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Nov 8, 2024 • 28min

10 Reasons Why You Need An Intuitive Buddy

Have you ever felt like you’re teetering on the edge of an emotional cliff and you might be ready to topple over? That’s when you are most likely to reach out and call a friend. I’ve been there! Who hasn’t? That’s one time when you really need an intuitive buddy. What Is an Intuitive Buddy? A friend who can tune into spirit and the energy to see the truth of what’s happening to you. They understand your fears, but have this uncanny ability to tell you if they are unnecessary. This friend calms you down and gets you off that cliff edge like no one else can. That’s because they know you spiritually, not just on the normal day-to-day, physical plane. We Get the Same Answers! Let me tell you a story about my intuitive buddy Carrie. We’ve been supporting each other for more than 30 years. When I’m freaked out, she’s the person I call. I know I’ll get true and reliable intuitive insight. She’ll give it to me straight and I’ll be able to breathe again. How did we get here? Well it did take some time. Now, with 30 years in, we are so tuned into each other, we connect with each other’s guides and read each other’s energy. We often get the very same intuitive information and answers. This past Sunday, Carrie called me in a massive panic. Her one-year-old grandchild was super sick, in the hospital, and having trouble breathing. A scary moment for any grandmother. But before she started to explain, I could tell she was extremely upset and on the edge. I heard the answer she sought prior to her even asking me the question. “He’s OK.” I didn’t blurt that out though. I let her tell me the whole story and when she was done, I relayed the message, “He’s OK.” She began to relax and breath normally again. In addition, I heard he’d be better by noon, but I kept that to myself. Checking in later in the afternoon, I asked if there was any change and she said yes, things had started turning around. Phew! Working with a Partner This is the joy, benefit, and marvel of having an intuitive buddy. You need one. Everyone needs one. How can you create this strong supportive connection? PRACTICE YOUR INTUITION TOGETHER. Carrie and I have been getting together to talk about our lives and figure things out for 30 years. But even at the beginning, there was a connection. The more we worked together intuitively, the more reliable and amazing it got. We looked at past lives, where we were on the spiritual path, and talked about jobs, business, family, and more. Pretty much everything under the sun. I have a couple of other friends I do this with and I also lead two groups. My time in these exchanges is always wonderful. I just love to support others intuitively and receive their support too. From one-on-one interactions to group work, this is a powerful spiritual experience, tuning into and connecting with the soul, spirit guides, angels and more from the higher realms. In this episode, I’m going to share 10 reasons why you need an intuitive buddy in your life. Some of these you may relate to better than others but each one is a powerful reason to find a spiritual partner and build your intuitive skills together: 1. Talk You Off the Edge When you’re overwhelmed, having someone to talk to is invaluable. Venting lets you get things off your chest. But what about resolving those issues? That’s where an intuitive buddy steps in. Together, you can figure out what’s really going on. What’s driving you to feel a certain way? What’s the root cause, and what’s a good solution? Having someone who can spiritually connect with you can help bring clarity and solutions in ways you might not achieve alone. 2. Gain Clarity When you’re in an emotional tailspin, it’s hard to see the forest for the trees. Emotions cloud your ability to tune in for yourself. That’s why having an intuitive buddy is essential – for these stressful times when you can’t get anywhere on your own. Trust me, it happens to the best of us, no matter how skilled or practiced. I have a couple of long-term problems that come and go which are the worst when it comes to relying on my own intuition. I have so much baggage about these topics that I need help to see what’s happening clearly and untangle things. When you work with a partner whom you trust, the clarity and insight they bring to the table is beyond helpful. 3. Build Trust Working with a partner not only helps you begin to trust your own intuition, but it also allows you to trust someone else’s too. Then there are those times when the answers you both received are so similar, you are awe struck. How could it be that you get the same answers? Nothing is better to build trust then when you have this type of thing occur. That’s how you know you are on the right track. Today, Carrie and I laugh about how our answers are often so similar, we can almost speak for each other. Yet, there are also times when the input we get is surprisingly different and I’ll talk about that in a minute. 4. Get Confirmation When you are using your intuition, nothing is more helpful than the confirmation provided by someone else getting something similar. That’s when you can relax, breathe easier, and know that you’ve got this whatever it is. Confirmation is hugely helpful in learning to trust your intuition and inner guidance system. We all need that kind of reinforcement. With practice, you will be able to see that you can trust the information you get. It takes time but it’s very worthwhile. And then, when you work with an intuitive buddy, that confirmation comes even more often. What a difference that can make! 5. See Different Perspectives There is great value is seeing your situation from different angles. That’s another big reason why working with an intuitive buddy can be a game changer. We all get stuck in our own viewpoints and everyone has a blind spot or two. Your intuitive buddy isn’t all wrapped up in the emotion of what has overtaken your life. Nope, they are neutral and this can be a tremendous help for seeing all sides of a problem. This gives you the chance to discover additional solutions and potentially come up with a solution you would never find on your own. 6. Grow Faster Growth is its own reward. But sharing the path to growth sure makes it a lot more fun! In addition, having the support of your intuitive buddy can help you get through situations more easily, faster, or at least feeling heard and validated. I’m a champion of developing, honing and relying on your intuition for your own personal advancement. My focus is on the very practical aspects of what helps you move through life with more ease and grace whenever possible. I’m all about what kind of practical advice will get me and you through the rough patch we’re facing right now and also tomorrow. I’m looking for ways to stay calm, maintain a positive outlook, be at peace, enjoy life, and feel certain that everything is working out perfectly. There’s a lot more, so please listen to the podcast! And if you want help finding an Intuitive Buddy, maybe the Intuitive Circle is right for you. Send me an email and let’s talk about it! Or get on the waitlist here. The post 10 Reasons Why You Need An Intuitive Buddy appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 31, 2024 • 29min

