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Aug 26, 2023 • 18min


This post is a review of current events. Reading it will get you full credit for the semester even if you cut a few classes. If you attended all the lectures and understand everything already, delete this and go to lunch early.The psychopath trademark is a stream of purpose-built lies to confuse and dishearten us. The open question is how much is designed to damage and kill us and how much is simply to make money. I fear most is the former.The following are merely fabrications, misconceptions, and horror stories. Burning oil and coal and putting carbon dioxide in the air is not bad for our planet. See my posts HERE, HERE, and HERE. (I am not discounting the terrible effects of pollution.)Understanding your sexual identity and how your genetics play into your character is the most important distinction you make about your life. Thinking that men and women are the same is a mass hysteria promoted by globalists, an attempt to destroy our adolescents' sense of self. See my Substack post reviewing Abigail Shrier's book about transgenders. Guns are not the root cause of mass shootings. SSRI antidepressants are (HERE). Likewise, violent crime is prevented, not encouraged, by gun ownership. Start watching "Active Self Protection" on YouTube if you do not believe this.Many doctors, hospitals and all the medical journals have turned against us, and we must now doubt them. (See HERE and also Butchered by "Healthcare.”)Over 50 percent of us take prescriptions. Good health is never built on toxic, expensive drugs. Psychiatric drugs are universally damaging. See the "Living on Planet Psych" section of Butchered by "Healthcare" and HERE. Nothing in the psychiatric formulary would have been FDA approved without bribes. These drugs cause violence, addiction, and health destruction. None have been tested against sugar pill (placebo) controls, which means their evils are being actively concealed. Covid is a weak bioweapon manufactured by psychopaths. Its origins were proven by viral genetic sequencing and documentary evidence. The virus would have been inconsequential had the therapies not been suppressed. Insurance company data confirm that no effect on global mortality happened until the "vaccine" rollout. The Covid "vaccine" is a mortally damaging bioweapon. You must repeat the academic year if you do not see this by now. Since its deployment in early 2021, worldwide mortality has increased and live births have each decreased by about 20 percent. Every other vaccine, including the ones for childhood, is a significant harm (see HERE and HERE). Support the show
Aug 1, 2023 • 52min


Quotes from Mercury-Free by Teresa Franklin PhD and James Hardy DMD (2021):What makes [mercury} amalgam scrap? If it is not in the tooth, it is called scrap. Environmental agencies must be contacted for proper disposal methods of that little piece of amalgam that didn’t go in the tooth. If amalgam is unsafe to put in the trash can, how can it be safe in the mouths and bodies of an estimated 100 million Americans, which translates to 1/3 of the population? It is not safe and in fact, based on a conservative estimate in a population-based trial, over 67 million Americans exceed the safety exposure level set  by the EPA.89The World Health Organization (WHO) studied mercury exposure to humans from air, water, food and amalgam fillings, and concluded that the largest source of exposure was, by far, dental amalgams. The WHO also concluded that there was no safe minimum dose of mercury. “Symptoms are known to occur, at least among some of the population, at every level of exposure 97,281.”In the U.S., mercury has been banned from interior and exterior latex paint. Mercury has also been banned in many pesticides. Mercury has been banned from batteries, smoke detectors, children’s toys, eyedrops, from most vaccines, and its use in thermometers and thermostats is being drastically reduced and will soon be nonexistent. Other products that contained mercury such as mercurochrome and calomel, have been banned altogether. Mercury use has been banned for a reason - because it is highly toxic. But….explain to me why mercury has still not been banned in the most personal environment, the mouth. It makes one wonder who has the most powerful lobby in Washington D.C.: the paint industry, the pesticide industry or the ADA?Dr. Franklin was quite sick for a long time. She had all four health issues that people can get with dental appliances:metal allergiesmercury toxicitya battery effect between the metals implanted in the body that likely causes amalgams to release mercury more rapidlychronic infectionAs she gradually figured out what was happening, she started insisting on proper treatments despite denial and foot-dragging by her dentists and doctors. Orthopedists are paid poorly for screw removal, and dentists are brainwashed to ignore amalgams by the American Dental Association (ADA).As Dr. Teri had her dental work removed and replaced with modern “composite” materials over several years, her health progressively and dramatically improved. One of her experiences was the draining of a chronic, nearly asymptomatic abscess. It was invisible on a “cone beam” dental X-ray. This was shockingly stinky, and a globule of mercury was found inside. Another time, patch testing of her skin proved that she had certain allergies to her metal orthopedic implants. Her local orthopedists told her she was crazy, so she flew across the country to get her these taken out by Scott Schroeder, my last podcast guest. After Scott removed her bone screws, she dramatically improved.for more, see the show
Aug 1, 2023 • 26min


