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The Financial Independence Show

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Mar 10, 2020 • 45min

When Can I Retire? | Tyson Koska from OnTrajectory

Today's episode features Tyson Koska from OnTrajectory. Tyson joined the Army when he didn't have enough money to go to the college he wanted. Later, he would end up with an English and Philosophy degree which didn't land him a job. He fell back on an old skill of programming and up-skilled his way into eventually making six figures. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think about Tyson's amazing turnaround. Episode Summary Tyson's background From a young age, he had jobs and tried to make his own money His goal has always been to be independent When it was time to go to college his parents offered to help But for them to do so he would have to live at home Instead, he decided to join the Army and became a helicopter pilot Tyson admitted he made a lot of missteps when he first started working He blew all his money and racked up credit cards Reinventing and Up-Skilling He left the military in 1992 In the end, he would end up in that little local college after all Tyson decided to study English and philosophy Those majors didn't provide any job prospects Tyson fell back on his old skill of programming that he learned at age 13 This spun into a job and a pipeline for up-skilling Over that stint, he would climb from $30k income to over $100k His income was increasing but so was his spending Tyson says that was largely due to marrying the wrong person Then we discussed what really flipped the switch for him He recalls a friend who wanted to open a McDonald's His friend said he needed $100k to do so That sounded like a ridiculous amount of money to him but inspired him Creating OnTrajectory Another big turning point was when his second kid was on the way There was so much unknown and he couldn't find a tool to help him plan for them This need led him to build OnTrajectory Now he sees both individuals and advisory firms using the tool It's also available for a free 30-day trial with no credit card needed to sign up Then Tyson walks us through all the incredible detail you can get from the app There are walkthroughs on YouTube as well as several guides It's a really cool tool that allows you to insert tons of complicated life events into your projections   Key Takeaways Mistakes Happen: Tyson calls out several missteps but he learns from them instead of dwelling on them Life is Complicated: OnTrajectory was born out of this idea to model all the crazy life events we can run into Call to Action Head on over to OnTrajectory to start your 30-day free trial and see what your plan looks like with all those important life moments. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors Empower is a mobile app that makes managing your money the easiest thing you do all day. How? Automated saving. Painless budgeting and spend tracking. Human coaches ready to share personalized recommendations on how to pay down debt, uncover extra savings, and tackle any other finance question on your mind. Proactive tips and up-to-the-minute alerts to help you make better financial choices in real-time. Make sure to use offer code FISHOW when you sign up to earn a $5 bonus when you reach your savings goal! To be eligible to receive the $5 bonus, (a) you must enter offer code FISHOW at signup, (b) you must be an active Empower subscriber, (c) you must open your Empower AutoSave account no later than 4/30/20, and (d) your Empower AutoSave account must have reached a balance milestone of $100 or more 30 days after...
Mar 3, 2020 • 39min

