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Jan 29, 2020 • 51min

Life Lessons Learned from Growing a Billion Dollar Company with Jeff Hoffman

Jeff Hoffman is a successful entrepreneur, proven CEO, worldwide motivational speaker, published author, Hollywood film producer, and a producer of a Grammy-winning jazz album in 2015. He has been the founder of multiple startups, has been the CEO of both public and private companies, and has served as a senior executive in many capacities. Jeff has been part of a number of well-known companies, including, ColorJar, and more. Jeff is a featured business expert seen on Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNN International, Bloomberg News, CNBC, ABC, and NPR, and in publications including Forbes, Inc., Time, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, and more. You can find out more about Jeff and the work that he is doing by visiting his website at Key Points 1. Don’t Fear Failure… Fear Not Trying  Failure is an inevitable part of life. Most of us spend our whole lives trying to escape and avoid it when we should be running towards it. We’ve been taught our whole lives that failure is somehow a bad thing, that it means you aren’t a “real” man, or that you aren’t good enough. In reality, failure is simply feedback. Instead of running from failure, embrace it. Learn to fear not trying instead of failing. … When you fail, you grow, you learn, and you improve. When you allow your fear of failure to control your actions you end up paralyzed and never take action. As a result, you stagnate, burn out, and eventually die with your best work inside of you. 2. Follow your Curiosity and Ignore the Labels It’s easy to allow your label to control you. Think about it… How many times have you thought to yourself “Wow, I’d love to dive into real estate investing, but I’m in IT, I can’t do that” Or “I would really enjoy learning how to dance the Tango, but I’m a powerlifter so that’ll never happen” Or even… “I’d really love to produce an album but I’m a marketing guy… That’s not really my style” We get so caught up in our own labels that we prevent ourselves from pursuing our deepest passions and curiosity. Remember: You are a learning machine… Not an occupation.  Just because you make money in a certain way or have been in a specific niche for a long time doesn’t mean that you can’t learn new skills. … It doesn’t mean that you can’t pursue new hobbies, passions, and businesses. As Joseph Campbell says, “Follow your bliss”. Pursue what makes you curious, no matter how odd or out of character it may seem. At the end of the day, the person who wins at life is the person who leaves it all on the field. So stop holding back from life because your interests don’t conform to your label. 3. Stick to One Pursuit at a Time  Although it’s important that you have a wide variety of interests and hobbies to pursue, it’s even more important that you understand how to successfully pursue each interest. How do you do this? … One at a time. Although Jeff has a wide variety of achievements and accolades ranging from the transportation business to the music & film industry to consulting and keynote speaking, he didn’t try to accomplish all of these things at once. He devoted himself single-mindedly to each task for a period of 3-5 years. In your own life, you can do anything that you want. But you must learn to focus on only one thing at a time… As the old adage goes, “The fox who chases two rabbits catches none.” Pick one passion, define what constitutes “success” with regards to that passion, pursue it single-mindedly until you achieve your goal an then move on. 4. Eradicate Your Fear of Failure with This Simple Exercise  If you are afraid of failure, then listen up. I’m about to share a fool proof strategy to eradicate your fear and move forward with your life. Are you ready? Then here it is… Anytime you are afraid of failing, dive into your failure. Ask yourself “What will happen if I fail and how can I recover?” For example, if you are considering starting a new business and you fail miserably, what will actually happen? … And more importantly, how can you minimize the damage? If you fail at the entrepreneurial endeavor you can: Move back in with your parents Get a 9-5 corporate job for 6-12 months Save every penny that you can Try again When you break it down, it doesn’t seem so scary, right? The concept of failure is often more terrifying than failure itself. When you look at the reality of your situation, you will quickly realize that you can overcome any setback with relative ease and quickly get back on your feet if things go South. So feel the fear. Figure out your escape plan. And then take action. 5. Begin with the End in Mind  One of the biggest mistakes that most entrepreneurs make is that they begin without a clear end goal in mind. They set all of these wild goals and ambitions but never really know where the path is ultimately going to take them. Before you set out to achieve anything, you need to begin with the end in mind. What counts as success? What counts as failure? What quantifiable metrics can you use to determine whether or not you’ve achieved success? When you have a clear end game in mind, the day to day tasks of pursuing a goal becomes much simpler. You know exactly what you need to do, what you need to avoid, and how you can expedite the path to your goal. Take some time to sit down after listening to this interview and write out answers to the following: What does success look like in my: Relationships Finances Career Personal development Physical health Spirituality When you know exactly what you are trying to get out of life, life has a way of helping you succeed. Begin with the end in mind and your path to success will be far smoother and simpler. 6. Make People Understand Your “Why”  Oftentimes, as men, we get so caught up in our careers and finances that we can neglect important relationships and connections in our life. One of the reasons that this is so easy to do is that we understand the bigger picture and just assume that everyone else in our life understands it as well. We think to ourselves, “I’m working this hard for my family, for my community, and for our future… Surely they understand”. But we never actually take the time to sit the important people down and help them understand why we are pushing so hard. Your wife and kids probably don’t know why you are always at the office. They assume that work is more important than they are and that you’d rather work than spend time with them. Even when this isn’t the case… As such, it’s important that you sell your proverbial “Board of Directors” (the important people in your life) on the “Why” of what you’re doing. Why are you working so hard to build this business or advance your career? Is it to… Retire early Pay for your kid’s college Take your wife on a 3 year round the world trip Get out of debt and have the money to work less than 10 hours a week Enjoy a better quality of life Give back to your community and make a real difference Why are you doing what you’re doing? Once you have the answer for yourself, share it with the important people in your life. More often than not, they will understand and rally to help you. 7. Ideas are Welcomed, Execution is Worshiped  Simply put, ideas are great but execution is where the magic happens. You can think and come up with ideas all day long. But if you don’t get your ass out of the chair and make moves to achieve your goals, you will remain stuck exactly where you are. Execution is everything. Without the grit and determination to take action and make things happen, you will never succeed. Become a master action taker and the world is yours. 8. Your Success is Someone Else’s Miracle  We live in such a guilt ridden society that it can be easy to get trapped in the mindset that success is dirty. … It’s easy to believe that making money is wrong and that you should give away all of your surplus. But this is a false concept. The more successful you are, the more power and influence you can exert to help others. When you have millions of dollars in the bank, it’s much easier to make a difference when disaster strikes. When you have vibrant physical health, it’s much easier to help others overcome their own challenges. When you are successful, you can show up as a miracle in someone else’s life. If you want to make a real difference in the world, then success is your duty and obligation. Forget what you’ve been told… Becoming successful doesn’t make you greedy or power hungry. It gives you the ability to make a difference. 9. What is Enough? In pursuit of any goal, whether its… Financial success Career success Marriage Physical health Travel & Adventure Or fame You must know when enough is enough. When can you call it quits and move on to the next goal or activity? If you don’t have a clear end game in mind, it’s easy to get caught in the comparison trap and waste your life constantly trying to compete with other people and buy the biggest boat, fastest car, or most luxurious mansion in town. Ask yourself… “What do I really need to be happy and feel fulfilled?” There’s no right answer for everyone, but the more clearly you can figure out what you need to be happy, the easier it will be to achieve it. Forget keeping up with the Joneses and showing off on Instagram. Figure out what brings you joy and makes you feel fulfilled and then go achieve it. Next Steps We’re on a mission to impact a million men with powerful life changing content. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends on your preferred social network on the left. I spent a ridiculous amount of time creating this article for you and with your support, we can impact the world together. Do you want my help? Then click here to join my elite community of 800+ high-performing men and get access to powerful coaching to close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be, The Secrets of the Top 1% of Men. Not only will you get tapped into your own “band of brothers”, but you’ll also have access to the best damn content and training available for men as well as weekly group calls with my team of transformative coaches. No whiny boys, complainers or dabblers, for serious men only. If you’re ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your life and become the man you’ve always wanted to be. This is the fastest way to do it.
Jan 27, 2020 • 1h 13min

