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Peak Human - Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living

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Jul 23, 2018 • 56min

Part 10 - Unifying Theory of Nutrition Conclusion

You may be wondering what happened to that plant based couple I talked to in episode 1… well they haven’t withered away from their poor diet just yet. Just joking it isn’t too bad and they seem to be pretty savvy with not eating a lot of the plant-based trash. You’ll also notice they started eating sardines in this episode, so they should be getting a great boost of nutrition there to keep their bodies in tact. It took us a while to find a time to record again but we finally got a chance to finish up the conversation and get into the environmental aspects as well. I’ll have some more guests talking about this side of things very soon. So now this is the time when on other podcasts you’d be hearing annoying ads for products you don't care about. Luckily, I’ve chosen to not try to make any money off this podcast  even though it’s taken hundreds of hours of work. If you're listening, you probably really care about this topic or are interested to learn more. If you're getting any value from this podcast, please show your support by contributing to the film. It’s called Food Lies and is crowdfunding now on   Show Notes Picked up where we left off with Soy and corn are bad, many vegans don’t know this Impossible burger (vegan burger) has many ingredients that may be bad for us but moreover it requires more energy to get to your fridge - worse for environment than just eating meat All cows spend 2/3 of their lives on pasture There is not a lot wrong with processed meat Contrary to popular belief, hormones are not running through beef People have more levels of estrogen, vegetable oils and soy olis have contributed to this T. Colin Campbell vs. Loren Cordain Protein U shaped curve There is a movement trying to say that we don’t need as much protein as we may think we do Food is 4 things, protein, fat, carbs, micronutrients Focus on protein and micronutrients while limiting your energy source to your goals - Unifying Theory    You can vote with your wallet by creating a demand for sustainably raised beef when buying the right products When consuming animal products we are not eating what the animal was fed When eating liver you are not eating toxins Both the vegan and carnivore sides are in a business, however the government is more focused on selling corn, wheat, and soy compared to animal products Humans probably evolved switching between low carb and low fat diets in cycles because of not always being able to have access to meat Rotational grazing has many benefits and could be done on a large scale if there is more land, we could get this from land that is used to grow grains and soy for animals and humans We don’t need fiber. Here’s a study The China Study was supposed to be used only as observational studies Tuoli, the native people here ate twice the amount of saturated fat as Americans but are healthier        Bacon and N-nitroso compounds Alzheimer’s genes and metabolic damage from too many carbs Wrap up - we may have made some headway Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: YouTube:   Follow along:   Theme music by
Jul 19, 2018 • 1h 5min

Part 9 - Amy Berger on the Antidote to Alzheimer's

We’ve got Amy Berger here to tell us about your noggin and how to keep it working well. She’s got a masters in human nutrition, she’s a certified nutrition specialist and a nutritional therapy practitioner, and an expert on Alzheimer’s disease. What’s great about her is she’s taken the info from the cutting edge research being done in brain chemistry, metabolic disease, dementia, alzheimer’s, cognitive decline, and a ton more and done all the dirty work to figure it out and package it up so anyone can understand it. It may get detailed at times, but just listen on. I let her do the talking so sit back and be ready to soak up some info. I’m not going to mention the Food Lies film crowdfunding on Indiegogo this time so let’s just hear from Amy. Pre-order the film and watch the trailer:   Show Notes Her book “The Alzheimer’s Antidote” We have a lot of control over our cognitive density How Alzheimer’s works We know what’s going on in the brain, we just don’t know why It’s about glucose Modern lifestyle and its effects on the brain including the most important - what we eat Insulin and low carb diets Alzheimer’s is being called Type 3 diabetes Current status of the (lack of) progress on research What’s the root cause? Amyloid plaque Decline starts early - even in 30s and 40 but it’s not detected Processed and sugary foods are almost certainly causing gene expression Treating and/or preventing with a ketogenic or low carb diet Food is the answer. She doesn't support a vegan diet Intermittent fasting Sleep affects insulin sensitivity and is hugely important for your brain and preventing cognitive disease Exercise and BDNF Doctors aren't checking for insulin resistance or catching stuff early Triglycerides, HDL, blood pressure and salt My family and Alzheimer’s and insane doctors How to have the best chances of not developing Alzheimer’s disease Normal people don’t need to go crazy tracking and measuring food and ketones Her book “The Alzheimer’s Antidote” Bonus article: Is the Leading Theory ABout Alzheimer’s Wrong?   Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: YouTube:   Follow along:   Theme music by
Jul 16, 2018 • 1h 7min

