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Mar 17, 2020 • 58min

313 | ADHD Inks in Creative Work & Relationships

Has your ADHD meds made a difference in your life? Listen as and his guest, , discuss this and much more in this episode of . Jordan is a semi self-employed professional tattoo artist and single parent. He was diagnosed with ADHD about two years ago and is just now learning how profoundly his ADHD has affected his life and relationships and is possibly the reason he started doing tattoos as opposed to a more conventional career. Jordan shares the reason he started doing tattoos, why he enjoys giving and getting them, and the connection for him between pain and expression. He gives his opinion on what people don't understand about tattoos and the challenges he faces with being a single dad and his work schedule. Jordan chats about raising a child who has ADHD, how he reels himself in when his son is disrespectful, and how his meds have helped him in both work and his life at home with his son. Have you ever wanted to get a tattoo? Jordan talks about some tattoos he wishes he didn't have and why he got them. Take notes as he explains some ways to remove them and why colors sometimes don't look the same when you use them to cover up specific colors of tattoos. Listen as Jordan discusses how ADHD affected his past relationships, what he has learned about himself and relationships, and what he will look for in his next relationship. Jordan also describes his seasonal depression and the final thoughts he wants to share with the listeners. You won't want to miss Eric's conversation with this fascinating man with a highly misunderstood career. You'll learn: [02:31] Jordan, welcome to the show! [03:41] Jordan shares why he started in the tattoo field. [05:20] Why do you think tattoos are your passion? [07:32] Jordan explains the connection for him between pain and expression. [08:56] What do you think people don't understand about tattoos? [10:45] Jordan speaks about the tattoo on his face, why he got it there. [13:36] Jordan discusses being a single father and the challenges with his schedule. [15:08] Jordan shares what it's like being ADHD and raising an ADHD child. [16:24] What do you think helps you reel yourself back in when he's disrespectful? [23:32] Jordan explains why he said that his job is the most terrible, perfect job. [26:44] Jordan shares how being diagnosed with ADHD and taking the meds have affected his work. [28:50] Have you ever made a mistake when doing a tattoo? Can you tell us about it? [32:45] Jordan chats about constantly diagnosing his clients mentally with ADHD. [33:41] Do you have any tattoos you regret getting? Can you tell us why? [38:59] Jordan discusses how in hindsight he can see how ADHD affected his past relationships. [41:56] They talk about his son's mother and the relationship he had with her before being diagnosed with ADHD. [43:17] Jordan shares what pushed him to seek a diagnosis. [44:02] Jordan speaks about his last relationship and how it was affected by his ADHD. [45:42] What have you learned about yourself as a result of going through relationships now that you have ADHD? [47:55] Jordan chats about not wanting to disappoint people and feeling like he was never enough. [49:36] Jordan shares what he will watch for and look for in his next relationship and the whiteboard on which he writes everything he needs to remember. [51:52] Do you have any final thoughts for your listeners? [52:54] Jordan, thank you so much for sharing your story! [53:47] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at Find Jordan: |
Mar 10, 2020 • 1h 10min

