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The Expat Money Show - With Mikkel Thorup

Latest episodes

Dec 28, 2022 • 1h 10min

223: Fortifying Your Digital Fortress: Top Privacy and Security Tips for Expats

Today we’ve compiled the best episodes on Privacy & Secrecy. We chat with Gabriel Custodiet, Terry Tillaart, Sean Aranda, and Tobias Ruck.   HERE IS A SNEAK PEEK INTO WHAT WE DISCUSSED… How Gabriel learned about privacy and began his privacy lifestyle, and why you need to take these issues seriously. Why it is so important to "stop making it easy" to access our private data. We chat about if it’s possible to have privacy vs Big Tech. Terry on why we are all mutually responsible for the parallel economy. Sean and I discuss "ghost guns" and 3D-printed guns. Tobias and I discuss solutions to the issue of privacy when using cryptocurrency. Terry on which cryptos are "for the people" and which are not. Tobias breaks down what is a "tumbler" option for privacy vs. individual privacy coins. Find out about other projects taking place within the parallel economy to increase privacy and a few privacy issues regarding the internet, email, and more… Gabriel shares his five major recommendations to make right now.   LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODES 217: Online Privacy For Freedom Minded Individuals – Terry Tillaart  188: Deep Dive On Privacy Coins And How To Stay Anonymous – Tobias Ruck  187: How To 3D Print Firearms Anywhere In The World – Sean Aranda  162: How Privacy Can Protect You If They Come For You – Gabriel Custodiet    CONCLUSION I hope you like this compilation of episodes. They were some of my favourites throughout the year. I thoroughly enjoy interviewing interesting people, and these four certainly were interesting. See you all next Wednesday on the podcast!Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Dec 21, 2022 • 1h 23min

222: Innovative Living: How Expats Benefit from Special Economic Zones and Private Cities

We’ve had some really amazing guests this year, and I wanted to share with you some great excerpts from some of the episodes, kind of like a recap for anyone interested in learning more about Special Economic Zones and Private Cities. In today's compilation, we chat with Thibault Serlet, Francisco Litvay, Patri Friedman and Peter Young. We discuss many things, and here are a few concepts and ideas I think you’ll really enjoy. Thibault shares a mythical legend about economic zones.  Francisco explains the philosophy behind free cities. Peter talks to us about why more countries don't go the free city route, how to go about instituting them & challenges along the way. Francisco talks about Prospera in detail and about the battle vs government. Patri gives us an update on Honduras and looks into future projects. Thibault discusses how zones are spread out across the globe. Peter tells us about corrupt countries and how to penetrate them with free cities. Patri talks about the power of exiting and voting with your feet and what needs to be done going forward. Francisco tells us the actions you can take to increase freedom with special economic zones.   LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODES 214: Stacking Laws Like LEGO Blocks To Secure Your Freedom – Patri Friedman 210: How To Use Special Economic Zones -Thibault Serlet 202: What Is A Startup City? – Francisco Litvay 192: Building Free Private Cities Around The World - Peter Young   CONCLUSION Well, there you have it. Four amazing guests with four great concepts and ideas. I do hope you enjoy listening to these short excerpts from the podcast. As you can see above, I’ve listed the episodes in their entirety if you want to listen to the full episode.Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Dec 14, 2022 • 39min

221: The Future Unveiled: Ron Paul Shares His Global Predictions

Today’s guest is Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Author, activist, physician and retired politician. Dr. Paul has had an incredible career, beginning in the 1960s as an OBYN into the 1980s, delivering somewhere around 4,000 babies in rural south Texas. During the 1970s, he founded the Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity and, in 1976, began his career as a politician. He was the Libertarian Party nominee in 1988 and a candidate for the Republican Party in 2008 and 2012.  In 2015 the former 12-term US Congressman from Texas launched the Liberty Report to discuss his provocative opinion and to analyze breaking issues affecting our lives and finances, and it is still going strong today. He is the author of END THE FED, THE REVOLUTION and more.   MY CONVERSATION WITH DR. RON PAUL  I ask Dr. Paul how he feels about the lack of freedom we’ve had over the past 2 and a half years; how did we get here? I’m Canadian. What does Dr. Paul make of what has happened in Canada over the last year with the trucker convoy and the government freezing bank accounts? We talk in-depth about his outlook for the future. Does humanity stand a chance? How can people all over the world protect themselves from what is happening? What is his advice for those seeking more freedom and liberty in their lives?   CONCLUSION I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Congressman Paul. I truly look up to this man, and I know you’ll love the conversation as much as I did.Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Dec 7, 2022 • 54min