Heart-Warming Halloween Ghost Stories

Ready for Halloween ghost stories that warm your heart? Dive into this episode of the Breathe Love and Magic podcast, with eerie tales that will make you smile. The Origin of Halloween Before the story telling begins, let’s uncover Halloween’s ancient roots. Halloween comesfrom the Celtic festival Samhain, which marks the year’s end with a harvest celebration. It’s a time when the veil between our world and the spirit realm is at its thinnest. That’s why there are so many ghost stories! This tradition has evolved over millennia but retains its essence of connecting the living with the spirits of the departed. What’s most fascinating is looking at the connection of other cultures that also honor ancestors at this time of year. Honoring the Dead on 3 Continents There’s a Hindu holiday called Diwali which is a five-day festival that celebrates the victory of good vs. evil. On day two, the ancestors are honored. How interesting that on the other side of the world, at the same time of year, they too are connecting with the spirits of the departed. In addition, the Mexican Day of the Dead, is a combination of an ancient Aztec tradition with the All Souls Day brought by the Spanish, Catholic conquerors. Here too, the dead or those who have passed are celebrated and honored. So, this occurs on at least three continents that I know of! The best time of year to communicate with spirit Connecting with Ancestors I started the Halloween ghost stories with my own encounter – seeing my aunt at her funeral. As the casket was lowered, I noticed a woman sitting on the headstone to the left. Shockingly, I recognized her as my aunt, although she appeared much more youthful in a style that seemed like the late 1940s. We didn’t speak but after the funeral came the bigger surprise. A photograph of my aunt looking exactly as I saw her in the cemetery was at my cousin’s home – a picture I had never seen! Talk about a shocker! Here’s another one of my personal ghost stories. After my uncle passed, I went to visit my family, but there wasn’t a service. On my way back to my place, I suddenly felt the presence of others in my car! It became clear that my uncle, and his parents (my grandparents) were traveling with me – sort of like spiritual hitchhikers. This unexpected experience totally unfamiliar but once I got used to the idea, it was nice to think they came for a visit. Talk about transcending the boundaries of life and death! Comforting Ancestor Visits One listener recounted a sweet ghost story about her own godmother visiting.  Her son had learned to climb out of his crib, and she’d gone into his room to see him standing there. She picked him up and got on the bed with him. Suddenly, she felt the comforting presence of her godmother, which she found very reassuring, touching her leg, and then depressing the bed as she sat down next to her! She asked her godmother to please wake her if the baby needed attention. This sweet visitation ensured a restful night for both mother and child. Linda and her husband went to Vermont to the family house for a weekend ski trip. That night, while in bed, she woke up smelling her father’s aftershave. He’d been gone for some time now and that was strange enough. Next, she heard the crinkling of his favorite jacket, which caused her to open her eyes. There he was! Linda’s father stood in the room, telling her that he was doing well and everything was OK. Her father came to reassure her on what turned out to be the one-year anniversary of his death. Signs from Beyond Sometimes our ghostly ancestors provide signs of their presence. One listener went with her husband to visit her mother-in law. They cleaned up the patio making room for outdoor furniture, then went to purchase some just before the store closed. The listener was paying for the furniture while her husband went to bring the truck to the front to load everything up. Just before her husband walked in the door, a coin dropped inexplicably out of nowhere. He felt this was a heartfelt message from his departed father. Encounters like these serve as wonderful reminders that our loved ones continue to watch over us. I had a reading with my friend Marla, who is studying mediumship. She got my mom who shared a few things and then showed her the image of a light switch. Neither of us knew what this meant, and we just let it go. That night in bed, as I shut off the light with the remote-control button, it mysteriously switched back on! I thought what the heck? But then I remembered Marla’s reading with my mom showing her the light switch. This made me laugh and I acknowledged my mom’s visit. I shut of the light again and then my Kindle book turned on. Again, this made me laugh as my mom was making her presence known and showing me she was learning how to be a ghost. Another Halloween Episode about Salem, MA and more with Marla! Varying Reactions to Visitations Another listener described being tap on the shoulder by her late grandfather, as the entire family went to the home and stood around his favorite chair. She chided her brother who was the family prankster. She assumed he had done the tapping. He strenuously denied this and ran to the other end of the house! Not everyone is thrilled with joy by visiting ancestors and loved ones who have passed. Visiting Angels During a recent funeral, my husband was asked to play the guitar and sing Amazing Grace with his nephew. This was very stressful for him because he doesn’t enjoy being a performer or all the attention. But he wanted to do it. After the service ended, he and his nephew set themselves up at the front of the room and the idea came to me to call in the angels to support him. I closed my eyes and called Gabrielle for communication (and he plays the trumpet) and Michael for protection. The next thing I knew I opened my eyes to see an angel behind my husband that wrapped his wings around him. Then four more angels popped into view (all in my mind’s eye). All five were in a line at the front of the room, facing the crowd. What a surprise! I had never seen angels before and was totally thrilled with this experience. Honestly, it filled my heart with gratitude and brought tears to my eyes. Ghost Stories Can Happen Anytime With Halloween being the time of year when the veil is at its thinnest between our reality and the other world, these ghost stories remind us that we can reach out and communicate. Stories of love, connection, and reassurance don’t only occur at this time of year, but this is when they are more frequent or easier to come by. As you celebrate this Halloween, be open to the whispers and stories of the spirits and ancestors around you. Whether it’s through a feeling, a sign, or a flickering light, know that your loved ones are never far away. maybe this year, you’ll have your own Halloween ghost story to tell. Trick or Treat and Happy Halloween to all! The post Heart-Warming Halloween Ghost Stories appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 25, 2024 • 26min

