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Growth Mindset Psychology: The Science of Self-Improvement

Latest episodes

Sep 17, 2018 • 44min

31: Foolproof Success with Bryony Thomas - Author & Founder of Watertight Marketing

PUBLISHING AND BUSINESS LESSONS FROM A MARKETING MASTERBryony Thomas has run her own marketing agency Watertight Marketing for ten years and has written an amazing book of the same title. Watertight Marketing is one of the best business books I have ever read so I’m honoured to have her on the show.She takes us through her story of starting the business and launching a sell out book, key insights into turning a traditional time based business into a scalable machine that creates value for thousands of people. Along with some amazing life advice.TAKES HOMES FROM THE EPISODESLOW AND STEADY SUCCESSHer book took 4 years to write and the workbooks another year. All the rest of the content and video’s have been in ongoing production ever since. It’s not overnight success. It’s slow and steady iteration and well thought out actions and improvements. and it’s genius!STEP AWAY FROM YOUR BUSINESS TO SCALE ITScale yourself by stepping away from your business and not working IN your business and instead working ON it. A very four hour work week philosophy of forcing yourself to get away from things to make it work from a distance.STICK TO YOUR VALUESBe true to yourself and Don’t let people change your values or style. bryony didn’t let anyone change her title or direction of her book. Equally when she doesn’t work on the things that offer money straight away so that she knows she is working on the things she really values and wants to achieve in the long-term. This helps her avoid getting stuck of the cycle of work you don’t want. PUBLISHERS DON’T HELPDo your own good marketing! publishers don’t do stuff for you and it is hard. and crowdfunding can be a great way to get some people behind your book and help sell it for you. and will motivate you to bloody finish it. STUDY THE BEST BOOKSyou don’t learn much by reading once. re-read the really good books several times so that you are actually a knowledgable person in it. MARKETING MINDSET PODCASTI am launching a new podcast called Marketing Mindset (see what I did there). It’s going to be part of my new business Postary. It’s a platform for easily sending amazing direct mail from the safety of your laptop and digital tools that people need these days like analytics and personalisation which was something you could never do before with the offline channel of print marketing. And whats more it’s all eco friendly. Bryony is one of the first guests on the Marketing Mindset podcast and we have a specific marketing interview. This will be available in October 2018.Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeBryony:LinkedIn ( ( Marketing Twitter ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Bryony Thomas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 3, 2018 • 43min

30: [START HERE] One Year of Wisdom - Incredible Lessons and Stories from Amazing Guests

We are super pleased to announce the Growth Mindset Podcast is a one year old!Sam takes a look back across the year and showcases some of the absolute best stories and lessons from the podcast. A great episode if you are looking for where to start and to give you an idea of the different sorts of guests we have on the show.We hear from serial entrepreneurs to a real-life hitman about their stories starting businesses, amazing acts of kindness and what happens when you get pushed to the edge.GUESTS IN THE EPISODETOMIWA ADEYA serial entrepreneur and digital nomad and old time friend. This was the first episode of the podcast and still a classic.02 - Finding Your Hustle - Tomiwa Adey ( MILLERCEO of Buzzhire and three Rocket internet startups as well as plenty of other hustles. A lifetime of entrepreneurship has made Nick into a gold-mine of information. A must listen to any aspiring entrepreneur, especially someone considering raising finance08 - Raising Finance and CEO Lessons - Nick Miller ( CHANDLERA nomad, yoga teacher and opportunistic entrepreneur. Felix is a great pracitioner of the 4 Hour Work Week book and used it to work remotely around the world before settling into running a business teaching kids chess.15 - Living the 4-Hour-Work-Week - Felix Chandler ( BLONDEAUAntoine is the inventor of Siri and the Cofounder of Sentient Technologies a billion dollar AI business doing some amazing stuff. He has an incredible life story and great advice on how to make the most of opportunities.18 - Sentient - The World’s Most Powerful Distributed AI - Antoine Blondeau ( GUEST - HITMANAmazingly I managed to get hold of a real-life hitman and find out his story that lead to him living a life where he kills people for his profession. IT is a tragic and slightly disturbing episode at the same time as being one of the most insightful moments of my life.30 - My Conversation with a Hitman - Sam Harris ( GUEST - HACKERI interviewed a hacker who has done some very dangerous and high profile hacks before turning to a more ethical life of helping secure businesses from hackers. He tells some amazing stories as well as providing incredibly useful information in how to protect yourself online.29 - Stealing Bitcoins and Hacking World Banks - Anonymous ( NEBAHAJ - FREETRADE.IOViktor is the Head of Growth for I interviewed him and the CEO Adam Dodds to talk all things tech startup and investing as they launch their new trading platform to provide free trading for UK investors. He also treats to some golden life advice.19 - Launching a Trading Platform - Freetrade ( HUMEDean Hume was the CTO of and author of ‘How to Grow StartUp Teams’ and three software books. An overwhelmingly sound bloke who tells it like it is and has a great story.03 - Growing Startup Teams - Dean Hume ( MARSHALLBen is a body builder, a model and a vegan! A pretty inspiring combination and he is certainly doing it in style. He gives great advice on training regimes, the world of modelling and being a vegan. A great episode for the health conscious or those wanting to know more about modelling.24 - The Vegans are Taking Over - Ben Marshall ( PRICERob is a Philosopher and English Teacher who was just a lot of fun to talk to. He has some great viewpoints on what things really are and could be likened to an English version of Jordan Peterson.25 - What is the Point of Anything - Rob Price ( ASIMBob works in the Pharmaceutical industry and is quite easily the kindest human being I have ever met. His philosophies on life are not just amazingly kind but also completely genius for living a more satisfied and happy life yourself. Everyone should listen to this episode!21 - The Simple Art of Happiness ( UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeSam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Sam Harris. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 13, 2018 • 16min

