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Jun 10, 2021 • 41min

Collective Healing in Women (Part 2 of 3)

Let’s learn more as we continue this special series on Collective Trauma, join Christine as she educates us on women’s sexuality trauma, movements and narratives throughout history that have shamed women in their sexuality and beliefs.   In this episode, we cover:Insights on sex, body shame, researches and empowering movementsBrief background through history in understanding why women are immune to change in so many yearsUnderstanding the Old and New stories of the “5 groups of leverage points”:Changing our Religious Inheritance Media representations of female sexual normsSex education Medical understanding of women sexualityInternalize belief cultural normsLearning that change happens in ourselvesAnd MORE! Helpful Links:The Invitation: Daily Love for Your Intimate Self by Christine Marie Mason Body Love Course - A six week self-guided inquiry into our relationship with our bodies on Rosewoman.comHealing the Maternal Line: Practices for freedom by Christine Marie MasonSlut the Play and Slut!: Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation - book by Leora TanenbaumShameless - book by Nadia Bolz-WeberNicolle Hodges - a guest on The Rose Woman Pod talks about Sexual Debut: Revisiting the Virginity Story (rebranding virginity)Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media - research-based organization working collaboratively within the entertainment industry to create gender balance, foster inclusion and reduce negative stereotyping in family entertainment mediaMiss Representation - a film by Jennifer Siebel Newsom that exposes mainstream media and culture contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America.Cindy Gallop - a guest on The Rose Woman Pod talks about real world sex movement “Make Love Not Porn”April Davis -  a guest on the Rose Woman pod talks about what’s new on sex educationReal Sex Ed Colorado - Supporting young people on sex educationISSWSH - International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual HealthAASECT - American Association of Sexuality educators, counselors and therapistsPussy: A Reclamation - book by Mama GenaMen who takes baths - Nicolle Hodges interviewing men and transforming the culture of masculinity—from the bathVulva Glow -  Curating art for female empowermentVagina Museum - Spread knowledge and raise awareness of the gynaecological anatomy and healthUnited Nations - One place where the world's nations can gather together, discuss common problems and find shared solutionsThe Rose Woman Podcast - covers sensuality, sexuality, and what we call "holism": living an integrated, happy, present, and powerful life. Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Listen, Like, Share & Subscribe on iTunes | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 27, 2021 • 29min

Healing Collective Trauma (Part 1)

Welcome to the first part of a special series on Healing Collective trauma, join the Rose Woman, Christine in this solo episode, as she shares her training, experiences, and insights on Collective Trauma. We dive and reflect into understanding the trauma healing collective process and learning more about ourselves, our consciousness, and how it manifests with the people around us. Tune in as we contemplate on the ideas, studies, learnings from history and guide you on collective healing.In this episode, we cover:Basic Principles of collective trauma and collective healingHow do Individual and Shared trauma differ and how it impacts peopleThe difference with shock and developmental traumaThomas Heubl on Healing Collective Trauma Trauma adaptation effects inside of us and overtimeWhat is involved with healing?Understanding and applying the Polyvagal Theory by Stephen W. PorgesThe exponential process that can lead to collective awakeningLearn and practice somatic psychotherapy Comparing photon avalanche phenomenon in our daily lives Helpful Links:Thomas Huebl - Spiritual teacher, author, and founder of The Academy of Inner ScienceStephen W. Porges - Introduced Polyvagal Theory in PsychotherapyLowen Foundation - The Alexander Lowen Foundation is dedicated to preserving and expanding the work of Alexander Lowen on BioenergeticsPeter Levine - Developer of Somatic Experiencing (A naturalistic and neurobiological approach to healing trauma)The Lovaas Center - Dr. Ole Ivar Lovaas work on Applied Behavior Analysis Bessel Van Der Kolk - On understanding and healing from traumaVolume 589 Issue 7841 of Nature Magazine - Learn more about Photon AvalanchingFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.womanListen, Like & Subscribe on iTunes | Spotify | Youtube Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 20, 2021 • 33min

The Family of the Future is Here: Talking Reproductive Tech & How It’s Changing Us