Manifest Miracles And Magic: Update On My Spiritual Adventure

Are you ready to manifest miracles and magic in your life? I did this in just one week, and it was easier than you think! The Power of Miracles and Magic Miracles and magic might seem reserved for fairy tales, but what if you could experience them in your life? That’s what I talk about in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. I shared how I attracted these both last week and it continued in this week too! A Blessing for Miracles Last week was unbelievably magical, filled with synchronicities and epiphanies. The journey began with a simple daily blessing or prayer from Kyle Gray’s book, Raise Your Vibration. I adapted his prayer about miracles, infusing it with magic as well. Every day, I repeated this powerful blessing not knowing what would happen as a result. Turns out my life opened to lots of unexpected magic and as the synchronicities piled up, I realized how miracles are naturally attracted to me. The more I believed this, the more my vibration rose. The Big Epiphany Last week I took a workshop about branding and messaging. Despite suggestions to include the word “spiritual” in my branding, I had big reservations. I preferred the word “mystical” in my messaging rather than “spiritual,” and this unbeknownst to me, created a roadblock that I could not see. After the workshop I was telling my coach about what I came up with and I had this massive epiphany – I realized that insisting on avoiding the word “spiritual” was actually stopping the flow of the universe. It was time for me to stop focusing on what I didn’t want and to concentrate on what I do want. A classic spiritual lesson! My Second Art Show Last week I also had a painting in my second art show. I attended the opening with my husband but didn’t see many people I knew except this one artist Kiko who I spoke with briefly. He’s always friendly and fun. Before leaving I noticed a painting and a photo of the artist – this was a woman named Cathy who had judged the show. I recognized her name from my town’s magazine. She’d been featured and they talked about her work and a painting group she had at her home. Once outside the door, I saw several of the artists from the group I had joined, and I said hello but didn’t stay to chat with them. That was Thursday. Sychronicities at the Pond Friday, I went for a walk with my friend Tammy at this local park with a woodland path around a pond. You won’t believe who I ran into there -Cathy! Talk about how to manifest miracles and magic! She’s the judge of the art show and the woman who has a painting group at her home. I had tried to start a painting group but was having trouble gathering people and had given up. But there she was painting at the pond. I stopped to talk with her and discovered she still had the painting group! She invited me to join them. I was so excited. What an incredible synchronicity – quite a miracle seeing her there because we had never even met. I wouldn’t have known who she was if I hadn’t gone to the art show. Fast forward to Saturday morning, I went to the diner for a late breakfast and who did I run into? Kiko! I said hello but went to sit down and order. Later that day, I volunteered to babysit the art show, and they assigned two people for blocks of 2 hours. Guess who my partner was at the gallery? Kiko! We chatted for over 90-minutes, and it was incredibly fun. He’s so quick-witted and creative. Manifesting Group But wait – there’s more manifesting miracles and magic from last week. I lead a Manifesting Power Hour group three times a month. At this week’s session we experimented with new techniques, inspired by the teachings of Neville Goddard. Each woman created a future memory of something they wanted to manifest. Then one by one, they shared their vision, and the entire group cheered to celebrate their future success. My guides had given me an assignment to get excited about something and I had no idea what that would be. In fact, I found this instructon quite annoying. But suddenly, exciting things were popping up in my life and this manifesting group was one of them. Miracles continued to find their way to me. We had super warm weather for mid October in Connecticut, allowing me to go to the beach four times this week! That’s crazy! Plus, this week I went to the first painting group at Cathy’s house, and it was everything I’d been looking for! Amazing- it really was a miracle! I started a new painting and met some new people. Creating Miracles To manifest miracles and magic in your life doesn’t have to be hard or  complicated. It can be as simple as opening your heart to opportunities and saying the blessing. That’s what worked for me! According to the Course in Miracles, there is no order of difficulty. One miracle is not harder than another to manifest. They are all the same. Given that, my advice is to go big! If you’re inspired and want a copy of the Miracles and Magic blessing, inspired by Kyle Gray, email me through the website contact for and I’ll send you a copy. Remember, breathe in love and magic, because miracles are all around you, waiting to be discovered. If you’re curious to know more about my spiritual adventure, see links below to listen to other episodes. The Tipping Point In Life – My Spiritual Adventure How To Find Joy In The Journey – My Spiritual Adventure Update Painting My Way Into A Colorful Spiritual Adventure The post Manifest Miracles And Magic: Update On My Spiritual Adventure appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 18, 2024 • 33min

The Universe Is Ready To Guide You But Are You Ready To Listen?