Part 8 - Ivor Cummins on Changing the Cholesterol Narrative

Hello everyone! Wanted to do an update on the Food Lies film: we’re shooting at low carb USA in San Diego in a couple weeks with Ivor and a couple other doctors, including the preeminent researcher in this field (along with Dr. Steve Phinney) Dr. Jeff Volek who’s studies are actually mentioned a few times in this episode. Really excited about this shoot and our next one at conference in Ohio next month. Also really excited that we’re 34% funded on Indiegogo - there’s been a huge surge recently so I want to thank everyone who’s been contributing. I want to say the film is happening no matter what. I’ll pay for it myself if I have to. So please support it - there’s a link in the show notes. This is really important to me. I’m not some rich guy like pete Evans who made The magic Pill. I’m a guy living on some money i saved up so that I could take time off to make this film, just trying to scrape by. My friends think I’m crazy. So tell a friend about it if you can’t contribute yourself or already have. Thanks so much. Now on to this episode. Ivor Cummins is a sharp Irish gent. He’s a chemical engineer by trade and his specialty is leading teams in complex problem solving scenarios. This background helped him to really dive deep into cholesterol while also being unencumbered by the outdated mainstream views of the substance. He’s gone over 3,000 studies on cholesterol and made some amazing realizations. He now travels around the world speaking on this to help doctors and laypeople understand the new data and updated science. I did link to some of the graphs he will mention - they’re pretty compelling - here's the link:   Find Ivor:   Show Notes Got back from FOOD FOR THOUGHT: THE SCIENCE AND POLITICS OF NUTRITION Most people have a surface level understanding of cholesterol that is highly misinformed Top experts have moved on from LDL being bad How your cholesterol ratios work and why they’re a better indicator. It always comes back to insulin. There’s more factors beyond insulin in all these chronic diseases Cholesterol is a vital necessity to every cell in your body. It has gotten maligned just because it’s found at the scene of the crime. How did we start believing cholesterol was bad? 1950s explosion of heart disease Ancel keys and the McGovern report Let’s spread the word that saturated fat is bad without a real study - what’s the worst that could happen? If you’re telling us we can’t eat stuff we’ve been eating for millions of years you better have some compelling data showing us why. Oh wait, you don’t? Women’s Health Initiative was a study for 8 years and cost a billion dollars and didn’t prove anything MR FIT study didn’t show anything Site where all studies are published regardless of the outcomes Unpublished trials and bad reporting: Research community gave the green light to big food manufacturers to use a bunch of super cheap vegetable oils, sugar,and carbs to make all these terrible low fat products Cheap ingredients with huge profit margins that harm people’s health It goes against all the big companies interest to reverse the mistakes that have been made Sweden one of the first to accept low carb The great Cholesterol Conundrum video Images of some of the graphs from the presentation Ivor breaks down some of Dr. Jeff Volek’s studies He’s gone over about 3,000 studies in the past 6 years and a good one is the Helsinki Policeman’s study Dr. David Unwin in the UK What’s up with LDL cholesterol? Dave Feldmen’s Cholesterol Code and his discoveries almost by himself How do people actually get clogged arteries? Refined carbs and sugar are the real problem. Or the combo of that with fats. It’s not saturated fat ApoE4 genotype and avoiding insulin resistance The earliest ancestral gene Human instincts for certain foods and modern sugar consumption The CAC score test to measure your actual risk for a cardiac event Mayo Clinic conspiracy Irish Heart Disease Awareness The Widowmaker movie The awesome book Eat Rich, Live Long We talk about the Food Lies film!   Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: Youtube:   Follow along:   Theme music by
Jul 10, 2018 • 1h 25min