A mind-blowing conversation on reproductive tech, how it’s already changed us and what’s on the horizon, with Rachel Lehmann-Haupt. A rise in the age of motherhood, an explosion in single parent families and sci-fi level realities in repro tech are changing our options. Technologies like egg freezing, in vitro fertilization, the use of donor eggs, 3-parent embryos, external wombs...and even the option to become a “DIY mom”.In this Episode, we cover:Changes in parenting in today’s society, especially in motherhood.Inclusions and refinements that need to be done in current government policies and childcare systems.Rachel’s story and her “Modern Family”Rachel’s on her forthcoming book, “Reconceptions: A Story of Love, Science and the Future of Family”Current Reproductive Technologies - The collaboration with Science and drawing the line for human reproductionFuture of incubators, artificial wombs and data on today’s childbirthMultiple roles as a parent in our children’s lifeSome terminologies to learn: -Artificial insemination  -Intrauterine insemination (IUI) -In vitro fertilization (IVF) -In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) -Parthogenesis -Dosies -and MORE!Rachel Lehmann-Haupt’s Forthcoming book:   Seven years after raising her son as a single mother by choice, Lehmann-Haupt decides to meet her son’s “dosies,” or donor siblings, and their parents. Reconceptions: A Story of Love, Science and the Future of Family, tells the story of the relationships she and her son form with this modern tribe of mothers and DNA siblings while at times she meets and tells the intimate stories of other new families shapes and the reproductive technologies shaping the future of family.Helpful Links:The Art and Science Family newsletter -  about leading edge scientific research on the changing shape and nature of modern family planning | Sign-up HERE StoryMade Studio -  focuses on developing and marketing digital stories for health brandsTo get updates on Rachel’s forthcoming book, Reconceptions: A Story of Love, Science and the Future of Family that will be published on 2022, Visit and Like her Facebook GroupIn Her Own Sweet Time: Egg Freezing and the New Frontiers of Family book by Rachel Lehmann-HauptJane Metcalfe’s Neo.Life - Get the book: a collection of 25 essays, interviews, and works of fiction and art offering a big-picture perspective on the profound changes made possible by the merging of biology and technology.A Womb with a View  - article by Rachel Lehmann-Haupt on Neo.lifeFollow Rachel on  InstagramShould I freeze my eggs?Perineal Massage and the New Mom: Let's Talk About EverythingListening Within, Self-Care, Birth Equity and More with Latham Thomas (MamaGlow)Normalizing the conversation on reproductive healthFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 13, 2021 • 39min

Open and Consensual: The New Monogamy

Are open relationships the new normal? Would you or have you ever considered a threesome? Today we are talking about the rapidly changing world of sexual norms- where the unacknowledged or unfulfilled fantasies of more diverse sexuality come to life. AND yes- there’s an app for that! That app is Feel’d - a dating app for couples and singles- where consent and respect rule the screen, and today we interview Evgenia, who has a big wish for humanity.In this episode, we cover:Tell Me What You WantWhat is Normal How Feeld was started out of truth telling between committed partnersInternal discovery, openness and consensual exploration of your desires with your partnerData and learnings about people’s fantasies that are trending this past yearUser Safety and boundaries on the AppFeeld App’s progression with the communityAND moreAbout Evgenia:Evgenia is currently a User Experience Researcher at Feeld. She is bringing insights into the behaviours and motivations of Feeld's users and advises the product and marketing teams. Passionate about exploring online behaviours, Evgenia is studying how a person's inner world interacts with and manifest in cyberspaces. Her areas of interest are digitally mediated intimacy, and the work of desire in online vs. offline spaces. She also has a background in psychology and holistic therapy.About Feeld :Feeld is the first dating app for couples and singles. Open to all genders and sexual identities, Feeld allows members to join solo or pair up with a partner, a lover or a curious friend. Founded in London in 2014, Feeld is a fully remote, design-led company dedicated to creating an inclusive space where everyone can be honest with themselves while being responsible towards others.Helpful Links:Feeld - Dating App for Couples and SinglesFacebook | Twitter | Instagram | TiktokDr. Lehmiller - Sex and Psychology educator and researcherTell me what you want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life book by Dr. LehmillerFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
May 6, 2021 • 32min

