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May 3, 2023 • 47min

Vera Bradova cured her lymphoma using both mainstream and an alternative therapy, Cole's Toxins

Her video interview on Rumble is HERE.As you get to know Vera, I know you will enjoy her as much as I did. She is an entirely upbeat person who had a terrible trial by fire. The road to her cure involved more than a decade of painful treatments that damaged her health, but she has been disease-free for twelve years. Vera was sent home to die by her oncologists, but since she had been managing the online patient groups, she knew she had alternatives. Here is Vera's article about her lymphoma odyssey on her old blog:How I beat the ReaperPosted by leavergirl under healing [15] Comments In 1995, still trying to get pregnant, I was diagnosed with immune system cancer. It was a moment that changed my life. I can still feel the echoes of that shock. I still remember my first oncologist trying to push chemo on me. When I asked for information about the substances he was recommending, his nurse rummaged through dusty closets and came up with nothing. I found a way out of despair by learning all I could to save my life. I learned that Non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma comes in three varieties: slow-growing, intermediate, and fast-growing. The fast ones are often curable but rare. The slow ones are best not to treat right away (that first oncologist was a greedy liar), and respond well to chemo initially, but eventually they'll turn intermediate and kill you. Median survival? 7-9 years. Ugh. One thing I hold against conventional medicine is that it's so damn depressing, the way it presents information to patients.I spent several years studying both the conventional side — finding more hopeful stats — (thank you, Fox Chase Cancer Center, for making your library so patient-friendly!) and the alternative side. The alternative side is good at giving people hope and pluck. I spent some time experimenting with various concoctions they recommended. And while sifting the dross from the potential gold, which included talking to other lymphoma patients who also had the gumption to experiment, I found two alternative treatments that merited an "A" on my scale. One wasn't of use in lymphoma, which is usually disseminated (metastasized) by definition. That was hyperthermia (which has since made limited inroads into conventional cancer treatment). The other one was Coley's Toxins. I wrote one of the first well-researched internet articles on the toxins. The American Cancer Society had blacklisted Coley's Toxins for many years as a quack treatment and are not conventionally available to this day. They are cheap to make and unpatentable.My approach, recommended by my next oncologist, was to do "watchful waiting" until the disease progressed. When it did, I availed myself of the various toxic drips they give to cancer patients. By then, they were accompanied by monoclonal antibodies — bioengineered thingies that run through the immune system, gobble up B-cells, and improve the chemo's effectiveness. I also did a rare treatment that gave me a year of remission called Bexxar. But then, in '07, the lymphoma speeded up (underwent cellular transformation) and tried to kill me. I got hit by very harsh chemo and spent that summer doing treatments, transfusions, and Neulasta injections, weak as a newborn chick, wondering if my hair would ever grow back.For the rest, subscribe to (preview)Support the show
Mar 22, 2023 • 33min


I'm at the funeral of a friend who drank himself to death.I was not the only one who warned him. Alcoholics are notorious deniers and have decades to save themselves before their liver goes. At some point, they have nothing left to do but die. Jim signed up for hospice, and they killed him within five hours using intravenous sedatives.* Hospices are paid a fixed fee for care that can last between a few hours and a month.** For my friend, all they had to do was make his bed, start an IV, put his body on a gurney, and wheel it to the morgue. It is a profitable business model if you have a taste for it, and Jim knew the score because he was once a nursing home administrator. *This is a common enough practice with COVID patients, but he did not have that.**This is close, but not exactly how it works. The following might be TMI (Too Much Information). In California, physician-administered intravenous drugs for suicide were frowned upon until recently. Terminal patients had to somehow swallow 100 secobarbital capsules (or their contents mixed with syrup) through dry mouths and then struggle to avoid barfing. Although this medication was invented in the 1930s, Valeant Pharmaceuticals recently managed to re-patent it. They charge $3000-$7000 for a fatal dose that should cost only a few dollars.As I reflected on my friend, I realized that our relationship was the story of my life. Even when I was prancing around my office in a white coat seeing patients, they were nearly all already sure what they needed. Thousands of people passed by me, and they mostly ignored whatever I said.I do not advocate blindly following anyone's words or knowledge. Everyone must come to their hard personal truths. But if you listen only to your biases, you are playing Russian Roulette with your health—and everything else. Although a lot of what physicians believe is wrong, and cynicism about them is justified, ignore them entirely at your peril. Changing your mind is painful, but dying is worse.I am not a sage, a guru, or an original thinker. All my insights are derivative of others' work and hard-won after years of dogged study. Any art I bring is simple synthesis, and I share everything I learn in real time. This endears me to some but is hard on those closest to me. I am an acquired taste for most.And so I am a Cassandra. My failures include the following:I was willing to torch my relationship with my kids to warn them about the COVID vax, but I had little influence. My wife knew the score but refused to tell them anything. They took the jab several times each and are finally smelling the rat. My prayer is that they all received placebos or near-placebos. The chances of this were 199/200 each time they spun the wheel, but by the end, they would have been safer if they each had open heart surgery. It is on me if they are infertile or die young of cancer, heart disease, or neurological problems. Three of my close friends dropped dead within a week after getting the vax. They thought my warnings were political and paid the price. For more see here: the show
Mar 22, 2023 • 11min