Parkinson's is the second most common neurological disease after Alzheimer's and affects about one percent of people over sixty. The symptoms develop slowly. These include rigidity, a characteristic resting tremor, and movement dysfunction with walking problems. As it progresses, problems with sleep, thinking, and eventually dementia may occur. Survival after diagnosis is seven to fifteen years. Like many neurological problems, PD is a syndrome with recognized clinical characteristics rather than a clearly defined disease with definitive lab tests and treatments. Genetics have been weakly implicated, but cannot be the primary cause because the incidence is skyrocketing. Parkinson's (PD), Autism, Alzheimer’s (AD), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) are likely caused by toxins. Ken Stoller lays out some of the evidence implicating glyphosate in Incurable Me: Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It into Clinical Practice (2015). US government databases were searched for… crop data, glyphosate application data and disease epidemiological data. Correlation analyses were then performed on a total of 22 diseases… Correlation coefficients are highly significant (< 10–5) between glyphosate applications and hypertension (R = 0.923), stroke (R = 0.925), diabetes prevalence (R = 0.971), diabetes incidence (R = 0.935), obesity (R = 0.962), lipoprotein metabolism disorder (R = 0.973), Alzheimer’s (R = 0.917), senile dementia (R = 0.994), Parkinson’s (R = 0.875), multiple sclerosis (R = 0.828), autism (R = 0.989), inflammatory bowel disease (R = 0.938), intestinal infections (R = 0.974), end stage renal disease (R = 0.975), acute kidney failure (R = 0.978), cancers of the thyroid (R = 0.988), liver (R = 0.960), bladder (R = 0.981), pancreas (R = 0.918), kidney (R = 0.973) and myeloid leukaemia (R = 0.878). He also says that many other toxins increase the chances of developing PD. Paraquat exposure, for example, increases the risk 2.5-fold. Ken goes on:The latest research shows that AD, PD, and ALS share a common, or at least overlapping, pathologic mechanism(s).98 This implies that AD, PD, and ALS are essentially the same disease with a slight variation on a theme. The theme is pesticide poisoning, and there is a synergistic99 effect of heavy metals (think aluminum and mercury)…Assuming one does not have Lyme or Parkinsonism from a toxic exposure, such as carbon monoxide, it is worth a trial of 4-PAS or 5-ASA, which will selectively chelate manganese (Mn) from the human body. Mn is an essential trace element but can be absorbed or ingested in toxic forms and in excess. Exposure can be from gasoline to well water. If the 4-PAS or 5-ASA changes symptoms, this is about Mn toxicity issues.119 Glutathione is not a specific detoxification agent for just Mn, but a large dose will help remove some of it. Mesalazine, also known as mesalamine, is 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), and like 4-PAS is considered by conventional medicine to be anti-inflammatory because it helps treat inflammatory bowel disease. It is the active part of the antibiotic sulfasalazine, which is used to treat Crohn’s disease.for more, see the show
Aug 1, 2023 • 1h 13min


Dr. Aranda tells us a touching, heroic story that you must hear to understand. She is a Stanford-trained anesthesiologist who was head of several hospital anesthesia departments before a severe auto accident disabled her. For twelve years after that, her body had difficulty increasing her blood pressure enough to stand up. She additionally had severe vertigo related to a torn artery in the brain. During this time, many doctors called her problems psychosomatic, and she had multiple misadventures with them and the rest of the medical care system. She learned compassion for chronic care patients like herself. She also developed strategies for dealing with doctors that she shares in her work today.Since Margaret pulled out of her illness in 2018, she has worked as a pain doctor dealing with addicts. She describes her techniques for pain and addiction treatment in these difficult patients. As the pandemic fraud started and the effective Covid therapies were being suppressed, Dr. Aranda ignored the directives to let people die and courageously improvised. Under her watch, several thousand spike protein-damaged people survived and thrived. She describes the collection of repurposed medications, including zinc, vitamin D, and ivermectin, that she used to treat these syndromes. They include doxycycline as a close substitute for hydroxychloroquine, something I had not heard of before.In early 2022, near the end of the plandemic, Margaret organized a protest on the Sacramento state capital steps. She believes this was the reason the California Medical Board attacked her. They did the usual—found patients who were dissatisfied and fabricated an attack on her license. This is easy when all your patients are drug addicts. After enduring a year of set-up accusations and intimidation, she resigned her license. I was less brave but went through something similar. Dr. Miranda recently managed to get an Indian tribal medical license.* It is separate from any state licensing board, and she can practice in any state in person or virtually. Margaret treats Indians as well as the rest of us and prescribes using international pharmacies and one in the US. She specializes in spike-protein-related health issues but can consult on other problems. *Doctors, nurses, and medical professionals may apply for a Certified Tribal Practitioner license by visiting about the doctor’s Covid treatmentIn Uttar Pradesh, millions were prevented from getting Covid with early treatment protocols including the ZIVERDO KIT: 3 doses of ivermectin 12 mg + 10 days pharmaceutical-grade zinc 25 mg + doxycycline 100 mg twice a day x 5 days. It eradicated Covid in the entire region. Dr. Margaret likes doxycycline because pharmacists seldom know that it is similar to hydroxyquinone (HCQ). She has been using this hidden gem since nearly the start of the pandemic. She says that she has not seen doxy on any other US protocols, but says it should be there. HERE is an article on what to do if you don't have HCQ. And HEREis Aranda’s article on what to do if you don't have ivermectin. THIS is her complete guide to emergency Covid care.For more, see the show
Aug 1, 2023 • 26min