Nicolle Hodges talks Sexual Debut, Men Who Take Baths and Deep Intuition

Guest Bio:Nicolle Hodges is a journalist and author- her first book- on orgasm, Dr. Seuss style “Oh, the Places You’ll Go Oh Oh”. She is the founder of Girls Who Say Fuck, an incubator for ideas that instigate change, including the wildly popular campaign to rebrand virginity to sexual debut. Recently, Nicolle launched a series of workshops and online gatherings to teach women the basics of BDSM power dynamics. She is the founder of Men Who Take Baths -- a men's mental health movement that's transforming the culture of masculinity from the bath. She studied broadcast journalism and communications at the British Columbia Institute of Technology and was an on-air talent and producer at CTV Vancouver until 2018. During her tenure at CTV, she reported from Lesbos, Greece, where she started an art camp for kids at the peak of the refugee crisis. When Nicolle left her career in television, she began telling stories from the frontlines of cannabis legalization in Canada as the culture editor of Herb—the largest cannabis publication in North America. She continues to work on the vanguard of drug policy and culture as an independent journalist for Double Blind and an on-camera host for The Dales Report, where she interviews the top CEOs of emerging psychedelics companies. In fall 2021, Nicolle begins her BA in Psychology at York University. She is simultaneously pursuing a certification in nonviolent communication, as well as somatic sex educator training. She currently lives in Toronto with her hairless cat, Brain (not Brian). To follow Nicolle’s adventures, and read the stories that come of it, find her on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.Sexual Debut and Men Who Take Baths:Sexual Debut is a campaign to reframe the word "virginity" so young women don't begin their sexual journey at a deficit, feeling like they have lost or given something up. Your sexual debut can happen many times, in many ways, and at any age -- it doesn't have to be your first time doing something, but it is a pinnacle moment that you felt most like you in relation to your sexuality. That's a cause for celebration -- and there should be cake! Men Who Take Baths is transforming the culture of masculinity from the bubble bath. In this episode, We Cover:Nicolle’s story and her pursuit of reconnectionWhat is “Sexual Debut”?How does it differentiate from losing virginity?Reactions and responses from the PublicOn immersing with “Men Who Take Baths”Finding what is your genuine desire and pleasureStarting conversations with “The Orgasm Book”Helpful - helping women on sexual freedom@girlswhosayfuck Instagram | @sxual.debut - Men in bubble baths are interviewed about what it means to “be a man.” @menwhotakebaths - Twitter | InstagramClubhouse - Drop-in audio appQuilt - Social network for supportive conversationsA Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes  - a  retelling of a myth through the women’s  - A book about the power of female orgasms @theorgasmbook - Twitter | InstagramPower Dynamics through the lens of Dominant and Submission: A Workshop by Nicolle Hodges - SIGN UPLet’s Celebrate #SEXUALDEBUT with this BOOK GIVEAWAY from the Rose Woman Podcast! Listen to this episode and learn how to win a free copy of The Orgasm Book by Nicolle Hodges! Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 29, 2021 • 37min

Talk Makes All the Difference: Think Like a Therapist

Guest Bio:Bea Arthur, LMHC is a Columbia University-trained psychotherapist and award-winning entrepreneur who works with high-performance individuals in high-pressure work environments. Her career took off at the intersection of psychology and technology and her third company, The Difference, provides on-demand access to therapy as a voluntary benefit.Additionally, Bea was the first African-American female founder in Y Combinator, and was named an Entrepreneur to Bet On by Newsweek Magazine as well as one of Bumble’s Most Inspiring New Yorkers. She is an editorial contributor and in-house talent for Forbes Women, and also hosts the Sonos-sponsored therapy podcast, Bea The Change. The Difference, Modern Mental Healthcare As a Voluntary BenefitTeletherapy platform providing on-demand sessions for stress relief in real time, and easy access to human connection. Currently serving corporations via B2B2C distribution, and communities in need through Corporate Social Responsibility partnerships. Why?Because the right talk at the right time can make all The Difference.Because it's time for a fair and modern mental healthcare exchange that democratizes distribution of this necessary service.  Breaking and removing all barriers to entry with a low-friction, low-cost experience. This solves the accessibility equation for the masses and enables therapists to evolve and thrive in an environment that is calling them to the center stage. To enable them to serve the front lines with support and a diverse client base. In this episode, we cover:How The Difference startedOnline Talk Therapy - how and why it worksCovid, turmoils, and depressionTalk therapy preparation and process in The DifferenceSpirituality, Sensuality, and SexualityIn doing something differentRemember you don’t have to do it alone. Find Bea on Instagram as @bbarthur and Twitter as @BeaArthurLMHCSee the latest updates on The Difference on instagram and Twitter  @TheDifferenceAI Find Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman and Christine on Instagram as @the.rose.woman Helpful Links:The Difference - The right talk, at the right timeBea Arthur's website - Counseling and Coaching The Nine Gifts book - First Aid for Mind, Body and Spirit by Christine MasonRosebud Woman - Discover the Best Intimate Skin Care Products Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 22, 2021 • 39min

