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The Human Risk Podcast

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May 24, 2022 • 1h 10min

Professor J S Nelson on What Everyone Needs To Know About Business Ethics

How can we manage the ethical challenges faced in business?On this special episode of the show, I’m speaking to Professor Josephine Nelson, the co-author of a brand new book called ‘Business Ethics: What Everyone Needs To Know’. Josephine — who publishes as JS Nelson — is a Professor of Business Ethics (Law) at Villanova Law School and is currently a visiting professor at Harvard business school. The episode is special because I’m releasing it just a few days after recording as an extra episode between the regular schedule. That usually only happens when I’ve recorded an episode about something topical in the news. Ethics is something I’ve covered before (links to relevant episodes below). The reason I’m rushing this episode out is personal. Not because I have to resolve many ethical issues in my business — though, as you’ll hear, we all have to deal with them on an ongoing basis and if you think you don’t, watch out! Instead, because of the considerable number of times I’ve found myself talking about the ideas shared by my guest since recording. The insights provided by Josephine have come up so many times, in such a short period, that I wanted to get the episode out asap. In part, so the clients I’ve already spoken to about them — and those I undoubtedly will — can hear it directly from her. That hopefully also means it’s highly relevant to you. Josephine’s insights in the book and on the show aren’t just relevant to our work environments. They can also help us to think about the decisions made by companies we engage with — or choose not to — politicians we vote for - or don’t — and those with whom we surround ourselves — or don’t.The episode contains some very simple observations about ethics. But don’t let the simplicity fool you. They’re astonishingly insightful and practical. I can’t recommend the book enough, and I’m really excited to bring you this episode because what Josephine has to say is incredibly important. And if you think that means an overly serious episode, think again. As you’ll hear, Josephine is a lot of fun, and there’s lots of laughter.To find out more about Josephine’s work at Harvard Business School - learn more about the book she co-authored with Lynn Stout, “Business Ethics: What Everyone Needs to Know” and to explore her areas of research, visit Josephine’s website - our discussion, we talk aboutJosephine’s previous appearance on the show, a cross cast of Alison Taylor & Jerome Tagger’s Breaking The Fever Podcast on Workplace Surveillance: Yuval Feldman’s work on writing rules for ‘Good People’ - Boeing 737 Max Scandal - Wells Fargo Cross-Selling Scandal - Wells Fargo Fake Account Scandal - Volkswagen Diesel Scandal - Johnson Johnson Baby Powder Scandal - co-author Lynn Stout — Gentile’s system called ‘Giving voice to Values’ which Josephine describes as “how to speak truth to power, without getting fired” —‘Ethics Unwrapped’ from the McComb School of Business at the University of Texas — Swiss Bank Credit Suisse tried to track down a whistleblower — of the other ethics-related episodes of the show:Ruth Steinholtz on Ethical Cultures - Sarah Eaton on Ethics in Academia - Todd Haugh on the Behavioural Aspects of Ethics & Compliance - Chestnut on how companies can help their employees to work with integrity - Yonason Goldson on a Rabbi’s View of Ethics - Hoekstra on Ethics: ‘making the good doable’ -
May 21, 2022 • 1h 3min