312: February 2020 Q & A with Brendan Mahan and Will Curb

Forgiveness and acceptance are critical when learning to manage your ADHD while remembering it is a rollercoaster, and the goal is to make the ups and downs a little less extreme. This is just one of the topics we cover in our monthly Q & A session with guests Brendan Mahan and Will Curb. We are taking questions from you the listener about situations that you want to talk through. It doesn't matter if it's personal or professional, we are here to give you our perspective and see if we can help you find some answers.  Our first question today is how to revive yourself after a hard task when your tank is empty, and Lauren asks for tips when prioritizing projects. Debra has two topics she wants to discuss: one is about comorbidities like attentive type anxiety and depression, and the second is advice on coping strategies for a nineteen-year-old. Another listener is requesting tips for scheduling life stuff rather than work stuff, Emma wants some ways to manage her hyperfocus at work, and Princess wants to know what the first thing she should tackle when trying to control her ADHD. A listener asks if it's okay to take her medication only during the week and take the weekends off, and Eric shares that it is recommended to maintain your dosage each day seven days a week. Listen in as we cover a wide range of topics, and we provide some creative takeaways no matter what stage you're in with your diagnosis. Listen in as we discuss not only your questions but also the struggle we still have dealing with our ADHD. Please note that when we discuss medications, we can only address personal experience. Anytime you have been prescribed a drug, you should reach out to your provider regarding your and your experiences. Not all medications are useful for all people. There are a variety of options, and you'll need individual help to determine which medicines are right for you. Your Resources: You'll Learn: [02:21] Welcome our monthly Q & A with Will Curb and Brendan Mahan. [03:23] Erica asks the first question about how to revive after a hard task when your tank is empty. [06:01] Erica and Eric speak about coping mechanisms. [08:20] Brendan shares his thoughts on Erica's question. [09:47] Will suggests scheduling a five to ten-minute walk to give the brain a break. [12:01] Lauren wants to know their best tips for prioritizing. [14:18] Eric shares a book that he requires his members to read called "."  [16:00] They speak about prioritizing self-care and planning goals in advance. [19:26] "You can do anything, but you can't do everything." [25:45] Debra has a question about comorbidities like attentive type anxiety and depression. [27:10] Eric shares his thoughts on how common anxiety and depression are with late-diagnosed ADHD. [28:43] What are some coping strategies for a nineteen-year-old in college? [30:11] Eric shares his college experience at nineteen and how hard it was for him to go to morning classes. [32:31] is a book that Eric recommends to any college student. [34:02] A listener wants some tips for scheduling life stuff rather than work stuff. [36:18] Brendan shares his ideas on this subject and how he handled it. [39:51] Will gives his insight on working so much you don't have time for life stuff. [43:30] Emma has a question about managing her hyperfocus at work. [46:09] Eric speaks about going into hyperfocus in a planned way. [49:12] Brendan, do you have anything you want to add? [51:22] Will shares his thoughts on hyperfocus and what she could try. [52:37] Princess wants to know the first thing they suggest to tackle when trying to manage her ADHD. [55:01] They all speak about knowing when ADHD wins and don't beat yourself up; forgiveness and acceptance are so important. [57:19] Do you recommend continuing your medication on weekends? [58:35] Eric chats about what can happen when you don't take your medicine as prescribed. [1:00:52] Will shares his experience with taking his meds. [1:03:14] As always, talk to your doctor and make sure they know ADHD. [1:04:10] Thank you, Brendan, and Will for being on the show. [1:05:24] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at
Mar 3, 2020 • 1h 24min

311 | Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Grit, Is It ADHD?

Do suspect you have , but you don't know for sure because you have to wait months for your diagnosis? That is precisely what Eric's guest Angela is waiting on. Listen as Eric and Angela discuss the challenges she is facing trying to cope with this while balancing school, work, and family life while also dealing with and Angela shares how watching the way her son acted gave her flashbacks to herself at that age and was the catalyst that made her look into ADHD as a cause. She also speaks about having migraines most of her life and how her parents' mistrust of doctors made it challenging to find a medicine that would help. Angela describes what she goes through when she wakes up with a migraine and what steps she has to take to make sure she can function with her busy schedule. When you went to college, did you know what you wanted to do, or did you change majors multiple times? Listen as Angela shares her journey through college to finally determining that psychology is where her heart is. She also discusses her diagnosis, her pregnancies, going back to school to get her graduate degree, and why she won't stop until she achieves it. Angela speaks about how important it is to her to learn all she can about ADHD, so if the diagnosis is definite, she will know what to do and how to help her son. Angela is a very strong, determined woman and even though she has faced adversity her whole academic career she has never let go of the to finish what she started. Her strength and determination are to be celebrated, and maybe listening to her will push you forward to finishing something you didn't think you could do.  You'll Learn: [02:44] Angela, welcome to the show! [03:40] Angela shares that she has been waiting since October for the evaluation to diagnose ADHD. [04:27] What triggered the thought that you might have ADHD? [07:02] Angels speak about her family not really believing in doctors and dealing with migraines without proper treatment. [09:04] Angela chats about her sensor sensitivity and how it can sometimes be overwhelming. [11:20] Angela describes how it feels when she wakes up with a migraine. [13:09] How do you get up every day knowing that one of these episodes can knock your whole day off-kilter? [15:58] Angela shares why she has her drive and grit to succeed and doesn't let anything stop her. [18:00] Angela chats about being able to sing opera and what caused her to lose the joy of singing. [20:30] She speaks about how hard the decision was to quit singing. [22:50] Angela says that singing didn't fulfill her, and she felt like she was preparing to make other people happy when she didn't care about it at all. [26:43] Angela describes all the different majors she chose at the University of Oregon. [29:15] Angela shares what made her get into psychology. [32:44] How long has it taken you to get through the undergrad years in college? [35:00] Angela speaks about her grades and having incompletes which kept her from graduating in 2010. [36:54] She started taking pre-reqs for nursing in 2014 while pregnant. [37:41] How was your pregnancy with all of your sensory sensitivities? [40:34] Angela shares that two years after her son was born she went back to the for psychology and has almost finished her degree. [43:01] Being a stay at home mom left her feeling unfulfilled because she had things she wanted to do. [44:43] Angela shares when she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. [46:31] Angela describes what having Fibromyalgia feels like. [53:00] What was the tipping point that made you want to seek out an ADHD diagnosis? [55:14] Angela says that her life has a bunch of pieces like a messy puzzle. [57:55] Angela shares her job as a project coordinator for a neuroscience experience, and how much time it takes. [59:13] Angela started reading about ADHD and it resonated with her. [1:00:19] How has the experience been for you as you learn more about ADHD? [1:03:03] Angela speaks about the struggle she faces going back to school for her graduate degree. [1:04:52] Angela shares that she let her professor know the issues she was having and her waiting on the ADHD diagnosis and his lack of response. [1:07:10] They discuss how nervous she was to come on the podcast and talk about her possible ADHD diagnosis. [1:10:10] Eric acknowledges Angela's grit and tenacity to keep going to school even though it has taken many years. [1:12:36] Are you someone who appreciates harmony and beauty? Someone who resolves issues? [1:13:09] Angela, thank you for sharing so much with us! [1:15:20] Eric believes that everyone should make their mess their message. [1:16:46] Angela, do you have anything else you want to share with the listeners? [1:19:27 ] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at
Feb 25, 2020 • 1h 19min

