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The Create Unknown

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Jun 9, 2023 • 1h 24min

Owning A Business Can Suck

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’s a lot of fist shaking that goes on when you talk about business owners. And sure, the Jeff Bezoses and the Elon Musks of the world might have it coming. But we’re here to talk about the real harsh realities of owning a business – because most of the time, it sucks.We kick off the episode by talking about the people who are truly successful, the 1% of the 1%, and how hyper rare that actually is. Then we shed a little light on the rest of the business owners, and how almost all of them wind up getting nowhere near that level of success.Then we get into the economic nitty gritty of it all, and how revenue can be pretty deceptive when talking about the success of a business. We talk about the entrepreneurial mindset, the volatile nature of success, and how all of that relates to most of the creatives we talk to on this show.Kevin tells us about his recent Shark Tank habits, and how the realities of the show inspired this whole conversation. We also talk about the endgame of owning a business to begin with, and how important it is to balance those goals.We finish off the episode by talking about just a fraction of the risks involved with business ownership, and how critical it is to be able to handle them all. We talk about the strain it can put on all aspects of your life, and the dramatic increase in responsibility that comes with it.Thanks to everyone who joined us live this week, and thanks especially to our supportive patrons. We’ll see you again next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jun 2, 2023 • 1h 13min

AI is Scamming YouTube

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: the past couple years, artificial intelligence has drastically changed the online landscape. Now, it’s finally hitting Kevin’s home turf – YouTube science content. This week we’re diving into the new trend of AI generated science videos, and what that might mean for the future of content on YouTube.This whole conversation started from a recent Kyle Hill video where he lays out the problem exactly. If you haven’t seen that yet, check it out here: You might expect lower effort, lower quality videos to get buried in YouTube’s algorithm, but you’d be wrong. We talk about the insane numbers some of these videos are doing, how they’re being promoted on the platform, and the kinds of accounts they’re getting served to.Sure, things might look a little bleak right now, but what about further down the line? Is there a future for this kind of content? Is YouTube going to do anything about it? SHOULD YouTube do anything about it?Then, we finish out the episode by talking about one of the main concerns when it comes to AI generated content – misinformation. When you’re letting a computer make your video from start to finish, and your main concern is putting out as much content as possible, it can be pretty easy to have some factual slip ups. But then again, being wrong isn’t just exclusive to AI.Thanks to everyone who joined us live, and thanks especially to our patrons who make this show happen each and every week. We’ll see you next time!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 26, 2023 • 1h 10min

How To Get Ideas

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’ve got another solo episode for you this week, and this one’s for all our creatives out there. Coming up with an idea can be deceptively difficult, but fear not, because we’ve got some tips on how to generate them.This whole topic came around from Kevin’s unfulfilled promise – his weekly cartoons. A while back, he set a goal to draw one cartoon a week, and for a while he was going pretty strong. But recently, due to LIFE SUCK that was completely out of his control, he stopped. We talk a bit about how to get back into the swing of things when that happens to you, and more importantly, how to start coming up with IDEAS again.Sure, coming up with an idea is tough. But what’s even more difficult is actually following through with it. We talk about the slippery slope of getting consumed by an idea, loss of potential, and how to avoid those pitfalls.Then we give a nod to TCU alum Marques Brownlee, who had a tweet recently talking about how, oftentimes, your best ideas come to you when you can’t write them down. We talk about why things like “shower thoughts” come around, the importance of creative oases, and even a little about the philosophies of Arnold Schwarzenegger.We round out the episode with what might possibly be the most important pillar of creativity – limitations. Matt gives one of his famous rants about how limitations can help you, how they come into play in his own life, and how The Eagles’ Don Felder inspired it all.Thanks to everyone who joined us live this week, and thanks to our patrons who make this show happen. We’ll see you again next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 19, 2023 • 1h 22min

The Death of Skills

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’ve got another knowledge-filled solo episode for you this week, and it’s actually a pretty solemn one. We’re having a bit of a memorial service for the death of SKILLS. In a world of rapidly advancing tech and artificial intelligence, a lot of talents that used to be a necessity for everyday life aren’t so essential anymore.We start off the episode with a discussion about AI, and the effects it could have on the arts in particular. Kevin dives into the newly emerging world of AI music, and Matt talks about how this sort of tech is turning everyday essentials into fringe hobbies.Matt also talks a bit about the slowly disappearing skill of DRIVING, and what sort of effects that might have on the world of tomorrow. Lots of skills have gone away already, but what are the implications of things like that disappearing forever?We also get into the general shift in mentality that has come with the death of these skills. Kids aren’t playing guitar like they used to, nobody knows how to find a date without Tinder or Hinge, and people just straight up have a harder time communicating when it isn’t on their own terms.Then Kevin brings up a surprising shift in the opposite direction – the near-paradoxical rise in live entertainment. In this internet age, shockingly enough, nobody wants to watch sports from the comfort of their home anymore. Live music has seen a boom like never before, and even content creators are getting a piece of the action with events like Creator Clash. Matt also brings his wild dystopian theory about all this to the table, and if you haven’t started training already, you better start now.We round out the episode by talking about this push to “return to tradition” with things like these live events, and even tangible stuff like vinyl records. We talk about how important it really is to have skills, and how that can help you find real purpose in life.Thanks to everyone who joined us live this week, and thanks especially to our patrons. You really make this show happen. We’ll see you all again next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 12, 2023 • 1h 49min