It is easy to spot if you know the passwords. Any time you hear these, you are either speaking to an idiot, an ideologue, or someone in a hypnotic trance.To speak comfortably to blue-pill people for hours without straining, you just need to barf up a few code words. I will share the secrets only with you; this article will self-destruct 30 seconds after you open it. That line is the only tongue-in-cheek part of this post, but you will only be sure about this at the end.The podcast with Chris Voss and James Altucher HERE explains how the magic works. It is a fascinating story about Voss's experience as an FBI hostage negotiator. Scan the rest of this article, then come back to the link. I also read and heavily recommend his book.I do not claim to be a master negotiator or Voss's best student; I simply generalized some of his messages. Chris says that whenever a negotiation runs down for a moment, you should repeat the last few words the other person said. This is never noticed as a technique and is always politely received. Try it on anyone right now.Voss preserves rapport and is never rude. He gently probes, keeps the conversation flowing, and the other person eventually tells him their bottom line. With this method, you do not have to turn over your cards or concede much. No one gets adversarial or pissed off, and you can close the deal if it works for you. My innovation was to use this technique in my medical practice all day, every day, for years. I hate to admit that patients rarely followed my professional advice—few doctors will—but at least my patients understood that I was listening to them, which is what they primarily wanted. My goal was to establish enough rapport to influence them. When people are encouraged to talk, they think the other person is a master conversationalist. The less you say, the more they appreciate you. My wife always told me this more eloquently, "drink a cup of shut the f@@@ up, Robert." She repeatedly reminded me that people don't care what you know unless they know you care. She is a natural influencer. The best part of this strategy is that if you are bored with someone, you can do math problems in your head or think about your mistress instead of remembering anything he says. All that is ever required is to regurgitate the last three words that came out of his mouth. In my defense, I am seldom bored with people and find nearly everyone interesting. Nearly.Before I tell you how this fits into today's dystopian conversations, I will share another advanced skill you can learn in ten seconds. Read carefully; it sounds too good to be true, and you will think I am joking. This can calm spouses, defuse road rage, and make arguments disappear. It is a phenomenal rapport builder if you can swallow your pride. I call it the "magic three." You let the other person have their say until they run out of words. Pause a moment, look them deeply in the eyes, and say, You are right, I am wrong, and I'm sorry. Sometimes handholding helps, but in our era of fabricated sexual assaults, be careful with that one. For some people, you may have to go through the process several times. It works so beautifully that spouses calm down even though they know your tricks. Although you must keep a straight face, sincerity is unnecessary. Caveat: if you try this more than three times in a row without the magic working, consider leaving, maybe permanently. Second caveat: occasionally, getting aggressive and drawing limits works better, but this is risky, and these situations are rare. This is a preview of a soon-to-drop episode at the show
Mar 22, 2023 • 9min