310 | Decision Making and Uncertainty with Merage Ghane

Have you ever just wanted to sit in a closet for some quiet time to study and eliminate distractions? Listen in as Eric and his guest Merage Ghane discuss why she did this, and many other topics on this episode of . Merage is a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student in the eighth year of her PH.D. She shares her journey through being turned down many times to Ph.D. programs to finally being accepted and then getting her diagnosis. Merage shares the struggles she had in college with concentration, how her parents reacted to her ADHD diagnosis, and why she chose to research the topic of uncertainty for her dissertation. Merage also discusses her research, what she is looking for within the study, the details of the scenarios she puts her test subjects through and how this research plays out in real-world situations with the variables that can affect the analysis. Listen as Merage shares why she initially started her research on individuals with autism and attention networks, what she is looking for with her research, and the hardest thing about managing her ADHD while going through the P.h.D program. Merage used her real name in this episode because even though there could be repercussions, the fact is that she has ADHD, and she doesn't want to hide it. Merage and Eric discuss how magical the ADHD community is, and what takeaways from the alumni coaching group she finds helpful. Merage is showing everyone that people with ADHD can accomplish anything they set their minds too. She isn't letting her diagnosis slow her down, and neither should you. If any of this resonates with you, plug in and listen to this amazing woman. You'll Learn: [01:46] Merage, welcome to the show! [02:37] Merage shares where she went to school and where she is now. [03:27] She shares her story from almost being diagnosed with ADHD in high school to her college career. [05:04] Merage speaks about grad school and taking time off to get married. [07:33] Have you always had a resilient spirit? [08:10] Merage shares when she was actually diagnosed with ADHD. [10:00] Merage speaks about studying in a closet with a silence please on the door. [13:08] When you were diagnosed were you struggling with classes? [14:20] Merage chats about being a girl with ADHD and how many women are diagnosed. [16:09] She shares how telling her parents about the diagnosis and their acceptance. [17:56] Merage tells us her parents were immigrants and how that affected who she trusted as she grew up. [20:47] Merage shares what her research is about and how she decided to research this topic. [26:00] She speaks about the issues she is studying for her dissertation. [26:58] What are you looking for with this research? [28:33] Merage describes the scenarios she puts before her subjects. [31:41] How does your research play out in real-world situations? [33:03] Merage shares the variables she is looking at that can affect the outcome of her research. [34:27] Merage says she takes a very dimensional approach to psychopathology. [37:34] Are you looking at the day to day decision making? [40:32] Merage shares why she started looking at individuals with autism and attention networks. [42:45] They speak about social executive function and how emotions change often and move quickly. [44:23] Merage chats about a 3-minute talk competition she took part in and why. [45:28] What's the hardest thing for you while managing your ADHD through a P.h.D program? [46:13] Merage shares why she decided to use her real name even though there could be repercussions. [54:23] Merage speaks about being in some coaching groups and the relatable experiences people shared. [56:18] Why did you want to join the coaching groups? [58:21] She discusses the challenges she had finding room in her schedule for the groups and how flexible the supervisors were. [1:00:56] What did you take away from the coaching groups? [1:02:51] Merage shares how she has been sleeping and the fact that she isn't getting any natural light. [1:05:02] What are some things from the alumni sessions that have been helpful? [1:08:02] Eric speaks about the ADHD conference and how magical the ADHD community is. [1:09:10] Do you have anything else you want to share with the listeners? [1:11:24] Merage thank you so much for being on the show today! [1:15:05 ] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at
Feb 18, 2020 • 1h 5min

