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Jul 25, 2023 • 30min

Looking Beyond Work to Make You Come Alive

So, what if the single-minded pursuit of a career that made you feel everything important to you wasn't actually the key to feeling fulfilled? What if, in fact, we sometimes put too many good life eggs into the work basket, ignoring the amazing possibilities available to us to find what we need and feel how we want to feel not just from work, but from a whole host of other experiences, interactions and relationships?In this week’s SPARKED Hot Take episode, we take on the assumption that work is the only path to purpose, meaning, passion, and happiness. And that everything we dream of has to come from it, sharing stories and experiences from clients who had staked their entire identities on ambitious career goals, only to feel lost once achieved.    We explore a broader definition of "work" that includes any sustained effort that brings meaning - from relationships to hobbies, while dispelling common myths that limit our visions of success, and reveal how rediscovering joy in all aspects of life can infuse even our work with renewed purpose and vitality. SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH: Karen Wright | WebsiteKaren is the founder of Parachute Executive Coaching, acclaimed executive coach, advisor to senior leaders for more than two-decades, and the author of two great books, The Accidental Alpha Woman and The Complete Executive.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Jul 18, 2023 • 1h 6min

How to Break Free From Burnout & Reclaim Ease

Have you ever felt yourself spiraling into a sea of unending tasks, where even the simplest work feels like climbing Mount Everest and your once cherished projects now leave you numb?You may wonder if you've lost the spark that drove you or simply lost your way. The truth is, you could be experiencing a state that plagues so many of us today: burnout.I know the crushing weight of burnout all too well. There have been days where I've found myself trapped in a cycle of responsibilities with no escape in sight, wondering if I'd truly lost my enthusiasm and efficacy.But I've also discovered there are unconventional ways to reclaim that zest for living and working that burnout has stolen, if we have the courage to experiment with fresh strategies and perspectives.In this episode, I dive deep into: The phenomenon of burnout Challenging conventional remedies Experiments for fun & potent techniques to reawaken the spark inside you How to reignite that beautiful, joyful spirit that wants nothing more than to express your creative best self Discover the Work That Makes You Come Alive | Take the AssessmentIf you LOVED this episode: 7 Days to Unlock Your Best Sleep | Dr. Aric Prather Nedra Glover Tawwab | Better Boundaries, Better Life Terri Cole | Let’s Talk About Boundaries Presented by LinkedIn.
Jul 11, 2023 • 31min

How to Write a New Work Story Around Meaning

How might you rethink the bargain you've made with work in light of life's recent shifts? As the ground continues to shift beneath our feet, are you wondering if the meaning you once found in your work still holds true?That’s where we’re headed in today’s Sparked podcast, with our guest, bestselling author Bruce Feiler. In today’s conversation, Bruce reveals how mining our personal narratives can uncover clues about the work stories we're longing to tell. He invites us to question what we've been taught about success and reimagine work in ways that reflect our true selves. We ponder questions like: What new definition of success might truly satisfy your soul? What personal stories hold clues to the work you were made for? How might shifting our focus from numbers to meaning unlock more creativity and joy? Tune in for a creative collision of ideas to spark your own rethinking of work.In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Bruce Feiler | WebsiteBRUCE is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers, including LIFE IS IN THE TRANSITIONS, and COUNCIL OF DADS. His TED Talks have been viewed more than four million times, and his latest book, THE SEARCH: Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World offers a new take on finding meaning and purpose at work, based on insights drawn from hundreds of life stories of all vocations and backgrounds.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteRead more on the Sparked Newsletter on LinkedIn.Connect with Jonathan Fields on LinkedIn.Presented by LinkedIn.
Jul 5, 2023 • 29min

