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Spiritual Life and Leadership

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Nov 19, 2018 • 46min

13. An Unexpected Ministry to Refugees, with Pete Seiferth

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Several years ago, Pete Seiferth’s church was feeling a bit down about declining attendance, declining giving, and all kinds of other declining. So they prayed. They prayed that God would send people to them.And God answered their prayer. Except that the people God sent were not the people they were expecting. Rather than sending more middle-class white people, God sent African refugees and asylum seekers.In this episode of Spiritual Life and Leadership, Pete Seiferth tells the story of how God brought these new people to their church and how their church learned to be open to a whole new ministry—one that no one was expecting.THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Pete Seiferth is the Associate Pastor for Discipleship and Multicultural Ministry at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Tucson, AZ.Pete Seiferth describes the moment his church started getting involved in multicultural ministry. A Congolese man named Bienvenue asked if he and his congregation could use space in Pete’s church to worship.Pete’s church started Refugee & Immigrant Ministry (RIM). They learned the unique needs of refugees and asylum seekers.Asylum seekers come to the U.S. on various kinds of visas. While here, as things destabilized in their country, they applied for asylum in the United States. Asylum seekers are ineligible to work in the U.S. for the first six months. This puts them in a position of great need.Pete’s church, Northminster Presbyterian Church, rents an apartment that they use to shelter homeless or near homeless asylum seekers while they wait for their work permit. They are also trained and prepared for seeking work and living independently.Pete Seiferth shares that the church leadership prayed that God will send people to their church. And God did! However, the people God sent weren’t who they were expecting. But Pete’s church definitely believes that their new brothers and sisters were sent by God.Northminster Presbyterian Church in Tucson is a multicultural church, but they are still learning to be an intercultural church.RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Northminster Presbyterian Church, Tucson, AZ Website:  http://npctucson.org/Multiethnic Church Resources Mosaix:  http://www.mosaix.info/Mosaix Books:  http://www.mosaix.info/Resources/books-publishedBooks by Mark DeYmaz, author, pastor, and champion of Multiethnic Church Movement Building a Healthy Multiethnic ChurchMultiethnic ConversationsLeading a Healthy Multiethnic ChurchRe:MixBooks by Soong-Chan RahThe Next EvangelicalismMany ColorsRefugee Highway Partnership, North America Website: https://www.rhpna.com/To leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership: Click HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Nov 12, 2018 • 42min

12. God is a Woman in Labor, with Christiana Rice

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Christiana Rice shares a powerful image.God is a woman giving birth and we are the midwife attending to God and to the new life that is coming into the world.  That’s the image we’ll be unpacking in this episode of Spiritual Life and Leadership.  It’s not an image that normally comes to mind when we think about God. But it certainly isn’t unbiblical. Listen to how God describes himself (herself?) in Isaiah 42:14:“For a long time I have kept silent, I have been quiet and held myself back. But now, like a woman in childbirth, I cry out, I gasp and pant.”Christiana Rice unpacks this powerful and visceral image in this episode of Spiritual Life and Leadership.THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Christiana Rice wrote a book with Michael Frost called To Alter Your World.A key metaphor in Christiana Rice’s book portrays God as giving birth and the world as a midwife, joining with God to bring new life into the world.Scripture portrays God in Isaiah as a woman in labor, groaning and panting, to give birth the new Israel.Christiana asked, if God is the one giving birth, then who are we? We must be the attendants.“Midwife” means “with woman.” To be a midwife is more about being “with” than about controlling the outcome.The role of being with a woman in labor is incredibly intimate and vulnerable.A midwife must enter a birth with humility, recognizing that this birth with will be utterly unique. She must let go her expectations.As we attend to what God is birthing in the world, we, likewise, must be open to the new thing that is coming to life. We, too, must let go our expectations.The midwife knows that she is not the one giving birth. Likewise, we are not the ones giving birth; God is.Christiana Rice gives an example of how God birthed something new in her neighborhood schools. But it took time. And it required faithfully attending to the labor of God in her neighborhood.Christiana Rice shares about her ministry with Thresholds in San Diego. RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Christiana Rice Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/christiana.riceTwitter:  @ctianariceThresholds Website:  http://thresholdscommunity.org/To Alter Your World: Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities, by Michael Frost and Christiana RiceMichael Frost Twitter: @michaelfrost6Instructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your revClick HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Nov 5, 2018 • 47min

