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The Funk'tional Nutrition Podcast

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Dec 15, 2020 • 1h 34min

Healing with Herbs | Ep 133

We have been healers throughout history. Groups of women gathered together to heal each other and heal their community with plants and foods. We all need to go back to that place of trusting ourselves. This week on the show we interviewed herbalist, Amy McKelvey. Amy told us how she got into herbalism, as well as a pretty interesting history of herbs. She also addresses the importance of plants and our connection to the world around us to achieve healing. In this jam-packed 90 minutes, we covered everything from whether or not you can overdo supplements, to maximizing benefits of the supplements, to how to energize your life! You will learn a TON listening to this show! Originally aired May 2018.In this episode:-12 Days of Funkmas Day 7 giveaway details, featuring Amy KcKelvey from Her Vital Way [1:28]-Amy’s health journey to discovering the healing power of herbs [7:38]-Amy’s pivot from marketing to herbalism, and patterns she noticed in her practice [16:22]-Can you overdo supplements? Dosing for herbs [24:53]-Essential oils safety [30:01]-Where to start with supplements [34:45]-How to make tea infusions [38:08]-Zinc and copper balance [41:44]-Herbs for skin & hormonal acne [45:37]-Herbs for constipation [50:54]-Herbs for sleep and anxiety [57:06]-All about adaptogens, how it affects our body and Amy’s favorite adaptogens [1:01:44]-How to energize your life [1:13:54]-Bandaid vs root cause healing, and how to maximize benefits from supplements [1:16:56]-Healing supplements for menstrual cramps [1:22:45]-How to create your own supplement toolbox [1:25:05] Resources mentioned in this episode: Her Vital Way Vital Way on Insta Compatibility Project (next round starts Jan 4th!) Hormone Revival (registration opens Jan 11th!) Boosted probiotic supplement (save 20% off one box with FUNK20) this resource helped you in any way over the past 3 years? Spread the love and share this free resource! Let’s show people why the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast is 1 million downloads strong - and counting.**FOR MORE DETAILS & TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY, HEAD TO OUR INSTAGRAM PAGE**
Dec 14, 2020 • 1h 23min

How Much Protein Do We *Really* Need? | Ep 132

You’ve probably heard me say when it comes to nutrition, we can’t do the high level stuff without addressing the foundation and the building blocks first - and in this episode, I mean it literally. We’ll be talking about amino acids today which are the actual building blocks of protein and your body. While this is more of a nutrition 101/back to basics episode about protein, I definitely get into some higher level functional medicine stuff as well. I’ll discuss the different types of protein, best ways to get it and why amino acids are really what run the show in your body. Originally aired January 2020.In this episode:-12 Days of Funkmas Day 6 Giveaway details, featuring Coyote River Hemp Co. [1:39]-“Healthziety,” resources for it [5:19]-Benefits of protein/what it does in the body/why we need it [12:22]-Is too much protein a thing? [17:16]-Reasons you may need more protein in your diet [19:24]-What you need to know about amino acids, including the “fuel source” glutamine [21:24]-Why Erin doesn't use Tylenol [26:20]-Dietary recommendations for protein [31:09]-Symptoms of protein deficiency [33:33]-The different types of proteins [35:49]-Collagen peptides: what they are, how our bodies use it, and things to consider when using it [38:01]-Breaking down all the details on bone broth [43:29]-Why getting enough tryptophan is wildly important, plus whole food sources for it [50:03]-Best sources of protein, and the trap we sometimes fall into [52:48]-Protein powders to look for, and why Erin has a hard time recommending plant protein powders [56:45]-Vegan protein options [1:06:30]-The difference between organic meat and grass-fed meat [1:12:18]-Thoughts on the Impossible Burger [1:17:30] Resources mentioned in this episode: Coyote River Hemp Co (save 10% with FUNK10) Digestive Guide Compatibility Project (next round starts Jan 4th!) Dietary Guidelines should reflect new understandings about adult protein needs Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements: Panels, Zoomers and other functional lab tests Matcha Recipe (plus a video on how to make nut mylk!) Kale Caesar Salad Boosted probiotic Supplement (save 20% off one box with FUNK20) Coyote River Hemp Co on Insta episodes:130: Plant Based Diets, Eating Meat & Sustainable Diets All About Dairy Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weight Loss Has this resource helped you in any way over the past 3 years? Spread the love and share this free resource! Let’s show people why the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast is 1 million downloads strong - and counting.**FOR MORE DETAILS & TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY, HEAD TO OUR INSTAGRAM PAGE**
17 snips
Dec 9, 2020 • 1h 16min