Learning How to Bounce Back From Your Failures | Josh Overmyer

Today's episode features Josh Overmyer from Josh lost his job and a major chunk of his home value in 2009. That would force him back under his parents' roof for two years. Luckily he turned things around and discovered FI but it wasn't all roses. Josh takes us through that whole journey including bouncing back from failures with precious metals, penny stocks and peer to peer lending. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Josh's background Grew up in small-town Indiana Dad worked in a factory, Mom works as HR manager both 20+ year careers First in his family with a 4-year degree He majored in Urban development Moved down to Fort Myers Florida in 2005 The Great Recession Hits Then the recession hit and work came to a halt Then in July 2009, he lost his job Josh then moved back home to stay above water He had bought a house that saw its value get severely lowered Josh had to keep up a low-cost lifestyle for two years He averaged $19k in spending Josh would move out of his parents' house in 2011 Bumpy Path to FI Then he started finding FI/RE bloggers like J Money Josh eventually found a job in grant administration Then Josh starts talking about the failures he’s learned from These include investing in precious metals, penny stocks, and peer to peer lending Hitting His Stride Josh would land a new job back down in Florida At the exact same time, he would start driving for Uber He just kept saving and saving July of 2017 he started maxing out his 457 Over his 3.5 years working in Florida he would start at  30% and ramp-up Josh then covers all the activities he takes place in the FI community In his day to day life, he doesn’t have people to talk about Finance with But through FinCon and CampFI he has found his people  He has also credited Travel Rewards as the biggest game-changer for him The whole 3.5 years he worked he didn’t have vacation so he saved points Now he’s utilizing those points and recommends the Capital One credit card Josh then talks about how to hit those minimum spends   Key Takeaways Life hits hard: Josh never could have seen his world flipped upside down from the recession, but it did and he wasn't prepared Learning from mistakes: Josh tried several different angles at investing before finding his groove Stay Positive: Josh is so upbeat about his story and now in a great place and will be ready for the next market challenge Call to Action Head over to our Facebook Group and let us know a failure you've had and what you learned from it. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors Empower is a mobile app that makes managing your money the easiest thing you do all day. How? Automated saving. Painless budgeting and spend tracking. Human coaches ready to share personalized recommendations on how to pay down debt, uncover extra savings, and tackle any other finance question on your mind. Proactive tips and up-to-the-minute alerts to help you make better financial choices in real-time. Make sure to use offer code FISHOW when you sign up to earn a $5 bonus when you reach your savings goal! To be eligible to receive the $5 bonus, (a) you must enter offer code FISHOW at signup, (b) you must be an active Empower subscriber, (c) you must open your Empower AutoSave account no later than 4/30/20, and (d) your Empower AutoSave account must have reached a balance milestone of $100 or more 30 days after opening the account...
Feb 25, 2020 • 31min

Setting Your Financial Goals for 2020

In today's episode, you'll hear from just your Hosts! That's right, no guests today, but plenty of voices will be heard. This episode is covering the 2020 goals we sourced from our Community Facebook Page. In today's episode, the guys share with you the powerful goals The FI Show group set for 2020. As always the Community Facebook Page has set the bar high and brought us some impressive ambitions that we can't wait to follow and help motivate! As always the hosts will also be transparent with their financial goals for 2020. Hopefully, you enjoy this special episode! Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Goals from various community members 345 bench / 445 squat / 515 deadlift Add $100k to their net-worth Visit 15 new countries Publish a second book Finalize estate plan Quit jobs and fix up Air BnBs Pay off student loans Buy first house hack Positive net-worth Attend 2020 FinCon Complete triathlon Make $35k from rentals Buy replacement commuter car Put extra $12k towards mortgage Payoff house Zero consumer debt Max out IRAs The Hosts Share Their 2020 Goals Justin Finish a half marathon length spartan race Put $100k into the stock market Make $1800 selling blood / blood cells Link To Learn More - Tell them Justin sent you! Finish 2012 Ford Transit camper-van conversion Have an 80%+ savings rate Hit his FI Number ($550k)   Cody Get to his lowest body fat % of his life Buy a house hack Invest $50k into retirement accounts Take one memorable trip every month Volunteer more Push himself and take a risk   Podcast Get an A-list celebrity / athlete on the show Double listeners and community members Hit the road and meet the community in person   Key Takeaway This community is ambitious: We were amazed to see how strong some of these goals were but based on the 2019 progress, we know they are going to hit them. Call to Action Join the FI Show Community Page and share your goals with someone! Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors Empower is a mobile app that makes managing your money the easiest thing you do all day. How? Automated saving. Painless budgeting and spend tracking. Human coaches ready to share personalized recommendations on how to pay down debt, uncover extra savings, and tackle any other finance question on your mind. Proactive tips and up-to-the-minute alerts to help you make better financial choices in real-time. Make sure to use offer code FISHOW when you sign up to earn a $5 bonus when you reach your savings goal! To be eligible to receive the $5 bonus, (a) you must enter offer code FISHOW at signup, (b) you must be an active Empower subscriber, (c) you must open your Empower AutoSave account no later than 4/30/20, and (d) your Empower AutoSave account must have reached a balance milestone of $100 or more 30 days after opening the account. The bonus will be paid into your Empower AutoSave account on or around the 4th of the month following the achievement of the balance milestone. Must be a new Empower customer to qualify.   Learn More About Your Hosts Fly to FI (Cody’s Blog) Saving-Sherpa (Justin’s blog)
Feb 18, 2020 • 39min

