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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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Nov 3, 2020 • 53min

Creating Your Morning Ritual | Ep 123

Feeling overwhelmed with life’s “not-knowingness” lately? You’re not alone. It seems that emotions are really tough right now. Between the pandemic, the election (that this episode is being released on election day is not lost on me), last minute changes with school, work and other plans - we’ve got lots going on and pulls in many different directions.With all this, it feels like an especially good time to talk about how to establish a grounded, sacred space for yourself. This episode is all about how to create a morning ritual that you’re drawn to and is meaningful to you. I’ll unpack what my 3 day panic attack taught me, how to create and take up space for yourself and why it’s so important to commit to yourself, even if just for a few moments, each day.In this episode:-Why my new office set up is relevant to the importance of creating a ritual for myself, and why nutrition and food are not the only pieces of the health puzzle [1:16]-The reclamation of “witchy” and a nod to the women before our time [4:48]-Why now is as good a time as any to start creating space for yourself [7:00]-How my morning ritual started [8:44]-A rousing explanation of what a morning ritual is NOT [10:03]-Why there is such a need for a morning ritual, and how I came back to mine after a brief hiatus [12:40]-What a morning ritual is all about and how it can not only dictate the outcome of your day, but also the income of your business [19:50]-How giving myself sacred space has allowed for big transitions in my life and business [22:45]-The “kiss of death” for doing anything, and why no one is going to swoop in and save time for you [25:23]-Why tending to your partner’s sacred needs is also important to tending to yours [29:15]-How not asking for permission to take care of your needs helps your internal perspective to shift [30:23]-Creating your space, staking your claim and why this can be especially tricky for women [33:00]-How setting and keeping boundaries can allow you to show up in a bigger way [36:50]-How to make your sacred space “yours” [39:24]-What to do once you’ve created the time and space [41:40]-Reminder of what a morning ritual is NOT, and things I often incorporate during this pause [44:28]-Specifics on activities I do [46:15]-Move the body, still the brain: tips for an overactive or scattered mind [49:09] Resources mentioned:FREE Meditations:, Kittery, ME 77: Opting out of diet culture and cultivating self trust Rebels Oracle Deck and Ancestors Oracle Deck Ritual Candle for the Wild Soul podcast Hormone Revival Erin on Insta**Did you start a morning ritual? Share on IG and tag me, I’d love to see how you’re creating your own sacred space!!**
Oct 27, 2020 • 57min

The Gut-Skin Connection - Leaky Gut,Rosacea, Acne, Eczema, Keratosis Pilaris & Psoriasis | Ep 122

Today I’m picking up where we left off on the Gut-Skin Connection. If you missed part one, be sure to check that out! Last week I talked about how the gut and skin are linked, the different mechanisms that link them and why a healthy diet for your gut is also a healthy diet for your skin.This week I continue the conversation and discuss leaky gut, specific skin conditions, how they often manifest and important things to consider for them.This episode is definitely for you or someone you know if you’ve been suffering from a common skin condition like rosacea, acne, eczema, keratosis pilaris or psoriasis. I also talk about histamines and candida, and weave information throughout this episode that’s really important to hear from a holistic perspective.In this episode:-Short recap of last week’s episode [1:40]-Leaky Gut: in a nutshell [6:09]-Symptoms of leaky gut, and how it can lead to inflammation anywhere in the body [8:36]-How to test if you have leaky gut [10:02]-Getting to the root of a leaky gut & how to heal it [13:19]-Rosacea and the common underlying gut problem often associated with it [20:20]-Acne: why it’s an inflammatory disease and the massive contributors to it (food & otherwise) [23:50]-Breaking down the specific ways specific hormones contribute to acne [27:50]-Eczema/atopic dermatitis and the two biggest contributing culprits [34:20]-The caveat with elimination style diets and eczema, and instances where I DO NOT recommend this as a way to suss out food sensitivities pertaining to skin problems [35:26]-Food sensitivity testing for eczema [38:41]-Why you can’t out-diet a gut infection [39:30]-How histamine intolerance plays into various skin conditions, and symptoms to watch out for [41:26]-Ways our guts are exposed to histamines, and how this can sometimes cause our “histamine bucket” to overflow [43:27]-Things that contribute to histamine sensitivity, and what you can do if you have histamine intolerance [45:28]-How candida is connected to histamines, eczema and other skin problems, why it can get activated and how it proliferates [49:22]-Keratosis Pilaris aka “chicken skin” and the most common driver of this condition [51:01]-Psoriasis and why treatment is really about immune stabilization vs. how to treat the skin [53:21]-How using an infrared sauna may help with skin issues like acne, fine lines, psoriasis or eczema [54:46]-Sneak peek for The Gut-Skin Connection, Part 3: the final frontier [55:36]Resources mentioned: Organifi - enter code FUNK for 15% off! Digestive Guide Zoomer - Food Testing The Role of Inflammation in the Pathology of Acne regulation of sebocytes – a pathogenetic link between stress and acne of foods cross-reacting with pollen Episode 67: Tips for Coping with an Autoimmune Flare Up Read: to Test for Autoimmune Triggers & Root Cause Erin on Insta Skin to Achieve - move the needle on skin/acne Compatibility: if you know you have high blood sugars (dial in macros a bit more) Hormone Revival™***Questions about histamines & histamine issues? Send them to for an upcoming episode!***
Oct 20, 2020 • 52min

