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The Sensitive and Neurodivergent Podcast with Julie Bjelland

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Nov 27, 2022 • 24min

Lifting the Cloud off Climate Change with Alex Arnold

Climate anxiety and eco-grief are on the rise. Yet the terms are so new that you may not even know that’s what you’re experiencing. According to Dr. Stowe, Executive Director of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program, the most important impact we, as individuals, can have on climate change is by increasing "climate conversations." So let's talk about it! What I am sharing is non-political, non-judgmental, and not pressuring you to do anything. Quite the opposite. This podcast is for highly sensitive people who feel overwhelmed at the thought of the climate crisis, experience grief, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and/or other complex emotions. You may also feel stuck and unsure where to start or don't believe that you can make a difference. That’s ok because we hurt where we care. Acknowledging fear and grief is our starting point. Once we accept our discomfort, we can learn tools to manage it. Once we understand the science of what motivates us, we can gain clarity on what we truly care about and what we do best. And once we meet others with similar interests and values, we can move forward with accountability, support and have fun along the way.  Most importantly, let's give ourselves permission to take a deep breath. Therein lies the source of positive change, for ourselves, for those around us, and for our planet. I'm Alex, an ICF-accredited (ACC) climate resilience coach with a Master’s in Organizational Psychology. As a coach and someone with High Sensory Sensitivity (HSS), I am here to provide a sanctuary for other sensitive, shy, or introverted women who deeply care about climate change so that they, and the planet, can thrive. Using strengths-based approaches like Positive Psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, I support women who feel stuck, overwhelmed, helpless, guilty or don't know where to start to make a difference. Through powerful questions, deep listening and empathy, I help them discover their strengths, get clarity on what they really want for a meaningful life and sustainable future, and share practical tools so that they can learn to coach themselves and build hope, resilience, and a strong sense of confidence that they too, can make a positive difference - no matter how small. For more information about this podcast, and the courses and community mentioned in this episode visit
Nov 9, 2022 • 24min

Personal Update, New Resource, Neurodiversity, HSP Library

Sharing a personal update and a new resource I created for you to help you advocate for your needs medically.  Plus, I talk about the Standford Neurodiversity Summit, the similarities and differences between Autism and HSPs, and how our challenges with Sensory Overload are similar for those of us high on the sensitivity scale.  Sensory Overload tends to be one of our biggest challenges and often the culprit of emotional reactivity, anxiety, irritability, sleep issues, exhaustion, and even loss of productivity, creativity, and focus.  I share some of the HSP events we have coming up and how to watch the replays of past events in our HSP library! I love that the community hosts HSP events every week and benefits from many different HSP experiences and gifts.  About the HSP Trait and Sharing it with Others, Addiction and Recovery, Ayurveda, Black HSPs and Leadership, Boundaries, Climate Change, Creativity (painting & cooking classes), Dreams, Empaths, Empowerment and Confidence, Energy Medicine, Healing, and Protection, Environmental Sensitivity, High Sensation Seeking (HSS HSPs), Inner Child, Intuition, Julie and Willow, Julie Teaches and Answers HSP Questions, Leadership Sensitive Males, Meditation, Mindfulness, and Grounding, Music by HSPs, Nutrition and Health (includes Menopause), Perfectionism, Relationships and Sexuality, Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance, Sensitive Kids and Teens, Stress, Yoga Find all the resources mentioned in this episode at
Oct 24, 2022 • 39min

Lower Anxiety, Improve Wellness and Discover Your Sensitive Gifts with Julie Bjelland, hosted by Bevin Niemann-Cortez

This interview is part of the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. I'll discuss the three steps to conscious wellness for Highly Sensitive People and Empaths. Learn about high sensitivity, understand brain differences making you more susceptible to anxiety, and how to regulate your sensitive nervous system. Live consciously, guided by your body cues and intuition, doing what's right for you, and self-care the HSP way. Spending time with other Highly Sensitive People and Empaths transforms your life, helping you to normalize your experience and see your value. In this session, you’ll: Feel understood and validated in how you experience the world as a highly sensitive person (HSP) Learn why HSPs need to practice a different type of self-care than most of the population, what works, and what doesn't Understand your incredible gifts that come with sensitivity and how you are needed in the world Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is a psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and host of The HSP Podcast. Her Sensitive Empowerment Community, online courses, blog, and free webinars have helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSPs) worldwide reduce their challenges, access their gifts, and discover their significant value. Julie loves connecting in her community and warmly invites you to join this positive, safe, inclusive, and welcoming space. Take her free sensitivity quiz, get a letter to give to your medical and mental health team, learn how her brain training program reduces anxiety quickly, and find all her resources❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
Sep 29, 2022 • 27min