11. Discipleship and the Twelve Steps, with Kaye Schneider

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Kaye Schneider cares about spiritual transformation. So often, churches focus primarily on giving people information—theology, apologetics, Bible studies, etc.  Information is good, but information doesn’t necessarily lead to deep transformation. In this episode, Kaye Schneider shares about how the Twelve Steps have deepened her own discipleship and how she now uses the Twelve Step process to help others experience deep, spiritual inner life transformation. THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Kaye Schneider is a Marriage and Family Life Educator.If Kaye’s life were a book it would be titled From Grief to Gratitude.The title of the current chapter of Kaye’s life would be “In the Wilderness.”Kaye was “thrown” into the recovery process in the unfolding of a 5-year divorce after a 27-year “Christian” marriage that was filled with addiction.Kaye has started several recovery groups focused on discipleship in Pasadena, Chula Vista, and Coronado (San Diego).Kaye’s ministry, Vital Connections, is focused on helping people stay “vitally connected” to God and others through a Twelve Step process.The Twelve steps are action, not concepts or principles. Steps 1-3: Deal with one’s relationship with God.Steps 4-6: Deal with looking at one’s inner self.Steps 7-9: Focus on confession and making amends with others.Steps 10-12: Deal with strengthening what has been accomplished in the first nine steps.The Twelve Steps aren’t about giving people information (about God, about spirituality, about theology, etc.), but about transformation. Information is good, but information alone doesn’t lead to transformation.Addictive thinking is black or white, all or nothing. She lived this kind of thinking out in her marriage. She “submitted” to her husband in a way that was extremely unhealthy.It is frustrating to try to introduce this kind of deep spirituality into the church. Most churches just want information or programs.Churches generally don’t allow for transparency and honesty when it comes to our sin and brokenness.Kaye Schneider’s Vital Connections groups are open groups, meaning anyone can join at any time.Kaye Schneider's website is www.lydiacompany.com.RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Kaye Schneider Vital Connections website: https://www.lydiacompany.com/E-mail: kaye@lydiacompany.comA Spiritual Kindergarten: Christian Perspectives on the Twelve Steps, by Dale Ryan National Association for Christian Recovery website:  https://www.nacr.org/Instructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your revClick HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Oct 28, 2018 • 32min

10. Meeting God in the Darkest Places, Sermon on Jonah 2:1-10

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!This sermon on Jonah 2:1-10 explores God's presence with us in our darkest places.What do we do when we find ourselves in times of great suffering? What do we do when we feel like we’re in a pit? When we feel like we’re inside the belly of a fish–a place of darkness, hopelessness, and death? Jonah faced that same question and discovered the only thing he could do was surrender. And by surrendering in the midst of his suffering, In this sermon on Jonah 2, we learn that Jonah discovered that the worst place turned out to be the best place, because the worst place turned out to be the place where he met God.  THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Markus begins this sermon on Jonah 2 by sharing about giving up his Hollywood dream.God “provided” a fish to swallow Jonah. The word, “provided,” could also be translated as “commissioned” or “appointed.” It is the same word used when a king commissioned an ambassador to carry out his will.If there is a single word to capture Jonah’s state in Jonah 2, it would be the word “down.” Jonah is sinking deeper and deeper.The sea in the ancient world represented chaos.The people of Israel has very little experience on the sea.Having been swallowed by the huge fish, Jonah finds himself in the worst possible place an Israelite could have imagined being. Yet, this is the place where he finally meets God.The worst place Jonah could have imagined turned out to be the best place because it is the place where he had a deep, profound encounter with God.Jonah discovers that the worst thing that ever happened to him is the best thing that ever happened to him.Stories can be broadly categorized as comedies and tragedies. Jonah is a comedy because it is a story in which life wins, hope wins, joy wins.In verse 8, Jonah says, “Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.” Who is Jonah referring to? The Ninevites? The sailors? Or himself?Jonah is most likely referring to himself as one who has clung to worthless idols.In the belly of the fish, Jonah finally lets go of the idols to which he has been clinging—fear, anger, xenophobia. Now he is able to surrender to God and go where God is leading him.Are you in a belly-of-the-fish experience now?What idols are you clinging to? RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Under the Unpredictable Plant, by Eugene Peterson This book was a helpful resource in preparing this sermon.We Are Not as Strong as We Think We Are, song by Rich Mullins A beautiful song reminding us of our frailty before God.Instructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your review.Click submit.I'd be so grateful if you did this.  Thank you!— Links to Amazon are affiliate links.  Click HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Oct 22, 2018 • 39min