28: Intro to Vipassana - What happens in 10 days of pure silent meditation

We break down the main lessons and things to know about Vipassana meditation courses and why on earth you might choose to do one.10 days of silently meditating with no books, music or even writing is a big ordeal for any human to take on and has a fascinating effect on mindset and capabilities after. It is certainly worth looking into and learning from!Special Guest: Felix Chandler. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 6, 2018 • 35min

27: My Conversation with a Hitman - Sam Harris

This is the conversation I had with a hitman living in India about his life. We discuss the story of how he came to be a hitman and what his life is really like. It is certainly very different to what you see in the movies and be prepared for some big insights.After the interview, we break down what happened and also discuss things like how I manage to get these interviews and other events in my life like staying with a bunch of drug dealers on the border of Mexico.Thanks to Andreas for providing the voice of the Hitman on the podcast and our discussion afterward. And for traveling around the world with me for a yearContact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeSam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 30, 2018 • 1h 8min

26: Stealing Bitcoins and Hacking World Banks - Anonymous

We dive into the world of the dark web to talk to a hacker about his life and the incredible stories within.From issues growing up in South Africa to stealing Bitcoin over public wifi or even from people at home. We hear about the world banks hack of 2017 and discuss his new ethical hacking pursuits and how he transitioned into life on the legal side of things.This is an eye-opening episode into the vulnerabilities and security risks we leave ourselves open to, especially with all the issues around data these days.Stealing Bitcoin and Hacking World Banks ( UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeSam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 23, 2018 • 49min

25: North Korea - Life as a North Korea Tour Guide - [Recorded in the DPRK]