Heather Watson, Dan Bennett & Paolo Mercado on BeSci in Large Organisations

How can we implement Behavioural Science in larger organisations? On this episode, I’m doing a deep dive into practical Behavioural Science with three practitioners from across the globe, who talk about some of the projects they’ve been working on. 
My guests are all from Ogilvy Consulting, a leading Behavioural Science practice and each work in different regions.Heather Watson heads up Ogilvy’s North American BeSci team from Austin, Texas, Dan Bennett is responsible for the UK and is based in London and Paolo Mercado is in Manila.To connect or learn more about them:Heather - - - idea behind the episode is to illustrate the breadth of challenges to which Behavioural Science can be put to use. You’ll hear about improving customer experience, protecting people who work in safety-critical industries by helping them to change their behaviour to be more compliant with safety protocols and how Behavioural Science can help improve sales of consumer products. We also explore some of the challenges of deploying Behavioural Science in larger organisations – the obstacles, both practical and political – and the fact that we can sometimes end up proposing counter-intuitive or unorthodox solutions, which work brilliantly but can defy the logic by which normal corporate decisions are made. But that’s the whole point. Behavioural Science allows us to come up with effective solutions to common business problems, that can’t easily be solved by traditional thinking.It’s also an opportunity for us to preview Nudgestock, Ogilvy's annual festival of behavioural science and creativity and get some clues about what you can expect.You can find out more about Nudgestock at To be notified when new episodes of the show are available subscribe to the podcast newsletter: you enjoy this episode, you can find my discussions with other members of the Ogilvy BeSci team:Maddie Croucher who talked to me about how BeSci can help fundraising: Tatam introduced his book ‘Evolutionary Ideas’ on how Mother Nature can inspire BeSci solutions de Fleurian explained how BeSci is helping to reduce anti-social behaviour, last but definitively not least, Rory Sutherland talked about Compliance
May 14, 2022 • 1h 5min

Wiebe Wakker on Sustainable Adventures

How can we travel adventurously while still being sustainable? I’m a huge fan of exploring, but I’m also very conscious of my environmental footprint. On this episode, I’m speaking to Sustainable Adventurer Wiebe Wakker. He’s a Dutchman who likes exploring the world in an environmentally friendly ways.Wiebe came to my attention earlier this year when we went from Amsterdam to Dubai by train for an environmental conference. That wasn’t his first adventure. He’d previously spent 3.5 years travelling from The Netherlands to New Zealand by electric car. That journey means that Wiebe holds the current world record for completing the longest ever electric car trip in the world covering a distance of about 95,000 kilometres.In our discussion, we explore what inspires Wiebe to undertake his adventures, what he’s learned from doing it and I explain how he’s influenced me.To find out more about Wiebe, visit his website:’ll find him on social media:Twitter - - - our discussion, we talk - an amazing website for planning train adventures
May 7, 2022 • 52min

Maddie Croucher on Behavioural Science for Fundraising

How can charities use Behavioural Science to be more effective at fundraising? It’s a question a number of listeners have asked me to explore; either because they work for charities or because they want to help their favourite causes to raise more money. Even if neither of those things apply, what we can learn from how charities can be better at raising funds, is relevant in other contexts.My guest on this episode is Maddie Croucher, a behavioural science practitioner who specialises in interventions to support social impact work. Maddie has boosted fundraising income for Christian Aid, helped improve donor retention for DKMS - an international nonprofit bone marrow donor centre - and developed interventions to tackle malnutrition with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She’s also the co-author of a book called Change for Better that provides practical help for fundraisers.In our discussion, we talk about:Change For Better, the book Maddie co-authored -'s also available on Kindle - Jam Experiment — an experiment that highlighted how Choice Overload (having too many options) can make it harder for people to decide, so they often don’t bother. Water - a charity that seeks to address the fact that 771 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water.’s annual fundraising - Pillion Trust’s ‘Fuck The Poor’ campaign - Aid, the UK scheme that allows taxpayers to increase teh size of tier charitable donations by reclaiming tax -, Ogilvy’s Annual Behavioural Science Festival which this year is on June 10th - Ogilvy 2022 Behavioural Science Annual Report - can follow Maddie on Twitter - be notified whenever a new episode of the show comes out, subscribe to the Human Risk podcast newsletter -
Apr 30, 2022 • 1h 8min