He found some spirits that were haunting us, bagged them up for me, and only charged $425. I asked him if I could drown them in the swimming pool, but he said that was bad luck.Mr. Miller is a PK (preacher's kid) and a super-straight dude. He could charge far more. At the start of his visit, he discussed the health hazards of EMFs with us. I will not review this again here, so those who missed my last post should look at it HERE. After reading these sources, if you do not believe EMF is damaging you right now as you sit here, all I have to say is that you DFL and DFR. Eighty percent of Oram's clients get subjective health improvements after implementing his recommendations. Those who are EMF-sensitive have obvious benefits, but those who are unsure usually notice that they feel better. We are all being damaged by this "electro-smog," so eliminating as much as possible is critical.Many other countries in the developed world acknowledge EMF risks, but here in the US, standards are lax. The wealthy telecom industry dominates the debate and denies the proven hazards.A few days after his visit, Mr. Miller sent me a 30-page letter with explanations and recommendations. He notes, "This is a specific report for you and is not a definitive set of recommendations for everyone. Other people would have a different mix of EMFs in their house, generating somewhat different recommendations."It is TMI, but download it anyway, have a look, and save it.Emf Initial Evaluation R Yoho 5 31 23DownloadThis supplies links to meters and mitigation devices and cites documentation from his website, Be patient—even electrical engineers need time to master this material and chase down all their exposures. Your health concerns will motivate you once you understand how serious this situation is.Oram's summary of the four types of EMF follows. He also recommends inexpensive meters to measure each type. I avoid discussing wavelength or units here because what do I know about that? The charts Mr. Miller created for my home, shown below, are enough detail for me.For more, see: the show
Jun 4, 2023 • 19min


Listen now (55 min) | George says, "Protect yourself from EMF (electric and magnetic fields), but don't panic." I say, "Learn enough and panic enough to avoid cooking yourself."Support the show
May 16, 2023 • 16min


You can't master reading and writing without study; this applies even more to mastering the art of living. —Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (AD 171)I have set before myself the task of learning about and telling truth. This is difficult today because our sources are being ruined. We live in the age of the non-sequitur, an idea or logic that does not make sense. The globalists use this to splinter and confound us. Our minds have difficulty ridding themselves of the continuously recurring debased ideas and images. Allowing mainstream nonsense into our minds conjures false emotions directed by deviants. TV and Hollywood movies, for example, are toxic and vacuous. Their evils persist in our subconscious, and the violence taints our thoughts. If you are tired, instead watch relaxing YouTube videos. Search for "Farm Life" or go on your dream vacation abroad. This gives your middle finger to the degenerates. But if you do not pay for—or better steal—a subscription, you will be pestered by warped advertisements.The most distressing parts of today's reality are constructed purposefully to destroy our peace of mind. So if you are confused by an image or message, you should promptly delete it or unsubscribe. None of us have the energy or time to ponder WTF is going on about each bit of chaos we encounter. I turn off inputs such as the following.Support the show
May 3, 2023 • 17min


Now I know we are all different species of bought-and-paid-for industry shills. For the dentists, exhibit A is dental products, B is fluorIdation, C is mercury amalgams and root canals.Exhibit B: fluorideIn America, phosphate fertilizer companies dispose of their industrial waste fluoride by putting it into our drinking water. These companies heavily subsidize the American Dental Association, which in return promotes fluoridation.Swartz (below) writes, "The more [fluoride] is used, the greater the damage to the central nervous system.[145] It should never be used in dentistry or in any product. Putting it in drinking water is criminal… It does not prevent tooth decay. It causes dental problems over time." Fluoride has also been conclusively proven to significantly lower children's IQs. The best way to understand these issues is through the Fluoride Action Network. They are pursuing fluoridators through the US federal courts. In a recent victory, the judge on the case released the summary of the expert science that condemned fluoride use. Biden officials, including Rachel Levine, a transgender admiral and later Secretary of Health, are involved in the litigation on the wrong side.Seventy percent of US communities are victimized by fluoride, but most of the world has banned it. In Europe, for example, 97% of the countries choose not to fluoridate drinking water. If you live in the USA, you must cleanse your water of fluoride using filters or reverse osmosis systems such as Culligan's.Exhibit C: Amalgam "silver" dental fillings and mercury root canalsAmalgams are a pre-Civil War technology that should be outlawed. Half of US dentists acknowledge this and never use them because of the well-known health hazards of their mercury, which has no safe dose. This type of filling is inexpensive and thus more profitable for dentists than newer technologies, so ignorant or unscrupulous practitioners often put them into poor or Medicaid patients. Many dental schools and the American Dental Association have never recognized these dangers and continue to promote mercury fillings against the established science.Support the show
May 3, 2023 • 1h 14min