9. The Four-Chapter Gospel, with Geoff Hsu, Executive Director of Flourish San Diego

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Geoff Hsu knows that how we think about the Gospel affects everything else. It affects the way we think about God.  It affects the way we relate to others.  It affects our leadership.What does the Gospel we believe tell us about God?  About ourselves?  About the world? What role does guilt and shame play in our understanding of the Gospel?  How do forgiveness and grace fit into the Gospel we believe in?  What does the Gospel say is my responsibility in regard to my relationship with God?In this episode, Geoff Hsu, Executive Director of Flourish San Diego, helps us explore what the Gospel is and what it means for the way we live.THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Geoff Hsu says the gospel is good news not only because we are saved out of the world for our sake, but much more because we are saved into the world for its sake.A Four-Chapter Gospel allows us to be able to understand how our entire lives matter and how we can participate in God’s redemptive work.The four chapters of the Four-Chapter Gospel are: 1) Creation, 2) Fall, 3) Redemption, and 4) Restoration.The Two-Chapter Gospel only focuses on Fall and Redemption. It gives us a reason to be saved out of the world for our sake, but it doesn’t give us a reason to be saved into the world for its sake.Flourish San Diego wants to discover ways to engage culture in ways that are redemptive. Not reacting by fortifying ourselves against the culture, or trying to dominate the culture, or even by blending in and accommodating it.Geoff Hsu shares about his own transformation from thinking of the Gospel as two chapters to recognizing the Gospel as four chapters.Geoff Hsu noticed that he was helping people to act Christianly, but he was not actually helping them to become like Christ.The way Geoff Hsu knew he was learning to better understand the Gospel was in the way he was learning how to repent. In the past, when he sinned he would feel terribly guilty about it, as though he needed to beat himself up until he was worthy enough to come back into the Lord’s presence. But then he learned that he was already forgiven and it wasn’t up to him to decide when he was worthy enough to come back into God’s presence.Flourish San Diego commissioned a set of fine art photographs that capture the four chapters of the Gospel.  Those photographs can be viewed and purchased HERE. RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Flourish San Diego Homepage:  https://flourishsandiego.org/Twitter:  @FlourishSDGeoff Hsu E-mail:  geoff@flourishsandiego.orgTo view the Four-Chapter Gospel fine art photographs commissioned by Flourish San Diego, CLICK HERE. You can also purchase prints ON THIS PAGE.To leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiritual-life-and-leadership/id1435252632— Click HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Oct 15, 2018 • 36min

8. Thoughtfulness Matters, with Micah Lunsford

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Micah Lunsford believes that when it comes to following Jesus, thoughtfulness matters. It matters because God wants more than just our actions. God wants our hearts and our minds, too. In this episode, Micah Lunsford, the Founding Director of Resonance Journal, shares about why thoughtfulness and contemplation are so important for the spiritual life. THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Micah Lunsford grew up the son of a Nazarene pastor.Micah describes how he founded Resonance Journal.After graduating from Fuller Theological Seminary, Micah Lunsford got involved in a ministry that didn’t give him much time for thoughtful theological reflection. Micah expressed his frustrations to God and got an answer—“You can do more to be thoughtfully reflective.”It was around this time that Micah caught the vision for Resonance Journal.Resonance Journal was meant to be an ecumenical place for deep conversation, crossing traditional theological boundaries.Resonance Journal is intended to be more than a publication; it is meant to be a community.Micah Lunsford feels passionate about engaging our minds as disciples of Christ.The themes of the articles in Resonance Journal are presented in each issue in a chiastic structure: worship, scripture, witness, tradition, crux, tradition, witness, scripture, worship.Each issue of Resonance Journal focuses on a specific theme. Recent themes include the Trinity, Christianity in Culture, the Sabbath, encountering the stranger, and so forth.Thoughtful spiritual reflection is vital for spiritual leadership because we can only give what we have.The digital subscription to Resonance Journal is entirely free. You subscribe at www.theologicalresonance.com/subscribe. RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Resonance Journal Homepage:  https://theologicalresonance.com/Subscribe:  https://theologicalresonance.com/subscribe/Twitter:  @resonantpointsFuller Theological Seminary Website:  https://www.fuller.edu/Instructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your review.Click submit.I'd be so grateful if you did this.  Thank you!—Click HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Oct 8, 2018 • 45min