Debt Paydown, Tracking Expenses, & Financial Independence | Rebecca from My Fat Purse

Today's episode features Rebecca from My Fat Purse. She breaks down how she and her husband paid down his $180k student loan debt in just 2 years. Rebecca and her husband gave up pensions from the military and are poised to hit FI in 5 years. She talks about how powerful tracking their spending and avoiding lifestyle inflation was to this journey. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Rebecca's background She started taking her finances seriously after marriage Rebecca's husband came into the marriage with $180k of debt They paid that debt off in 2 years Rebecca graduated without any student loan debt thanks to the military She studied mathematics for her bachelors Then she got paid by the Air Force to get her masters Paying Down $180k Debt Rebecca attributes tracking expenses as the most powerful force to paying off debt They put all of one salary completely towards debt She also calls out how important it was to avoid lifestyle inflation That refers to slowly spending more money over time Rebecca's husband was also in the Air Force He was supposed to be on scholarship but ended up losing on it She covers that tough decision on giving up a pension and chasing FI Life After the Military Her husband took a slight hit in income and she saw a raise Rebecca stuck with working for the military as a contractor Her husband decided to completely change up his job They now have control over where they live but decided to stay in Colorado This was mostly due to her husband's job and ease for her to find a good job Path to FI They have purchased two homes One is their primary residence The other was for renting out on Air BnB That experiment didn't turn out well so they sold it Outside of their primary residence, they keep it simple with a three-fund portfolio Rebecca feels they are five years away from financial independence Next Rebecca walks through why and how they combined finances They do keep separate accounts for some flexible spending Budget Tracking Rebecca really emphasized tracking spending and how she does it She started with Mint Recently she transitioned to an app called EveryDollar She also has built a very robust tracker you can download   Key Takeaways True Partnerships: Rebecca didn't put all the debt payoff on her husband, she knew that their goals were tied together and decided to help Tracking not budgeting: People often think you have to set limits on yourself when in reality, simply knowing where your money goes is the first step Not all real estate is gold: Just a nice reminder that while real estate is extremely powerful, it's not foolproof as Rebecca found out Call to Action Take some time and completely track your expenses for 1-3 months even if you've done so in the past. This can help make sure you fully understand where all your money is headed. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors Empower is a mobile app that makes managing your money the easiest thing you do all day. How? Automated saving. Painless budgeting and spend tracking. Human coaches ready to share personalized recommendations on how to pay down debt, uncover extra savings, and tackle any other finance question on your mind. Proactive tips and up-to-the-minute alerts to help you make better financial choices in real-time. Make sure to use offer code FISHOW when you sign up to earn a $5 bonus when you reach your savings goal!
Feb 11, 2020 • 49min

