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Oct 30, 2024 • 23min

Central Neuropathic Pain With Dr. Charles Argoff

In the patient populations treated by neurologists, central neuropathic pain develops most frequently following spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or stroke. To optimize pain relief, neurologists should have a multimodal and individualized approach to manage central neuropathic pain. In this episode, Lyell K. Jones Jr, MD, FAAN, speaks with Charles E. Argoff, MD, author of the article “Central Neuropathic Pain,” in the Continuum October 2024 Pain Management in Neurology issue. Dr. Jones is the editor-in-chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology® and is a professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Argoff is a professor of neurology and vice chair of the department of neurology, director of the Comprehensive Pain Management Center, and director of the Pain Management Fellowship at Albany Medical College in Albany, New York. Additional Resources Read the article: Central Neuropathic Pain Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @LyellJ Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Doctor Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum Journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME. Dr Jones: This is Doctor Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology. Today I'm interviewing Dr Charles Argoff, who recently authored an article on central neuropathic pain in the latest issue of Continuum covering pain management. Dr Argoff is a neurologist at Albany Medical College where he's a professor of Neurology, and he serves as vice chair of the Department of Neurology and program director of the Pain Medicine Fellowship Program there. Dr Argoff, welcome. Thank you for joining us today. Why don't you introduce yourself to our listeners?  Dr Argoff: I'm Charles Argoff. It's a pleasure to be here and thank you so much for that kind introduction. Dr Jones: I've read your article. Many of our listeners are going to read your article. Wonderful article, extremely helpful. Closes a lot of gaps, I think, that exist in our field about understanding central neuropathic pain, treating central neuropathic pain. You now, Doctor Argoff, you have the attention of a huge audience of mostly neurologists. What's the biggest point you would like to make to them, or the most important practice-changing advice that you would give to them? Dr Argoff: I think it's at least twofold. One is that central neuropathic pain is not as uncommon as you think it might be, and it occurs in a variety of settings that are near and dear to a neurologist's heart, so to speak. And secondly, although we live in an evidence-based world and we want to practice evidence-based medicine - and I'm proud to have formerly been a member of the Quality Standard subcommittee, which I think has changed its name over time. And so, I understand the importance of, you know, treatment based upon evidence - the true definition of evidence-based medicine is using the best available evidence in making decisions about individual patients. And so, I would urge those who are listening that, although there might not be as robust evidence currently as you’d like, please don't not take the time to try to treat the patient in front of you o r at least acknowledge the need for treatment and work with your colleagues to address the significant neuropathic pain associated with that central neurological disorder. Because it can be life-changing in a positive way to make even a dent and to really work with somebody, even though not clear-cut always what's going to work for an individual patient. Dr Jones: Well said. I'm glad you brought that up. So, to put it a different way, absence of evidence is not an excuse for absence of treatment. Right? Dr Argoff: Exactly. And I think that, I hope that we would agree that especially in neurology, what we do is about as far from, ‘Yep, you've got strep throat, here’s that antibiotic that's going to work for you and all you have to do is take the medicine.’ I mean, most of what we do is nowhere near that.  Dr Jones: It's complicated stuff. And this is a complicated topic. And I'll tell you, I learned a lot reading your article. I think most of us in neurology and medicine, when we hear the term neuropathic pain, it feels roughly synonymous with peripheral generators of that pain, such as diabetic neuropathy or posttraumatic neuralgia. But as you mentioned, there's central mechanisms for pain generation. How is it defined? What is central neuropathic pain? Dr Argoff: It's defined as pain caused by a lesion or disease of the central somatosensory system . Though neuropathic pain in general is pain associated with the lesion of the somatosensory system; and to your point, that can be peripheral, which of course is outside the spinal cord, or brain or central, which is within the spinal cord or brain. And central neuropathic pain is defined specifically as pain caused by a lesion or disease of the central somatosensory system. That's either brain or spinal cord. But there's an interesting follow-up, and I'm going to ask if you could remind me because I know we're talking about definitions now, but I'll just bring something up and we can come back to it. What's interesting about that is that my - whoever 's listening, that's not to say that they're not connected. And in fact, they are very much connected. And there's very new work, which I included in the article, down at Washington University in Saint Louis, that suggests you can actually affect central