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ADHD reWired

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Jul 19, 2016 • 1h 28min

125 | Success Despite ADHD

125 | Success Despite ADHD   Hello everybody. Tom Nardone here,  This week, we had the pleasure of speaking to Dan Spears. Dan learned of his ADHD as a result of the problems it was causing in his marriage. This episode hit especially close to home for me.  Dan saw a therapist in the fall of 2015. He was diagnosed and given a prescription. The therapist he was seeing at the time recommended he read, “Driven to Distraction” which was somewhat helpful. While the book spoke of helping with strategies, it was the emotional side of things that presented the biggest challenges in his life.  Dan speaks of his experience with procrastination, accountability and memory. These issues have caused problems for him, and consequently for his wife in their communications with one another. Dan cannot recall the simplest of things to memory when his wife engages him, in what should be a normal conversation. He has trouble not just remembering names, but entire events of which he was a part of. He often has only vague memories of things they have done or places they have been to.  Those of us with ADHD know this feeling all too well. Our inability to focus on the things we are doing, prevents us from being able to recall them later. This causes those who know and love us to feel like we are not interested in them or in the things they say to us or do with us.  This is not just a problem with our families. We struggle at work where forgetting something can present a completely different set of problems.  We see the so called “regular people” and wonder how they seem to master interactions and tasks with little to no effort. We wonder what they have that we do not. We ask ourselves, “Is it something we will ever learn?” We ask ourselves, “How to they do this without having to look for a strategy”   For many of us, this is where we begin to feel inferior or not good enough. Those of us with ADHD will usually take one of two paths. We will simply give up or mentally check-out and accept defeat, or we will seek the help of a professional. Thankfully Dan Spears has chosen the latter.  Dan works in IT and a big part of his job is preparing time sheets. This is very important because it is the way they ensure that clients are billed properly. This is where Dan struggles the most. He has tried many different methods to achieve this but nothing has worked for him in the long term.  We invite you to listen as Eric discusses solutions and helps Dan not only develop new strategies, but leaves him with a genuine enthusiasm about their implementation on this 125th episode of ADHD reWired.   Bio: Dan Spears   Dan is a 36-year-old native of Liverpool, England, who unfortunately does not sound like one of the Beatles. He immigrated to the US in 2005, landing in Texas, then ventured north to Ohio in 2010, where he lives with his wife, 3 step-children, and 2 cats and according to Dan, a rabbit that hates him.   Dan was finally diagnosed with ADHD in 2015.   Stay tuned to ADHD reWired for follow-up sessions with past guests who have allowed Eric to help them and keep up with their progress. Hey! What about you? Do you have a story? Are you a Coach? Are you an ADHD Clinician? If you answered yes to any of these questions and you'd like to be a guest, schedule a pre-interview call      Audio books mentioned in the show. Driven to Distraction – Edward M. Hallowell The Power of Habit – Charles Duhigg The Willpower Instinct – Kelly McGonigal Get these titles through my affiliate link:
Jul 12, 2016 • 1h 11min