309 | Rethinking Adult ADHD with Dr. Russell Ramsay

Breaking down the increments of time to organize behavior for people with ADHD is like driving in fog at slow speed. Listen to Eric and his guest as they discuss this, and many other topics on this episode of . Dr. Ramsay is the co-founder and co-director of the and an . He is also the author of five books, including the recently released , along with many articles with issues relating to ADHD.  How do we break down tasks to make them more actionable? Listen as Eric, and Dr. Ramsay discuss Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the difference between agency and efficacy, automatic negative thoughts, and core beliefs. Dr. Ramsay also shares that there are no trade secrets with coping strategies; the issue is with implementation and follow-through. Eric wonders if clients can be taught to change the questions they ask themselves and instead of being discouraged because all of something does not work, look and see if a part of it will work, look at the smaller picture.  Listen in as Dr. Ramsay shares the difference between procrastination and front end perfectionism, along with general cognitive disorders in the general population versus overgeneralization with ADHD. Dr. Ramsay says that it is ok to start toward something with the end in mind, but remember to implement the next incremental step to reach the goal.  Eric and Dr. Ramsay both share some extraordinary information about ADHD. Even though Cognitive Behavior Therapy sounds hard, these two break it down into layman terms so that we can all understand it. Small steps with realistic expectations can help you reach whatever goal you want to achieve. You'll Learn: [02:47] Dr. Russell Ramsay, welcome back to the show! [03:09] Dr. Ramsay why are we rethinking adult ADHD? [05:40] He speaks about the main cognitive theme in CBT [Cognitive Behavior Therapy]. [08:04] Dr. Ramsay discusses a scale that measures distorted positive thoughts. [09:57] Do you know the difference between agency and efficacy? [12:30] Dr. Ramsay speaks about automatic negative thoughts and core beliefs. [15:45] There are no trade secrets for coping strategies we know they work, the problem is implementation. [18:06] How do we break down tasks to make them more actionable? [28:56] Dr. Ramsay addresses the overgeneralization of distortions in positive and negative ways. [31:46] Eric wonders if maybe clients should be taught to change the questions they ask themselves. [33:17] Dr. Ramsay says that writing is hard for everyone, so if you can sequence your thoughts conversationally, it can help you express things in a more precise way. [34:20] Are there differences in general cognitive distortions in the general population versus overgeneralization with ADHD? [37:02] Dr. Ramsay speaks about procrastination and front end perfectionism. [38:03] Dr. Ramsay shares some areas of perfectionism that many people do not recognize and productive procrastination. [41:04] What something you can do behaviourally even though it is not actionable? [47:44] Dr. Ramsay discusses the unrealistic expectations of reality, lowering the bar of sufficiency. [50:30] Organizing behavior across time towards an outcome that we want to achieve. [51:33] Dr. Ramsay says to start with the end in mind but implement the next incremental step toward your goal. [53:51] How long does it take for replacement thoughts to become automatic? [56:39] Dr. Ramsay gives examples from a study of framing bias and remarks that framing a task so that it is actionable makes it seem more natural to accomplish. [57:43] Dr. Ramsay, do you have any final thoughts for our listeners? [59:28] Thank you so much for being on the show today. [1:00:41] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at Find Dr. Ramsay: by J. Russell Ramsay
Feb 11, 2020 • 1h 19min