He is an old friend and at 69, I am the young friend. He wrote to me on 2/18/23:Greetings, Dr. and Ms. Yoho:Today, with my Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, I walked the entire length of Fair Oaks Boulevard for the Black History Parade without pain or strain.You are both the source of my ability to achieve this goal.Robert, you introduced me to the powerful medicine of exercise. It took away the pain I had suffered from birth until I met you and your health coaching.Ms. Yoho, you introduced me to the healthy eating that I am devoted to.At 90 years old, I feel good, very good. And I continue to thank you. You vitalized my life.—A grateful JamesThis story began in 1978 when my wife (then married to someone else) met Dr. Smith at the Altadena funeral of another nurse who worked at Huntington Hospital. I did not arrive in Los Angeles until 1981. I trained and got a job in Emergency Medicine, then started a private practice. Around 1985, I saw Smith’s son in my clinic and did not charge him. Our families occasionally ran into each other. Dr. Smith was a Ph.D. psychologist with a local practice. When I saw him in my office once, he was having trouble walking up and down stairs. He also told me about his lifelong back pain. I was a Board Certified Emergency Physician, and my neurological examination skills were amateurish, but his only problem seemed to be deconditioning.I invited him to my gym once and showed him how to use the exercise machines for two hours. I told him he needed to weightlift two to three times a week for 45 minutes. The plan was to use each machine once, spend less than an hour, and perform about 20 sets of eight repetitions each.I lost track of him for eight months, then he came in one day and told me that all his pain and trouble walking were gone. He had been going to the gym twice a week and loved it.During the last decades of Smith’s career, he was invited to join the California Medical Board and then the California Bar. These bureaucracies oversee the professional practice of law and medicine here. I thought at first he might have some influence to protect my group of surgeons against the anti-competitive practices of the Plastic Surgery associations. However, Dr. Smith said that when he was appointed to each position, the politicians explained the facts of life. Their rules were that you did as they told you, or you would be fired.The second part of the story started during my enthusiasm for Dr. Greger and his vegan diet. My wife and I got the “bug,” she became a vegan chef, and we were strict about it for over a year. During this time, Dr. Smith caught the vegetable “disease” from us, and I gave him a copy of Michael Greger’s book, How Not to Die. Our family eventually migrated into other dietary patterns after I lost strength from eating all those vegetables. (I explained my conclusions about diet in other works, including Hormone Secrets and several blogs.) But Smith persisted and felt great as a vegan. As we all aged, we stayed in contact, and my conclusion about him was that he was part of the ten percent who could successfully adapt to Michael Greger’s eccentricities. But after my experience and closely examining the literature, I could no longer regard Greger as a trusted authority.Dr. Smith has steadfastly refused to use over-the-counter or prescription drugs. He does not even take Tylenol (acetaminophen) for his shoulder arthritis. During my recent podcast with Paul Thomas, MD, I was informed that this drug has significant health hazards and should not be used long-term. For the rest, see the show
Mar 22, 2023 • 12min