Job Hopping for Raises and Retiring at 30 | A Purple Life

Today's episode is an awesome chat with Purple from A Purple Life. Purple has an awesome story and she hits a giant milestone of retirement at age 30 this year. She covers how she continued to jump jobs in a way to increase her salary 3x while raising job satisfaction. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Purple Beginnings Purple was introduced to financial independence by her partner However, she didn't listen to his advice for two years She felt she had things in order to retire in her 50s Her mom actually retired in her 30s Purples mom also helped build financial understanding She would give purple $1 for chores but remove taxes first Purple talks about being frugal in high school and college Her degree was in American Studies She ended up landing a job in advertising Then New York happened She said she was brainwashed there Expensive heels and purse subscriptions ensued Job Hopping Her first New York job paid about $35k She was also super unhappy and stressed Purple quit that job without another one lined up She was hired in a couple of weeks with a promotion and $13k raise That made her realize how much she could leverage job offers The next job was another $17k raise which put her up to $65k Then she looked to start dropping her expenses This would take her out to Seattle which was half the cost of Manhattan Job hops would continue until her salary today of $110k In total, she had 3x her income and cut living costs in half between rent and taxes FIRE Ignites It started clicking that these voices like Mr. Money Mustache were actually realistic She got a lot more serious about all her line items A big one she calls out is learning to cook After things settled, she realized she could and will retire at 30 Her Why of FIRE She doesn't want to be held to a schedule... that simple Purple doesn't hate her job and even gets to work from home She also plans to stop renting and slow travel all over the world Purple admits she doesn't know if being a nomad will be for her Her target date is September 2020 Why her Journey works Never owned a car Doesn't want a house Will not have children Started investing early Only spends $18k per year Net-worth 2015 - $89k 2016 - $137k 2017 - $234k 2018 - $280k 2019 - $448 Projected $500k at retirement She's super flexible Un-productivity Advocate Purple is a hard worker and type-A But she recognizes too many people equate being busy as successful There's no strong desire with her for a side hustle It's important for her as an introvert to take time and recharge She does, however, plan on continuing her blog And she also uses the app Job Spotter to make some money on the side   Key Takeaways Leverage Yourself: You make $x today but that doesn't mean it's what you're worth. Don't underestimate your value. Compounding is Strong: Purple started not making a ton and living in a very expensive place but now she's retiring at 30. It worked because she started early and just kept saving. Busy isn't required: Purple calls out how we don't have to inject stress, plans and work into our lives, that it's ok to just relax. Call to Action Take a look at your skills and how they could fit in a different role or company that allows you to up your salary. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors Empower is a mobile app that makes managing your money ...
Feb 4, 2020 • 46min

Managing Goals and Avoiding Mediocrity | Jillian Johnsrud from Everyday Courage

Today's episode is an awesome chat with Jillian from the Everyday Courage Podcast. As a young adult, Jillian had huge goals in life to adopt children, travel the world, and hit financial independence. Then, Jillian hit all these things by the age of 32. While it is amazing to hit goals early, it can leave you devoid of a north star. Now she is helping others through coaching and this podcast to find their own goals and push themselves Especially those parts of our lives where we settle and tell ourselves that 'it's ok" or "it's good enough". "Avoiding the 6's" as she calls it. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Jillian's Background Jillian got married at age 19 She saw from an early age that money gave you options They started off their marriage with $55k worth of debt From the start, they always stuck to a goal to save 50% They made some difficult choices like living in a camper or roommates They would end up investing and buying rentals This would lead them to be financially independent at age 32 Their goal was certainly never that early in the beginning Jillian credits her small-town upbringing for her strong work ethic She also notes that hard work gave here control she craved Her home life was rough at times and out of control Everyday Courage Podcast Jillian discusses how we typically see courage as huge events In reality, there are moments every day where we can do courageous things Success is like this too where there are small wins all around us She warns against having peak experiences with unfulfilling large gaps between Then we start talking about success She breaks down how success is so different for everyone Jillian talks about how to keep going once you met all your goals She thought she had a lifetime of goals but hit them by 32 She talks about the amount of reflection that takes Jillian also describes how luxuries become necessities as you grow Now she has big goals that have no time limit She explains the importance of imagining yourself as the person who has met your goals Then think about what gaps exist between that person and who you are now. Avoiding the 6s When we're in a situation that's a 2 out of 10 there's little risk As in, if you quit a job that's a 2, how much worse could the next job be in comparison Then if it's an 8+ it's where we want to be The problem comes in the "good enough" are of the 6 Doesn't everyone struggle with fitness, relationships, work/life balance, etc When pressed on these situations they feel like "it's ok" Jillian urges people to not settle into these 6s She tries to focus in on things that people hesitate around Finding the things in your life that you procrastinate around Then understand where that resistance is coming from Mostly being aware of the resistance and having the curiosity to solve it The layout of the podcast The show is set up in seasons around a theme and interview They are set up to be really short listens There will also be a workbook where people can follow along Episodes are only 6-20 minutes long One episode comes out every week The seasons are wrapped up in two-month chunks   Key Takeaways Courage every day: Jillian's premise is that we all have things in our lives that we can work towards every day that takes a little courage. Define your success: Don't let someone else set your goals for you because even if you meet them you won't be fulfilled. Luxuries to necessities: Jillian explains how coaching or retreats may be luxuries at first but as you continue they can become necessary to your growth Call to Action Find a "6" in your life and push yourself to make progress in that area and not settle. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and...
Jan 28, 2020 • 45min

