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A Productive Conversation

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Jun 29, 2022 • 43min

Penelope Przekop talks about 5-Star career: Define and Build Yours Using the Science of Quality Management

Penelope Przekop is a corporate quality management expert, entrepreneur, and author of 5-Star Career: Define and Build Yours Using the Science of Quality Management. She has worked with numerous Fortune 100 pharma companies where she has held many leadership positions and is the founder and CEO of PDC Pharma Strategy, where she also serves as the Chief Compliance Officer for Engrail Therapeutics. If you aren't already impressed, Penelope also earned a BS in Biology from Louisiana State University and an MS in Quality Systems Engineering from Kennesaw State University. She is a graduate of the Smith College Program for Women’s Leadership and the Rutgers University Senior Leadership Program for Professional Women. As well as, co-founded Bra in a Box with her daughter in 2018!We dive into her latest book, the science behind quality management, and how to clean your systems so they work for you. Systems don't have to be as scary as they seem and she breaks it all down for us in this episode of A Productive Conversation.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Penelope: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter  See Penelope's Linktree for quick access to all her articles and interviews Penelope's Book: 5-Star Career: Define and Build Yours Using the Science of Quality Management Related Conversation: Alignment and Automation with Mridu Parikh Related Blog Post: How to Start Pacing Your Productivity Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jun 22, 2022 • 42min

FROM THE VAULT: Create Good Mornings with Craig Kulyk

This conversation is a special one. Not just because it is from the vault, but because this guest is no longer with us. Craig Kulyk and I met at the World Domination Summit and it was an absolute pleasure to have called him my friend. I am attending the WDS while this episode airs, and what better way to honour his memory than to release this great conversation from the vault.Craig was known for his morning routines and his ideas on how to customize your morning to build better habits and be more productive. In this episode, we spoke about intentionality, how routines set the tone for the day, how you can shift and adapt your rituals over time, and more.Links Worth Exploring Hear Craig talk more about his routines on these podcasts Mike Vardy’s Morning Routine | My Morning Routine Mike Vardy’s Evening Routine | Evening Routines Related Blog Post: Why You Shouldn’t Spend Time Journaling in the Morning (And What You Should Do Instead) Related podcast episode: Episode 5: World Domination, Inspiration & Chris Guillebeau Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jun 15, 2022 • 46min

Shaahin Cheyene talks about Billions: How I Became The King Of The Thrill Pill Cult

Not only is Shaahin Cheyene the author of Billion: How I Became King of the Thrill Pill Cult but he is also the creator of herbal ecstasy, the nootropic pill that sparked the 100% legal smart drug movement. He's further established himself as an award-winning entrepreneur, Amazon expert, inventor, author, and filmmaker. He's known as the “Willy Wonka of Generation X” and the world’s leading Amazon industry expert.In this episode, Shaahin and I touch on many topics. It's a wild ride, so prepare! We dive into why delegation, discipline, and patience are all integral cogs when running any successful business, what red flags to look out for when hiring in a management position, and the real secret behind making billions. He even provides a sneak-peek into his Amazon Mastery course that has been empowering people to create wealth through Amazon companies around the world.Shaahin is a successful serial entrepreneur, has lived a colourful life, and has some really invigorating insights on leadership. Hear what he has to say on this episode of A Productive Conversation.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Shaahin: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter  Checkout Shaahin's Amazon Mastery Course: Click here Shaahin's Book: Billion: How I Became King of the Thrill Pill Cult Related Conversation: Episode 418: Joshua Becker Related Blog Post: Too Busy To Think: 6 Ways To Create More Space Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jun 8, 2022 • 50min

Brad Stulberg talks about The Practice of Groundedness

This episode has been highly anticipated. Great guest. Great book. And a great conversation.Brad Stulberg is a coach and speaker on sustainable performance and well-being. You may have read one of his many articles in The New York Times, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and many others! He has been helping people reach their full potential as an author and coach, and in this episode, we dive into one of his latest books - The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success that Feeds—Not Crushes—Your Soul With rates of burnout and workplace resignations at an all-time high - Brad and I discuss why sustainable performance, building strong fundamentals, and practicing groundedness are as crucial as ever - and how patience ties it all together.Brad even opens up about why he is never fully grounded. Want to know why? Listen and find out.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Brad: Website | Twitter Brad's latest book: The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success that Feeds—Not Crushes—Your Soul Listen to Brad on the Rich Roll podcast here Checkout The Fundamentals with David Robinson(s) Related Conversation: Episode 367: Peak Performing Flow with Steven Kotler  Related Blog Post: The Power of Bit by Bit Productivity Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Jun 1, 2022 • 44min