neuropathic pain by addressing peripheral input to the central nervous system. If you remember Ken Casey at the University of Michigan at the World Pain Congress in Vancouver, British Columbia many years ago, he ended his talk on pain with a limerick, of which the last line was, Remember, there ain't no such thing as pain without a brain. And so that kind of summarizes that. Dr Jones: Well, and it goes both ways too, right? We know that there's some central sensitization that can happen with peripheral generators, right? So we really have to think about the whole circuit. Dr Argoff: Yes. And that's been sometimes the bane of my existence as a colleague of others and a sometimes debater. Is the pain central? Is it peripheral? Well, it's everything. And it's important to know as many of the mechanisms and many of the targets that you could use for treatment so that you can affect the best outcome for your patients. Dr Jones: Yeah, so - and you mentioned in your article what some of the common causes of central neuropathic pain are. What are the big ones in your experience?  Dr Argoff: So, the biggest ones are spinal cord injury-related pain, MS-related pain - and I'd like to come back to a point and just if I do the third one - and central poststroke pain. And what struck me, I think Tim Vollmer published a survey about the incidence, the prevalence of ongoing pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. And it blew my mind several years ago because it was incredibly high. Like in this survey of MS patients who, you never hear about pain, you hear about these modifying treatments, all the wonderful expanses that have been made. I mean, like seventy something percent of people say they have moderate to severe pain. And when you think about how sensory processing occurs, it makes perfect sense that a demyelinating disorder is going to interrupt the flow of information for a person to feel normal.  Dr Jones: Yeah, I think it's a good example of, there are things that we tend to focus on as clinicians where we worry about deficit and function and capacity. But if we're patient-centered and we ask patients what they care about, pain usually moves up higher on the list. And so, I think that's why we, it's maybe underrecognized with some of those central disorders, right? Dr Argoff: I think so, and I and I think you hit the nail on the head that - and we're also trained that way. I tell this to my patients very often so that they are reassured when I examine them and I say, and I tell them that everything looked pretty OK. It's not a medical term, I understand that. Because what we do in a typical neurological exam, even if it's detailed, doesn't really address all the intricacies of the nervous system. So it's really a big picture and sensory processing and especially picking up sensory deficits; you know, we use quantitative sensory testing and research studies and things like that, but bedside testing may not reveal the subtle changes. And when we don't see overt changes, we often think - that can lead someone to think that everything is OK and it's not. Dr Jones: So, when you when you see a patient who you've diagnosed with a central mechanism, so central neuropathic pain, how do you approach the management of those patients, Dr Argoff? Dr Argoff: I always review what treatments and what approaches have been addressed already. And I see if - a handful of time, we actually just submitted a paper for publication regarding this in a group of patients with pelvic pain who had untreated, difficult-to-treat chronic pelvic pain, seen all the urological kinds, gynecological things. Look, we picked up two patients who had unknown MS. So, it's just interesting when it comes down to that level. And we also picked up some patients who had subacute combined degeneration. So that's another central kind of disorder as well. Again, the neurologist in us says to make sure that we have specific diagnosis that underlies the central neuropathic pain. And so interestingly, of course, for somebody with MS - or even though it's uncommon, it could be more than one. Somebody with MS might have a stroke, somebody with MS might have a cord injury due to cervical, you know, joint disc disease. Not to overcomplicate things. Know the lay of the land, know the conditions, know what you're battling and lay out so that you can treat the treatable; you want to treat whatever you can correct? So, for MS you simply want to have the best disease-modifying treatment on board, tolerable and appropriate for that person, and so on. And then you really want to take a history of past treatments - and your treatments can be everything and anything, including behavioral modification, physical rehabilitative approaches, as well as pharmacologic management. That's - as I think I put in my article, we concentrated in the article on pharmacologic management because honestly, that's what most patients are looking for, is ‘what can we, what can you do to help me now, in addition to what I can do myself.’ And that's what we typically think of. There are also some more interventional approaches, invasive options, that have developed over time. And of course, those are the ones, some of them, especially in neuromodulation, that we have the least information about, but it appears somewhat promising.  