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Nov 23, 2023 • 23min

CHANGEMAKERS 04 | Prof M Maslin, University College, London

This week’s CHANGEMAKER is MARK MASLIN, Professor of Earth System Science at UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON, and author of HOW TO SAVE OUR PLANET: THE FACTS. With the world gathering in Dubai for the next round of the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 28 (30 November to 12 December 2023), Mark's book is a timely reminder that the situation is urgent: “to save the planet and ourselves we need to be on a war footing – we need to engage every part of our society in the battle against climate change and environment destruction.” MUSIC | Power of Nature by Jonathan Slatter (PRS), Sounds Visual Music Ltd ( PRODUCTION | In association with the Monthly Barometer | Producer/Presenter - Catriona Oliphant for ChromeRadio | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. COVER IMAGE | Mark Maslin in the Arctic with the Cape Farewell Youth Expedition. © Mark Maslin. FURTHER INFORMATION Mark Maslin, University College London | How to Save Our Planet: The Facts | The Art of War by Sun Tzu | Carbon Disclosure Project| Science Based Targets initiative | ChromeRadio | Monthly Barometer |
Nov 15, 2023 • 16min

CHANGEMAKERS 03 | H Gavigan, 4 Day Week Global

This week’s CHANGEMAKER is HAZEL GAVIGAN, Director of Communications at 4 DAY WEEK GLOBAL, which is on a mission to create a million new years of free time globally. Join us to find out how you can work 80% of your week for 100% of your pay, and be happier, healthier and more productive into the bargain! And working a reduced hour week is not just good for society and for business, it's also good for the environment. HAZEL GAVIGAN: "It's very clear to us, given the momentum that is currently behind this movement, that it's not a matter of if the four-day week will become commonplace. It's a matter of when." MUSIC | Power of Nature by Jonathan Slatter (PRS), Sounds Visual Music Ltd ( PRODUCTION | In association with the Monthly Barometer | Producer/Presenter - Catriona Oliphant for ChromeRadio | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. COVER IMAGE | ©4 Day Week Global FURTHER INFORMATION 4 Day Week Global | 4 Day Week Global - UK Pilot | ChromeRadio | Monthly Barometer |
Nov 9, 2023 • 21min

CHANGEMAKERS 02 | J Smith, UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative

This week’s CHANGEMAKER is JESSICA SMITH, Nature Lead at the UN ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME FINANCE INITIATIVE (UNEP FI), based in Geneva. As Nature Lead, Jessica is involved in pioneering work to develop collaborative partnerships between the global financial sector and indigenous and local communities. We only have until 2030 to bring our societies back into harmony with nature, and indigenous groups are vital stewards of the world's biodiversity and carbon storage. Jessica is helping design innovative financial mechanisms such as biodiversity credits, insurance products and debt for nature swaps to recognise and reward indigenous conservation efforts. JESSICA SMITH: "We are not only in a climate emergency, we're in a nature emergency which is accelerating the climate emergency." MUSIC | Power of Nature by Jonathan Slatter (PRS), Sounds Visual Music Ltd ( PRODUCTION | In association with the Monthly Barometer | Producer/Presenter - Catriona Oliphant for ChromeRadio | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. COVER IMAGE | Man from the Mashi Conservancy, a community-based natural resource management area in north-east Namibia, holding a local variety of truffle. With kind permission of Jessica Smith. For information on the Conservancy: FURTHER INFORMATION United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative | Principles for Responsible Banking | Principles for Sustainable Insurance | Biodiversity Credit Alliance | UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues | ChromeRadio | Monthly Barometer |
Nov 2, 2023 • 17min

CHANGEMAKERS 01 | E Windemuth, WaterBear Network

Welcome to CHANGEMAKERS with Catriona Oliphant, a new podcast series brought to you by CHROMERADIO in collaboration with the MONTHLY BAROMETER. CHANGEMAKERS was inspired by a series of conversations I had this autumn at the MONTHLY BAROMETER’s SUMMIT OF MINDS in Chamonix. What struck me was how many people were involved in exciting ventures for bringing about positive change in different aspects of our lives – in our relationship with the environment, with our fellow human beings, and in our quality of life. CHANGEMAKERS bringing rays of hope to these dark times. In this series, they tell us about their vision, their journey and the challenges along the way. In our first episode, ELLEN WINDEMUTH, founder and supervisory board chair of the WATERBEAR NETWORK, shares her journey from documentary filmmaker to launching WATERBEAR, home to award-winning impact documentaries, series, and short films and the first interactive streaming platform devoted to protecting the future of our planet. ELLEN WINDEMUTH: "We need...disruptors on WaterBear...We cannot rely on lobbies and politicians to do this all for us...This is not about our future, it's about [Gen Z's], and they have no future unless we act." MUSIC | Power of Nature by Jonathan Slatter (PRS), Sounds Visual Music Ltd ( PRODUCTION | In association with the Monthly Barometer | Producer/Presenter - Catriona Oliphant for ChromeRadio | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. COVER IMAGE | ©WaterBear Network FURTHER INFORMATION WaterBear Network | My Octopus Teacher | UN Sustainable Development Goals | B Corp | ChromeRadio | Monthly Barometer |
Jul 14, 2022 • 12min

GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS 05 | 59831 Colour Sergeant Shibadhan Rai

On 2 April 1982, ARGENTINA invaded and occupied the FALKLAND ISLANDS, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic. So began the FALKLANDS WAR, which ended just over 10 weeks later, on 14 June 1982, when Argentinian forces surrendered to British troops at Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. 1/7 DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S OWN GURKHA RIFLES, under BRIGADIER (then LIEUTENANT COLONEL) DAVID MORGAN, took part in the FALKLANDS CONFLICT. For the past 40 years, most of the accounts of the Gurkhas' role in that conflict have been in English. In GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS, we hear from Gurkha veterans in their own language, Nepali. In this podcast, we hear from 59831 COLOUR SERGEANT SHIBADHAN RAI, who was a Corporal in 1982 and a mortar fire controller in A Company. MUSIC & LYRICS | 'It's better to die than to be a coward' - composed & performed by Khagendra Limbu, ex Sgt, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles. PRODUCTION | ChromeRadio for the Gurkha Museum | Series consultants - Brigadier David Morgan, Major Padam Angbuhang Limbu MVO & Major Dil Kumar Rai | Producer - Catriona Oliphant | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS is part of the GURKHA MUSEUM's ( GHARMA SUNNU series of online content, bringing you tales of bravery, service and commitment from over 200 years of Gurkha service to Britain. If you would like to help the GURKHA MUSEUM continue celebrating Gurkha heritage, please subscribe and consider making a donation via the Museum's website at
Jul 14, 2022 • 11min


On 2 April 1982, ARGENTINA invaded and occupied the FALKLAND ISLANDS, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic. So began the FALKLANDS WAR, which ended just over 10 weeks later, on 14 June 1982, when Argentinian forces surrendered to British troops at Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. 1/7 DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S OWN GURKHA RIFLES, under BRIGADIER (then LIEUTENANT COLONEL) DAVID MORGAN, took part in the FALKLANDS CONFLICT. For the past 40 years, most of the accounts of the Gurkhas' role in that conflict have been in English. In GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS, we hear from Gurkha veterans in their own language, Nepali. In this podcast, we hear from LIEUTENANT NABIN SIWA, who was a rifleman with HQ Company in 1982, with an introduction from BRIGADIER DAVID MORGAN. MUSIC & LYRICS | 'It's better to die than to be a coward' - composed & performed by Khagendra Limbu, ex Sgt, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles. PRODUCTION | ChromeRadio for the Gurkha Museum | Series consultants - Brigadier David Morgan, Major Padam Angbuhang Limbu MVO & Major Dil Kumar Rai | Producer - Catriona Oliphant | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS is part of the GURKHA MUSEUM's ( GHARMA SUNNU series of online content, bringing you tales of bravery, service and commitment from over 200 years of Gurkha service to Britain. If you would like to help the GURKHA MUSEUM continue celebrating Gurkha heritage, please subscribe and consider making a donation via the Museum's website at
Jul 14, 2022 • 19min

GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS 03 | Lance Corporal Tanka Prasad Limbu

On 2 April 1982, ARGENTINA invaded and occupied the FALKLAND ISLANDS, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic. So began the FALKLANDS WAR, which ended just over 10 weeks later, on 14 June 1982, when Argentinian forces surrendered to British troops at Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. 1/7 DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S OWN GURKHA RIFLES, under BRIGADIER (then LIEUTENANT COLONEL) DAVID MORGAN, took part in the FALKLANDS CONFLICT. For the past 40 years, most of the accounts of the Gurkhas' role in that conflict have been in English. In GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS, we hear from Gurkha veterans in their own language, Nepali. In this podcast, we hear from LANCE CORPORAL TANKA PRASAD LIMBU, who was a rifleman in D Company in 1982. MUSIC & LYRICS | 'It's better to die than to be a coward' - composed & performed by Khagendra Limbu, ex Sgt, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles. PRODUCTION | ChromeRadio for the Gurkha Museum | Series consultants - Brigadier David Morgan, Major Padam Angbuhang Limbu MVO & Major Dil Kumar Rai | Producer - Catriona Oliphant | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS is part of the GURKHA MUSEUM's ( GHARMA SUNNU series of online content, bringing you tales of bravery, service and commitment from over 200 years of Gurkha service to Britain. If you would like to help the GURKHA MUSEUM continue celebrating Gurkha heritage, please subscribe and consider making a donation via the Museum's website at
Jul 14, 2022 • 13min

GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS 06 | Lieutenant Rabin Kumar Rai

On 2 April 1982, ARGENTINA invaded and occupied the FALKLAND ISLANDS, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic. So began the FALKLANDS WAR, which ended just over 10 weeks later, on 14 June 1982, when Argentinian forces surrendered to British troops at Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. 1/7 DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S OWN GURKHA RIFLES, under BRIGADIER (then LIEUTENANT COLONEL) DAVID MORGAN, took part in the FALKLANDS CONFLICT. For the past 40 years, most of the accounts of the Gurkhas' role in that conflict have been in English. In GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS, we hear from Gurkha veterans in their own language, Nepali. In this podcast, we hear from LIEUTENANT RABIN KUMAR RAI, who in 1982 was BRIGADIER (then Lt Colonel) MORGAN's radio operator and responsible for liaising with Battalion HQ. MUSIC & LYRICS | 'It's better to die than to be a coward' - composed & performed by Khagendra Limbu, ex Sgt, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles. PRODUCTION | ChromeRadio for the Gurkha Museum | Series consultants - Brigadier David Morgan, Major Padam Angbuhang Limbu MVO & Major Dil Kumar Rai | Producer - Catriona Oliphant | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS is part of the GURKHA MUSEUM's ( GHARMA SUNNU series of online content, bringing you tales of bravery, service and commitment from over 200 years of Gurkha service to Britain. If you would like to help the GURKHA MUSEUM continue celebrating Gurkha heritage, please subscribe and consider making a donation via the Museum's website at
Jul 14, 2022 • 8min

GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS 02 | 63867 Corporal Dharma Raj Rai

On 2 April 1982, ARGENTINA invaded and occupied the FALKLAND ISLANDS, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic. So began the FALKLANDS WAR, which ended just over 10 weeks later, on 14 June 1982, when Argentinian forces surrendered to British troops at Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. 1/7 DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S OWN GURKHA RIFLES, under BRIGADIER (then LIEUTENANT COLONEL) DAVID MORGAN, took part in the FALKLANDS CONFLICT. For the past 40 years, most of the accounts of the Gurkhas' role in that conflict have been in English. In GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS, we hear from Gurkha veterans in their own language, Nepali. In this podcast, we hear from 63867 CORPORAL DHARMA RAJ RAI, who was a rifleman in B Company in 1982. MUSIC & LYRICS | 'It's better to die than to be a coward' - composed & performed by Khagendra Limbu, ex Sgt, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles. PRODUCTION | ChromeRadio for the Gurkha Museum | Series consultants - Brigadier David Morgan, Major Padam Angbuhang Limbu MVO & Major Dil Kumar Rai | Producer - Catriona Oliphant | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS is part of the GURKHA MUSEUM's ( GHARMA SUNNU series of online content, bringing you tales of bravery, service and commitment from over 200 years of Gurkha service to Britain. If you would like to help the GURKHA MUSEUM continue celebrating Gurkha heritage, please subscribe and consider making a donation via the Museum's website at
Jul 14, 2022 • 13min

GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS 04 | 61356 Warrant Officer Class 2 Debendra Gurung

On 2 April 1982, ARGENTINA invaded and occupied the FALKLAND ISLANDS, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic. So began the FALKLANDS WAR, which ended just over 10 weeks later, on 14 June 1982, when Argentinian forces surrendered to British troops at Stanley, the capital of the Falkland Islands. 1/7 DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S OWN GURKHA RIFLES, under BRIGADIER (then LIEUTENANT COLONEL) DAVID MORGAN, took part in the FALKLANDS CONFLICT. For the past 40 years, most of the accounts of the Gurkhas' role in that conflict have been in English. In GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS, we hear from Gurkha veterans in their own language, Nepali. In this podcast, we hear from 61356 WARRANT OFFICER CLASS 2 DEBENDRA GURUNG, who was a Section Second in Command in D Company in 1982. MUSIC & LYRICS | 'It's better to die than to be a coward' - composed & performed by Khagendra Limbu, ex Sgt, 7th Duke of Edinburgh's Own Gurkha Rifles. PRODUCTION | ChromeRadio for the Gurkha Museum | Series consultants - Brigadier David Morgan, Major Padam Angbuhang Limbu MVO & Major Dil Kumar Rai | Producer - Catriona Oliphant | Post-production - Catriona Oliphant & Chris Sharp. GURKHA VOICES FROM THE FALKLANDS is part of the GURKHA MUSEUM's ( GHARMA SUNNU series of online content, bringing you tales of bravery, service and commitment from over 200 years of Gurkha service to Britain. If you would like to help the GURKHA MUSEUM continue celebrating Gurkha heritage, please subscribe and consider making a donation via the Museum's website at

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