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The Email Marketing Show

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May 31, 2023 • 33min

Everything You Need To Know About Our Membership The League (THE Behind The Scenes!)

Want the behind-the-scenes of all the behind-the-scenes? Then let's talk about everything you need to know about our awesome membership The League.(Spoiler alert - this is some pretty cool stuff!)SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:10) Join our FREE Facebook Group. (4:20) What is our membership all about?(6:04) Why we created The League.(9:25) People buy for different reasons.(13:07) Why you want to sell from different angles.(16:23) The 'trifecta' of features you get inside The League.(22:36) What about the technical aspects of email marketing?(26:59) And we have Battle Plans too!(29:20) Who's The League for?(30:54) Subject line of the week.What is our membership all about?People ask us questions about our membership all the time. How does it work? Will it work for me? Well, first things first, its full name is The League of Email Marketing Heroes. When we first launched it, we didn’t know what to call it, and it was one of our members (shoutout to Fifi Mason!) who suggested the name we're using.And we might be biased, but we genuinely think it's the best email marketing resource on the planet that teaches you to make more sales (and more predictably) in your business using email marketing. And we obsess over improving it. All. The. Time. Why we created The League?People buy for different reasons, so you need different ways to sell and present your offers. But also, there's a benefit to selling a smaller number of products - it's more profitable and efficient in many ways. For example, if you only sell one thing, you only need one sales page and not 10! When you sell a smaller number of products, you need to sell them to more people, which means having to get more first-time subscribers to become customers and then having more of those customers buy another product. That’s how you make more sales from the same product and the same people – you sell more of your products to the people who are already your customers and maximise your customer value along the way. And then you bring in the next set of subscribers and do the same thing again. This is how we sell. And that's also what we teach inside our membership.  And the great thing about this method is that people don't end up feeling overwhelmed about which of your products they want to pick. Because there's only one! That's why we only sell our membership The League, our programme Accelerator, and our Email Writing Agency. We have a few front-end products to get people to our main services, but broadly speaking, we don't need to switch our promotions up to talk about different things.And that means we're great at understanding our core product - our membership The League. We know how to talk about it and to make sure it's the best email marketing membership on the planet because we're not distracted by other things. We're able to focus on this one product, make it better, and fill it with deep content. People buy for different reasonsIf you have people on your email list who haven't bought yet, it's because they haven't heard the angle that makes the penny drop. They haven't yet realised why they need to buy and take action right now. So your job is to keep communicating about the thing you sell in different ways until someone hears something that makes them want to buy. If you don't have at least 20-30 different angles (or campaigns) to sell your one thing, then you’re doing your product a disservice. Because it means you haven’t said what you need to say in all the different ways it could be said!If you only have one campaign, you may be able to handle some objections. Or share some social proof. Or even create some urgency. But that’s only from that one angle. And the motivators (the psychological reasons why people buy things) are different.Someone might buy a new pair of shoes because they’re the latest model from their favourite designer. But someone else might want those shoes only because there’s a discount. And that's their motivator. A third person might want to buy because there’s an offer where you buy one and get one half-price. We created our method (and that's what we teach inside The League) because it works. And because no one else was doing it! Why you want to sell from different anglesWe sold as many spots of our membership using a whole lot of campaigns. What would have happened if we only had one campaign? If it’s taken that much effort and variety of campaigns to get as many people in, imagine what would happen if we only created one and then moved on? By running one campaign we sold $27,000 worth. But when we added what we call our SCORE email engine (which is basically more campaigns), we sold over $500,000 worth of spots in a number of months. So the difference in the results you get from talking about something from different angles is astronomical!Since 2006, we have built a bank of proven campaigns, and that’s how our membership The League started - we give others the same campaigns we use and see success with in our business. And of course, we keep adding more campaigns. We run them inside the business first and only launch them when we know they work. We do this less frequently now because we have a lot of campaigns, but whenever we have new ideas, we create new sequences, test them out, and then offer them inside our membership. The 'trifecta' of features you get inside The LeagueWhen you access our campaigns, you get every single email that's part of that sequence. This means you don't have to figure out what to send or to piece things together yourself. We give you all the campaigns, teach you how they work, and show you how you can use them. All you need to do is to tweak them slightly so they suit your business and your stories. The Hotline group coaching callsTo go with the campaigns, we also have two group coaching calls every month – we call them Hotline group coaching calls. We have League members from all over the world joining these calls, and we help every single person to apply email marketing to their specific situation. It's all about their product or service, their business, and the lifestyle they want to build around that. We have people at all stages of their business asking us which campaign to use or how to make a specific campaign work for their individual situation. In a nutshell, we help people figure out what their email marketing strategy should be, based on their circumstances. We want every single person to leave the call inspired with new ideas and never feel they've hit a roadblock. In fact, we even have people who join the call, don't ask a question of their own, but always walk away with ideas for something they can do in their business. And that's just by listening to us answer other people's questions. Because we address everyone's questions in deep and detailed ways, we always have members seeing opportunities or solutions to problems they didn't think they had. And those are the kinds of things that can change your business. And even your life! The campaign workshopsThe other live interaction we have inside our membership is through our campaign workshops. Every month, we grab one of the most recent campaigns that we published, and we dissect it. We dig into every single email of the campaign, look at its structure, and explain it. We go deep into the psychology of each email of the campaign and give people an opportunity to ask questions about how it all applies to them. The reason we do this is that it helps you do a better job with each campaign. But even if you never run a specific sequence of emails, you can still use some of the techniques, strategies, and psychology behind it for something else. It could be a sentence, a hook, or simply an idea from a campaign that doesn't relate to your business specifically, and apply it to something else you want to do.Every email you come across in our campaigns is almost like a piece of a puzzle that you can put together in different combinations. So by attending a campaign workshop (or watching the replay), you learn how to become better at email marketing rather than just filling in the blanks (which also works). What about the technical aspects of email marketing?While we think email marketing is more about psychology, there's also a technical element to it that can hugely enhance your results. It's through automation and technology that you can run flash sales or urgency-based campaigns, for example.Let's say you're running a time-bound campaign where you give a discount to people for the first 48 hours after they join your list. You want to do this automatically for everyone who joins your list, regardless of when they join. And in the past, we used to run these types of campaigns using a third-party tool which we loved. As a result, we'd recommend it to all our clients too. It was a no-brainer, but the tool obviously had a cost, and we felt quite uncomfortable telling people they should subscribe to it. This is why we created a whole suite of tools that are included in our membership at no extra cost. It's called Automate Hero, and we have a few tools within the suite that fully integrate with your email marketing platform. We talk about the details in this episode called 6 Things You Didn't Know Your Email Marketing Platform Could Do.And we have Battle Plans too!What you learn inside our membership The League is the system for automating the sales function of your business. You get the campaigns, the training, the coaching, the community through the Facebook group of members, and the technology to make sales more predictably in your business without ever wasting your time.On top of that, we also have a bunch of Battle Plans, which are training courses worth between $47-$247. We only rarely sell them outside our membership, but they are free to our members, and they help with specific bits of email marketing, such as subject line inspiration or the technical aspects of list building.The whole thing is very modular, and we’ve built it that way to get you fast results. It's not unusual for us to have people who join our membership, implement one campaign and make thousands of dollars worth of sales within days. And you can obviously build the campaigns as and when you're ready, add to them, and have them running for you automatically and making you money!We also created a Success Track that people can follow step by step to start getting results. And if at any point you feel stuck and want to know how it all applies to your business, you can just come and ask the question. Through The League, you get to build this system over time and always improve and refine it. It's a different approach to email marketing but one that will make a massive difference!Who is The League for? While we say that our membership The League is mainly for coaches, course creators, and membership site owners, we have all sorts of businesses in there - from martial art studios to bakeries, insurance brokers, magicians, musicians… you name it!And they’re based all over the world with all sorts of business models. We have people with digital, online businesses but also people with brick-and-mortar businesses. The truth is that we could all be communicating with our email lists a little better and have the best system that allows you to at least double the sales you make from your email subscribers. That’s what our membership The League is designed to do. So if you’re not already a member, go and check it out to take advantage of all this. Let's get stuck in! Subject line of the weekThis week’s subject line is “Price decrease!” It’s a weird and interesting one. Because people see this and wonder if you’re running a sale. Has the price gone down for something? This is odd and rare because people often talk about prices going up, not down. The story was about the fact we were in Florida and about to book an Uber. But the price was too high, so we closed the app and started downloading a competitor’s. And right there and then, Uber sent us an offer with a price decrease, so we booked our ride with them. It’s not a great tactic, but it’s going to get them the business.So that was the story, and the subject line grabs people’s curiosity. They are left wondering what’s going on and why someone would decrease their prices. Check it out!Useful Episode ResourcesRelated episodesThe Little-Known Right Order to Make Your Offers (For Maximum Sales).Best Email Marketing Campaign To Get Your Customers To Buy Again (And Again).Tell Me You’re A Member Of The League Without Telling Me You’re A Member Of The League.FREE list to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about this amazing behind-the-scenes of our membership The League) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player. Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 
May 24, 2023 • 31min

