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Oct 3, 2023 • 44min

How to Recognize & Address Burnout

How do you know if you’re genuinely no longer interested in the work you’re doing and it’s time to do some reimagining, or if you’re actually just burned out and, literally, nothing you do will excite you until you step into a place of renewal?So many of us have felt it - completely depleted, disconnected from work we once loved. The cynicism creeps in, passion fades. You're just going through the motions. Everyday you dread facing responsibilities that used to bring joy. It's painfully common, yet seldom discussed and certainly not in a constructive way. We often suffer in silence, unsure what to do next. Should you walk away? Have you lost your spark for good? Is it time to the turn the page on a new opportunity, or is burnout at the heart of what you’re feeling? And, if so, what can we do about it?In today’s episode we’re digging into: Noticing burnout's physical and emotional depletion  Detachment and cynicism as lesser known burnout signals Seeking temporary leave to recover from burnout Utilizing a changing in environment to combat burnout  How racism and bias compound burnout  And we’re in conversation with:SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH: Deborah Owens | WebsiteAfter a long career in leadership in some of the biggest companies in the world, Deborah founded her own consulting firm, Corporate Alley Cat, where she advises and coaches People of Color in all aspects of career visioning and development. She has this incredible ability to see what’s happening under the surface in any given situation, and ask questions that get to the heart of the matter and reveal possibilities that feel both empowering and expansive.AND HOSTED BY: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteFind an Certified Sparketype Advisor: CSA DirectoryPresented by LinkedIn.
Sep 26, 2023 • 34min

How to Speak Up without Burning Bridges

Have you ever wanted to express your needs but held back for fear of rocking the boat? Only to finally explode and regret the fallout? How do you stand up for yourself without compromising important relationships, values, or commitments?Navigating the messiness of holding people and systems accountable without damaging relationships can feel impossible.Which is why it’s so important to have tools that empower you to speak up for yourself in a way that strengthens relationships instead of severing them.We’re asking the question, how can we speak up for our needs and boundaries without severing ties or burning bridges? And at the same time, maintain awareness of unsafe situations that we need to remove ourselves from completely.In today’s episode we’re digging into: Expressing needs and boundaries without damaging relationships  Speaking up against violations/holding people accountable with integrity  The importance of self-care and inner authority before holding others accountable  Removing yourself from harmful situations  Critiquing behaviors rather than identity to allow for change And we’re in conversation with:SPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Yvonne Ator | WebsiteYvonne is the Founder of Thriving Physicians and Thriving Idealist, where she coaches heart-centered, mission-driven Physicians and other helping professionals who seek to make a positive impact in the world. YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteFind an Certified Sparketype Advisor: CSA DirectoryPresented by LinkedIn.
Sep 19, 2023 • 52min

Gretchen Rubin | Unlock Productivity, Creativity & Memory with the 5 Senses

Follow the SPARKED Newsletter on LinkedIn here.What if your 5 senses secretly controlled everything from your mood to your creativity, intelligence, memory, or even your ability to succeed in work and life? We all tend to take our senses for granted, using them automatically without much thought. But what if curating sensory experiences was a hidden gateway to so much of what we want out of work and life?Today’s episode of SPARKED is a HOT TAKE but with a twist, this conversation originally aired as a LinkedIn Live so after we teased out the topic, we were able to take some listener questions live and answer in real-time.And we’re in conversation with:SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH: Gretchen Rubin | WebsiteGretchen is one of today’s most influential and thought-provoking observers of happiness and human nature. She’s the author of many bestselling books, such as The Happiness Project, Better Than Before, and The Four Tendencies, which have sold millions of copies in more than thirty languages. Her most recent book is Life in Five Senses. She’s also host of the popular podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, and founder of award-winning Happier app, which helps people track their happiness-boosting habits. And she’s been a good friend for more than a decade now.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteFind an Certified Sparketype Advisor: CSA DirectoryPresented by LinkedIn.
Sep 12, 2023 • 36min