Can't poop? Constipation & Gut Health | Ep 131

Learn about the importance of regular bowel movements and strategies to regulate them. Get insights from the hosts' personal experiences with chronic constipation. Discover the connection between gut health and hormones, and the top 4 things to help with constipation. Explore how low-carb diets and stress can contribute to constipation. Understand the correlation between sleep, melatonin, and gut health. Discuss the role of the vagus nerve in gut-brain communication. Address leaky gut and the importance of considering the emotional and energetic components of gut health.
Dec 8, 2020 • 1h 50min

Plant-based diets, Eating Meat & Sustainable Diets | Ep 130

Get ready for a meaty episode. This was recorded with Erin's good friend and former podcast co-host, Kyle Maiorana, and in it they break down everything you’ve ever wanted to know about vegetarian diets, how to sustainably include animals in your diet and what to consider if you're transitioning from a vegetarian diet to an animal-inclusive one (and vice versa). Originally aired November 2018.In this episode:-12 Days of Funk’mas Day 4 giveaway details, featuring Vernon Family Farm [1:37]-Listener question about how to eat enough protein with a plant-based diet [6:00]-Erin's experience with a vegetarian diet, and why she started incorporating meat [10:32]-Why it’s important to experiment and pay attention to the foods you eat in order to feel your best [15:45]-Common nutrient deficiencies and supplements to consider on a vegetarian/vegan diet [23:11]-How to get the most of out of a vegetarian diet [39:30]-How to transition to an animal-inclusive diet [51:07]-The difference between animal protein and non-animal protein [54:03]-Is organic meat more nutritious than factory-farmed meat? [1:01:01]-Environmental & sustainability concerns of eating meat [1:06:03]-How animals help improve the environment and soil [1:19:09]-All the variations of a vegetarian diet and how to get the most bang for your buck [1:25:05]-The moral and ethical dilemma [1:32:49]-Best ways to approach the healthiest diet for you [1:42:21]-Red meat, cancer and why context matters [1:43:09]Resources mentioned in this episode:Vernon Family Farm Digestive Guide to Achieve™ on Instagram: this resource helped you in any way over the past 3 years? Spread the love and share this free resource! Let’s show people why the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast is 1 million downloads strong - and counting.**FOR MORE DETAILS & TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY, HEAD TO OUR INSTAGRAM PAGE** (linked above)
Dec 7, 2020 • 1h 10min

How to Eat for True Gut Health | Ep 129

This podcast episode delves into the importance of feeding our gut microbiome and using food as medicine. Topics include the role of the microbiome, dietary factors that nourish or harm it, antibiotic use, and surprising facts about glyphosate. The episode also explores the impact of medications on the gut, dietary risk factors for dysbiosis, and the importance of eating more plants for gut health.
Dec 2, 2020 • 1h 16min