The Gut-Skin Connection | Ep 121

Today I’m kicking off part one of a two-part series on the connection between gut health and skin health.Many of you already know that your skin is your largest organ, but we often forget that addressing skin conditions often requires us to go beyond topical solutions. Conventional/allopathic medicine tends to focus on the organ in question. For skin issues, the "solutions" are always skin-focused with treatments like dermatology, steroids, cortisone creams, Acutane, etc.⁣ They work from the outside.The truth of the matter is that skin is almost always an inside job. Sometimes it's hormones. Sometimes it's overburdened detoxification pathways. Often it's gut-related. Functional medicine likes to take a step back and ask, what's driving the imbalance? What are the triggers? Where did it start? How can we address the root so the organ can self-heal?⁣ These are the questions I ask in my practice, and how I attempt to address skin issues from the inside-out.This episode is all about the connection between gut health and skin health. I go into detail about these connections and explore how what we put IN our bodies can affect how we look and feel OUTside our bodies.In this episode:-Why sound byte nutrition does us a huge disservice [1:34]-New registration dates for Erin Holt Health programs [6:48]-Big (and little) shifts that are happening on the pod [8:11]-Business transparency, back end decisions, sponsorships and my continued commitment to YOU, the listener [11:16]-Why skin is an inside job [14:19]-Gut/skin/inflammatory issues: decoding the chicken/egg situation, and the valuable role functional testing plays with this [16:54]-Your skin, your gut and the unique connection they share [19:50]-Turmeric, curcumin and the therapeutic effect they have on the skin [22:55]-Nutrients the skin loves [25:14]-The specific way skin conditions are tied to gut health [27:54]-The first step to take in healing your skin [30:24]-How identifying food sensitivities can help your skin [33:52]-The drawbacks to elimination-style diets [35:52]Resources mentioned:Organifi Gold powder (enter code FUNK at checkout for 15% off!)’s Online Dispensary DIGESTIVE GUIDE to Achieve Compatibility Project Hormone Revival Wellness Food Sensitivity Testing How to Heal Your Dry Skin Gut Microbiome as a Major Regulator of the Gut-Skin Axis: Erin on Insta Skin & Personal Care
Oct 13, 2020 • 43min

Wonky Periods & PCOS: Melissa Lee Shares Her Journey & Experience | Ep 120

In this episode I get back to the basics with health coach Melissa Lee on periods, PCOS and hormonal birth control. This episode is for you - or perhaps for your sister or daughter - if you’ve been considering starting hormonal birth control due to wonky period issues. Melissa shares her own experience with PCOS and birth control, how she transitioned off the pill and how she’s helped herself and other women regain hormonal balance by applying foundational food and lifestyle principles.Melissa is a health coach who supports ladies with hormonal imbalances, including PCOS. She uses both her own experience living with PCOS and the creation of a natural healing toolkit to help her clients improve their symptoms through natural means. Melissa works with clients remotely and creates an engaging community in her FB group, Find Natural Ways to Balance Hormones with NourishMel.In this episode:-The 80/20 rule, and why the basics are the biggest needle movers [2:07]-Melissa’s journey with PCOS and hormonal birth control [8:10]-Effects of the birth control pill [15:16]-Important nutrients and lifestyle considerations for period maintenance, or when someone considers coming off the pill [17:49]-The misconception surrounding your period while on the birth control pill [21:09]-Why carbohydrates are needed for a period [23:22]-The message your painful period is telling you, and the foods/nutrients that can help it [29:42]-Foods and herbs that help with hormonal acne [36:24]-Impact of xenoestrogens on periods [38:14]-The role of detoxification in alleviating acne [39:36]Resources mentioned:Natural Ways to Balance Hormones with NourishMel Hormone Revival Gold powder (enter code FUNK for 15% off!) Erin on Insta Melissa on Insta
Oct 1, 2020 • 50min

