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The EntreLeadership Podcast

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Feb 5, 2018 • 49min

#245: 6 Stages of Self-Discovery with Ken Coleman

A self-proclaimed professional question asker, Ken Coleman—host of the EntreLeadership Podcast and The Ken Coleman Show on Sirius XM—has conducted hundreds of interviews and has concluded that most of us are in pursuit of the same thing: significance. Simply put, we all want to feel as if we matter, that our life has purpose. And helping you find your calling is something that Ken is downright passionate about. Tune in to walk through his six-stage method of getting to what he calls the “sweet spot”: a pursuit that combines your greatest talent with your greatest passion. Now that’s what we call a dream job.   Free audio chapter from Ken's book: One Question 27 Email Templates from Infusionsoft Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details. You could be featured on a future podcast episode!
Jan 29, 2018 • 48min

#244: The Danger of Complacency with Charles Koch

Ever since taking over his family’s business at age 25, Charles Koch has been guided by one singular mantra: Success is one of the biggest enemies of success. Those powerful words have inspired the chairman and CEO of Koch Industries to keep pushing, keep experimenting, keep improving—a state he likes to call “continual transformation.” Koch’s ironclad belief that there is always a way to do it better has helped grow the company into a $100 billion enterprise—one that prides itself, first and foremost, on creating unparalleled value for its customers. And that’s something any business, regardless of size, can aspire to. Join us to hear Charles explain why complacency is never an option and what you need to do to outpace your competition. Leadership Growth Assessment from EntreLeadership Marketing to Millennials Guide from Infusionsoft Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details. You could be featured on a future podcast episode!
Jan 22, 2018 • 57min

#243: Todd Henry—Be the Leaders Creatives Need

We all know the creative process is unpredictable at best, but if you ask best-selling author Todd Henry, the one thing you can control every single time is the way you are guiding that work as the leader. Not only is your role more influential than you may realize, says the international speaker on leadership and creativity, but the stakes are about as high as they get. Without clear expectations from you—yet enough margin to allow them to take risks—your makers simply cannot do their best work, which threatens the very lifeblood of your organization. Tune in to find out the two things every creative needs to thrive, as well as what you need to do to lead creatives well. Todd Henry's book: Herding Tigers How to Achieve Work/Life Balance from Infusionsoft Read Chapter 1 of Herding Tigers Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details. You could be featured on a future podcast episode!
Jan 15, 2018 • 57min

#242: Jan Jones—Want More Time? Here’s How.

Author Jan Jones, who is also the founder and president of Jan Jones Worldwide Speakers Bureau, has found a way to save what no one can ever get enough of: time. Her solution—a can-do-it assistant—may seem like an unnecessary or even a too-expensive luxury, but Jan insists the right assistant doesn’t have to cost a lotand is worth every penny. The bottom line? Time is money. And if you’re spending your time booking appointments or ordering office supplies, well, you’re likely wasting a whole lot of money. Tune in to find out exactly what to look for in an assistant, as well as how to nurture and maximize that relationship so you can focus on the more important (and profitable) task of growing your business. The CEO's Secret Weapon EP #153 Suzanne Simms—Qualities to Look For in Leaders The EntreLeader's Guide to Delegation 2018 Small Business Marketing Trends Report Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details. You could be featured on a future podcast episode!
Jan 8, 2018 • 1h 4min

#241: Dr. Marshall Goldsmith—4 Ways to Win Now

After years spent traveling the globe working with top CEOs, world-renowned leadership coach and best-selling author Dr. Marshall Goldsmith has discovered a universal truth: We all make mistakes. And oftentimes, even the seemingly inconsequential ones (for instance, not saying thank you enough) can undermine the most skilled, charismatic leaders. Luckily, there are four behaviors you can adopt right now that can help put you on a more successful—and likely more profitable—leadership path. And though Marshall’s advice is simple and straightforward, don’t expect real change to come overnight without some major commitment and determination on your end. As Marshall likes to say, the challenge in life is not the understanding; it’s the doing. Tune in to find out how to make the most of Marshall’s proven and practical methods in your own business. Also, our very own Armando Lopez, Executive Director of Human Resources, joins us to answer your questions. What Got You Here Won't Get You There EntreLeadership Summit Decision Making Checklist 2018 Small Business Marketing Trends Report Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details. You could be featured on a future podcast episode!
Jan 1, 2018 • 57min

#240: Clay Scroggins—How to Build Your Influence

One of the most common misconceptions we all have about leadership is that it’s the same thing as authority, according to lead pastor of North Point Community Church, Clay Scroggins. During his 10-year tenure at the Alpharetta, GA-based megachurch, Clay has learned that nothing could be further from the truth. Instead, he has come to the conclusion that the real currency of leadership has nothing at all to do with being in charge but rather with influence. And that’s really great news, because every single one of us has the ability to be influential. The key is first figuring out who you are. Join us to find out where to go from there so you can start leading today. How To Lead When You're Not In Charge The Four Behaviors Cheat Sheet 2018 Small Business Marketing Trends Report Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details. You could be featured on a future podcast episode!
Dec 25, 2017 • 1h 44min