Stop Being Useless

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: week we’re back with another Matt and Kevin solo episode, and we’re here to drop some more hard knowledge on you all. There has never been a time throughout all of human history where it has been easier to be USELESS. But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you how to avoid all that.We kick off the episode by talking about these unprecedented times we live in. Things that might have been shameful even as recently as twenty years ago aren’t exactly so shameful anymore, and now more than ever, it’s pretty easy to do essentially nothing at all. We talk a little bit about how you can provide value in your life, and how it can improve pretty much everything you do.Then we get perhaps our longest and most detailed Matt rant to date, and it all starts with a wojak meme. We dive deep into the myth of how things were “simpler” in the past, and how returning to tradition is supposedly going to fix everything. We finish out the episode with a little lesson about what money ACTUALLY is, and how it goes a little deeper than just simply buying and selling. We talk about exactly where real value comes from, and Kevin leaves us with some parting advice about misplaced rage.Thanks to everyone who joined us for our special WEDNESDAY recording this week, and a huge shout out to our patrons who make this show happen. We’ll see you all again next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 5, 2023 • 1h 17min

Your Appearance Matters

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon:’re back again with another Matt and Kevin solo episode, and this week we’re tackling a topic that’s been on our minds for over a decade now – appearance. How much does what you wear matter? Do you owe it to anyone to change how you look? What does your appearance communicate to the people around you? We dive into all this and more, so buckle up folks.Kevin kicks off the episode with a story from his time working in a Manhattan office. He thought he was dressing casually, but his boss thought he was a SCHLUB. We talk about how what you wear sends signals to the people in your life, and how to handle the consequences of all of it.You may not think too much about what you wear, but in reality, you’re putting on a sort of “costume” every day. It’s not as bad as it might sound, though, and we talk about how you can actually use that to your advantage. All of this is a game, and everyone’s playing it, it’s just a matter of taking control.Then we talk a little bit about some situations where other people are making these decisions for you. Matt brings up the strangely specific dress code of the New York Yankees and Kevin gives us a baseball story of his own. These restrictions are far from arbitrary, though, and we explore all the questions that these types of guidelines set out to answer.We round out the episode by discussing the parts of your appearance that you may not have as much control over, and how those can impact your daily life. Kevin comments on the importance of fairness in all of this, and we talk about the real implications of counter-signaling that everyone has to deal with.Thanks to everyone who joined us live this week, and thank you to our patrons who make this show happen. We really enjoy bringing our conversations to everyone with these solo episodes, and we hope you all take as much away from it as we do. We’ll be back again next week, see you then!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 28, 2023 • 1h 22min

Individuality is a Lie

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: our first hiatus in a long time, we’re BACK. Matt and Kevin are both finally on the mic together again, and we kick off the episode by explaining just why we’ve been so absent lately. Sometimes life just sucks, and there’s not much you can do about it.The “life suck” did bring about some interesting questions, though, and it got us thinking about one topic in particular – individuality. We talk a lot on this show about being yourself when it comes to creating content, and we stand by it. But, as it turns out, individualism is a LIE.Matt starts off by telling us the story that kicked this train of thought off for him. He’s had the same pair of boots since 1998, and they’re still going strong. As it turns out, his father wore the exact same pair of boots. And so does his uncle. And so do many members of the Tabor family, even though none of them have ever had a conversation about boots at all. We dive into why that sort of thing happens, and just how much influence the world around you has on you as a person.Then we drop a harsh truth on you all – you have way less control over yourself than you might think. We talk about how that might not actually be a bad thing, especially in the creative space, and how much of this might be influenced by just your genetics alone.There is an aspect of individuality to this all though. Not everything is entirely out of your hands. Kevin talks about the importance of potential, and how that plays into your true identity. There are a ton of outside factors that influence who you are, most of which you probably don’t even know about, but it’s what you do with those circumstances that matters.We round out the episode by getting existential. Or rather, getting critical of being existential. We talk about the idea that we’re all just “stardust floating on spaceship earth,” and how unhelpful that perspective can actually be. Thanks to everyone who joined us this week after our much needed break, and thanks especially to our patrons who continue to support us. You guys really are the best.We’ll be back next week, see you then!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 14, 2023 • 1h 30min

