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Growth Mindset Psychology: The Science of Self-Improvement

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May 21, 2018 • 56min

18: The Simple Art of Happiness - Bob Asim

Product Manager at Roche Pharmaceuticals(Kindest person I know)Bob Asim is a mid 30-year-old Malaysian professional who has worked at various large medical organisations bringing products to market and into hospitals and GP surgeries such as breast cancer and diabetes medications.Bob is also one of the kindest and happiest people I have ever met and just has some amazing philosophies on life that have really stuck with me and I hope will help you as well.TOP TIPSHAPPINESS THROUGH GENEROSITYNow this is kind of a difficult concept to grasp and initially practice when you’re brought up in a world where you are taught to think for yourself and When you can start deriving happiness from making others happy your life truly changes. When you think of things from other peoples perspectives instead from your own perspective you really unlock a whole extra dimension of happiness that never even existed before and its suddenly becomes remarkably easy to enjoy each day instead of going through life selfishly trying to have more for yourself or feeling owed stuff or victimised when you don’t get as much as others instead of feeling happy that other people are doing well. This also makes you are much nicer person to be around and then other people start doing nice things for you and your life and relationships get a whole lot better.Bob thinks that the ability to be generous should be considered a privilege that you shouldn’t take for granted and should use at all times:1 - The fact you can give anything is a privilege. even just a smile is a privilege that you are happy. giving anything of value is a privilege that you have something of value.2 - Being able to give to others because they are open to receive is also a privilege. Not everyone in life is ready to receive help or advice or any form of gifts from you. So when people are open to generosity you can be grateful that you are able to improve their day.Then to conclude with his biggest philosophy - Having what you need is enough and having more is awesome because you get to give to others. HAPPINESS THROUGH LIVING IN THE MOMENT AND JUST DECIDING TO BE HAPPYDon’t let your expectations of what you want control your happiness. when shit things happen accept them and just move on without being dragged into unhappiness, like Bob and his new kitchen or me and my parking ticket. If you accept reality as it is straight away you can continue to be happy and have good relationships with the people around you. If you kick and scream like a child resisting acceptance of this new fate that has befallen you and blaming those around or shouting at people you are just being stupid, you have to accept this new situation you are in eventually and you are just wasting time.If a problem arises and you let that make you unhappy and get angry or sad, instead of having one problem you create many more problems for yourself and waste your own time being unhappy about life and waste time of others being a dick and life is simply too short too waste with this so just don’t. and then life is much better.And as a bonus when you observe the fact that you could be unhappy right now but have decided not to be, you feel even happier because you aware of how much crap you are avoiding. I appreciate that this is super easy to say and super hard to do. Like i learnt my lesson with the parking ticket ten years ago but still didn’t become great at practicing it till more recently. Some people certainly feel like they are supposed to get angry when someone does them wrong and like it’s violating their principles letting someone get away with something. but if you can look at the big picture and see how much benefit and negative you truly get from following these negative emotions it just always works out worst for yourself. Like buddhist say. ‘Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other man to get sick'STAY TRUE TO YOUR BELIEFSWhen something makes you feel awkward and you know it's wrong yet you feel like it can’t be changed and those around you aren’t doing anything. Don’t just carry on. Have the balls to stick your neck out and risk it. Bob saved patients money and impressed his bosses by being the one willing to tell them about the issues going on with doctors stealing money from patients. He risked being not understood or losing sales of the product for his company by doctors no longer using their products. But he stood up for his belief and the patients and everything worked out.I think we all have times when our morale beliefs are challenged and examples like this are a great reason to have faith in ourselves instead of just following the crowd.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( - KEN GRIMWOOD ( tale of a man who is reborn several times into his same body as a teenager and provides a great perspective on the way someone can choose to live a life. I just found this a beautiful tale of the paths and decisions we take in life and how they affect us what really matter in our search for happiness.7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEENS - SEAN COVEY ( is the son of Stephen Covey who wrote 7 habits of highly effective people. this book is an interpretation of those principles in a way that a teenager can apply them to their life or a parent or grandparent can help them. Both books are excellent read for anyone wanting to do more with their lives and be happier.Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeSam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Bob Asim. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 27, 2018 • 51min

