Electric Hydrogen is a hardtech startup making hydrogen from 100% clean energy to decarbonize industrial sectors by creating a new generation of electrolyzer technologies. They recently raised $198 million from leading climate investors such as Fifth Wall, S2G Ventures Silicon Valley Bank, Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund, Equinor Ventures, Honeywell, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Rio Tinto, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Capricorn Partners, Energy Impact Partners, and Prelude Ventures.
Raffi Garabedian is the cofounder and CEO of Electric Hydrogen. Previously, he was the former CTO of First Solar, the leading global manufacturer of thin-film solar panels, and the founder and CEO of Touchdown Technologies. He also holds over 20 issued patents and is a big proponent of "doing shit that matters."
What does your company do?
What makes you unique versus the competition?
Are you aiming for decentralized or centralized hydrogen production?
Can your clean hydrogen projects actually drive PPA creation for new renewable energy projects?
What lessons learned from the solar sector are you bringing to this work in hydrogen?
If you had to start over, what are 1-2 tips you’d give yourself in order to be faster, more effective, and higher impact?
What are some habits and routines that keep you focused, healthy, and sane — e.g., meditations, exercise, productivity hacks?
What recommendations do you have for our audience — books, podcasts, quotes, tools?
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