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Aug 20, 2024 • 35min

Developing a Holistic Approach to Enrollment Decline with Phillip Hunt

Philip Hunt, Special Assistant to the President & University Registrar at North Dakota State University, shares his extensive experience in higher education. He discusses NDSU's holistic strategies to combat declining enrollment, emphasizing the significance of retention and student success analytics. Philip highlights the importance of cross-functional collaboration and data-driven decision-making in enhancing student experiences. Additionally, he explores proactive solutions to foster diversity and inclusion, showcasing practical steps to engage the entire campus community.
6 snips
Aug 6, 2024 • 24min

Integrating Data Systems to Improve Student Outcomes with Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell, Chief Information Officer at DeVry University, shares insights on transforming education through technology. He emphasizes that students are individuals, not just statistics. The conversation explores how data analytics and AI personalize support for students, enhancing engagement and retention. Innovative tools like the DeVry Digital Care Engine help address unique challenges. Chris advocates for a holistic approach to education, highlighting the importance of understanding diverse student backgrounds to foster success.
Jul 23, 2024 • 34min

Using Technology to Streamline the Student Experience with The Higher Ed Geek, Dustin Ramsdell

Dustin Ramsdell, host of The Higher Ed Geek Podcast, dives into the transformative power of edtech in enhancing the student experience. He discusses emerging trends in higher education, highlighting the importance of partnerships and tailored approaches. Dustin emphasizes how technology can bridge gaps in student awareness, ensuring resources are accessible. The conversation also covers the creation of a cohesive digital ecosystem, utilizing tools like chatbots to foster proactive support, ultimately leading to improved student success.
Jul 9, 2024 • 47min

Building an Appreciative Campus with Dr. Jenny Bloom

Dr. Jenny Bloom, a tenured professor and founder of the Office of Appreciative Education, shares her journey from physical education to educational leadership. She discusses the transformative power of Appreciative Advising, emphasizing the importance of reflective questioning to enhance student success. The conversation explores integrating generative AI with human connection, empowering students through their unique strengths, and fostering supportive campus environments. Bloom offers practical strategies for educators to create positive change in higher education.
Jun 25, 2024 • 35min

Inside Look at the 2024 Student Success Impact Report with Sarah Demeo

Welcome to today's episode, where we dive into the insights from this year's Civitas Learning Student Success Impact Report. I'm thrilled to be joined by Sarah Demeo, a dedicated data analyst at Civitas Learning, who has extensive experience in higher education, having worked in academics and student affairs for over a decade. Together, Sarah and I develop this report annually to share the latest trends and successful strategies for student success across our partnering institutions. In this episode, we’ll explore the process behind our analysis, highlighting the data included and the key findings of this year’s report. We aim to provide higher education leaders with actionable insights to enhance their student success initiatives. Sarah will share how regular initiative analysis can improve retention and graduation rates while ensuring financial sustainability. We’ll discuss the value these reports offer by identifying effective strategies and areas needing improvement. Sarah will highlight the differences between this year’s report and last year’s, including post-Covid data points that shed light on the pandemic’s impact on educational trends. .   Show Notes: [2:41] - Sarah shares her background, particularly her roles at Civitas Learning. [3:35] - An impact report is a compilation of initiatives that partnering institutions are running. [6:03] - Students and the landscape of higher education is constantly changing, so these assessments should be ongoing to give directional insights. [8:15] - These types of reports provide significant value to institutions as we can see trends on what is working and what is not. [9:42] - What is a propensity score? [11:45] - Initiatives can be broken down to see how they impact different groups of students. [14:26] - The Initiative Analysis tool allows you to strategically target resources. [15:56] - Sarah describes the differences between this year’s report and last year’s. [18:05] - These data points begin post-Covid to better understand Covid’s impact on trends. [20:18] - Sarah discusses co-curricular engagement and other trends in this year’s report. [24:13] - Learn some of the data to investigate and measure that isn’t currently showing up on this year’s report. [27:13] - Initiative Analysis is a great way to dive into conversations about student success across the institution. [29:24] - It’s a powerful tool that allows leaders to be real thought partners and see how student success manifests across campus. [31:21] - What types of opportunities can be found in this report?   Links and Resources: Download Your Copy of the 2024 Student Success Impact Report Watch On-Demand: Insights to Action: An Inside Look at the 2024 Student Success Impact Report Partnering with Institutional Research to Improve Student Outcomes with Dr. Steve Wilkerson and Dr. Tammy Wyatt 2023 Student Success Impact Report Civitas Learning Website Listen on  Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts    
Jun 11, 2024 • 45min