Long Distance Real Estate Investing | Emil Shour from Roofstock

Today's episode is an awesome chat with Emil from Roofstock. Emil covers why he wanted to get into real estate and what held him back. He knew his area of California was too expensive and discovered the idea of long-distance real estate. Roofstock gave him the tools and confidence to make his real estate dreams a reality. Then a couple of years later he actually joined the company and is here today to walk us all through his journey and what Roofstock could bring to the community. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Emil's Background Emil was instilled with values early from his frugal parents In high school, he got interested in stocks and started self investing At the time he was picking individual stocks but doesn't advise that He luckily had a friend who was like a child genius with stocks When heading out for college he needed a car and sold his stocks to purchase one In college, he studied economics His first job would be aggregating data on pharmaceutical companies It's clear Emil gets a ton from his time working across a few startups Emil also stresses the importance of Networking It would ultimately lead to his job at Roofstock   Emil's Journey to Roofstock Emil became a user of Roofstock in 2017 At the time the company wasn't at a point to bring on remote workers He would continue to send marketing materials to Roofstock that he thought the could use Over time Roofstock opened up remote positions and he went to work with them Emil had a strong connection to the company because he always wanted to invest in real estate His dad actually had been investing in real estate for a long time The problem for Emil was the prices that were near him So he got interested in remote real estate That's where Roofstock came in to save the day He now has several properties over multiple states including Florida and Indiana. He bought his first home in 2017 for $84k in Jacksonville with an original rent of $900 The property had a new roof and HVAC so it almost turn-key Today it is renting for $954 He also has never had to change tenants Total cash-flow has been $8,200 Appreciation has also increased the property value by $26k Roofstock Details Roofstock links you up with preferred property managers You're not required to use them but you're not forced to find someone Roofstock makes their money during the sale of the homes It's actually a great deal for both the buyer and seller The seller ends up paying 2.5% vs a standard 6% for the sale Then the buyer pays $500 but gets a ton of support Beyond the property manager help, they also have preferred lenders Emil scans Roofstock to find states with good returns Then he looks for states that have landlord-friendly laws to avoid squatters He also recommends job and population growth Most properties have an inspection report This inspection report also comes with an estimate to get it rent-ready Then you can leverage the property manager to find a trusted contractor Roofstock Guarantees If you're not happy with a purchase, roofstock will help you sell it If it's not sold after 90 days, roofstock actually buys it back They also have a rent guarantee This kicks in if you can't rent a property after 45 days After that point, Roofstock will pay 75% of rent It does require some things on your end You're using a preferred property manager The home is rent ready Rent isn't set at an unreasonable level Free to Sign Up Yep, Roofstock is 100% free to sign up You only need an account for certain functionalities, but still free Currently, they service residential only but up to 4 unit properties   Key Takeaways Everything gets disrupted: It's awesome to see a service like this trying to take something traditional and put a unique twist on it.
Jan 21, 2020 • 34min