Building a Healthy Child with Dr. Melina Roberts | Ep 119

If you have kids, you probably know just how hard it is to keep them and their surroundings clean. Attempts to completely sterilize our outer environment is an inherently futile goal; microbes and pathogens have always been present and will always be present. As parents we worry about kids catching viruses or other pathogens, and in COVID times, this worry has ramped up cleaning efforts to a critical level. We’ve seen that even with our best efforts and precautions, we can’t completely avoid pathogens or viruses. So, what do we do?In this episode I chat with Naturopath Dr. Melina Roberts about what it takes to build a robust immune system for our kids. It’s an important and relevant conversation that can also be applied to humans of all ages. We discuss how efforts in our outer environment can benefit (or hinder) us, and how getting to the root of robust health actually requires focus on our inner environment.Dr. Melina Roberts is a Naturopathic Doctor, Author of Building a Healthy Child and Founder of Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre in Calgary. She is recognized as one of the top Biological Medicine practitioners in North America and is a lecturer for the Paracelsus Academy. She is a leading authority in the field of naturopathic medicine specializing in Biological Medicine effectively treating digestive issues, chronic disease and cancer. Dr. Roberts is a graduate of the University of Waterloo and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. She did a two year post-graduate study in Biological Medicine with Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland. She was also selected to be a TEDx speaker for 2020.In this episode:-Erin’s philosophy on food [1:36]-Often overlooked symptoms of dairy sensitivity [5:45]-The key component to boosting our immune system [11:52]-What is the microbiome and how it relates to our immunity [14:08]-Circumstances that activate our immune system from foods we eat, and how this manifests as various symptoms or even disease [16:06]-Our obsession with cleanliness and sterilization, a weakened microbiome and the compounding toll this can have on our immune system over time [19:06]-The role pesticides, herbicides and insecticides play in our gut [23:33]-The potential impact of antibacterial hand sanitizer on your gut [28:38]-The three big factors that can move the needle in terms of addressing a leaky gut and rebuilding a strong gut barrier [33:03]-Stipulations with going gluten free [38:33]-Physical activity and its effect on the microbiome [40:41]-Potential effects of social isolation on our immunity, and ways to keep our immune system robust during COVID [44:48]Resources mentioned:Food Sensitivity testing Erin on Insta Dr. Roberts on Insta on Dr. Melina Roberts your immune system (enter code FUNK for 15% off)
Sep 24, 2020 • 1h 13min

Intuition, Energy Medicine & Personal Power | Ep 118

This episode is for you if you’ve been struggling with feeling spun out or paralyzed (or even both!) by life’s circumstances. Today I’m delving deep into intuition, energy medicine, personal power, and how this all relates to my “witchier side.” I talk a lot about the solar plexus and all the ways it manifests in our lives, how it feels to be out of balance with it, and ways you can harness your own unique energy to step into your power and regain a sense of control with your health - and in your life.In this episode:-How I got into what I call “energy medicine” [10:52]-How energy medicine shows up in my work [16:44]-“The fluff” and why I felt the need to branch off in a different way with energy medicine [17:11]-Why I rejected the term “healer” in the past and the role personal responsibility plays in my practice [19:44]-Intuition: what it is, what it’s not, and how to better recognize intuitive signals to help make decisions for yourself [26:01]-Quick breakdown of the chakras, your solar plexus, and how it relates to your personal power [35:44]-Diving into how your 3rd chakra energy allows you to show up in the world, and both the mental & physical the struggles that come when it’s out of balance [37:52]-Control, powerlessness, and the particular relevance of the solar plexus in the healthcare world right now [40:23]-What’s crippling some people (and throwing others into overdrive) and why this is SO important to understand in order to heal [43:05]-The two patterns I’ve seen emerge in people’s response to 2020 and how it all ties to either an excess or deficiency in your 3rd chakra [44:31]-Ways to heal yourself and bring balance back to your solar plexus [50:21]-Harnessing your “Good girl gone bad” energy, what it means to fill your cup, and healing a deficient 3rd chakra [55:54]-Bringing back into balance a 3rd chakra in excess (an ongoing practice for me!) and ways to disperse all that energy [1:01:38]-Evaluating technology use and what it means for an excessive or deficient 3rd chakra [1:06:46]-In the moment things to do for your 3rd chakra [1:10:45]“We cannot change the world if we have not yet individuated from the way the world expects us to be.” Anodea JudithResources mentioned in this episode:Organifi Red Juice (enter code FUNK for 15% off) Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System As a Path to the Self of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System (Llewellyn's New Age) of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing Good: The New Mood Therapy Meditation for Uncertain Times meditation for Balance & Self Healing Related episodes: 111: Sh*t We Don't Talk About (Good Girls Gone Bad) Human Design with Aycee Brown beyond: Follow Erin on Insta Hormone Revival to Achieve
Sep 17, 2020 • 57min