Jason Goldsmith talks about Take Charge of You: How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and Career

You don't have to be a sports fan to take something from this episode.A globally recognized Performance Coach, Jason Goldsmith emphasizes combining the mental and physical aspects of optimal performance. As founder of Goldsmith Performance, Jason has coached multiple Major champions and top-fifty golfers. His accomplishments in golf include assisting Jason Day and Justin Rose in achieving the number-one world ranking and helping Rose win both the Gold Medal at the 2016 Olympics and the 2018 FedEx Cup Championship. In addition, he is the co-author of the book Take Charge of You: How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and CareerSelf-coaching can transform your life and career and this is what Jason and I cover in this week's episode. We get into this idea of self-coaching and how important is it for people to open themselves up to new experiences and break from the norms so that they can perform at a higher level.Take Charge of You, which is co-written with David Novak, is broken up into five elements which we briefly dive into during our discussion, as well as a few other topics such as my favourite undervalued and underappreciated tool; journaling. We talk about uncovering transformational insights and what that really means. And of course, the difference between self-coaching versus being coached by someone else.Gaining new skills and doing things that are uncomfortable is never fun. But hopefully, this conversation will give you a boost of confidence to start.  Links Worth Exploring Connect with Jason: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn Jason & David's Book: Take Charge of You: How Self Coaching Can Transform Your Life and Career Related Conversation: Episode 241: What Sports Can Teach Us About Greatness with Don Yaeger Related Blog Post: How To Find Your Way Forward (And Finish) Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 25, 2022 • 36min

Neill Williams talks about How to Unbusy Your Life

It's always exciting having another productivity coach on the show with me and this episode definitely starts off on the right foot! This was a fun and engaging conversation that I've been eager to release!Neill Williams is a mom, wife, and former overworked cog in the corporate wheel. Until she decided to take control of the life she wanted and unbusy it! She is now a Master Life and Scheduling Coach who is helping overwhelmed entrepreneurs do the same with her online courses and podcast Unbusy your Life with Neill WilliamsBeing busy and in constant "not enough time in the day" mode can stem from a busy mindset. Neill dives into what she calls Mind Hygiene - brain dumping your thoughts and cleaning that out so that your brain can work the way it was designed to. Her goal is to help people understand time but also their mind - how they feel and how they show up in their time.We discuss a variety of topics such as redefining the word productive and removing the stigma that comes with it. Bringing it back to what productive really means to you and what makes you productive in your own mind. And how unbusy'ing your life can not only bring you balance but also to your loved ones.You're not going to want to miss this one.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Neill: Website | Instagram | Facebook  Neill's podcast: How to Unbusy your Life with Neill Williams Checkout Neill's Mastermind: 10K in 10 Days Grab her free 30 Day Business Planner : Click here Related Conversation: Episode 418: Joshua Becker Related Blog Post: Too Busy To Think: 6 Ways To Create More Space Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 18, 2022 • 40min

Michael Clinton talks about Roar into the Second Half of your Life

Reimagine yourself, Own who you are, Act on what's next for you, Reassess your relationships. This is a mantra that Michael Clinton lives by. And this conversation with him is one that I've been really excited to release.Michael is a best-selling author and former magazine publisher and president for Hearst magazine. He is a writer-at-large for Esquire as well as a regular columnist for Men's Health. When he is not writing, he is an expert and keynote speaker on life longevity. Michael began really living out his ambitions later in life and is passionate about making this the new norm. He is an avid photographer, world traveler, pilot, and marathon runner and is nowhere close to slowing down.In this episode, we dive into his latest book ROAR: Into the Second Half of Your Life (Before It's Too Late). While his book holds 40 life-changing stories, we only touch on a couple of these role models who reimagined their life and started a whole new chapter. We have an intriguing discussion on the importance of knowing that when you go into the second half of your life that it's not the end of it.Michael brings his tried and true experience on how starting a new chapter at any age is not only possible but can be the new standard using his ROAR mantra. Whether it's starting a business, traveling the world, or running a marathon after 50 - reimagine your life before someone else does it.This was an eye-opening conversation. I hope you found it as awakening and as meaningful as I didLinks Worth Exploring Connect with Michael: Website | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn Michael's Book: ROAR: Into the Second Half of Your Life (Before It's Too Late) Related Conversation: Episode 251: Being a Late Bloomer with Rich Karlgaard Related Blog Post: Is Moving Abroad A Good Productivity Hack? Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 11, 2022 • 38min