17: Growth Hacking, Life Hacking and Superpowers - Sherman Lee - Rocco AI

Co-Founder - RavenProtocol , Rocco AI , Good AudiencePartner and Investor at Zeroth AIWriter for Forbes, Huffington Post and Business InsiderSherman Lee is an inspiring entrepreneur who knows how to have fun doing it. He has extensive experience in social media, bots, growth hacking, crypto-currencies and Machine Learning, of which he has businesses involved in all of these things. Somehow he also finds the time to write for major publications such as Forbes and the Huffington Post and do a lot of hiking and be a dad.We discuss key insights on how to growth hack your business as well as developing your own personal skills and function as a human being. As usual, I learn more than I expected and want to spend another 3 hours interviewing him.TIPSUSE FORCING FUNCTIONS TO MAKE YOURSELF GROWA big motivator is a great way to really force yourself to tackle your demons and grow. Putting yourself out there in a sink or swim situation is the best way to learn fast and hard. Sherman was terrified of sales but running out of money he finally actually charged for his products and learnt how to sell them2.DON'T DO EVERYTHING YOURSELF'Someone else is always better than you at something' - Don't try and take everything on yourself because you aren't even the best person to do everything. People can help your idea or teach you much faster than if you do everything by yourself.3. MUMS ARE AWESOMEMums put in a lot of effort. Be nice to them, thank them, do random acts of kindness.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( AT WORK: STORIES OF STARTUPS' EARLY DAYS - JESSICA LIVINGSTONFounders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days is a collection of interviews with founders of famous technology companies about what happened in the very earliest days. These people are celebrities now. What was it like when they were just a couple friends with an idea? Founders like Steve Wozniak (Apple), Caterina Fake (Flickr), Mitch Kapor (Lotus), Max Levchin (PayPal), and Sabeer Bhatia (Hotmail) tell you in their own words about their surprising and often very funny discoveries as they learned how to build a company.Where did they get the ideas that made them rich? How did they convince investors to back them? What went wrong, and how did they recover?Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeSherman:Medium ( ( ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Sherman Lee. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 26, 2018 • 48min

