebrate every time you stretch that capacity zone. —Beth Buelow Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.
Nov 9, 2015 • 37min

217: The Best Way to Make New Habits Reality, with Kendra Kinnison

Kendra Kinnison How to Get Yourself Unstuck: Lead yourself effectively (get your own ducks in a row) Build your empathy muscle Don’t let stress derail you Tiny Habits When you’re stuck, use the Tiny Habit Approach Developed by BJ Fogg, a researcher at Stanford Think about what’s the absolute tiniest step you can take forward, and then commit to taking that step every day Tiny habits lower mental hurdles so much that our mental resistance doesn’t kick in. -Kendra Kinnison Think About a Restarting Strategy More often than not, it’s the good things that throw us off. -Kendra Kinnison I see restarting as just as natural a skill as continuing a routine. -Kendra Kinnison Resources: App: Gratitude Journal* App:* Discover More Activate your free membership for full access to the entire library of interviews since 2011, searchable by topic.

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