Navigating Change as HSPs with Gracie King

Big life changes (even positive ones!) can turn our worlds upside down. For HSPs, being able to put many routines on autopilot can save precious energy and processing time. So how can we better navigate the big changes that interrupt our finely honed routines? This event addresses why change impacts HSPs so much, and how we can better prepare for expected changes and bounce back sooner from unexpected ones. Several tools are offered for maneuvering effectively through change using openness, curiosity, and lightness. Gracie King has a background in psychology and counseling and is now on a mission as a Positive Psychology Wellness Coach to serve and lift up HSPs who've struggled with recurring depression and exhaustion, accompanying them on their journey toward healing, belonging, and thriving. Learn how to work with her at Vibrant HSP. You can also join Gracie's group, Spiral Up, within Julie Bjelland's Sensitive Empowerment Community to connect deeply with others who are navigating depression, feel supported around your healing and growth journey, and learn new tools to strengthen and elevate your health and wellbeing.
Sep 8, 2022 • 52min

How to discover your purpose as an HSP with Willow and Julie

As HSPs we actually have an advantage when it comes to discovering our purpose. Our ability to process the world at a deeper level allows us particular abilities. These abilities are intended and why the trait naturally occurs in 20% of the population. The way in which we each process the world from a sensory point of view is unique to each of us, yet it is happening for a reason. A reason that is linked to areas of life we each care deeply about. By exploring what matters to us most and considering how we have had particular callings since we were children, helps us to see how our sensory perception is actually designed to serves them. It is through this inquiry that we can begin to reveal innate areas of competence and how we can serve the world in a way that is deeply fulfilling. This in turn is how we can each find our area of interest and how this begins to reveal our purpose. Join us this week as we open the discussion around this exciting topic! I recommend Willow McIntosh’s Coaching Program here. Explore more episodes, get resources to thrive, and join our Sensitive Empowerment Community at Join our next live podcast in the Sensitive Empowerment Community Take Julie's Brain Training Course Explore all our episodes at Find everything at HSP Practitioners Directory
Sep 5, 2022 • 57min

Redefining our Relationship with Money With Sarah McCrum and Andrea Weber

Sarah McCrum has a most intuitive and insightful perspective about money, how money is seen, how it is valued and how it is used.  Her enlightened approach has helped so many people make a real difference in their lives, both personally and professionally. So much of what is possible for us to accomplish is unwittingly blocked by our own ingrained beliefs, our misalignment with receiving and our focus on worry and limitation. There is a way forward through all of these challenges. In this refreshing presentation, Sarah will cover the following: How to make money your friend What money really is and how it really works Asking for what you want in a way that works How to relax about money Becoming open and receptive to money The new energy of money for business models A glimpse into the future of money Sarah McCrum is an author, educator and business innovator. She's the Founder of Liberate Humanity, which is a place for learning and sharing the skills for liberation of the human spirit. Sarah has spent more than 20 years teaching and coaching business owners and their families. She's the creator of the innovative program, Thank You Money, based on the principles of her book, Love Money, Money Loves You. Over 10,000 people have completed courses with Sarah, building a relationship with money that's founded in love, abundance, generosity and nature. You can connect with Sarah and learn more about her work by visiting Sarah has a special offer of listening to a relaxation music video and if you like this presentation you can sign up for the first four chapters of Sarah's book, "Love Money, Money Loves You." Please visit About Our Host Andrea Weber is the founder of Expansive Happiness®, an inspirational site designed to help those with environmental sensitivities lead happy and fulfilling lives through constructive sensitivity management. On the website, you can find many more resources, sign up for regular communications, take the free Environmental Sensitivity Quiz and enrol in the Self-Empowered Sensitivity Management Program.
Aug 11, 2022 • 49min