124 | 5 Ways to Crush Procrastination

124 | 5 Ways to Crush Procrastination     124 | 5 Ways to Crush Procrastination   This week, Eric and the staff at ADHD reWired welcome back one of our fan favorites. Alan Brown returns to discuss “5 ways to Crush Procrastination”. Productivity knows few if any greater foes than procrastination. This can manifest itself as a feeling of being stuck. Sometimes, even though we want something to be completed, our lack of ability to focus on one thing prevents us from even starting the task or project. Today, Alan brown will show us that when you have a big meal to eat, it is best to devour it in a series of courses instead of a single bite. Alan speaks of a cycle of procrastination. We become overwhelmed We look for an escape We Procrastinate (check our email, or check Facebook.) As a result, our to do list continues to grow We fall further behind This leads to under-achieving or screwing up We are then…miserable  If you have had the pleasure of ever seeing Alan Brown’s award winning ADD Crusher videos you may remember hearing Alan say: “YOU ARE JUST KICKING YOUR OWN A$$”   Alan’s method of crushing his procrastination is primarily achieved through his asking himself specific questions. For example, Alan will ask himself, “Are any of my to-do’s a problem right now?” Sometimes the things we believe to be the most critical have the least amount of significance in the end. Alan helps us by offering methods to determine what is truly important and how to attack these tasks.   reWired Coaching (Alan Brown in the hot seat)   Alan Brown, during the coaching session of ADHD reWired shares some things he would like to improve in regard to the production of his amazing CrusherTV show. Alan Brown:  Alan explains that he struggles with coordinating the main processes of producing CrusherTV. There are many moving parts such as editing, sound, booking guests, and of course not having as much time as he needs to do get the job done. Eric Tivers:  Eric instructs Alan Brown to make 3 columns and head each of them as follows Things I don’t like doing Things I can’t do Things I should do Alan Brown:  Alan adds a fourth step Things that must be done by me. Eric Tivers:  Eric asks for action steps Alan Brown: Alan responds with 3 Spend time filling in the three columns Do this with honesty Involve his wife to help him execute  Eric Tivers:  Eric asks Alan to set a date to begin and a date for follow up Alan Brown:  Alan complies It is always a treat when Alan comes on the show. His balance of helpful information and humor are unmatched. If you would like to get in touch with Alan you can got to: Or email him at   Alan Brown Bio Meet mess-to-success entrepreneur, productivity coach Alan Brown. An unmitigated mess before diagnosis — booze, drugs, massive under-achievement and irresponsible space case. Now a successful executive, investor and entrepreneur, he crushed his own ADD using the proven ADD Crusher™ strategies. Personal mission: Help ADHD adults around the world live to their potential through alternative ADD treatments and solutions. CrusherTV ™ is a weekly online TV show delivering life-changing solutions to its members-only audience – crazy-busy people just like you. Each week productivity coach Alan Brown hosts A-list guest experts sharing brain hacks and other simple solutions to turbocharge your productivity and quality-of-life: Crush procrastination. Get more stuff done. Have more free time. Just to name a few. But it's more than just the TV show that makes you more productive. CrusherTV ™ members enjoy loads of other benefits... Stay tuned to ADHD reWired for follow up sessions with past guests who have allowed Eric to help them and keep up with their progress. Hey! What about you? Do you have a story? Are you a Coach? Are you an ADHD Clinician? If you answered yes to any of these questions contact Eric Tivers at free trial  Sign up for ADHD reWired’s Coaching and accountability
Jul 5, 2016 • 1h 22min

123 | 5 Principles of a Good System

123 | 5 Principles of a System Marina Darlow There are many people with ADHD, who aspire to be entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur requires a focus on many areas. Creativity, management, products and projects to name a few. People with ADHD have difficulty with some of the tasks that are necessary to keep it on track. Many people are so overwhelmed with the smallest things. However, this is often where the majority of their time is spent. Without systems and strategies in place it can be near impossible for the entrepreneur with or without ADHD to succeed. It would be nice if there were professionals who focused on the needs of ADHD entrepreneurs. If only there were people whose job it was to develop and help implement real useable strategies catered to the challenges of people with ADHD who want to succeed in business. Well, those people do exist. ADHD reWired is proud to introduce such a person. Meet Marina Darlow as she joins Eric Tivers in the ADHD reWired virtual studios. Marina Darlow works with creative people to help them develop strategies and methods for freeing up time that allows them to focus on what is really important. Marina got into this because she wanted to make the world a less violent place. After she came to the realization that she did not want to be a field agent with the CIA. She worked as a project manager for several non-profit corporations and then she became a Systems coach catering mostly to those with ADHD. Marinas “Five Principals of a System” are: System must be easy to use. Never forget reminders System must be flexible System must be fun System must have Accountability  COACHING SESSION Marina puts her career in Eric’s hands as she confides in him about an upcoming challenge. Marina has to make contacts and reach out to some venture capitalists. Marina struggles a bit with rejection. She mentions that she procrastinates to avoid what she knows she should be doing. She and Eric come up with a strategy and Marina seemed to leave the session with noticeable excitement. Contact Marina: Go to   for a free downloadable PDF from Marina. _________________________________________ Stay tuned to ADHD reWired for follow up sessions with past guests who have allowed Eric to help them and keep up with their progress. Hey! What about you? Do you have a story? Are you a Coach? Are you an ADHD Clinician? If you answered yes to any of these questions contact Eric Tivers at free trial Sign up for ADHD reWired’s Coaching and accountability
Jun 28, 2016 • 1h 29min

