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Entrepreneur Conundrum

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Aug 28, 2023 • 40min

Unveiling Uncharted Triumphs: Trivelle Simpson's Journey from Tax Return to Multimillion Dollar Empire

In the latest episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, join us as we dive into the remarkable journey of Trivelle Simpson, the founder of Drive Group. With just his tax return in 2016, he transformed his business into a multi-million dollar empire. But that's not all – Trivelle is also an acclaimed artist and speaker, sharing his wisdom on the importance of perspective in success. Discover how his time at Shell Service Capital fueled his drive to venture out on his own, and why he believes that two lions in a room can either be a danger or a moment for mentorship. From client acquisition strategies to the power of word of mouth, Trivelle shares invaluable insights to help you scale your business. Don't miss this inspiring episode on the Entrepreneur Conundrum podcast. Subscribe, leave a review, and join us for the next episode! - Trivelle Simpson's journey from starting Drive Group to becoming a multimillion-dollar company- The importance of learning from both wins and losses- Transitioning from Drive Group to Shell Service Capital and back to entrepreneurship- Targeting North American clients and focusing on a mix of novice and expert clientele- The power of word-of-mouth and the goal of making every lead a hot lead KEY QUESTIONSVirginia 00:02:08 So what made you decide to go out on your own?Virginia 00:06:14 Who is your ideal client?Virginia 00:09:14 So how do you get in front of your ideal people?Virginia 00:10:59 So do you have a referral program in place?Virginia 00:12:46 So what big goals are you looking to achieve in the next year or two?Virginia 00:14:57 So how would that goal affect your business?Virginia 00:18:14 What's the number one roadblock that is in the way of you achieving that goal?Virginia 00:21:01 Now for you to, come to the realization that you need to step into a higher role as the leader, is it just all of a sudden you're like, man, what's the bottleneck? Or is there certain, quarterly check ins that you do with yourself? How do you get to that realization?Virginia 00:24:54 What's the best advice that you've ever been given?Virginia 00:27:36 What's the best advice you've ever given?Virginia 00:36:31 How does being self made affect you in approach to investments? Trivelle SimpsonWebsite: The Drive GroupInstagram: instagram.com/thedrivegroupincYouTube:  The Drive GroupFacebook: The Drive Group Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Aug 14, 2023 • 25min

Unleashing Resilience: Nurse Empowers Peers in Holistic Medicine & Personal Branding with Ashley Wynn-Grimes