The Stupidly Simple Emails That Make Webinars Convert Like Crazy with Dave Dee

Do you run webinars in your business? Whether you do or you don't, you need to check out this conversation with Dave Dee about selling with webinars and email marketing. Dave's tried-and-tested tips (and this exact email sequence) work a treat and will help you convert like crazy. Trust us - you do want all the details (and wording!) of this stupidly simple email campaign. Here we go.SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:10) Join our FREE Facebook Group.(3:03) Did Dave really embarrass himself trying to speak Italian at a presentation in Italy?(5:06) The killer webinar & email marketing combination.(7:03) Crafting the perfect live webinar email sequence.(10:54) How to increase your webinar show-up rate.(13:53) The first email of the sequence.(17:27) Writing the second email of the sequence.(19:38) The third and fourth email of the sequence.(26:41) Subject line of the week with Dave Dee.(28:38) Get this FANTASTIC gift from Dave Dee!The killer webinar & email marketing combinationIf you want to make sales in your business you need two things - email marketing and a conversion mechanism. Dave Dee is an expert at webinars - his choice of conversion mechanism to be used in conjunction with email marketing. Dave believes that live webinars (not pre-recorded ones) are a tremendous way to build your list. You can generate leads using Facebook, LinkedIn, or other methods and drive them to webinars to build your list and convert leads into appointments (if you're a coach, for example) or sales. Dave's model is based on running a live webinar once a month and driving traffic to that webinar via email. It's great for list building but also for sales, especially if you sell a higher-ticket item. In fact, Dave's even sold a $100,000 product with this exact system by driving people to a landing page and inviting them to a live webinar.Crafting the perfect live webinar email sequenceWe're all familiar with webinars as, post-pandemic especially, they're everywhere – not just in B2B spaces but also in B2C. So to stand out, you have to use email in a more efficient and effective way. And here’s the exact sequence you want to use to promote your next (or first, if you haven't done one before) webinar. Typically, Dave runs his webinars on a Thursday, so his emails go out from Monday to Thursday. Dave finds that if you start emailing a lot earlier than that, people will register but then forget and not show up. So 4 days is plenty of time - in fact, a lot of people will sign up on the last day! In the four days leading to the webinar, Dave sends out a daily email (at 6:30 am) where he'll promote the webinar in the PS (and drive people to the registration page). On top of that, he sends out a solo email to promote the webinar (at 2:30 pm) - and that's what helps to increase registration. And here's a big tip. Everyone teaches that once someone registers for a webinar, you need to put them on a separate list and stop emailing them the invitations. Don't. Do. That. What you want to do instead is to send the entire sequence of invitation emails to everyone on your list - including the people who already registered. Sounds crazy and counterintuitive? Maybe. But it works. How to increase your webinar show-up rateThe people who register for your webinar will also go on a separate reminder sequence, but you want to keep sending them your regular emails too. And the reason for that is to increase your show-up rate. Dave typically gets a 50-60% show-up rate to his live webinars, which, for context, is very high!So people who have already registered for the webinar receive daily emails but also a reminder sequence where they'll be notified that the webinar is coming in 3 days, 2 days, one day, one hour’s time, etc. Of course, sending so many emails may make you feel a little uncomfortable at first, but the economics of the final result (making more sales because you have more people showing up) are worth doing, even if you get a few complaints or people unsubscribing. And that's if you get any at all! Because, as Dave points out, if you have a good relationship with your list where you're delivering value with your daily emails (with infotainment and loads of personality) people won't complain or leave! The first email of the sequenceThe structure of the emails is important, and the first one - your core email - is everything. Your whole campaign is built on that one email, so make sure you come up with a super hot title for your webinar. Without that, none of this matters because people won't opt-in. The webinar title is mission-critical!Then your first email (following Dave's method) will go out on a Monday with the subject line: “Big announcement.” And it'll say something along the lines of:“Hey, on Thursday I’m doing this live masterclass/webinar/training titled X. And I would like to invite you to attend as my guest. Here’s what you’re going to discover.”To that, you add 5 or 6 bullet points to tell your subscribers what they’re going to learn - make sure you tease and intrigue. Then you say:“If this interests you, save your spot here.”And typically, Dave will also point out that limited spots are available, which is always true. Because regardless of the platform you’re using to deliver your webinar, there are always limits to how many participants you can have. In fact, Dave recommends you get the smallest package of attendees possible with the platform they’re using (as long as you can upgrade easily) because, in subsequent emails, you can legitimately say that you’ve sold. And it won't be a lie! Writing the second email of the sequenceThe second email (out on a Tuesday) uses the subject line: “One-word update.” Marketers out there might argue these are terrible subject lines, but they get huge open rates because they seem natural and non-salesy. This email gives an update on the webinar. If you sold out, you can say you filled all the spots and potentially even had to upgrade your plan to let more people in. Or you could say:“Wow! Registrations are going crazy here - we’re about to sell out! Make sure that if you haven’t registered yet, you do that.”This is important because if someone’s already registered (and they’re reading this email) they’re going to think they’ve made a great decision. The email reaffirms that the decision to attend was a great choice. And it also acts as a reminder to show up because this webinar is popular.So the person who’s already registered isn’t going to be annoyed with you when they read this. And those who haven’t registered yet, are being reminded to go and do it if they don't want to miss out. Then you add a PS that says: “Here’s the original email for your convenience” and you copy and paste the first email in the PS.The third and fourth emails of the sequenceOn the third day, you use the same opening talking about how registrations for the webinar are going crazy, but you send something a little different. For example, you can share the answer to a question your received from your audience. And then you finish your email with:“If you haven’t registered yet, click here. PS: Here’s the original email for your convenience.”You're still sharing great content, but the email also acts as another reminder that people need to show up on time. By positioning the email in this way, you build excitement for the webinar. And that's how you get a high show-up rate. The fourth email goes out on the day of the webinar and uses the subject line: “Agenda for our meeting.” The people who see that obviously have to open the email!And this is where Dave talks about what he's going to be discussing in the webinar. He does this by slightly re-writing the bullet points he’s already shared. The only change is that, at the end of the email, he tells people who have already registered to show up 5 minutes early so they make sure they get in and don't miss out on anything. And then he adds:“If you haven't registered yet, and you're interested in this, here's your last opportunity.”And then he shares the link to register for the webinar one last time. The bit "if you're interested in this" is key here - because it's genuine. It's not along the lines of "If you miss this, you're missing the biggest opportunity that will change the Internet forever!" You want to use gentler and nicer language than that - something that feels sincere and not hyperbolic. Spend time on that first email! The main tip from Dave is to spend time on that first email of the sequence because if that's not hot, the rest doesn't work. But the beauty of this method is that it's simple. He's tested multiple combinations of emails and eventually stripped it all down to this process, which removes a lot of work and frustration. This sequence simply works - even with cold leads. It helps you build a legitimate list and ensures you're never spamming anyone. Dave spent more than a decade going deep into webinars, so you can trust that this simple, straightforward method is the way to go to sell like crazy. Try it out! Subject line of the week with Dave DeeThis week’s subject line (and one that gets Dave a huge amount of open rates) is “[FIRST NAME]?” Dave used this subject line for the email promoting a $15,000-per-person mastermind he was running. And he sold 17 spots via email!Of course, Dave points out, if you're going to use a subject line like this, it's important that your emails come across as personal. You don't want to send a big marketing pitch - it needs to look and feel like something personal. Check it out! Useful Episode ResourcesAbout Dave DeeIf you want to connect with Dave, you can find him on his website. Dave’s also sharing a gift with us all – a report that details (slide by slide) how to create a webinar that converts. It’s called "The ultimate 7-figure one-to-many sales presentation template" and you can download it for FREE. If you decide (after reading the report) that you want more, you can subscribe to get Dave’s daily emails. Awesome, right? Related episodesHow Brad Brown Made $90k By Automating Webinars.How Facebook Groups and Webinars Make Matthew Harrington a Happy Man.Fix Your Traffic Problem For Good, With Todd Brown.FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about this stupidly simple method for selling more with email marketing and webinars) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 
4 snips
May 17, 2023 • 25min