7. Made for More, with Bobby Benavides

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!When Bobby Benavides, a California native, went on a short-term mission trip to rural West Virginia in 2003, he never imagined God would call him to stay and serve there for the next fifteen years.  I should say, fifteen years and counting!  Bobby has no plans to leave any time soon.  It was through this experience that Bobby discovered the profound importance of listening to God and living into one’s unique calling.  A few years ago, Bobby Benavides wrote Made for More, a book designed to help millennials live the life they were created to live.  In this interview, Bobby shares about his call to serve in West Virginia and why we each need to discover that we were “Made for More.” THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Bobby Benavides shares about planting his church, New Community Elkins.Bobby moved from Glendora, California (a suburb of Los Angeles), to rural West Virginia.Initially, Bobby didn’t want to stay in West Virginia, but it eventually became clear that this was where God wanted him to serve.A key moment that strengthened Bobby’s sense of call to West Virginia was a conversation with a teenage boy who told him, “You’re the first person to ever sit down and want to hear my story.In West Virginia, one has to be known in order to be trusted. This comes from a history in which coal companies came in with big promises and lots of money, but eventually left, leaving the community with nothing. As a result, local people are slow to trust outsiders.Bobby Benavides wrote Made for More because he encountered a lot of young people who had lots of questions about their purpose in life.We have profound beauty within us. God sees the beauty through our brokenness, even when we can’t.If we’re so focused on what’s to come, we lose what’s right in front of us.God says we need to be fully present where we are now.“Where you are now is your mission field.”“The mission field is everywhere.”Bobby Benavides shares a story about a young woman who read Made for More and was surprised that he talked about Lil Wayne in a positive light! She also told him she now has a strengthened identity in Christ and wants to serve him.Remember whose you are. Your congregation doesn’t own you. The church building doesn’t own you. Your job doesn’t own you. Rest in the fact that you are God’s.“Let God be God and you be his child.” RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Bobby Benavides Website:  https://bobbybenavides.me/Twitter:  @BobBen74Instagram:  bobby_benavidesMade for More: A Journey of Discovery and PurposeOrder on Bobby’s websiteOrder from AmazonTo leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiritual-life-and-leadership/id1435252632— Links to Amazon are affiliaClick HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Oct 1, 2018 • 39min

6. From Tragedy to Comic Books, with Mario DeMatteo

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Mario DeMatteo’s life was turned upside down in more ways than one when he suddenly became a quadriplegic. It was tragedy, to be sure. But it turned out to be the thing that drew Mario closer to God and set his life on a new trajectory publishing graphic novels that tell the stories of the scriptures in a sci-fi universe. Listen as Mario DeMatteo shares about how God used his tragedy then and is using his new calling now. THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Mario DeMatteo had a tragic accident in which he dove into a shallow swimming pool and became a quadriplegic.While in the hospital, a friend brought him a Silver Surfer comic book, at which point he fell in love with comics.It was as a result of his accident that Mario grew in his relationship with Jesus.Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl was a formative book that Mario read in the early months after his accident.Mario DeMatteo describes how he went from merely loving comic books to creating his own graphic novel, a science fiction version of the Apostle Paul.Mario had to invest his own money into this project. Even though some said he should put his money into other more “spiritual” projects, he felt called to invest in his graphic novel.Mario has gotten wonderful feedback from people who have purchased his graphic novel.People sometimes push back on the sci-fi aspect of the graphic novel.Mario DeMatteo is now working on a second graphic novel titled Peter, which focuses on the life of Jesus through Peter’s eyes.Mario shares about his rhythms and practices that keep him close to Jesus.After reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, Mario began journaling first thing in the morning.You can order Mario DeMatteo’s graphic novel at his website, http://www.beartruthcollection.com RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Mario DeMatteo Website:  https://beartruthcollective.com/Twitter:  @beartruthcomicsShort video about Mario“Paul: The Apostle” Graphic Novel Youtube Trailer:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTBYb3UvVCATo order online:  https://beartruthcollective.com/products/paulBooks mentioned Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor FranklThe Artist’s Way by Julia CameronInstructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your review.Click submit.I'd be so grateful if you did this.  ThClick HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Sep 24, 2018 • 33min

