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Jul 11, 2023 • 1h 3min

Classic Replay: Does Christianity pass the Outsider Test? (PART 1)

From January 2015: Atheist John Loftus has challenged Christians with the 'Outsider Test of Faith'. He believes that if Christians examined their own faith with the same level of scepticism they do other faiths, they would reject it. Christian guest David Marshall is the author of 'How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test'. A resident of China, he debates Loftus, examining why, among other factors, the global success of Christianity means that it passes the Test. • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jul 7, 2023 • 1h 17min

Philip Ball & Nick Spencer • Can Science and Religion Tell us What it Means to be Human?

The Big Conversation - Episode 3 | Season 5 It’s a widely held view that science and religion are in conflict, including and perhaps especially over how they approach one of life's most fundamental questions: what does it mean to be human? But is that really the case, and do we need to rethink how we’ve been seeking the answer, at a time when we seemingly need more clarity over humanity's identity than ever before? Atheist science writer and broadcaster Philip Ball, author of The Book of Minds: Understanding Ourselves and Other Beings, From Animals to Aliens, engages with Christian academic Nick Spencer, Senior Fellow at Theos and author of Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science & Religion. • For bonus content, updates and more shows sign up at: http://www.thebigconversation.show • Take our survey! https://survey-star.co.uk/ballandspencer The Big Conversation is a video series from Premier Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the religious and non-religious community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human. The Big Conversation is produced by Premier Unbelievable? in partnership with John Templeton Foundation. • For Philip Ball: https://www.philipball.co.uk • For Philip Ball's "second brain" project: https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/ideas/technology/40960/why-im-growing-a-second-brain • For Nick Spencer: https://www.theosthinktank.co.uk/comment/2023/03/02/magisteria-the-entangled-histories-of-science-and-religion • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training-and-events • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jul 4, 2023 • 1h 3min

Classic Replay: Does Humanism need God?

From January 2015: The term 'Humanism' is often seen as synonymous with atheism. But a Theos report titled: 'The case for Christian Humanism: why Christians should be Humanists and Humanists should be Christians' claimed to show that atheism is ill-equipped to support the fundamental tenets of Humanism. Report author Angus Ritchie debated with atheist philosopher Stephen Law on whether atheistic humanism can account for the human dignity, morality and reason it espouses. For the Theos report: www.theosthinktank.co.uk For Stephen Law's response: click here • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jun 30, 2023 • 52min

I lost nine years of my life : Transgender to Transformed | Laura Perry Smalts shares her life-changing story with Billy Hallowell

Even in a time of culture wars and controversy about everything, there are few subjects as difficult to discuss as transgender rights. In less than a decade the number of young people identifying as trans has exploded, and with it the number of arguments about the subject.  In British schools nearly 80% of teachers report trans-identified or non-binary students in their classroom.  Supporters say being trans is innate, like being gay, and that this is like the gay-rights movement of 30 years ago, with lots of trans kids coming out of the closet to be themselves. Critics say being trans is not innate and that many kids are identifying as the opposite sex because it is cool, and because they are being indoctrinated by a new ideology, fed to them on social media and by activist teachers.  The debates have become most heated when it comes to actual medical transitioning.  In all of the disagreement, what frequently gets lost is the need for compassion for anyone struggling with dysphoria. But how far should compassion go? Should it allow any teenager who says they are trans to medically transition? What about the increasing number of studies showing that many such kids have other serious mental-health issues?   Laura Perry Smalts who was born female, and lived as a young man for almost 9 years. She took cross-sex hormones for years and had two major surgeries. She now regrets ever having done it, has detransitioned, and wants to warn others of the dangers. She is here to tell her story.  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Transgender-Transformed-Story-Transition-Truly/dp/1933591307 This is a helpful article on the Living Out website on how to parent a child who is questioning their gender identity https://www.livingout.org/resources/articles/111/parenting-a-child-questioning-their-gender-identityThe Bayswater Support group helps parents whose children have some form of transgender of nonbinary identity https://www.bayswatersupport.org.ukA quick guide to the issue written for the Christian Medical Fellowship https://www.cmf.org.uk/resources/publications/content/?context=article&id=27357The Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine https://segm.orgTransgender Trend campaign against medical interventions for gender-questioning children https://www.transgendertrend.comGenspect is an international coalition of professionals and others critical of transgender treatment for gender dysphoria https://genspect.orgThe Clinical Advisory Network on Sex and Gender https://can-sg.org/ • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jun 27, 2023 • 1h 6min

Classic Replay: William Lane Craig vs Daniel Came: Does Mathematics Point to God?

From January 2015. In 1960 physicist Eugene Wigner wrote a paper on the ‘unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics’. Christian philosopher William (Bill) Lane Craig was developing arguments concerning the ‘applicability’ of mathematics as evidence for God as part of his wider research on abstract objects. Bill interacted with atheist/agnostic philosopher Daniel Came on whether the remarkable ability of maths to describe the universe we live in is evidence for a transcendent designer. • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow
Jun 23, 2023 • 52min