A Conversation with Cindy Gallop, Founder of Make Love Not Porn

Cindy Gallop is the founder and CEO of MakeLoveNotPorn,  launched at TED 2009 – ‘Pro-sex. Pro-porn. Pro-knowing the difference’. In 2013 she turned MakeLoveNotPorn into the world’s first user-generated, human-curated social sex videosharing platform  socializing and normalizing sex in order to make it easier to talk about, to promote consent, communication, good sexual values and good sexual behavior. MakeLoveNotPorn’s mission is to end rape culture by spearheading the Social Sex Revolution (the revolutionary part isn’t the sex, but the social).  Given the challenges Cindy has faced finding investors, she is raising the world’s first dedicated sextech fund . She speaks at conferences globally and consults, describing her approach as ‘I like to blow shit up. I am the Michael Bay of business.’ Follow her on Twitter @cindygallopCheck out MLNP FacebookFollow MLNP Twitter @makelovenotpornLet us know how this concept moves you, use #makelovenotporn and tag @rosebudwoman and @the.rose.woman on InstagramFind Christine at and on  Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 15, 2021 • 33min

The Conversations that Feed You: Ashley Sumner, Founder of QUILT

This week on the Rose Woman Pod, Ashley Sumner, the founder of Quilt, a supportive audio social app for real-time conversations. This episode is about Self-care, how this amazing community driven app started and how you can use this app to find space for conversation and connecting with others. Quilt is the self care audio social network for supportive, real-time conversations, built to re-humanize social media with the goal of helping people feel better on a daily basis. Ashley’s startup career started 12 years ago in NYC at a matchmaking company. With an intuitive ability to bring people together, she turned her passion into a career as a community developer for brands such as NeueHouse, Wanderlust and Breakout ultimately leading to the creation of Quilt, which started as a platform inspiring people to open their homes for intimate conversations and shared experiences. Quilt has evolved into this new type of social network, in response to 2020.We Cover: Story on how Quilt StartedWhat Quilt is forEvolution to audio platform“Where conversation is self care” Elements of good conversation?Impact Before, During and Post-Covid Try Quilt now: Answer this: Why do you matter? Add #whydoyoumatter  tag @wearequilt Instagram and Twitter Find Ashley on Instagram and Twitter @ashleyjsumner Follow Quilt on Instagram and Twitter @wearequilt Find Christine at Rosewoman and on Instagram @rosebudwoman or at on Instagram @the.rose.woman Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 8, 2021 • 26min

Peace, Power and Pleasure

In this solo episode, Christine talks about real self care- things such as living your values, living at the pace your nervous system can handle, living with deep connection. She shares some of her personal morning and evening rituals, which are backed by science, tradition and experience.This episode covers:Real Self CareQuestions to Ask Yourself on Self Care BeliefsInviting MagicDaily Digital DetoxMorning Rituals: What do you do before the world gets your attention: mentally, spiritually and physicallyEvening Rituals: Preparing the Nervous System for repairHome AltarsGive Yourself 15 MinutesFind Rosebud Woman on Instagram as @rosebudwoman, and Christine as @the.rose.woman. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Apr 1, 2021 • 42min

Would You Hire a Sexual Healer?

Episode OverviewWe get help from a lot of experts when there’s a problem or a challenge in our lives- chiropractors for the back, therapists for our emotions, accountants for our finances- but what do you do when your particular concern is sexuality- a topic that is still shrouded in taboo? If you can’t experience arousal, or orgasm, or don’t know how your body (or your lover’s body)  works,  would you be willing to get some coaching? Would you hire a sexual healer? And, what is a sexual healer anyway? My guest today is Adam Hunter Bauer, who’s been committed to healing through many modalities, including sacred sexuality for almost forty years.  Now, there are a lot of flavors of people who do sexuality coaching, sexual surrogacy, or sex therapy out there- and we are about to learn some of the differences. In this episode, he opens up about the tender task of helping women and couples feel and connect in this vital realm. Sexuality is a vital part of life for all but the few truly by-design asexual people.  For most of us, it’s an area of connection, joy and pleasure that we can tap into our whole lives long.A sexual healer might help you connect with your body, connect with your breath, unwind old stories,  heal trauma in the body, explore new ways of touching and being present, and see what opens up for you. And, possibly, no matter what our mothers might think, we might reach out to someone who’s devoted a part of their lives to gaining knowledge to help us out here- dakas, dakinis, sex therapists, sex surrogates or sexual healers.We cover:Marketing Body ShameHealthy Sexual ConversationsTransformational BodyworkWhat a sexual healing session might look likeIdentifying a healer with clean energyCultivating discernmentSeeking sexual help while in a relationshipHelpful Links:Adam's websiteAdam on Instagram Sexual Healing and Communication Schools:Source School of TantraMargot Anand and Skydancing TantraISTAHuman Awareness InstituteSexological BodyworkBaron Baptiste Yoga Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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