How to Create a Workspace That Lights You Up

Ever feel like you’ve just outgrown your surroundings, and your environment is actually limiting your growth? Like the desk, room, studio, space that got you here just isn’t working for you any more? Maybe, it’s even working against you?Our workspace has a profound effect on us, our work, and even our wellbeing, relationships, and interactions. It impacts our ability to show up as our best selves, and do our best work. Yet, we rarely ever get genuinely intentional about it. If your surroundings have started to limit your growth, you’re not alone. Question is, how do we recognize these moments? And, more important, once we do, what can we do about it?In today’s episode we’re digging into: Reimagining physical spaces for creativity and growth   Creating intentional work environments that support wellbeing Outgrowing previous spaces due to personal evolution Designing multi-use spaces for flexibility and collaboration  Leaders rethinking office spaces to bridge remote work divide And we’re in conversation with:SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH: Jadah Sellner | WebsiteJadah is a multi-time founder and CEO of Jadah Sellner Media, the co-creator of the Simple Green Smoothies social and business phenom, sought-after advisor to entrepreneurs, and bestselling author, including her new book, ‘She Builds: The Anti-Hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life’, order a copy here.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteFind an Certified Sparketype Advisor: CSA DirectoryPresented by LinkedIn.
Sep 5, 2023 • 35min

5 Transformational Team Habits

Explore the common pitfalls teams face and how to transform habits to excel together. Learn about the importance of team habits for success and building rapport in team meetings. Discover the three levels of decisions and actions in teams and the role of a meeting facilitator. Dive into the concept of focus blocks for deep work and prioritizing them in the work environment.
Aug 29, 2023 • 37min

How to Tell Good Hard from Bad Hard

The podcast explores the challenges and doubts we face when starting new projects, discussing whether the difficulties are normal or signs to change direction. It delves into strategies for navigating challenges and understanding the difference between hardships. The speakers also discuss the importance of managing the inner critic and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. They explore the balance between personal artistic goals and commercial demands, and discuss bringing authenticity into your work. The episode concludes with a discussion on the therapeutic aspects of writing and expressing gratitude.
Aug 22, 2023 • 36min

How to Navigate Change With Ease (Part 2)

Listen to part one here.Change is in the air, and it’s making many of us recoil. But, why? And, what can we do to change how we respond to change? To turn it from something we fear into something we embrace, maybe even seek out. Because the other side holds so much potential and possibility, once we’ve learned how to move through it with so much more grace and ease.That’s the conversation we began in last week’s Part 1 of this powerful conversation about change with the author of FLUX, and change strategist April Rinne. If you haven’t listened to part 1 last week, go back and listen. It’s a critical setup for today’s jam. We explored a different way to approach the change we don’t invite or want, which April calls flux.Then, April shared a number of her 8 Flux Superpowers. And, today, we’re bringing the conversation home as we dive into the remaining superpowers, so you can feel amazingly well equipped to handle almost any kind of change that comes your way, in work or life.SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH GUEST: April Rinne | WebsiteApril Rinne is a change navigator: she helps individuals and organizations rethink and reshape their relationships with change, uncertainty, and a world in flux. She’s a trusted advisor, speaker, investor, lawyer, global development executive, adventurer (100+ countries) and insatiable handstander. She is ranked one of the 50 leading female futurists in the word and author of the international bestseller Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsiteFind an advisor: CSA DirectoryPresented by LinkedIn.
Aug 15, 2023 • 39min