122 | Making Friends with Adult ADHD

122| Making Friends with Adult ADHD     Please join us as we welcome Alex Hofeldt back to the show. Some of you may recognize him from the Beautiful Dust Specks Podcast. This week Eric and Alex discuss the effect ADHD has on Making friends and social situations, such as remembering names, conversation, and general awkwardness. For people with ADHD, life can be very difficult when in social situations. This is even more so the case in small to large groups of people. We cannot expect everyone we know and interact with to factor our “condition” into everything we say think or feel. People are generally impatient when it comes to these things and for those who are interested in fitting in, this can be a very disheartening circumstance. Forgetting names is common and people can sometimes feel they are not regarded highly enough by you for you to take the time to actually remember their name. Blurting out can be considered rude in that it is generally taken as an interruption. Sometimes people with ADHD are just different and therefore misunderstood. This can even be the case with other people with ADHD. Those of us with ADHD do tend to stand out and it can be frustrating when one day our peers depend on us for entertainment and the next day just can’t seem to deal with us. Some of us have been in a similar circumstance when we are treated as the court jester among our “friends”, as if we are there for the sole purpose of their amusement when they want us to perform. Eric Tivers (host of ADHD reWired) was kind enough to try to help Alex with his specific problems in this area. Alex mentions many of the problems as stated above and goes further with some more specific things.  Eric offered Alex what I felt was some really sound advice. It was not just general tips we have all heard before. It was catered to his specific problems, which is what an ADHD coach should always do. Alex was kind enough to agree to come back on the show to discuss how his problem has changed as a result of the coaching Eric provided him. Please stay tuned to ADHD reWired for the follow-up with Alex.   On a personal note: “During this episode I found myself able to identify with Alex. I felt and still feel a strong empathy for him. I was reminded of the being in similar situations during certain times in my life. Alex held nothing back and was very forthcoming in the things he shared. I am happy to know the ADHD community has a person like Alex in it. His honesty was inspiring and I was reminded of the reason for my own commitment to spread awareness about one of the most treatable mental disorders we know of.” T.
Jun 21, 2016 • 1h 28min

121 | Raising Chloe - A Chat Between A Mother and Her Daughter

Episode 121 | Chloe & Lisa, A Symbiont Circle of Awareness Mother and Daughter, Lisa Mortell and Chloe Johnson join us in the ADHD reWired virtual studios this week to talk about their lives and how ADHD is a part of it. Chloe along with her ADHD has trouble with depression and anxiety. Lisa, Chloe’s mom admits to not having been a perfect mom (as if there was such a thing). In the early days she made the very common mistakes people make when trying to help people with depression by explaining that there was nothing to be depressed about. Lisa felt the guilt that many parents feel about putting their kids on medication. At 18 months Chloe refused to stay in her crib and figured out how to escape the confinement it was designed for. Chloe thought vitamins were snacks Chloe wanted to be a normal person. More than that she wanted to be a normal person without taking pills to achieve this. Chloe then finds herself in the “Hot Seat”! • Problems o Cannot kick carbs o Trouble sticking to her diet o Trouble getting in an exercise routine Chloe want to lose weight to fit into her clothes she could wear a year ago. She also uses exercise as a way to deal with her anxiety and depression. Eric gives her some amazing advice to help her achieve this, and schedules a date for the follow-up. Mother daughter relationships can be tough. Chloe and Lisa are a shining example of what can be achieved through mutual respect and understanding. This was a truly amazing episode and listening to Chloe and her mother was very insightful in learning ways people can discover what is great about other people, as opposed to focusing on what is wrong, or what needs to be fixed. Though there is no perfect relationship between a parent and their child, you would have to search long and hard to do better than Lisa and Chloe.
Jun 14, 2016 • 1h 32min

