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Intimate Conversations

Latest episodes

Sep 20, 2023 • 1h 1min

Deeper Questions, Deeper Connections with Larry Hagner

Conversations with Larry are instantly deep, vulnerable, poignant, nourishing and real. With 4 boys, a beautiful wife and a full-time business, he's definitely learned to bob and weave and go with the chaos, idiot admits sometimes he resists and has a momentary adult temper tantrum. I got curious about the power he cultivates that allows him to embrace the chaos of his life and even create it knowing it leads to wider evolution and deeper integration. It always comes back to our intimate relationship with ourselves… how can we be there for another if we abandon ourselves?  This ability allows Larry to be the go to man for his friends, kids and beloved to trust they can have psychological safety and be themselves with him.    In this mic drop after mic drop conversation we also discussed...   -How Larry vulnerably describing the reaction of his 5-year-old, awakened tearful compassion for myself and admiration for his tough love to boldly start the Dad Edge Podcast...   -How giving his opinion on how crappy a certain question is, inspired 4 million views and thousands of posts AND resulted in the deepening of countless relationships...    -How circumstances around renewing his vows allowed for his wife to share her point of view, which blasted Larry's heart open even wider, 4 sons in tow watching their parents growing love affair...    -How he loves to inspire men to not only ask more generative intimate questions, but how to implement what they learn in a way that creates deeper intimacy and connection...    How he just signed a new book deal and is in talks with The Today Show, this man is both a life long learner and truly living legendary!      --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register at  As a thank you for listening and following this podcast, use the code READYNOW for a special scholarship just for you.  Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Sep 13, 2023 • 1h 3min

True Power Is In The Unseen with Carissa Johnsen

Oh how I love this woman more and more every time we connect. She's 20 years my junior however she awakens something each time I listen to her. Timeless wisdom. Carissa shared her beautiful journey of having it all yet when asked, What do you do for fun? ...she didn't have an answer. She felt empty, her soul fractaled into pieces so she began a deep healing journey into wholeness and truth discovering what she truly wanted. We agree that true power is in the unseen, as the late Stuart Wilde called silent power. Carissa speaks in poetry and seems to channel such eloquence to express herself while letting herself be moved by my vulnerable shares. We dove deeper with stories of clients and ex lovers speaking of the evolution of soul purpose and true sensual confidence from within.   In this delicious transparent connected episode we also discussed...   How sexual trauma created such a dichotomy between our mind and body about what true healthy sexual attraction was.   How being more fully in our bodies allows us to track energy, connect with our intuition, channel wisdom and be that sacred witness both for ourselves and others.   How she's calling in her divine partner and creating her next iteration of her offerings from such an integrated delicious poetic connected space.   How I asked if she'd please be willing to audio record her incredible poetry and channelings because I believe her voice resonates in multi dimensions and moves me deeply. --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register at  As a thank you for listening and following this podcast, use the code READYNOW for a special scholarship just for you.  Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Sep 6, 2023 • 50min

Candid Confessions: The Power of my Body, Soul & P*ssy

I love the opportunity to do solo podcasts as I see the beauty of my divine path and how everything was indeed designed to grow and evolve me into where I am today.  I went into stories of growing up witnessing benevolent power and the misuse of power. I shared vulnerably of where I misused my own power and how I've also awakened the best in others with it.  I shared of my feminine power, masculine power, and p*ssy power :)  And I tied it in to our soul purpose and sexy confidence to be unapologetically who we are while simultaneously pouring love in as and through us no matter what.  In this delicious conversation I also discussed... -How my equine body-mind spirit facilitator revealed a blind spot and how she supported me in turning it into my sweet spot. -How my latest photo shoot for the new website revealed another blind spot and how he helped me embrace what I'll call my sacred commander.  -How grateful I am for my dance movement teacher,  shaman and PSI facilitators because I'm absolutely confident I wouldn't be as free successful whole confident and surrendered as I am today without all of their support… and we're just getting started baby!  You know if this path intrigues you, inspires you. If you're ready to stop repelling the love intimacy and connection you desire and instead dive into a profound intimate relationship with yourself, your body, and your beloved, it's time for us to connect in an intimacy breakthrough experience call with me personally.  Register at  As a thank you for listening and following this podcast, use the code READYNOW for a special scholarship just for you.  When we do the work to become the one, we not only find the one, we've developed the capacity to awaken the one we're with. The work works and the results are nothing short of deliciously Epic. I look forward to walking with you on this journey. I Love You with all my Heart!  XOX --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people. You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register at  As a thank you for listening and following this podcast, use the code READYNOW for a special scholarship just for you.  Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Aug 30, 2023 • 48min

