Nearly a decade has passed since Russia initiated its invasion of Ukraine. This tumultuous period has left a profound mark on Ukrainian society and cultivated a culture of resilience.Gwendolyn Sasse, a nonresident senior fellow at Carnegie Europe, and Yuliya Bidenko, an associate professor of political science at Karazin Kharkiv National University, discuss Ukraine’s recent history, the perseverance of its people, and its hopes for the future.Yuliya Bidenko, “How Ukraine Was Underestimated: Decentralization, EU Integration and Digitalization.” ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, July 14, 2022.Yuliya Bidenko, “(De)Structuring of the Civil Society in the Political Process in Ukraine and Belarus,” in The Nonprofit Sector in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia: Civil Society Advances and Challenges, ed. D.H. Smith, A.V. Moldavanova, and S. Krasynska, (Leiden, Netherlands, and Boston, MA: Brill Publishers, 2018). Gwendolyn Sasse and Alice Lackner, “War and State-Making in Ukraine: Forging a Civic Identity from Below?,”Ideology and Politics 1, no. 12, 2019.Gwendolyn Sasse, “Public Perceptions in Flux: Identities, War, and Transnational Linkages in Ukraine,” June 12, 2018, ZOiS.“What Ukrainians Think About Ukraine’s Movement Towards EU Membership – Survey,” last modified January 10, 2023, New Europe Center.“Social Screening of Ukrainian Society During the Russian Invasion,” last modified October 7, 2022, Gradus.“Results-2022: Under the blue-yellow flag of freedom!,” last modified January 5, 2023, Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation.Sergiy Solodkyy and Gwendolyn Sasse. “The Link Between Decentralization and EU Integration,” New Europe Center and Centre for East European and International Studies.Rosa Balfour and Thomas de Waal, “How Russia Shattered Europe’s Post-Cold War Illusions,” September 14, 2022, Carnegie Europe.Gwendolyn Sasse, “The Risks of Negotiating an End to the War in Ukraine,” December 6, 2022, Carnegie Europe.Gwendolyn Sasse, “Der Krieg Gegen Die Ukraine” (Munich, Germany: C.H. Beck) 2022.