Dr Jones: No, that's exactly what we need to hear. And you also mentioned something that I think is important. This is a common theme throughout the issue because I think it's true for the management of many different types of pain and interdisciplinary approach. In other words, not just honing in on pharmacotherapy or neuromodulation as a one-size-fits-all magic pill, right? So, that - tell us a little bit more about that interdisciplinary approach and how that's important for these patients. Dr Argoff: So, let me back up and give an example. Let's look at Botox for chronic migraine. So, the pre-M studies that led to the approval of Botox for chronic migraine: two treatment sessions versus two random, two placebo session in different patients. The mean headache frequency was, let's say, fifteen to twenty in each group. It was like seventeen, eighteen, something like that. But the mean pain headache day reduction was somewhere between four and five after two treatments compared to a lesser, a lower number in the placebo group. So, if you think about that, that means that you went from nineteen, let's say, to fourteen, thirteen, or twelve. Want to be generous, eleven or ten. But that means that person, everyone 's happy. We use treatment. We have better data than that because the longer you use it, the better it gets in general, but it means that people are still going to be symptomatic. So that drives home in a different painful disorder the importance of yes, treatment can be effective, but it's not the only treatment that a person is going to likely need. And so, I think that's what's so important about multidisciplinary approach. I- we may affect positive changes, reduction in pain intensity with a particular pharmacologic agent, but we don't anticipate it's like taking an antibiotic or a strep throat, not curative. And so, we want to, early on, to explain that logically, methodically, step by step. There are many options for you and we're going to, you know, systematically go through them. And I may need to call in some colleagues to help because I don't do everything. No one does everything, right? But don't feel as if there isn't any hope because there is. If we were to use intraspinal Baclofen for someone who has painful spasticity following a stroke or a spinal cord injury, combining that with physical therapy might give more effect, maybe synergistic. Some targeted muscles, some local muscles may not respond as well to the intraspinal Baclofen, so is that - what can we do? Well, we could use oral agents or we might be able to target that with botulinum toxin, and so on and so forth. So it's limitless, virtually, in what you can do. Dr Jones: There's kind of setting expectations and letting people know that you, you're going to need a lot of different approaches, right? To sort of get them the best possible outcome. Dr Argoff: Yeah, I think that's so important. And of course, no matter what we try to set out, there are going to be individuals - for those of you who are listening, we all know - who expect to be cured yesterday. That might be challenging for us not only to actually complete, but also, it's challenging for some individuals to appreciate that we're with them, we're going to work with them. It’ll be a process, but we've got your back. Dr Jones: Great. And you know, this is a question that I get all the time from patients and from other clinicians is, you know, what about cannabinoids? What's the role of cannabinoids for the management of central neuropathic pain? Dr Argoff: First, I'll say that the short answer to that is we don't know. The second part of my response would be, there is new evidence that it might be helpful in the acute treatment of migraine. And I'm happy to say that the editor of this edition of Continuum is the person who developed that evidence, and it's been recently presented at the American Headache Society. But the challenge and the conundrum that we all face is, everywhere within our nervous system where there's pain being processed, there are endocannabinoid receptors. There also happen to be opioid receptors, but that's a separate issue. And the endocannabinoid system, the peripheral or central, you know, CB1, CB2, is very, very important, but we haven't figured out a way of harnessing that knowledge in developing an analgesic, an effective analgesic. And part of that is that there are so many chemical agents that have cannabinoid properties and there are different… the right balance has not yet been found. But even the legalization, the available of medical cannabis, hasn't led to a standardized approach to evaluating if a preparation does help. And that's part of the conundrum. It's like saying, ‘does medicine work?’Well, yeah, sometimes. But which medicine? Which receptor? How do you harness the right ratio between TBD, THC, other active agents, et cetera? And I think maybe as we go forward in the future, we’ll be able to do that with - more precise. I mentioned Dr Schuster's study in which he had defined ratios of THC effect and CBD and was able to clearly show effect based upon that. But the average person going into a dispensary doesn't really get that. We don't get to study that. Each person's an NF1  and it's not very helpful to understand how to do that. I would say, as I'm sure you remember, there was a practice parameter that was published probably over a decade ago about using cannabis symptomatically in different neurological disorders. And I believe that it was what they studied or what they reviewed was helpful in MS-related urinary discomfort and spasticity, but not necessarily pain.  Dr Jones: And we're still in the early days of studying it, right? Dr Argoff: Yes.  Dr Jones: That's part of the point, as we got started late and we're still waiting for high-quality evidence. And I guess, if you look at the horizon, Dr Argoff, or the future of management of central neuropathic pain, what's going to be the next big thing?  