We're very excited to announce our first episode from North Korea.Recorded in the heart of North Korea, Sam talks to his tour guide Ben about the country and his experiences.Sam visited North Korea over Easter 2018 and this podcast is an interview with his tour guide Ben Johnson. We discuss the country and the surprises it has in store for the people that visit.It was an amazing experience and a pleasure to bring some of it back for you.We also discuss the growing industry of dark tourism and challenging yourself to go out of your comfort zone.Sam, Ben and our Korean HostsPresident Kim Jong-Un score card. Very accurate marksmanCanned Food in a Freezer. They clearly didn't know what the display freezer was for.We had a fun English lesson with some students. They were just as excited as we werePack cigarettes for $1 - Toothpaste for $8The DMZView of Pyonyang from my Hotel WindowKimchee CrispsMiracle Body DrinkLunchView of Pyonyang from an important war monumentPlaying volleyball at sunset at the outside the train stationTube station inside the Pyonyang UndergroundNorth Korea Tube StairsSam on the Pyonyang TubeBeautiful country but very harshKids love balls in Korea tooTOP TIPSTHE NEWS IS RIDICULOUS AND POWERFUL AS HELLThe western world paints north korea as this land of crazy mental people that want to nuke everywhere and a nation of people oppressed and in massive suffering. Actually most of them are pretty damn chill about the entire affair and happy going about their lives and walking their dogs. They certainly live modest lives and don’t have a lot of money as a nation, but they aren’t distracted by social media and all that crap the whole time and if you rushed in trying to save them they’d look at you like your bonkers. It is scary the way news controls our lives and thoughts and the way it makes us percieve them. We of course are very aware of the influence of north korean news on it’s own people which is of course very controlling, yet we pay little attention to our own news and it’s influence on us.I’ve been really enjoyed reading the book ‘Factfullness’ by Hans Rosling which is one of the most informative books about the world around you. He gives an example of an Englishman going to Mexico City which is apparently one of the most dangerous places and yet the people there were scared to visit London because they’d heard of stabbings and crime and riots. and this happened to me exactly when i visited and the book is just full of funny facts we get completely wrong about how bad the world is and is a very positive book to help you question the reality of what your being told.QUESTION NORMALITYBeing shut of from most of society they have a very different impression of normal. As a nation of skinny people they found fat people an amazingly rare and hilarious thing to observe. When a train gets delayed this is a perfect opportunity for everyone to practice a group dance so why just waste time standing around when you could be dancing. They also believe that dark chocolate will make you black and white chocolate will make you white. So one, never buy a north korean lady dark chocolate as a present. and think twice before tucking into your favorite white chocolate bar before chowing down on a milkbar before you lose your tan. That’s something the scientist never warned you aboutTHE WORLD IS GETTING MUCH SMALLERWith the increasing wealth of all nations and decreasing cost of travel the number of tourists is exploding. Places like North Korea and Eritrea and starting to be able to have their own tourism industry as people increasingly want rare and unusual experiences beyond the normal and completely overdone options offered on package holidays where you are just one of a million people doing the same thing.Again going back to the Hans Rosling book there are two ways of looking at this. It’s easy to see the overabundance of people at tourist attractions as annoying and a problem. But it’s actually amazing that so many more people are able to afford to take time off work and enjoy their money and go away and relax.I was really surprised to meet rich North Korean on the train into and out of China who were going on shopping holidays for the latest fashion and things. It was a concept that hadn’t even entered my brain as possible MOST THINGS AREN’T THE END OF THE WORLD. YOU REALLY DON’T NEED TO STRESS - A BIT OF RESILIENCE AND IT’S ALL FINE!Travelling opens your eyes in many ways as I’ve shown. But one of the best things is when everything goes completely wrong and the most terrible stuff happens. and yet you still walk away fine having had this completely bonkers experience. It genuinely makes you feel like there’s no point worrying about anything. Ben’s experience being stranded on different borders or my experience being arrested in Paraguay feels like it’s the end of the world. and yet it all ends up okay. I can only liken it to jumping of a skyscraper and expecting to go splat and then just landing on the floor a little awkard and then picking yourself up and feeling a bit silly and walking off scratching you head wandering why you’ve been lied to in every single physics lesson.I really think the north koreans are possibly the most resilient people ever. Whether they’ve had self imposed disasters or problems imposed on them they keep picking themselves up and carrying on without worrying to much about it. They had literally all their personal savings wiped out 10 years ago when the currency was replaced with a new official currency and they weren’t allowed to swap more than $50 dollars of their savings into the new currency or something. Sure it’s a disaster and super bad thing that the government did, but it’s also amazing that the people were able to deal with this and just move on and find happiness in their lives, and if you can get over that you can probably get over anything. And i guess this was the kind of wierd thing that I genuinely felt like on average the north koreans were mostly happier. perhaps they just stopped giving a fuck and you can’t break someone who doesn’t care. So we can all learn to be a little bit more happy for whatever we do have and not worry about things that don’t go away. So thanks North Korea for showing me that and I hope it helps you be happier also!BOOKSBARBARA DEMICK - NOTHING TO ENVY ( book about lives of several north korean famalies and what they went through and expereinces defecting from the country. A completely mental experience of mankind that I feel everyone should readFACTFULNESS - HANS ROSLING ( much more positive book if Barbara Demick gets you down. This book really shows what is going on in the world and why we should find more reasons to be grateful rather then waste so much time whining about all our problems and pining for the past that was actually much worse than our current situation. Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeBen:LinkedIn ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Ben Johnson. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 16, 2018 • 57min