How To Create A Member Onboarding Sequence That Your Members Will Love

Do you run a membership or are thinking of putting one together? How do you welcome new members and make sure they feel reassured they're in the right place and know what to do next? Today we share how you can create an onboarding sequence for memberships that your customers will absolutely LOVE!Since launching our membership, we've had many different approaches to onboarding. And we can tell you this - simply giving people their login details isn't enough. New members need more hand-holding than that! So let's take you behind the scenes of our onboarding process and show you why it works so well. Ready?SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:10) Join our FREE Facebook Group. (2:42) What is a member onboarding sequence?(5:03) Being new to something is terrifying! (9:12) Why you shouldn't treat a brand new person like a member just yet.(11:30) The 3 key steps we use in our onboarding sequence.(12:59) Make sure each step leads to the next one in the sequence.(15:23) The email we send in our onboarding sequence.(19:36) Example of the first email in a member onboarding sequence.(22:35) Create an onboarding sequence your members will love!(23:22) Subject line of the week.What is a member onboarding sequence? Simply put, when someone joins your membership, you need to onboard them so they don’t get lost. You don’t want someone leaving because they feel overwhelmed, right? So you've got to take care of them. That's what an onboarding process is. If someone joins our membership The League, we have over 40 campaigns, 20 video trainings, and lots of unique phrases and terminology. So we understand that someone can easily get overwhelmed. And that's why we have an onboarding sequence to avoid that.When you become a customer of something new for the first time, it's terrifying! If you don’t have a grasp of the thing you’re learning you just don’t know what you don’t know. And you'll have to ask questions. Sometimes you don't even know if you're in the right place. Are all the things you need even in the membership?People who join your membership know what problem they have and the promise you made them. But they don't necessarily know the solution. So as a membership owner, it's your job to make it simple for your members. You want to make it easier for them to learn what you teach and fit it into their lives. Email onboarding best practicesWhy you shouldn't treat a brand new person like a member just yetThe first thing we'd like you to think about is that there's a difference between someone who joins your membership for the very first time and a member. To us, the job of the onboarding process is to take someone from being this new person who dipped their toe in the waters for the first time to being a fully-fledged member. It’s an interesting mindset switch, but it's so important that we even recommend you tag these two categories of people in completely different ways in your system.For example, when people buy things on the Internet, sometimes they ask for refunds. And we always used to think it was a bit painful to make a sale and then have someone ask for the money back 29 days later. But then we reframed our mindset and started thinking of that money as not being ours at all during those first 30 days. Imagine you're only holding the money for a while. That way, in the rare event they ask for a refund, you don't take it personally because you don't see that money as yours yet.So a brand new person isn't a 'member' just yet. And when you think of it that way, you can treat those people differently and take even better care of them. If we gave you a drink in a plastic sippy cup, for example, you wouldn't take as much care of it as you would of Rob's grandmother's china! So think of anyone new as a delicate china cup that needs to be handled with extra care and managed carefully. If you do this, you'll create an awesome onboarding process that doesn't make people feel overwhelmed or puts them off. All you want to do is to have a series of short, easy steps that nudge new people across to become members. The 3 key steps we use in our onboarding sequenceWe have 3 steps to help us turn a brand-new person into a member:On our Thank You page, we ask people to fill in a survey so we can respond to them differently.We ask people to watch 3 welcome videos which we call the Start Here videos. These are designed to reinforce the beliefs that made people buy and combat buyer's remorse. And finally, we encourage people to get started on our Success Track so they can get results quickly. What's worth pointing out here is that we also have a small email sequence for each step. Why? Because in a dream world, most members would complete these 3 steps within an hour of joining. But that's not true for everyone, so we create small email sequences to remind people to take these steps. We do this to make sure no one ever finds themselves at a dead end. If there was no handover between one step and the next, people would end up lost. Make sure each step leads to the next one in the sequenceTo put things into perspective, about 90% of people who join our membership fill in the survey immediately. About 90% of those people watch the Welcome Videos and about 90% of those start the Success Track. So we have a bunch of people who don’t follow the steps at all and get lost along the way. But you always have to factor in the people who, for whatever reason, join your membership now but don't immediately take the next step with you.That's what the short sequences of emails do. And if people take the steps we recommend straight away, they won't even see those emails - they're only there for people who need them to make sure they don't get lost. When each part of your onboarding sequence hands over to the next piece, you make sure that whenever people drop off or disengage, you get to follow up with them and show them the map for what comes next. The emails we send in our onboarding sequenceIn our onboarding sequence, we have 21 pre-written emails that get sent out over 21 days. Just like our daily emails, they have a story in them, a lesson, and a call to action to signpost them to a specific element of the membership. Every day, we follow the same format in our emails but will tell them about something different they can go and check out inside of our membership. On top of that, every week on a Wednesday and a Saturday we send out live emails. On Wednesdays, we'll talk about the live elements of the membership, such as a Hotline Call or a campaign workshop, for example. And on Saturdays, we'll send out a roundup email of what happened in the week and what's coming up next. We also celebrate wins from some of our members. So the 21 pre-written emails go out every day except on a Wednesday and a Saturday when our members receive live emails. To the reader, the whole sequence is very seamless - they won't be able to tell whether we wrote the email that day or whether it was pre-written in advance. But for us, that means producing a very joined-up and taken-care-of sequence with no extra work. As always, the full details of this sequence are inside The League, where we tell you what the emails are, what we do with them, how we structure them, etc. And another thing we like to do is to send out a handwritten postcard in the mail to every new member so they feel taken care of and seen - not just like another number on the Internet!Example of the first email in a member onboarding sequence So what's inside the very first email of our member onboarding sequence? And why does the content of that email work so well? The key or us to is to keep that email short and not full of instructions that will overwhelm people. Think about it. If you stop someone on the streets asking for directions and they give you several sets of instructions, you'll probably follow the first step and then forget what they said. What would be more sensible is for someone to give you the first set of instructions and then stop there, find someone, and ask again. That's what we do with our onboarding sequence. So in the first email, we talk about how excited we are for the person who just joined our membership. We tell them what happens next and give them some benefit-driven bullet points to re-sell them our membership. For example, we let them know they’re getting all our campaigns, our coaching calls, and access to our Facebook group. We also tell them they’re going to know exactly what emails to send and when to make more sales in less time and get really good results with their email marketing. We’re not telling them what they’re going to get – we’re giving them the outcomes and transformation. And we also send a GIF of Kennedy, which adds a bit of personality.But when it comes to instructions, we give them their login details and share the first step we want them to take. Only when they get there, do we give them the next piece of the process. Create an onboarding sequence your members will love!If you’re not doing this right now, make the change! You'll significantly improve your onboarding experience and make it less overwhelming for your new customers. If you’re not already a member of The League, go and check out the onboarding experience we put together to see all the intricacies of it. And of course, when you join, you’ll get access to the whole campaign too. Just go grab it! If you want to apply all this without even thinking about it, it’s already baked into the campaigns, frameworks, and systems that we give you inside our membership The League. So go and check it out!Subject line of the weekThis week’s subject line is “This 1 word cost £61,000”. There’s lots of curiosity in this subject line as people are wondering what the word was and why it could possibly cost so much.The story was about the fact Rob was listening to one of those shows on the radio where you enter a contest, and if you get picked and receive a phone call, you need to answer using a specific word or phrase to win the money. But the woman in question failed to answer with the right word, which cost her £61,000! So Rob went on to talk about how the words we use are important and can be the difference between whether we make money or don't make money in our businesses. Try it out!Useful Episode ResourcesRelated episodesHow To Create A Lead Magnet Email Sequence That Gets Your Subscribers To LOVE You.Writing The Perfect Welcome Email – Saying Hello With Gavin Bell.Mistakes You’re Making With Your Email Marketing Automation Strategy.FREE list to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about creating an awesome onboarding sequence for memberships) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player. Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 
May 10, 2023 • 41min