308 | January 2020 Q & A with Brendan Mahan and Will Curb

Have you ever heard anyone say, "lazy is learned helplessness brought about by a lack of skills"? This is just one of the topics we cover in our monthly Q & A session with guests Brendan Mahan and Will Curb. We are taking questions from you the listener about situations that you want to talk through. It doesn't matter if it's personal or professional, we are here to give you our perspective and see if we can help you find some answers.  We start with a question about doing tasks when you don't feel well and how to hit a pause button around these tasks instead of a stop button. Getting accountability groups set up when you want to make sure you are accomplishing what you set out to do, how to ask a friend to be your accountability partner, and how to set up ground rules about what accountability is and isn't. It is always easier to have an accountability partner that is doing something similar or at least in the same ballpark as what you are doing. A mom of a 7th grader asked the team how she should respond to his failing grades and his resistance to taking the prescribed medicines. Laura asks for tips on how to not beat yourself up over a failure to complete calendar tasks, and Jennifer from the U.K. wants to know if they have ever had someone on the podcast from an area where the resources are limited. Jennifer is also curious about the team's response to podcasts that are selling products to manage ADHD like essential oils as an alternative to medicines. Listen in as we cover a wide range of topics, and we provide some creative takeaways no matter what stage you're in with your diagnosis. Listen in as we not only discuss your questions but also the struggle we still have dealing with our ADHD. Your Resources: You'll Learn: [02:19] Welcome our monthly Q & A with Will Curb and Brenden Mahan. [03:00] Madeline starts off with a question about getting tasks done when she is not feeling well. [04:40] Will and Brenden give their feedback on what is a priority when they are not feeling well. [07:01] Eric speaks about having the flu and the response he got when he couldn't get an episode out. [08:50] Beware of the guilt, shame and anxiety feelings that can surface. [12:08] Blake has an issue with his accountability and is asking for help. [14:35] Eric asks if there are certain things he has found helpful in the past. [15:45] What is the purpose of your need for accountability? [18:05] They discuss setting up a daily task list and sharing it with someone. [20:21] The follow up is a crucial thing with accountability. You need to report back to someone. [23:21] Alexis is asking how do you choose a non-therapist to be your accountability partner? [23:41] Eric speaks about needing to know what accountability is and what it isn't. [24:29] Will says that setting up ground rules, in the beginning, is very helpful. [26:20] Do you need an accountability partner to be doing something similar to what you are doing? [32:02] Andrew feels either everything is great or everything is terrible and wants to know if they have any tips to help to level this out. [33:57] Eric wants to know what time he is going to bed versus what time he is falling asleep and when he is waking up. [36:34] Do you regularly? Do you eat correctly? [39:08] When you have ADHD you have to think about your brain, do things that self-monitoring. [40:20] A mom shares that her son is struggling with school and resistant to meds, she is asking for ideas. [41:35] Brenden says that she needs to find out where the breakdown is at school and activate his school team to help figure this out. [44:09] Do you know where the skill deficit is? What is going on right now? [46:51] Brenden gives an example of how it feels to kids when they are trying hard, but the outcome doesn't show it. [48:46] Laura wants to know how to manage the tendency to ignore your calendar to-do list? [50:03] When you realize you haven't looked at your calendar, look at it, don't beat yourself up. Be more resilient, get up when you fall down. [52:03] If you can only get one thing done today, what would that be? [52:44] Will shares his tricks for getting back on track when he falls down. [54:18] Don't beat yourself up because you missed a few days on your calendar starting with today. [58:48] Jennifer wonders if they have ever had anyone on their podcasts from different areas like the U.K. about the limited resource. [1:03:08] Do you have any tips for people looking for evidence-based resources on ADHD? [1:05:05] Drug-free advertising for all-natural approaches for ADHD keeps people from trying the medication that could get their lives together. [1:07:11] Brenden gives his insight into alternative ways to manage ADHD. [1:10:30] Will believes that the more things claim to cure, the less it probably cures. [1:11:26] Eric says that they support science and are curious about magic is what he believes is the consensus. [1:12:03] Jennifer, thank you for your questions! [1:13:16] Will and Brenden thank you as always. [1:13:31] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at
Feb 4, 2020 • 60min

307 | Suicide and ADHD with Roberto Olivardia

Were you aware that suicidal tendencies are more common in people with untreated ADHD? Listen to guest, , as he explains his findings and gives his insight into the research that supports these statistics. Roberto is a clinical psychologist and lecturer at the Department of Psychiatry at the . He also has a private practice in Lexington, Massachusetts, where he specializes in the treatment of ADHD and many other disorders.  Roberto shares how he got involved with the study of ADHD and suicidality, and the research showing that individuals with ADHD have a higher risk of self-harm and suicide. explains the Roberto believes that people with ADHD sometimes feel like they don't fit in, which is why finding their tribe is so important.  Feeling like you don't belong, and are a burden to the people you love, can be a catalyst to suicide. If this resonates with you, please don't hesitate to call the for help. Do you have any thoughts of hurting or harming yourself? If you are worried about someone, don't be scared to ask them this question. Roberto informs us that asking the question can erase the stigma and let them know that others are having these kinds of thoughts, and it's ok to talk about it. Listening without overreacting is the first thing you should do and never simplify what they are feeling. But if you believe that they are in imminent danger, it's time to get help by whatever means necessary. Listen to this in-depth conversation on the statistics of suicide and ADHD. Eric and Roberto give a roadmap on what to do and say if you know someone who might be following a path of darkness without any hope of finding the light. Suicide is a subject that should be talked about, so spread the word you never know who you might be able to help. You'll Learn: [02:57] Roberto, welcome back to the show! [03:07] Roberto please fill us in on how you got involved with ADHD and suicidality. [04:12] He gives us statistics on the number of people who die by suicide every year. [05:52] Roberto shares how ADHD can impact the treatment when dealing with both issues. [07:04] There is research that shows that individuals with ADHD have a higher risk of self-harm and suicide. [07:24] Does that include people with ADHD but have never had depression? [09:31] Roberto shares a study following kids with ADHD ages 4 to 6 for fourteen years showing how many of them had a plan for suicide during that time. [10:32] Roberto describes the difference between self-harm versus suicide. [13:02] He speaks about author a leading suicide specialist and his book [15:57] Because people with ADHD are prone to impulsiveness, could there be a non-attempt attempt at suicide? [18:34] Roberto tells us that many people who attempt suicide feel like they are burdens to their families and leaving will make it easier on them. [21:06] If you feel like you are a burden or that you don't want to be here, please call the at 800-273-8255 to talk to someone about what you are feeling. [27:01] Roberto shares a story where a client had rehearsed his suicide so often in his mind that he used it to self-soothing. [29:40] Coping mechanisms can take many different forms, but you shouldn't be ashamed to tell someone about them. [31:00] Roberto speaks about how he struggled in high school to find out where he fit in the world. [34:41] How should someone respond if a loved one comes to them with thoughts of suicide? He says the first thing is to listen without overreacting. [36:06] Praise them for being open and trusting you with these thoughts. [37:31] Give them the and don't simplify it. [39:57] If there is an imminent risk that they will follow through, it's time for them to get help as quickly as possible. [41:39] Roberto shares that 50% of suicides are by firearms, 66% of gun deaths are suicides.  [43:28] What are some lessons you have learned from people who have attempted suicide? [45:00] If you have ADHD and major executive dysfunction it can be very difficult but there are ways and strategies to get through the challenges. [47:56] Roberto chats about how important finding your tribe or community is because you are not alone. [50:41] Roberto shares that non-suicide contracts do not work and are not effective. [52:32] He speaks about occasions when churches wouldn't do funerals of people who died from suicide because of the stigma that lingers even today. [54:22] Roberto wants listeners to know that there is help out there for anyone that has feelings of suicide. [55:01] Thank you, Roberto, for being on the show, please come back again. [55:47] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at Find Roberto:
Jan 28, 2020 • 1h 11min