Discovering the FI Community | Camp FI Southeast 2020

Today's episode was recorded live at Camp FI down near Gainesville, Florida. Camp FI is a retreat of 40-60 people at locations across the country filled with people chasing FI and supporting fellow members of the community. This episode highlights people who were convinced to come to CampFI without any background to the FI/RE movement. Two other interviews include a graduate student studying the FI/RE movement and the camp's creator, Stephen. Stephen talks about the origins and future of this camp and the motivations to keep this community growing. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Laura Inspired by an interview with Vicki Robbins She was drawn by the way people see the role of work in their lives The community was also very open to being researched She noted how diverse the age and background was of the movement It also came out that most people actually love their jobs The last thing she called out was how intentional and conscious of their decisions You can email her at if you're interested in being interviewed Mike He never could have imagined being at a conference like this A friend of his recommended that he came He notes how ready he is to take action the minute he gets home Mike really recommends that people give this community a chance Tactically he got an overview on how to get his realtor's license He didn't image the generosity that he found with the community Roople Rupel is a practicing physician She loves the challenge of why you're living life the way you are Rupel calls out the trouble she sees with physician burnout She also noted how easy it was to have deep, personal conversations with this community While at the conference she moved investments away from higher fee options to low-cost index funds She hopes that doctors will dig a little deeper and find why they love doing what they do Refocusing on that and restructuring their life she hopes will alleviate the burnout Since hearing about the movement, she ditched her overpriced apartment and bought a home Creator of CampFI - Stephen Stephen tried to make more of an emphasis on making real connections with the attendees He hopes that people who are looking to get involved with FI/RE community will just jump in Stephen first attended a camp like this in 2016 and knew he had to spread this idea to more people This year they look to have at least nine of these camps all across the country Stephen had no background in event planning and didn't know what to expect Luckily everyone showed up who bought tickets the first year Also worth noting that CampFI is where Cody & Justin met and The FI Show was born   Key Takeaways FI isn't so different: Many of the stories we heard from FI "newbies" during the week mentioned that this community isn't just a bunch of "weirdos" and "money nerds". It's just people making slightly more conscious decisions. So many paths: There was so much diversity: age, gender, profession, and general paths to FI. It showed just how many ways there are. People are good: The American news cycles are often rough and draining. It's nice reminding yourself just how good people really are. Call to Action Start leaning on or creating a community around you that supports your growth as a person and your goals to reaching FI. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors One of the best ways to protect your family is with term life insurance.
Jan 14, 2020 • 55min

Retiring Early in Canada | Court from Modern Fimily

In today's episode, you'll hear from Court who writes over at Modern FImily. Court and her wife are (mostly) retiring early in Canada at 32, but will continue work a bit more until their second child is born. They did this with student debt and a priority for living a full life while chasing their dreams. Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Discovering Financial Independence Court had $70k of student debt after her bachelors and masters degree She'd start her career in 2009 She was focused on getting out of debt Court paid it off in 2.5 years At this point, she looks to buy her first home She then also discovers Mr. Money Mustache Starting a career She had the opportunity to participate in this rotational program It allowed her to rotate three times in six-month time segments across different jobs That gave her a wider view of options and allowed her to choose one right for her Start of  a family She would meet her now wife in 2011 Her wife would also end up with some student debt It was obvious right away that both were frugal and passionate about travel Court drove the spreadsheet part of the relationship but their goals align Looking forward After getting married in 2015 they start designing their future Court's wife was originally from Canada and they set their sites there They would sell their home and all their things in Florida Then they traveled for 6 months before moving up to Calgary Court thought she'd a while to find a job and might travel another 6 months Luckily the job came through sooner Court was frugal but didn't have the investing background until finding the FI community They welcomed their first child in 2018 and are planning for a second Canadian Perks Canada gives 18 months of paid time off for new parents This nets around $25k per year The insurance is incredible She tells a story of going to the emergency room with less than $20 out of pocket The medical bills for the birth of their child were limited to parking at the hospital Court got her citizenship through her dad but could have gotten it through her wife She also still gets U.S. perks like good travel rewards credit cards Canada also gives you around $5k per year for children up to 17 years old Canada will also give you $500 via match into an education saving plan They also have payments to citizens over the age of 65 that's based off income She also says that taxes are actually not that much higher than the USA Looking Forward Court lays out her withdrawal plan for retirement She's moved to 60/40 stocks as she's about to stop working There is a plan to get back to 80/20 after a few years in retirement They plan to try and have a second child Court goes over some of the considerations for a lesbian couple having children They saved and planned for a 4% withdrawal rate They believe they can be happy with closer to a 2% withdrawal rate   Key Takeaways Better than expected: Court talks about how much faster FI came than expected Canada has perks: It's so important to enjoy the journey on your way to retirement Power in learning: Court wasn't from Canada but she's immersed herself to become an expert Call to Action Take a closer look at the fine print of your city/state/country programs and retirement options and consider what moving might look like. Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors
Jan 7, 2020 • 37min