Simple Steps to Engineer Your Path to Joy and Happiness With Mo Gawdat

Mo Gawdat is the Chief Business Officer for Google [X], a serial entrepreneur and author of “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy” Mo has an impressive combined career of 27 years, starting at IBM Egypt as a Systems Engineer before moving to a sales role in the government sector. Venturing into the UAE, Mo joined NCR Abu Dhabi to cover the non-finance sector. He then became acquainted with the consumer goods industry as Regional Manager of BAT. At Microsoft, he assumed various roles over a span of seven and a half years, in his last role at Microsoft he headed the Communications Sector across Emerging Markets worldwide. Favorite Success Quote “The gravity of the battle means nothing to those at peace” Key Points 1. The Equation for Happiness is Simple  Happiness is not complicated. While you might not come to this conclusion by scrolling through your social media feed, watching the latest advertisements, or even reading some of the more popular personal growth and self-help books, when you truly sit down and think objectively, you will realize that happiness is simple. Despite marketer’s best attempts to prove otherwise, happiness isn’t contingent upon some wild, complex, equation. In fact, the equation for happiness is almost too simple. Happiness is equal to or greater than the events of your life minus the expectations you have for those events. That’s it. The equation isn’t “Happiness = Fancy Clothes + A 6-Figure Salary + An Italian Sports Car and a French Bikini Model” It’s simply events – expectations.  But what does this really mean? At the most basic level, it means that your happiness in any given situation, and thus your happiness in life, is entirely dependent on the difference between what you expect from a situation and how that situation actually turns out. So, for example, let’s say that the event in question is coming home to your wife after a long day of work. Let’s look at how your expectations of the event will determine your happiness. On one hand, your expectation might be that when you come home after a long day of work, your wife should be preparing dinner, opening you a cold beer, and wearing a sexy outfit that tells you she’s “in the mood”. On the other, your expectation might simply be that your wife should be relaxing and unwinding after her long day of work and that the two of you should prepare dinner and unwind together. While neither of these expectations are right or wrong, they can have a tremendous effect on your happiness and well being. If you come home with the first set of expectations and your wife has already prepared dinner but left it in the oven and is now relaxing on the couch… You are going to be unhappy and angry because your expectations were not met. However, if you come home to the exact same situation with the second set of expectations, you will not only be happy, but you will feel an abundance of love for your wife because she went above and beyond and exceeded your expectations. So now, you might be wondering, “If the secret to happiness is to have lower expectations, shouldn’t I just stop expecting anything so that I will never be disappointed?” Well, yes and no. While eliminating your expectations would certainly make you happier in the short run, it proves detrimental to your well being and success in the long term. If you have no expectations of yourself or others, then you will mistreat yourself and allow other people to walk all over you. Therefore, the key to happiness is to first become conscious of your expectations and then consciously and intentionally craft a new set of expectations that serve you and your purpose in life. 2. We Are All Born Happy  An often forgotten truth of life is that we were all born happy. All of us. We are born carefree and loving, without any hate, anger, or animosity in our hearts. It is our society that teaches us to be unhappy, to compare ourselves to others, to hate our fellow man, and to be unfulfilled. And once you become aware of this reality, it is your job to undo the programming that society has instilled into your brain. Luckily, the process for “deprogramming” all of the crap in your brain is simple, however, this doesn’t mean it’s easy. The best way to start is to pick up some sort of daily mindfulness practice whether it’s meditation, prayer, long walks in nature, or even just some sort of conscious movements like yoga or Tai Chi. These practices allow you to detach yourself from the human experience and the brain’s programming and become more aware of how you or your “superconscious” are meant to function. Let’s use the analogy of a new computer so that you can understand what I mean. Whenever you get a new computer, everything runs smoothly. It functions exactly as it was designed, quickly opening applications, seamlessly running commands, and doing its job without a problem. But over time, things start to slow down and problems start to arise. You begin downloading new programs and applications, visiting questionable websites, and demanding more of your computer than the software and hardware were designed to handle. And as you execute increasingly demanding operations, your computer starts to slow and malfunction and what once took 2 seconds now takes 2 minutes. When this happens (and it almost always happen) the only way to restore its original performance is to return it to default settings and execute a complete factory reset. In much the same way as a computer’s default setting is speed and efficiency, our brain’s default setting is happiness and contentment. But when we start installing (willingly or unwillingly) societal, religious, and familial expectations into our “operating system”, we start to get bogged down, and experience unhappiness. And when this happens, the only way to return to our original state is a “Factory reset” which typically takes the form of meditation, affirmations, journaling, and other consciousness practices. These practices are kind of like our brain’s “CTRL + ALT + DELETE” function and the more you can integrate them into your daily life, the smoother and faster you you will operate. 3. Your Emotional State is Determined by Your Thoughts, Not Events One of the simplest, but most impactful, formulas that you can understand to achieve a happy life is this: E + R = O Or Event + Response = Outcome In other words, your emotional outcome (happy, sad, angry, loving) is not determined by the events in your life, but rather by your response to the events in your life. For example, let’s say that you are going out to meet up with a friend. You agreed to meet at the local coffee shop around 8 a.m., but when you show up he is nowhere to be found. You order your drink, a few minutes go by, and your friend is still absent. At this point, you can respond in one of two ways. First, you can assume that your friend does not respect you, get angry, and allow his tardiness to dampen your mood. Or, you can simply assume that your friend had some sort of extenuating circumstance that stopped him from showing up on time and reframe his lateness by saying, “Great! This gives me a few minutes to read that new book I bought“, resulting in a happier and more fulfilling morning. In these two examples, the event was exactly the same, but by changing the response to the event, you achieved two wildly different outcomes. When you understand the far reaching applications of this formula, your life will begin to change in ways that you could never expect. Mastering your emotional response to any circumstance gives you power over the events in your life instead of allowing those events to have power over you. And when your internal world remains unaffected by the chaos of the outside world, you will have true power in your life, business, and relationships. 