Listen to the Universe. In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, we dive deep into the world of spiritual growth and self-discovery with Jeni Holla, an experienced Akashic Records guide and energy healer. Learn how tapping into the cosmic library can help you harness your inner power and authenticity. Intuitive Guidance with Jeni Holla Not your typical Akashic Records guide, Jeni’s decade of experience, combined intuitive guidance and practical insights help conscious leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs achieve profound transformation. Jeni shared the story of discovering her calling. It started in her teens when she was introduced to the spiritual realm through books like The Celestine Prophecy. So, she became familiar with spirituality and related topics at a young age. While she began her career in corporate sales, Jeni was drawn back to spiritual exploration through Maureen St. Germain’s book, “Waking Up in 5D.” This journey led her to Maureen’s work on opening the Akashic Records—a pivotal moment that illuminated the path Jeni was meant to follow. A Portal to Transformation The Akashic Records can be likened to a cosmic library, holding the energetic imprint of every soul’s journey. Jeni candidly discussed how her own encounters with the records expanded her consciousness and revealed her purpose. She emphasizes that it wasn’t just about personal growth, but a call to empower others—something she never imagined for herself. As Jeni began tuning into the records and channeling messages, she discovered the power of embracing the unknown. This new dimension of her work pushed her to lean into areas beyond her comfort zone. This  accelerated her growth both personally and spiritually. It’s a reminder that when you confront your fears and embrace your authentic self, transformation is inevitable. The Key to Navigating Life Jeni and I talked about the importance of trust—both in oneself and in the universe. For many people, overthinking can stall progress, especially when it comes to living from the heart. Jeni revealed the importance of turning the volume up or down on overthinking, depending on what you’re working on. This is a huge help for navigating life with greater ease and being able to listen to the Universe. Staying grounded while working in the spiritual realms is another key to making the most of the guidance. I talked about balancing practicality with spirituality, emphasizing the uniqueness of each person’s path. Trusting your inner compass and understanding how your experiences shape you, helps you find peace and alignment in your life. The Etheric vs. The Practical One fascinating part of the discussion was the difference between the etheric (5D) and practical (3D) dimensions. Jeni illustrated this with her clients’ experiences, from forming profound connections with their guides to gaining unexpected clarity on significant life events. These metaphysical transformations can sometimes defy explanation. Yet they serve as powerful reminders of the potential for inner healing and growth that are available. When talking about 5D, it’s more etheric or spiritual vs. 3D which is more every day and practical. The process of working with the Akashic Records is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Instead, it’s uniquely tailored to each individual, addressing their needs at the soul level. This approach allows deep-seated emotional and spiritual blocks to be identified and released, paving the way for a more authentic and fulfilling life. That’s what happens when you listen to the Universe. Embrace Your Power As Jeni wrapped up her thoughts, she left us with a powerful call to action. She urged everyone to stop playing small and step into their power. It’s so important for everyone to connect with their own energy. Think about if you’re reacting to external influences, or are you making choices from your inner core? The answer to this question often leads to realignment with your true purpose. In a world where many seek external validation, Jeni’s message is a refreshing reminder to trust yourself and your path. Taking an empowered step can make a significant impact, not only in your own life, but also rippling out into the world. Ultimately, Jeni encourages everyone to listen to their inner guide when choosing whom to work with on their spiritual journey. Trust in those gentle nudges and follow what truly resonates with your soul. Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your exploration, there’s a place for everyone in this vast, etheric landscape. In the words of Jeni herself, “Let your light shine and make those tidal waves of change you are meant to create.” Get Jeni’s Akashic Records Messages If you’re intrigued by Jeni’s journey, are ready to listen to the Universe, and want to dive deeper, she invites you to explore her work further. You can learn more about her insights and teachings through her website,, where you can sign up for her free newsletter featuring weekly channeled messages. BIO – Jeni Holla Jeni is an Akashic Records Guide and Energy Healer with over ten years of experience empowering conscious leaders and spiritual entrepreneurs. Through her unique approach, Jeni combines intuitive guidance and practical insights to help clients achieve deep transformation. She specializes in helping individuals trust themselves, embrace their power, and live in alignment with their true essence. With a focus on authenticity, presence, and embodiment, Jeni’s teachings inspire profound personal and professional growth. Website & Social Media Website: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: The post The Universe Is Ready To Guide You But Are You Ready To Listen? appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 11, 2024 • 32min

Relax And Disappear Into A Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Have you been to a sound bath or crystal bowl sound healing? It’s sheer bliss and fabulous self-care! That’s what I’m talking about in this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast. Dive into the captivating world of sound healing with my guest, Catherine Barrett, known for her unique sound healing practices. Catherine shares her journey into meditation and the relaxing vibrations she brings to her clients through sound. Discovering A Healing Path Catherine’s story begins in 2011 when she found herself grappling with personal challenges, including a difficult divorce. Struggling with insomnia and stress, she stumbled upon Deepak Chopra’s 21-day meditation challenge. This sparked a powerful shift for her. To help clients have a deeper experience, Catherine began incorporating Tibetan bowls into her meditation sessions. She was very encouraged by the positive responses which was the start of her sound healing. The Science Behind the Sound Catherine talked about how sound waves work their magic by literally washing over and through the body. This is due to the body’s high water content – about 70%! Sound waves stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, lowering cortisol levels and ultimately relaxing the entire body. The sound vibrates through the body, offering what Catherine describes as a gentle massage for the lymphatic system. Beyond relaxation, sound also induces a state where creativity and clarity can flourish. Eventhough sessions are relaxing, her corporate sessions have also helped people find unexpected solutions to work problems. Sound to Calm the Mind Sound frequencies can slow brainwaves from the hectic beta state to a meditative alpha or even theta state. This transition calms the mind resulting in an mental and emotional unclogging. This can help people reconnect with their true self. The soothing sounds produce emotional releases in clients, who find themselves laughing, crying, or simply relieved of tension. This non-intrusive method for aligning body energy and releasing emotional blockages, makes it a simple and easy path for healing. Discover Healing with Essential Oils Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Catherine’s toolkit is a harmonious blend of amazing instruments. From crystal bowls tuned to the chakras to the tinkling sounds of the koshi chimes, these instruments resonate with almost everyone. To me they sound like fairies! Her sessions incorporate a variety of instruments to maintain the meditative engagement. Relaxing and yet listening, the sound guides participants through a remarkable auditory adventure. Instruments like the ocean drum or rain stick are a great way to wrap up a session. These sounds are grounding and complete a sound bath by recentering and helping participants come back to the body. The Remarkable Soul Intellifence Method of Healing Sound as a Healing Tool Catherine’s dedication to sound as a healing method has created remarkable shifts among her clients. They have experienced releasing muscle tension, emotional epiphanies, or a renewed sense of self. Sound healing has a versatile range of benefits. Catherine encourages listeners to seek out crystal bowl sound healing experiences locally. Often affordable, these sessions promise an unconventional, yet remarkably relaxing journey into self-care. Sound healing can be an unexpected ally in your journey towards inner peace. Healing from Within With society having a growing appreciation for sound’s role in wellbeing, Catherine’s approach highlights the benefits and accessibility. She invites everyone to indulge in this ancient, yet cutting-edge form of meditative therapy. There’s little out there as soothing and relaxing as crystal bowl sound healing. Get a copy of Catherine’s Free sound healing meditation recording! If you’re curious or ready to experience a snippet of this soothing practice, direct message @Catherine.Barrett.Sound on Instagram and she’ll send the recording to you! BIO – Catherine Barrett Catherine Barrett began her meditation journey in 2011 and has been committed to it ever since. In her own life, meditation has served as a healthy coping mechanism for everyday stressors, as well as a way to discover inner peace through mindfulness. She strongly believes it is one of the most profound forms of self-care and is deeply passionate about guiding each student on their own unique path to developing a practice that suits them. Catherine completed her teacher training in the Shamatha style of meditation under David Nichtern in 2016 and began instructing students privately throughout Fairfield county (CT). She noticed the positive effects of using sound bowls and pursued certification in sound healing. She also has been certified to teach EFT, Yoga Nidra, and became  a Reiki Master in 2017. Social Media Instagram: Catherine.Barrett.Sound The post Relax And Disappear Into A Crystal Bowl Sound Healing appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Oct 4, 2024 • 35min