Part 7 - Denise Minger on Questioning Nutrition Dogma

Denise is a joyful ball of energy and talent. She speaks at conferences, writes books, and is an all around great person. I love her view on things and her balanced approach, but she does lean towards the high carb diet side. But here’s the thing - she advocates eating a lot of nutrient dense animal products, no sugar, grains, or vegetable oils - so a lot to agree with there. I want everyone to hear this to see an opposite approach and see if it might work for you. The Unifying Theory of Nutrition says things can work on both sides - so here’s the other one. I still think it’s insane to expect people to live like a tribesman in the bolivian wilderness. You’re asking all of America to eat an ultra-clean Vegan diet plus organ meats. To maybe 99% of the population that sounds awful. Like the worst ever. I didn’t agree on everything but I went along with it. In retrospect I could have challenged her more and I also want to see some studies that actually show this dietary approach works in a scientific setting. I could have brought up more of the points supporting low carb diet showing much better results in clinical trials and on lowering risk factors for heart disease, etc. but I didn’t want to argue and we already yammered on for almost 90 min. So support the Food Lies film on Indiegogo and let’s hear what Denise is all about!   Show notes Famous for her teardowns of things like the China Study, and vegan propaganda like Forks Over Knives and the book How Not to Die Her story of ruining her health as a vegan Questioning the China Study and blowing over night She always questions dogmatic thinking in the nutrition world From her book “we leave the classroom woefully unequipped with the thinking skills that matter most: how to balance open–mindedness with skepticism, how to identify bias, and how to challenge assumptions – including our own – in a way that’s truly objective.” Ancel keys and the story of how began thinking fat was bad for us The McGovern Report which prescribed America with a low-fat, high-carb diet. Why was meat demonized when it was and still is so highly regarded as prized source of nutrition? Confounding variables with meat-eaters. What are you eating with the meat? Lifestyles are very different for different groups Why did we ever think vegetable oils were good for us? America does not actually eat low fat. Humans can actually do well on a true low fat, whole foods diet How does this other metabolic state work? Big food would ruin things if they got the go-ahead from the government to do low-carb high fat I don’t believe it’s realistic at all to expect people to eat this way in America. You’re asking people to eat a Vegan diet plus organ meats What would you actually be eating on this sort of diet? If you’re vegan or vegetarian this doesn’t work Do vegetables have anti-nutrients or other toxins we should be worried about? Is fiber necessary? Nutrient density and satiety Problem with people eating all the time Killer combo of fat and sugar… it’s irresistible So how do we figure this all out? It’s confusing when 2 totally different paradigms seem to work. Eating whole foods, going back to nature   Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: Youtube:   Follow along:   Theme music by
Jul 5, 2018 • 1h 18min

Part 6 - Dom D’Agostino on Keto, Carbs, and Cancer

Today we have the mighty Dom D’Agostino who is at the forefront of the science behind why low carb diets work and specifically the more extreme form of a low carb diet you’ve probably heard a lot about lately - the ketogenic diet. It can be used therapeutically with the help of doctors to treat and reverse diseases like type 2 diabetes and epilepsy. It can also help the everyday person lose a lot of weight if done correctly. It’s not a fad diet - although it currently could be considered a fad just because technically it is very popular right now and might get less popular in the future. It is however quite the opposite as our ancestors have likely been eating in a similar way for millions of years depending on the geography, time of year, and current world climate. I’d like to apologize for not checking the audio while I recorded - there was a effects knob on my old school mixer I use that got turned on and it put some sort of concert hall echo effect on my voice. The indiegogo campaign is going well - thanks for the support. Again - I’m not trying to make any money off this film (and I surely won’t), just break even and fund the rest of post production. So watch the trailer and preorder copy to support us.   Show notes Dom’s many conferences and travels spreading info on his research What research he does Helping people understand the benefits of a ketogenics diet Fasting, ketosis, the military, and seizures Neurodegenerative diseases and burning ketones Evolutionary function of ketones How to not be slave to sugar Choosing fat as your energy source makes it easier to control your hunger, keep your brain happy, and eat fewer calories Don’t have to go high fat Teens with type 2 diabetes eating tons of carbs Carbohydrate intolerance Intermittent Fasting Cancer as a metabolic disease The Warburg Effect Glucose, ketones, and cancer and how the ketogenic diet helps prevent tumor growth More stuff on ketones and the future of beta hydroxybutyrate as an endogenous metabolite The Charlie Foundation and curing epilepsy and seizures with the ketogenic diet The Metabolic Health Summit in January 2019 in Los Angeles   Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: Youtube:     Follow along:   Theme music by
Jul 2, 2018 • 57min