4. Learn to Differentiate Between Incessant and Effective Thoughts As it pertains to our happiness, there are only two kinds of thoughts. Effective thoughts and incessant thoughts. Effective thoughts are the thoughts that move the needle forward in your life, thoughts that solve problems, achieve goals, and give you a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos. Incessant thoughts are the negative thoughts that do nothing to improve the quality of your life or happiness even when they are true. In the interview, Mo shared a powerful example detailing the difference between these two thoughts during a tragic situation. At the age of 21 years old, Mo’s son Ali died on the operating table during a routine surgery that should have been quick and simple. Shocked and in pain, Mo was overwhelmed with a wave of thoughts and feelings that can only be comprehended by people who have experienced a similar tragedy in his life. Over the coming weeks and months, Mo was faced with a single, pervasive and incessant thought, “I will never get to hug my son Ali again.” However, as he continued grieving for his son, he realized something. This thought would not bring Ali back, it would not change reality, and it would not benefit humanity. So he made a very conscious decision to change his thinking. Instead of thinking “I will never hug my son again”, he reframed the tragedy and said, “My son is dead, now it is my duty to remember his legacy by living my life as he would have wanted and impacting the world in honor of his memory.” And while this new thought didn’t take away the pain of losing his child, it allowed him to cope with the loss and make sense of the heart break. Each of us is faced with the same thoughts day in and day out. Even if we haven’t lost a loved one, we are all faced with our own “Incessant thought demons” that seek to cripple us and hold us back from living a happy life. Whether we are constantly thinking about a mistake that we regret, a relationship that we ruined, or an opportunity that we lost, we all have incessant loops of unhelpful thoughts playing in the back of our mind. And the biggest problem with these thoughts is that 99% of the time… They are true! But just because something is true, does not mean that it is advantageous. For example, if you lost the woman of your dreams because you were too focused on your work and not focused on the relationship, you might be faced with the incessant thought “I will never have her in my life again”. Chances are, this thought is true. But does it serve you in any way!? No! Instead, you can choose to reframe this thought by saying “I will never have this woman in my life again, so now it is my duty to learn from my mistakes and move forward so that I can find love once more… Only this time, I will make it work.” The moment that you can learn to eradicate incessant thoughts and replace them with intentional and effective thoughts is the moment that your life will be irrevocably changed for the better. 5. Money Doesn’t Make You Happier… Unless Countless studies have been conducted on the correlation between money and happiness, and what they found was rather interesting. Money only affects your happiness up to a certain point. If you are living below the poverty line, increasing your income to a stable and livable level will drastically improve your happiness. However, going from $100,000 a year to $100,000 a month will only have a marginal impact on your happiness and mental well being. However, once you have passed roughly $7,000 a month, increasing your income will only result in a nominal increase in your happiness. So, for example, if you go from $100,000 a year to $250,000 a year, your happiness will not increase by any appreciable amount. If this is true, then why is it that so many rich people seem to live better and happier lives? Because they give so much of their money away! Studies have found that one of the only ways money can make you happier after you have passed the $70,000/year threshold is if you are giving more of your money to charitable causes, family, friends, and organizations that you support. For example, if you earn an extra $20,000 bonus this year and then use it to put a down payment on a new sports car, your happiness will only increase marginally and temporarily. However, if you took that same $20,000 and paid for a vacation with some of your closest friends, your happiness would increase dramatically and the effects would last much longer. So yes, money is important for your happiness. If you cannot afford to put food on the table, increasing your income is one of the quickest ways to increase your happiness. But after your basic living expenses are covered, giving your wealth away and spending it on the people you care about is the only way to leverage your money to increase your happiness. 6. Life is a Video Game and Challenges Make the Game Fun  Life is not fair, it is not perfect, and it is not easy. But I’ll let you in on a little secret… That’s what makes life fun! I want you to imagine that the new Call of Duty just came out, and after months of anxiously anticipating the game’s release, you take it home and start playing. You go through the tutorial, launch the first level, and then get ready to kill some virtual bad guys. But there’s a problem… There are no bad guys to kill and no challenges to overcome. Every level is simply a linear progression where you run from the beginning to the end as quickly as you can, avoiding all signs of danger or adversity. Does that sound like a fun game? Probably not. And guess what? Life is nothing more than a very intense and large scale video game. So why in the world would you want it to be easy? Why would you want a challenge and problem free life? Just think about it for a moment. Imagine that I came to your house tomorrow and gave you an Olympic Gold Medal. How would you feel? If you are anything like me, you would probably think that the medal was pretty cool, but after a few minutes of looking at it, you would quickly feel disenchanted and bored because you did nothing to earn the medal. You’d probably sell it or leave it in your sock drawer because it has no significance in your life. But imagine that you have been training for the Olympics since you were 12 years old. You worked every single day for the past ten years of your life, and when you finally had the opportunity, you competed and won. How would that medal make you feel? I would chance a guess that the medal would have more meaning and significance to you than darn near anything else that you owned. Why? Because you worked for it, you suffered for it, and you endured more pain than most people are willing to endure in order to call that medal your own. In much the same way, we gain meaning in our lives by overcoming challenges, by enduring pain, and by beating adversity. Life isn’t meant to be easy. It’s meant to be a challenge. A challenge that you enjoy and have fun with, yes. But a challenge nonetheless. 7. You Don’t Find Your Purpose… It Finds You So many people in the modern world are concerned with finding their purpose. But they fail to realize that you don’t find your purpose, your purpose finds you. People don’t just wake up one day and say “Hmm, I know exactly what I am meant to do and how I am going to do it”. Instead, they find the intersection of their passions and talents and they work for years honing their skills, setting and conquering goals, and becoming better and better. Then, when they have mastered their craft, an opportunity presents itself, often in the most unlikely manner, and all of the hard work they put in begins to make sense. If you want to live a life of purpose, then you must first start by building your skills and growing yourself until you are ready to handle your purpose. Typically, this means working on rather mundane skills and projects so that you can grow your capacity as a human being. Think about the classic Karate kid movie where Mr. Miyagi had his student wax the car and paint the fence. These tasks seemed dull, monotonous, and frustrating. But, when the time came, and the first punch was thrown, these dull tasks that the Karate Kid had practiced suddenly made sense and he realized that he had been practicing for the purpose of learning a new skill. Steve Jobs summarized this truth when he said "You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future."
Jan 15, 2020 • 58min