16: We Built a Trading Platform - Adam Dodds & Viktor Nebehaj -

THE STORY OF HAVING A MASSIVE IDEA AND THEN MAKING IT HAPPEN.Adam Dodds, CEO and Viktor Nebehaj, Head of GrowthFreetrade is a revolutionary trading platform for UK investors to make trades for free. Their mission is to completely improve the experience of trading so that people can make the best use of their money and never have to worry about fee's.Adam Dodds, CEO and co-founder of Freetrade shares his experience in starting the platform and key issues and features of the platform.Viktor Nebehaj is the Head of Growth and goes much deeper into crowdfunding strategies, investing strategies and tools to make you a better is launching this month May 2018 and also raising their 3rd round of funding on for anyone interested to get involved.TIPSLONGER TERM INVESTING.I really like Viktor's investing approach of looking for the companies that have maybe been neglected by the stock market with newer fancier businesses like Tesla or facebook taking the limelight but actually have a great business model and are offering a decent return and have invested in R and D to keep themselves producing relevant products and selling a big volume of products and companies like Ford and Nike represent that. Also the long-term goal of aiming to be able to make a reliable income of your investments is such a great way to be designing your life and really worth thinking about.A GOOD IDEA CAN GET FUNDINGApparently raising a relatively small in their words circa £150k is easy. This seems pretty big but with just a few founders with an idea, you can tell a good story about it's totally doable. You need to show you know what you are doing then you really have no excuse to quit your job and just bloody do it. Now in the UK this is even easier with the SEIS scheme but there are similar incentives in many countries.PRACTICE REAL KINDNESSKindness isn’t just being nice to your family members and friends or doing acts that you hope to get paid back. It’s about doing things that genuinely help or improve someone else’s life without expecting any recognition or thanks.Practicing such kindness is the most enlightening, empowering and satisfying thing you can do and learning to make such acts will give huge personal rewards once you can do it.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( TO RUN: A HIDDEN TRIBE, SUPERATHLETES, AND THE GREATEST RACE THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BY CHRISTOPHER MCDOUGALL ( of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt? In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.CHAOS MONKEYS: OBSCENE FORTUNE AND RANDOM FAILURE IN SILICON VALLEY BY ANTONIO GARCIA MARTINEZ (’s Poker meets The Social Network in an irreverent exposé of life inside the tech bubble, from industry provocateur Antonio García Martínez, a former Twitter advisor, Facebook product manager and startup founder/CEO.The reality is, Silicon Valley capitalism is very simple:Investors are people with more money than time.Employees are people with more time than money.Entrepreneurs are the seductive go-between.Marketing is like sex: only losers pay for it.ENDURANCE: SHACKLETON'S GREAT ADVENTURE - ALFRED LANSING ( August of 1914, the British ship Endurance set sail for the South Atlantic. In October 1915, still half a continent away from its intended base, the ship was trapped, then crushed in the ice. For five months, Sir Ernest Shackleton and his men, drifting on ice packs, were castaways in one of the most savage regions of the world.DISRUPTED: MY MISADVENTURE IN THE START-UP BUBBLE BY DAN LYONS ( twenty-five years Dan Lyons was a magazine writer at the top of his profession--until one Friday morning when he received a phone call: Poof. His job no longer existed. "I think they just want to hire younger people," his boss at Newsweek told him. Fifty years old and with a wife and two young kids, Dan was, in a word, screwed. Then an idea hit. Dan had long reported on Silicon Valley and the tech explosion. Why not join it? HubSpot, a Boston start-up, was flush with $100 million in venture capital. They offered Dan a pile of stock options for the vague role of "marketing fellow." What could go wrong?HILLBILLY ELEGY: A MEMOIR OF A FAMILY AND CULTURE IN CRISIS BY J.D. VANCE ( a former Marine and Yale Law School Graduate, a poignant account of growing up in a poor Appalachian town, that offers a broader, probing look at the struggles of America’s white working class. Part memoir, part historical and social analysis, J. D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy is a fascinating consideration of class, culture, and the American dream.SHANTARAM BY GREGORY DAVID ROBERTS ("It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured."So begins this epic, mesmerizing first novel set in the underworld of contemporary Bombay. Shantaram is narrated by Lin, an escaped convict with a false passport who flees maximum security prison in Australia for the teeming streets of a city where he can disappear.Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeFreetrade:Medium ( ( ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guests: Adam Dodds and Viktor Nebehaj. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 19, 2018 • 1h 1min

15: Sentient - The Worlds Leading Distributed AI Platform - Antoine-Blondeau

FROM GROWING A BUSINESS IN STEALTH MODE TO CULTIVATING AN ATTITUDE OF SELF IMPROVEMENTAntoine created the technology behind Siri which he sold to Apple. He is currently the founder of Sentient Technologies, one of the worlds leading AI businesses. In his spare time he is a mentor at Zeroth AI where he is a source of brilliant advice.We cover some awesome topics about the future and the past, dealing with problems at a personnel level to threats facing the whole of humanity. Some huge idea’s that made my head spin at the time and lead to me conducting some very rapid reading up on latest tech idea's.Anyone interested in Tech and the future or just being a better person will learn plenty from Antoine.TIPSGROWTH MINDSETYou can literally achieve seriously big goals if you work for them. grandfather carried on with his life with a positive attitude and went on to do incredible things without giving up. Running a business and not giving u on his personal hobbies. I don’t think i’ll ever forget the story of Antoine playing chess with him, that is truly incredible.CHALLENGE YOURSELF AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO TAKE A PAY CUTOpen yourself to interesting challenges and learning experiences at every point. America vs. Japan —> choose japan. Taking the next job up the chain vs a step down in a new avenue where you can learn loads more.ASK CANDIDATES WHAT OTHERS THINK OF THEMYou can get a lot more insight into how a person actually functions by asking what others think of them rather than just asking for their strengths and weaknesses.BOOKSA huge fan of history and reading real books. I would love a chance to look into his personal library. but for now we have these books from him as his must reads. Get any of the books free on audible ( ILLUSIONS (LA COMÉDIE HUMAINE #38) - HONORÉ DE BALZAC (’d never heard of this book but on investigation it sounds amazing. It seems to be considered one of the Great french classics that is taught in school but much more appreciated as an adult and I really can’t wait to read it. It seems to be a coming of age novel about a french man who moves to Paris to seek love and glory and i’m hoping to get insights on life and France all in a beautiful novel. MEMOIRS: A TWENTIETH CENTURY JOURNEY IN SCIENCE AND POLITICS - EDWARD TELLER AUTOBIOGRAPHY ( covers the story behind the H-bomb as well as The entire path of edward teller leading up to and after it. He also recounts the effects had on him from his relationships with great minds like einstein, von neuman, borr and fermi. So another book I”m excited to read.NOTHING TO ENVY - BY BARBARA DEMICK ( book had a huge effect on me really learning how an entire society can be controlled by their rulers and that it’s actually still going on today just made it feel all the more real and worrying. So a truly great book that covers the story of several families in North Korea from the end of the war up until today. Possibly the best book I read last year.Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeAntoine:LinkedIn ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Antoine Blondeau. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 20, 2018 • 31min