Part 5 - Zoe Harcombe on the Weird and Backwards World of Nutrition

Today I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Zoe Harcombe has a PhD in public health nutrition, she speaks at conferences around the world, she’s wrote many books, and she’s a true gem. She currently lives in rural England and apparently has a great mic and internet connection because she sounded like she was in studio with me. She’s an expert on dietary guidelines (and how unscientific our current ones are), nutrition and obesity. She’s a prolific writer and has an amazingly informative site that I use frequently and I suggest people check out to learn about this stuff - it’s - So let’s hear what she has to say! Before we start I have to give a shout out to everyone who’s contributed to the Indiegogo campaign, I’m so grateful. We’re extending it 30 more days and I’m sure we’re going to hit our goal if everyone continues to support us by pre-ordering a copy of the Food Lies film.   Show Notes She used to be vegetarian, but has reformed! Vegetarian bias is rampant Saturated fat is in everything - how is it bad? Our nutrition guidelines are BS Why 5 a day isn't based on anything High nutrition of meat, fish, eggs, dairy and low nutrition of fruit and some veg How you can eat a nutrient complete diet for $5.53/day How cancer is not caused by whole foods like red meat that we’ve been eating for millions of years Big fellas at weddings crushing rice at every meal There’s more myths out there we’ve all just come to believe including bad cholesterol, drinking tons of water, eating tons of fiber The Vegetarian Myth (Lierre Keith - great book ) all their arguments break down Cows and other ruminants are imperative to a healthy planet and food security Vegan/vegetarian food is raping our planet Allan Savory’s TED talk Grass-Fed Nation by Graham Harvey No such thing as a heart-healthy grain. But eat what’s in front of you and don’t be a dick. Dr. Perlmutter Grain Brain - read this too, it’s great Basically universally feel better when people come off of refined grains, sugar, and vegetable oils Thermodynamics, fat, and the human body Why calories in doesn't equal calories out Gaining weight while skiing 8 hours a day and eating pasta and me gaining weight while hiking 8 hours a day and eating a bit of rice. Too much exercise hurts weight loss a lot of the time Are things getting better in regards to this info spreading? Nina Teicholz Sam Feltham Aseem Malhotra David Unwin  Campbell Murdoch   Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: Youtube:   Follow along:   Theme music by
Jun 28, 2018 • 1h 6min

Part 4 - Dr. Shawn Baker on Human Evolution, Meat, and Healing Yourself Through Diet

For many this man needs no intro, he’s the savage carnivore orthopedic surgeon who deadlifts 700 something pounds. He’s lighting up Instagram and twitter these days as the unofficial president of the carnivore movement that I’ve just named him. Anyway, he’s a great guy and shares a lot of wisdom in this episode. And no, he doesn't think everyone should be a carnivore and either do I. We need to look at all sides of nutrition and I have Denise Minger coming on soon who I highly respect and has a very opposite view of things… and it’s not veganism…   Ok so there’s an interesting series of events unfolding right now as I’m recording and releasing this which begins 5 years ago. You're going to have to listen to the show to hear it.   Please support the Food Lies film on Indiegogo - we really need you to complete post-production and the last few interviews. Watch the trailer and preorder a copy here:   Show notes Caught him for the film interview when he was in town for Joe Rogan’s podcast Toxins are dose-dependent, yet this is not consistent with eating meat Epidemiology in nutrition is very flawed Shawn is sort of the ringleader in the carnivore world and is collecting thousands of success stories from around the world. People treating their diseases by just eating meat Younger and younger people are getting metabolic disease these days Modern carnivore diet is based on millions of years of humans eating meat. It’s actually one of the only foods no humans have an intolerance for. People start it as an elimination diet - if you’re having problems you take away everything but meat and the add foods back in to see how they affect you. Some people never add the foods back in… Until you experiment you don’t know if you could be living much more optimally What’s up with us thinking we need tons of fiber? Your body absorbs basically all of the nutrition from meat… not so much from plants What Doc Baker eats on an average day Eating should be simple and satisfying We’ve created a food system based on endless options and engineered flavors Human skeletons and brains shrank when we invented agriculture and started eating a larger portion of grains in our diet Can too much protein cause a blood sugar rise due to gluconeogenesis? Dealing with vegan hate Vegans are confused on how the circle of life works The vegan diet supports Monsanto and monocropping which ruins the environment. We’re going to start a movement! People need to be more in touch with how food is grown Mixed farming as we’ve done in the past that is sustainable Gabe Brown Lab grown meat His blood work and labs after eating only meat for 18 months His experience with the medical system as an orthopedic surgeon What can we do?   Preorder the film here:   Podcast site: Film site: Youtube:   Follow along:
Jun 25, 2018 • 1h 3min