How to Opt Out of the Matrix and Opt Into a Life of Your Choosing with Nate Broughton

Nate Broughton is an internet marketing veteran of 17 years who specializes in lead generation and client acquisition. He’s built and sold four companies and been involved in several acquisitions with private equity firms. He’s now the leader of a movement and company called The Opt Out Life which teaches people all over the world how to design an amazing lifestyle centered around fun and experiences… While still making fantastic money in an industry they love. Favorite Success Quote “Lifestyle before money. But money also.” “If there’s a will there’s a way” Key Points 1. Focus on Lifestyle First and Money Second  Money is a tool. In the right hands, it can serve as a force multiplier to help you live the life of your dreams, enjoy wild adventures, and create a lasting legacy. However, when it’s your sole aim and purpose it will overtake your life and lead you down a dark and lonely road filled with regrets. As such, Nate’s motto and entire company (opt-out life) is built on the ethos of “Lifestyle first but money also.” In life, you will often be presented with two options. The lucrative option The lifestyle option For example, Nate was offered an executive position with a multiple six-figure salary, a significant amount of equity, and great benefits. The only problem is that the position required him to drive 60 minutes to and from work five days a week, sacrificing time with his young children and wife. He turned it down in less than a minute. Money is great and you should always seek to expand your income and create passive assets. But it’s not everything. If you find yourself working 80 hours a week to make multiple six figures you need to take a step back and ask yourself, “Is this really worth it?” Is this how you want to live your life? 2. Get Creative to Achieve Your Dreams  Where there’s a will there’s a way. Cliche, I know. But it’s true. Whatever goal you want to achieve, whether it’s making a certain amount of money, improving your body, or finding the partner of your dreams, is ahievable. IF you’re willing to get creative and find unconventional roads to success. A great example that Nate shared in the interview is how his business partner moved his family from an inexpensive inland suburb to the exclusive coast of Lajolla. Even though his partner couldn’t afford the mortgage on the house he wanted, he got creative, found a property with a guest home and then rented the home out while simultaneously renting the casita in the back yard. The result? He cut the rent payments in half and ended up spending roughly the same amount as his previous mortgage. If you’re willing to get creative, there’s nothing that you can’t do, be, or achieve. But you must be willing to think outside of the box and cut yourself off from any possibility of failure. 3. Know When to Hold ‘Em and When to Fold ‘Em  You are going to have to make tough decisions in life. It’s simply a part of the human existence. And oftentimes, the most important decision that you will make is not whether or not you should start something, but whether or not you should stay with something. Whether it’s a relationship, career, business, or just a boring ‘ol workout program, you must understand when a particular endeavor has run its course and when there is still something of value to be gained. Nate has grown and sold several businesses, and he’s found that there’s a critical tipping point in each business (typically when it hits $5,000,000 in revenue) where he begins to burn out and lose interest. Instead of fighting this, he’s adopted the “Serial Entrepreneur” approach and will sell his equity or the entire business, once a project passes a certain revenue threshold. Here’s the deal… Life is short. And there are thousands of things that we all want to try out and we have no way of knowing if they’re worth our time until we step up to the plate and swing. But once you’ve been in the game for a while, you need to honestly evaluate your pursuits and ask yourself the simple question, “Is this serving me at the highest level?” If the answer is “No” then cut your losses and move on… IMMEDIATELY. 4. Understand the Seasons of Life (And How they Impact Your Priorities)  It’s funny to me how often I have young men reaching out to me in their early 20’s bemoaning the fact that they have no money and no clue what they want to do with their lives. I always have to chuckle at these messages, because these guys are missing the point. You aren’t supposed to be super wealthy and on purpose right out of the gate!  Your 20’s are a season in life for pursuing your passions, seeing what sticks, making LOTS of mistakes, and learning as much as you can. Life isn’t supposed to be this massive and nonstop upwards growth curve. It’s a long and bumpy ride filled with different seasons. And one of the biggest keys to success is learning how to capitalize on these seasons and use them to your advantage. For example, your 20’s are a high energy season that is best used to learn marketable skills, live super frugally while building a war chest, and to figure yourself out along the way. Your 30’s are a season that should be devoted to mastery of your chosen craft and the creation of passive income streams that will create lasting wealth and freedom. And once you have that? Your 40’s and beyond are for doing whatever the hell you want. 5. Develop a High-Value Skill Set and Turn It Into Passive Income  It’s been said that passive income is worth 10x working income. And truer words have yet to be spoken. No matter where you are in life today, one of your top priorities should be the creation and expansion of passive income. Money is simply a tool to buy freedom. And when you escape from the race of trading your time for dollars and create sustainable passive income, you will have freedom for life. Imagine going to bed and waking up with an extra $500 in your bank account. What would that do for your life? How would you spend your days differently? What hobbies would you pursue? What relationships would you invest in more deeply? How would your life change if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were going to be ok when the 1st of the month rolled around? I can tell you from personal experience… It’s one of the most liberating feelings a man can have. Get to work on building passive income streams NOW and your life will forever change because of it.
Jan 13, 2020 • 51min

How to Start Over and Move Forward When Everything Goes Wrong with Jordan Harbinger

Jordan Harbinger, once referred to as “The Larry King of podcasting,” is a Wall Street lawyer turned talk show host, social dynamics expert, and entrepreneur. After hosting a top 50 iTunes podcast for over a decade that enjoyed nearly four million downloads a month at its zenith, Jordan has embarked on a new adventure: The Jordan Harbinger Show, where he deconstructs the playbooks of the most successful people on earth and shares their strategies, perspectives, and insights with the rest of us. Jordan’s business sense, extensive knowledge of the industry, and contemporary approach to teaching make him one of the best and most sought-after coaches in the world. Favorite Success Quote “Fortune favors the bold” ~Latin Proverb Key Points 1. Find the Silver Lining  Sh*t happens. It’s an inevitability of life. Things will not go your way. Partners will leave you. Employees will steal from you. Friends will betray you. This isn’t a pessimistic outlook on life, it’s simply the reality of the world we live in. As such, the question is not if these events will happen but how you will respond when they do.  In every negative situation, every layoff, divorce, breakup, and failure, you have one of two choices. You can throw yourself a pity party, whine, moan, and cry that your life isn’t where you want it to be. Or you can find the silver lining and move forward with your life. Every door that closes opens up a new one. Every failed endeavor frees up your time and resources to pursue a new one. Everything that you currently think sucks has a silver lining… If you’re willing to look for it. Learn to make the best of any situation and use adversity to your advantage and you will become unstoppable in your business, relationships, and life. 2. Dig the Well Before You’re Thirsty  There is an old proverb that states, “Dig the well before you are thirsty”. And truer words have yet to be spoken. In every area of life, you must learn to cultivate a proactive attitude instead of a reactive one. In your finances, set aside money each month and invest in your future so that when the unexpected happens, you are prepared. In your relationship, create your own social circle and build your own life so that, even if your partner leaves you, you aren’t left out in the cold. In your business and career, learn to cultivate powerful relationships with people when you have no agenda so that, if and when something happens (like a layoff or bankruptcy) you have a network of friends who will come to your aid and support you. Take preemptive action in your life to avoid and recover from tragedies before they happen. As I’ve already said, it’s not a matter of if something bad will happen, it’s a matter of when.  Plan for these crises and prepare for them before you need to. Your future self will thank you. 3. Don’t Wait on Other People  Whether it’s a business partner, spouse, or friend you can never allow your momentum in life to be dictated by another person. Don’t wait for someone else to get on board with your mission and vision. Simply take action and move forward. If your business partner or significant other is dragging their feet and screwing around with regards to your vision and important goals, fine. Take action without them and move forward on your own. You can spend years or even decades waiting for someone else to come through, all the while missing opportunities and possibilities in your own life. Don’t let this happen to you… Chart your own path and move forward whether the people around you are on board or not. 4. Don’t Sacrifice Success for Other People’s Comfort  In many relationships, people will avoid having difficult conversations with their partner because they don’t want to hurt the other person. For example… A wife might avoid talking to her alcoholic husband about his drinking problem because she doesn’t want to upset him. A man might avoid talking to his girlfriend about her lackluster work ethic and spending problem because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. A business partner might avoid calling his team out for laziness because he doesn’t want to be seen as overly critical or negative. Stop! In all of these situations, the uncomfortable conversation is necessary. Unless you are willing to step up, make other people uncomfortable, and call them out on their b.s., they will never change. You will never move forward in life and eventually, the relationship will implode. Be willing to take a stand for yourself and let other people know when they’ve violated a boundary or acted in a manner that is unacceptable. Otherwise, you will live in a constant fairytale and fail to achieve the life you want. 5. Do the Things Today that Your Future Self Will Thank You For  Every day, you have a choice. You can either choose to live for the moment or the future. While it’s all fine and dandy to be present, it’s even more important that you are acting in a way today that your future self will thank you for. What would make your future self-smile? Eating that piece of cake or eating a salad? Skipping the gym because you’re tired or staying commited to your training? Talking to that cute guy/girl or letting fear hold you back from the relationships you want? Working hard on your side hustle or goofing off with YouTube and video games? You have a choice to create the life that you want. The only question is, “What choice are you going to make?” Next Steps You can learn more about Jordan and follow his new podcast at or click the following link to get Jordan’s Free Networking course. We’re on a mission to impact a million men with powerful life changing content. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends on your preferred social network on the left. I spent a ridiculous amount of time creating this article for you and with your support, we can impact the world together. Do you want my help? Then click here to join my elite community of 800+ high-performing men and get access to powerful coaching to close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be, The Secrets of the Top 1% of Men. Not only will you get tapped into your own “band of brothers”, but you’ll also have access to the best damn content and training available for men as well as weekly group calls with my team of transformative coaches. No whiny boys, complainers or dabblers, for serious men only. If you’re ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your life and become the man you’ve always wanted to be. This is the fastest way to do it.
Jan 8, 2020 • 55min

Why Presence is the Ultimate Key to Lifelong Success (And How to Achieve it) with Sam Morris