14: Dream it, do it - Katherina-Olivia Lacey

FROM QUITTING YOUR JOB TO SELLING YOUR FIRST BUSINESS.Katherina is a young start-up founder who runs a logistics business based out of Singapore. She was a venture partner of the accelerator where she gives fabulous advice and mentorship.Originally from Bolivia she has a diverse life history with a number of lessons and stories along the way, including quitting her job to start a business with her new life partner. Not part of the typical formula for success she fought hard to achieve her goals regardless.TIPSDREAM IT AND JUST DO ITYou really can just decide to quit your job and go off into the sunset with your partner and start a business when you don’t even know what it will be. This may sound a bit silly but when you aren’t happy with your situation you really can just aim for your dream of how you want things to be and not even know what it will be and yet still get there if you work for it. I find this very very inspiring.SELL WITH CONFIDENCEYou don’t need to be specifically qualified or a big business to aim high and secure big clients. If you believe you can solve a problem for people then just do it and talk to the big scary companies you should be talking to. I was also quite surprised to find they were a team of only 4 people, it really shows you can run a great business by keeping it simple with a small team and still trade with the big guysIMPORTANCE OF SELF-CAREWhether is meditating or taking a walk or watching movies and hitting the gym everyday it’s important to take some time for yourself to ensure you have balance in your life and are doing things on your terms. There’s a huge shift in the mentality of you choosing to be there and working on the things you should be rather than the work choosing itself for you and you feeling like you are just putting out fires endlessly without any control of where the next fire will be.BOOKSA big fan of the classics which you can totally download for free win. Pride and prejudice (, to kill a mockingbird (, 1984 ( If you had to read them when you were younger and didn’t get them they really are worth picking up again. and if you never read them then sort your life out. you can just search free audiobook player in any app store and get an app that downloads any of the old classics, so no excuses.Get any of the books free on audible ( UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeKatherinaInstagram ( ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Katherina Olivia-Lacey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 1, 2018 • 47min

13: The Basic Formula for Success and Happiness - Nick White

Nick White is the head of the AI department at He helps startups in the accelerator to make the most of their potential with AI and grow their business. He also speaks and writes on AI and has a great medium blog, as well as practicing yoga and surfing in his spare time.Nick has some amazing life experiences we can learn from and has lots of great ideas and stories we can all enjoy.TIPSMASTERY TAKES TIMEYou can master anything with dedication and starting small. As part of the philosophy of the biggest journey still starts with a single step, if you have a passion project there is no reason to put it off and spending a small amount of time each day can quickly add up. Like the hare and the tortoise, if you can be dedicated and not bite off more than you can chew you will surely win.SACRIFICES ARE A PART OF LIFEIt's great to be free and open to any opportunity. But if you want to master something and succeed you have to make sacrifices. Whether that is travelling less and having a home, or planning things in a calendar far in the future and sticking to it. I really love this attitude. Nick doesn't let the fact he is missing out on growing a successful banana ice cream biz with his mates get him down, instead he accepted that he made a logical choice to pursue AI and he couldn't do both successfully.DON’T LOSE TOUCH WITH WHO YOU ARE.It’s great to be shaped by your experiences and adapt to life in different situations, but don’t let yourself lose the values that make you great. Big cities can be cold places with little reason to be nice to those around you but wherever possible give the world a smile and make friendships with the people you come into contact even if only fleetingly. + it’ll make you happier =]BOOKSAn avid reader. Some of his favourite books on AI and our future are:Get any of the books free on audible ( LEARNING - YOSHUA BENGIO ( NEED NOT APPLY - JERRY KAPLAN ( AND HOMO DEUS - YUVAL NOAH HARARI ( great books on everything about humans. Read them and be enlightened on the world around you!PRINCIPLES - RAY DALIO ( legendary investor he has a great set of guiding principles to life that have helped him be so successful and happy with his life and they serve as a great toolset for everyone.Understanding AI Blogpost ( has co-created a great and lengthy article on AI which covers basically everything you need to know about how it works and where to get started if you are keen on dabbling in the field or just knowing how the hell it works. So uncover the inner magic and read on.Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeNick:Medium ( ( ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Nick White. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 14, 2018 • 47min