What Did You Accomplish in 2019?

In today's episode, you'll hear from just your Hosts! That's right, no guests today, but plenty of voices will be heard. This episode is covering some of the activity that's been going on in our Community Facebook Page In today's episode, the guys share with you the powerful accomplishments The FI Show group is achieving. Also if you join the Community Facebook Page, we're starting a new thread for 2020 goals. Comment with your goals and we'll feature you on an episode coming out later as well as check-in and keep you accountable! As always they'll also be transparent with their own wins. Hopefully, you enjoy this special episode! Listen, learn, and let us know what you think. Episode Summary Wins from various community members Set up a Roth IRA for 18 yr old daughter Visited FI friends in 10 states Wrote a book with their daughter Got to at least one comma in each account Wrote a book 5 figures from a side hustle FIREd at 44 then hit UK Chautaqua, CampFI, and FinCon Reached FI at age 30 Maxed out his and wife's 401k Couple that both FIRE'd before 30 Vacationed and paid off a truck Paid off a mortgage Fired a financial advisor and started to DIY Transitioned to full time selling on Ebay and many more.... One huge transformation Discovered FI on Christmas of last year with only $1,500 in a checking account (plus some mutual funds for retirement) Since then, negotiated a $12k raise Got her company to pay for  PMP Volunteered at a startup to learn new skills to switch to a better-paying industry Moved to another job for ANOTHER $30k raise Automated savings to accumulate a $20k emergency fund Maxed out Roth and HSA for the first time, plus getting a 401k match! Took  time to think about WHY even pursue FI Now in the process of downsizing life and purchasing an RV to travel the country, see the public lands, and spend more time outdoors!  The Hosts Share Too Justin saved 76% and  is 80% of his way to FI He spent $23k while living in Boston With $10k of that going to rent...ouch Full break down of expenses for those curious Bills: $1,133 Travel: $315 Misc: $255 Eating out/drinks: $108 Gas: $61 Groceries: $53 Justin started a new job and upped his earnings Some notable trips to Hawaii, Mexico, Colorado, countless other trips and time with family   Cody spent $28k while also living in Boston Quit his job in January of 2019 Toured the country for 3 months living in a camper for Grant Sabatier's Financial Freedom book tour. Got the Financial Freedom Summit setup for 2020 And took a 3.5 week trip to Peru and Chile in December   Key Takeaway Reflection is Powerful: Both of us and the FI Show community felt so much more motivated to tackle 2020 and just felt so much better about ourselves after we realized how much we all crushed 2019 Call to Action Join the FI Show Community Page! Join the Community We’d love to hear your comments and questions about this week’s episode. Here are some of the best ways to stay in touch and get involved in The FI Show community! Sign up for our exclusive newsletter Join our Facebook Group Leave us a voicemail Send an email to contact [at] TheFIshow [dot] com If you like what you hear, please leave a rating/review! The FI show on iTunes The FI show on Android Check out our Sponsors One of the best ways to protect your family is with term life insurance. Even though we don't like to think about it, it's important to have financial protection in case the unexpected happens. Bestow is an awesome and reputable life insurance partner of ours that makes this process simple and easy. They use data to remove the doctor visits and paperwork involved with the traditional life insurance process. And you can apply from anywhere in just minutes. You don’t have to jump through a bunch of hoops to determine yo...

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