Sam Morris is the founder of Zen Warrior Training®. In 1999, just after leading a bicycling trip for nine teenagers across the United States, Sam was in a car accident caused by a drunk driver which left him paralyzed from the waist down. Rather than becoming the victim of his circumstances, Sam learned and created a system of attitude training that brought him more vitality and clarity than he ever had before his injury. In addition to coaching private clients and businesses in Zen Warrior Training®, Sam hosts biweekly classes in Santa Monica, CA and leads community talks and workshops throughout the country. You can connect with Sam and learn more about him at Favorite Success Quote Self-consciousness is a lack of consciousness of the self Key Points 1. Expand Your Relationship with Yourself Beyond Your Mind  So often we get stuck in a place where our relationship with ourselves is limited only to our mind and the incessant mental chatter happening within it. From this place, it becomes difficult to understand who you truly are, what you want, and what you must do to achieve the range of experiences that you desire in this lifetime. Your breaths are shallow, your thoughts are cluttered with the opinions and expectations of others, and your truth is being clouded by noise, the ego, and your lack of presence. But when you expand your relationship with yourself beyond your mind, everything changes. When you get into your body and begin experiencing more frequent states of flow and presence, your reality changes. You no longer worry about what you said yesterday or fret about what you must do tomorrow. You are able to simply “Be” in this moment without judgment or criticism. And when you’re in this place of presence and freedom from judgment, you can be 100% you. I challenge you to make a conscious effort to get into your body this week. Go surfing, pick up an instrument, train parkour, lift heavy weights, do something that jolts you out of your head and into your body. Because when you are in your body and focused on your movements you are present, and when you are present, life opens up in ways that you can’t imagine. 2. Presence Frees You From Your Bullshit  When you are living in the past or the future, it’s easy to get stuck in your bullshit. Think about it… If you’re living in the past, you are thinking about what you did wrong, or how you could have done something better, or how you said this or didn’t say that. You are stuck in an endless loop, experiencing the same “negative” event over and over again in your head. This lack of presence eeks its way into your present moment and you begin to doubt yourself during conversations and constantly overanalyze yourself and your actions because you are so hung up on yesterday’s mistakes. Living in the future is no different. If you’re constantly focused on what you want to achieve tomorrow and the life you will have someday, then you aren’t focused on the amazing life you are living right now. And if you have the ability to read this article, you do have an amazing life. By getting present, you are able to be free from the bullshit. With presence, you cannot dwell on past mistakes and personal criticisms. You cannot get caught up in projecting a future that makes you dissatisfied with your current reality. When you are present, you are free. 3. Presence Accelerates the Human Experience Everything that you do is amplified by the power of presence. Everything… All of the greatest human experiences from creation to sex to friendship to adversity are all amplified by getting present. When you are present with a woman, your anxiety disappears and you are able to reveal yourself to her in a way that is completely and totally authentic. When you are present at work, you can tap into flow states and execute your craft masterfully in half the time that it would take if you were distracted. When you are present with yourself, you are in tune with your body and emotions and all the lessons to be learned from them (more on that later). Presence amplifies existence. Get present. 4. Success without a Strong Internal Identity is Inevitable Failure  One of the greatest mistakes a man can make is to tie his identity to something other than himself. When a man’s identity is contingent on his relationship with his woman, his work, his possessions, or anything outside of himself, his identity is inherently fragile and ripe for disruption. No one is impervious to the harsh realities of unexpected change. From a lay off to a divorce to an unexpected death, there are thousands of things that can disrupt your life and completely wreck all of the things that you now hold dear. And if your identity is wrapped up in these things, when they go, so too does your sense of self. If your identity is outside of yourself then it doesn’t take much to raze your identity and leave you feeling lost and uncertain about who you are. By cultivating a strong internal identity, you allow yourself to experience the storms of life with all of the pain and joy that comes with them. You experience everything but can be beaten by nothing. You are who you are. And that’s more than enough. 5. Feelings Are Teachers  Human emotions are the greatest teachers we’ve ever met. Whether positive or negative, any emotion that you feel is there to teach you something. It could be there to confirm that you are doing well, such as the bliss that you feel when you look at your partner, or the satisfaction that comes from a full day’s work. It could be to inform you that how you are acting is not working, such as the tension in your gut when it comes time to pay the bills or the apprehension you feel about getting your yearly physical. Or they could be there to tell you that the path you are on ultimately will not serve you such as the inexplicable “Gut feelings” so many of us receive whenever we are unknowingly out of alignment with our highest calling. If you are going to live this life to the fullest and truly embrace this existence, you must learn to feel your emotions, embody them, learn from them… Don’t flee from them. Never allow your emotions to scare or control you, but always notice them and give them the attention and intention that they deserve. Your emotions are your mentors and your guides on this crazy journey. Follow them and you will learn more than you ever imagined. Next Steps We’re on a mission to impact a million men with powerful life changing content. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends on your preferred social network on the left. I spent a ridiculous amount of time creating this article for you and with your support, we can impact the world together. Do you want my help? Then click here to join my elite community of 800+ high-performing men and get access to powerful coaching to close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be, The Secrets of the Top 1% of Men. Not only will you get tapped into your own “band of brothers”, but you’ll also have access to the best damn content and training available for men as well as weekly group calls with my team of transformative coaches. No whiny boys, complainers or dabblers, for serious men only. If you’re ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your life and become the man you’ve always wanted to be. This is the fastest way to do it.
Jan 6, 2020 • 51min