306 | Creativity Heals with Roxanne Jarrett

There is healing power in being creative as Eric's guest, Roxanne Jarrett, can testify. Roxanne is a singer and coach who performs in five languages and provides one on one intensive services to help creatives with ADHD finish their dream projects. As an arts educator, she facilitates workshops on various subjects, including acting, videography, writing, Shakespearean language, and authentic relating. Roxanne is living proof of the healing power of creativity. She practiced multiple art disciplines to heal from PTSD and no longer meets the criteria for that diagnosis.   Roxanne shares her journey of being a gifted child and the loneliness of being different. Being in high school at age twelve, college at sixteen and feeling overwhelmed and unequipped to handle the day to day struggles. Getting creative with how she studied got her through the next three years, and she graduated in four years on the Dean's list. Listen as she speaks about grad school, her stress level and finally breaking down and being hospitalized.   Roxanne speaks about being homeless because she fell into severe depression, how blessed she feels to have been exposed to art therapies and creativity, and why she decided to make creativity her primary recovery practice. She believes that creativity doesn't just build your self-esteem; it helps you maintain it. Roxanne shares that taking an idea from your mind and bringing it into the world by your hand is tangible proof of your value. Even though Roxanne has faced many challenges, she has learned to see the beauty of those experiences. Can getting creative help you on your journey with ADHD? This conversation will show you the possibilities so relax and listen and hear. You'll Learn: [02:41] Roxanne, welcome to the show! [03:32] Roxanne shares her journey from being a gifted child feeling lost to the success she has now. [07:10] She chats about getting noticed by a teacher for her singing voice and how life-changing that was. [09:43] Roxanne started high school at age 12 and by 16 she was leaving home to go away to college. [11:55] She speaks about almost failing out of college her first year but the desire to stay caused her to get resourceful and creative to bring her grades up and graduate.  [12:53] Did you go to any parties or where you totally focused on academics? [13:34] Roxanne shares how she organized her second year of college so that she didn't have the same challenges as the first year. [16:15] Roxanne and Eric discuss the similarities in their college experiences. [23:58] Roxanne continued to improve in college and graduated in 4 years on the Dean's list and went to grad school. [25:57] She got a master's in educational theater at NYU, directed a children's theater, worked as a researcher for the university, and started making. [27:10] How was your stress level during this time? Did you have a breakdown? [28:35] Roxanne shares falling into a deep depression after grad school and her self esteem bottoming out. [30:41] She chats about the fear she buried after being kidnapped by a teacher when she was in high school. [35:35] Roxanne speaks about being hospitalized at 25 and how that finally helped her start the healing process. She finally felt like she had hope. [40:30] She talks about being in and out of recovery therapy for many years, once she found drama therapy she learned how to speak up for herself. [43:27] Do you have a small voice telling you that you are not good enough? [45:11] Roxanne wants anyone who is feeling unfulfilled or depressed to get creative by any means necessary, find what brings you joy. [46:15] Taking an idea from your mind and bringing it into the world by your own hand is tangible proof of your value. [48:44] What do you say to someone who says I am not a creative person? [53:04] You can write and create from happiness, it might look different but it can be done. [54:55] How do you help people with ADHD finish projects?  [57:10] Roxanne says that a lot of people with ADHD need ongoing support and accountability. [1:02:06] Roxanne sings a part of "Simple Gifts" for us. [1:02:46] Thank you so much, Roxanne, for being on the show!  [1:06:49] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at Find Roxanne | | Use my affiliate link for your favorite titles: ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Groups The 16th season of the ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability groups are ending soon.  ArC 17 Summer Sessions run July 11th – Sept. 19th. We only have 9 spots remaining. Please visit to learn more and sign-up for our Last Scheduled Registration Event on June 11th at 3 PM CT.  You don’t want to miss it! Support the Podcast on Patreon Patreon allows listeners like you to support content creators like me. With a monthly contribution, you can get access to different levels of perks.  One perk example is our Patron-only Group Coaching Sessions. Learn more at . ADHD reWired Facebook Group: If you would like to apply to join the ADHD reWired Secret Facebook group, go to and fill out the application. Productivity Q&A Get your ADHD questions answered live! These Q&A sessions take place on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 12:30 PM CT. Go to Want to be a guest? Hey! What about you? Do you have a story? Are you a coach? Are you an ADHD Clinician? If you answered yes to any of these questions and you’d like to be a guest, .
Jan 21, 2020 • 1h 7min

