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Jan 10, 2022 • 52min

How to use human design to discover your unique flavour of magic - Rebecca Freeman

This week's show is with Rebecca Freeman. Rebecca is a feminine led channel in service to Permission, Magic and Highest Alignment. Using the energetic technology of Human Design, her shamanic gifts and ability to receive visions and messages, Rebecca activates women around the globe into transformative shifts that ripple through time and space. In this show, Rebecca and Lian spoke about the magic of Human Design, some of the attributes of different types and centres, and finally how there are no "shoulds" rather its permission to play fully as yourself in the world. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Human Design is the Science of Differentiation but I love how Rebecca describes it as a tool of magic that tells you what your own personal flavor of magic is. The five types are Generators, Manifesting Generators, Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors - each is a description of our specific auric field - what our energy is geared towards, these types work in conjunction with other aspects of our charts. The real take-away for me is that Human Design is permission-giving rather than restricting - it's permission for you to play as you in the world. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Human Design free chart Human Design offerings, STARDUST and FRACTAL container information are available at Follow Rebecca on Instagram: @rebeccakatefreeman Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Jan 8, 2022 • 53min

How to harness the powerful and practical tool of your intuition - Chris Lüttichau

This week's show is with Chris Lüttichau. Chris is the founder of Northern Drum Shamanic Centre, a UK-based educational organisation offering a renewed perspective on traditional shamanic and medicine teachings, and a safe grounding from which to learn them established in 1998. He is the keeper of an integral body of teachings that he shares in workshops and ongoing training groups. The teachings cover a broad range of topics from healing and the art of dreaming to spirit contact and the way of the council. Chris is the author of the critically acclaimed book on shamanism 'Calling Us Home – Find Your Path, Your Balance and Your Inner Strength' published in 2017 and 'Animal Spirit Guides: Discover your Power Animal and the Shamanic Path' published 2009. He is an international teacher, and has appeared on TV on BBC 1, and in Denmark on TV2, and has given radio interviews in the USA, Canada, and the UK. In this show, Chris and Lian spoke about intuition and clairvoyance from a shamanic perspective. They explored how it's actually a practical tool that's been vital for human wellbeing, even survival, the difference between intuition and instinct, and finally how you can tune into your intuition and make use of it in your life. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Intuition is a practical tool for survival in indigenous cultures and especially for the shamans - it's not a new age-y nice-to-have! The difference between instinct and intuition is that instinct is sourced in the lizard brain - it's focused on the now, whereas intuition is from the soul and is accessed through the heart and 3rd eye. Intuition can be both spontaneous and also something we can proactively choose to listen to Learn how intuition speaks to you, find someone to learn from, buddy up, play with ways to tune into it - for example, asking yourself "What's around the next corner?" Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Northern Drum Shamanic Centre Chris Lüttichau Books: Calling Us Home – Find Your Path, Your Balance and Your Inner Strength Animal Spirit Guides: Discover your Power Animal and the Shamanic Path  Chris Lüttichau Facebook accounts: Chris Lüttichau Northern Drum Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Dec 20, 2021 • 46min

The gift of channeling and why you might have it (even if you don't think you do) - Dr. Helané Wahbeh

This week's show is with Dr. Helané Wahbeh. Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR, is the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Wahbeh is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician and research trained with a Master of Clinical Research and two post-doctoral research fellowships. Recently named President of the Parapsychological Association, she has published on and spoken internationally about her studies on complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, extended human capacities, stress, posttraumatic stress disorder, and their relationships to physiology, health, and healing. Dr. Wahbeh is especially known for her research around — and noetic approach to — channeling. She is the author of some 90+ peer-reviewed publications, the new book The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and the Force That Connects Us All and Free To Be Me: A Journey of Transformation through Generational Healing. In this show, Helané and Lian spoke about Helane's personal experience and deep work on the science of channeling, which is actually an entire spectrum ranging from intuition to trance chanelling. This was an incredible show - Lian experienced goose bumps aplenty, which turns out to be an one of the signs of an "embodied channeller" and is an indication of truth being spoken! I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Channeling seems actually not to be a rare experience but is one that is shared by most humans - which suggests we are far more than we believe. Research into forms of channeling shows that there's something going on that can not be explained by materialist views on the world - whether it's a higher self or something else that's being channeled, information and energy is indeed coming through As Helene said - even if we don't yet have the tools to know what exactly is being channeled or how, wouldn't it make sense to make use of the wonderful gifts that come from it? Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Institute of Noetic Sciences Research Free To Be Me: A Journey of Transformation through Generational Healing The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and the Force That Connects Us All Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Dec 14, 2021 • 42min