Final Fantasy & The Future of Nintendo w/ HappyConsoleGamer

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: a world of video game negativity, Johnny Millenium from HappyConsoleGamer shines above the rest. This week, he’s re-entering The Create Unknown for his THIRD appearance to talk games with Kevin, and just be an all-around good time.We kick off the episode with some discussion on the monolith that is the Final Fantasy franchise, and the ups and downs it’s had over the years. Kevin and Johnny share some of their favorites (as well as some low points), and get into JRPGs at large.Then Kevin talks about his recent forays into Playstation 1 remasters, and his hopes for the future of that style. We also talk about the sheer number of SNES-style RPGs out there today, and just why there are so many of them.We also dive into the world of the COLLECTOR’S EDITION, and how they just aren’t what they used to be anymore. We talk about the saturation of these special editions of games, Kevin and Johnny’s impressive collections, and the absolutely staggering price of things like that today.We round the episode out by looking to the future, specifically for Nintendo. We talk about the surprising decision they made to release Breath of the Wild 2 on the current Switch, as well as some speculation into what the next hit Nintendo console may look like.Thanks to everyone who tuned in live this week, and to all of our patrons who make this show happen. We’ll see you all again next week!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apr 7, 2023 • 1h 25min

The Worst Era of Film w/ The Kino Corner

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: art of film has undergone many changes over its relatively short history, and it seems that’s true now more than ever. In an age of superhero blockbusters, subpar comedy, and more streaming services than you can count, you might think that art form is getting lost somewhere along the way. Our guest this week disproves that fact, and for years now his dedication to both the craft and YouTube alike have given him a perspective that few others have. This week, The Kino Corner returns to The Create Unknown to bestow some of that knowledge onto all of us.We kick things off by discussing the meteoric rise Kino has seen on his channel lately, and how one video popping off really can do wonders for an entire channel. He also dives into the process behind his “Literally Me” series, and the deceptively simple premise that drives the genre of films he covers.Then we get into a little social media talk, and about its influence on the world of cinema. Kevin talks about the shared experience platforms like Spotify can provide and the lost art of the Blockbuster “staff pick,” and Kino highlights the true importance that going to the cinema really has.There’s an idea out there these days that old film = bad film, and Kino detests it. He discusses his recent tweet encouraging people to watch the films of yesteryear, the recent shift in comedic boundaries, and the difference between bad films of the past as compared to bad films of today.The past ten years of film has generally been pretty bleak, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a light at the end of the tunnel. Kevin and Kino sing the praises of the recent “Banshees of Inisherin,” and we highlight the return to form being seen even in recent blockbuster films like “Top Gun: Maverick.” We finish the episode with some questions from our patrons who want to know more about Kino’s analysis of Banshees, the process for becoming a script doctor, and general advice about breaking into the world of cinema.Thanks to everyone who joined us live this week, and a special shout out to our patrons who make this show happen. We’ll see you all next week for the return of HappyConsoleGamer!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 31, 2023 • 1h 25min

Oki’s Weird Stories Goes West

Thanks to MAINGEAR for speeding up everything for us. Check out the VYBE line that’s making up the core of Matt’s new studio -- and use code CREATE for a free additional year of warranty on desktops: Our Patreon: in 2014, a pretty intense showdown hit the news cycle when a cattle ranching family faced off against the US Government in the arid deserts of Nevada. If you think you know about the famous Bundy Standoff, odds are pretty good that you don’t know the half of it. Our guest this week just recently returned from his documentarian journey to the Bundy ranch, and is right on the precipice of releasing a video to illuminate the story. This week, Oki’s Weird Stories returns to The Create Unknown to tell us all about it.We start off by asking how this entire trip came together in the first place. Oki tells us about his new method of in-person interviews for his videos, landing one such interview for an already skeptical Bundy family, and the surprising reception he was met with.Oki also gives us a comprehensive overview of the story itself, and there are quite a few more moving parts than you’d think. How do desert tortoises, cattle grazing, and the Homesteading Act all lead to an intense, western-style standoff and the occupation of a wildlife refuge? Listen in to find out.Then we try to get into the minds of all the key players. Do the Bundys regret what they’ve done? Did the government handle the situation properly? Why did it come to any of this in the first place? Oki sheds some light on those motivations, and Matt gives us some crucial historical context to understanding it all.After that, Oki catches us up to the current day. He tells us what happened to the Bundys after the situation blew over, where they are now, and what things might look like in the future. He also gives us a sneak peek into the timeline on his documentary of it all, which is sure to be nothing like any of us have seen before. We wrap things up on a different note, shifting to another great discussion about HEALTH. Much like TheGamerFromMars, Oki has also been on a fitness journey of his own recently. He updates us on that, his methods for getting in shape, and how it has improved day to day life overall.A big thank you to everyone who joined us live this week, and a special thank you to our patrons who make this show happen. We’ll see you all next week for another Matt & Kevin SOLO EPISODE!You love anime. You love tea. Get 10% off your order with code CREATE at The Dragon's Treasure: our T-shirts: our Discord to talk with artists, creators, and fans of the finer things in online life: Podcasts: Hosts: Kevin Lieber and Matt Tabor Produced and Edited by Ben Webster → "Created in the Unknown" theme by Basswaite:  Theme by Mega Drive →  Opening Animation: Kidmograph City Animation: Eric Langlay "The Create Unknown" is produced by Unknown Media. CONNECT WITH US: » Chat with us on DISCORD:  » Follow us on TWITTER:  » Follow us on INSTAGRAM:  » Follow us on FACEBOOK:  » View our website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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