220: Marc Faber – Buying Asian Investments & Currencies On The Cheap

Today’s guest on the Expat Money Show is Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of the ‘’Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.’’ Born in Zurich, Switzerland, he studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, obtained a Ph.D. in Economics magna cum laude. In 1990, he set up his business, publishing a widely read monthly investment newsletter, “THE GLOOM, BOOM & DOOM” report highlighting unusual investment opportunities. He is also the author of several books, including “TOMORROW’S GOLD – Asia’s Age of Discovery”    TODAY’S CONVERSATION WITH MARC FABER Listen in to today's conversation I have with Marc Faber about the possibility of war between China and Taiwan. What are his predictions, and what are they willing to do regarding money and war? Do the Taiwanese people want conflict? Or is it that the US likes to provoke conflict? Where do you hold your assets? Marc shares his basic allocation and the percentage for each. Is holding cash a good idea? And if so, what currency is worth holding? Why is it vitally important to hold your gold in the country you live in and not in another country? Online brokerage accounts. Are they a good idea? How safe are they? An important question to ask yourself: How will I lose the least in an environment where things are bad? Marc explains all. A serious risk that the governments will impose some sort of wealth taxation. In an emergency decree, a government can do anything; look at what Trudeau did during the trucker strike. We discuss Qatar and the UAE and their monarchies, as opposed to the corruption with Canada’s Trudeau and the fact that democracies have the very worst people at the top.  I asked Marc, what countries would you diversify in?  If you are holding US cash, what other fiat should we look at? And what does he believe the top 3 currencies are?   HOW TO REACH MARC FABER   RELATED EPISODE 214: Stacking Laws Like LEGO Blocks To Secure Your Freedom – Patri Friedman 199: It’s Time For The World To Wake Up And Thrive – Foster Gamble   CONCLUSION What an interesting conversation with one of the most brilliant minds of today. If you want to learn from the best, here is a glimpse into who Marc Faber is and why you should be listening to him.Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Nov 30, 2022 • 29min

219: Far from Home: Handling the Death of Loved Ones as an Expat

In this episode, I want to discuss a topic I have never talked about before on the show, it is not a happy topic, but I believe it is an important topic, and I hope it might help someone out there from my audience.Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Nov 23, 2022 • 52min

218: Powering the Future: Nick Giambruno on Energy and Bitcoin

Nick Giambruno is a renowned speculator and international investor. He's the Founder of The Financial Underground and Editor in Chief of its premium investment research publication, Contra Speculator. Nick travels the world searching for lucrative investment opportunities in overlooked markets and is known for spotting geopolitical and economic trends early.   TODAY'S CONVERSATION WITH NICK GIAMBRUNO Nick and I dig into early Bitcoin adoption and what China and Russia would look like if they adopted Bitcoin.  Argentina and Venezuela, both energy-producing countries, might be great candidates as well to adopt Bitcoin and lead the world in Bitcoin mining, but what would that look like? Understanding the Petrodollar, the relations between the Saudis and the Americans, and knowing the fundamentals here. A fascinating conversation regarding governments using Bitcoin to trade things like oil and other commodities like grains and such, all in Bitcoin. Are there good investments or speculations in the Middle East that are worthwhile?  Nick and I discuss the big picture situation geopolitically, economically, and how very important it is concerning the Middle East. Nick shares his research on Bitcoin mining companies, and we learn about these companies and what the difference is between investing in them as opposed to investing in Bitcoin directly. If you’re a beginner in buying and selling Bitcoin, Nick explains his favourite wallet and what you need to do to hold your bitcoin safely. Learn when the best time to buy Bitcoin is, how you can know what point in the cycle you are and how long you should hold on to it to ensure you make a good return on your investment.   RELATED EPISODES 217: Online Privacy For Freedom-Minded Individuals – Terry Tillaart 137: Blockchain And The Future Of The Internet – Marco Wutzer  108: Bitcoin vs Gold Live Debate From Vegas    HOW TO REACH Twitter @NickGiambruno   CONCLUSION Amazing conversation with Nick Giambruno. We really cover a lot of topics and ground on this episode. Fast-paced and so interesting. Don’t miss this one!Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Nov 16, 2022 • 58min