Ayurveda, Transformation & Weight Loss with Neha Premjee | Ep 117

Ever feel like your body is working against you no matter what you do? Ayurvedic Health and Weightloss Expert Neha Premjee joins me for a healing conversation that I think so many can benefit from. She talks about her 70 pound weight loss journey and what she learned, details how to use Ayurveda as a way to decode and understand your own body (for weight loss, chronic illness, & more), and breaks down how Ayurveda gives you a framework to begin healing from within. Find out more about this ancient science and why in order to truly transform, something inside YOU needs to shift.In this episode:-What is Ayurveda? Brief intro to the Ayurvedic methodology [5:27]-How Neha “got into” Ayurveda [8:19]-Introduction to the doshas [12:40]-How to figure out your dosha (& what to do with that information) [14:17]-How your dosha can influence how you eat/creating a food plan [19:02]-Applying Ayurveda to modern day [28:36]-Explain how Ayurveda, Energy, Emotions come together in one framework [41:15]-Ayurveda and weight loss [42:41]-Worthiness and the “juice” of Neha’s work [43:45]-How to actually enjoy the process of weight loss and/or healing yourself [45:48]-Where Neha starts with her clients [50:43] Neha Premjee is an Ayurvedic health and weight loss coach, a published author, speaker, and influencer. She’s traveled the globe for her work, and she’s been invited to speak at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva twice.She primarily coaches clients around the world to achieve weight loss using her signature 3 step framework - Ayurveda, Energy, Emotions. Neha uses the ins and outs of Ayurveda to achieve lasting weight loss, while teaching her clients how to address painful emotions and low energy to re-frame and totally and completely in love with themselves, develop rock solid self confidence and change their lives.Resources mentioned in this episode:Check out Organifi powders and get 15% off Dosha Quiz: find out your dosha Neha on Insta Erin on Insta more help with your diet?
Sep 3, 2020 • 23min

The Problem with Food Dyes (& why you shouldn't buy Kellogg's new waffles) | Ep 116

Why my feathers are all sorts of ruffled over Kellogg’s new unicorn & mermaid frozen waffles...and the BIG problem with food dyes.This episode is for the busy parent who is looking to glean some information to make more informed decisions about their food purchases. It’s also a short episode that you can share with people that you care about.Erin on Insta: recipes: the hashtag: #ehhnoncerealbreakfast
Aug 27, 2020 • 43min

STRICTLY BIZ - Determining Your Yes From Your No | Ep 115

This episode is for you if you have a challenging time discerning your YESes from your NOs. I talk a LOT about boundaries and saying no...but you don't get far in business as an entrepreneur without a saying YES a real lot.So how do you recognize the things that need your energy from the things that don't?⁣Today I’ll take you through my 3 step process to determine my yes or no. I will also address a listener question that came in about this very subject!Follow Erin on Instagram’TIONAL NUTRITION ACADEMY Training & Mentorship for Health Practitioners 102: Your Wellness Business in the Time of Covid
Aug 18, 2020 • 1h 11min

The Postpartum Revolution with Annie Hopkins, PT | Ep 114

“Once you birth a child, you’re always postpartum.”“When women understand their bodies, they get shit done.”In this episode we interview Annie Hopkins, who is a physical therapist and yoga teacher. She developed a passion for helping pregnant and post-partum people feel at home in their changing bodies and specializes in pelvic health. We talk about what that means, and how understanding pelvic health and redefining the postpartum “normal” plays a part in the Postpartum Revolution. In this episode:-Annie’s recovery from adrenal fatigue-What she had to change in her life to feel better-What to do with your inner Mean Girl-Postpartum identity shifts-Grieving your former self-When you can’t do the things you once did-Erin’s postpartum confusion-Redefining postpartum “normal”-Normalizing support - and how to start getting it-Building out a healthcare team-Annie explains the pelvic floor - and why you need to get familiar-Are you peeing your pants? This applies to you!-Are you constipated? This applies to you!-Pelvis, Poop, Pee & The Queen of Shame-Postpartum movement: yay or nay?-How to breathe-What to expect with a pelvic PT exam - and why you probably need one"You don’t have the conditions for healing, and yet we’re being told to heal in a 6 week timeframe.”Resources mentioned:The Postpartum Revolution Podcast:’s website fullbloomwellness603.comAnnie’s Instagram: fullbloomwellness603Annie’s Facebook: fullbloomwellness603 Your Hormone Revival: on Instagram: 53: When Your Doctor Doesn’t Believe Your Pain

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