Dragon Guardians, Invisible Friends, Avalon And More

In this enchanting episode of the Breathe, Love and Magic podcast, I had a fascinating conversation about dragon guardians with Neil Gaur, founder of Discovering Dragon Guardians This mythical subject is not just fanciful tales but is actually steeped in deep spiritual and esoteric meaning. Neil clarified dragons aren’t merely folklore but linked to significant archetypal and metaphorical meanings, grounded in historical and cultural narratives. Neil explained the astrological importance of the year we are in according to Chinese astrology. This is the year of the Wood Dragon, symbolizing masculine energy. Next year is the Year of the Snake, transitioning us to divine feminine energy. According to Neil, this sequence represents a balance of serpentine energies, deeply rooted in both mythology and energy work. I’ve always loved dragons, as did my mother who bought me a bronze dragon statue that now sits on my ancestor altar. Listen to Neil’s first interview about changing the ancient history timeline East vs. West on Dragons There is a stark contrast between Eastern and Western perspectives on dragons. The Eastern world reveres dragons as a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual ascension. However, the Western world often depicts them as adversaries to be vanquished. This dichotomy points to differing cultural narratives around spiritual symbolism. Neil learned a lot about dragons through a past life regression. During his session, he discovered he was from a planet that’s in the constellation of Orion. His regression revealed that dragons have profound connections with human souls and him personally. Dragon guardians aid humans with their incarnation and spiritual journey, particularly from birth to three years old. Dragons as Guardians According to Neil, every human potentially has a dragon counterpart that assists in their soul’s journey starting in a mystical pool within the Earth to the physical realm. These dragon guardians support souls through their early years and foster a deep spiritual bond, helping them navigate the initial stages of life. Much to his amazement, Neil told a powerful anecdote about a woman who talked about her young daughter having a dragon invisible friend from the red tribe. This was an exact parallel to his own story. He was surprised and felt this was strong confirmation since he hadn’t said one word to her about dragons. The Spiritual Role of Dragons and Snakes The dragon and snake are symbols that unearth hidden truths and wisdom. They challenge you to confront and heal from past traumas, preparing you for a new dimension of spiritual experiences. Neil emphasized that these mythical creatures aid humanity in exposing and dealing with lies and manipulations that have long been hidden. Dragon guardians are also powerful symbols of  prosperity, and higher consciousness. They usher in a transformative era, encouraging humanity to move from scarcity and fear to abundance and enlightenment. Ascension and Present Awareness My guest noted that true ascension is about being present in the moment and finding beauty in the now, rather than waiting for some future event. This perspective underscores the importance of being mindful as a foundation for living better now and creating a better future. Avalon, King Arthur & Guinevere As mentioned, Neil travels the globe putting together amazing events. His most recent conference at Glastonbury in the UK, is supposedly on the site of Avalon which was once surround by water. We talked a little about the Camelot folklore and I mentioned that in my reading, I discovered that today’s stories have many falsehoods according to some historians. It’s been asserted that Guinevere never cheated on King Arthur and that Lancelot was not even part of the original story. Discrepancies in the Arthur Story Many changes have been made to this mythic legend that persists. One account claims Guinevere was from Avalon’s Fae community and she agreed to marry the human King Arthur to help create the spiritually elevated community of Camelot. Morgause, also known as Morgain, was the queen of the Fae and not Arthur’s half sister contrary to how today’s story goes. They did not have an incestuous child who grew up to be Mordred and was the downfall of Arthur. Also, Morgain was called the Lady of the Lake, and held the position as head of the Fae. Plus, Avalon was considered a portal to the elemental world. This is aligned with what I’ve read about her being the Queen of the Faeries. Some historians blame the “powers that be”, for tarnishing the women in this epic tale that survives today in it’s twisted form. Unfortunately, much of the magic and some of the real facts, including stories of Merlin are lost over the years. Neil’s Upcoming Events Beyond the dragon guardians, Neil has several exciting events lined up, including an 11-day streaming event called The Awakening of Humanity. Starting October 8 – 18th, 2024. This is the biggest live stream event ever, celebrating his 16 year anniversary of Portal to Ascension. There will be 77 presenters offering workshops, meditation, and activations. Learn more and register for this monumental FREE event at BIO – Neil Gaur Neil Gaur is the Founder of Portal to Ascension, a conscious event production company created in 2008 that hosts a wide range of presenters. Topics include the origins of humanity, the existence of Extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality. He travels the world facilitating gatherings and filming documentaries that are intended to empower the individual. It’s time to reclaim your sovereignty and awaken to your full potential. Neil’s online platform called Portal to Ascension creates and facilitates about 110 conferences and workshops a year. He’s worked with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers and more. Gaur is a philosopher, historian, researcher and spoken word artist, and presents research on ancient wisdom and the future science of sound, vibration and frequency. Website & Social Media Website: YouTube: Facebook: Instagram: Spotify: The post Dragon Guardians, Invisible Friends, Avalon And More appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 27, 2024 • 27min