#239: Top 10 EntreLeadership Podcasts of 2017

  If you could only use one word to describe 2017, it would have to be transformation. From politics to technology to the job market, there have been a lot changes this year. Here at the EntreLeadership Podcast headquarters, that’s incredible news. We LOVE change—especially when it comes to helping you transform yourself and your business. It’s like former British prime minister Winston Churchill once said, “To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often.” With that in mind, 2017 was a banner year. Our guests focused on helping you get better in many areas. To make the most of their sage advice, we’re closing out the year with clips from some of our favorite conversations. They were selected based on number of downloads and feedback from our listeners. We hope you enjoy them! Have a wonderful new year! Seth Godin—Change Your Mind, Change Your Life The Rundown: Marketing master Seth Godin returns to the podcast for an in-depth conversation on change, from why we avoid it to how you can make it the number one weapon in your arsenal. Top Takeaway: Change creates an environment where you are not an expert. So if you don’t like the feeling of incompetence, you’ll fight the feeling of change. Getting comfortable with the feeling of being incompetent is one of the most important things you can do.   Favorite Quote: “The only way to get better is to do things differently.” Chris Baréz-Brown—Escaping a Life on Autopilot The Rundown: It’s been estimated that 50% of our time awake is spent on autopilot, leading to a life of missed moments and even less enjoyment at home and at work. Chris Baréz-Brown is on a mission to help us escape that routine. The inspirational speaker, author and business beatnik joins us to share his tips on how to feel more conscious, joyful and inspired, and how to avoid missing what matters most. Top Takeaway: Want to break the cycle of running a hundred miles per hour all day—spending all of your time putting out fires? Take a walk with someone for 7.5 minutes and talk it up while they listen. It gives you better perspective, insight, ideas and the ability to think differently about the future. Favorite Quote: “You can’t be a good creative leader unless you are a conscious leader.” Jocko Willink—The Discipline Advantage The Rundown: A favorite of our listeners, retired Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink returns to our Top 10 list for the second year in a row. Once upon a time, Willink traveled the world on military missions. These days, as a best-selling author and leadership coach, his work still takes him around the globe but to a much different battlefield. Jocko joins us to share his thoughts on developing leaders. Top Takeaway: If you want someone to step up into a leadership position, put them in one that’s slightly out of their comfort zone and watch them rise to the occasion. This idea doesn’t just work with your high-potential people; it works with your problem children who aren’t performing or have a negative attitude. Favorite Quote: “If you’re the easy button for your team, they’re going to get trained and conditioned to use that easy button. They are going to come to you for everything.” Jon Taffer—Rescue Your Business The Rundown: When it comes to a struggling business, we’ve heard pretty much every excuse in the book: a terrible economy, a bad location, an overcrowded marketplace. But Jon Taffer isn’t buying it. The no-holds-barred star of Spike TV’s hit show Bar Rescue explains why excuses are the common denominator of all failing businesses—and exactly how to kick them to the curb for good.   Top Takeaway: You don’t have to spend a fortune with traditional advertising to market your business. All it takes is organization, high standards, an engaged owner and some common sense. Favorite Quote: “Every failing business has a failing owner.” David Allen—Getting Strategic With Personal Productivity The Rundown: If “overwhelmed” seems like the best way to describe your day, listen in. Because the leading authority on personal organization, David Allen, joins us to discuss how to get things done. This best-selling author shares new insights on personal productivity and how you can become more effective, organized and focused, plus how you can plan projects like a pro. Top Takeaway: You need to get things off your mind so you are free to focus on what you want to focus on. Your head is for developing ideas, not for holding them. Give yourself time to stop and reflect on how you’re doing. Build in a thinking process. Take two hours a week to step back and check the inventory of what’s going on.   Favorite Quote: “Your head is a crappy office to hold ideas.” Chris Voss—Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It The Rundown: Former FBI international hostage negotiator Chris Voss joins us to share effective tactics and strategies you can use to become more persuasive in both your professional and personal life and how to solve business communication challenges with these hostage-negotiation techniques. Top Takeaway: When negotiating, always use the “mirror technique.” Repeating the last three words someone said creates a connection and gives you permission to persuade. Favorite Quote: “You become the smartest person in the room when you start tapping into other people’s brains.” Bob Beaudine—The Power of Relationships The Rundown: Remember the days of going to local events, handing out cards, and hoping to grab some new business? Bob Beaudine believes this kind of networking is not viable anymore because you already know everyone you need to—and it starts with your friends. As CEO of Eastman & Beaudine, Bob manages the nation’s leading executive-search firm in sports/entertainment. Top Takeaway: Networking is not working for Americans any longer. Your most powerful network is created by simply by interacting with people in your daily life. Focus on doing business with your friends and the rest will take care of itself. Favorite Quote: “You already know everyone you need to know.” Ryan Holiday—Battling Ego The Rundown: Ego is an enemy we all face—wrecking careers, impeding learning, and running companies into the ground. Entrepreneur and best-selling author Ryan Holiday joins us to discuss how to keep your ego in check in this age of “It’s all about me.” This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to succeed. Top Takeaway:  History is made by individuals who fought their egos at every turn, who avoided the spotlight, and who put their higher goals above their desire for recognition. Favorite Quote: “Sometimes when everyone tells you you’re wrong, they’re wrong. But often when everyone says, ‘Hey that’s a really bad idea,’ they’re right and you should listen to them. Ego can make you lose the ability to discern good advice from bad advice.” Simon Sinek—The Number One Question for Success The Rundown: What’s the one question you need to ask that will propel you, your business and your team to greater heights? Leadership expert and best-selling author Simon Sinek stops by to give the answer, plus he shares lots of additional leadership and business tips. Top Takeaway: Your why has to be front and center. It’s the thing that inspires people. It’s the thing that will give them their marching orders on how to build the business. As soon as your team knows the why, they’ll instinctively know what decision to make. That’s called scale. Favorite Quote: “People rise to the occasion. Let them make decisions. Let them own it.” Mel Robbins—5 Seconds to a Better Life and Business The Rundown: What if you could become more confident, stop procrastinating, beat fear and uncertainty, story worrying, and feel happier? Mel Robbins says you can change in five seconds, and she’s sharing the tools you need to get started transforming your life.   Top Takeaway: You can do tricks to outsmart your mind. The moment you have an instinct you should do something but you start to hesitate or feel afraid, use the five-second rule. Start counting backwards 5-4-3-2-1 and then move.   Favorite Quote: “If you let your emotions kick in as someone is trying to undercut you, you’re not going to be powerful.” Donald Miller—How to Double Your Revenue The Rundown: Donald Miller, best-selling author and CEO of StoryBrand, knows your most powerful marketing tool has nothing to do with a big budget. The most effective marketing comes down to one simple thing: the right words. Top Takeaway: We intuitively know we have to simplify our message. People aren’t as smart as we are in our field of expertise. Most of us are talking over their heads. We have to speak to their actual needs. Favorite Quote: “The problem is you’re so smart that you have to get a dumb guy to look at your website.” EntreLeadership Digital Bundle Growing Customer Lifetime Value
Dec 18, 2017 • 57min