Why the archetype of the childless woman is powerful for us all - Jody Day

This week's show is with Jody Day. Jody, known as the ‘voice of the childless generation’ and less often but more memorably as ‘The Beyonce of childlessness’, is a 57-year-old psychotherapist, an author and the founder of Gateway Women (GW). Gateway Women is a global friendship and support network for childless women established since 2011 which have been featured have been featured regularly in the UK press and internationally such as France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Australia and NZ. She is the author of the famous book ‘Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Future Without Children' which just released a fully updated 2nd ed. last year, published by Bluebird/PanMacmillan UK and with 50 prestigious endorsements including The British Medical Journal. Aside from being a TEDx speaker, a global thought leader on female involuntary childlessness and a social entrepreneur, Jody was chosen by the BBC to be one of 100 Women to celebrate 100 Years of Feminism. She is a founding and former board member at Ageing Well Without Children, a former Fellow in Social Innovation at Cambridge Judge Business School, a World Childless Week Ambassador and also a PLICA (Australia) Ambassador. This year, Jody she was chosen as one of Digital Women’s 40 Women to Watch and was nominated by the UK organisation Digital Women as a finalist as a ‘Digital Role Models’. A life-long Londoner, she is now a ‘blow-in’ in rural Ireland where she is working on a novel and her new Conscious Childless Elderwomen project for Gateway Women. In this show, Jody and Lian spoke about the archetype of the childfree and childless woman, why this archetype is so dismissed and demonised, the hidden Feminine power held there that's actually available to all women - and is the medicine the planet needs right now.  I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Jody's explanation of grief of the childless woman and how unseen it is, really hit me - grief is a potent alchemical force, already so misunderstood in our culture, and even more in this area - and one that affects so many in our world. The archetype of the childless or childfree woman is so often seen only through the lens of the shadow, when we look at the light aspects of her, we see an incredible power that can be reclaimed for her good but also for the good of all of us - this is wisdom, love, energy that is so needed right now. I so agree with Jody that it's our lack of understanding and fear of differences that are at the heart of so many of the issues in our culture - with love and willingness to understand the experiences of others that we can begin to bridge that gap. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Gateway Women Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Future Without Children Jody Day's social media account you might want to check out Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn   Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Dec 8, 2021 • 1h 8min

What it means to embody the Feminine. And why it's so powerful. - Lian Brook-Tyler

This week’s show is Lian’s All The Everything where she jams on an eclectic mix of topics, including questions from listeners. The LIVE making of the show is recorded in our Facebook group and for the first 30mins before Lian hits the record button you are invited to a pre-show party to get up close and personal with Lian and have your questions on the month’s topic answered. To receive a reminder of when the pre-show party and LIVE making of All The Everything is happening, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list and are a member of the Facebook group. In this episode, Lian dived deep into the topic: What it means to embody the Feminine. And why it's so powerful.   Resources and stuff that I spoke about: Waking The Wild Medicine The Primal Happiness fb group Go deeper Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan  
Nov 29, 2021 • 57min