12: Living the 4 Hour Work Week - Felix Chandler

Escape the rat race and follow your dreams — The joys and woes of the nomad lifestyle Felix Chandler is a young millennial with a very relaxed attitude to life. He has made some great optimisations from the 80:20 rule leading to achieving a lifestyle he is very content with. In his part-time when he isn't on a beach, he is also a chess teacher, yoga instructor and massage therapist. But a lot of this can often be done from the beach... He taught me a lot about how to approach doing anything and provides a great reminder to ask yourself why you do things and what you wish to achieve.TIPS 80:20 - REALLY ASSESS HOW TO OPTIMISE YOUR TIME AND MONEY.You can save so much hassle and time by really assessing where your time is being spent and what you get from it. Felix shares a great example from his remote business where he didn’t charge a client up front and avoided extra hours worth of email to clarify on price and getting them to send half money now before starting work and then half when complete etc... If you lose 10% of leads but save 80% of time you are going to be much richer! You can deal with more clients. It also saves them time giving them a better experience, they are less likely to cancel and they also appreciate your trust and are more likely to book again. Everyone wins.YOU NEED A FIRE UNDER YOUR ARSE TO DO BIG THINGS!To really be successful and grow a business you need serious energy and drive to solve problems and deal with admin headaches. If you start a business to just solve a short term problem you will lose the fire and likely not turn the business into a big thing. You need to have real passion and drive to continuously dedicate to a project.YOU CAN BE VERY CONTENT WITH MINIMALISMYou can be very happy by needing less. Reduce expectations of what you need to be happy and life can be very gratifying and rewarding. You don’t need to waste time working in a job you don’t like and spend it on the beach and reading and doing art if you spend less,LIFE IS NOWDon’t seek something in the future. You need to be content and happy in the now. If you can’t learn this then you won’t be content in the future because you will be seeking something else!--Epic books4 HOUR WORK WEEK - TIMOTHY FERRISA classic book. You won't end up working just 4 hours a week after reading it, but the way you think about work and life will never be the same. Learn to optimise your short time on this earth to spend as much of it doing what you enjoy and maximise the output of your labour to suit your needs.SAPIENS: A brief history of Humankind - YUVAL NOAH HARARIEverything about humans up to the present day and how civilisations shaped the world we live in today.HOMO DEUS: A brief history of Tomorrow - YUVAL NOAH HARARIA very relevant overview of the shifts we will go through in the future and the potential of AI in human society.Twitter ( ( Guest: Felix Chandler. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Feb 2, 2018 • 53min

11: Investing Sensibly to Launching Your Own VC Fund - Eamonn Carey, MD Techstars