212. A Dystopian Peter Pan

A Toby Rogers Re-post: Democrats aspire to create a society made up entirely of obedient children ruled over by the abusive Pharma state by Toby Rogers March 18, 2023 ( of the strangest facets of the iatrogenocide is that many Democrats can no longer tell the difference between adults and children. It brings me no joy to note this. But it’s everywhere and I have not seen others report on this so I will.1. Democrats at all levels of government — from President Biden on down to county supervisors and city council members — believe that children should be able to make the decision to take puberty blockers (such as the chemical castration drug, Lupron) and undergo sex change surgery that will leave them permanently infertile. Nearly all mainstream medical associations (e.g. the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Endocrine Society) and public health agencies are staffed by Democrats and they are all on board with this.Democrats are making several extraordinary intellectual mistakes in this case: • Thinking that children have the intellectual capacity to make an informed decision about complex medical issues with lifelong implications; • Not even bothering to study the possible long-term harms from this approach; • Seeing adulthood as a disease to be prevented; and• Not realizing that in many cases Pharma and surgeons are enriching themselves by taking advantage of children on the autism spectrum.In a sane world, any one of these points would end this scheme. And yet Democrats all fell in line in the space of 15 years.2. Nearly every blue state pushes minor consent bills to allow children to be vaccinated at school without their parents’ knowledge or permission. It’s nearly impossible to overstate how evil these bills are. • Children are not old enough to properly weigh risks and benefits from vaccines. • Children will not know their full medical history and any possible contraindications going back to infancy. • What happens if the child is injured by a vaccine and the parents don’t even know that a vaccine was administered? How will the parents apply for injury compensation during the brief window of eligibility without knowing what was done to their child?• Minor consent bills are a violation of federal law that requires vaccine information statements to be provided to the parent or legal guardian for any vaccines on the childhood schedule.I also want to underscore the brazen hypocrisy of minor consent bills. Democratic lawmakers claim that children are mentally capable of making a decision about vaccination. Yet, these bills do NOT allow a child to REFUSE a vaccine that their parents have consented to. So are children capable of making this decision or not? It seems that Democrats consider children to be capable decision-makers insofar as they are submissive and obedient to the drug cartel and all risk of harm is borne by the child, in secret.For more see this link: the show
Mar 22, 2023 • 30min


She is a retired Pharma contractor, so she knows the system. She describes the fraudulent legal framework surrounding the COVID jabs and how the Department of Defense manages the crimes. Latypova and Katherine Watts (Bailiwick News, HERE) write about how the psychopaths must be taken down using the courts. I scan their posts and try to understand as much as I can. I copied this interview at 2x speed to show you what it is like. Try listening using headphones for a few minutes before you give up. If you would rather listen at slower speeds, HERE is the original link on Children’s Health Defense.Kennedy’s voice has recovered. You have probably heard by now he is running for the Democratic presidential nomination. His party hates him because he has maintained his integrity and not fallen in with the mobsters. But if he can somehow win the nomination, he will be our next president. Note: this interview is so important that I copied it using my podcast microphone. This will be out soon at the show
Mar 22, 2023 • 14min


Until recently, over half his teammates sacrificed themselves during each race. The rules have not changed, but the strategy has, and only a few dogs die now.Many in the Freedom Movement, including people like RFK, the Breggins, and McCullough, are willing to work themselves to death. We know we are fighting a forever war and doubt we will live to the end. Many hustle more than 70 hours a week with no time off. This was my pattern until recently. I would crash and burn every month or so for a day or two.The Iditarod is an 838-mile Alaskan dogsled race. Until recently, half of Max's teammates died during each race, and the teams sometimes finished with only five dogs out of the original fifteen. Here is Jack London's description of this from Call of the Wild (1903):For more, see RobertYoho.substack.comSupport the show
Mar 8, 2023 • 13min


