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ADHD reWired

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May 10, 2016 • 1h 11min

115 | Your Weight is Not Your Fate

Deadline for the ADHD Coaching reWired is Friday May 13th   115 |  Your Weight is Not Your Fate     Sam Lomeli is a hero to many people prom the ADHD community and may not even be aware of it. Sam is certainly a hero of mine. Sam grew up being picked on and was the butt of many jokes. Sam was overweight (like Eric was) through the years he spent in school.  It was Sam’s calling to ultimately be a champion for people he would meet much later in life. Sam began his crusade by volunteering at charitable organizations such as: The Salvation Army and The Special Olympics. His biggest accomplishment was his volunteering to build wheelchair ramps for disabled veterans and non-veterans who could not get in or out of their homes. He has built over 250 wheelchair ramps for people without the ability or means to have them any other way. Today Sam helps people believe that they can lose weight like he did. While speaking to his wife Kristen, he ran the idea of a podcast by her. She told him she never saw her light up like he did when he talked about helping other people, and so the “Tips of the Scale Podcast” was born. Eric and Sam discuss these things in depth at the beginning of the show and then get more into the psychology of people who are overweight. Sam mentions he has found so much of a person’s self-worth is tied to their own perception of their appearance. Sam talks about the things people tell themselves about what their self-worth is. His clients feel like their value is determined by their looks and achievements. He further states that these same people have a tough time when asked when is the last time you remember being happy. They believe that to be happy they must obtain the validation of those who judge them, or of those people who do not struggle with being overweight. Sam teaches his clients their happiness comes from them feeling good about themselves. Sam is truly a hero if ever I have heard of one. He has made a career of helping people who are seemingly unable to lose weight and/or feel good about themselves alone. We hope you listen and learn more about Sam and about the “Tips of the Scale” podcast. To contact Sam: Website: Follow him on twitter:   To join the ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Group go to
May 5, 2016 • 46min

Coaching Group Grad is Paying it Forward

A member of the most recent ADHD reWired Coaching & Accountability Group is paying it forward.     After Jessica’s ADHD diagnosis, she spent years trying to learn as much as possible about her condition and tried every strategy she came across with little success.  Despite all her efforts, she continued to have trouble keeping up at work and home, and believed that she simply needed to work harder and longer.  She would regularly wake up at three or four in the morning to try and get caught up, yet fell further and further behind.  She was mad that things were so hard, angry that she had ADHD, and was looking for the missing piece of the puzzle that would allow her to get her work and home life under control.  While listening to the ADHD reWired podcast, she heard about the Coaching & Accountability Group and knew it would be a game changer.     Jessica was determined to find success and thought that participating with an intensive group coaching program would provide her with the tools she needed to meet her goals.  She felt the frequent meeting times, supportive accountability, and productivity tips might be the only way she would ever achieve inbox zero.   Despite understanding how helpful this group would be, she knew she simply couldn’t afford it.  It wasn’t until her Grandfather passed away and unexpectedly left her with a generous inheritance that she was able to use his gift to invest in herself.  And she did, by joining the ADHD reWired Coaching & Accountability Group.   After the group finished, I spoke to Jessica about her 10 week experience.  What she shared with me was amazing.      Jessica joined the group because she desperately needed help with her productivity.  She thought the missing piece of the puzzle would be strategies, techniques, and technical know-how to get to inbox zero.  But after 10 weeks, she found that that the biggest benefit was something totally unexpected; she learned to accept herself and her ADHD.  She learned that the missing puzzle piece was being kind to herself, and for the first time in her life, showed herself kindness.     Jessica did improve her productivity.  She even hit inbox zero once.  But the improvements she saw extended far beyond her daily work.  She drastically improved her sleep.  She even reported that there have been significant improvements in her marriage.  But to Jessica, learning to accept her ADHD was the greatest benefit of all.  And that, she said, was really unexpected.        Jessica is now eager to pay it forward. With her gift of $1400, we will be awarding two $700 Scholarships to two people who like herself herself, are highly motivated to do the work to get their ADHD reWired, but are not able to make the investment.
May 3, 2016 • 1h 20min