Dr. Marik founded the FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance) protocol that advises how to treat Covid and vax injuries. His hospital persecuted him after he saved an ICU patent at death's door using intravenous vitamins C, thiamine, and hydrocortisone. HERE is a news story about it. His protocol is the most successful ever developed for hospitalized Covid patients. Marik was guilty of clinical success using unprofitable vitamins. He was an innocent until he was attacked by his hospital, the journal where he published, and his internal medicine specialty board. This woke him to the medical industry's malpractice and the colluding journals' lies. As I listened to his story, I was once again reminded of the hospital corporations' grasping nature and indifference to life. Because of Mercola's knowledge, his guests, and the rapport he builds, he is the best medical interviewer on the planet. Subscribe to his censored library HERE. I downloaded this audio at, where he makes his content available without copyright. His interviews are an introductory syllabus to naturopathy, and I’m working through them. Listen to this one at 1.5 speed or faster. To support Dr. Mercola, buy your vitamins at I just bought liposomal vitamin C capsules from him HERE. They are well-absorbed, do not hurt your stomach, and one gram is equivalent to about three grams in other forms. Support the show
May 3, 2023 • 47min

Vera Bradova cured her lymphoma using both mainstream and an alternative therapy, Cole's Toxins

Her video interview on Rumble is HERE.As you get to know Vera, I know you will enjoy her as much as I did. She is an entirely upbeat person who had a terrible trial by fire. The road to her cure involved more than a decade of painful treatments that damaged her health, but she has been disease-free for twelve years. Vera was sent home to die by her oncologists, but since she had been managing the online patient groups, she knew she had alternatives. Here is Vera's article about her lymphoma odyssey on her old blog:How I beat the ReaperPosted by leavergirl under healing [15] Comments In 1995, still trying to get pregnant, I was diagnosed with immune system cancer. It was a moment that changed my life. I can still feel the echoes of that shock. I still remember my first oncologist trying to push chemo on me. When I asked for information about the substances he was recommending, his nurse rummaged through dusty closets and came up with nothing. I found a way out of despair by learning all I could to save my life. I learned that Non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma comes in three varieties: slow-growing, intermediate, and fast-growing. The fast ones are often curable but rare. The slow ones are best not to treat right away (that first oncologist was a greedy liar), and respond well to chemo initially, but eventually they'll turn intermediate and kill you. Median survival? 7-9 years. Ugh. One thing I hold against conventional medicine is that it's so damn depressing, the way it presents information to patients.I spent several years studying both the conventional side — finding more hopeful stats — (thank you, Fox Chase Cancer Center, for making your library so patient-friendly!) and the alternative side. The alternative side is good at giving people hope and pluck. I spent some time experimenting with various concoctions they recommended. And while sifting the dross from the potential gold, which included talking to other lymphoma patients who also had the gumption to experiment, I found two alternative treatments that merited an "A" on my scale. One wasn't of use in lymphoma, which is usually disseminated (metastasized) by definition. That was hyperthermia (which has since made limited inroads into conventional cancer treatment). The other one was Coley's Toxins. I wrote one of the first well-researched internet articles on the toxins. The American Cancer Society had blacklisted Coley's Toxins for many years as a quack treatment and are not conventionally available to this day. They are cheap to make and unpatentable.My approach, recommended by my next oncologist, was to do "watchful waiting" until the disease progressed. When it did, I availed myself of the various toxic drips they give to cancer patients. By then, they were accompanied by monoclonal antibodies — bioengineered thingies that run through the immune system, gobble up B-cells, and improve the chemo's effectiveness. I also did a rare treatment that gave me a year of remission called Bexxar. But then, in '07, the lymphoma speeded up (underwent cellular transformation) and tried to kill me. I got hit by very harsh chemo and spent that summer doing treatments, transfusions, and Neulasta injections, weak as a newborn chick, wondering if my hair would ever grow back.For the rest, subscribe to (preview)Support the show

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