Buyer Psychology in Email Marketing - Make MORE Email Sales

How can you make your email marketing more effective? How do you sell more? By using buyer psychology in your email marketing.We're Kennedy and Carrie, and we're sharing all the good stuff about that.Ready? Then buckle up!SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:30) Want to carry on with the conversation? Join our FREE Facebook group. (1:25) Share stories. (7:58) Address people as if they're already your customers. (11:05) Tell people what to do next. (13:55) Share social proof. (19:34) Use scarcity and urgency. (25:23) Join The Email Hero Blueprint. (25:58) Subject line of the week.Useful Episode ResourcesRelated episodesHow to Do Deadlines Well and Ethically.EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Email Marketing And Storytelling To Write Emails That Sell Like Crazy.Comedian’s Secrets to Storytelling – With Kevin Rogers.FREE list to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. Here's a list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here.Join the FREE Facebook groupDo you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber? There's a way! Every business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. You'll find a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This content is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The Email Hero Blueprint Want more? Let's say you're a course creator, membership site owner, coach, author, or expert and want to learn about the ethical psychology-based email marketing that turns 60-80% more of your newsletter subscribers into customers (within 60 days). If that's you, then The Email Hero Blueprint is for you.This is hands down the most predictable, plug-and-play way to double your earnings per email subscriber. It allows you to generate a consistent sales flow without launching another product, service, or offer. Best news yet? You won't have to rely on copywriting, slimy persuasion, NLP, or ‘better' subject lines.Want to connect with Carrie?You can find Carrie on her website or at Fully Leveraged Business. Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about how to use buyer psychology in email marketing) and love the show, we'd appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast.And please do tell us! What do you really fill your working days with if you don't spend time on email marketing? We'd love to know!
May 3, 2023 • 43min

How To Take Email Marketing Split Testing To The Next Level, With Matt Bacak

Do you split test? How do you do it? What kind of things do you split test and what do you do with the data? These are some of the questions we answer in this conversation with the awesome Matt Bacak about taking split testing for email marketing and taking it to the next level. Are. You. Ready? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:12) Join our FREE Facebook Group.(3:15) Does Matt really make animals out of paper?(7:23) Split testing vs optimisation.(10:52) Testing is like a game - can you win?(11:34) What should you split test?(18:23) What is radical testing?(24:29) Examples of radically different split tests.(28:41) Tracking and managing data for split testing.(35:19) Be better than you were yesterday.(41:21) How to connect with Matt Bacak.Split testing vs optimisationA lot of marketers say they split test. But what most people do, in Matt’s opinion, isn’t split testing - it's optimisation. A direct-response copywriter, for example, might 'split test' two different headlines. But if you're only making slight variations, that's an optimisation technique. So according to Matt a lot of marketers are 'optimisers' rather than 'testers'. When Matt talks about testing, he means trying things that are radically different. For example, different angles, variations, or offers - such as a beautifully designed page created by a graphic designer vs a basic, ‘ugly’ one created by a direct response marketer.Testing is like a game - can you win? To Matt, split testing in email marketing is like a game. Can you 'win' against someone else or yourself? Testing is closely linked to increasing profits, and Matt doesn't go one day without split testing anymore. He'll often run tests that 'fail', where the thing Matt thought was going to work doesn't. But he'll still gain knowledge and get answers to the question he asked himself on a particular day. Matt's been doing email marketing for 25 years. And this is how he makes it fun - by testing radically different variations. What should you split test? We asked Matt how he comes up with ideas. And a recent test Matt did was around trying to work out who out of some big-name players has better study points when it comes to webinars. Typically, when people find something that works, they tend to repeat it several times. In fact, as a rule of thumb, Matt starts paying attention if he sees something 3 times or more. Because that means the thing works. So, as an example, he decided to test a few options he'd seen for the 60-minute webinar reminder email against each other.And every time Matt tests, he’ll learn something new. He likens testing to driving down the road at night time. You may know the destination, but you can't always see what’s in front of you until you shine your lights on it. And when someone shines a light through something they’re doing, Matt feels compelled to pay attention. In fact, Matt even looked at what type of emails the US presidents send. And a fun fact he shared is that President Obama had 25 people on his split testing team while he was in office! So for Matt, split testing is all about shining the light brighter on the things that get repeated often. He'll monitor people who are hard to beat because they're the ones on his radar - the ones he's paying attention to. And he'll always test things that are already proven to work. What is radical testing?We asked Matt to tell us more about the idea of radical testing. And he explained that the easiest thing to change when split-testing two emails is using different subject lines. However, he's talking about two radically different subject lines. And when looking at the data, it's not about open rates. Open rates are for egos, Matt says! What matters is that you get the right people to open your emails at the right time and do the right thing.Sure, you might send an email and a lot of people open it. But if someone feels like your email wasn't meant for them when they open it, they're going to unsubscribe. They'll immediately find themselves in the wrong frame of mind at the start of the conversation (and before they even read the email). And that's not the reaction you want! If you send an email that sounds amazing but turns out to be a let-down, you'll get different reactions from people. And none of them will be what you want!So the easiest thing to do when testing (the thing with the most dramatic impact) is to take radically different subject lines. This means you're completely changing the words and having radically different conversations.Examples of radically different split testsFor example Matt once sent out a question to his audience about calling webinar replays 'reruns' instead - just like with TV shows. As he describes it, Matt will always come from 'a place of zero'. With every test, he assumes he doesn't know anything. Because he doesn't know how something will go until he tests it. And he finds he's normally wrong 80% of the time! Often, what he believes works won't work, and what he thinks won't work usually does! So in the process, Matt will question everything. For example, something experts say in the marketing world is that you should always use 'you' instead of 'I' in your emails. But what if this idea can be challenged? What if maybe this 'rule' only applies to specific scenarios and situations? What if it's not always the right thing to do? There's a lot of 'assumed wisdom' in the marketing world that's been diluted over the years. One we often mention is the idea of reciprocity (originally introduced by Robert Cialdini). This principle is often applied to lead magnets. A free lead magnet should evoke reciprocity from your subscribers because you're giving something out for free. But it's not really free, is it? Because people are giving you their email addresses for it! Tracking and managing data for split testingWe also asked Matt how he and his team keep track of the data from split testing. And Matt pointed out that in order to get good data from email marketing you need time and enough test subjects (i.e. statistical significance). Matt and his team will typically test at least 10,000 people per test and run five different variations in order to collect solid data.Back when Matt first started, emails were being sent out every 2 weeks. They were long emails that might generate sales for 2 whole weeks. But now things have changed, and it's typical for marketers to send out emails every day that only make sales within the first 6 hours (and more so in the first 2). After that, the email has often run its course.When it comes to tracking, because Matt's been doing email marketing for so long, he still likes to still use Excel spreadsheets. He has someone pull the data out once a week for activities carried out in the previous week, and Matt will generally take a look at monthly reports. This means he's looking at 'true data', where any variations, such as a fluke in the tech or impacted deliverability, can be taken into account.When looking at his reports, Matt will focus on specific metrics, such as subscribers' clicks and total dollar amount. The 'winners' for each split test get highlighted so Matt can see how many people received that subject line, how many clicked on it, and how much money that resulted in. Every single winner from split testing goes into what Matt calls ‘the winner file’. And typically Matt looks for subject lines in that file that won more than 2 or 3 times because those are the subject lines he should automate.He'll also look at data and accounts every Monday. So he definitely has a good grasp on the numbers in his business. And if the numbers are down, he'll investigate. Be better than you were yesterday!Generally speaking, Matt will decide what to split test based on who he wants to ‘beat’ on any given day. He's been testing since around 2006, and before that he thought he didn't need to - that what he was doing was working every time. At some point though, he realised he was leaving money on the table because of his ego - he was too scared to find out the truth! When he did the maths and worked out how much he could increase his conversion rate, he decided to start split testing. And he's been doing it every single day ever since. Because even on the days when he doesn't beat his own 'winners', he still learns the answer to the question he asked himself. It's worth mentioning that compared to when Matt started testing, things are much easier now - you can use segmentation in your email marketing platform, for example. And one last gem that Matt left us with is that if you want to win at the email marketing game, you want to adapt. The greatest way to adapt is to have knowledge that nobody else has. And you gain that by beating yourself. And Matt's goal in business is to be better than the guy he was yesterday. Boom!Useful Episode ResourcesAbout Matt BacakIf you want to connect with Matt, you can find him on his free Facebook group.Related episodesEmail Mistakes That Almost Got Me Fired (Avoid These) – With Chris Davis.When Is It Too Early to Segment Your Email Subscribers?How To Use Email Subject Lines To Do More Than Get Your Emails Opened.FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about email marketing split testing) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 
9 snips
Apr 26, 2023 • 33min

