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Jun 2, 2023 • 1h 24min

Tim Keller: Life, Death, and Legacy with Lecrae, Pete Wehner, Krish Kandiah | Christian Witness in a Culture War

Join us on Unbelievable presented by Ruth Jackson as we delve into the extraordinary life and work of the late Dr. Timothy J. Keller, a humble yet ambitious church leader who shaped faith in the modern world. Tim Keller's impact extends far beyond his time, as he fearlessly explored the intricate relationship between faith and culture. With City to City, and other nonprofit organisations he spearheaded, and as the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan alongside his wife Kathy, Keller seamlessly integrated ancient wisdom into the fabric of the modern city. With his quiet confidence and lack of defensiveness, he made faith thrilling and relevant, captivating hearts with timeless truths. As he neared the end of his journey, Keller taught us about death and dying well. He also shared invaluable advice from the book of Jeremiah: to live on the razor's edge, embrace audacious faith; invest rather than simply consume, leaving a lasting impact on others; and let go of the pursuit of reputation, recognising the fleeting nature of worldly acclaim. Unbelievable? discusses the life of Tim Keller, his style and impact, the question of suffering, how he refused to be drawn in but navigated the culture wars, and the wisdom he leaves through his many books. Unbelievable? show host Ruth Jackson is joined by three guests who knew and worked with Keller. Lecrae, Grammy award-winning hip-hop artist and actor; Dr. Krish Kandiah, author and social activist; and Pete Wehner, journalist and senior fellow at Trinity Forum all offer candid insights into the profound ways Keller impacted their lives both personally and through his extensive body of work. As always let us know what you think! We love to hear from you so get in touch if you have stories to share. And enjoy this edition of Unbelievable as we honour Tim Keller life and legacy and the far-reaching influence of his ministry. • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 26, 2023 • 1h 17min

The Abortion Debate: Life, Equality, and Choice

Get ready for a riveting episode of Unbelievable? part of our ongoing series Rights of Life and Death. Today in The Abortion Debate: Life, Equality, and Choice, we're diving headfirst into the contentious and thought-provoking topic of abortion. What does it mean to say that life begins? What would it take for the fetus or the child to have a right to life, and for this to outweigh the mother’s right to choice? How do we determine moral value? It's a debate that strikes at the very core of life, equality, and personal choice. Brace yourselves as we navigate the delicate balance between the rights of the child and the rights of the mother. Joining us on this electrifying debate led by moderator Roger Bolton are two extraordinary guests. First, we have Ann Furedi, a leading global pro-choice advocate for almost 40 years, who worked for 17 years as CEO of British Pregnancy Advisory Service. She has written extensively on the ethics of abortion and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Social Sciences by the University of Kent. Her groundbreaking book, 'The Moral Case for Abortion: A Defense of Reproductive Choice,' lays out the moral arguments empowering women to make decisions about their pregnancies. But that's not all. Presenting the Christian worldview and opposing abortion on demand is Dr. Calum Miller, an NHS doctor and an unwavering pro-life advocate. With a medical degree from the prestigious University of Oxford and a deep understanding of philosophy and biblical studies, Dr. Miller brings a unique insight into the intricacies of abortion policy in practice. He's here to challenge our assumptions and shed light on the moral value of the unborn. In this high-voltage discussion, we'll explore the burning questions that lie at the heart of the abortion debate. When does life truly begin? Is there ever a justifiable reason to take another life? How do we assign moral value to the unborn? And are there conditions that would tip the scales in favour of granting the fetus a right to life that supersedes a mother's right to choice? Hold on tight as we unpack the very definitions of 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' and their profound implications for the beginning of life, human equality, and personal autonomy. We won't shy away from the tough questions, including the role of women's choice and the intersection of abortion with women's equality. And for those wondering if men should have a voice in this conversation, we'll address that too.Prepare for an exhilarating, thought-provoking, and mind-expanding discussion. Tune in to this week's episode of Unbelievable as we embark on a quest to unravel the intricate threads of the abortion debate. Don't miss out on this explosive episode. As always we want to hear what you think, perhaps you have a story or a testimony to share? Do get in touch with us via our social channels or email us unbelievable@premier.org.ukAnd if you want to get access to bonus content and get early bird access to online events sign up for our newsletter [add link] Ann Furedi's book is The Moral Case for Abortion: A Defence of Reproductive Choice https://www.amazon.co.uk/Moral-Case-Abortion-Defence-Reproductive/dp/3030901882/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1684796806&refinements=p_27%3AAnn+Furedi&s=books&sr=1-1 Calum Miller an ethicist, philosopher and doctor has created a website https://calumsblog.com/ offering a weath of information on all the questions [https://calumsblog.com/abortion-qa/] and topics surrounding the sanctity of life. All his papers are here https://calumsblog.com/academic-papers/ • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101• More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com• For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live• For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training• Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow• Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 23, 2023 • 1h 2min