Advising Diverse Students Both Online and On Campus with Dr. Jeffrey Taylor

Today, I am delighted to be talking with Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, from the University of Texas at Arlington. Our focus is on how this institution is effectively serving students, both in-person and online, from various parts of the country. We'll delve into the strategies employed by UT Arlington to ensure these students not only enroll in the necessary courses but also successfully navigate their academic journey towards graduation.  Dr. Taylor provides valuable insights into the diverse student population at UT Arlington, comprising individuals with distinct needs and backgrounds. From implementing tailored online advising sessions to leveraging data analytics for smoother graduation processes, UT Arlington is at the forefront of innovative student support methodologies. Join us as we explore the intricacies of managing a diverse student body, the challenges encountered, and the strategies employed to ensure student success. From personalized advising approaches to the integration of technology-driven solutions, we'll uncover the multifaceted efforts undertaken by UT Arlington to empower nursing students on their academic path.  Show Notes: [2:32] - Dr. Taylor describes what he does in his role at the University of Texas at Arlington. [3:58] - A large portion of the student population are online students from across the county. [5:45] - There are four types of students that come to this institution including both in-person and online students. [7:51] - In addition to different types of programs, the demographics is also very diverse. [9:41] - Jeffrey explains how they handle an advising team for such a diverse population with a lot of different needs. [11:58] - In order to build a great advising team, advisors are put in the best place for them to serve students in different pathways. [14:06] - The whole goal is to get everyone where they need to go and that includes both students and faculty. [16:48] - If we don’t take care of our students and give them the connections they need, they will go somewhere else. [18:40] - To meet the need of distance students beginning the program through a rolling enrollment, they created frequent online orientations and advising sessions. [21:11] - It is possible to use data and analytics to predict questions. [23:14] - Working with people is not an efficient process. We can give someone the things they need or want, but they may still leave the conversation feeling like something was missing. [25:05] - Looking forward, UT at Arlington is transitioning to a case management model blended with group advising. [27:41] - A group mechanism to support students solves a lot of potential problems. [29:46] - How are advisors, especially online, connecting with students who might not advocate for themselves and ask for support? [32:21] - Jeffrey describes a scenario of possible conversations you can have with students and the responsibility of the advisor. [33:59] - Some students won’t know what to ask. [36:30] - It is important to get everyone on board and unified behind a mission of student success. What does that look like at UT at Arlington? [39:37] - Dr. Taylor shares how they use Civitas Learning. [41:41] - You can’t stop at something working a little bit. You’ve got to continue pushing the envelope to find something better. [44:04] - Even in the same institution and the same program, flexibility is crucial.   Links and Resources: Proactive Support Removes Barriers to Completion at the University of Texas at Arlington Civitas Learning Student Impact Platform Listen on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts  
May 28, 2024 • 38min

Delivering Holistic Support at a Large Urban Community College District with Dr. Ruth Reinhart