305 | Aggie Mastermind - Phone and Text Communications

Welcome to episode 305 of ADHD reWired a mastermind session with your host Eric and a panel featuring Roxy, Tina, and Will. Aggie is in the hot seat, talking about expectations around communication and establishing boundaries around her need for it. She also wants to set boundaries when it comes to her phone and other areas daily so that she feels more productive and less stressed.   The group discuss Aggies issues with replying to texts with an affirmative to meet up with friends later but then not making it or being late. She chats about how people's expectations of her make her feel like a failure because she can't live up to them even though she tries.   Have you ever wanted to turn your phone off and be unreachable? Listen in as they talk about the habits they all have around their phones and how in the moment you can be when your phone is off. Aggie speaks about not paying attention when texting someone back and giving them the wrong information, not remembering events that are texted to her, and maybe trying to add the events to her calendar consistently.    Do you have trouble with communication? Are you on time for commitments? Listen to this fantastic conversation, and see if any of this sounds like you or someone you know. These mastermind sessions are a great way to get thoughts and insights from your peers on issues that you might think only affect you. Take notes, phone a friend, or just sit back and plugin but you won't want to miss this episode.     You'll Learn: [02:08] The mastermind today will be with Aggie. [03:03] Aggie tells us what she wants help with. [04:25] What other should be we know about? [06:04] Do you feel like there have been changes with communication since your mastermind a year ago? [08:13] They discuss her scheduled social interaction and what happens with it. [09:10] What questions do you all have, Roxy, Tina or Will? [09:50] Aggie says when the request is immediately she is more successful with going. [11:13] Roxy wants Aggie to expand on the expectations of others and the challenges. [13:40] Do you feel shame when you don't return calls or texts? [15:00] Aggie discusses being late and her friends being upset because it always happens. [16:48] Can you have people in your life that you feel comfortable having a conversation about your struggles? [18:11] Will speaks about the issues that Aggie has been having. [20:38] Do you like the feeling of being off the and no one can get a hold of you? [21:57] They discuss having automatic messages saying when you will return calls. [26:41] The group chats about their phone habits and when they turn them off. [29:17] Do you sleep at night? Do you get texts when you are asleep? Yes, you can make it so that people can't contact you at certain times. [31:23] Aggie discusses what time would be a great time to not have her phone on. [32:44] Where do you find your cellphone helpful as a tool? [34:04] Roxy talks about the wallpaper on her phone that says, "Why are you here?" [36:10] Will speaks about how he uses his phone and the roadblocks he uses. [37:43] Aggie in what way are you being distracted by your phone? [40:01] Have you ever messed up a reply when texting someone because you weren't paying attention? [44:20] You can add events on your text directly to your calendar, do you do that consistently? [48:04] Roxy adds her insight to texting and it not being casual anymore. She also speaks to a failproof way of communication for Aggie. [50:58] Aggie chats about taking a pause before replying to text messages. [52:44] Roxy tells Aggie what she used to do to cover the face of her phone so she couldn't see messages. [53:28] Will talks about his Apple watch and how that has helped him when viewing and replying to text messages. [55:05] How often do you get long texts from people? Do you send long texts? [59:01] Finding Aggie a spot to text from, so she has to go there to text. [1:00:51] Maybe only using your computer when replying so that you can schedule for more than just a day. [1:01:46] Any other commitments you want to share right now? [1:02:08] I hope this was helpful to you, Aggie, and I hope it was helpful to you, the listeners. [1:02:54] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at Use my affiliate link for your favorite titles: ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Groups The 16th season of the ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability groups are ending soon.  ArC 17 Summer Sessions run July 11th – Sept. 19th. We only have 9 spots remaining. Please visit to learn more and sign-up for our Last Scheduled Registration Event on June 11th at 3 PM CT.  You don’t want to miss it! Support the Podcast on Patreon Patreon allows listeners like you to support content creators like me. With a monthly contribution, you can get access to different levels of perks.  One perk example is our Patron-only Group Coaching Sessions. Learn more at . ADHD reWired Facebook Group: If you would like to apply to join the ADHD reWired Secret Facebook group, go to and fill out the application. Productivity Q&A Get your ADHD questions answered live! These Q&A sessions take place on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 12:30 PM CT. Go to Want to be a guest? Hey! What about you? Do you have a story? Are you a coach? Are you an ADHD Clinician? If you answered yes to any of these questions and you’d like to be a guest, .
Jan 14, 2020 • 1h 11min