24: The Hottest Tech Innovation of the Year - Tom Carter - Ultrahaptics - [Repeat]

TOM CARTER — FOUNDER & CTO — ULTRAHAPTICSTom Carter is the Founder and CTO at Ultrahaptics. A leading technology company making mind-blowing technology that lets users feel the sensation of touch in mid-air. The future is coming and they are at the pinnacle of it. They just won the "Tech Innovation of the Year" award and it's an exciting time for the company as they go from strength to strength.Tom invented the technology behind Ultrahaptics alongside his professor in a research lab at the University of Bristol. They have since grown the idea into one of the UK's most innovative businesses raising multiple rounds of funding with a rapidly growing team. You don’t go through events like this without learning a lot of lessons. On the podcast, he shares some amazing insights into what he has learned along the way. It's an incredible story direct from the front line and I’m sure something all listeners will want to follow updates as their tech gets into the hands of consumers over the coming years.Linkshttps://Ultrahaptics.com notes Special Guest: Tom Carter. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 9, 2018 • 51min

23: What on Earth is a Rainbow Gathering and Why You Need to Go

Life under the Rainbow:Running wild in the woods with the naked hippiesRedefining you inhibitions and desires to create an entirely new view of the world and have lots of fun at the same time.Natural fun. no drugs, no alcohol, no technologyWe invite Felix Chandler back to the mic to talk about our experiences at Rainbow gatherings and what people need to know about them. Considering it is possibly one of the most enjoyable, interesting and insightful events I've ever been to it's amazing that most people have never heard of them, so definitely something worth sharing with you the listeners!We try and cover all the things someone who has never been asks and should know before arriving and the effect they had on us including all the challenges it threw at us and our favourite experiences and take homes.As well as rainbow gatherings we also discuss polyamory, the benefits of having and not having and generally put the world to rights on social media and travel.GatheringsMore details about upcoming Rainbow gatherings across the world can be found online here: are usually one or two active facebook groups per gathering and far too many to list here. Some of them can be difficult to join without an invite but you can usually message on one of the forums to be invited or try contacting me direct for an insiders invite into the family =]LESSONSAppreciate thingsThe story of the rich successful guy who wants to go back to being a poor man on the street was really interesting. He had never tasted something so good as a this skinny cat because he was so hungry for it and so appreciative. If you can culture better appreciation of everything around you this is the key to being happier in your lifeRainbow is a great launchpad for travelWhen you want to visit a new country and really learn about it and meet people and have real experiences. It is very hard these days as a tourist going to a new city and trying to actually engage with real life. Going to a Rainbow gathering in the country is a perfect way to meet actual locals and understand what life was like in their history and current times. And you get an awful lot of inspiration and tips for cool things to do in that country and a lot of invites to go and visit people and do fun stuff together. If you see an event happening in a country you’ve wanted to visit it is literally the best place to start hands down. Smile moreI can’t say how nice it was being in a group of people who always smiled at you as you walk along. Every day I walked lightly on my feet thanks to all the smiles. It’s something I’ve really enjoyed practising out and about since. HAlf the people I smile at look away before they get the chance to respond, but genuinely a lot of people look surprised and sile back and have a connection. and some people I even get a high five for no real reason but it’s awesome. So just go about your day assuming everyone will be nicer if you smile at them and thus you can actually make it so.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( at Dawn by Christopher Ryan ( Darwin's day, we've been told that sexual monogamy comes naturally to our species. Mainstream science--as well as religious and cultural institutions--has maintained that men and women evolved in families in which a man's possessions and protection were exchanged for a woman's fertility and fidelity. But this narrative is collapsing. Fewer and fewer couples are getting married, and divorce rates keep climbing as adultery and flagging libido drag down even seemingly solid marriages.In the tradition of the best historical and scientific writing, Sex at Dawn unapologetically upends unwarranted assumptions and unfounded conclusions while offering a revolutionary understanding of why we live and love as we do.Somewhere Under the Rainbow by Tom Thumb ( is a well-reviewed book about his experiences at Rainbow gatherings. It’s been described as a great way for those who haven’t gone to learn about it and for those that have been to reminisce and remember what they valued.I hope that is what I have achieved with this podcast but if you want to know more or remember more then this book is the place to go.Status Anxiety - Alain De Botton ( fascinating read on how are status affects the way we are treated by others and general dilemmas we face. What we try to acquire it from building a business to an active social media and how we can overcome this massive anxiety we are increasingly developing to end up being happier and more chilled out people.Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeSam:Instagram ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Felix Chandler. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 25, 2018 • 43min