How To Create An Effective Lead Magnet Email Sequence That Gets Your Subscribers To LOVE You!

Learn how to create an effective lead magnet email sequence to increase deliverability and subscriber engagement. Discover the importance of a separate Welcome sequence, increasing the perceived value of lead magnets, and the number of emails in a sequence. Also, get insights on creating curiosity and value in a membership area and an interesting subject line of the week.
Apr 19, 2023 • 42min

Fix Your Traffic Problem For Good, With Todd Brown

Are you struggling to build your email list? Do you think you have a traffic problem? Then think again! Because today, Todd Brown explains exactly why list building has absolutely nothing to do with traffic (zero, nil, null) and everything to do with maths and economics. Ready to learn how to fix your traffic problem for good?  If you do nothing else, just pay attention to this. You'll never look at your business the same way again. Honestly! SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:22) Join our FREE Facebook Group.(2:44) Did Todd really work in a bakery?(5:12) You are an investor in your own business.(9:58) Is your traffic too expensive?(13:58) The 'Golden Ratio'.(18:28) The true economical foundation of your business.(20:40) You don't have a traffic problem!(23:09) Decrease costs or increase value?(30:00) It's a game of iteration.(37:23) Subject line of the week with Todd Brown.You are an investor in your own businessThis is probably one of the most important marketing principles you’re going to learn. Ever. It doesn't matter what product you sell, in what marketplace, and at what price point. If you’re an entrepreneur, you are an investor. Because you are investing in the acquisition and development of assets. And these assets are your customers or clients. The day you acquire a new customer (or new buyer), they'll spend a certain amount of money with you in their first transaction, and that's the average value of that new buyer. If they buy from you more than once, that value increases - that's the future value of that asset.There's also a cost (to you) attached to acquiring that customer. Maybe you're paying for social media ads? As a business owner and therefore an investor in your own business, you need to know these two numbers - the cost and the value of acquiring a new buyer. Is your traffic too expensive? So with that cleared up, it's easier to understand that when most entrepreneurs complain they have a 'traffic problem', they're really saying that the traffic to acquire a new buyer is too expensive. If it costs you $100 to run Facebook ads to acquire one buyer who only spends $50 with you, you're losing money. Simply because acquiring that customer is costing you more than what they'll spend with you.But if you get that buyer to spend more with you in their first transaction (and also to buy from you again and again), then you increase the value of that asset to your business. And then you can easily pay for the traffic to acquire them in the first place. So if your traffic is too expensive, you need to increase the value of your asset. And you no longer have a traffic problem! Because you're now able to pay to acquire that customer. It’s a simple mathematical equation!Conversion rates, opt-in rates, upsell rates, and lots of other performance metrics tell you whether a marketing campaign is working. But what they don't tell you is whether that campaign is financially viable. Because as an investor in your own business, something is only viable for you if you're making money back. And in order to know if you do, you need to know the cost and value of each asset. When you're able to manipulate those two numbers, the game becomes easier. And it doesn't matter if you're paying an arm and a leg to get a click, a lead, or a sale. If the asset is worth that amount and more, you're winning. If your customers have a high lifetime value that's more than what you're paying to acquire them, you no longer have a traffic problem!The 'Golden Ratio'We think it’s great that Todd talks about small and micro business owners such as the people we serve (i.e. those who sell courses, memberships, and coaching) as investors. Because it’s important to emotionally detach yourself from the product or service you created. Sure, you want it to be good quality and good value. But if you were 'just a money person’ investing money into your business, you'd only continue to do so if it made financial sense.Todd talks about this concept of the 'Golden Ratio'. For every $1 you spend on Facebook ads (or other traffic sources), you want to make at least $1 in sales revenue. You can replace that $1 with any number, but as long as the two numbers in that equation match, you have your Golden Ratio, which means you're acquiring a new buyer for free.Dan Kennedy once said something along the lines of "the typical marketer or entrepreneur will get a customer to generate a sale. But the savvy direct-response marketer thinks about generating a sale to make a customer. " This may sound like a simple play on words, but, as Todd pointed out, it's very profound! As direct-response marketers, we are running campaigns designed to turn prospects into buyers. The point of all front-end marketing campaigns is to turn cold traffic, visitors, or prospects into new buyers. In other words, the aim of the front end is gaining the maximum number of new buyers - it's not about maximum profit or contribution to the bottom line. You’re trying to acquire the highest number of buyers you possibly can. And if you adhere to the Golden Ratio, you're acquiring buyers for free - no matter what your numbers are. The true economical foundation of your businessMathematically, that would mean you’re making no money. But you’re acquiring buyers. And that’s enormously valuable because the real heart and soul of the business are the subsequent transactions that a customer makes with you.And because of that, the back end (i.e. your email marketing) becomes your primary vehicle to generate further transactions. This is the true economical foundation of your business. You’re acquiring assets (at a cost) that have a future value to you. And then you’re nurturing them by delivering value to them to increase that future value. Your job as a marketer is to acquire as many assets as possible. And your job as a business owner and investor is to make their future value greater than their cost.You don't have a traffic problem!Funnels, lead generation, and list building are maths problems. It’s not about the fact you’re not converting well. You probably are converting! But the numbers are making it impossible for you to win the game. You can never win if the economics don’t work!If you’re paying $5 per click, and all you sell is a $19 eBook, you won't be making any money from this business. Because it would simply be too expensive for you to acquire new buyers. That's not a traffic, source, or marketing problem. Even if you had a crazy high sales conversion rate of 10-15%, you’d still be losing money. You have to either change the price point or your whole business model in order to increase the value of each customer. Or it'll never work. This will never be fixed with better marketing because it's a numbers problem!Decrease costs or increase value? If you feel your traffic is too expensive, you might be tempted to try and reduce the cost per click (and get cheaper traffic). That's certainly one way to go in order to achieve the Golden Ratio. The problem is that the value of traffic is largely determined by the marketplace because it depends on supply and demand. So the bulk of what you pay for traffic is mostly out of your control, and there's only so much you can do to reduce your costs. The second thing you can do (and the easier and smarter option because it gives you longevity) is to work on the value of a buyer. Increasing the value of an asset is easier than reducing the cost to acquire it. Also, getting buyers to spend more with you is much simpler than getting someone to buy from you for the first time. Increasing the average transaction is easier than converting more prospects. So what can you offer your existing customers to increase their average transaction size? As Todd explained, it doesn’t matter whether you only sell high-ticket products to low volumes or low-ticket products to large volumes - there's value in both business models. High-ticket items give you a tremendous advantage because you could have crappy marketing on the front end (and convert below average) and still continue to run your business. And that's because, in that scenario, your back-end campaigns only have to extract a large amount of money from a small number of buyers. As an example, you could potentially grow a large business with a small 1.5% sales conversion - because it's all about the numbers! If a customer you acquired for $100 is worth to you six times more, you don't have to be a tremendous marketer to make that business model work. It's a game of iterationDon't you agree that this conversation is the single most important list-building and audience growth acquisition conversation you could ever have?  People often buy into this idea that you'll come up with a marketing campaign, launch it, and you'll have arrived. Unfortunately, that’s not the game. It’s a game of iteration. You track and test everything, and you improve over time. You shouldn’t think that the day you launch your first campaign, you hit a home run!And we all have fears when launching a campaign. Because no one wants to come across as obnoxious, pushy, sleazy, and slimy. The key is to have the intention to offer your buyers more value. There will always be people out there who love you, tolerate you, or can't stand you at all. And that's okay - your marketing and your business aren't for everyone. You have no control over what other people think about you. But despite how people feel about you and your marketing, it doesn't change who you are or your motivations. Subject line of the week with Todd BrownTodd shared the most jarring subject line he ever received in his life, which is something his once boss sent him a long time ago. Picture the fact that Todd received this email in his office (at the time) with glass doors all around. And the subject line said “naked pics of barry white”. Todd was literally terrified of opening this email in case someone saw what was in it. In the end, he opened it, and the email had absolutely nothing to do with the subject line.But there's a lesson there. The subject line worked because it broke a pattern and was unexpected. Now, don't go using this exact subject line (Todd says), but you get the point, right? So try it out!Useful Episode ResourcesAbout ToddIf you want to connect with Todd, you can find him on his website, where you can also find out more about the E5 Method.Related episodesMaking Yourself Choosable with Belinda Weaver.Lies You’ve Been Told That Are Stopping You From Making Money In Your Business.Mistakes You’re Making With Your Email Marketing Automation Strategy.FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about how to fix your traffic problem for good) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 
Apr 12, 2023 • 39min