Classic Replay: Krauss vs William Lane Craig - the Australia debates

Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss met in Australia for 3 public dialogues on the existence of God in 2013. They joined Justin Brierley to reflect on the value of the events and the way it was carried out. We hear highlights of their discussion on whether God commanded genocide in the Old Testament and if there is good evidence for the resurrection of Christ.   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 19, 2023 • 1h 38min

Assisted dying, assisted suicide, or murder: should doctors who save lives be given the power to end them? hosted by Roger Bolton, with Dr. Ellen Wiebe and Dr. Mark Pickering

Should anyone be eligible for medical assistance in dying?  "Choosing Death: Assisted Dying, Assisted Suicide, Murder – Who Decides?"   Should the power to decide be granted to everyone when it comes to medical assistance in dying? A recent Canadian survey sheds light on the attitudes towards euthanasia and assisted dying, revealing startling statistics. Poverty, homelessness, mental illness, and disability – these factors, according to the Canadian survey, justify access to euthanasia for a significant portion of the population.  Shocking, but perhaps not surprising is that the younger generation, in particular, supports these views, with percentages reaching as high as 41% for reason of poverty, and 60% for being disabled.     Death and dying have always been subjects that people tend to avoid discussing, but they demand our attention. Assisted dying, in particular, is a challenging and highly emotional topic that cannot be ignored. Each culture holds its own beliefs and attitudes towards the inevitable. Often, we are thrust into this discussion by circumstances – a close friend, a family member, or a beloved person falling severely ill, either gradually or suddenly. As Christians, it is crucial for us to engage in conversations about death. When is the right time to die?   Some argue that doctors should have the authority to provide medical assistance in dying. In Canada, laws surrounding assisted dying are expanding to include various situations where individuals have the right to choose death, even without a terminal illness. However, should doctors, who are meant to heal, be asked to take lives? And what does Christianity have to say about this contentious issue? Is it our prerogative to determine the timing of our own death? Join Roger Bolton as he hosts this vital discussion, featuring UK-based Dr. Mark Pickering from the Christian Medical Fellowship and Canadian doctor Ellen Wiebe.  Dr Mark Pickering is the Chief Executive of CMF (UK/Ireland). He is based in London where he also works as a secure environment GP (in prisons and similar institutions). He has a long term interest in bioethics and often speaks on behalf of the Care Not Killing Alliance. He has previously worked as a hospice junior doctor. Links: www.ourdutyofcare.org.uk; www.carenotkilling.org.uk; www.dyingwell.co.uk; www.cmf.org.uk Articles: Canada’s home MAiD disaster? | CMF Blogs – by Dr Trevor Stammers People facing 'unjust' conditions have right to euthanasia: ethicists | National Post – recent Canadian article highlighting the issues of poverty and mental health that we discussed. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canada-medical-aid-in-dying   Dr. Ellen Wiebe is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia. After 30 years of full-service family practice, she now restricts her practice to women’s health and assisted death. She is the Medical Director of Willow Women’s Clinic in Vancouver and provides medical and surgical abortions and contraception. She developed Hemlock Aid to provide consultations for doctors and patients about aid in dying and provides assisted death.    • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 16, 2023 • 1h 4min

Classic Replay: Krauss vs John Lennox on the God question

From the archives. A DVD documentary series The God Question explored whether advances in science were undermining or supporting belief in God. Christian thinker Prof John Lennox and atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss debated some of the issues raised by the video series.. Alongside audio clips from the film they discussed the Big Bang, purpose, fine-tuning and the possibility of a universe "from nothing".   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 12, 2023 • 1h 25min

Is it Rational to be a Christian? - Justin Brierley vs Stephen Woodford

In 2019, Justin Brierley swapped his moderator’s chair for being a debater in a live show recorded in front of a student audience at Oxford University. He engaged atheist Stephen Woodford who runs the YouTube channel Rationality Rules on the question ‘Is it rational to be a Christian?’   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 9, 2023 • 1h 7min