Loretta Breuning talks about Status Games

It’s been nearly 6 years since I first had the pleasure of speaking with Loretta Breuning. This episode has been months in the making and I’m happy to have her back to chat about her book Status Games: Why We Play and How to Stop.Loretta is a Professor Emerita of Management at California State University and the author of many personal development books including Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels and the aforementioned Status Games: Why We Play and How to Stop. She's the founder of the Inner Mammal Institute and has helped thousands of people make peace with their inner mammal.During our conversation, Loretta and I talked about the role happy brain chemicals play in your status and the biology behind it. We discussed the importance of stimulating your serotonin to achieve your highest productivity levels in life and in the workplace and about wiring in new choices towards your best step confidently and navigating a healthy serotonin mindset.Loretta brings an interesting comparison of human and animal behaviour and how we can train our brains to boost these happy chemicals. It is a pleasure having her on the show once again. I hope you enjoy our latest conversation. I know I did.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Loretta: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram Loretta's Book: Status Games: Why We Play and How to Stop Related Conversation: Episode 59: The Habits of a Happy Brain with Loretta Breuning Related Blog Post: Generally Helpful Tips Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
May 4, 2022 • 36min

Marshall Goldsmith talks about The Earned Life

This is a conversation I've been wanting to have for years.Marshall Goldsmith is someone I've been following ever since I got into the productivity space. His book "Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts - Becoming the Person You Want to Be" was especially formative for me and my work. So when I was asked if I'd like to speak with Marshall about his book "The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment" I jumped at the opportunity.He is the only two-time winner of the Thinkers 50 Award for #1 Leadership Thinker in the World. He has been ranked as the #1 Executive Coach in the World, a Top Ten Business Thinker for the past eight years, and the inaugural winner of the Lifetime Award for Leadership by the Harvard Institute of Coaching. Dr. Goldsmith is the author or editor of 43 books, including many New York Times bestsellers (one that hit at #1), that have sold over 2.5 million copies, translated into 32 languages, and been listed bestsellers in 12 countries.(Oh... and his books, "What Got You Here Won’t Get You There" and the aforementioned "Triggers" have been recognized by Amazon as two of the Top 100 Leadership & Success Books Ever Written.)Marshall and I talked about what it mens to have a life that is earned, what he means when discussing the "satisfied" mind, the role willpower plays in your life, and how you can live "the earned life" starting today.I had an absolute blast speaking with Marshall and I trust you'll hear my enthusiasm throughout our conversation. I trust you'll get a lot out of the conversation, too.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Marshall: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Youtube Marshall's Book: The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment Recommended by Marshall: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right Watch this film: American Underdog Related Conversation: Episode 203: The Evolution of Getting Things Done with David Allen Related Blog Post: The Power of Bit by Bit Productivity Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Apr 27, 2022 • 43min

Daniel Coyle talks about The Culture Playbook

When I was given the opportunity to speak with Daniel Coyle for A Productive Conversation, I jumped at the opportunity.He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Culture Code, The Talent Code, The Little Book of Talent, The Secret Race, Lance Armstrong’s War, and Hardball: A Season in the Projects. Coyle, who works as an advisor to the Cleveland Guardians, lives in Cleveland, Ohio, during the school year and in Homer, Alaska, during the summer with his wife, Jen, and their four children.During our conversation we talk about where culture comes from, the idea of "belonging cues", the best way for someone to go through The Culture Playbook, and the magic behind the sustainable success of my favourite NBA team.There are certain fundamentals that go into building a strong and cohesive culture. You'll find those within Daniel's work, including The Culture Playbook. And you'll also find some discussed during this conversation I had with him.Links Worth Exploring Connect with Daniel: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn Daniel's Book: The Culture Playbook: 60 Highly Effective Actions to Help Your Group Succeed The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact: Get it on Amazon Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty: Watch it on HBO Related Conversation: Episode 360: A World Without Email with Cal Newport Related Blog Post: You Can’t Get Around the Need for a Process Thanks to all of the sponsors of this episode. You can find all of the sponsors you heard me mention on this episode on our Podcast Sponsors page.Want to support the podcast? Beyond checking out our sponsors, you can subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Click on any of the links below to make that happen.Spotify | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | StitcherYou can also click on this link to paste the podcast feed into your podcast app of choice.Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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