Life Lessons Learned from Growing a Billion Dollar Company with Jeff Hoffman

Jeff Hoffman is a successful entrepreneur, proven CEO, worldwide motivational speaker, published author, Hollywood film producer, and a producer of a Grammy-winning jazz album in 2015. He has been the founder of multiple startups, has been the CEO of both public and private companies, and has served as a senior executive in many capacities. Jeff has been part of a number of well-known companies, including, ColorJar, and more. Jeff is a featured business expert seen on Fox News, Fox Business, CNN, CNN International, Bloomberg News, CNBC, ABC, and NPR, and in publications including Forbes, Inc., Time, Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, and more. You can find out more about Jeff and the work that he is doing by visiting his website at Key Points 1. Don’t Fear Failure… Fear Not Trying  Failure is an inevitable part of life. Most of us spend our whole lives trying to escape and avoid it when we should be running towards it. We’ve been taught our whole lives that failure is somehow a bad thing, that it means you aren’t a “real” man, or that you aren’t good enough. In reality, failure is simply feedback. Instead of running from failure, embrace it. Learn to fear not trying instead of failing. … When you fail, you grow, you learn, and you improve. When you allow your fear of failure to control your actions you end up paralyzed and never take action. As a result, you stagnate, burn out, and eventually die with your best work inside of you. 2. Follow your Curiosity and Ignore the Labels It’s easy to allow your label to control you. Think about it… How many times have you thought to yourself “Wow, I’d love to dive into real estate investing, but I’m in IT, I can’t do that” Or “I would really enjoy learning how to dance the Tango, but I’m a powerlifter so that’ll never happen” Or even… “I’d really love to produce an album but I’m a marketing guy… That’s not really my style” We get so caught up in our own labels that we prevent ourselves from pursuing our deepest passions and curiosity. Remember: You are a learning machine… Not an occupation.  Just because you make money in a certain way or have been in a specific niche for a long time doesn’t mean that you can’t learn new skills. … It doesn’t mean that you can’t pursue new hobbies, passions, and businesses. As Joseph Campbell says, “Follow your bliss”. Pursue what makes you curious, no matter how odd or out of character it may seem. At the end of the day, the person who wins at life is the person who leaves it all on the field. So stop holding back from life because your interests don’t conform to your label. 3. Stick to One Pursuit at a Time  Although it’s important that you have a wide variety of interests and hobbies to pursue, it’s even more important that you understand how to successfully pursue each interest. How do you do this? … One at a time. Although Jeff has a wide variety of achievements and accolades ranging from the transportation business to the music & film industry to consulting and keynote speaking, he didn’t try to accomplish all of these things at once. He devoted himself single-mindedly to each task for a period of 3-5 years. In your own life, you can do anything that you want. But you must learn to focus on only one thing at a time… As the old adage goes, “The fox who chases two rabbits catches none.” Pick one passion, define what constitutes “success” with regards to that passion, pursue it single-mindedly until you achieve your goal an then move on. 4. Eradicate Your Fear of Failure with This Simple Exercise  If you are afraid of failure, then listen up. I’m about to share a fool proof strategy to eradicate your fear and move forward with your life. Are you ready? Then here it is… Anytime you are afraid of failing, dive into your failure. Ask yourself “What will happen if I fail and how can I recover?” For example, if you are considering starting a new business and you fail miserably, what will actually happen? … And more importantly, how can you minimize the damage? If you fail at the entrepreneurial endeavor you can: Move back in with your parents Get a 9-5 corporate job for 6-12 months Save every penny that you can Try again When you break it down, it doesn’t seem so scary, right? The concept of failure is often more terrifying than failure itself. When you look at the reality of your situation, you will quickly realize that you can overcome any setback with relative ease and quickly get back on your feet if things go South. So feel the fear. Figure out your escape plan. And then take action. 5. Begin with the End in Mind  One of the biggest mistakes that most entrepreneurs make is that they begin without a clear end goal in mind. They set all of these wild goals and ambitions but never really know where the path is ultimately going to take them. Before you set out to achieve anything, you need to begin with the end in mind. What counts as success? What counts as failure? What quantifiable metrics can you use to determine whether or not you’ve achieved success? When you have a clear end game in mind, the day to day tasks of pursuing a goal becomes much simpler. You know exactly what you need to do, what you need to avoid, and how you can expedite the path to your goal. Take some time to sit down after listening to this interview and write out answers to the following: What does success look like in my: Relationships Finances Career Personal development Physical health Spirituality When you know exactly what you are trying to get out of life, life has a way of helping you succeed. Begin with the end in mind and your path to success will be far smoother and simpler. 6. Make People Understand Your “Why”  Oftentimes, as men, we get so caught up in our careers and finances that we can neglect important relationships and connections in our life. One of the reasons that this is so easy to do is that we understand the bigger picture and just assume that everyone else in our life understands it as well. We think to ourselves, “I’m working this hard for my family, for my community, and for our future… Surely they understand”. But we never actually take the time to sit the important people down and help them understand why we are pushing so hard. Your wife and kids probably don’t know why you are always at the office. They assume that work is more important than they are and that you’d rather work than spend time with them. Even when this isn’t the case… As such, it’s important that you sell your proverbial “Board of Directors” (the important people in your life) on the “Why” of what you’re doing. Why are you working so hard to build this business or advance your career? Is it to… Retire early Pay for your kid’s college Take your wife on a 3 year round the world trip Get out of debt and have the money to work less than 10 hours a week Enjoy a better quality of life Give back to your community and make a real difference Why are you doing what you’re doing? Once you have the answer for yourself, share it with the important people in your life. More often than not, they will understand and rally to help you. 7. Ideas are Welcomed, Execution is Worshiped  Simply put, ideas are great but execution is where the magic happens. You can think and come up with ideas all day long. But if you don’t get your ass out of the chair and make moves to achieve your goals, you will remain stuck exactly where you are. Execution is everything. Without the grit and determination to take action and make things happen, you will never succeed. Become a master action taker and the world is yours. 8. Your Success is Someone Else’s Miracle  We live in such a guilt ridden society that it can be easy to get trapped in the mindset that success is dirty. … It’s easy to believe that making money is wrong and that you should give away all of your surplus. But this is a false concept. The more successful you are, the more power and influence you can exert to help others. When you have millions of dollars in the bank, it’s much easier to make a difference when disaster strikes. When you have vibrant physical health, it’s much easier to help others overcome their own challenges. When you are successful, you can show up as a miracle in someone else’s life. If you want to make a real difference in the world, then success is your duty and obligation. Forget what you’ve been told… Becoming successful doesn’t make you greedy or power hungry. It gives you the ability to make a difference. 9. What is Enough? In pursuit of any goal, whether its… Financial success Career success Marriage Physical health Travel & Adventure Or fame You must know when enough is enough. When can you call it quits and move on to the next goal or activity? If you don’t have a clear end game in mind, it’s easy to get caught in the comparison trap and waste your life constantly trying to compete with other people and buy the biggest boat, fastest car, or most luxurious mansion in town. Ask yourself… “What do I really need to be happy and feel fulfilled?” There’s no right answer for everyone, but the more clearly you can figure out what you need to be happy, the easier it will be to achieve it. Forget keeping up with the Joneses and showing off on Instagram. Figure out what brings you joy and makes you feel fulfilled and then go achieve it. Next Steps We’re on a mission to impact a million men with powerful life changing content. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends on your preferred social network on the left. I spent a ridiculous amount of time creating this article for you and with your support, we can impact the world together. Do you want my help? Then click here to join my elite community of 800+ high-performing men and get access to powerful coaching to close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be, The Secrets of the Top 1% of Men. Not only will you get tapped into your own “band of brothers”, but you’ll also have access to the best damn content and training available for men as well as weekly group calls with my team of transformative coaches. No whiny boys, complainers or dabblers, for serious men only. If you’re ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your life and become the man you’ve always wanted to be. This is the fastest way to do it.
Jan 1, 2020 • 58min

How Smart People Focus, Create, and Grow Their Way to Success With Dr. Isaiah Hankel