Welcome to Entrepreneur Conundrum, where we dive deep into the world of entrepreneurship and uncover the secrets to success. In this captivating episode, we unravel the enigma of building resilience, explore the transformative power of holistic medicine, and unveil the art of building personal brands for nurses. Join me, your host Virginia Purnell, as I engage in a thought-provoking conversation with the remarkable Ashley Wynn-Grimes. As a nurse who has dedicated herself to empowering fellow nurses, Ashley shares her awe-inspiring journey of transitioning from traditional nursing to unlocking the potential of holistic medicine. Brace yourself as she reveals the profound significance of the endocannabinoid system and its impact on our well-being. Prepare to be captivated as Ashley unveils how a traumatic encounter with cyber theft redirected her path, leading her to a mission of educating others about holistic medicine. She passionately emphasizes the need to prioritize patient care and fearlessly exposes the shortcomings of our current healthcare system. But that's not all. In this episode, we uncover the unique experiences of nurses who yearn for greater fulfillment in their careers, urging them to explore personal branding and expand their horizons. Ashley discovered that some nurses lacked confidence due to the stigma surrounding the cannabis industry. Ever the trailblazer, she established herself as an entrepreneur, inspiring others to do the same. Discover the power of breaking free from limited perspectives as we delve into alternative opportunities within the industry. Ashley's expertise shines as she discusses the endocannabinoid system, shedding light on its role in maintaining harmony within our bodies. Her passion for educating others and witnessing their personal growth is truly inspiring. Be prepared to gain invaluable insights as we explore personal boundaries in podcasting, the challenges of project management, and the art of organizing a business. Ashley unveils her ideal avatar – a female nurse feeling burnt out, who discovers the transformative power of cannabis. Join us as we unravel her strategic methods for reaching her target audience, from engaging podcasts and social media platforms to captivating speaking engagements and word-of-mouth referrals. Ashley's vision for the future is nothing short of remarkable. Brace yourself as she shares her aspirations of launching a cannabis nursing school and establishing a home health center. However, she acknowledges the roadblocks she faces, navigating uncharted territory and embracing uncertainty. Her unwavering determination and willingness to seek advice from trusted advisors sets her apart. Throughout this episode, we unravel the significance of embracing our emotions and the power of authenticity. Discover the role of cannabis in personal spiritual practices and its potential as a transformative medicine. As more states evolve their cannabis programs, education and information become paramount. Join us as we explore the various methods of consumption and the importance of understanding ratios and terpene profiles for desired effects. But wait, there's more. We delve into the concept of resilience, offering advice on building strength and seeking resources during challenging times. Discover the hidden well of strength within you, as we explore the multidimensional nature of resilience and the power it holds in our lives. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation. Tune in to Entrepreneur Conundrum, subscribe, and leave a review. Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and transformed. Together, let us embark on a journey of resilience, holistic medicine, and personal branding for nurses. Stay tuned for our next captivating episode. - Transition to holistic medicine and importance of endocannabinoid system- Traumatic experience with cyber theft leading to new career direction- Prioritizing patient care and shortcomings of healthcare system- Building personal brand and expanding beyond current roles- Educating others about the endocannabinoid system- Personal boundaries in podcasting and challenges of project management- Reaching target audience through podcasting, social media, networking- Goals of growing team, stabilizing business, launching cannabis nursing school- Importance of having advisors and thinking beyond limitations- Advice on approaching everything with passion and authenticity- Importance of confronting and dealing with emotions as leaders- Cannabis as medicine and holistic approaches to health and well-being- Need for education and information about cannabis- Building resilience and seeking resources in challenging times- Recognizing and accepting strength in various forms- Choosing whose opinions and advice to prioritize- Contacting Ashley on Instagram for questions or inquiries KEY QUESTIONS00:03:52 What inspired you to help others build their personal brand and I guess become more than just a nurse?00:06:55 Isn't there a receptor in every single cell, not just a but receptors in every single cell for those?00:07:12 So you were able to teach other people about this really cool system so that they now know about it?00:09:28 So who would you say is your ideal avatar?00:10:29 So how do you get in front of them?00:11:13 For social media channels, is there some that you prefer or do over others?00:11:46 What are some big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?00:12:20 How would that change your business?00:13:17 What do you think is the number one roadblock that's kind of stopping you from getting there?00:14:02 What's the best advice that you've ever given?00:14:48 What's the best advice you've ever received?00:16:48 You talk and promote about cannabis and how to use it as a medicine. Do you want to expand on that at all?00:19:48 So you've had to learn resilience do you have any advice for those of us that might either be in a position where we're really needing some of that right now or to tuck away for those times when we do?00:22:51 So just being aware of who you're letting affect you and not affect you?Ashley Wynn-Grimeswww.cannabisnursingschool.comwww.instagram.com/cannabisnursingsolutionshttps://www.linkedin.com/in/cannabisnursingsolutions/ Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Jul 31, 2023 • 34min

Unlocking the Power of Personalization: Eric Melchor's Journey to Success and Fulfillment