Dr Argoff: One of the joys of being asked to get involved in a project like this is that inevitably we learn so many new things because, you know, that's when anyone says, oh, you must be an expert, I say, I don't know anything because I'm always learning something new. One of the reasons why I moved to Albany Medical College about seventeen years ago was to be able to further my interest in studying why people benefit from topical analgesics by working with a scientist at Albany Med who studied keratinocyte neurochemistry and its impact on pain transmission. And that's a separate issue, but it indicates my love for the peripheral nervous system. And one of my thoughts historically, that is, what the central nervous system processes is what it processes and it might get input, as you mentioned earlier, from the peripheral nervous system, so that topical agents could be dampening central mechanisms. And lo and behold, as I was doing research for this article, I learned that people doing peripheral nerve blocks - so blocking peripheral input at the into the spinal cord - at Washington University, Simon Guterian and colleagues, demonstrate that they could give prolonged benefit from central pain by blocking peripheral input. And that's wild because certainly the nervous system is a two-way street. It's an understatement. What I really found amazing was that, again, blocking input helped the injured central nervous system to behave better.  Dr Jones: That is kind of cool to think about. And I'll tell you, as editor of the journal, one of the funnest things is getting to learn all about neurology, including pain and including central neuropathic pain, when in the end you're doing all the work, I just get to sit here and enjoy it. And you're a program director of a pain fellowship. What's the pipeline look like? Are neurologists more interested in pain than they used to be?  Dr Argoff: I'm happy for this. We are seeing more and more applicants from neurology into our pain management programs. I would say… I was going to say tragically. If I say tragically, it's because what specialty better understands how to diagnose, figure out, assess, come to a conclusion? You can't have pain without your brain. It's always amazed me that more neurologists weren't interested, and I understand the background and such. Just like in migraine, it's only advances in understanding mechanisms of migraine that allow neuroscientific advances that are leading to great therapeutics - that's happening and increasing in ‘pain.’ Today, as program director, we had our fellowship interviews earlier today and three of the nine applicants that we interviewed were neurologists. Last week, I think we interviewed two or three also. That would not have happened five years ago or six years ago. And if you think about it, we can not only diagnose, quote-unquote figure out what's happening, but we now, with pain management training, we can offer people a variety of both invasive and noninvasive options, all while understanding what we're doing with respect to the nervous system in a way that's different than the other specialties that typically go into pain med. And that's such - for me, it's a beautiful experience and something I really enjoy doing. There isn't a neurological condition in the most part that either doesn't have pain associated with it or doesn't have mechanisms that overlap. If you think about epilepsy, and please don't think I'm crazy, but epilepsy is associated with disinhibited hyper-excitatory behavior, just to put it loosely, among certain neurons. That's what pain and neuropathic pain is about too. And you, in fact, we know that several mechanisms since now what medicines are used for both. But what was interesting since, if I may just go back to another point, one of the advances since I brought up the migraine that's very exciting is the whole story about sodium channels. Dr Harouthounian at WashU and his group used lidocaine injection. Lidocaine's a more generalized sodium channel blocker, but some of the newest treatments for treating neuropathic pain. Our NAV specific sodium channel blocker’s trying to match up mechanism to treatment. Not exactly the way that we do with migraine, but still a step forward to not just generally treat but really target different neuronal mechanisms. It's an exciting time.  Dr Jones: So, the pipeline is doing better because we're getting better understanding of disease, and hopefully that pulls in more interest because obviously there are big gaps in caring for patients with pain. And again, thank you, Dr Argoff, for an amazing article. Thank you for joining us and thank you for such a fascinating discussion. I enjoyed the article. I read the article, I learned from our conversation today. So, thank you for joining us to talk about central neuropathic pain. Dr Argoff: Thank you for having me. Dr Jones: Again, we've been speaking with Dr Charles Argoff, author of an article on central neuropathic pain in Continuum 's most recent issue on pain management. Please check it out, and thank you to our listeners for joining today. Dr Monteith: This is Doctor Teshamae Monteith, associate editor of Continuum Audio. If you've enjoyed this episode, you'll love the journal, which is full of in-depth and clinically relevant information important for neurology practitioners. Use the link in the episode notes to learn more and subscribe. AAN members, you can get CME for listening to this interview by completing the evaluation at Thank you for listening to Continuum Audio.