Eamonn is the Managing Director at Techstars London, and an early stage investor, advisor and board member in over 25 companies across the US, Europe and Asia. He also helps out at in Hong Kong, who invest in AI and ML companies. He is launching his own VC fund and runs a regular dealflow email for 300+ angel and VC investors.Previously, he was the MD at Techstars Connection in partnership with AB InBev program in New York, and has worked as a mentor on Techstars and multiple other accelerator programs across Europe, the US, the Middle East and Asia.He is a regular speaker at conferences around the world and a wealth of information on the VC, accelerators and tech scene. As such we talk a lot about accelerators, VC’s and tech on the podcast.TOP TIPS1. You do only have one life on this planet — Enjoy your workIf you aren’t super passionate about what you’re doing at work. minimise time at work or start your own business and do something you believe in. find your passion and work for your own goalsDon’t work with dickheadsThe team you work with should be nice people that don’t suck.When interviewing for a role ask mundane questions to see if they can be normal and nice to hang out with.When interviewing a team check to see if they get on with each other within the team and be alert to micro-gestures that might suggest one person is being controlling or isn’t appreciated by the others.2. SchedulingKeep control of your time by constricting tasks to specific slots so you know when you will be able to do different things and ensure you keep time saved for personal stuff. whether it’s working on specific business tasks or spending time with your family its good to have time that won’t be interrupted by calls. especially when your an investor in many companies and working with accelerators3. Being a good CEO with Growth mindsetHaving a can-do attitude where you can constantly learn and improve your skills is the best way to be. His favourite CEO’s are like sponges that are constantly learning from everyone they meet and every action they take whether it has good or bad consequences it is a chance to constantly improve themselves and their businesses.As a bonus, they are normal people who are fun to hang out with due to having varied interests. So go all in on growth mindset4. Don’t always listen to advice from Mentors / InvestorsThere is no overwhelming easy to implement the strategy on how to take advice. you will always get some good advice and some bad advice and work out which is the best and which isn’t comes with experience. The only thing we can say is to not let advice paralyse you into indecision and when you are unsure try to go with your gut.The story of the business that received mainly negative feedback and stalled on their idea to then lose out to others is hardly unique. Have faith in your vision. If people don’t understand it often you need to explain your vision better rather than give up. or ignore some of the haters. of course, the advice is often really useful and just ignoring people is also stupid. A good rule of thumb is to not listen too closely to people that don’t understand the industry and try rely more on input from your potential customers.CONTACTWe are both very happy to discuss any of the idea’s mentioned in the show or anything else =]Eamonn:LinkedIn ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Notes (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Eamonn Carey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 13, 2018 • 1h 29min

10: The Basics of Entrepreneurship & How to Master Anything

Alex Denne is one of the most curious people I have ever met. He has an uncanny ability to break things down and gamify self-improvement as well as pretty much anything else.I worked with him co-running Basecamp, a business accelerator for students at Bristol University where we learnt a lot about start-ups and young entrepreneurs.On the show, we cover a lot about start-ups... Also, lots of business ideas and strategies for self-improvement and fun times travelling. He has a great view of the world that I think you’ll enjoy.TOP TIPS1. Gamify Self-improvementI love the way he breaks things down and works out how to improve them, t’s good to always step back and be mindful and curious about what you’re doing and what you want to achieve.Wherever possible try and make the process more fun by gamifying elements of it or setting targets, rewards or budgets that you can monitor and acknowledge achievements.Note — Learn to Type Fast!2. Cycle Touring is AwesomeI need to do more cycle touring with my life, everyone should try it. It’s such a great way to see the world. It can be done really cheaply and is a fun healthy way of exploring with a good amount of challenge.3. Work with people who complement youJust because you and a potential partner are both interested in an idea and get along, doesn’t mean you are the best business partners. You need to find someone that seeks out and solves the problem that you can’t, otherwise you are just double working and can actually cause conflict.People that do the same job as you should just be the employee’s that you hire whilst you find new problems that you can solve. People that solve things you can’t comprehend are your partners.BOOKSPeak By Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool ( book really embodies the growth mindset and explains how you can improve and master and any skill. You don’t necessarily need innate talent to be brilliant. Have you ever wanted to learn a language or pick up an instrument, only to become too daunted by the task at hand? Expert performance guru Anders Ericsson has made a career studying chess champions, violin virtuosos, star athletes, and memory mavens. Peak condenses three decades of original research to introduce an incredibly powerful approach to learning that is fundamentally different from the way people traditionally think about acquiring a skill.Tim Ferris 4 Hour Work Week ( book on how to live your life and be more successful. One of the best books you can ever read to think more strategically about your life and how you want it to work and giving you the tools to get there.His other books are also worth reading but take the 4-hour body and 4-hour chef with a grain of salt and he makes some overwhelming statements that aren’t exactly accurate.Sapiens: A brief History of Humankind ( Sapiens, Dr Yuval Noah Harari spans the whole of human history, from the very first humans to walk the earth to the radical — and sometimes devastating — breakthroughs of the Cognitive, Agricultural and Scientific Revolutions.Drawing on insights from biology, anthropology, paleontology and economics, he explores how the currents of history have shaped our human societies, the animals and plants around us, and even our personalities. Have we become happier as history has unfolded? Can we ever free our behaviour from the heritage of our ancestors? And what, if anything, can we do to influence the course of the centuries to come?Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction ( would benefit from seeing further into the future, whether buying stocks, crafting policy, launching a new product, or simply planning the week’s meals. Unfortunately, people tend to be terrible forecasters.Superforecasting offers the first demonstrably effective way to improve our ability to predict the future — whether in business, finance, politics, international affairs, or daily life — and is destined to become a modern classic.SuperIntelligence: Paths, Dangers and Strategies — Nick Bostrum ( happens when machines surpass humans in general intelligence? Will artificial agents save or destroy us? Nick Bostrom lays the foundation for understanding the future of humanity and intelligent life.If machine brains surpassed human brains in general intelligence, then this new superintelligence could become extremely powerful — possibly beyond our control. As the fate of the gorillas now depends more on humans than on the species itself, so would the fate of humankind depend on the actions of the machine superintelligence. But we have one advantage: we get to make the first move.Growth Mindset Summary ( more about the Growth Mindset and how to encourage one with this really informative blog.CONTACTBoth very happy to discuss any of the idea’s mentioned in the show or anything else =]Alex:Twitter ( ( ( ( ( ( notes (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Alex Denne. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 13, 2017 • 49min