Welcome to Entrepreneur Conundrum! In this episode, we dive into the main idea of personalization and its importance in ecommerce. Our guest, Eric Melchor, takes us on a journey from founding a non-profit for kids fitness to becoming a personalization ambassador for Optimunk, a startup providing tools for unique customer journeys. We also discuss Eric's move to Bucharest, Romania, during the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges of working remotely while caring for a newborn and young child. With a focus on personalization, Eric shares his company's vision and future roadmap, including their Ecommerce Revolution reality show and Personalization Boot Camp. We touch upon the use of dynamic content in digital marketing and the importance of multiple projects for personal fulfillment. Eric emphasizes the value of quality friendships and making decisions based on avoiding regret. Join us for this insightful conversation and connect with Eric on LinkedIn. Don't miss out on this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum. - Eric's journey to Optimunk- Family move to Bucharest- Personalization in ecommerce- Juggling work and parenthood- Challenges with young children- Podcasting for business and networking- Goals for Ecommerce Revolution- Use of dynamic content- Roadblocks to success- Importance of multiple projects- Decisions and avoiding regrets- Better lifestyle in Bucharest- Building quality friendships- Eric's career and beliefs KEY QUESTIONSVirginia Purnell 00:01:40 So can you kind of share your journey with us on where you are today?Virginia Purnell 00:03:10 Were you ever nervous to make that huge leap?Virginia Purnell 00:09:05 So how do you get in front of your ideal avatars?Virginia Purnell00:13:15 What are a couple big goals that you have that you're hoping to achieve the next year or two?Virginia Purnell 00:15:19 So how would that affect your business?Virginia Purnell 00:17:52 What do you think is your number one roadblock that's stopping you from hitting any of those goals?Virginia Purnell 00:21:37 You've got a lot of different things going on in your world. How do you juggle everything and keep that balance?Virginia Purnell 00:25:29 What's the best advice that you have ever received?Virginia Purnell 00:26:13 How do you know the difference between whether you should go down that path, but you're just a little, let's say nervous too, versus it's not a good path?Virginia Purnell 00:30:16 So what's the best advice you've ever given?Virginia Purnell 00:32:50 Is there anything that we haven't touched on that you would like to touch on? Eric Melchorhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/ericmelchor/Home - Fly MovementFly Movement works to get kids activeExpat in Romania - Eric Melchor (US): We came here because we wanted to get away from the gun violence in the StatesInnovators Can Laugh(new project -Make Friends Simplified Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Jul 17, 2023 • 20min

Unleashing the Power of Soft Skills: Rikki Smith Empowers Entrepreneurs to Own Their Experiences and Achieve Big Goals

Welcome to another episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum! In this week's episode, we delve into the world of entrepreneurship, soft skills, and public speaking. Our guest, Rikki Smith, the founder of Stratus Training and Consulting, shares her expertise on empowering entrepreneurs to own their experiences. Are you struggling with the need for more soft skills? Rikki highlights the importance of skills like public speaking and customer service in today's fast-paced world. She also discusses how public speaking can help leverage your business and open doors to new opportunities. As a small business owner, Rikki knows the importance of setting big goals and planning for the future. She encourages entrepreneurs to dream big, get people involved, and not be afraid of failure. Join us as we explore the power of public speaking and how it can help grow your business. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true expert in the field. Tune in to Entrepreneur Conundrum and start taking steps towards your entrepreneurial success today. -Entrepreneurship & soft skills-Value of learning & sharing-Preparing for workforce-Focus on soft skills-Increase in need for soft skills-Public speaking for business-Social media advertising-Big goals for small business-Traveling for speaking gigs-Always plan for future-Overcoming roadblocks-Dreaming big-Leveraging public speaking-Get help and don't be scared. KEY QUESTIONSVirginia   00:00:50 Can you share a little bit with us about your entrepreneurial journey? Kind of where you got to, where you are today?Virginia  00:02:32 So who would you say is your ideal clients?Virginia  00:04:34 Are you noticing an increase in the need for more soft skills these days?Virginia  00:05:37 So how do you get in front of your ideal people?Virginia  00:07:30 What are some big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?Virginia  00:09:23 so how would some of those goals affect your business?Virginia  00:10:31 Do you feel like there's a roadblock? And, what would you say is your biggest roadblock?Virginia  00:11:34 Do you have any tips on overcoming some of those?Virginia  00:14:22 What's the best advice you think you've ever been given?Virginia  00:15:10 What's the best advice you've ever given?Virginia  00:15:37 Do you have any tips on overcoming that fear?Virginia  00:17:06 So if I can envision it and dream it up, then I can have it. Right? Rikki SmithHomePinterest:PinterestYouTube:Rikki Smith - Faith on FridayLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rikkismith10/Twitter:RikkBatInstagram:Instagram (@rikkismith10)Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336 virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Jul 3, 2023 • 34min