114 | Living Your Mission

Time is almost up. RegisterToday!forthecoaching and accountability group just go to Ep.114|LivingYourMission Jennie Friedman is an ADHD coach out of New York. She is thehost of the “See in ADHD” Podcast and the cohost of the“The ADDCouple”podcast. Jennie graced the ADHD reWired studios with herpresence for the second time and this show was a lot of laughs asis always the case when Jennie present. Jennie is a member of Podcast Paradise,anonlinegroupofpodcasters and after seeking their counsel, shetoretoolabit.Jennie has recently re-launched her podcastandhascommittedto anamazing 5 shows per week. Jennie decided thatshehaslearneda lotsince the original launch that she referredtoasthe“SilentLaunch”. Jennie also goes to explain that muchofthiswasdo toher having a freak-out over her blog andthepressureshewasputting on herself. She finally told herself thatifshemustwritethen perhaps it is best she finish her next book. Jennie and Eric spend a great dealoftimediscussingVerticalHeterophoria, and the work of . OneofJennie’slistenersand close friends Renee Brooks wasrecently onaveryspecial show doneby Jennie’s See in ADHD’sPodcast Somewhere in the second half of this episode of ADHD reWired theshow took a bit of a turn as Jennie takes Eric to task on hisunwillingness to brand Tom Nardone with the title ofproducer.Jennie Admits to a bias as she claimed to be a raving fanof Toms.She is perhaps the first person to have finished thebook.She even mentioned she has a signed copy of the book that isalso signed by Tom’s wife Yvonne. Eric also believes his copy to besigned by Yvonne, but I can assure you it was not. This show is among the best and it was fantastictohearEricandJennie laugh at themselves and each otherthroughoutthewholeshow.These notes cannot possibly do it justicesopleaselisten toandenjoy episode 114 of ADHD reWired You can reach Jennie at
Apr 26, 2016 • 1h 2min

113 | Markers for ADHD with Dr. Thomas Brown

Episode 113 | Markers for ADHD   Dr. Brown and Eric Tivers began the 113th Episode of ADHD reWired by discussing “Cookies and Accountability”. It was a great story about Dr. Brown and his wife and the temptations of a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Eric got a lot of information out of Dr. Brown and this show will most likely call for a second or possibly third listen to get it all. 2 conditions under which those with ADHD do well. Interest Pressure Most ADHD people have no problem focusing on tasks they are interested in or tasks for which they are afraid of consequences.   Dr. Brown went through the 6 different markers he looks for when diagnosing and during treatment of his ADHD patients. Activation Can they get organized and/or get started? How much are they procrastinating Attention / Focus Can they focus or shift focus. Do they get locked on to one thing and can’t get back on the current task Alertness Do they finish things in a reasonable amount of time? Many people do not get the necessary amount of sleep Are they able to sustain effort? Managing frustration & Emotions Do their emotions come on too strong or too weak Some of them get excited with “What ifs” Obsessing about things they will do or buy at a later time. Working Memory Can they keep one thing in mind while doing something else? No so much the long term but short term memory Monitor and self-regulate actions Do you come across to others as you intend to.   To contact Dr. Thomas Brown:
Apr 19, 2016 • 1h 32min

112 | Improvement through Improv

Episode 12 Improvement through Improv Rachel Hamilton is currently attending the ADHD rewired accountability group with Eric Tivers and 11 other people. We are fortunate she was able to take time to be with us this week to share her story.   Rachel was diagnosed with ADHD not long ago. She was at the Burning Man event when a friend of hers offered her a Ritalin. Rachel is now aware of the repercussions of taking ADHD meds recreationally, but nevertheless she did indulge years ago, and it had a profound effect on her. After taking a Ritalin she felt organized and together.   Things just felt right and she had an unfamiliar awareness she had never before experienced. This made Her curious and she began to learn more about ADHD through the reading of books and articles.   Rachel tells of the fact that nothing has been a bigger eye-opener for her then the interactions she has had with the others in the ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Group   About Rachel Rachel began teaching almost twenty years ago and she feels passionately that Improv skills are great training for both theater and for life. Her teaching style is upbeat and nurturing – she creates a safe space where everyone can feel safe and supported, and where everyone can do their best work. Rachel designs and implements improv workshops all over the country for both actors and non-actors, offering Improv as a tool for training in performance as well as for personal development. Born in DC, Rachel has lived, loved and worked in all the major cities; Chicago, LA and most recently NYC. Last year, in a conscious quest for more tranquility and natural beauty, Rachel made the brilliant choice to move her base to Sausalito, California and is delighted to be bringing her deep well of experience to the Bay Area’s vibrant Improv scene.
Apr 12, 2016 • 1h 11min

111 | ADHD Strategies with Doug Puryear

Dr. Doug Puryear, over the last few years, has established himself a blogger an author and an advocate for ADHD people and professionals. Doug provides real life strategies for those with ADHD to learn ways to cope with the problems they have has a result. In this episode, one of the ADHD community’s heroes, Doug Puryear joins the ADHD reWired virtual studios. This is truly one of the most amazing episodes we have ever put out. Doug shares details of his life seemingly without fear or reservation. This certainly is among the more powerful episodes of ADHD reWired. Doug speaks about his childhood with ADHD and the abuse he suffered. Doug battled most of his life with ADHD and was not aware of it until age 64. Doug has a new book out called “The Bully” This is the story of Doug going from being a bully to being the fun-loving guy so many have come to love Website: Facebook: Facebook profile LinkedIn: Blog:
Apr 5, 2016 • 1h 23min