In this episode, I'm joined by Dr. Ruth Reinhart, the Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Support Services at Austin Community College (ACC) in Austin, Texas. With over 35,000 students spread across 11 campuses, ACC serves as a beacon of opportunity in the community, but also faces unique challenges in supporting its diverse student body. Dr. Reinhart takes us on a journey through ACC's proactive and holistic approach to student success, leveraging analytics and integrated student success case management tools. From reimagining advisor-student interactions to launching innovative initiatives like Academic Alerts, ACC is at the forefront of fostering student support and empowerment. Join us as we explore the collaborative efforts between instructional faculty and support services to build a system that not only meets students' needs but also cultivates a culture of success and inclusivity. This episode offers invaluable insights into the transformative impact of data-driven strategies and proactive support mechanisms on student outcomes, paving the way for a brighter future in higher education.   Show Notes: [2:06] - Ruth describes her role at Austin Community College and the huge reach the institution has in the community. [3:26] - Having a huge and diverse population is a positive opportunity for ACC, it does pose some unique challenges. [4:51] - The future vision of ACC is to offer free tuition. [6:14] - They are very intentional and proactive in their case management per student. [8:20] - Students at ACC are not required to see their advisors, but Ruth describes what they do instead. [11:11] - ACC launched Academic Alerts a few years ago that has boosted student support greatly and has helped instructors provide what they need. [12:39] - The students who need the most help are typically not the students who advocate for themselves and seek support from advisors. [13:47] - When Ruth began at ACC, the walk-in model and full advisor schedules were common. This isn’t the trend anymore. [15:54] - The tools they use provide a holistic snapshot for users to see and help make this journey successful for students. [17:30] - In years past, this type of support was simply not possible. [20:05] - Instructional faculty was heavily involved in building the Academic Alerts. [22:02] - If free tuition is on the horizon for ACC, how will these systems support students and what are the challenges they foresee? [24:24] - It is a shift in campus culture, but one that is worth making. [26:28] - By using Civitas Learning Platforms, everything is all in one place. [28:45] - There is a lot of data and it's important to use it strategically. [30:36] - Students who went through high school during Covid-19 are really struggling. [32:43] - Ruth discusses some strategies in how they are helping students obtain certificates and credentials along the way. [34:48] - Students don’t always know the questions to ask, so it is our responsibility to advise and support them.   Links and Resources: Civitas Learning Student Impact Platform Listen on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts
May 14, 2024 • 35min

Creating a Unified Student Success Culture With Dr. Allison Hoffman

Welcome back to another season of Next Practices Podcast! In this episode, we're talking about how coordinating student success efforts across campus boosts retention. Today, I am thrilled to be joined by Dr. Allison Hoffmann, the Assistant Vice President of Admissions and Student Success at Northwest Missouri State University. Together, we'll explore the remarkable journey of Northwest Missouri State University, to transform student success and fulfill its mission to help every student succeed everyday.  Dr. Hoffmann will walk us through the university's transformative approach to student success, emphasizing their commitment to a shared philosophy that places every student at the center of their mission. We'll learn how they've harnessed the power of integrative technology, such as Civitas Learning, to streamline and coordinate their efforts campus-wide. From fostering a holistic understanding of the student journey to empowering students to actively engage in their academic planning, Northwest Missouri State University's innovative strategies pave the way for enhanced retention rates and a brighter future for all.   Show Notes: [2:17] - Dr. Hoffmann describes Northwest Missouri State University and what her role is as Assistant VP of Admissions. [4:14] - The mission there is to focus on student success: Every student, every day. [5:23] - Institutions really need to look at the entire institution to see the student journey and what success looks like. [7:17] - It can’t just be advising. There are so many people across campus that a student interacts with on their student journey. [9:06] - Dr. Hoffmann explains how they adopted a campus-wide philosophy to ensure everyone was brought together. [10:35] - Using technology, they are able to see a student’s journey and help ensure their success. [12:38] - A student doesn’t want to tell their story over and over again. [13:45] - Dr. Hoffmann describes how they use technology to create, modify, and update plans for every student. [15:23] - When students have an active part in their own academic planning, they are more likely to persist. [17:02] - You can remove barriers by streamlining processes not only for staff, but for students as well. [19:14] - What were the goals at Northwest Missouri State University and how are they being worked towards? [21:08] - It is important to have champions from other teams and everyone using a streamlined system. [24:14] - Dr. Hoffman lists recent factors that have impacted student success and retention. [27:01] - It is important for staff education to provide an understanding of the data that student success efforts measure. [30:16] - Think big about what you hope to accomplish.   Links and Resources: Integrated Approach to Student Success Leads to 8% Retention Lift at Northwest Missouri State University 2023 Student Impact Report Civitas Learning Platform Listen on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts
Aug 8, 2023 • 49min

Partnering with Institutional Research to Improve Student Outcomes | Dr. Steve Wilkerson, Dr. Tammy Wyatt, UTSA