David Loseby on Behavioural Procurement

What does behaviour have to do with procurement? On the face of it, not much. But as my guest on this episode David Loseby explains, behind every procurement and supply chain operation, there are human beings involved in the design and management of the processes. In other words, they’re areas that present huge opportunities for human risk to manifest itself. As David, who specialises in helping companies to manage the behavioural dynamics behind operational decisions, explains, there are trade-offs that need to be made. Just in time processes can deliver lower costs by reducing the need to warehouse stock and tie up working capital. But, as we saw under COVID, they’re also extremely vulnerable when things don’t go according to plan.If we ignore human decision-making and what can be done to mitigate the risks it poses. It’s also worth remembering that if companies have a procurement function, it means that the amount of money they’re spending on procurement activities is large enough to justify the function's existence. Which is great if they get things right. But not so good when they get things wrong. David has over 25 years of experience at a senior executive/director level driving value and change through procurement and organisational transformation.His varied background enables him to draw on not only his various global experiences, sector diversity and responsibilities within many Public Bodies as well as FTSE 100 companies. 
During our discussion, we talk about- David’s background & research:
- David’s book Soft Skills for Hard Business:
- The VUCA framework short for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity:,_uncertainty,_complexity_and_ambiguity- The COM-B model of behaviour change The Tanker driver who was followed by a line of drivers, who discovered that he wasn’t carrying fuel:
You can get hold of David via his LinkedIn page: be notified of new episodes of the show, subscribe to the Human Risk podcast newsletter:
Apr 23, 2022 • 58min

Professor Don Moore on Decision Leadership

What makes a good leader? When we think of leaders, we often imagine lone, inspirational figures lauded for their behaviours, attributes, and personal decisions. However, leaders also have an impact on the way people around them make decisions. My guest on this episode is Professor Don Moore. Don is the Lorraine Tyson Mitchell Chair in Leadership and Communication at Berkeley Haas and serves as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.Don is the co-author of a book with Professor Max Bazerman called Decision Leadership: Empowering others to make better choices, that explores the idea of organisations in the 21st century as decision factories in which effective effective leaders are decision architects, enabling those around them to make wise, ethical choices consistent with their own interests and the organization’s highest values. As a result, a leader’s impact grows because it ripples out instead of relying on one individual to play the part of heroic figure.
To find out more about Don:
To learn more about Decision Leadership: hear Don’s previous appearance on the show: hear the previous episode of the show with Wendy Lambourne on Legitimate Leadership:
Apr 15, 2022 • 1h 3min

Wendy Lambourne on Legitimate Leadership

What distinguishes a good leader from a bad one? My guest on this episode, Wendy Lambourne is a proponent of Legitimate Leadership — the idea that to have real power, leaders need to have legitimacy. Not by dint of being appointed, but by the way in which they fulfil their role.She believes that leaders stand or fall at the end of the day on the basis of their intent, or motive. Or to put it another way, whether they’re in the relationship to give to their people, or to get something out of them.Since leadership is all about people leading other people, there’s lots of potential for human risk.In our discussion we explore:- how Wendy came to discover the idea of Legitkamte Leadership (LL);- what LL means in practice;- how leaders can manifest it;- the difference between authority and power;- what the implications are for businesses of adopting LL; and- what Wendy has learned from teaching the framework to others.To learn more about Legitimate Leadership see buy Wendy’s book:
Apr 8, 2022 • 1h

Sam Tatam on Evolutionary Ideas

When we need to solve problems, we often think we need to develop new ideas. But what if that were wrong?On this episode, I’m joined by Behavioural Science practitioner Sam Tatam whose new book Evolutionary Ideas shows how behavioural science and evolutionary psychology can help us solve tomorrow’s challenges. Not by divining something the world has never seen, but by borrowing from yesterday’s solutions – often in the most unexpected ways.Sam is Global Head of Behavioural Science at Ogilvy. His passion is understanding human behaviour, and his experience comes from organisational/industrial psychology and advertising strategy.From New York to Nairobi, Sam has led behaviour change projects across virtually every category and continent. Today, he leads a global team of talented psychologists and behavioural economists to develop interventions and shape the communications of some of the world's most influential brands and organisations.Links to some of the things we discussed on the episode:
To learn more about Sam’s book ‘Evolutionary Ideas’ which will be published in May 2022 - buy the book - watch Sam’s presentation at Nudgestock 2021 about Evolutionary Ideas - presentation on Biomimicry at Nudgestock 2018 - introduction to TRIZ, a Theory of Inventive Problem Solving - explanation for Sam's reference to singer Ronan Keating - hear Ogilvy Vice Chairman (the founder of the team Sam leads) Rory Sutherland’s appearances on this show:Rory on Compliance - & Gerald Ashley on Networks - & Gerald on Prosilience -
Apr 2, 2022 • 1h 4min