Asking The Universe For Help 8 Different Ways

Are you struggling with something in life that isn’t the way you want it? Have you tried asking the Universe for help? Before jumping into the mini-workshop I have for you in this episode, I did mention three good things – magical moments that I had since the last episode. One was meeting my friend Kristine, the founder and creator of the Soul Intelligence (R) Method that I offer as bioenergetic clearings. We had never met in person, only on zoom over the last three years. As it turned out, I was going on vacation to the same town where her mom lives. And she happened to be visiting her mom when I was there! Synchronicity! So, we all met for dinner which was so much fun. Here are the photos from that night.             What is the Universe? What’s the context for talking about the Universe? The Universe represents everything that’s out there. The stars, the sky, the sun, the earth, and our solar system, right? And there are other solar systems too (and other Universes). You are also a part of the Universe. So,the first thing to realize is that the Universe is the source of everything, and you too, are a part of everything, which is great! I hope this makes you feel empowered and you start to see why you should feel completely deserving of asking the Universe for help. Some people think the Universe is the source, God, Goddesses and Gods, or ascended masters. It includes your higher self and your soul. It includes nature, the fairy realm and elementals, the angels and your spirit guides. And let’s not forget your whole and healed ancestors. After all, the Universe is limitless and inclusive, offering countless ways to request help and provide answers and aid. Now that you know what the Universe is and why it’s good to ask, let’s talk about surefire methods to get the support you want when you need it most. Asking the Universe for Help – 8 Ways In this podcast episode, I share eight suggestions to ask the Universe for assistance. You can hear the details for each in the episode, but I’ll list them here, so you know what to listen for: Write the universe a letter Your body offers clues Connect with a tree for wisdom and healing Sing the Ganesh chant Ask the faery realm for help – but follow the process I recommend closely Reach out to your ancestors – they love you! Ask the Universe for a sign – get my free audio program here but the podcast has additional ideas Ask your angels for their help – they’re waiting for you and ready! Additional Suggestions Try Prayer Meditate on your problem for insights Rely on your intuition and inner wisdom for help Do a Tarot card reading Use a pendulum Get a professional reading! Create a Ritual to Ask for Help When making your request, you can create a ritual: Start by lighting a candle Center yourself, get quiet, and slow your breathing State your request clearly and be specific Focus on what you do want vs. complaining about what’s happening or what you don’t want Close by saying, “This or something better” to allow the Universe to provide the best possible solution. The Universe is much smarter than you and me Complete the exercise by expressing gratitude for the help before you even get it. A grateful heart is magnetic Have faith! This is an essential part of the process! What to Expect Most of the suggestions might not produce a direct or immediate response. However, even, if you don’t get anything right away, that doesn’t mean you won’t get the support you need and requested. This is so important when asking the universe for help. I don’t want you to feel disappointed if you don’t get an immediate response. It isn’t just about asking and putting the Universe on notice that you need help. You need to spend time believing the Universe will support you and that the angels or your ancestors, etc. will come through for you. Be patient, hold firm to your beliefs, and know you are always surrounded by a team of angels, spirit guides, ancestors and loved ones who work to guide and help you through life at every step. This is true even if you’re unaware of that support. When you believe help is available, and within your reach, you’ll feel less isolated and more supported by the Universe and all of its members. Sometimes just reminding yourself of this fundamental truth can help strengthen your belief and bring you a measure of peace while you’re waiting for the answers, manifestation, or resolution. Enjoy the podcast and good luck with whatever method you choose. Help is on the way! The post Asking The Universe For Help 8 Different Ways appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 20, 2024 • 24min

The Honest Truth About My Magic-Discovering A Big Gap

Do you use magic daily? Simple acts like meditation, connecting with your guides, writing with your higher self, or even infusing your tea or coffee with intention? There are countless ways to add magic to everyday life, but are you using them? In this episode, I reflect on my journey and what I’ve learned over the last five years. Self-Reflection Recently, I reviewed my journals from 2020 to now, hoping to learn about my spiritual journey. While the big adventure began in July 2023, my deeper reflection revealed patterns I hadn’t noticed. Today, I’m sharing the highlights and the wake-up call that came from this review. It showed me how I’ve been living and what needs to change. A Magical Affirmation In 2020, I worked with a magic coach and created an affirmation: “I live a magical life filled with helpful and fun synchronicities. These fabulous synchronicities delight and guide me.” I started a morning practice of gratitude, intentions, and affirmations that lasted until the end of 2021. The practice was incredibly effective, but I eventually stopped. Why? We’ll get there. Sugar Bowl Magic and Akashic Records During this time, I also learned about sugar bowl magic—stirring affirmations into sugar to sweeten up life. I had an unforgettable experience reading the Akashic Records opening prayer by Linda Howe, which gave me a powerful energetic attunement. The experience was profound, and I can still feel the energy today as I’m talking about it. Daily Magic Practices Over time, I explored different forms of magic—infusing my coffee with love and health, sending blessings, or talking to plants. These small acts of daily magic can be transformative. One of my favorites is choosing the color of my clothes consciously. Listen to this episode with 30 bits of daily magic. Healing the Heart Wall I’ve also had amazing experiences with the Heart Wall meditation, (based on the work of  which revealed energetic blocks and protective devices in my field. These blocks were tied to vows I made in past lives, keeping me from fully accessing my magic. Releasing Old Vows Through meditation, I released limiting beliefs and vows that had bound my magic. It was exhilarating to remember the freedom I’d gained. I had forgotten many of these moments, but reviewing them reignited my excitement. Yet, despite these breakthroughs, I still found myself inconsistent with daily magic. Kundalini Yoga and Garden Magic Kundalini yoga and chanting became a part of my routine, lifting my spirits. I even had a profound connection with my garden—moths danced on my arm after I spoke gratitude to my plants. These magical moments reminded me of the power of tuning in to nature. Being Inconsistent Despite all of these experiences, I wasn’t using my magic consistently. I tried new practices, got excited, and then let them fizzle out. It wasn’t the variety that was the problem—it was the lack of consistency. I realized I wasn’t staying true to my magical self. A Message from a Novel Recently, while reading Discovery of Witches, (also a three-season series on Netflix) I saw a message about daily magic that resonated deeply. It reminded me that to live a magical life, I need to be one with my magic every day. Magic doesn’t just happen—it’s created. I can’t expect magic to come to me if I’m not actively engaging with it. Committing to Daily Magic I’ve realized that if I want to live a magical life, I have to invest in myself and my magic daily. It’s not about casting spells—it’s about focusing my energy on the things that matter. Infusing my tea with intention, sweeping my front stoop to clear energy, walking to move stagnant energy—these are all acts of magic that connect me to my higher self. Magic as a Way of Life From now on, I’m committing to daily magic. I’ll infuse everything I do with intention, calling in my highest energy and embracing the magic all around me. This isn’t just about performing acts of magic; it’s about living as the magical being that I am. If you want to join me in this journey, I’d love to hear about your experiences. The Path of Ease and Grace Ultimately, my goal is to walk the path of ease and grace, but to do that, I need to use my magic. By connecting with spirit, my higher self, and the magic alive around me, I hope to create a life filled with synchronicities and guidance. I talk about living a magical life, but now I’m making it a discipline. When I fall off the path, I’ll get back on quickly. The key is to infuse my life with intention daily. Join the Journey I’m not insisting that you practice daily magic with me, but I invite you to try it if you feel called. Even small acts can have a big impact. If we commit to walking our highest path, imagine what our lives could be like. It won’t always be sunshine and flowers, but the magic will help us navigate challenges with more grace. I hope you’ll join me in increasing magic and awareness in your life. Together, we can make life more magical, more aligned, and more in tune with the synchronicities that guide us. If you’d like to share your thoughts or magical experiences, feel free to comment below – I’d love to hear from you! The post The Honest Truth About My Magic-Discovering A Big Gap appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 13, 2024 • 0sec