Transforming Retirement: Elite Mentorship Trainer Empowers Entrepreneurs to Reignite Purpose and Vitality with Rosemary Carminati

Are you an entrepreneur looking to transition through career changes or preparing for retirement? Then you won't want to miss the latest episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum. Our guest, Rosemary Carmenati, an international speaker and elite mentorship trainer, shares her journey of how she fell into a successful career in sales and later became an entrepreneur in the fitness industry. She incorporates her background as a personal trainer and yoga teacher into her programs, and also draws on her 30+ years of experience in corporate sales to help entrepreneurs transition with renewed purpose and vitality. In this episode, Virginia Purnell also discusses the importance of self-awareness, mindset, and positive self-talk in both personal and professional contexts. Join us as we explore the power of collaborations, community support, and surrounding oneself with positive influences to achieve success. Don't miss out on this inspiring episode and take control of your future today.- Rosemary's journey in sales and fitness- Personal growth after physical limitations- Vi's ideal avatar for retirement coaching- Importance of purpose in retirement- Overcoming procrastination- Importance of positive environment- Embracing The Four Agreements- Importance of self-awareness and mindset- Rewiring our brain with affirmations- Taking control of our emotions- Assessing the impact of those we surround ourselves with- Importance of long-term program participationKEY QUESTIONSVirginia Purnell 00:01:05 How did you get to where you are today?Virginia Purnell 00:06:04 So who would you say is your ideal avatar?Virginia Purnell 00:08:28 So how do you get in front of those people?Virginia Purnell 00:10:04 So what are a couple of big goals that you're hoping to achieve in the next year or two?Virginia Purnell 00:11:32 So how would it affect your business?Virginia Purnell 00:13:31 So I know that you're pretty optimistic and stuff, but what would you say would be the number one roadblock that would be holding you back from reaching those goals?Virginia Purnell 00:19:53 What do you think the best advice that you have ever received is?Virginia Purnell 00:23:39 What do you think the best advice you've ever  given?Virginia Purnell 00:29:25 Is there anything that we haven't touched on yet that you wanted to discuss? Rosemary Carminatiyourtransformationtrainerhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/rosemary-chttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100020309200393For Freebie: contact Rosemary and let her know that you would like the freebie :) Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Jun 19, 2023 • 30min

Revolutionizing Ecommerce Growth: Pink Leopard's Journey to Success with Laura Hanlon & Adam Smith