Professors Melissa Rorie & Benjamin van Rooij on Measuring Compliance

How do we measure the effectiveness of Compliance programs? It sounds like a simple question, but it is actually hard to answer. And it's not just a challenge facing Compliance Officers.If you work in Ethics, Risk or even as a Regulator, you'll recognise the dynamic. You've probably either been asked to demonstrate the effectiveness of your program or had questions asked about your budget or resources. And usually, that's not because they want to give you more.It's equally possible that you might have wondered how good a job you're doing. I know I did when working as a Regulator and as a Compliance Officer.Now, whatever the reason for the question, it's not an easy one to answer. Because part of it involves proving a negative, you can easily show that you've helped make good things happen, but it's much harder to demonstrate that you've stopped bad things. This is why we often turn to input metrics like 'number of hours of training delivered' or the number of times we executed a particular control. That's interesting, but it doesn't tell you how effective the outcome is. Or isn't. Just because someone has been on a course, and done a little exam, doesn't mean the risk the training is designed to mitigate has been reduced. So how can we best do that? That's what my two guests on this episode were interested in. One of them, Professor Benjamin Van Rooij, has been on the show four times — links to his previous appearances are below. The other, Professor Melissa Rorie, is making her debut. Together, they've edited a book called Measuring Compliance: Assessing Corporate Crime and Misconduct Prevention which contains chapters written by several eminent experts. Contributors to the book Todd Haugh, Ricardo Pelafone & Florentin Blanc have also previously been guests on the show. There are links to those episodes below.If you work in a function whose role is to mitigate Human Risk, feel free to substitute the word Compliance for whatever you're responsible for ——–— because it's still relevant — then what Melissa and Benjamin have to say will be of interest. Because if you don't know how to measure the success of what you do, then there's even less chance that anyone else — say someone who sets your budget, someone who is trying to assess the quality of your program or someone who determines your compensation — will be able to.To find out more about the book: more on Melissa & her research: more on Benjamin & his research: our discussion, we talk about:Hui Chen & her work at the DOJ: Pellafone & his work at Broadcat: Blanc & his work at the OECD: Faria's book (co-authored with Olga Petintseva & Yarin Eski) called Interviewing Elites, Experts and the Powerful in Criminology research on signing at the top of documents to encourage honesty & the recent findings that it failed to replicate: story of Abraham Wald: JS Nelson on Workplace Surveillance episodes featuring contributors to the bookBenjamin Van Rooij on COVID Compliance - Benjamin on The Behavioural Code - & Dany Sokol on Compliance 2.0 - Pellafone on Behavioural Design in Compliance - Pellafone on the challenges facing Risk & Compliance under COVID - Blanc on Regulatory Responses to COVID 19 Todd Haugh on Behavioural Aspects of Ethics & Compliance
Mar 26, 2022 • 57min

Michael Bartlett on Dark Patterns

Ever had a terrible customer experience? Of course, you have. They’re very common. But why? My guest Michael Bartlett has just written a book on the dark side of customer experience - in other words, the processes that companies engage in that irritate the hell out of us. The purpose of Michael’s book isn’t — you’ll be pleased to hear – to help companies make their processes more irritating. Rather it's to help them identify when they might inadvertently do things that will turn otherwise loyal customers into people haters. Not only does he shine a light on practices that make this happen, but he also proposes some solutions for how to avoid them happening in the first place.Even if you’re not in the business of managing frontline customer services, what Michael highlights is of interest, because it can help you to understand why certain things are really irritating. And, if you work in a function like Compliance, Ethics, Information Security or HR that designs processes for employees, then what applies in a customer service context, also applies in your world. You can connect with Michael here:’ll find Michael’s book The Dark Side of CX here: our discussion, we explore:The ADKAR change management model Bliss on Chief Customer Officer 2.0m - Wheeler on Managing the Customer Experience: Turning Customers Into Advocates: hear the podcast episodes I mention featuring:(i) Roger Dooley on Friction - Professor Camilla Andersen on Comic Book Contracts -

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