Sylvia’s Past Lives: Ancient Skills and Modern Reflections

Welcome to another fascinating exploration of past lives! Today, we’re diving into an intriguing reading for Sylvia, who came to uncover how her intuitive and healing skills from previous incarnations apply to her current life. I dove into the Akashic Records and used my intuitive skills to reveal insights from Sylvia’s many lifetimes. Here’s what we discovered. Sylvia’s Questions Before we get into the reading itself, it’s important to understand Sylvia’s objectives. Sylvia wanted to explore how she used her intuitive and healing skills in past lives and how these skills influence her today. We discovered incarnations dating back to Atlantis, with many roles as an intuitive and healer. Sylvia also had practical concerns. She wondered why she struggled to let go of material possessions, feeling a need to hold onto things. This, she felt, was hindering her personal growth and freedom. Her inquiry set the stage for an in-depth journey into her soul’s history. Opening the Akashic Records We began by stepping into the Akashic Records. After saying a prayer to set our intentions, Sylvia asked the pivotal question: “How did I use my intuitive skills in past lives that will help me today?” We pinpointed several past lives that held the answers. Skills from Atlantis The first vision brought us to Atlantis. In this ancient civilization, intuitive and healing skills were commonplace. Sylvia was a gifted healer and intuitive. People regularly sought her out for guidance and energy healing, much like today’s spiritual practitioners but with a societal acceptance that made her work flourish. Her effectiveness and skills earned her a high reputation, and it was clear that these abilities have deep roots in her soul’s journey. Life in Ancient Egypt As Atlantis faced its downfall, the people scattered. Sylvia’s spiritual journey took her to Egypt, a land famous for its pyramids—structures that were not merely tombs but spiritual training centers. In that life, Sylvia guided acolytes through their psychic attunements and other mystical practices inside the pyramids. She achieved a high level of mastery in this life time. Medieval Eastern Europe The next significant life appeared in Eastern Europe, somewhere east of Greece, during the 1100s to 1200s. Surrounded by a backdrop of medieval mysticism and church dominance, Sylvia’s intuitive work required secrecy. Using crystals and other tools, she operated in a clandestine manner, afraid of the Church’s persecution. That life was characterized by both effectiveness and fear, impacting her current life’s sense of security and willingness to step into the spotlight. Madame Blavatsky An interesting twist came when Sylvia’s past life connections led us to Madame Blavatsky, a renowned spiritualist born in 1831 in Russia and later a founder of The Theosophical Society. While it wasn’t crystal clear, it seems Sylvia was one of Blavatsky’s peers or in her spiritual circle. This past life connection brought a different dimension to her soul’s journey, one that was more public and socially accepted than her hidden life in medieval Europe. Holding On to Possessions One of Sylvia’s key questions was about her difficulty in letting go of material possessions. The reading revealed that this issue could be traced back to her past lives. The fall of Atlantis and her hidden life in Europe both contributed to a sense of instability. This was exascerbated by Sylvia’s energy frequencies rising. Holding onto physical items became a subconscious method to maintain a sense of grounding and security. In essense her “stuff” kept her safe by weighing her down. This past life reading resolved fears and limiting beliefs Grounding and Letting Go Instead of focusing solely on decluttering, the recommendation was to address the deep-seated fears of instability. Incorporating grounding practices like visualizating roots growing deep into the Earth, and using grounding stones such as hematite and garnet were suggested. With a couple of other grounding techniques, Sylvia was sure to feel more secure. By focusing on creating a sense of safety, decluttering and letting go of possessions would become a more natural, organic process. Gratitude and Affirmation As we wrapped up the session, Sylvia expressed her gratitude for the insights and practical tools she received. This reading offered not only a glance into her past lives but also actionable steps to better her current life. Simple affirmations like “I am loved, I am light, I am safe” could help reinforce her sense of grounding and security. Research on Madame Blavatsky After the reading, I did some research on Madame Blavatsky to provide Sylvia, and all of you, with a bit more context. Madame Helena Blavatsky was a Russian/Ukrainian writer born in 1831. She later became a spiritual leader in the United States and co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875, which focused on exploring mystical and spiritual concepts. Blavatsky’s work often involved conducting séances and connecting people with the spiritual realm, akin to the practices of modern mediums. During her time, there was substantial interest in communicating with the loved ones in the afterlife. This was greatly popularized by public figures like Queen Victoria after her husband passed. However, Blavatsky and her work faced considerable skepticism and opposition. Notably, magician Harry Houdini aggressively campaigned against spiritualism, viewing it as fraudulent. Houdini went as far as to petition Congress to intervene against what he considered deceptive practices. Eventually, Blavatsky and her partner, Henry Steel Olcott, relocated to India, where the concept of reincarnation and spiritual exploration were more culturally accepted. From there, they continued their work largely free from legal threats and societal skepticism prevalent in the West. Past Lives and Present Challenges Sylvia’s potential link to Madame Blavatsky highlighted the complexity and public acceptance of spiritual practices over time. It provided a fascinating twist to Sylvia’s reading, emphasizing the recurrent theme of spiritual mastery across different eras. Another past life reading about love and marriage Moving Forward with Greater Clarity To wrap up the reading, not only did Sylvia discover fascinating details about her past lives but she also received actionable insights to navigate current challenges. Grounding practices, affirmations, and understanding the historical context of her spiritual journey all contribute to a richer, more secure present. For those intrigued by how past life patterns could influence your life today, consider scheduling a past life reading. These readings offer invaluable insights, guiding you through your present-day life challenges with lessons from the past. By visiting Sylvia’s various incarnations, we understand the timeless nature of the spiritual journeys, seamlessly weaving together the past, present, and future in the fabric of the soul’s evolution. The post Sylvia’s Past Lives: Ancient Skills and Modern Reflections appeared first on Intuitive Edge.
Sep 6, 2024 • 34min