110 | A Healthier Relationship with Medication

110 | A Healthier Relationship with Medication guest Stephen Tonti   Stephen’s primary focus is writing and directing for film and various other multimedia projects. On top of being a film director, Stephen also tours as a public speaker advocating for men and women diagnosed with ADHD. In 2013, Stephen was selected for the Carnegie Mellon University TEDx Student Speaker Competition. He gave his first speech on the subject there, in front of over 700 fellow students, professors, and various educators. His talk is on YouTube and has gathered almost 680,000 views to date. Stephen is yet unsigned, but will begin giving an updated version of his TED talk on tour later this year. Stephen graced the ADHD reWired virtual studio this past January. Stephen is quite a character. Stephen, like many ADHD people is quite stubborn, to the tune that he while having an argument with his girlfriend about whether he was ADHD or simply had ADHD, he proceeded to give a public talk to further affirm his point of view. This lead to the end of that relationship. Stephen has since grown in his knowledge of ADHD. Once believing that medication was only a last result for adults only, he now does not advocate one way or the other. Stephen states that medication alone is no guarantee of success, and that medication too often gets the credit. Stephens’s ADHD life philosophy is:   DISCOVER                            Discover it exists UNDERSTAND                       Understand and research to find out what ADHD is. Get the whole picture ACCEPT                                  ADHD is real. You have ADHD. ADHD is not made up SSUPPORT                              Get support for your ADHD. Support others who have ADHD. Give ADHD. Avoid shame at all costs!   Today it is quite normal to see and/or hear Stephen Tonti talking to himself. That is talking to himself out loud. He does this even if others are around. There is no need to be frightened this is just one of his own methods he uses to coach himself. If you would like to contact Stephen you can reach him at
Mar 29, 2016 • 1h 11min

109 | PLAYDHD by Kirsten Milliken

ADHD reWired  Episode 109 | Kirsten Has Come Out to Play   Who is that lady with the purple feathers in her hair? Is it….. Could it be…. Oh Yes! It is the very lovely, very playful, and Returning Guest, Dr. Kirsten Milliken gracing the virtual studios of ADHD reWired for her second appearance since episode 26. Eric and Kirsten discuss her new book “PLAYDHD”.  She wrote this book three times so that we could read it once. Kirsten and Eric discuss the book and a very wide array of topics, including: Do you prefer to make your own decisions? Would you want to be a passenger on the space shuttle? Do you prefer your vacations to be planned?    Dr. Kirsten Milliken takes a unique approach to treating ADHD as she combats this with play. She explains those of us with ADHD as we go through our daily routine do so with less dopamine than other neuro-typical individuals. While many of those with ADHD use a variety of things to deal with their own challenges, perhaps there are alternatives to the methods commonly employed. As is always the case with which Kirsten is associated, this episode is no different. Kirsten discuses some of “The players” from her book. The Joker This is the most primitive. This might be the class clown, or anyone who is constantly seeking attention The Explorer The explorer is in a constant search for what else might be out there. Perhaps not content with things the way they are currently in their lives. Others include the performer, and the collector. You will just have to wait until April 1rst to see the category into which you fall. Dr. Kirsten Milliken will be charring the upcoming International ADHD Professionals Conference in Weston VA sponsored by the ADHD Coaching Organization on April 28th- May 1st Some of the highlights of this episode: Eric and Kirsten playing the conversation starter game. Contest to win a free copy of PLAYDHD Eric & Kirsten’s Possible new ice cream Business   Other information: If you are interested in reserving a spot in the next ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Group group, visit . Visit for Carolyn D'Argenio's list of her top audio-book picks, complete with preview links. If you like Eric's idea of live streaming shows on the service Blab, Tweet at @erictivers and use the hashtag #blabrewired. You can also contact him via or email. Eric is collecting videos describing people's experiences with CHADD. If you are currently involved with CHADD, record a video however you wish (horizontally, please!) of you describing your relationship to ADHD and what CHADD does for you. Send it to Eric via, , or email here: . If you want you hear your question or comment on a future episode, go to and look for the comment form, or click on the yellow button for either "Be a Guest" or "Record your question". Help CHADD, an ADHD organization dedicated to improving the lives of those with ADHD through useful research and support, by donating to their fundraising campaign here:. Are you looking for a coach? You can schedule a free 20-minute consultation with Eric. Go to  and click the blue "Schedule an Appointment" button   Sign up for , or text message "tivers" to 22828, to stay in touch.
Mar 22, 2016 • 1h 17min