09: Teaching AI Emotions - Matt Celuszak - CEO, Crowd Emotion

Matt is the CEO of CrowdEmotion. A tech start-up in London that tracks human emotional data with the goal of humanising technology to understand who we are and how we feel. It’s an amazing and ambitious project operating in one of the most interesting spaces in technology today.We discuss the business and the shape of things to come, along with his key lessons from being a CEO of a bootstrapped tech company. A must listen for those interested in AI, psychology, business and the future.TOP TIPS1. Employee’s FirstMatt always holds his employee’s before anyone else and cares so deeply about them. This overwhelming principle was the glue that kept the company together when things went tits up and kept us all fighting for the greater cause. Knowing that your team are there for you makes such a difference.We were always welcome in his house and to chat about our issues whenever we needed. He even did the little things like surprising me by turning up at one of my gigs to showing up at the airport when a new employee from overseas arrived.2. Trust People and don’t MicromanageTo scale yourself successfully and operate a sound business and keep a sound mind you have to trust others to do their work.It free’s you up to focus on delivering the core things you need to do. It empowers others to do great work knowing that they are responsible for delivering on important items.Matt was great at finding young inexperienced individuals with an edge and getting the best out of them by giving them opportunities to grow.3. Be your honest selfHonesty is a theme that is important in so many areas.Want to give a good pitch?= have all the facts to hand and just be honest and yourself.Want to be a good networker? = Just do the hobbies you honestly enjoy and don’t put yourself in awkward business meet ups.Want to be successful employee or leader?= Find the things you honestly enjoy and commit to doing that the best you can and don’t try to fit a square peg into a round hole to please others.BOOKS:The Alchemist ( — Paulo CoelhoA really cute and inspiring book about following your dreams and learning about the world. Perhaps a perfect example of the Growth Mindset in a fable form. Definitely read it if you haven’t. Suitable for any age. I think I’m looking forward to reading this to my children when I have them its sooo goodCreativity Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Get in the Way of True Inspiration  (— Ed CatmullFrom the cofounders of Pixar. An incisive book about creativity in business and leadership.Part autobiography, part history of Pixar, part business book, Creativity Inc is an inspiring look at the role creativity plays in one of the most successful media businesses the world has ever seenThe Hard Thing About Hard Things ( — Ben HorowitzThe tale of starting and growing a business to a billion dollars and losing it all and getting back and then nearly losing it and then starting another billion dollar business. Basically, there is no recipe for success and it is defined by what you do when things are going wrong. Such a good read.Sam’s Review and summary ( Fast and Slow  (— Daniel KahnemanEngaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions, how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives — and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble.Hooked ( — Patrick FaganHow a marketer can pull on human traits to create more effective communication from the latest neuroscience and behavioural economics research.CONTACTMatt and CrowdEmotionWebsite — ( — ( Publication — Making Senses ( on Medium ( on Twitter ( TedX speech — Youtube ( ( ( ( (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Matt Celuszak. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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