Brilliant New Insights About Finding Love Today

Are you on the journey to find lasting love? In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I had an illuminating conversation with Carisa Montooth, a Love Coach, sixth-generation healer, author, and speaker. Carisa combines practical dating strategies with deep emotional and spiritual healing, so keep reading! Love & Dating Blind Spots Carisa explains that identifying blind spots in love and dating is crucial. These blind spots are often remnants of unresolved issues from the past, influencing your present behavior and dating patterns. For example, if you consistently attract partners who aren’t serious about relationships, there may be a subconscious belief at play that needs to be addressed. It could be something like, I’m not worthy of serious love, or people don’t take me seriously, or even love doesn’t last. Healing Subconscious Blocks Carisa elaborates on how these blind spots manifest in your dating life. Past experiences shape your responses and behaviors, sometimes holding you back or creating self-sabotage. If you find yourself repeatedly dating similar types of people or facing the same issues in relationships, it’s a clear sign of a blind spot or block. Recognizing this pattern is the first step towards healing and making healthier choices. One significant way blind spots reveal themselves is through self-sabotage. Carisa explains that when you’re in a promising dating situation, fear of past traumas can lead you to instinctively sabotage it. For instance, if you believe that the relationship is too good to be true, you may unwittingly create conflicts or distance, effectively pushing the potential partner away. Improve your odds of finding love after 40 Success & Vulnerability in Dating I think there’s a big misconception that successful women intimidate men. Carisa agrees, emphasizing that vulnerability and authenticity are key in relationships. It’s essential to let your guard down and not hide behind your accomplishments. Authentic connections flourish when both partners can see and accept each other’s true self. When it came to the idea of pursuit, Carisa points out that you must align your actions with your intentions. If you want to be pursued, you need to allow that to happen and not jump in to get the ball rolling. This balance is crucial for maintaining a healthy dynamic in a relationship, where both parties feel valued and desired. Try conscious dating to find lasting love Technology & Dating I asked Carisa about the biggest change in dating in the 10 years she’s been in business. Her response was technology, which has transformed dating over the past decade. The instant gratification culture fueled by social media and dating apps often leads to unrealistic expectations. It can also create an impersonal approach to relationships. Carisa highlights the phenomena of ghosting and cloaking, where your partner disappears without explanation, causing psychological distress. This is particularly traumatic when it happens in a relationship where you’ve been seeing each other for a while. On the other hand, ghosting at the start of dating is normal, part of the process, and to be expected. Carisa and I agree that establishing healthy communication patterns is essential. Over-relying on technology, like texting and social media for constant reassurance can be detrimental. Finding a balance that suits both partners’ communication styles helps you maintain a strong, healthy relationship. Sixth Generation Healer I asked Carisa about her unique background as a sixth-generation healer. This lineage of healing includes naturalists, doulas, dowsers, midwives, and root workers. Carisa integrates this deep-rooted and ancestral knowledge into her practice, offering a comprehensive and unique healing experience for her clients. Healing from past traumas and subconscious blocks is an integral part of Carisa’s approach. She explains that unresolved grief or beliefs like “I’m too old for love” or “I’ve found my soulmate, so now that’s over” can severely impact your ability to attract and sustain a healthy relationship. Addressing these wounds on a cellular and spiritual level creates a fresh slate, enabling you to attract a partner who matches your healed, empowered energy. This is one huge reason healing is so important before you set out to find love. Intuition and Self-Love in Dating We both stress the importance of self-love and personal fulfillment. When you build a life that feels rich, abundant, and fulfilling, you naturally become more attractive to potential partners. Carisa shares that affirming and loving yourself deeply is not about perfection; it’s about progress. Continual self-care and self-love create an inviting energy that attracts a compatible and love-ready partner. She also recommends healing practices and working with healer like herself, to clear energetic blocks and open yourself up to love. Carisa’s clients benefit from her multi-level approach, addressing both practical dating strategies and deeper emotional healing. Essential Love & Dating Advice Carisa’s parting advice to anyone seeking love is to stop striving to make love happen and instead, start making love welcome. By fostering self-love, healing past wounds, and staying open, you create the perfect environment for a meaningful connection. Get Carisa’s Free Gift: The Heartache Cure ebook, which identifies five common wounds carried after a breakup and steps to heal them. BIO – Carisa Montooth Carisa Montooth, M.S. is a Love Coach, Certified 6th Generation Healer, Author and Speaker. Carisa shows single women how to attract and date marriage-minded men without self-sabotage. She helps her clients identify their blind spots in love, heal their subconscious blocks to love, and navigate the dating world with grace and confidence. Featured in Yahoo FinanceTM as a Top Ten Love Coach, Carisa holds advanced degrees in Psychology and Counseling and has written extensively about topics relating to relationships, dating and love. Website & Social Media Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: X (Twitter): The post Brilliant New Insights About Finding Love Today appeared first on Intuitive Edge.

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