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Mar 8, 2023 • 39min


I can't stand Frenchmen,* but Pierre Kory is a gentleman and an exceptional animal among his irritating breed. *Apologies to my close friend RM. What annoys me most about you is you always were a better climber than I was. This interview, from Paul Thomas' With the Wind podcast, showcases two courageous medical freedom movement physicians. They put their patients first and paid a high price. I recorded this at 1.5 speed to help you develop rapid listening skills. If you want to listen at regular speed, HERE is the original interview.In case you missed it, HERE is my recent interview with Dr. Paul. You can listen to more of his interviews and his trademark optimism at Children's Health Defense. Or, search your podcast app for With the Wind. Dr. Kory was a top academic intensive care unit (ICU) geek at the pinnacle of his skills and specialty. When COVID and the attendant lies were spread through the world, he collaborated with an international team of like-minded doctors to innovate successful treatments that flew in the face of fraudulent drugs and protocols. When his institution resisted and defamed him, he quit his prestigious job and volunteered at a training hospital in New York. They initially allowed him to continue his research and treat his patients properly. His innovations included the use of steroids and blood thinners. He and his partner Paul Marik, MD, (the most published ICU doctor who is still in practice) founded the Front Line Critical Care COVID-19 Alliance (FLCCC). They now have an outpatient practice and see patients virtually. They use the skills they developed over the past several years to treat syndromes such as vaccine damage, which is often falsely called the "COVID long hauler's" syndrome. A friend has a problem like this after a blood transfusion, presumably due to spike protein transfer. Kory has treated her, and she loves him. See Kory wrote a book about ivermectin (Amazon link HERE) that should be available soon.He says this drug is the most effective COVID and vax damage treatment. It is non-toxic and is used together with nutraceuticals such as zinc and vitamin D. Although traditional pharmacies suppress ivermectin, Dr. Kory prescribes it using US compounders. I explained what compounding pharmacies do in Hormone Secrets and included that chapter as a bonus section at the end of this post.Here is an open secret that Kory alluded to but sidestepped: veterinary ivermectin is widely used for people because the pharmacies and the regulators have made the human version expensive and unavailable. You can buy the vet version over the counter from any feed store, and your local Tractor Supply is just around the corner. It is available as either a paste or an injectable. Both can be taken orally and need to be measured carefully. HERE is a video about figuring out the exact dose of paste. The horses I've spoken to say they like its apple flavor.The injectable form has to be extracted from the vial with a syringe and then squirted into the animal's mouth. The mammals I've interviewed say it tastes terrible. I apologize for these bad jokes--they are not funny, but neither is standard medical care. Who would have predicted our companies and governments would have gone rogue and start slaughtering us? Support the show
Feb 26, 2023 • 9min


I met him (I’ll call him Steve) at the Los Angeles marathon almost 30 years ago and hooked him up with my wife’s sister. They are still married and have two charming, functional kids. There is more that I would love to write about, but it is not my story to tell. I can share that he scored an 800 on his math SAT.Steve is an electricity expert. He says the concerns about EMF (electromagnetic fields) are not just overrated—they are ridiculous. His training and experience gained during a career in high-level industrial jobs give him credibility. However, I do not think I have feathers, and I believe the thousands of studies mean something. My bro and my wife recently caught me stalking around our house with an EMF meter. They say they spotted my invisible tinfoil hat, started laughing, and told me my retirement hobby was joining Ghostbusters. I am not an EMF expert, but I have one whom I hope to interview soon. Before then, I have a stack of books to read so I can create a coherent summary. I have gotten far enough by now to believe that electrical fields have health hazards. Given what we have learned about healthcare and food* corporations murdering us for profit, I am comfortable jumping to some conclusions about the cell phone industry. *Digression: Fueling the obesity wave, EBT cards (Electronic benefit transfer, formerly called welfare and food stamps) allow junk food purchases. Chips, Coke, candy bars, and aspartame diet drinks that cause cancer and diabetes may all be purchased. Fifteen percent of Americans get this garbage free, but the price they pay is ruined health. The food industry keeps the scam going by lobbying (bribing) legislators. Those on food stamps get 12 percent of their calories from sugary drinks versus 6 percent for the rest of us.This post consists of practical suggestions to reduce your EMF exposure. If you want to scan a primer essay about the hazards, see:A Better Way to Health with Dr Tess LawrieCould electrosmog be as bad for our health as Covid-19 injections? I will write my own post soon and supply other references.  Here, I review a few basics, then share some Science Experiments (ha) that I ran using what Steve calls “that gadget.” The most common causes of household radiofrequency exposure are wireless devices. These include cell phones, tablets, smart meters, WiFi sources, and laptop computers. The radiation we can mitigate comes primarily from WiFi and Bluetooth. Cell phone towers are problematic for those who live within a few blocks of them. Local sources are easy to avoid because these only travel a few meters. Recovery from the health hazards of EMF is possible if you limit your exposure.Cell phone package warnings in the small print say you should never put the phone against your ear. Use the speaker instead. Temperature scans of children’s brains show temperature elevation where the phone is in contact with their heads. Like many health concerns, EMF is taken more seriously in Europe than in America.Many reports show tumors developing where the phone was placed against the head or in a breast pocket. Sperm activity is also affected by front pocket carry. We have cases where cell phone towers near schools produce a lens-like effect and somehow concentrate EMF into specific areas or classrooms. The kids get cancer outbreaks.Support the show

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