21: The Vegans are Taking Over - Ben Marshall

Ben Marshall is a model, body-builder and vegan working in film and media. Of course, we discuss a lot about health, fitness and diet, Ben also has a lot of stories to tell from aggressive time management to obsessive teeth brushing.TOP TIPSMODELLINGresearch agencies and never pay up front for a shoot or let people pressure you into removing your clothes or taking drugsWORKOUTit’s about finding the routine that suits you and you can keep up. But also finding a way to change your routine every 4-6 weeks to keep it interesting and to stop the body from reaching a plateau. His gym routine example will be in the show notes. FOODYou can totally be a complete Vegan and a shining body of health if you eat right. His standard breakfast recipe will be in the show notes.ZOATSThese things looks awesome. This chocolate recipe seems totally great but also feel free to google yourself and try using carrot instead like ben suggestsChocolate Zoats ( UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeBenInstagram ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Ben Marshall. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 11, 2018 • 47min

20: Intense Health - Stronger, Fitter, Faster with HIT - Marcelo Mesquita

The business and science behind lightning fast workouts with big results.Marcelo Mesquita is the Founder and CEO of Intense Health, a radical new fitness chain delivering strength and fitness results with only 20-minute workouts.We discuss the science behind the HIT movement and Marcelo's path to starting the business, from opening his first gym at 16 to competing in martial arts and body-building.TIPSATTITUDE TO TIMEIn so many cases you can really leverage your time and this day and age it’s something we’re all running out of. So obviously working out can be quicker, but also meditation and even sleep with new technologies. Also when it comes to business things can go much faster if you are willing to share your business with people who are experienced and know your market and how to grow and avoid mistakes. That said you should also be willing to take things slowly and sensibly and pay the price of time where its due . Scaling a business too fast leads to mistakes and some things just need to be done methodically and patiently so that you can build a strong and stable business.ATTITUDE TO BUSINESSHe saved up to invest in the equipment and took some big but calculated risks on starting it. Didn’t take investment and instead got advice and contacts from his clients a lot of whom were business professionals and he really leveraged his network and asked important questions to take things to the next level. I feel a big similarity to my approach here on the podcast so hopefully, you guys at home are getting the same benefits through listening to all the lessons I’m learning here!LIFE PARTNERSHe’s the first person to ever say he would find his partner earlier in life. But he gave such a good reason that he really just found his best mate that’s into all the things he likes and a shared passion to take on the world together sounds awesome. I’ve always been pretty relaxed with an attitude of the right person will come along when they come along and not worried about it. but suddenly after listening to him, maybe I should prioritise this.BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible ( BY SCIENCE BY DOUG MCGUFF ( book that really breaks down the whole science behind High-Intensity and Low-Frequency weight training so you can understand the processes at the cellular level.FAST EXERCISE BY MICHAEL MOSELY ( researcher and doctors investigation into HIT training and how you can get fitter with just 120 seconds of training a week when done correctly. A very interesting book!Contact UsYou can find out more about us and chat about anything you likeMarcelo:Intense Health Website ( Health Twitter ( Health Instagram ( ( ( ( ('s blog - ( the Show - Patreon (!If you enjoyed the podcast please subscribe and rate it. And of course, share with your friends! Special Guest: Marcelo Mesquita. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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