There's nothing more important than leading an organization from the heart.Not enough entrepreneurs are talking about creating company culture that ensures the happiness of people - owners, employees, clients, and other stakeholders alike.People are too focused on talks about profits and revenues, but if these were truly the keys to business growth, why aren't all businesses successful?Keep in mind, businesses aren't B2B or B2C. We're all in the business of Human-to-Human. And in this business, putting the needs of ALL people is key to success.Take it from Fredrik Van Huynh, Co-Founder and Director at Absolute Internship, a leading global internship program placing university students with top companies in Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Shanghai and Singapore.Fredrik, born and raised in Sweden, has his roots in Cambodia. As an immigrant child, he was excited about so many different things not typical of a local. Besides snow, he also loved buying Christmas Cards, which he would sell door-to-door to his classmates’ parents and random people. He’d use the money he earned to buy candy, which he also loved.His fascination for his childhood business experience is less about making money but rather in meeting people. This remained applicable even as he graduated from business school, and went on internships.During his studies in Japan, he met friends who needed internship opportunities. With Fredrik’s vast connection, he was able to help out his friends. Upon their return, they told him of their great experiences and also their struggles during the internship programs.Upon hearing about his friends struggles, Fredrik knew that if he really wanted to help people out, he had to find ways to address those problems. Thus began his journey towards creating Absolute Internship, now a multi-million-dollar business.Money is simply a(n optional) byproduct of helping people! It should never be the driver when you’re aiming for success. Because where help is needed, there’s an opportunity to impact lives. And believe us, huge positive impact is highly demanded, regardless of industry!KEY QUESTIONS:Virginia 04:43 So what's kind of your ideal client for that?Virginia 08:13 So what are some big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year?Virginia 09:19 how would getting your fully remote? How would that affect your business?Virginia 10:08 What do you think a big roadblock is that is holding you back?Virginia 11:37 What's the best advice you've ever received?Virginia 12:54 What's the best advice that you have given?Virginia 17:42 I have one question. You might think it's random. So with the seven languages that you know how to speak, how do you keep it all? segmented and separated in your mind? So you don't like mix the two together when you're talking? So, are you ready provide a supply for that demand?Learn more from the source!Check these out to learn more about Fredrik van Huynh and Absolute Internship:Website:International Internships for Students - Absolute InternshipTikTok:Fredrik van Huynh on TikTokYouTube:Absolute InternshipLinkedIn: Fika with RiceTune in to gain insights from the experiences of fellow entrepreneurs and learn more about setting your business up for success!absoluteinternship.comInstagram - - Purnell Virginia PurnellFunnel & Visibility SpecialistDistinct Digital Marketing(833) 762-5336virginia@distinctdigitalmarketing.comwww.distinctdigitalmarketing.comBook a Free Call