Client Shane's Story and Healing Tools That Work

Sometimes my life is so delicious that it feels naughty to be having so much fun and calling it work!  But then again I'm creating my life, I'm in charge, I'm the sacred commander of my business and I choose to have epic erotic divine bliss with my clients who I consider to be family! This podcast with my beloved client Shane was so nourishing to me to witness the extraordinary evolution of an already evolved being into even more of her radiance, confidence and receptivity to intimate love at the age of 75 years young.    In this episode we also discussed...   How the work she's done with me has led to deeper conversations and epic revelations with her cherished son.   How she's lost 37 pounds and is wearing a dress from 25 years ago celebrating her 75th birthday with her dearest friends feeling alive, vibrant and grateful.   How her choice to divorce led to a deeper connection with her son's father. How she's more vulnerable and receptive to a richer depth of intimate connection because of the depth of her own self-love and self-worth from doing this work.   How our community is such a joyful safe space to be real, vulnerable, transparent, welcomed in our uniqueness and celebrated in our co- creative glory.   How she just knew she wanted to work together after just 5 minutes of watching me on a podcast and now she's an Allana Pratt Method Coach.   How when something's meant to be and we choose it… that magic beyond our wildest imagination unfolds.   If like Shane, watching this podcast inspires you to take the next step to connect with me personally, let's connect 1 on 1 and an Intimacy Breakthrough Experience Call.    As a thank you for watching and subscribing to this podcast, please use the code READYNOW to receive a scholarship for our discovery call and use the link to register now.   Let's choose that now is the time :) Thank you for the honor of having your back and walking with you, humongous love, Allana  XOX  --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your  Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Aug 23, 2023 • 58min

Sacred Treasures From Tragedy with Petia Kolibova

How amazing that 5 years ago we met at the New Media Summit where I was honored to be an Icon of Influence. She had begun dating Chris Burns and now they are married and she's 8 months pregnant!  I knew I wanted to speak with Petia about self-love, self-forgiveness and self-worth, yet right out of the gate she shared how this is her second pregnancy, that she lost the first who were twins. We dove deep into the grief of miscarriages and how she bravely healed her pain and guilt.   In this woman to woman conversation we also discussed...    -How she knew he was the one and the powerful communication techniques that keep her and her husband growing closer.    -How she asks brave questions such as, what makes you want to pull away? Or delicious questions such as, what brings me into my softness?    -The authentic journey of self-worth, self-forgiveness and being willing to fall madly in love with herself living alone, awakened her inner core values attracted an aligned man.     -And the magic of my hypnobirthing experience giving her exactly the lift of hope she needed to know her upcoming birth can be ease filled and graceful.  --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people. You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one-time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your  Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Aug 16, 2023 • 1h 4min

Your Voice, The Song of Your Soul with Stewart Pearce

I'm still a little stunned, in the most exquisitely expansively delicious way.    Stewart is magic. The way he spoke of growing up with his gifts was remarkably aligned to my own son's. His mom saw him. I saw my son.    Stewart's response to the challenges in his life by being still… well actually by being mute for a few years until he started to hum, then sing in the choir and then become am amazing Actor, then the Voice coach to Margaret Thatcher and Lady Diana among others, and an Emissary to 12 Archangels from Atlantis...    I know right? He's an extraordinary being. The resonance in his voice is inspiring, his humor delightful, his humility beautiful, his embodied wisdom like a home coming. And he saw me, which touched me very deeply.    In this other worldly conversation, we also discussed...   -His latest work, Diana the Voice of Change which became an Amazon best seller which I encourage you to get both in written an audio form!   -The Magnetic Voice Academy, so you can harmonize your authentic power and magnetism through the intrinsic power of your voice.   -The ancestral lineage reason why I feel so connected to Egypt and Lady Di, a confirmation of my work here on the planet, an exquisite transmission for which I am so grateful.   --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your  Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Aug 9, 2023 • 49min

Soulful Mama's Truth & Transcendence with Kelli Moore

Something really sacredly spooky happens when I speak with the extraordinary Kelli Moore. First, she was unapologetically beautifully breastfeeding during the 1st half of the Podcast. Second, it's almost like I'm looking at myself 20 years ago, her mother just passing and her becoming a mother. Those moments rocking our children in the middle of the night, full circle experiences with our mothers. And when Kelli reveals courageous stories and transparent truths, she effortlessly shines a light on my blind spots every time we connect. She's healing four generations of women with her bravery choosing to be free and setting her 4-month-old daughter free, no more codependency. No more having the source of our happiness or worth be our children. All the while simultaneously knowing that I am you, you are me, and we are one... and we are free.    In this transparent connection we also discussed...   -While grateful for her upbringing and success, how a distinct comment about her dress began the birthing of her true identity and life.    -How compassion for self and others evens the playing field because we never know what's going on behind the scenes of someone's Instagram feed    -How embracing her bi-sexuality allowed her to meet and integrate the wholeness of her being and express the love, care and unabashed impact she's here to make on the planet empowering women.   -And she successfully navigated breastfeeding, passing off Ro to the nanny, receiving the sleep monitor, then receiving Ro back again who didn't want to sleep... All while on camera.  Unapologetic intimacy at its best.    --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your  Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Aug 2, 2023 • 47min

Candid Confessions: Heroically Humbled and Happy Being ME.