Welcome to the Entrepreneur Conundrum, where we bring you the latest insights and strategies on marketing. In this episode, we are joined by Laura Hanlon and Adam Smith, co-directors of Pink Leopard Ecommerce Growth Acceleration Agency. They share their journey and passion for helping  ecommerce businesses increase their bottom line through paid ads and email marketing. What sets Pink Leopard apart is their people-focused agency, where they attract, retain, and cultivate the best talent. Laura and Adam emphasize the importance of understanding each business's unique requirements and direction to make considered recommendations for them to thrive online. They also discuss the importance of an omnichannel approach to marketing, using multiple platforms together like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for optimal results. An emphasis is placed on retaining clients and the strategies that a successful agency has used to achieve this goal. The key takeaway is that an agency should take a holistic approach to client retention, focusing on various strategies to keep clients happy and engaged. Additionally, they share their best advice, including the notion that you are your greatest resource, and the importance of giving your team as much information as possible to ensure alignment and better decision-making. In this podcast, Adam and Laura discuss the importance of being upfront and honest with employees to prevent rumors and maintain a positive workplace culture. Don't miss this episode and gain insights to take your ecommerce business to the next level. Check out Pink Leopard's website and social media platforms for more information. Remember, enjoy the journey and reflect on accomplishments while pursuing entrepreneurship. - Pink Leopard agency founders- Passion for ecommerce growth- Unique business requirements- People-focused agency- Ideal client avatar- Channels for outreach- Holistic approach to marketing- Importance of omnichannel marketing- Power of email marketing- Revenue goals- Hybrid remote work model- Selectivity in clients- Strategies for client retention- Collaboration with other agencies- Strategies for generating leads- Spreading risk in business- Importance of transparency- Enjoying the journey KEY QUESTIONSVirginia Purnell  00:01:30  So how did you guys get to where you are today?Virginia Purnell  00:04:08  So did you sell off your ecommerce business or just kind of close the doors on it?Virginia Purnell  00:04:56  So who would you guys say is your ideal avatar?Virginia Purnell  00:05:58  How do you guys get in front of them?Virginia Purnell  00:11:24  So what are some big goals you guys are looking to achieve over the next year or two?Virginia Purnell  00:12:32  How would those goals change your business?Virginia Purnell  00:15:23  What do you guys think is the number one roadblock that's stopping you from reaching your goals?Virginia Purnell  00:17:17  Speaking of, speaking of your customers and stuff, or your clients, do m you have any tips on retaining clients?Virginia Purnell  00:20:46   how do you guys generate a consistent flow of leads or a topic that you want to talk about? Virginia Purnell  00:23:47  So I'm going to ask you guys a couple of questions and I would like to hear the answers from each of you. Laura, if you want to go first, what's the best advice you have ever received?Virginia Purnell  00:26:43  What's the best advice you've ever given, Adam?Virginia Purnell  00:28:45  Is there anything that we haven't touched on that you wanted to share with us? Laura Hanlon & Adam SmithPink Leopard | Facebook & Google Advertising | BirminghamPink LeopardInstagram (@pinkleoparduk)https://www.linkedin.com/company/pink-leopardPink Leopard's Creator Profilehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-smith-pinkleopard/https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurahanlon-pinkleopard Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Jun 5, 2023 • 29min

Peaceful Living & Self-Care Culture with Wellness Coach Roberta Hughes

Discover the power of self-care and the importance of creating a self-care focused business and culture with a positive mindset in the latest episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum. Join the host as she interviews Roberta Hughes, the founder of Peaceful Living, a personalized stress relief service that combines Pilates, yoga, and meditation. Through her experience as a wellness coach, Roberta shares tips on how to manage work and life stress by finding white space in one's calendar and taking intentional breaks to avoid burnout. Her mission is to inspire and educate busy professionals to prioritize their own health and well-being. In this episode, you'll learn how Roberta grew her business from a passion project to a successful enterprise with the help of a team of contractors and coaches. Discover how self-care culture can transform your life with simple practices like breathing exercises and spending time in nature. Whether you're a busy professional or stay-at-home parent, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable tips to help you achieve your desired goals. Don't wait, subscribe and leave a review now to join the self-care movement!- Personalized stress relief services- Entrepreneurship journey- Social media as a marketing tool- Balancing work and personal life- Virtual instructor competition- Importance of meaningful connections- Hiring a team for business growth- Seeking help for bookkeeping- Simple ways to reduce stress- Self-care focused business and culture- Prioritizing self-care practices- Transformation through small pockets of time- Resources offered by guest speaker- Call to action KEY QUESTIONS00:02:11 What led you to be an entrepreneur and how you got to where you are today?00:04:47 So who would you say is your ideal avatar?00:05:15 What do you do to get in front of them?00:05:47 What kind of social media channels work best for you?00:06:46 So when people come to you, what's the main thing that you'll consistently see with everybody? Is it a lot of work stress or just needing balance?00:09:24 So what are a couple of big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?00:11:24 Do they have different benefits for where you rank on your top instructor?00:13:16 So what would those goals, how would they affect your business?00:14:43 What do you think is the number one roadblock that might be holding you back from reaching your goals?00:16:31 How did it feel bringing in the people, your team, that you have to help you? Was it kind of scary letting go or that you were getting big, that you benefited from having people?00:20:30 What's the best advice that you have ever received?00:21:29 What's the best advice you've ever given?00:27:50 Where can we go to find out more about you and what you do? Roberta HughesPilates | PeaceFull LIVING | PeaceFull LIVING| Colorado, USAhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/roberta-hughes/Instagram (@roberta_peacefullliving)PeaceFull Living Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
May 22, 2023 • 29min