How to Surf Seasonal Slumps With Ease

Is it only me, or do you feel like your work and life are pretty strongly affected by seasonal changes? Sometimes in a good way that lets you go deep and get focused, creative and productive. But, sometimes, it’s the exact opposite. Everything slows down and feels like a heavier lift. Well, what if, instead of fighting these natural and biological rhythms, we learned to roll with, and maybe even harness them instead?Have you ever wondered why periods of reduced productivity feel so frustrating? You know in your gut that ebbs and flows are normal, yet you still feel you should be doing better.   In this episode, Charlie joins me to discuss how embracing seasons of less can uncover unexpected openings. When motivation wanes and energy flags, fighting it tends to backfire, as you well know Charlie. Instead, we discuss yielding to our inner rhythms, reassessing priorities and pacing ourselves with grace.   In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Charlie Gilkey | WebsiteCharlie is a strategic advisor and executive coach, founder of the Productive Flourishing consultancy, and author of the multi-award-winning book, Start Finishing. His forthcoming book, Team Habits, is set to be published in August 2023.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteRead more on the Sparked Newsletter on LinkedIn.Connect with Jonathan Fields on LinkedIn.Presented by LinkedIn.
Jun 27, 2023 • 35min

How to Work Well With Anyone

There are some people you click with instantly at work—your collaboration is effortless, productive and enjoyable. But with others, it seems impossible; misunderstandings and friction mar every interaction.What if there was a way to work with almost anyone—easily, effortlessly and in a way that brings out the very best in both of you - even those you’ve struggled with in the past?My guest today, Michael Bungay Stanier believes we can. In this episode, I speak with Michael about his powerful yet practical new book, How to Work with Almost Anyone.Michael reveals a key insight: before diving into the what of any work— the tasks, projects and deliverables—you must first have a critical conversation, centered around 5 critical questions.If you've ever found yourself idling in an unproductive working dynamic that feels stuck in neutral, unwilling or unable to shift gears, listen in as Michael reveals the simple yet transformative formula for how to work well with almost anyone. I believe you'll walk away with renewed hope that even the most challenging colleagues, clients and co-workers have the potential to become powerful collaborators—if only we can summon the courage to have the right kind of conversation.In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Michael Bungay Stanier | WebsiteMichael helps people know they’re awesome and they’re doing great. He’s best known for The Coaching Habit, the best-selling coaching book of the century and recognized as a classic. His most recent book, How to Work with (Almost) Anyone, shows how to build the Best Possible Relationship with the key people at work.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteRead more on the Sparked Newsletter on LinkedIn.Connect with Jonathan Fields on LinkedIn.Presented by LinkedIn.
Jun 20, 2023 • 33min

How to Let Go of Narrow Definitions of Success

Got a career or business question for the Brainstrust? Submit here.How do you know when it’s time to stop exploring, commit to one or two things, narrow your focus and build? Is that the right path for everyone? And, more importantly, whose voice is in your head when you are making the call? These are some of the key topics we dive into today, as we explore a story and question submitted by SPARKED listener, Angie, a young entrepreneur struggling to find her ideal career. Angie left her nonprofit job a year ago to pursue freelancing. She has been experimenting with different freelance projects like copywriting, curriculum design, and social media management to see what she enjoys.Angie says she loves the time and creative freedom of freelancing but feels she's "not living up to her potential." Which is something that a lot of us have felt over the course of our careers or during times of transition.LISTENER: Angie - Sparketype: Performer/MavenSPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Karen Wright | WebsiteKaren is the founder of Parachute Executive Coaching, acclaimed executive coach, advisor to senior leaders for more than two-decades, and the author of two great books, The Accidental Alpha Woman and The Complete Executive.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteRead more on the Sparked Newsletter on LinkedIn.Connect with Jonathan Fields on LinkedIn.Presented by LinkedIn.
Jun 13, 2023 • 39min

How to Pursue Your Creative Impulse While Honoring Your Desire For Stability

Got a career or business question for the Brainstrust? Submit here.So, how do you handle the dance between wanting lead with your creative or artistic side, and earning a grown-up worthy living?In the past few years, we’ve all been through a lot of upheaval. At the same time, this moment has reawakened a burning desire to pursue creative passions. It’s a recipe for big life transition and potentially transformation.And that is certainly the case for our advice seeker today, Helen, who asks how can she make a meaningful living from her art and writing, pursue further studies and honor her value around financial security?After recently ending a long marriage and spending the past few years working to make ends meet, Helen has rediscovered her passion for writing. After spending two decades studying human behavior and helping others through her work, Helen is now ready for a change—if she can figure out a way forward that satisfies both her soul and her practical needs.In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:LISTENER: Helen - Sparketype: Maker/MavenSPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Cynthia Morris | WebsiteCynthia is the founder of the Original Impulse creative studio and atelier and coaching program for writers, she’s also an author, workshop facilitator, trusted advisor and coach.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Jun 6, 2023 • 37min