5. Stewardship, Service, and Spoken Word, with Jim Mullins

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Jim Mullins is the Pastor of Theological and Vocational Formation at Redemption Church in Tempe, AZ. He’s also the Director of the Faith, Work, and Rest Initiative of the Surge Network in the Phoenix area. But what you really need to know about Jim is that he cares about people. In this episode, Jim Mullins talks about his rich theology of God’s mission and how we are called to participate in God’s mission by loving our neighbors. THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Jim Mullins leads the Faith, Work, and Rest Initiative of the Surge Network in the Phoenix area.The mission of God is God’s mission.God is on a mission to restore all that was lost in the fall, including the spiritual, physical, and social aspects of life that have been corrupted and broken by sin and its effects.There are three primary ways we participate in God’s mission: Stewardship – We display the glory of the Father through the work of our hands.Service – We display the love of Christ by washing the feet of the world.Spoken Word – We display the power of the Spirit by opening our mouths.In stewardship, we reflect God’s character in the ordinary stuff of life.Service is the call to sacrificially love the other.In spoken word, we verbally proclaim the good news of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.In evangelism, we often treat the gospel like Ikea furniture–getting it out quickly and cheaply to as many people as possible–rather than as a “hand-crafted” display of God’s love and beauty.Jim Mullins shares his spiritual journey, his ministry in Turkey, and how his understanding of the gospel grew through his ministry.When we start to ask the question, “How?” we’ve started to ask the question of mission. How do I love God with all that I have?How do I love my neighbor as myself?As we ask these questions, we are functionally asking how we can participate in God’s mission? RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Jim Mullins Twitter:  @jimdmullins3Faith, Work, and Rest Podcast http://surgenetwork.com/start-faith-work-rest/Surge Network Website:  http://surgenetwork.com/who-we-are/Twitter:  @SurgeNetworkRedemption Church, Tempe Website: http://tempe.redemptionaz.com/Twitter:  @redemptionTEMInstructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your review.Click submit.I'd be so grateful if you did this.  Thank you!— Links to Amazon are affiliate linkClick HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.
Sep 17, 2018 • 45min

4. The Gospel According to Two Shirts, with Jason Coker

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking!Jason Coker, pastor of First Christian Church in Oceanside, California, shares about a ministry called Two Shirts. Even though it doesn’t exist anymore, it beautifully captures what God wants to do in the world—healing and wholeness for the whole world. Jason and I discuss this very creative ministry, Jason’s journey of discovering the gospel in a much bigger way than he had ever understood it before, and what it’s like to serve a congregation that includes homeless brothers and sisters. THIS EPISODE’S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE:Brief description of the Oceanside, CA, community where Jason Coker serves as the lead pastor of First Christian Church. Jason shares how he came up with the idea for the Two Shirts ministry.  It started in Columbus, OH.The Two Shirts concept is based on John the Baptist’s words in Luke 3:11:  “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”Jason Coker was convicted by the idea that the gospel is more than an idea.  The gospel must be embodied.Two Shirts was a website where you could give things away or ask for something you need.An amazing story of a woman who posted that she needed a grandmother for her children.Unfortunately, Two Shirts never really took off in Southern California.  It was hard to build the critical mass.Jason describes the gospel he grew up with–a gospel that is more about disembodied doctrines and ideas.Jason Coker came to the understanding that the gospel is about the restoration of all things and the fulfillment of shalom.First Christian Church in Oceanside includes homeless people in their congregation.“Embodying the gospel means to serve the least in our midst.”Someone described Jason’s church as having “quite the cast of characters.”FCC’s new mission statement:  “To make disciples for the sake of the city who practice radical hospitality, create new expressions of faith, and minister wholeness in a fragmented world.”Jason Coker describes the “ordinariness” of his work as a pastor.  The majority of the church’s work is “unglamorous.” RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS:Jason Coker Twitter:  @jasonacokerFirst Christian Church Oceanside Website: https://fccoceanside.org/Twitter:  @fccoceansideDisciples of Christ denomination Website:  https://disciples.org/Instructions to leave a review of Spiritual Life and Leadership:Click HERE.Click on the link that says, "Listen on Apple Podcasts."In the window that opens, click the button that says, "Open Link."  This will open iTunes.To the right of the Spiritual Life and Leadership logo, click "Ratings and Reviews."Under the heading, "Customer Reviews," click on the button that says, "Write a Review."Select the number of stars and write your review.Click submit.I'd be so grateful if you did this.  Thank you!— Links to Amazon are affiliate links.  If you make a purchase through any of these links, I’ll receive a small commission–which will hClick HERE to get my FREE online course, BECOMING LEADERS OF SHALOM.

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