Unleashing the Power of Self-Discovery: Lessons from Motivational Speaker and Entrepreneur Joel Green

Join us for an upcoming episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, featuring Joel Green, the CEO of Pro Level Training and national director of Nike Sports Camps. As a former professional basketball player and renowned motivational speaker, Joel shares his insights on how to extract strength from struggles in his upcoming book, "Filtering the Way." From childhood board game creation to running a successful company, Joel's entrepreneurial journey has been nothing short of inspiring. With a primary focus on Pro Level Training, Joel is dedicated to hiring the best coaches and trainers to ensure the success of the camps nationally. Not limited to just speaking to elementary, middle, and high school students, Joel now connects with adults on a personal level, making a significant impact. He prioritizes his son and fitness, allowing him to relieve tension or stress that comes with running a successful business. Joel's journey hasn't been easy, but he believes complaining will get you nowhere. Instead, he encourages individuals to complain less, do more, and just endure. Join us for this exciting episode, where Joel shares his insights on how to overcome roadblocks and achieve success in entrepreneurship.- Joel Green: CEO of Pro Level Training, Nike Sports Camps- Creating board games as a child- Priority is Pro Level Training and hiring coaches- Demographic: all ages- Referrals bring impact, not just money- Active on Instagram- Goal: 100 camps nationally and internationally- Priority: God, son, fitness- Roadblock: finding dependable people- Trusting others was difficult but necessary- Best advice: don't let anyone limit you- Focus on journey, childlike imagination- Lean into self, find self-love- Complain less, do more, endureKEY QUESTIONS FROM VIRGINIA00:02:21 What kind of got you to start the entrepreneurial aspect?00:04:32 With your motivational speaking, do you have a certain demographic that you speak to in that regard?00:05:41 So you can answer this with either demographic or company in mind, but how do you get in front of your ideal avatar?00:06:46 Are there certain social media platforms that you find work better for you or that you're on?00:09:01 What do you do to make sure that you have a balanced life?00:10:32 What do you feel is the number one roadblock that is affecting you getting to your big goals?00:13:45 What's the best advice that you've ever been given?00:15:46 What's the best advice you've ever given?00:21:54 Do you have any tips on stop trying to live from false narratives?00:25:46 Is there anything that you wanted to share with us that we haven't touched on yet? Joel GreenMotivational Speaker | Joel B. Green | United StatesInstagram (@jaygreenplt)https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-green-95340417/Joel Green Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
May 8, 2023 • 46min

Overcoming Adversity: Former Felon Goes From Earning $8/hour to Multiple $6-Figures and Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur with J Haleem Washington