How to Balance Security and Self-Expression at Work

Explore the challenge of balancing financial stability and personal fulfillment in work, and learn strategies for aligning passion with career choices. Navigate the tension between security and self-expression in the workplace. Discover the importance of finding a balance between self-expression and job security. Uncover tips for exploring new opportunities and preventing burnout by incorporating non-work related activities into your life.
May 30, 2023 • 42min

How to Find the Courage to Speak Up at Work

We’ve all heard the phrase, “don’t escalate things.” Especially, in the context of work. But, what if there were moments when escalation, done in the right way and with the right intention, was actually the right move?Are there situations when staying silent, or refusing to push an issue further, actually makes a difficult work circumstance worse? That’s where we’re headed in today’s SPARKED Hot Take episode, where we look at hot topics in conversation with expert guides from the SPARKED Braintrust. And, today, we’re in conversation with Deborah Owens, an executive coach and corporate trainer with 20 years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies.Deborah and I discuss the fuzzy line between constructive and destructive escalation, and how to decide if speaking up could actually solve a problem before it spins out of control. Deborah shares scripts that work when requesting clarification from supervisors, and techniques for diffusing tension when unexpected conflict arises. Through personal stories and client examples, she explores how reframing "escalation" as "elevation" can change your whole approach to difficult workplace issues.We also discuss the important reminder that we are often spinning stories in our minds about what will happen instead of objectively assessing what the best, worst or most likely outcomes might be.SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH: Deborah Owens | WebsiteAfter a long career in leadership in some of the biggest companies in the world, Deborah founded her own consulting firm, Corporate Alley Cat, where she advises and coaches People of Color in all aspects of career visioning and development. She has this incredible ability to see what’s happening under the surface in any given situation, and ask questions that get to the heart of the matter and reveal possibilities that feel both empowering and expansive.AND HOSTED BY: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteRead more on the Sparked Newsletter on LinkedIn.Connect with Jonathan Fields on LinkedIn.Presented by LinkedIn.
May 23, 2023 • 36min

How to Outsmart Your Own Blind Spots & Think Outside Yourself

Have you ever struggled with a problem or decision where the solution seemed impossible to see, yet obvious once someone pointed it out? You start kicking yourself for not seeing something that now appears so simple and clear. You're not alone. Nearly everyone has moments where we get stuck, limit our solutions and can't "read the label from inside the jar." How do we gain clarity on our own situations and start making better decisions?In today’s episode, Charlie and I discuss the unconscious patterns, assumptions and emotions that keep us from seeing our own situations clearly. We explore simple but powerful techniques for questioning our default perspectives, inverting problems to gain fresh insights and seeking input from others who can serve as mirrors to reflect our blind spots back to us.You’ll walk away with practical tips and prompts you can use immediately to "get unstuck" and spot options you’ve been missing right under their noses. Charlie explains how questioning old paradigms, reevaluating stakes and shifting mindsets can reveal potential opportunities we have been oblivious to due to being "stuck inside the jar." In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Charlie Gilkey | WebsiteCharlie is a strategic advisor and executive coach, founder of the Productive Flourishing consultancy, and author of the multi-award-winning book, Start Finishing.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.So what is your Sparketype? Turns out, we all have a unique imprint for work that makes us come alive, this is your Sparketype. When you discover yours, everything, your entire work-life- and even parts of your personal life and relationships - begins to make sense. Until you know yours, you’re kind of fumbling in the dark. How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteRead more on the Sparked Newsletter on LinkedIn.Connect with Jonathan Fields on LinkedIn.Presented by LinkedIn.

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