#238: Kristen Hadeed—Learning to Lead

After accidentally starting a business (tune in for the whole story!) as a college undergrad, Student Maid founder and CEO Kristen Hadeed has learned a lot about leadership from her mistakes along the way—and you can too. But one of the most important things she’s learned is that no matter what business you’re in, everyone wants the same thing: to feel valued. To that end, she has become passionate about not only growing herself as a leader but also helping her team do the same. Her company may be in the cleaning business, but she likes to say she’s in the business of making her team members better people. You can do the same thing in your own business and if you ask Kristen, the upside is endless. Join us to learn how it’s done. How To Create Core Values How To Achieve Work/Life Balance
Dec 12, 2017 • 35min

#237: Dr. Michael Gervais—The Mental Game, Part 2

In part two of our interview, Dr. Michael Gervais dives deeper into the fascinating connection between our mental state and our performance—or as he calls it, “our thinking and our doing.” While it is possible to transform an anxious, unorganized mind into one that is highly disciplined and focused on the moment, there isn’t a quick fix or an easy hack. It’s takes commitment, relentless energy, and a willingness to get way outside your comfort zone. Join us to find out what Dr. Gervais says is the root cause of anxiety—and his proven protocol for overcoming it. Decision Making Checklist
Dec 11, 2017 • 41min

#236: Dr. Michael Gervais—The Mental Game, Part 1

You could say that high-performance psychologist Dr. Michael Gervais is in the business of being the best—or at least his clients are. Everyone from the Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks to Olympic gold medalist Carli Lloyd and Fortune 100 CEOs has worked with him to maximize their mental game when the stakes have been the absolute highest. But whether you’re on the playing field or in the boardroom, learning how to discipline your mind (warning: it’s not easy but so worth it) can be the difference between your personal best or completely missing the mark. And it all starts by deciding to see the world differently. Join us for part one of this special two-part episode to start learning how it’s done. Decision Making Checklist Work/Life Balance

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