Vulnerability is like peeling an onion, sharing stories of how self forgiveness awakened self-worth so that self-love flowed through my being. I told of when I was 13 coming home from a student trip to the Mediterranean with presents for everyone but nothing for myself.  I told of bat shit crazy negotiations with my second husband based on fear of his wrath. I told of stories as recently as a few days ago being lifted into possibility by my girlfriend's helping shift my point of view around the state of my restructured business.  And I shared the joy that my self love is at an all time high given the power of the psychedelic somatic integration work added to my 20 years of quantum psychology spiritual technology work as an intimacy expert.  Damn I'm humbled, grateful and so alive. In this solo episode I also shared... How we're ascending from being selfish or selfless into self-FIRST-ness, a term I learned by reading the book 5D human by Andie SantoPietro. How integrating the wounds around the criminal assault will energetically pave the way for Justice to prevail. How my equine body-mind-spirit facilitator helped me to stop apologizing for my existence, take up space, and pour mercy into my heart. How my capacity has deepened to set people free in my VIP psychedelic somatic integration work so they can stop repelling the love, intimacy and connection they deserve. If you're ready to trust yourself, live without apology, splay your heart wide open, follow its truth and be free... Then let's connect for an Intimacy Breakthrough Experience. Register at: Enjoy saving by using the Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your  Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Jul 26, 2023 • 1h 3min

Client Melissa's Story and Healing Tools That Work

What a delicious treat to share with you an epic journey that is only halfway through her year with me!  Already she has let go of a toxic relationship and job, met her beloved (date #68) who is now officially her boyfriend!, her body that was collapsing in 3 hour adrenal fatigue is now vibrantly on the mend AND financially we got her through the block that she 'can't provide for herself' and now she has manifested corporate clients that want her back, an upcoming group membership and a her first retreat in Costa Rica! The work works people, and she is the embodied truth of it :)    In this massively inspiring conversation, we also discussed...   -When you are already a healer and facilitator, it takes a high level of trust, courage and humility to surrender into doing the work with me. I will tell it to you straight, have your back and assist your highest ascension and alignment.   -How even if you know something with your divine mind or consents truth with your intuition, if your body is still storing unintegrated trauma, you will always sabotage your best efforts    -How she had written her manifestation list of her beloved and had 67 dates before she started working with me, and how tiny hinges swing big doors when you go right to the core of the wounds that need integrating... Number 68 was the one! They are so adorable together!!!   -How we're ascending from 'me' to 'we'… how Melissa was so supportive of me with staying at her beautiful home and attending her fabulous breathwork class as I drove from Wyoming for North Carolina, providing such an extraordinary space of healing and integration for my highest embodiment.    --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people.You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your  Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra
Jul 19, 2023 • 52min

From Abandoned to Heart-Open Hot Mama with Gabrielle Stone

I can totally tell when someone is talking to talk but hasn't walked the walk. Gabrielle Stone is the real thing. She's fucking hysterical, totally gorgeous (even though I totally get she feels like a whale so far along in her pregnancy-been there xox) AND this woman has done the work and continues to.  She's a delicious blend of grounded practical reality meets woo woo and magic.  And I'm completely convinced she's married to such a great man because he's an external reflection of her internal healthy intimate relationship with herself.    In this exquisite conversation we also discussed...   How, after her first book Eat, Pray, #FML, her readers demanded more even though she was still a work in progress writing the sequel, The Ridiculous Misadventures of a Single Girl.    How the wound of finding her father dead at age 7 created the belief, When I love someone, they die... and how she healed that wound, found wholeness and attracted healthy love    How finding out about her ex-husband's affair and then falling for another man who abandoned her, invited her to turn devastation into Divine empowerment... and that you can too.  --------------------------------- p.s. Take my complimentary intimacy blind spot quiz: This assessment has been carefully designed to discover the areas that may be stopping you from attracting or keeping a healthy intimate relationship. ❤️ Schedule your intimacy breakthrough call with me today! The Intimacy Discovery Call goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deep connection, fulfilling sex, and heart-centered intimacy. It’s a one-hour deep dive that sheds a light on the blind spot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You will feel safe, seen, and understood as you move from confused to more clarity, insecure to more confident, disheartened to hopeful. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you will be one solid step closer to having the thriving relationship you desire, feeling certain you can fully break through your blocks and finally clear on your path to reach your relationship goals. The Magic Mind team created a super offer for me to share with you delicious people. You get up to 50% off your first subscription or 20% off your one time purchase with my code INTIMATE. You can get it at, and redeem the discount code INTIMATE. 👉🏼 Sign up for my Complimentary Mini-Course that reveals relationship hacks. Discover the TOP 5 Mistakes that destroy a conscious relationship. Register for a VIP Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with Allana here: Enjoy savings with your Intimate Conversations Podcast Scholarship Code: INTIMATE Featuring music by: Podcast Pop Intro - written by 331Music Chasing the Sunshine - written by pinkzebra

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