Conscious Living for HSPs Seeking Wellness with Julie and Willow

Conscious living means paying attention to what supports our mind, body, and soul to help us live fulfilling, healthy lives. As sensitive people, we are exposed to and more affected by stress, environmental concerns, the energy of the people around us, and what we eat! Overwhelm, anxiety, brain fog, low energy and mood, skin problems, pain, chronic health conditions, etc., can all improve when we make conscious choices about what is right for us and what isn’t. Sometimes that means we do things out of the box, too, and we want to encourage and support you to pave your own path that works for you. Mind Manage stress, set boundaries, and live consciously. What supports you and what doesn’t? Lowering your stress will have a significant impact on your health. Body Food is medicine, and it’s even more true for HSPs! What we put in our body, what is absorbed in our skin (the largest organ), and what we are exposed to daily in our environment can all significantly impact our health and well-being. Are you eating whole, healthy foods?  Processed foods aren’t good for anyone, especially HSPs!  What products are you using on your skin and cleaning with around your home? Are they natural or filled with chemicals that might be hurting you? -Your body gives you cues about your wellness. With increased insula activation, you are even more conscious of how your body reacts.  Pay attention. Slow down and listen. Soul Living in a meaningful way, doing work, hobbies, volunteering, etc. that fulfill you is especially important for HSPs. Spend time every day in nature. It’s a reset button for us and incredibly good for our wellness! Trust your flow and know that what works for you might be different than others. Spend time with nature every day. Take time to yourself every day. Slow down and pay attention. Pay attention, be conscious, and be intentional. When you eat something, how do you feel after? Set boundaries when you are around people that make you feel icky. Is the energy of your home positive or chaotic? Are there things you can do to improve it? Are you overgiving to others and under-giving to yourself? Honor what makes you feel your best. Surround yourself with people who support your well-being We’ve covered so many topics supporting your wellness we encourage you to explore the episodes at and join our Sensitive Empowerment Community and see how good it feels to be surrounded by kind-hearted HSPs living consciously. Recommended Groups to Join in the Community Spiral Up Group- Overcoming Depression: 💗 Healing, Belonging, & Thriving Design Your Life Group- Celebrates conscious living by encouraging you to create a life that lights you up ✨ Every little bit helps. There is no such thing as perfection. Start with areas in your life that feel doable. Working on our inner selves with a guide can be so helpful too. Find an HSP coach, healer, or therapist on our HSP Practitioners Directory. Join our Sensitive Empowerment Community, explore more episodes and resources for highly sensitive people, including the sensitivity quiz, letter to give your medical and mental health providers, an HSP Practitioners Directory, Julie's courses, and more at Learn more about Willow's Coaching Program to help you share your gifts with the world.
Jul 28, 2022 • 31min

Discussing Environmental Sensitivity with Family, Friends and Colleagues with Andrea Weber

Thousands of people all over the world manage environmental sensitivities every day. While chemical sensitivity, mold sensitivity, and sensitivity to light and noise are more readily understood and accepted, there is still much-needed change around electrical sensitivity (EHS or sensitivity to EMFs). Environmentally sensitive people typically struggle with having these conversations due to the misperceptions, judgment, and negativity surrounding them. The only way to bring about positive change and remove the stigma often associated with these sensitivities is through open and honest discussion, raising awareness, acceptance, and understanding of the impact environmental exposures have on day-to-day living for those who are sensitive. Andrea Weber shares the importance of discussing environmental sensitivities with family, friends, and colleagues in this informative presentation and how to do this comfortably and confidently. The information shared is based on Andrea’s experience of what has and has not worked as an environmentally sensitive person. Andrea Weber is the founder of Expansive Happiness®, an inspirational site designed to help those with environmental sensitivities lead happy and fulfilling lives through constructive sensitivity management. You can find many more resources on the website, sign up for regular communications, take the free Environmental Sensitivity Quiz and enroll in the Self-Empowered Sensitivity Management Program.
Jul 14, 2022 • 46min

The Gift and the Curse of Decision Making as HSPs with Willow and Julie

Making decisions as HSPs can be taxing at the best of times. Our ability to process at a deep level means we can end up in an ever-expanding thought cycle. Things can become quite difficult when coupled with the anxiety of a potentially unwanted outcome. With high levels of intuition and the ability to feel deeply, we have a significant advantage in decision-making. When we allow it, there is a strong sense of knowing that is there to guide us on a day-to-day basis. Yet how can we tap into these abilities more consciously and come to rely on them? In this episode, we look at some tried and tested methods that can be valuable tools in this area. Including what it means to support a decision once it has been made. We will also explore the common sensation of expansion and contraction that many of us experience in our bodies when we ask for guidance. We will also look at the differences between thinking and knowing and the profound relationship many HSPs have with the notion of truth. Explore more episodes at Resources Mentioned in Episode Take Julie's Brain Training Course Learn more about Willow's Coaching Program Find more resources for HSPs at
Jun 26, 2022 • 49min

Strategies to Support Empathic Kids, Teens and Parents with Carolina Mariposa

Calling all Empaths!  Do you and your children have difficulty discerning which emotions are yours vs. which belong to other people? As a parent, do you sometimes get overwhelmed or into conflict with your sensitive empathic child when they show intense emotions?  This event includes an overview of the energetic anatomy of empathy and an introduction to three energy healing techniques which may support you and your child in managing emotional input and fostering feelings of calm in your relationship.  There is an experiential component in the last 10 minutes during which you will be guided to use the three tools. Carolina Mariposa, M.S., M.I.M., is a licensed psychotherapist and medical intuitive who specializes in working with highly sensitive children, teens and parents.  She also has the sacred responsibility of being a mother to a strong, sensitive and empathic child.  She is passionate about teaching HSP's to connect with their innate wisdom so that they feel more grounded, joyful, creative and empowered.  While she is endorsed in California as an Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist, she loves supporting children of all ages and collaborating with those who see parenthood as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Anyone who signs up for her email list via the Butterfly Grove website receives a link to a free 90-minute webinar: Cornerstones of Sensitive Parenting.  You are also welcome to check out the resources page of the website which is updated weekly with blog posts, videos and guided meditations! Join our next live events in The Sensitive Empowerment Community Explore all HSP resources at

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