How to co-create your life with fate, free will and randomness - Misha Tuesday

This week's show is with Misha Tuesday. Misha is an award-winning performer, an Ignite speaker, professional hypnotist, the founder of Hyno-Energize, and the creator of Active Tarot. He is a regular presenter at Hynothoughts Live, the world's largest hypnosis conference. He was born and raised in a haunted farmhouse in Pennsylvania, learned to read Tarot as a child, was initiated into Shamanism at 18 and studied hypnosis with world-famous Canadian hypnotist Mike Mandel. Misha has brought his unique presentations to universities, media organizations, Fortune 500 companies across United states and Canada. He currently lives in Michigan with his wife and two daughters. In this show, Misha and Lian spoke about all kinds of things! Fate, free will and randomness, living in a magical universe, and finally, we invited you, the listener, into taking the Mystic Challenge yourself! I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Task: 10 of wands: passion and creativity. End of a cycle of something you've been creating. Person/co-conspirator: Princess of Cups: water, open, love, friendship, youthful energy, fresh outlook, mentee rather than mentor - perhaps someone you could hand over to. Theme: Hierophant: keeper of wisdom and tradition, philosophy, values, the meaning of life. Passing on the tradition. Write 6 prompts for positive action, making three of them things that are outside your comfort zone, - 1 per each side of the die. Commit before rolling that you will take action. Take action in 6 days and then let us know the results! Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Misha Tuesday's Official Website: Misha Tuesday The Mystic Hypnotist Misha Tuesday's Social Media Links: Facebook: The Mystic Hypnotist Instagram: @themystichypnotist Twitter: @mishatuesday Youtube Channel: Misha Tuesday Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Nov 21, 2021 • 51min

Harness the powerful alchemy of your creativity from sovereignty - Marisa Goudy

This week's show is with Marisa Goudy. Marisa is an author, a word witch, a story healer, an intuitive tarot reader, a writing coach, and an energy healer who helps folks discover, embody, and tell their own Sovereign stories. In her book, The Sovereignty Knot: A Woman’s Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic, Marisa combines her passion for Celtic goddess and Irish myth with her feminist vision of creating an equitable world that is more beautiful, bearable, and bold. Marisa is the founder of the online writers’ community, the Sovereign Writers’ Knot, and creator of the 7 Magic Words Project. She works with writers, creative entrepreneurs, and wisdom seekers who are on a quest to reconnect to their magic, their purpose, and their voice. Everything Marisa does is grounded in the mix of the magical and the practical as she helps people bring more healing, creativity, connection, sovereignty, and love to their lives. In this show, Marisa and Lian spoke about the alchemy of Sovereignty and creativity, the archetypal lens we share on Sovereignty, how we can be compelled to create lives that are not really for us, and how we can navigate and create from Sovereignty instead. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: I love how Marisa spoke to Sovereignty right at the beginning: sovereignty is tending to ourselves so that we can tend to others, tend to the collective. There's such a helpful knowing there in that by living in a way that can seem selfish, it's actually anything but. Sovereign creativity requires discernment - to be guided by a deeper knowing of what's right for us rather than the shoulds and what's seemingly perfect - but perfect for someone else Lastly, sometimes compromise is what's called for, however being Sovereign is about living and creating in a way that's aligned to our souls rather than a life of compromise. Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Check her official website: and sign up for the Magic Words Challenge, the 7 day project that inspires your creativity and transform the words you use to describe your life and work. The Sovereign Writers' Knot Get your copy of The Sovereignty Knot: The Sovereignty Knot: A Woman's Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic (USA) The Sovereignty Knot: A Woman's Way to Freedom, Power, Love, and Magic (UK) Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Nov 16, 2021 • 1h 6min

Cultivating energy: The way to be your full expression in the world - Lian Brook-Tyler

This week’s show is Lian’s All The Everything where she jams on an eclectic mix of topics, including questions from listeners. The LIVE making of the show is recorded in our Facebook group and for the first 30mins before Lian hits the record button you are invited to a pre-show party to get up close and personal with Lian and have your questions on the month’s topic answered. To receive a reminder of when the pre-show party and LIVE making of All The Everything is happening, make sure you’re subscribed to our email list and are a member of the Facebook group. In this episode, Lian  dived deep into the topic: Cultivating energy: The way to be your full expression in the world   Resources and stuff that I spoke about: Waking The Wild Medicine The Primal Happiness fb group Go deeper Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Nov 4, 2021 • 54min