WTF Is An Automated Customer Journey? Use the SCORE Method

Discover the concept of an automated customer journey in email marketing and how it can increase conversions. Find out how to balance content and promotions and tailor marketing approaches. Learn practical examples of automating the customer journey and the benefits of using the SCORE method for email marketing.
Apr 5, 2023 • 35min

EVERYTHING You Need To Know About AI For Email Marketing

Can you use AI for email marketing? Everyone is talking about ChatGPT at the moment. Unless you live under a rock, you'll have seen or heard something about AI or even tried it yourself. So can tools such as ChatGPT help with your email copywriting? Let's dive into all this! SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:48) Join our FREE Facebook Group. (5:55) Should you use AI software like ChatGPT for email?(9:29) Can this new AI software create stories for your emails?(16:04) Where could you use AI for your email marketing?(21:04) What is the best AI email marketing copywriter?(24:25) What are the drawbacks of using AI email marketing software?(26:35) What happens when you combine our powerful email templates with AI?(28:01) Writing your own emails makes you a better marketer.(29:48) Only you can craft better messaging for your marketing.(33:32) Subject line of the week.Should you use AI software like ChatGPT for email? Last year we did a podcast episode about AI called Write Emails Using Artificial Intelligence (AI). But AI is such a hot topic right now that it felt it needed revisiting. Are emails written by AI 'good enough'? The fact they're written by a computer is great, yes. Only a few years ago, the thought of this happening would have been ludicrous. But now these things are possible, and that's amazing. The real question is - if you'd paid an email marketing agency to write an email for you, and you got something along the lines of what you get from an AI tool, would you be happy? The answer is no. Because it's amazing that a computer can take a prompt and write an email for you that not only makes sense but also covers the topic appropriately. But is it as good as what a human could write? Is it as good as what an agency could produce? Or even as good as something that you could write yourself with our teachings and frameworks? No. To borrow an expression from our friend Jon Benson, when you read an email out loud that was written by AI, it's a bit like hearing the radio announcer's voice in your head. You know that tone - it sounds artificial. And humans connect with other humans. They connect with your personality. So as soon as you put AI in the mix, you're taking that humanity away. And that's a big loss. Can this new AI software, such as ChatGPT, create stories for your emails?We’re not saying AI has no place in marketing – it’s actually extremely useful. But can it create the stories we include in our emails? A lot of our approach is based on storytelling because stories are compelling and persuasive. And yes, AI can help you find stories.In fact, Rob did a little experiment and asked ChatGPT to come up with a story that happened to him that day that he could tell his friends down the pub. And when the software started typing about elephants dancing in the streets, Rob had to stop it. The tool was writing a dream. So Rob asked the tool to try again, but this time to make the story believable. It had to be something that could happen in real life, be logical, and follow the laws of physics and nature.In the end, the tool came up with the story about Rob seeing a cat in the street. Initially, the cat seemed a bit shy and cautious. But then Rob found something in his pocket and fed the cat, and the cat became friendlier. All good here. Then Rob asked the tool to relate that story to a lesson about email marketing. And sure enough, the tool came back very quickly saying that the story about the cat was a bit like building relationships with your subscribers. When they first come into your world, they’re going to be cynical and skeptical because they don’t quite know what to make of you. But over time, by delivering value, rewarding them, and treating them well (like Rob did with the cat) you nurture the relationship. And, just like the cat, your subscribers become more trusting.Do you really want to share stories that aren't true? So the tool did it! It created a story that could work. However, if you ask AI to create stories for you, they're not going to be true. This story was realistic, but it didn’t really happen to Rob!And for us, the real superpower of great marketing is that it’s founded in truth. When people come up to us at events and mention things we’ve said or shared, we don’t have to scrap our heads trying to remember. Because what we say isn't made up or fictional - it's real! And we make sure that what we share is always real because we want to build trust. So, as more and more people use tools such as ChatGPT or Jasper, you have a real opportunity to stand out by telling stories that are real. Plus, your individual style is also unique and something that will stand out over anything AI-generated. A piece of software can write your stories for you, but by writing them yourself (and ensuring they're true) you can stand out both through content and style. Where could you use AI for your email marketing?With that said, there are a few places where you could use email marketing. Email subject line AI generator AI could be useful in helping you come up with subject lines. We don’t necessarily recommend that you start doing this. But if you wanted, you could copy and paste your emails into the platform and ask it to generate a few subject line ideas for you.There's a problem with that though. ChatGPT (or other AI tools) haven't studied our Subject Lines That Drive Sales course. And that teaches you a different approach to creating subject lines. For us, it's not about pulling out the benefits of what you're selling - that's what everyone else seems to be doing. And most of the time, AI software is going to come up with benefit-driven, very linear subject lines that won't use the techniques we recommend, such as compound curiosity. But if you were really stuck, you could use AI for this purpose.Email prompt ideas You could also use AI to come up with prompt ideas for the stories you want to share in your emails. To be fair, it might take you longer to work out what prompts to type into the tool to get the story you want than to use one of the story generator shortcuts we created. But it's an option.Or, you could put the bare basics of an idea or your first draft into the tool, and ask it to re-write the story for you in a different style. You may want it casual, fun, and upbeat, for example. If you don't consider yourself a confident writer, this could help. You could also do what Rob did. You could come up with a story, and ask the tool to relate it to a lesson about what you sell. It might not be in your exact style (so you then have to edit it), but the tool could help you build that bridge between the story and the lesson. Transactional emailsAnother option is to have AI software write your transactional emails for you, such as the email that sends out the login information for your course, for example. Those emails are important, but they often fall to the bottom of your priority list because you have other more pressing emails to write - the ones that get you sales! So you could ask an AI tool to re-write some of your more transactional emails in a more interesting and inspiring way, for