Part 3 - Prof. Tim Noakes on Dietary Misconceptions & Finding the Truth

Today we have Professor Tim Noakes and I gotta say I was so excited to interview such a highly respected and world renowned scientist and researcher. He has published more than 750 scientific books and articles. He has been cited more than 16,000 times in scientific literature and has been rated an A1 scientist for a second 5-year term.  He founded the Noakes Foundation which does critical research on these new dietary approaches and helps underserved communities eat better. He’s changing million of people’s lives in South Africa and the world as one of the biggest voices in the low-carb high fat movement. Please listen to his story because it’s very important. He was in great shape his whole life as an ultra endurance athlete and marathoner yet still developed type 2 diabetes. You can be thin and fit and still be damaging your body with a high carb diet that athletes believe is necessary. So please take a listen to his words of wisdom. Pre-order the film Food Lies here:   Show notes How Professor Noakes got started with his career Los Angeles played a role! Accepting the high carb dogma Lore of Running Waterlogged - you don’t actually need a bunch of water Placebo controlled study on carbs show they have no effect on performance A new Atkins for a new you shakes up his world He’s reversed his type 2 diabetes as of 2 months ago Challenging your beliefs Ripping out pages of the Lore of Running His father’s diabetes Michael Phelps eating 12,000 calories per day Being a thin athlete and still causing damage to your body with all the carbs What is insulin resistance? Doctors not knowing if their insulin resistant or doing insulin tests I didn’t see much low-fat messaging when filming at a grocery store Why should I use full-fat cream in coffee instead of skim milk? Won’t I die of heart disease if I eat a bunch of saturated fat from red meat? Is cholesterol bad for you? I thought we should all be eating a bunch of heart-healthy grains? Ok but whole grains have to be good for me right? Where’s the evidence that we need a bunch of fiber? Kelloggs pushed his cereal and started this message Before around 1959 it was common knowledge that carbohydrates made you fat Meat was prized for all of history Ancel Keys and the saturated fat myth Nina Teicholz The Big Fat Surprise Sugar industry paying of scientists NY times article Unilever The tweet heard around the world - the trial of Professor Tim Noakes Real Meal Revolution Colluding dieticians Promoting real food Back to normal life The Noakes Foundation Nutrition Network launched May 1 Updating Lore of Running Brain regulates athletic performance Carb burning athletes are so reliant on sugar every hour or two Fat adapted runners Real Meal Revolution free resources What would happen if the whole world went LCHF?   Preorder the film here: Podcast site: Film site: Youtube:   Follow along:
Jun 21, 2018 • 51min

Part 2 - Dr. Ted Naiman on Lifelong Health

Our first guest is the great Dr. Ted Naiman. Maybe you know who that is, maybe you don’t…. But I’ll just say, listen to the man. Some of this may be new to people who aren’t total nutrition nerds - but just know it’s the truth. Dr. Naiman might be the most on-point authority on how your metabolism works, how to stay lean and fit, and how to eat optimally. He has a ton of experience with thousands of patients and sees first hand how different diets affect all different kinds of people. I’ve learned so much from him and a lot of things clicked into place once I started really understanding his way of thinking about nutrition. So before we start, just remember that we’re trying to break even on all this by crowdfunding to get the film made. Please pre-order it now on Indiegogo - just search for Food Lies or click here - Thank you!   Show Notes How insulin resistance develops Can’t eat both high carb and high fat How a few of his patients are “pulling off” veganism with a lot of supplementation and restrictions Problems with vegan and low protein diets Your body is a battery - it runs on stored body fat. How this works. Protein sparing modified fast WHy juice cleanses and starvation is absurd and doing more harm Lean mass and fat mass Macronutrient wars and how America got obese Too much protein and gluconeogenesis is overblown Low carb and low fat both have success stories - what’s the unifying theory? The amazingly simple (and free) way Ted stays ripped   Preorder the film here: Podcast site: Film site: Youtube:   Follow along:
Jun 19, 2018 • 59min

Part 1 - The Unifying Theory of Nutrition

This episode gives you a complete look at nutrition. Learn what to eat, what not to eat, and why. Learn how basically all chronic diseases come from us moving away from the foods our ancestors ate (you know, the ones free of all chronic diseases). Everything will make a lot more sense after this episode. Preorder the film here:   Show Notes  Pat and Marife - who they are and why we are doing this Why I’m doing this film Major health myths cholesterol Saturated fat Link to studies about sat fat Vegetable oils are harmful What causes clogged arteries WHO and other orgs have vegetarian members which should be a conflict of interest Meat and cancer Processed meat Nitrates and nitrites Salt is not bad for us Healthcare company reversing type 2 diabetes with low carb, high fat diets Published study of this What you get from animal products that you can’t get from plants Study of iron absorption of spinach “Even though some plants, such as spinach, are high in iron, the body can only absorb 1.4-7% of the iron in plants whereas it can absorb 20% of the iron in red meat” Influence of dietary carbohydrate and fat on LDL and HDL particle distributions. No link between saturated fat and CVD A total of 6,786 people have participated in these 76 studies. 6 have lasted 2 years or more to prove the low carb diet is effective Weston A. Price info The great book The Vegetarian Myth   Preorder the film here:   Film site: Podcast site: Youtube:   Follow along:

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