How to Navigate Change With Ease

Change. Just the word makes so many people anxious. But why? Why do so many of us experience change, and even the thought of it, as something negative to be feared and resisted, rather than something positive to be met with hope and excitement, and embraced?That’s the question we’re diving into today with author of the fascinating new book, FLUX, April Rinne. April has studied how cultures worldwide approach change for decades now, and she's found we're all grappling with the same questions - it's just the tools our societies give us that differ.Through her research, April has identified 8 powerful skills or reframes that she calls Flux superpowers, because they help anyone navigate change with so much more grace and ease. So much less fear, and so much more possibility and energy.This conversation was so actionable and valuable, we went deep into all 8 superpowers. Today, we’re sharing part one of this conversation. And, you’re going to want to be sure to not just take notes, but hit that follow button wherever your listening, so you don’t miss part 2, which will be coming up next week. SPARKED HOT TAKE WITH GUEST: April Rinne | WebsiteApril Rinne is a change navigator: she helps individuals and organizations rethink and reshape their relationships with change, uncertainty, and a world in flux. She’s a trusted advisor, speaker, investor, lawyer, global development executive, adventurer (100+ countries) and insatiable handstander. She is ranked one of the 50 leading female futurists in the word and author of the international bestseller Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change.YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Aug 8, 2023 • 41min

The Confidence Trap: Why You DON'T Need it to Do Big Things

Have you ever looked at someone else, someone you admire, who’s maybe accomplished a lot, and just assumed they must be wildly confident and always winning at everything? You’re not alone. But, the truth, it turns out, is much more complex. So many of those luminaries are not, in fact wildly, or even remotely confident. And if they are, they go through cycles of profound change, self-doubt, struggle and, when they learn to harness these experiences, revelation and even reinvention.In today's episode, Jenny shares a deeply personal and timely example of her own journey through seasons of confidence, struggle, and renewal.And in an unexpected, yet deeply powerful moment, Jenny shares a ‘Sparked Exclusive’ revealing that she began, almost covertly, creating something ‘from the mess’ in hopes of helping others feel less alone in their struggles. She wonders: Can sharing our human flaws and uncertainties actually complement our expertise and advice, providing value in its own way? Find out more about Jenny’s vulnerable reveal here: ‘Save Me’ on Youtube: HOT TAKE WITH: Jenny Blake | WebsiteJenny is a podcaster, career and business strategist, and an award-winning author of three books: Life After College, the groundbreaking Pivot for navigating what’s next, and her recently published Free Time for optimizing what’s now. YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.
Aug 1, 2023 • 32min

Finding Your Path Through Burnout & Rediscovering your Vitality

Got a career or business question for the Brainstrust? Submit here.Have you ever felt burned out in work that, at least on paper, seemed so well aligned with your values, passions, interests, skills and Sparketype that, in your mind, you just “shouldn’t” feel this way? Even though you care deeply about what you do, if like so many, you’re feeling so depleted in your work that quitting seems like the only option, you’re not alone. In today’s Sparked episode, our advice seeker, Danielle, a physician for years, finds herself in that place. She had hoped that pursuing a caring profession would fulfill her Nurturer Sparketype - but in practice, found herself miserable, overextended, and ready to quit. Can reconnecting with her own needs and values show her a better path forward?    Together we explore the topic of burnout, especially in the context of a job that, at least according to its description, should be deeply fulfilling and energy. We tease out how to distinguish what’s being asked of you “on paper,” and the reality of your lived, day-to-day experience. We dive into how we might rekindle meaning and joy in our work, and reclaim energy, and a sense of boundaries and agency.       In today’s episode we’re in conversation with:LISTENER: Danielle - Sparketype: Nurturer/Advisor, Anti - EssentialistSPARKED BRAINTRUST ADVISOR: Yvonne Ator | WebsiteYvonne is the Founder of Thriving Physicians and Thriving Idealist, where she coaches heart-centered, mission-driven Physicians and other helping professionals who seek to make a positive impact in the world. YOUR HOST: Jonathan FieldsJonathan is a dad, husband, award-winning author, multi-time founder, executive producer and host of the Good Life Project podcast, and co-host of SPARKED, too! He’s also the creator of an unusual tool that’s helped more than 650,000 people discover what kind of work makes them come alive - the Sparketype® Assessment, and author of the bestselling book, SPARKED.How to submit your question for the SPARKED Braintrust: Wisdom-seeker submissionsMore on Sparketypes at: Discover You Sparketype | The Book | The WebsitePresented by LinkedIn.

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