217: Guarding Your Digital Footprint: Privacy Tips from Terry Tillaart

Terry Tillaart is a proponent of private, decentralized, sound money, a crypto enthusiast, a privacy advocate and a regular speaker at international freedom conferences.   MY DISCUSSION WITH TERRY TILLAART  Today’s conversation with Terry Tillaart focuses on how we should be looking at ways to seek absolute freedom in our lives. Why is freedom important? Why should we be looking at getting away from the control of organizations that don’t have our best interests at heart, even though they claim they are doing it for our sake? Concepts that we must absolutely stop doing now, right now, and why this is vital to our future, your family's future. How do we support projects that support freedom and businesses that move us closer to our main objectives of a parallel society? If you believe that the last 3 years has been orchestrated by groups worldwide that don’t have your best interest at heart, then this is the episode for you.  We dig deeper into which crypto is for the people, which ones are pro-freedom, and which ones can’t be controlled. What you absolutely must know to be able to survive what is coming for the future of our world. Terry shares his favourite privacy coins and why he thinks these are a much better option. I talked with Terry about how things could have turned out differently if people who donated to the Trucker Convoy had used a privacy coin and how they wouldn’t have had their accounts frozen, not had their assets seized and would not be on some kind of watch list.    HOW TO REACH TERRY TILLAART & IMPORTANT LINKS FOR PRIVACY Private Telegram Group Most Private Email - Best Browser  - (also has the best search engine built in ) More Resources in Telegram Group   RELATED EPISODES  137: Blockchain And The Future Of The Internet – Marco Wutzer 188: Deep Dive On Privacy Coins And How To Stay Anonymous – Tobias Ruck 162: How Privacy Can Protect You If They Come For You – Gabriel Custodiet   CONCLUSION This is a fast-paced, packed-to-the-brim podcast episode with Terry Tillaart on freedom and the use of cryptocurrencies. We uncover so much really great information in less than one hour; it’s crazy. This is an important episode; make sure you don’t miss it.Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Nov 9, 2022 • 1h 4min

216: Rediscover Freedom: Marc Clair’s Mexican Adventure Revisited

Marc Clair and I discuss his expat journey, leaving Los Angeles, where he had lived for more than a decade, to live in Mexico City. We discuss the struggles and craziness of dealing with the Mexican government to get residency and in the USA to get a green card for his wife and stepson. Enjoy!Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Nov 2, 2022 • 39min

215: The Countdown Begins: Exciting Updates & Summit Sneak Peek

Today on the Expat Money Show, I want to update you, my faithful listeners, on what you can expect from the Expat Money Summit that starts next Monday, November 7, until the 11th. I don’t want anyone to miss out on learning how you can secure your new life abroad.   HERE ARE SOME OF THE THINGS I DISCUSS IN THIS EPISODE Don’t miss possibly one of the most important decisions of your life; listen to the speakers that we have lined up for this Summit; it will blow you away! I share with you some really cool secrets I’ve got planned for this Summit and how you can get involved. It’s not too late! Go to to register. Do it Now!!  After you listen to this episode, you’ll want to upgrade to a VIP or Founders ticket, you will go absolutely crazy over the benefits we are giving you with one of these tickets; truly a lifetime of giving! I share with you what we have in store for our evening entertainment! This is worth the price of a VIP ticket on its own. Best of all, we’ve got a fantastic giveaway happening, you can register here: I’ll tell you all about the amazing prizes you could win with this giveaway, and it’s totally free to sign up. To top it off, hear all about our fantastic trip to Uruguay in October with my private clients and learn why people work with me and how you can too.   CONCLUSION The Expat Money Summit has been a labour of love. My team and I have worked tirelessly to bring you the very best presenters that we could, I know you’re going to enjoy this episode.  Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference
Oct 26, 2022 • 53min

214: Patri Friedman’s Legal Strategies for Ultimate Freedom

Patri Friedman is the General Partner at Pronomos Capital, the first venture fund for charter cities and network states.  He coded at Google for ten years, has run a small angel fund since 2011, has degrees in math, CS, and business, and has been a leader in the competitive governance space for over 20 years. Patri has board memberships and advisory positions across the charter city/network state space. He also regularly gives talks, interviews, and holds events around the world.   TODAY'S CONVERSATION WITH PATRI FRIEDMAN How can you stack different legal jurisdictions to maximize your freedom?  What is the number one investment trend in the world that no one is talking about? Which country, at the edge of the world, is truly pushing the envelope in the field of governance, and what can you do to take advantage of the situation? How can looking at laws, the same way we look at software code, be the breakthrough that restores liberty to the world? Where do modern flag theory and charter cities meet? What are all smart, savvy investors betting on in the future? Where are innovators looking to next in the world, and what can you do to get involved?   HOW TO REACH PATRI FRIEDMAN Pronomos Capital Pronomos Capital - LinkedIn   RELATED EPISODES  202: What Is A Startup City? – Francisco Litvay 192: Building Free Private Cities Around The World – Peter Young 210: How To Use Special Economic Zones – Thibault Serlet   CONCLUSION What an amazing conversation I had with Patri Friedman today. I learned a ton of really fascinating things about law and governance and how to build a better city or country that suits the needs of those who want to live there. I think this is such a great episode to listen to. Don’t miss this one.Mentioned in this episode:TICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports ConferenceTICKETS NOW ON SALEJoin us March 14-15th, 2025, live in Panama City for the Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference. Take your Plan-B to the next level; tickets are limited. Wealth, Freedom & Passports Conference

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