Today, we are joined by Dr. Steve Wilkerson and Dr. Tammy Wyatt of the University of Texas San Antonio. Dr. Wilkerson is the Associate Vice President and Chief Analytics Officer, and Dr. Wyatt is Vice Provost for Student Success. You can catch an earlier conversation with Dr. Wyatt in Episode 5.    Today we’re talking about how the UTSA Student Success Team works closely together with Institutional Research to improve student outcomes. We talk about how they’ve deconstructed silos, how IR works together with campus partners to support proactive student success, and how regular evaluation of their student success initiatives allows the UTSA team to be responsive rather than reactive to student needs.    Show Notes: [2:35] - Dr. Wilkerson and Dr. Wyatt share their background and current roles at UTSA. [5:16] - Dr. Wyatt describes the way the Student Success team is structured at UTSA and the programs they offer. [8:04] - As they saw continued success, the work became more refined. It’s less about the what and more about the how now. [10:11] - When something is in place, things tend to plateau, but small gains add up. [12:50] - What has driven Dr. Wilkerson is access to data and asking the right questions. [14:37] - What does it look like to integrate and partner with IR? [17:39] - All programs have been analyzed by the Impact tool in Civitas. This has helped UTSA be more efficient. [19:14] - Conversations go now much differently from how things were a few years ago. [21:03] - This helped the institution to deconstruct silos. [22:19] - Supporting students from start to finish is the goal for everyone on campus. [23:45] - How can we support sustainable student success? [25:04] - Faculty has appreciated the data that shows how their support is a part of student success. [27:47] - The data gives the information needed to decide how to approach student success. [28:33] - Learn what Impact Analysis in Civitas Learning does. [31:15] - Dr. Wilkerson shares what he likes about the tool and the benefits it has brought to the team. [33:43] - They started working with IR around the start of Covid-19. It might be time to reassess and see the differences over time. [36:01] - The data shows points that may be surprising and helps you understand the why. [39:02] - How do we drive in the students that need help and aren’t coming? [42:10] - We can reflect on our own educational journey and think of moments that changed our trajectory. [44:33] - Most institutions are doing a lot of what, but are they really thinking about how?   Links and Resources: UTSA Achieves 16% Retention Lift with Data-Activated Student Support Ecosystem Build a Data-Activated Campus Culture with Dr. Tammy Wyatt Civitas Learning Student Impact Platform  
Jul 25, 2023 • 34min

Improving Community College Enrollment & Completion | Dr. Marisa Vernon-White, LCCC

Today on the show, I’m talking with Dr. Marissa Vernon White, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Services at Lorain County Community College. We begin by discussing Lorain County Community College’s use of data-informed collaboration and case management to understand the needs of its students and the broader community. We also talk about how they established data-informed practice not only across their leadership teams but at all levels of the institution, including departments and even individual advisors.  One myth debunked in our conversation is that you need one platform to do everything. Instead, we explore why it's important to strategically connect all your systems, like student success analytics, case management systems, and student-centered scheduling to reduce tasks and make more room for developing students.  Dr. Vernon White also shows how using student success analytics has allowed her team to deliver proactive and personalized support at a scale dramatically changing and shaping student outcomes.    Show Notes: [3:01] - Dr. White shares her background and current role at Lorain County Community College. [4:36] - There’s a difference between being a community college and being the community’s college. [5:56] - LCCC has always strived to be student-centered, and the first priority is to know who their students are. [6:52] - For them, it is important to have a rich data culture so they can zero in on the students they serve at a student-ready college. [8:37] - From a data perspective, LCCC has gotten very sophisticated in its use of data and what they prioritize to lean into. [10:24] - Student success has been a journey at LCCC, and Dr. Vernon White shares their experience and how they use data to generate dialogue. [12:05] - Their Enrollment Planning Council at LCCC is using enrollment and persistence data generated by Civitas Learning to have conversations with students. [13:24] - Data helps direct advisors to the students who need them the most and can help move the needle forward. Data helps shape the action. [16:05] - What strategies at LCCC are the ones that are moving the needle forward? [17:41] - Empowering everyone with the information, advisors can reach students in their own unique style to boost the student experience. [19:41] - Having the macro picture can actually help bring it down to a micro level. [22:48] - What are the tools and systems used at LCCC that make this work possible? [24:11] - Your systems need to support your action. [26:40] - Technology has evolved, and the systems available can make more time for the human to human conversations and guidance. [28:32] - Another benefit to these systems is improved data literacy among faculty. [30:19] - More things pop up in data, but keep the focus on the transformational pieces that drive action.   Links and Resources: Civitas Learning Student Impact Platform How Lorain County Community College Uses Analytics to Reach Persistence and Graduation Goals Listen on  Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts

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