Looking for inspiration to overcome challenges and achieve success as an entrepreneur? Look no further than the latest episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum. In this episode, bestselling author, business coach, and corporate trainer J Haleem Washington shares his inspiring journey from an $8 an hour job to earning six figures as a commercial foot photographer, despite being a convicted felon. He developed his hashtag mantra "I won't Starve" and left his job after just one year. With international brands like Nike, Save the Children Foundation, NFL, and Amtrak under his belt, J has plenty of wisdom to share. From discussing his books written in three years to his experience with finding a job after imprisonment, J's story will inspire you to take chances and believe in yourself. Tune in to hear more about his entrepreneurial journey, target market, and the importance of community support for success. Don't miss this episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum, available now on your favorite podcast platform.- Guest: J Haleem Washington, successful felon entrepreneur- Overcoming hardships and taking chances- Writing a therapeutic book- Targeting Gen Z, millennials, and baby boomers- Importance of community support- Collaboration and personal development- Self-employment vs entrepreneurship- Importance of jobs and career paths- Hard work and knowledge for entrepreneurship- Speaker's journey and principles for success- Gratitude and future episodes. KEY QUESTIONSVirginia Purnell 00:01:19 So, can you kind of give us a little synopsis or whatever on your journey on how you got to where you are today?Virginia Purnell 00:08:20 So who is your ideal target market?Virginia Purnell 00:11:59 How do you get in front of your ideal people in front of entrepreneurs?Virginia Purnell 00:13:16 Do you do any social media?Virginia Purnell 00:14:14 So what are some big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?Virginia Purnell 00:16:34 Do you still have those systems in place back in South Carolina that you had when you were over there?Virginia Purnell 00:19:11 So with some of your goals and stuff, what do you feel is the number one roadblock that might be in the way of you achieving those same thing?Virginia Purnell 00:22:27 What's the best advice that you have ever been given?Virginia Purnell 00:27:04 What's the best advice you've ever given?Virginia Purnell 00:39:53 Is there anything that we haven't talked about yet that you would like to share with us? J Haleem WashingtonJ Haleemhttps://www.instagram.com/iamjhaleemhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/iamjhaleem/ Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC
Apr 24, 2023 • 31min

Maximizing Entrepreneurial Success: Time Management, Passive Investing, and Financial Planning Tips from CEO Spencer Hilligoss

Attention all entrepreneurs! Are you struggling to manage your time effectively while also planning for your financial future? Look no further than the Entrepreneur Conundrum podcast! In this episode, Virginia Purnell interviews Spencer Hilligoss, CEO of Madison Investing, about his journey as an entrepreneur and real estate investor. Spencer shares valuable insights on how to invest passively and secure your time by partnering with vetted operators. He also discusses the importance of intentional choices in one's career and the value of investing in real estate. Learn how to build your ideal customer persona, strategies for growing an investing club, and the importance of referrals in building a loyal customer base. The podcast also emphasizes the need for a sustainable and balanced approach to personal finances, with a focus on financial offense and defense. Plus, discover helpful tips on time management from the book "Essentialism" by Greg McEwen. Don't miss out on this valuable episode that will empower you to take control of your finances and time! Check out Madison Investing's website for even more resources and a free guide for passive investors. Join the conversation and be inspired to push boundaries and challenge assumptions in your own entrepreneurial journey. Podcast: Time management, passive investing, and financial planning for entrepreneurs- Interview with Spencer Hilligoss, CEO of Madison Investing- His entrepreneurial journey and mission to help busy professionals invest passively- Importance of intentional career choices and investing in real estate- Building an ideal customer persona and strategies for reaching them- Approaches to building and growing an investing club- Importance of referrals and a balanced approach to personal finances- Cultivating curiosity and challenging assumptions as a key factor in being a successful entrepreneur- Importance of building relationships and treating employees with kindness and respect- Financial planning for business owners who exit their businesses- Recommendation of "Essentialism" by Greg McEwen for improving time management skills. KEY QUESTIONSVirginia Purnell 00:01:36 can you tell us a bit about your entrepreneurial journey? Virginia Purnell 00:05:06 So who would be your ideal client or Avatar for Madison Investing?Virginia Purnell 00:07:31 So how do you get in front of them, in front of your ideal client?Virginia Purnell 00:11:44 You had mentioned a couple of times, like things that you wish you had known and things that you wish your club, people in your club before they join New. What are some of those things?Virginia Purnell 00:15:27 So what's a couple of big goals or a big goal that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?Virginia Purnell 00:18:27 What is the best advice that you have ever received?Virginia Purnell 00:20:23 So what's the best advice you think you've ever given?Spencer Hilligosswww.madisoninvesting.comlinkedin.com/in/shilligoss Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC

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podcast player

Listen to all your favourite podcasts with AI-powered features


Listen to the best highlights from the podcasts you love and dive into the full episode

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podcast player

Listen to all your favourite podcasts with AI-powered features


Listen to the best highlights from the podcasts you love and dive into the full episode