Isaiah Hankel received his doctorate in Anatomy & Cell Biology and is an expert on mental focus, behavioral psychology, and career development. His work has been featured in The Guardian, Fast Company, and Entrepreneur Magazine. Isaiah’s previous book, Black Hole Focus: How Intelligent People Can Create a Powerful Purpose for Their Lives, was published by Wiley & Sons and was selected as Business Book of the Month in the UK and became a business bestseller internationally. Isaiah has delivered corporate presentations to over 20,000 people, including over 300 workshops and keynotes worldwide in the past 5 years. Isaiah grew up working on a sheep farm in the Pacific Northwest of the US before going on to get his doctorate. Isaiah went on to become the founder and CEO of Cheeky Scientist®, a career training company that specializes in helping PhDs transition into corporate careers; he is also the director of Hankel Leadership®. Through these ventures, Isaiah has consulted on career development, employee management, entrepreneurship, focus, and motivation at several Fortune 500 companies. He has been invited to speak at top institutions including Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, Vanderbilt University, University of Chicago, University of Oxford England, the Marie Curie Institute France, and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. You connect with him at his website. Favorite Success Quote “Take responsibility for your own life and never give that responsibility to other people” Key Points 1. Everything Is Your Fault Read that sentence again and internalize it. Everything in your life is your fault. Good. Bad. It doesn’t matter. It’s your fault. And that’s a good thing… If everything is your fault or, should we say, your responsibility, then you have control over everything in your life. When you take 100% responsibility for everything in your life and everything not in your life you are the only one who has the power to change things. Now I don’t know about you… But I would sure as hell prefer taking an uncomfortable amount of responsibility for my results than allowing someone else to determine my levels of achievement and success. Accept that everything is your fault. Unless you internalize this truth you will constantly give you power away and fail to reach the goals you have set. 2. Align Your Values with Your Daily Actions  One of the first steps to achieving the life that you want is defining the values that will drive you towards your dreams. Your values (should) determine how you conduct yourself, how you handle business, and how you treat others. This is not a matter to leave to chance or shirk off with a dismissive “It’s not really that important”. Living a life that is congruent with your values means the difference between living your biggest dreams and ambitions and wallowing away in mediocrity. When you have clearly thought through values that you have defined, written down, and committed to living in your day to day life, every decision becomes easier. You no longer have to debate decisions constantly in your head. You can simply analyze your options, refer back to your values, and make the decision that is most in line with your #1 priority. I challenge you to sit down after this interview has concluded and really think about your values. What do you value? What forces do you want driving and shaping your life? What outcomes are truly important to you and which ones are merely societally incepted b.s. that is incongruent with your deepest identity? When you can answer this question and authentically live it, life and all of the amazing experiences within it, are yours for the taking. 3. Your Most Valuable Asset is Your Mental Energy  People will often (mistakenly) tell you that your most precious resource is your time. They are wrong. Time is NOT your most valuable resource, mental energy is. Let me prove it… Multiple peer-reviewed studies have shown that your mental energy or “Willpower” is a finite resource. Much more finite than the #hustle generation wants to admit. The most commonly referred to research suggests that we only have 90-120 minutes per day of peak mental energy levels. And we only have about 5 hours a day of mental energy levels greater than 80%. Let’s do the math for a moment… If you live in a developed country, you have about 20,000 days or roughly 500,000 hours of life to live after the age of 18. However, of those 500,000 hours, your mental energy levels will only be at optimal  (80%+) levels for 145,000 of them! When you apply the laws of supply and demand you will quickly realize that your mental energy is worth about 300% more than your time! Crazy paradigm shift, huh? So now you understand why mental energy is your most precious resource. The question remains… What do we do about it? If you want to be a high performer then you must learn to work with your biology, not fight it. Dr. Hankel recommends that you shift your work schedule so that you tackle your most important tasks roughly 2-3 hours after waking. This is when your mental energy will peak and this will allow you to allocate your best focus time to important tasks. He further recommends taking frequent breaks throughout the day, working in 50-90 minute chunks, and using mental “Slump time” (typically 2-4 p.m.) to manage your most unimportant or simple tasks. 4. Prioritize Sleep More than You Think that You Should The great hustlers and movers of the world have done us all a disservice. They have glorified an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle that can lead to an early grave. You will often hear “Gurus” telling you to sleep only 4 hours a night, to draw inspiration from your dreams, to push through your exhaustion and just “Do IT!”. But they are all wrong. Unless you are one of the rare individuals with the DEC2 mutation you, quite literally, cannot function at optimal levels on less than 7.5 hours of sleep. (6 is a bare minimum) While you are sleeping your brain restore and repairs itself, allowing you to attack the next day with your mental energy firing on all levels. As we’ve already established, time isn’t your most valuable resource. Mental energy is. This means that the hours you “lose” sleeping you are actually “investing” in restoring your mental energy and operating at the peak capacities of which you are capable. 5. Everyone Should be an Entrepreneur  There is a common misconception that entrepreneurs are born not made. As technology continues to advance and the landscape of the workforce continues to change more and more people are realizing that “Part Time Entrepreneurship” is not only a worthwhile endeavor, it’s downright necessary. Company loyalty and pensions are a thing of the past. This is the era of the freelancer and the side hustler. If you want to “Make It” in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, then you must develop your innate entrepreneurialism and find unique ways to generate income and create freedom in your life. Every single person reading this should keep their day job and start a side hustle. It will give you income, options, and most importantly freedom. You don’t have to be born with special skills and abilities, you simply need to find something that the market needs and provide it in a systematized and automated way.
Dec 30, 2019 • 45min

How to Make the “Impossible” Become Your Reality with Steve Sims

Steve Sims is a kid from London with a knack for networking and an attitude that refuses to believe the word “Impossible”. Founder of the super exclusive, membership only personal concierge service for VIPs and executives seeking the ultimate in unique experiences and travel for themselves and their companies, Steve Sims is an unlikely expert marketer within the luxury industry. But his secret to success is that he’s built a life out of keeping his word, and not taking no for an answer. Profiled and often quoted in international publications including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, London’s Sunday Times, and South China Morning Post, TV and Sims is a sought-after speaker at a variety of prestigious organizations such as the Pentagon and Harvard! Whether you want to sing with your favorite rock star, have lunch with Donald Trump, get married in the Vatican, or dive to the wreck of the Titanic, Steve Sims is the guy who gets to yes when the answer for anyone else would be no. You can connect with him and learn more at Favorite Success Quote “No one ever drowned by falling in the water. They drowned by staying there.” ~Steve’s Father Key Points 1. It’s Not About How You Go Down It’s About How You Get Up  Life is hard. It will kick the crap out of you and leave you on the ground and there is very little you can do to avoid this. So stop trying to fight failure and accept it. You are GOING to fail. You are going to mess up. You are going to make bad decisions. You are going to lose money. You are going to fail at important relationships. You are going to fall down. But that’s not what is important. Everyone in the history of humanity has fallen down. What history cares about, what the marketplace and the “gods” of success care about is how you get up. If you are willing to pick yourself up off the ground, get back up, and start swinging again, life will reward you greatly. If you are willing to push through adversity, smile in the face of failure, and persevere no matter how many times you fall down, you will eventually succeed. Failure is inevitable. It’s what you do after you fail that makes all the difference. 2. People Will Pay to Avoid Rejection and Humiliation  If you are struggling to make ends meet, one of the quickest ways that you can increase your income is by becoming comfortable with rejection and humiliation. People all over the world will pay handsomely to avoid the discomfort of rejection. It’s simply part of human nature. Humiliation and rejection are not pleasurable experiences. But if you can learn to overcome your fear of rejection and humiliation and then leverage that skill to help others, there is no limit to the amount of money and influence you can create. 3. Communication Opens the Doors of Life  The “Secret Sauce” to becoming wildly successful in 2018 and beyond is simple… Master the art of communication. While everyone else stares down at their cell phones, stays addicted to their Crackberries, and struggle to make small talk while they’re in line for a coffee, you can accelerate your success by learning to communicate. Learn how to cut through the bullshit and start interesting conversations. Master the art of building reciprocity. Learn how to persuade people and connect with power players. Master the art of gift giving. Become a master communicator and the world will become your oyster. Our society is slowly but surely losing its ability to connect and collaborate. If you can maintain and improve your ability to network and build authentic relationships, there is no limit to what you can achieve. 4. Be Memorable  The worst crime that you can commit in a social situation is to be boring. The world is filled with boring and uninteresting people. It’s your job to stand out from the crowd, be authentic, and be memorable. This doesn’t mean that you should be an obnoxious clown or some sort of ass hole. It simply means that you must learn how to stand out in people’s minds. Learn how to make people feel special and how to present yourself in a way that is unique and unexpected. If you can successfully position yourself as a memorable and interesting individual you will have an abundance of business opportunities and romantic relationships coming your way. 5. Throw Sh*t at the Wall and See What Sticks  Life is about experimenting. Try out 1,000 things this year until you figure out what you like. Try three new things a day. Talk to as many strangers as you can. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.
Dec 25, 2019 • 40min