example. What is the best AI email marketing copywriter? When it comes to choosing the best AI tool to use, we can think of 3 main players in the email copywriting space:ChatGPT,Jasper,and CopyPro.There are definitely others, but these are the main ones. The first thing you want to consider when choosing one is what they’re powered by. And in reality, they're all powered by the same thing but interfaced differently. They all have training and information fed to them, so you want to take that into account. Have they been taught email marketing techniques? We don’t know much about the direct response digital marketing training that ChatGPT has had, for example. But Jasper claims to have read 10% of the Internet. And it also has some frameworks specifically for headline structures, Facebook ads, and blog articles. When it launched, it definitely had a very content-heavy approach (rather than a marketing-heavy one), but it seems more balanced now. If you think about what we do, for example, a Rob-and-Kennedy subject line is very different from what's considered a good subject line in traditional copywriting. We know that our technique works, and that’s not to say others don’t, but AI can’t replicate the way we do things. And that means you'll have different results based on the techniques that are being used, where the inspiration is pulled from, and how it’s worded, structured, or written. What are the drawbacks of using AI email marketing software, like ChatGPT?If you use AI to write your emails, you might find they all sound the same - like they've been written by a radio announcer. When we write our emails, we type as we speak. And that's why this idea of subvocalisation kicks in - when people read our emails, they hear our voices in their heads. And they can't do that if your emails are written by AI email marketing software. Plus, if you're not telling true stories (because you're using AI to generate them), you'll find it harder to create rapport. You may have AI write a story for you today that's all about you being vegan, and in a few weeks, they might start talking about steak! This is an extreme example of two contradicting stories, but it's easily done if you send out stories that aren't true. And let's not forget that what you get out of these tools cannot be the final version of your email. It will need editing, and you'll have to add your own features or spin to it. The prompts will need maneuvering so they feel like you, and the AI-generated stories (while they might be good enough) will need tweaking. Another drawback is that ChatGPT and the other AI tools can't write anything that's strategic. You'll only ever have individual emails - not campaigns of emails that are chained together to build a marketing argument that moves people from point A to point B and creates a desire for what you sell. Even if a tool could write a sequence of emails to help you sell something, they'd be standalone emails in a row, rather than emails that were strategically created to build on each other. What happens when you combine our powerful email templates with AI? Inside our membership The League, we release a lot of email templates and campaigns. So how can you use AI in conjunction with what we teach? As we said earlier, you could use AI to rewrite stories for you. For example, if one of our templates recommends you write a story about something funny that happened when you were a child, you might jot down a vague story and then ask AI to write it in a more interesting way.Or you could ask AI software to articulate something you’re struggling with or find a new way of saying something. For example, on the last day of a launch or promotional campaign, we’ll send out 3 emails. There are reasons why we send those emails, but they also all say that the offer expires today. So you could use AI to come up with 3 interesting ways of telling your subscribers that your offer is closing tonight, for example. Just remember that once you have the ideas, you might need to tweak them and add your personality and style. Writing your own emails makes you a better marketerOverall, we’re not saying you can’t use AI. It definitely has its place, and a lot of people are using AI to help with their marketing, whether it's email marketing, content, or sales pages. AI is worth monitoring, but is it going to become your email marketing solution any time soon? No. And honestly, writing emails ourselves day in and day out has helped us not just to make sales but also to get a better grip on our messaging. Because the truth is that the further away you move from regularly doing something (including talking about your business), the rustier you become.We talk about email marketing all day long, and that’s helped up create frameworks, ideas, analogies, and metaphors. The more emails you write, the more you get to understand and refine your messaging. By sending out emails regularly, you get to see what people resonate the most with. As you pay attention to that, you get to come up with new ways to sell the same thing and appeal to different people. And by doing that regularly, you'll eventually find something that appeals to most people. And that's what you'll roll out more of.Only you can craft better messaging for your email marketingEvery time you write something, it gives you more clarity and understanding about what you do and what it means to others. The more ideas you come up with, the deeper you go into your messaging and come up with angles that are interesting and unique. And when you eventually land on something that gets you a great response and resonates differently with people - it could be a turn of phrase, a way of describing something, or a metaphor - you'll want to capitalise on it. You'll want to take that thing outside of email marketing and also use it in your sales pages, your webinars, your videos, etc.But you can only do that if you get to experiment every single day on how to craft messages for your marketing. This doesn't work if all you're doing is pressing a button and getting AI to write for you. Take Rob, for example - he has to come up with a new way of writing about our membership The League every single day. And because of that, he's more experienced that anyone who's not doing the same in their own business. Check out The LeagueSo use AI for inspiration or to rewrite ideas - it's fun. But The League was created pre-AI so you always know what to say, who to say it to, when to send it, and how to send it without having to ask a computer to do it. Because remember that they don't have context, thinking, or strategy! So go and check out The League.Subject line of the weekThis week’s subject line is “Cancel the flights!”. The sentence was designed to be reminiscent of the tone that a big, busy business executive in a film would assume when talking to their assistant. The email had a story about an event we’re speaking at and promoting, and the message was about getting your tickets for the events right now (and worry about the logistics later). Pretty cool, right?Useful Episode ResourcesRelated episodesWrite Emails Using Artificial Intelligence (AI)Get Your Emails Opened Using NLP – With Jon Benson.Advanced Psychology: Using Compound Curiosity.FREE list to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about AI for email marketing and how tools such as ChatGPT for email copywriting can help) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player. Not...
Mar 29, 2023 • 25min

Mindblowing Techniques To Connect More Deeply With Your Email Readers With Rob Marsh & Kira Hug