304 | December Q & A with Brendan Mahan and Will Curb

This is our monthly Q & A session with guests Brendan Mahan and Will Curb. We are taking questions from you the listener about situations that you want to talk through. It doesn't matter if it's personal or professional, we are here to give you our perspective and see if we can help you find some answers.  Our first question is from a listener who has been struggling to get a professional diagnose of what she believes is ADHD. She keeps getting the runaround and is asking for advice on where to go from here. Vanessa wants tips for dealing with avoidance issues when it comes to her work and financial habits, and another listener is asking what they should be looking for in an ADHD coach and what they should expect once they find one.  Daniel wants to find out what he can do when he lacks the motivation to get things done, why sleep is so important, and getting tested for sleep apnea. Emily's question is what can she do with her history of unfinished projects, and Ben has a question about how marijuana and alcohol affect people with ADHD. Another listener asks the panel how to stay focused on a project once the new wears off. We cover a wide range of topics, and we provide some creative takeaways no matter what stage you're in with your diagnosis. Listen in as we not only discuss your questions but also the struggle we still have dealing with our ADHD. Your Resources: You'll Learn: [02:04] Welcome to the show Brendan and Will for our monthly Q & A. [02:33] Listener talks about trying to get diagnosed and having issues with professionals that don't have any knowledge of ADHD. [03:45] They suggest she get a second opinion and still do the management techniques. [06:03] What is causing you to down an ADHD diagnosis? What are your challenges? [07:01] How long have you suspected you have ADHD? [07:17] The challenges of just starting college is something they give some feedback on. [09:42] Vanessa's question is around tips for dealing with avoidance issues with her work habits, she explains. [12:21] Eric is asking the panel, who of you have ever felt this way? [13:33] They talking about and discussing some core issues. [14:15] In regards to your finances, what have you put into place to help you? [15:49] The next question is what should I look for in an ADHD coach and what should I expect once I have one? [16:13] Will says it depends on how old you are and where you are in your life because that makes a difference. They talk about the credentials you should look for. [18:06] They talk about the ways to find a coach that works for you and the personality that you might work best with. [24:24] We are back with Vanessa once she finished what Eric asked her to do. [27:24] Daniel wants help with a lack of motivation to do things he needs to do and wants to do. [27:45] Eric gives a rundown on ADHD and motivation. [29:50] What is your need for stimulation? Are you low energy or high energy? [31:28] They discuss his lack of sleep and how important it is for people with ADHD to get rest. [37:32] How would you feel if you looked back on your life 30 years from now and know that you wanted to make changes but didn't. [39:46] Emily says that her life is a series of unfinished projects, what can she do? [41:01] Eric addresses this with her. [45:46] How long have you had boxes in your home? How long has it been since you moved? [51:40] Ben has a question about how alcohol and pot affect ADHD. [52:13] Eric says that the current research doesn't now encourage the use of marijuana to manage ADHD symptoms; he gives details. [55:48] A listener has a question around the hyperfocus of starting something new and then getting tired of it as the new wears off. [58:19] Can you set yourself up so that you are doing more than one thing at a time? [1:01:47] They discuss planning breaks, do a project, and then give yourself a time frame for time off. [1:05:08] We do this every 2nd week of the month with Will and Brendan. [1:06:38] If you're a regular listener, consider becoming a patron and on our Patreon at Use my affiliate link for your favorite titles: ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Groups The 16th season of the ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability groups are ending soon.  ArC 17 Summer Sessions run July 11th – Sept. 19th. We only have 9 spots remaining. Please visit to learn more and sign-up for our Last Scheduled Registration Event on June 11th at 3 PM CT.  You don’t want to miss it! Support the Podcast on Patreon Patreon allows listeners like you to support content creators like me. With a monthly contribution, you can get access to different levels of perks.  One perk example is our Patron-only Group Coaching Sessions. Learn more at . ADHD reWired Facebook Group: If you would like to apply to join the ADHD reWired Secret Facebook group, go to and fill out the application. Productivity Q&A Get your ADHD questions answered live! These Q&A sessions take place on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 12:30 PM CT. Go to Want to be a guest? Hey! What about you? Do you have a story? Are you a coach? Are you an ADHD Clinician? If you answered yes to any of these questions and you’d like to be a guest, .

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