How to Live Your Bucket List and Achieve Your Wildest Dreams with Tal Gur

Tal Gur, a blogger, entrepreneur, and devoted adventurer, has spent a decade pursuing 100 major goals around the globe. But his journey had its challenges. Like most people, he faced crippling self-doubt and struggled for a sense of purpose. Behind every difficulty, he discovered a life-changing gift, and now he’s passing what he learned onto others. You can connect with him and learn more at Favorite Success Quote “Happiness before goals” Key Points 1. Put Your Happiness Before Goals Happiness should not be something that we defer until we achieve a specific goal. It should be a state of being that we cultivate every single day. It should be an emotion that we make incredibly easy to achieve. If you are reading this blog right now you have a lot to feel happy about. You have your sight. You have an internet connection and a device that is more powerful than the computers NASA used to put a man on the moon. You have full control of your brain and an ability to comprehend complex ideas and sentences. You have a LOT to be happy about. So act like it. Lower your barrier to happiness. Make a conscious effort to cultivate more happiness in your life by making it stupid simple to feel happy. When you wake up each morning, take a moment to feel happy for the warm sheets and cozy blankets covering your body. When you walk into work (even if you hate it) be happy that you have some sort of employment. When you come home each day, be happy that you have a roof over your head and food in your belly. Be happy now. Because now is all that we have. 2. Fulfillment is Dependent on Direction So often people assume that fulfillment is dependent on achieving some goal or arriving at some arbitrary destination. It’s not. Fulfillment should depend on one thing and one thing only… Direction. Sit down in a quiet place later this week and really ask yourself what direction you want to take your life. Don’t tie this to a specific goal or outcome, simply a direction. Do you want to move in the direction of more physical fitness? Greater financial freedom? More love and abundance? Whatever you decide, write it down and then commit to take three actions each day that move you in that direction. 3. Pain is a Messenger  Most people try to ignore or hide from pain. This is like trying to put a bandaid on cancer. Pain is a messenger. It’s there to tell you that something is broken and you need to fix it. If you have a broken arm, a shot of morphine will numb the pain but it won’t solve the problem. You need to visit a hospital, get a cast, and allow your bones to heal. Pain in your life is the same way. If you are depressed, anxious, or feeling overwhelmed… Good. This is a sign that something in your life isn’t working. And you have the power to fix it. Whenever you experience pain don’t run from it. Feel it. Experience it fully and sit in it for a few hours. Ask yourself, “What is this pain trying to tell me?” Are you in the wrong job or relationship? Struggling to be disciplined with your finances? Overweight and unhealthy? Before you run from the pain always try to uncover why you are experiencing pain in the first place. Because until you solve the root cause of the problem, you will never truly overcome the pain. 4. Focus on Financial Freedom First  People will often begin their journey of self-transformation by trying to fix their relationships, their career, or pursuing more of their passions. In most cases, this approach is completely backward. The first step that you should take to building your dream life and achieving your biggest goals is to achieve financial freedom. Until you have the money to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, everything else should be secondary. Financial freedom will revolutionize every aspect of your life. It will allow you to travel more and pursue your passions with greater ease. It will allow you to have more choices in your relationships and care for the people you love. It will allow you to take care of your body and give yourself the care and attention you truly need. Financial freedom opens the doors of life and allows you to pursue your dreams on your terms. Focus on getting your money right first, and the rest will follow. 5. Pick One Thing and Stick With it to Completion  One of the most powerful ways to improve your quality of life is to master the art of single focusing on a task to completion. Life isn’t short. We make it short by chasing too many goals at once and filling our time with unnecessary garbage. By learning to pick a goal or project and see it through to completion, you will unlock one of the master skills of life and learn that you can accomplish anything you want with the right sequencing and a little perseverence. Pick one goal and stick to it. The benefits will be enormous.
Dec 23, 2019 • 51min

The Misfits Guide to Achieving Massive Success with Hardcore Closer Ryan Stewman

Ryan Stewman is a high-performance sales coach and trainer who went from spending two stints in federal prison to building a multiple seven figure income. He is the author of several best-selling books including Kick-Ass, Bulletproof Business, Elevator to the Top, and Hardcore Closer. You can learn more and connect with Ryan at Favorite Success Quote “You must take action before you can take over.” Key Points 1. Knowledge is Only Power if You Take Action  You often hear the phrase “Knowledge is Power”. This simply isn’t true. In and of itself, knowledge is useless. Knowledge doesn’t do anything. It can’t add money to your bank account. It can’t make you ripped. It can’t help you find the woman of your dreams. It can’t do a damn thing. As the (in)famous entrepreneur and investor Derek Sivers said: If [more]information was the answer we’d all be billionaires with six packs. But we aren’t and it isn’t. Knowledge is only power if it’s applied. It’s only worth a damn if you use it. It only matters when you leverage your knowledge to take massively informed action towards achieving the life of your dreams. 2. Everything But Death is Temporary  Everything in life is temporary. Good and bad. All of the pains, frustrations, and heartaches will eventually end. All of the success that you are enjoying will one day grind to a halt. Everything in your life will end. And this is a beautiful thing. Because life is temporary and fleeting, like the cliche feather in the wind, everything falls into place. When you are struggling you know that your struggles are temporary. When you are at the top, you take the time to savor the moment because you know that it will end. Keep perspective on your life, the good and the bad, by always remembering that “This too shall pass”. 3. Your Past Doesn’t Matter  This year alone, Ryan’s company will generate more multi-millions of dollars in revenue. Which illustrates a very important lesson… Your past doesn’t fucking matter. Who you were yesterday has no bearing on who you are today and Ryan is living proof of this. At 19, Ryan was strung out on every drug that you can imagine and dealing full time to make ends meet. He was eventually busted by the feds and sent to federal prison for several years. When he was released, he dove into the world of sales and eventually, was making so much money in real estate that he was again targeted by the police who thought he was still selling drugs. They raided his house and found zero evidence of any drug possession, use, or trafficking. In order to save face, they arrested for felon possession of a firearm (which resided in a legal grey zone). He was sentenced to prison again except this time, his then-wife stole all of his assets and left him for the man with whom she’d been having an affair. Talk about a mess, right? Upon his second release, Ryan dove into the world of sales again taking special care to keep his nose clean and, in the last two years, has grown his sales coaching business from $0 to multimillions in revenue. If a convicted felon and former junky who lost everything can rise from the ashes and rebuild his life to the top then so can you. So cut the excuses and quit using your past as a crutch. You are capable of achieving anything that you desire. But you have to overcome your excuses and hustle. 4. It’s All Sales  In life and business, you must become a master of sales. I know that the word conjures up images of sleazy used car dealers and snake oil peddlers but let me assure you, everything that you do is sales. Want to meet the woman of your dreams and convince her to marry you? That’s sales. Want to get funding for your new startup? That’s sales. Want to convince your kids that it’s important to read personal growth books and regularly exercise? That’s sales. Want to get your boss to give you a raise or move forward with one of your ideas? You guess it! Sales. Everything that you do is sales or, to put it in less cringy terminology, influence. If you lack this skill then your quality of life and success will suffer. If you can master it then the world is your oyster. 5. Take Massive Action. Fast Although I’ve already mentioned the importance of taking massive action in this article, it’s a point worth repeating. Experience is the best teacher and there is no book or course that can serve as a shortcut for rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. Your goal in business and life should be to acquire the MVIR or ‘minimum viable information required’ to take action on your next step. I’m not recommending that you simply take action without a plan or system to support you. I am saying that you should take action as soon as you have a concrete next step. You know what you need to do to improve your body, boost your income, or improve your love life. So go and do it. Once you’ve taken action, collect the MVIR for the next step and take action again. Information is important. But in a world where more than 2.5 million blog posts are published each day, information can also be a massive obstacle.

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