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Unshamed & Unchained: Carving Space For Self-Healing & Habit Transformation

Latest episodes

Jun 21, 2021 • 25min

75. How to Find What Actually Works For You To Succeed (HTDWP)

Why is it that we are willing to do anything for our kids to set them up for success, but, at times, maybe without even realizing it, we are unwilling to do that for ourselves? If our children are struggling in school we will get them tutors. If they want to learn a sport we take them to practice/lessons. If they need something, we will find the resources for them, because we want the best for them.Let’s become aware of how we may be holding ourselves back in some very important ways. What is the disconnect in finding help that could better our life quality? In this episode Danny and Lindsay explore what holds us back from seeking help, paying for help, being open to new approaches, or even working on areas in our lives that we want to improve in. They break down what are some mental barriers people tend to face and how to find what actually works for you. Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Jun 14, 2021 • 34min

74. The Key to Intimacy (HTDWP)

Intimacy is an important part in navigating any relationship. Intimacy can be found in romantic relationships, friendships, familial relationships, and even our relationship with ourselves.  It is one of the biggest markers in building a thriving community, or tribe, that will also enrich the life of the individual. In this episode Danny and Lindsay Poelman discuss the 6 forms of intimacy, the effects it has on our lives, and our relationship with intimacy. Join them as they delve into all the nuanced ideas revolving intimacy, and how it can shape complete relationships. Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Jun 7, 2021 • 21min

73. The Importance of Letting it be OK Right Where You Are (HTDWP)

When learning, or unlearning, something, it is going to have a lot of bumps. Training yourself is a difficult thing to do and faltering is not uncommon. It is normal to feel frustrated, disappointed, or even angry when you don't get things perfect the first time around. But it is important to give yourself grace, especially when working on building a new skill. It is ok to be ok with where you are in your progress.It is ok to be ok with where you are in your journey. In this episode, Danny Poelman breaks down the  importance of being ok with where you are right now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
May 31, 2021 • 20min

72. Learning to Reconnect With Our Bodies (HTDWP)

I believe that we are born emotionally connected to our bodies.  Any disconnect we feel today is either instinctual, was instinctual, or was taught to us. And guess what? Anything that was taught out of you can be taught back in. Learning to trust your body is revolutionary. We get to provide what wasn’t provided to us. Tune in to understand why we aren’t connected to our bodies, and get some ideas for how to approach a deep loving connection with that gorgeous, trustworthy body of yours. When we do this, we see that our bodies are our best friends.They are there for us on the hard days,Easy days, they grow with us, shrink with us, adapt, Make do with what they’re nourished with.If you don’t absolutely love the relationship you have to your body, listen in. Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
May 6, 2021 • 39min

71. You Don't Want What You Don't Think is Possible (HTDWP)

62. You Don't Want What You Don't Think is Possible by Danny & Lindsay PoelmanSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Apr 30, 2021 • 49min

70. Self-Investment With Erin Aquin (HTDWP)

Tune in as I interview Erin Aquin is a Master Certified and Deep Dive Coach who works with entrepreneurs to create more love and success in their lives without burning out. We talk about:· Where certainty really comes from,· Having the courage as a woman to self-invest before your partner is fully understanding,· Investing in yourself when you’re not working,· Baby-stepping yourself into self-care even when it’s uncomfortable,· Why it feels morally incongruous to spend money to feel great, and· Erin drops truth bombs around coaching being the less expensive option when it comes to staying married versus getting divorced! I could have talked to her for hours, but we kept it to one. Find what you love and email Lindsay@LindsayPoelmanCoaching with any lingering questions you have! Want more of Erin? She is co-hosting the virtual Love + Success Summit happening May 11-13, 2021 here (www.revitalizeyourrelationship.com/summit).Her third book Revitalize Your Relationship is currently available on Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Revitalize-Your-Relationship-Guide-Beautiful/dp/B08KTXW7K4).Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Apr 22, 2021 • 42min

69. Planning to Look at Porn Isn't Worse Than Reacting to An Urge (HTDWP)

“It’s not okay to plan to look at porn,” right?If you think that reacting to urges with porn is better than planning to look at porn, you are accidentally buying in to some disempowering, progress-hindering ideas.What is an Exception Plan?Let me walk you through some of the things I’ve found while working with men to quit the habit of porn.Tweaking your mindset in these ways can have a surprisingly impactful effect.You can fight harder, with your same approach, and keep porn in your life longer.Or you can take a new, smarter approach, that helps you eliminate your habit of porn, so you can move on to your life without it.Do you really want to cling so tightly to your current approach?It’s time to work smarter instead of harder.Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Apr 8, 2021 • 22min