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Weight Loss | Ep 128

The title says it all for this episode. Erin gets into the nitty gritty with a listener question about deciphering when you truly do need to lose weight, common reasons behind weight loss resistance and the top questions you should be asking yourself before attempting to lose weight. This episode is jam packed with loads of details and goes far beyond just looking at food for weight loss and overall health - there’s a reason this is one of THE top downloaded episodes! Original air date: June 2019.In this episode:-12 Days of Funk’mas Day 2 giveaway details, featuring Yarrow and Organifi [1:30]-Why you gotta look beyond the food for weight loss and overall health [2:32]-The most important question to ask yourself before attempting weight loss [7:13]-Listener question on when do you truly need to lose weight [11:49]-Ways that stress affects ability to lose weight, and what you need to do first before trying weight loss [14:20]-Common weight loss resistance factors [28:55]-How to know if you’re in a hypometabolic state [42:24]-Are caloric deficits necessary [45:20]-How to safely approach weight loss [52:06]-Knowing when a caloric deficit is appropriate [55:12]-Figuring out your exact calorie needs [59:39]-The importance of cycling between weight loss and weight maintenance [1:04:02]-Weight loss vs. fat loss [1:05:50]-How to prevent muscle loss, and the three things to always keep in mind [1:09:40]Resources mentioned:Yarrow, Kittery, ME: (enter code FUNK for 15% off): on Mindfulness & Health:Comparison of a Mindful Eating Intervention to a Diabetes Self-Management Intervention Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial with food cravings. Investigating the potential of a mindfulness-based intervention: meditation as an intervention for binge eating, emotional eating, and weight loss: a systematic review Intervention for Stress Eating to Reduce Cortisol and Abdominal Fat among Overweight and Obese Women: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Study management can facilitate weight loss in Greek overweight and obese women: a pilot study Carb Compatibility Project (next class starts Jan 4th!) Hormone Revival (next round starts February!) Body Planner Meditations: episodes:Part one/prequel to this episode: this resource helped you in any way over the past 3 years? Spread the love and share this free resource! Let’s show people why the Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast is 1 million downloads strong - and counting.**FOR MORE DETAILS & TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY, HEAD TO OUR INSTAGRAM PAGE**
Dec 1, 2020 • 39min

How to Feel Better (No More Back Pain!) | Ep 127

Do you have back pain? Then this interview with Sara Curry, co-owner of Blaze Yoga Studio in Portsmouth, NH is a MUST LISTEN. Sara found yoga when a lifetime of contact sports and weight lifting left her debilitated by back pain. After using yoga to rehabilitate her own body and mind, she dedicated herself to a life of helping others take back control of their health, wellness, and their lives. Sara’s classes blend physicality and meditation toward the same goals: healing, health, and self-awareness.Far and away the top downloaded episode, this conversation unpacks sources of back pain, problems with the current models for pain treatment and why Erin finds Sara to be a true role model. Original air date: Feb 2018.In this episode:-First “12 Days of Funk'mas” giveaway details, featuring Blaze Yoga [2:49]-The evolution of Blaze Yoga [4:27]-Sara’s journey to finding yoga, and why it inspired her to pursue her business as a yoga teacher and studio owner [10:28]-Why using the term “chronic” to describe your pain makes it harder for you to heal [15:35]-Why bed rest is the worst thing you can do for back pain [19:54]-What's wrong with the current model of pain treatment, and other sources of back pain that you might not have considered [22:45]-How to decrease fibromyalgia pain [28:39]-Yoga and medical miracles [32:59]-Why being kind and generous with your body will allow it to do more for you in return [36:13]Resources mentioned:Blaze Yoga:’s Tedx Talk: Blaze Yoga on Insta: Erin on Insta:**FOR GIVEAWAY DETAILS, HEAD TO ERIN'S INSTA PAGE^^
Nov 24, 2020 • 21min

Probiotics for the Immune System | Ep 126

Short and sweet one for ya today, friends. This episode will serve as a living resource that gets right to the meat of answering the question, “Should you take probiotics for your immune system?” Erin breaks down probiotic misconceptions, how they work to affect our immune system and how to support your body when rebuilding a healthy gut microbiome.In this episode:-Why you shouldn’t wait until you’re feeling sick to work on your immune system [2:18]-The common misconception about probiotics [4:07]-Colonization resistance: what this is, what it does and why Erin relates this to the Great Woods parking lot [5:02]-How probiotics help to create an unfavorable environment for the growth of gut pathogens [7:20]-The connection between probiotics and Treg cells, and how this helps make our immune system efficient and healthy [8:12]-The probiotic Erin recommends for most people, and why [11:09]-The two most common questions Erin gets about probiotics [13:55]-The three Ps to remember when rebuilding your gut microbiome [16:07]Resources mentioned in this episode:Bio-kult Boosted probiotic (enter code FUNK20 for 20% off!) Immune support powder (enter code FUNK for 15% off!) Erin on Insta
Nov 17, 2020 • 38min