120 | Today's Awesome with Brendan Mahan

120 | Today's Awesome with Brendan Mahan   This week on the 120th we welcome back to the ADHD reWired virtual studio Brendan Mahan. Brendan saved ADHD rewired from a possible dilemma in that there are no shows in the can. Brendan thank you for bailing us out. Brendan begins by doing a quick review of his last appearance on episode 78 The Wall of Awful. Brendan is also now working on a book. He has a big white board with the books outline on it. Brendan tells a story of his near death experience with some camouflage hockey fans. Eric felt like a random hug is what would best defuse the situation. Eric confesses a deep rooted fear of his own in regard to his loud office neighbors. Brendan coined a new phrase for Tuesday since Eric is spending time with his son. This day shall hence be called “Two-Dudes-Day” Brendan talks about “Todays Awesome” post series Began with the most awful year of his life. Mom passed away. Career ended Fired on his wife’s birthday Car burned up He watched his car burn Rather than looking at the awful he looked at the awesome. Brendan begins each day posting what is awesome about the day. Everyday! Brendan talks about is kids. Brendan’s kids don’t really hate the aquarium. They hate leaving the aquarium Brendan’s kids, in the presence of an elephant, are drawn to a bird. Brendan’s kids like many kids and Eric, are enamored with poop. Brendan has been looking for a job. Eric gives him a plug. Eric Tivers…What a great guy. HOLD ON PUT ON THE BRAKES!!!! LIVE COACHING AHEAD Eric inquires about where and how Brendan is interviewing Eric first arms himself with index cards. Brendan explains his methods Eric inquires about what he may be aware of that he is doing wrong Managing emotions Eric inquires about exercising Brendan has a revelation and discovers that he could ride his bike. Eric has him get the bike DURING the show. Because starting is the hardest part Eric continues to coach Brendan on the show. Brendan Mahan is one of the kindest people in the ADHD community. He is a fantastic father, a loyal husband and fine friend. It is always a pleasure to have Brendan on the show or listen to him speak. There are many voices in the ADHD community but none more genuine than Brandan Mahan. Please stay tuned to the threads in the ADHD reWired community for news and updates for Brendan’s job search.
Jun 7, 2016 • 1h 8min

119 | The Voice of Your Dreams

119 | The Voice of Your Dreams   We are proud to have Aaron Anastasi in the ADHD reWired virtual studios. Aaron is an entrepreneur who claims to have stumbled through life falling into a few successes. Aaron is a writer, and actor, and a film maker. He has never officially been diagnosed. He sees many similarities with his brother who is diagnosed ADHD, and sees many of the same struggles. Aaron actually began working with a coach after a major disappointment when his record deal fell through. He decided he had failed so much that some of it must be his own doing. He wanted to change, and be successful. He notes that his coach once said to him, “Who do you have to be to get the results you want?”   Eric and Aaron discuss in depth, The Fearful Voices. These are the voices that say things like, You cant do it, You will fail, etc.. and the dangers of listening to them. Aaron mentions, “Sometimes the voice in our limitations is louder than the voice in our dreams” Aaron was also kind enough to discuss some secrets from his book. One of which, is “The Commitment Compartment”. The place where all the things we are going to do are kept. This was a fantastic show and it was just a lot of fun listening to Aaron who is such a normal guy who was and is achieving extraordinary things.   More About Aaron Aaron Anastasi is a Southern California native who graduated with a master’s degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he studied philosophy, Psychology, and theology.   He’s also a serial entrepreneur with online businesses such as Superior Songwriting Method, Signing Success, and the internationally recognized, Superior Singing Method, an online singing lesson program that grosses seven-figures annually.   Aaron has the #1 singing/life lesson channel on YouTube and has over 11.5 million organic views and over 130 thousand subscribers total on his three channels.   Having a love for adventure, he was a pro snowboarder in Vail, Colorado, scaled Glacier Lake Mountains in Bolivia, and cut pathways through the jungles of Contagem, Brazil.   Along with being a Los Angeles based actor and filmmaker, Aaron is also a prominent success coach for clients in industry-leading roles, ranging from film directors to marine biologists to TEDx speakers. His new book, The Voice of Your Dreams, was released in April 2016, and reached Amazon's top 100 best sellers within the first week of release. Get Aaron's book here. Get you copy of “Chasing Kites” at Contact Eric Tivers through his website at
May 31, 2016 • 1h 3min