How you can identify and become a channel for your soul gifts - Mellissa Seaman

This week's show is with Mellissa Seaman. Mellissa Seaman was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius - to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling. In this show, Mellissa and Lian spoke about Mellissa's amazing story of becoming a channel of her soul gifts, how and why it happened, the work she now does with others so that they can channel their genius and finally, we talked about the five different types of soul gifts we can have. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: Mellissa's incredible story of coming into her soul gifts so powerfully has aspects that are helpful for all of us - what really stood out to me was the portals that open at birth and death, and the way she's trusted what was coming through her and allowed it to bloom in her life I loved what Mellissa said about it's time for us to bring business and spirit together, it's time for us to value spirit The five types of Soul Gifts Mellissa mentioned were: Creator, Messenger, Transmitter, Explorer, Researcher. Initially on the recording she said I was a Messenger first and also a bit of a Transmitter, after we finished recording she then said "...actually, I'm pretty sure you're more a Transmitter." I took the quiz after we spoke and I am indeed a Transmitter! Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Take the soul gift quiz: What is your Soul Gift? Channel Your Genius podcast Follow Mellissa Seaman in her Instagram: @mellissasea  Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan
Oct 26, 2021 • 51min

How to know when you're on the Victim Triangle and enter Observer Consciousness - Lynne Forrest

This week's show is with Lynne Forrest. Lynne is regarded as a non-traditional psychotherapist who has been in private practice for over twenty-five years, is widely known as a Reality Guide and Personal Growth Mentor for her empathy, compassion and her no-nonsense approach in dealing with life issues. She uses ancient spiritual principles to help those who struggle to find their way into right alignment with themselves and their life purpose. Her original work in recognizing victim consciousness as a widespread epidemic with its own set of definable and recognizable characteristics has revolutionized her approach with clients and transformed the lives of many. She has developed a unique understanding of how the mind works and ways to liberate it from the throes of what she calls the “victim mind.” Lynne came up through the ranks of experiential learning rather than the more traditional academic route and has sought and found practical ways of applying those principles for immediate positive change. She out in the mental health field in the early seventies, hired and trained by an HMO (health maintenance organization) in social work and mental health. She has been in the field of personal growth ever since - moving to the addictions field in the early eighties after successfully transforming her own addictive lifestyle into a more creative and productive one. Lynne has run her own private practice since 1985. As a perpetual student of life and consciousness, Lynne has devoted herself to studying with masters of various disciplines. Her first teacher was her mother, Estelle Sanford, a student of metaphysics, who was herself an intuitive that drew upon her inner knowing for wisdom and spiritual truths. In this show, Lynne and Lian spoke about the Victim Triangle (based on the Drama Triangle created by Dr. Stephen Karpman), how this is about ancient human stories and archetypes, and how we can move into observer consciousness. I’d love to know what YOU think about this week's show. Let’s carry on the conversation…  please leave a comment below. What you'll learn from this episode: The archetypes on the Victim Triangle are defense strategies that we take on out of a core belief about who we are in world, who we are in our family, who we are as an identity that we take on, based on the feedback we're getting from the world around us As we become aware of and begin to consciously participate in the story we've been living, we can actually use the same archetypes that were using to keep us in it to now begin to liberate ourselves: spotting when we're being the Victim and projecting the Persecutor on someone else As we move more into what Lynne calls Observer Consciousness and we call Sovereignty we are able to watch the Victim Triangle stories play out within us and others, without being compelled to move into the Persecutor to make ourselves or them wrong for living what is a deeply human story Resources and stuff that we spoke about: Official Website: Lynne Forrest – Transforming Victim Consciousness Reality Formula Live ( Lynne Forrest's Book: The Book: Life Beyond Victim Consciousness Faces of Victim article: The Three Faces of Victim – An Overview of the Victim Triangle – Lynne Forrest Guiding Principles Vs. Victim Perspective Thank you for listening! There’s fresh episode each week, if you subscribe then you’ll get each new episode delivered to your phone every Tuesday (that way you’ll never miss an episode): Subscribe on Apple Podcasts/iTunes Subscribe on Android Thank you! Lian & Jonathan

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