Thyroid Health, Gluten & Hashimoto’s | Ep 125

Erin talks a lot about functional lab testing and supplementation, but don’t underestimate the power of food! In this episode Erin discusses why a food-first approach matters so much not just in overall health, but also in determining stressors behind chronic issues (skin, digestion & gut health, inflammation, autoimmunity). She breaks down underlying stressors related to hypothyroidism, the link between gluten and Hashimoto’s and how taking a food-first approach with your health can make a big impact on your life.In this episode:-How and why health goes way beyond just nutrition [1:45]-Why thyroid health needs a paradigm shift [6:49]-Interpreting hypothyroid symptoms and the underlying stressors that can lead to this [13:08]-Why your diet could be a physiological stressor [16:14]-A first-hand account of why a food-first approach to health matters so much [16:52]-The two biggest dietary needle movers, and why it’s just as important to add beneficial things to your diet as is removing problematic things [20:28]-When gathering data is recommended for determining dietary reactions [26:04]-The link between Hashimoto’s and gluten [31:07]-Molecular mimicry and how this affects those with gluten sensitivities [33:02]Resources mentioned:Your Hormone Revival to Achieve Carb Compatibility Project program is right for me? Zoomer Test Green Juice (enter code FUNK for 15% off!) Episode 122: Gut-Skin Connection: leaky gut, rosacea, acne, eczema, keratosis pilaris & psoriasis Erin on Insta
Nov 10, 2020 • 42min

Strictly Biz - Are Clients Feeling Entitled To Your Time? | Ep 124

Part of managing your anxiety is managing your energy, and last week Erin discussed how establishing your own sacred, grounding practice is a smart antidote to festering anxiety. While a morning ritual doesn't magically make all of the world's problems disappear, it *does* give you the fortitude to navigate whatever lies ahead. We tend to be much less reactive and much more grounded and calm when we are making sure our own needs are being met, and when we are not sacrificing our own needs to keep other people comfortable.This episode is part one of a three-part Strictly Biz series all about entitlement in business. You’ll want to listen to this one if you’ve ever struggled with setting boundaries in your business or finding more of the people you want to work with. Erin shares how she realized she needed to up her boundary game, building resilience and how setting boundaries in her business has not only NOT hurt it, it’s actually enhanced it. Setting (& keeping) boundaries has allowed Erin to find more of the people who respect them, and that, in turn, allows her to keep showing up in a big way.Just a heads up: this conversation is in true, straight-shooting-Erin form, and she says some things that may make you feel a bit...seen. Buckle up and let’s buckle down!In this episode:-How managing where energy goes and who you give your energy to helps you better manage your anxiety [1:47]-Why Erin decided to up her boundary game, and the signs that tell her she needs a clear boundary in place [10:18]-The new entitlement phenomenon that began happening after publicly setting my boundary [15:21]-The difference between admiration and value [19:19]-Why Erin isn't afraid of chasing off business with her boundaries [22:16]-How to tell if someone is not a good fit for your business [26:34]-Worrying what others think and why this gives away our power [27:50]-Where to draw the line between providing free content and paid work [29:23]-The caretaking conundrum, and why getting comfortable with the discomfort of saying no is so important [31:25]-How saying no to those who aren’t a good fit opens the door to more who are, and why this shift affects how you show up in your business [37:17]Resources mentioned:Organifi Pumpkin Spice (enter FUNK at checkout for 15% off!) Episode 115 | Strictly Biz: Determining your Yes from your No Ep 123: Creating Your Morning Ritual’tional Nutrition Academy Erin on Insta

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