68. Relevant Motherhood (HTDWP)

Lindsay does a solo episode.Whether you are a family-oriented woman or man, tune in for empowering approaches to being a parent.How to bring more YOU to the process, and how that’s a good thing.Relevant Mother hood is: YOU, deciding what works for you.Relevant Motherhood is: YOU, spending energy on yourself and thinking about what you want, not what you think you should want.Relevant Motherhood is: You, carving out your dreams and your life based on your absolute beautiful unique set of experience that NO OTHER HUMAN HASRelevant Motherhood is: You, knowing that it's not going to look the way everyone thinks your actions should look--letting that be ok.Relevant Motherhood is: You letting people be wrong about you--and loving them anyway.Relevant Motherhood is: You fiercely loving and protecting your beautiful self the way you would a beautiful newborn. Relevant motherhood is acting on your knowing when others disagree with you.Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Mar 18, 2021 • 34min

67. Thoughts Really Are Optional (HTDWP)

The results in your life come from existing thought patterns in your brain.If you want long-term, sustainable changes in your results, then changing thought patterns becomes very important.Human brains average 60,000-70,000 thoughts each day.95% of your thoughts each day are unconscious/automatic.5% of your thoughts are conscious.Thoughts cause feelings.Even unconscious thoughts can cause negative, neutral, or positive feelings.Thought Work is using part of our conscious thinking time to examine the unconscious patterns going on.Gaining awareness of a pattern helps you gain authority over it.This is where your power to choose comes in. It exists in the now, in your consciousness.A belief is just a thought repeated over and over.Training your brain to think new things is like training a wild stallion (see podcast).You’ll notice the feelings before the thoughts a lot of times.Don’t get so focused on where you want to be and how you’re not there yet.Begin right where you are, not where you were yesterday or where you long to be.All of your power to exercise choice/agency in your thinking, exists right now.The more moments you can create in the NOW, of believing something even slightly different, the more you will shift in to transformation, inside and out.Test it with the feeling. Embody the new feeing of the new thinking.Too far too fast, forcing, does not work.But you can commit to eventuallly believing something.In the mean time, try on a new thought that is slightly different than current one, and in the direction of the desired one.I recommend starting with love.If I loved myself truly and deeply, how would I think right now?What would I decide for me right now?Do not underestimate the power of loving yourself.You are worth it.You are worth loving.You are worth helping.You are worth getting help.We can tell you these things all day long.But whether you believe it or not is up to you.And it really is a choice.Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How tSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.
Mar 5, 2021 • 28min

66. Rest, Recovery, & Self-Discovery (HTDWP)

Lindsay and Danny Poelman are certified life coaches and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Danny helps guys to stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life and/or marriage what they want it to be. Lindsay helps women let go of the fantasy marriage that doesn’t exist and create the marriage of their dreams in real life.For more information: lindsaypoelman.com or www.dannypoelman.comClick Here for Lindsay’s Find Relief Right Now Guide:https://mailchi.mp/lindsaypoelmancoaching/reliefnow1For Danny's free 3-Part video series on How to Stop Looking at Porn:https://mailchi.mp/ecb42a844001/az7gs45o8lSubmit Questions or Recommend Topics you would like us to cover:https://lindsaypoelman.typeform.com/to/dtVOMkSTART WITH THIS: (FREE MINI-COURSE) 5 DAYS TO UNWIND: STRESS REDUCTION FOR DYNAMIC DOCTOR DADS (click here)CLICK HERE to learn more about or for access to RISE GROUP COACHING CALLS: https://www.dannypoelman.com/rise-coaching-calls Check out Danny's Instagram here: @dannypoelmancoachingReady to work with Danny? Schedule a free consultation here: Work With MeWebsite: https://www.dannypoelman.com Danny Poelman is a certified life coach who helps Doctor-Dads Dealing With: burnout, stress, trauma, unwanted habits, and/or strained relationships To heal, sustain, enrich, and maintain a high level of performance in ALL areas of your life (and change unwanted habits), WITHOUT adding more hustle/exhaustion to the equation. Danny also has years of experience helping guys stop looking at pornography (and be happy about it) and make their real life so good that porn becomes irrelevant. He originally created this podcast to help those who are struggling with porn in their marriage and lives, and who know deep down there's something "more" for them if they just learn the skill of doing life porn free.

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