From Porn Star to Pastor: Joshua Broome's Journey of Redemption

From Porn Star to Pastor: Joshua Broome's Journey of Redemption Joshua Broome in conversation with Billy Hallowell This week Premier Unbelievable delves into the extraordinary life transformation of Joshua Broome. In this gripping interview we unravel the tale of a man who reached the pinnacle of fame and fortune in the adult film industry, only to be left empty, broken, and yearning for something more.  The interview has much to say to those struggling with addiction to porn, those caught up in creating it and those wondering what to do about its growing influence on our society. “I was one of the most successful adult film stars in the world," says Broome. "I obtained fame, wealth, and travelled the world all to find out that none of those would fill the emptiness in my heart. Then, I found Jesus."   Billy Hallowell, host of Unbelievable?, peels back the layers of Joshua's remarkable journey, from his meteoric rise to be one of the top five male porn stars, with over 1,000 movies under his belt and numerous accolades, to his haunting realisation that success alone couldn't fill the void within his soul. Joshua describes 2012, the year he won male porn performer of the year, as the worst year of his life.  Discover how Joshua found redemption in Jesus which led him eventually to become a pastor. Through his own experiences, he shares profound insights on how we can confront our past actions, and any shame attached to them, to embrace forgiveness and find true fulfilment. It’s a transformative personal narrative, which offers hope to those wanting to escape the grip of pornography, as well as a warning about the broader dangers of porn within society. https://www.joshuabroome.me/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/iamjoshuabroome/?hl=en If you would like someone to talk to about anything that has affected you by this show, please call Premier Lifeline our confidential helpline offering a listening ear, and emotional and spiritual support. We are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 111 0101 If you are interested to take action to end sexual exploitation in UK go to Centre to End Sexual Exploitation If pornography harmed you go to Expose the Harm For resources in the USA go to National Center on Sexual Exploitation If you are a parent concerned about your child's access to hypersexualised media and porn go to Culture Reframed • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jun 21, 2023 • 1h 5min

Classic Replay: Keith Ward vs Michael Ruse on Mind, Consciousness & The God Question

From 2014. Christian philosopher Prof Keith Ward and atheist philosopher of science Michael Ruse debate some of the issues raised by the DVD documentary series The God Question. It explores whether advances in science are undermining or supporting belief in God. Alongside audio clips from the film they discuss whether the human mind can be explained by material processes alone, religious experience and free will. • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jun 16, 2023 • 1h 18min

The occult, demons and exorcism: Is modern-day deliverance ministry biblical? With ex-psychic Jenn Nizza, pastor Mike Signorelli hosted by Billy Hallowell

Is the occult just harmless fun? Or are there hidden dangers to alternative spirituality, satanism, and even new-age practices? Increasingly the debate is not about good vs evil but my truth vs your truth. Ex-psychic Jenn Nizza tells the story of her escape from the occult to Christianity to host Billy Hallowell journalist and author of 'Playing with Fire'. Joining the conversation is deliverance minister Mike Signorelli, lead pastor and founder of V1 Church based in New York City. So is popular culture capitalising on our interest in all things satanic and demonic, or leading us to it? Pauline follows the story of Pauline, an 18-year-old who has school stress, the climate crisis, and the general downfall of society weighing on her mind. This becomes even more complicated when she becomes pregnant from a one-night stand with Lukas, who turns out to be the devil.  What's even more surprising is that this German original show has been green-lit by Disney+, the home of Pixar movies, Mickey Mouse, and National Geographic. So what’s going on here? Should we be pushing back against this obsession with evil, or just chilling out?  And are we in danger of creating a future that no-one wants to live in? Jenn Nizza Tiktok- @Expsychichsaved Youtube- Jenn ex psychic,   Facebook Page- Expsychicsaved Instagram @expsychicsaved https://www.expsychicsaved.com/ Mike Signarelli https://mikesignorelli.com/ https://www.amazon.com/Chaos-Clarity-No-Turning-Back/dp/1952602696 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jun 13, 2023 • 54min

Classic Replay: Tim Keller on life, faith, and suffering

In light of renowned New York pastor and author Tim Keller’s recent death on May 19th 2023, we wanted to revisit this interview he did with Justin Brierley from Easter 2014. Tim talked to Justin and answered listener questions about his life, faith and ministry. They also discussed his then-latest book 'Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering'. • For Tim Keller's most recent appearance on Unbelievable from December 2022, discussing his cancer battle, prayer life, and new book 'Forgiveness': https://www.premierunbelievable.com/unbelievable/unbelievable-tim-keller-qanda-on-cancer-prayer-and-forgiveness/14638.article • For last week's episode where Lecrae, Krish Kandiah, and Peter Weyner shared their reflections on the life of Tim Keller: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/unbelievable/unbelievable-tim-keller-life-death-and-legacy-with-lecrae-pete-weyner-krish-kandiah-christian-witness-in-a-culture-war/15685.article • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate
Jun 9, 2023 • 1h 20min

Bart Ehrman vs Peter J Williams, 2009: Misquoting Jesus: Can We Trust The Gospels? (plus new Big Conversation reveal)

Given the huge interest in our recent Big Conversation debate between Bart Ehrman and Justin Bass, on the evidence for the Resurrection, we're revisiting a pivotal debate from 2009: Bart Ehrman's first appearance on Unbelievable?, debating Peter J Williams on whether we can trust the gospel accounts and, specifically, how New Testament scripture has been transmitted. This episode catapulted Unbelievable? into the podcast charts and introduced the show to a whole new audience, as well as shedding lots of light on the claims of Bart Ehrman's most famous book 'Misquoting Jesus'. We also reveal, on the podcast, the next upcoming episode of The Big Conversation Season 5, including a sneak preview clip! Episode 3 releases on July 7th 2023, but you can watch it a whole week early by signing up at: https://thebigconversation.show More Bart Ehrman debates: • Bart Ehrman vs Peter J Williams rematch on The Big Conversation, 2019: https://www.thebigconversation.show/videos/season-5/episode-1/ • Bart Ehrman vs Justin Bass on The Big Conversation, 2023: https://www.thebigconversation.show/videos/season-2/episode-3-the-story-of-jesus-can-we-trust-the-historical-reliability-of-the-gospels/ • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: https://pod.link/267142101 • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: https://premierunbelievable.com • For live events: http://www.unbelievable.live • For online learning: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/training • Support us in the USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow • Support us in the rest of the world: https://www.premierunbelievable.com/donate

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