108| Getting Organized with Shelly Collins

ADHD ReWired Episode 108. Meet Shelly Collins Shelly has been organizing businesses, homes, and people since 2011 She does what she loves for a living every day. “Organizing is a means to an end: being organized gives me the time, room, and clarity to live a life I love.” Shelly Collins Hear from Shelly: I have a great sense of humor. I hope you do, too. Organizing doesn’t have to be scary or depressing. I love laughing my way through a session with my clients. It makes the time pass quickly and makes the work seem fun! That doesn’t mean you won’t have a bad day or a tough session, but I’ll be there to help support you so we can get back to laughing through our sessions. Organizing can be fun. I promise. Yes, I am a real person! A really real, really non-judgmental person. My house gets messy too. Sometimes my office looks like someone set off a paper bomb.  I truly believe that sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes on your space when you are too overwhelmed to organize on your own, which is why I occasionally call in reinforcements by hiring an organizing colleague to help dig me out of my own mess. Clients often ask me if they are the worst case I’ve ever seen. Honestly, there is no worst – you are an individual and your situation is unique. I can assure you, though you may look at your space and only see clutter, I’m busy thinking ahead to the many organized possibilities. Contact:    Memberships:  Active member of the since 2011 Active member of since 2011 Subscriber to the since 2013 Member of the Education: Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Summa Cum Laude Honors – Lindenwood University 4x Attendee: NAPO National Conference (2012-2015) 1x Attendee: ICD National Conference (2014) Graduate: Coaching Essentials – Coach Approach for Organizers Graduate: Foundations Courses – Coach Approach for Organizers Graduate: Graduate Course, Coaching the ADHD Client – Coach Approach for Organizers Industry Leadership:  Currently serving as POINT Committee Chair for NAPO National Currently serving on the Corporate Associate Member Advisory Council for NAPO National Served on the Nominating Committee for NAPO National (2014-2015) Former Director of Professional Development for NAPO-St. Louis (2012-2014) Former Vice President for NAPO-St. Louis (2013-2014)
Mar 15, 2016 • 1h 5min

107 | Attention Engagement and Completion with Cameron Gott

ADHD reWired Episode 107 Title:  Awareness Engagement Completion with Cameron Gott Guest: Cameron Gott   Cameron Gott is the co-developer and senior trainer of the ™ program. An ADHD coach, Cameron works with professionals who want to match action with intention and take their game to the next level. Besides coaching adults with ADHD, Cam mentors ADHD coaches-in-training and writes about a variety of ADHD work topics at his  . He is the chief architect of The AEC Model utilized in our advanced ADHD coach training course.  With a background in education, Cam took his first coaching training in 1998 and subsequently received training and certification through the demanding program at The Coaches Training Institute™.   Cameron’s Story After being Diagnosed with ADHD Cameron discovered that articulating ADHD is a critical step in ADHD Awareness Half of the people in the world do not think about thinking Cameron was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 28 while working as a teacher at a Quaker School Cameron was a “Gentle Giant” when he was a student and did not cause problems and was therefore overlooked as being a person who needed help Cameron realized he was ADHD during a presentation at a retreat he was hosting in his own home Cameron goes speaks about what the Quakers believe, how they live and what his job at school entailed. He further discusses the difficulties is ADHD presented him. One of the biggest challenges ADHD presents for Cameron is writing. Cameron struggled in College and took calculus 7 times. Worried his ADHD would prevent him from graduating he hired a coach, without whom he never thought he would graduate. Cameron struggled as an ADHD coach in the beginning   AEC Awareness Engagement Completion AEC is a theory developed by Cameron and Denslow Brown aka In order to complete a task, you have to engage a task “The problem is not usually the engine, it’s the gearbox” ADHD people spend too much time revving our engines while in neutral. Cameron helps his ADHD clients to discover the tasks they need to do and the ones they can simply shed. People are either too far into awareness and do not achieve completion or they are trying so hard to complete a task that they simply are not aware.       How to reach Cameron Gott Website – Website - Facebook - Twitter - GooglePlus - LinkedIn -       Other information: Connect with people virtually using Eric's favorite video conferencing and connectivity platform, Zoom, by visiting – the basic service is totally free. Visit for a free audio-book download and to see a slide show of some great suggestions. If you do pick a free audio book, leave a comment on that page telling us what you chose. If you want to hear your question or comment on a future episode, go to or and look for the comment form, or click on the yellow button for either "Be a Guest" or "Record your question". Are you looking for a coach? You can schedule a free 20-minute consultation with Eric. Go to and click the blue "Schedule an Appointment" button. Third Monday of every month at 6:45 PM Grayslake, Illinois (CHADD does not endorse this podcast)   Sign up for to stay in touch.   ----------     Go to for the full show notes and links mentioned in this episode. Go to or call 224‒993‒9450 to let Eric know if you're interested in joining the next ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability group. Connect with people virtually using Eric's favorite video conferencing and connectivity platform, Zoom, by visiting – the basic service is totally free. For a free audio-book download from our sponsor, please visit

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