How do you connect more deeply with your audience when sending out emails? Rob Marsh and Kira Hug from The Copywriter Club tell us all about the persuasive copywriting techniques that professionals use in order to build and maintain strong relationships with their email readers. And you can start using these techniques too. Straight away! Ready to take notes? SOME EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: (0:17) Join our FREE Facebook Group.(2:27) Did Kira really eat a hamster once? (4:31) The importance of using your real voice.(7:36) The persuasion technique called LIKING.(12:41) The persuasiong technique called SIGNIFICANCE. (15:43) When should you add persuasion techniques to your writing?(17:38) Do persuasive techniques only work in email marketing?(18:47) The persuasion technique of ANCHORING.(20:35) Building trust with your audience. (21:45) Subject line of the week with Rob Marsh and Kira Hug.The importance of using your real voiceRob and Kira help people become copywriters or improve their copywriting skills, and a huge part of that is teaching people how to connect with their audience. Because if you’re not establishing a strong connection with your subscribers and are just throwing copy into the wild, people are going to ignore you!So the first thing we all need to do in order for people to feel the emotion coming through their screens when they read our emails is to create a brand voice that reflects the way we talk. That means not polishing yourself to sound like a super sleek marketer. Because who would trust that person? Instead, pull your own voice into the copy. And to do that, you want to almost imagine you're dictating an email to yourself. This also means not worrying too much about misspellings and grammatical mistakes. Because guess what? Most people won't notice. And those who will might reply back to point out an error, which is good for you because it creates engagement. And engagement with your emails tells Gmail and the other platforms that your emails are worth reading and responding to. In other words, you're increasing your credibility as an email sender! And that's why copywriters and marketers sometimes make mistakes on purpose in order to generate that engagement. At the end of the day, if you're delivering value, typos shouldn't matter that much. The persuasion technique called LIKINGRobert Cialdini, in his book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" talks about the technique of liking. You help people liking you through exposure and repeatedly showing up and sharing personal details. This helps people connect with you.For example, we (Rob and Kennedy) do this by sharing personal facts about ourselves at the start of each podcast episode. And people tend to remember those about us. Another example is that Rob Marsh had a lot of responses when he shared about his mother passing away. Of course, it doesn't have to be something as deep as personal as that - the time he shared about giving up Coke Zero worked just as well. Sharing personal details helps you create personal connections, which is vital because people buy from people they like and trust.Evoking nostalgia and using pop cultureWhen it comes to sharing personal details, think about putting boundaries in place that you’re comfortable with so you don't suddenly feel completely vulnerable and exposed to the world. You might not be comfortable sharing something as deep and meaningful as a personal loss, so Kira recommends you think about things that evoke nostalgia. To do that, you can use pop culture. If you mention The Simpsons in an email, for example, people don't need to be super fans to be able to get your reference. For the most part, they'll be aware of the show. And as soon as you start talking about something that everyone knows about, you open a doorway for people to come in quickly and connect with you. And that's very different from sharing a personal story about when you were 10 years old that you might not be too comfortable talking about. It's not even about whether people agree with you or not - all that matters is that they understand the reference. Because that's what helps you build the relationship. And it doesn't even need to be something super significant - it could be something as small as sharing someone's birthday. That is enough to create a connection with someone. So when sharing personal details and stories about yourself, put barriers around the things that are part of your world that you don't want to talk about. You can choose what you talk about and not talk about with your audience. The persuasion technique called SIGNIFICANCEAnother copywriting technique Rob and Kira recommend is significance. This helps the person you’re talking to feel they’re important. So when you create any type of copy, make your audience feel like you understand and empathise with what they're going through.A way to apply this is by using flattery. This works because when you say something good about a person (even when they know you might be insincere or have an ulterior motive) it increases their liking of you. So think about anything you can write in your emails to help your readers feel significant, heard, and important. Because that helps you connect more deeply with your audience.Kennedy did a lot of research around flattery (due to his line of work as a Psychological Mind Reader), and a cool trick anyone can use to go beyond 'bland flattery' is to tell the person why you admire them or you’re paying them a compliment - it makes what you say feel more believable and 'solid'.When should you add copywriting persuasion techniques into your writing?Should these persuasion techniques be embedded in the writing process from the start or can they be sprinkled on at the end? Kira explained that she will often start with some of these persuasion techniques, especially in order to create a pattern interrupt for people. Because we live in a busy world with a lot of messages coming from all directions, we need to constantly think about how we’re going to grab the attention of our readers (and get them to open and read our emails). So sometimes you have to start your emails with these techniques. However, details like flattery or adding specific details around nostalgia or pop culture can be inserted later, unless they’re the very theme of the email, in which case you might want to start from there.The good news is that the more you do it, the more natural this becomes. You start thinking about the person you're writing to and the things you can share. And especially with email (unlike a sales page), you can use these techniques over the course of several emails. You may use more liking in one email and more significance in the next. Over time, using these techniques helps you deepen the connection with your audience. And if you ever notice you're starting to sound like every other business owner or marketer, it's time to pump up your voice so you can better hold people's attention.  Do persuasive copywriting techniques only work with email marketing?Email marketing is brilliant and unique in the way it’s personal. Because even though you may be writing an email and sending it out to many people, it’s a one-to-one type of communication for the person receiving it. So using techniques such as liking, significance, or even anchoring (more on that below) can have a bigger impact when used in email marketing than it does in other types of communication (such as a sales page, for example).So this is a definite advantage that email has over other types of communication. Plus, because it’s constant and regular, and you're present every day, it allows you to build rapport over time. A sales page, on the other hand, is a one-off piece as it's rare that someone comes back to a sales page day after day.The persuasive technique of ANCHORINGAnchoring is the idea of attaching whatever you’re talking about to something else the audience is already familiar with. It’s most commonly talked about in the context of pricing, but it’s broader than that.For example, if you want to make your product seem valuable you anchor it to something that’s perceived as valuable, such as a Rolls Royce. Equally, if you want to position it as something everyone can afford, you can associate it with Walmart. Anchoring allows you to attach your product with ideas that people already have in their heads so the value they associate with the other thing is automatically translated to your product too. It helps you give your offers relative value, and it's a great technique to frame your products and to use in your email marketing. Building trust with your audienceAnd finally, another useful technique is building trust. You always need to understand the stress levels of the audience and 'read the room'. What is someone dealing with in their minds and in their lives while reading your emails? We often talk about relevancy as well. If you write an email to someone who's dealing with conflict in their country, but you completely miss the mark and fail to acknowledge what's going on for them, there's a good chance you'll lose that person, and they won't come back. If you're not mindful about using the right persuasive techniques at the appropriate time you could lose people. So be aware of what's going on in your audience's world so you can build trust with them. Subject line of the week with Rob Marsh and Kira HugThis week we have two subject lines! Rob Marsh’s favourite subject line is "That will be $27,000. Oh, and bring cash", she said. The reason why this worked well is that it sounds like the beginning of a story. There’s an immediate hook here where the reader is wondering what’s happening. Plus, the number catches their attention – it’s a big number, especially coupled with the phrase “bring cash”. Because $27,000 in cash is a lot of notes! The subject line worked because it's intriguing.And Kira’s favourite subject line is “That time I tied up Rob…” We feel this one needs no explanation - it worked because it obviously creates intrigue. No wonder Rob and Kira had a decent open rate on that one, right?Useful Episode ResourcesAbout Rob Marsh and Kira HugIf you want to connect with Rob and Kira, you can find them on their website or their free Facebook group or you can check out their podcast, The Copywriter Club podcast. And if you head over here, you'll find a checklist of 27 different persuasion techniques for you to download and include in your own writing.Related episodesMaking Yourself Choosable with Belinda Weaver.Little Tricks to Write Better Emails That Aren’t Boring.The Therapeutic Benefits of Writing Your Own Emails.FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketingIf you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here. Join our FREE Facebook groupIf you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.Try ResponseSuite for $1This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.Join The League MembershipNot sick of us yet? Every day we hang out in our amazing community of Email Marketing Heroes. We share all of our training and campaigns and a whole bunch of other stuff. If you're looking to learn how to use psychology-driven marketing to level up your email campaigns, come and check out The League Membership. It's the number one place to hang out and grow your email marketing. Best news yet? You can apply everything we talk about in this show.Subscribe and review The Email Marketing Show podcastThanks so much for tuning into the podcast! Thanks so much for tuning into the podcast! If you enjoyed this episode (all about persuasive copywriting techniques you can use in your email marketing) and love the show, we'd really appreciate you subscribing and leaving us a review of the show on your favourite podcast player.Not only does it let us know you're out there listening, but your feedback helps us to keep creating the most useful episodes so more awesome people like you can discover the podcast. And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 

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