118 | Could it Be Bipolar Disorder

Episode 18 | Could it Be Bipolar Disorder Be Bipolar Disorder   Could it Be Bipolar This Week on Episode 118 of ADHD rewired we are joined by Dr. Roberto Olivardia. Eric and Roberto discuss the many of the ways we can determine if our ADHD is our only passenger. ADHD and Bipolar disorder are very commonly misdiagnosed. Roberto shared with us some amazing statistics. 70% of people with Bipolar Disorder have ADHD 20% of people with ADHD have Bipolar Disorder 50% of people with Bipolar Disorder attempt Suicide and 20% succeed at their attempt. Dr. Olivardia shared many important facts about Bipolar Disorder. Proper Diagnosis can take up to 17 years Loss of interest in things people are interested in normally Severe mood swings Bipolar Disorder in incredibly under-diagnosed Dr. Olivardia stressed the importance of getting a proper diagnosis. Many clinicians know little to nothing about ADHD and it is best to get a mood disorder expert. Dr. Roberto Olivardia is a Clinical Instructor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Associate at McLean Hospital. He maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Lexington, MA, where he specializes in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), executive functioning issues, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). He also treats the various issues that accompany learning disabilities, such as stress and negative self- esteem. He is co-author of The Adonis Complex, a book which details the various manifestations of body image problems in men. He has taught courses at the University of Massachusetts Boston and Boston College. He has presented at many talks and conferences around the country. He is on the Scientific Advisory Board for ADDitude Magazine, a publication serving the needs of individuals with ADHD and Learning Disabilities. For questions and comments for Dr. Roberto Olivardia, you can email him at   Get you copy of “Chasing Kites” at Contact Eric Tivers through his website at
May 24, 2016 • 59min

117 | Helping Your Doctor Understand ADHD Part II

Episode 117 | David Goodman This episode could easily have been called “Helping Your Doctor Understand ADHD Part II”, and may still be pending approval. This week Eric managed to track down Dr. David Goodman. Dr. Goodman is widely known in his circles for publishing a 50 page book, consisting of mostly tables to help clinicians diagnose and treat patients. Eric Tivers refers to this as the cliff notes for ADHD. Dr. Goodman sites three types of physicians: Informed Trained and actively helping those of us with ADHD. Educated and up on the latest research. Uninformed Not trained and unable to identify or treat those with ADHD Misinformed Prejudice toward those claiming to have ADHD. Non-believers and critics who doubt its very existence. The most amazing thing I heard from this episode was the fact that ADHD is the most researched conditioned all of medicine and this is according to the Scientific Council of the American Medical Association.                 Eric Tivers and Dr. Goodman then speak about a host of other topics including: People who believe ADHD is simply a matter of will power ADHD treatment allows the person to be the person they are supposed to be. What we can do to arm our physicians Things to know about pharmacists. For more information about Dr. Goodman go to Also: Get you copy of “Chasing Kites” at Contact Eric Tivers through his website at
May 17, 2016 • 1h 12min

116 | Helping Your Doctor Understand ADHD

116 | Helping Your Doctor Understand ADHD   ADHD reWired is proud to have Dr. David Pomeroy join us in the virtual studio. Dr. David Pomeroy founded Brain Health NW in 2005. He is a Family Medicine physician with over 25 years of office practice experience, with the intent of providing thorough evaluations and holistic medical treatment for Attention Deficit Disorders and mood disorders in children, teens, and adults. Mission Statement: “The mission of Brain Health NW is to provide compassionate, informed and up-to-date high-quality care to individuals and families affected by behavioral, psychological or psychosomatic disorders. This was a very unique show in that Eric and Dr. Pomeroy discuss issues surrounding ADHD at the Clinical level. To be clearer, Eric tailors his questions to doctors who may not me up on the Latest ADHD research need to know. There is a problem in the medical community surrounding not just ADHD but mental illness. 15 minute monthly appointments in many cases. This sort of drive by delivery of patient care is just not satisfactory. Another problem is fear. Many doctors are fearful of lawsuits resulting from medication. They when through a host of different medications and discussed side effects, effectiveness and criteria for subscribing them. Dr. Pomeroy has had extraordinary success by monitoring and testing and re-testing. This show is a must hear for Doctors. If you have a doctor with whom you are friendly, We here at ADHD reWired would encourage you to share this show with them. For more information on Dr. Pomeroy: Dr. Pomeroy’s recommended sites          Kathleen Nadeau PHD                                     Rick Green Dr. Pomeroy’s Podcast

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