Classic Replay: A detective debates the Gospels - J Warner Wallace vs skeptics

From the archives. J Warner Wallace is a homicide detective specialising in cold case murder investigations. In his book Cold Case Christianity he shows how the same tools of investigating evidence can show that the Gospels are trustworthy accounts. Jim tells how the evidence moved him from atheism to Christianity and debates with 2 sceptical callers on differing timelines in the Gospels and corroboration.   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 5, 2023 • 1h 20min

King Charles and the Church: The Disestablishment Debate with Dr. Jonathan Chaplin & Catherine Pepinster hosted by Roger Bolton

This week on Unbelievable’s Coronation special Roger Bolton asks how important is the established Church of England to the fabric of life in the United Kingdom and beyond?  Does King Charles as Supreme Governor of the Church of England have divine purpose?  Academic and author Dr. Jonathan Chaplin of Wesley House, Cambridge suggests we should ditch the religious aspects of the Coronation to better reflect multicultural Britain.  Catherine Pepinster author and broadcaster argues the sacral aspects of the Coronation act as a enduring symbol of the country's heritage. Will King Charles III embrace Christianity as a guiding force in his reign? Should he forge a new path for a changing nation?  And what is the role of the established church in public life?     Catherine Pepinster is an author and expert on the history of coronations, and was editor of the Catholic Tablet journal for over 13 year. She is the author of Defenders of the Faith - The British Monarchy, Religion and the Next Coronation and explains the significance of the deeply sacred Christian event and the unifying role it can play in the nation and beyond. Dr. Jonathan Chaplin wrote Beyond Establishment - Resetting Church-State relations in England and- as a committed Christian and Anglican - proposes a radical rethinking, of the relationship between the Church and the state.   Follow Catherine Pepinster on Twitter @CPsPepTalk or her blog here peptalk519.wordpress.com   Follow Jonathan Chaplin here where he is an Honorary Fellow at Wesley House, Cambridge https://www.wesley.cam.ac.uk/single-page-profile/?smid=8691   Books referenced in the podcast   Catherine Pepinster's book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Defenders-Faith-Charles-coronation-Christianity/dp/1399800078/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1YYU7RLTNQ86O&keywords=CAtherine+pepinster&qid=1683170895&sprefix=catherine+pepinster%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-1   https://www.amazon.com/Defenders-Faith-Monarchy-Religion-Coronation/dp/139980006X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=KTP3JQN0TGPO&keywords=catherine+pepinster%27s+defender+of+the+faith&qid=1683170972&sprefix=Catherine+pepinster%2Caps%2C154&sr=8-1   Dr Jonathan Chaplin's book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beyond-Establishment-Resetting-Church-State-Relations/dp/0334061733/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2W4EMUWTFGOJW&keywords=jonathan+chaplin&qid=1683170924&sprefix=jonathan+chaplin%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Establishment-Resetting-Church-State-Relations-ebook/dp/B0B4F6CGCM/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3MRA7ZO4VX4NT&keywords=jonathan+chaplin&qid=1683171020&sprefix=jonathan+chaplin%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-4   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
May 2, 2023 • 1h 1min

Classic Replay: What if we found alien life?

From the archives: The SETI programme has been listening to the universe for signs of intelligent life for over 50 years. In his book 'Science, Religion and the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence' astrophysicist Revd Prof David Wilkinson assesses the evidence for the existence of alien life and what the impact of discovering it would be on Christianity. Mark Kidger, an astronomer for the European Space Agency, also joined the conversation as an agnostic on God, but as a believer in the existence of alien life.   • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Apr 28, 2023 • 1h 19min

Rod Dreher & Louise Perry • Christianity, the Sexual Revolution and the future of the West

The Big Conversation - Episode 2 | Season 5 Is post-Christendom a brave new world or a culture in collapse? Can ancient wisdom still offer answers to the modern problems of life? Rod Dreher is Senior Editor of The American Conservative and author of bestselling books including 'The Benedict Option' and 'Live Not By Lies'. Louise Perry is a journalist and campaigner against sexual violence. Her book ‘The Case Against The Sexual Revolution’ explains why today’s liberal hook up culture has been bad for women from a purely socio-evolutionary perspective. They discuss Christianity, the sexual revolution and the future of the West. • For bonus content, updates and more shows sign up at: http://www.thebigconversation.show• Take our survey! https://survey-star.net/rodandlouise The Big Conversation is a video series from Premier Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the religious and non-religious community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human. The Big Conversation is produced by Premier Unbelievable? in partnership with John Templeton Foundation. • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101• More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com• For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live• For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training• Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow• Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate

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