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Principles of Pain Management With Dr. Beth Hogans

Neurologists bring special skills to pain evaluation and management and are well equipped to appreciate both the focal and diffuse nature of pain. By using expert knowledge of the nervous system and implementing relevant therapies, neurologists can succeed at and find meaning in optimizing patient outcomes. In this episode, Allison Weathers, MD, FAAN, speaks with Beth B. Hogans, MD, PhD, author of the article “Principles of Pain Management,” in the Continuum October 2024 Pain Management in Neurology issue. Dr. Weathers is a Continuum® Audio interviewer associate chief medical information officer at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Hogans is an associate professor in the department of neurology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and an associate director for education and evaluation at the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center at the VA Maryland Health Care System in Baltimore, Maryland. Additional Resources Read the article: Principles of Pain Management Subscribe to Continuum: Earn CME (available only to AAN members): Continuum® Aloud (verbatim audio-book style recordings of articles available only to Continuum® subscribers): More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum Journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME.   Dr Weathers: This is Dr Allison Weathers. Today I'm interviewing Dr Beth Hogans, author of Principles of Pain Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management from the October 2024 Continuum issue on pain management and neurology. Welcome to the podcast, and please introduce yourself to our audience.   Dr Hogans: Good afternoon. My name is Beth Hogans. I'm a neurologist. My faculty appointment is at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the Department of Neurology, where I'm an assistant professor. I also serve at the Baltimore VA Medical Center, where I'm the Associate Director of Education and Evaluation for the Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, as well as a neurologist.   Dr Weathers: Thank you so much for, again, being with us today and taking the time to speak with me. I was really struck by how broadly applicable this topic is, not only to all neurologists, but to all physicians and even to all of our listeners, given how prevalent these conditions are. Nearly all physicians involved in direct patient care treat some type of pain disorders, and we all experience pain at some point, though hopefully not chronic pain. Well, usually like to start with a question - again, it feels especially pertinent here in getting to speak with you - what is the most important clinical message of your article? Dr Hogans: So, I'm going to say there's two key messages. The first one is that all pain has a differential diagnosis, and the second one is that all meds work better with non-pharmacological and whole-health comprehensive management incorporated. So that's why I structured the article around the ideas of assessment, diagnosis and management. It's a pretty sort of traditional, basic approach to how we look at clinical problems, but we definitely want to start with proper assessment, go on to a thoughtful differential diagnosis, and then move towards a management plan that is not just, you know, one stop shop, but actually kind of brings several aspects together. Because pain is so multidimensional; you know, it's represented in multiple places in the brain as well as other levels of the nervous system. And so, I think we're still in an era, and we may stay in an era, of, you know, needing something to go along with medication in many cases.   Dr Weathers: I think those are two absolutely critical points for our listeners to keep in mind, both, again, keeping that broad differential, and - we'll get more into management in a bit, but again - that dual strategy of both the pharmacologic and the non-pharmacologic. And again, going down a little bit more there on that management track, a really recurring theme that I picked up in your article is the importance of interprofessional collaboration in the assessment and the management of patients with pain. In the abstract, you actually use the phrase “remarkable” for the diversity of health professions, which I really loved. What other clinicians do you work with in diagnosing and managing pain conditions, and what are their roles in the care of these patients? Dr Hogans: So, something you hear over and over again at pain meetings is, “there is no I in team.” They say that all the time. And it's one of the things I really love about pain, is that we get to work with great colleagues who have their own perspectives, approaches and therapies for pain. So, in my particular practice, which I do focus kind of more at the interface between neurological and musculoskeletal pain because of my passion and interest for spinal pain, you know, ranging from neck to tailbone, but most especially in the lower back. Physical therapy, clinical psychology, sleep sedicine, nursing, pharmacy, rehab… Podiatry is something that people don't often think of, but is really important for getting spine mechanics correct… Ergonomics. But I want to just say something about clinical psychology because there may not be enough clinical psychologists in the United States, but we as neurologists are also brain doctors. You know, we have to stay within our scope of practice. But there's a move now to talk about psychologically informed physical therapy. So why don't we talk about psychologically informed neurology? I think we could do an even better job of kind of leveraging our knowledge of the brain and how it works to kind of bring that into our practice. And so, people with pain often need a lot of empathetic support, for example, as well as knowledge about their condition. So, I would encourage people to build local networks of folks that they refer to and work with. Because when I was a younger doctor, physical therapists taught me a lot of what I know now - because I didn't get it at med school, although by the time I got to residency, I had some really great teachers. But clinical psychology, PT, sleep medicine, those are, like, almost all-the-time collaborators for me. And then like I said, nursing, pharmacy, rehab, podiatry, et cetera, et cetera, prosthetics… those things are all important for pain. Dr Weathers: I was struck by the quote, “one of the things I really love about pain.” That's a great line, and understand how it was meant, but I think - again, a really great quote, but I think you make such important points and, really, it is such a critical team approach. And I love all of those roles you called out. And I was struck in listening to your really thoughtful answer about how I've spoken with several other authors of actually very different topics, but about how we're thinking now about a trauma-informed care approach to many neurological conditions and the similarities with this patient population, how it likely informs very much the approach to this patient population as well and probably the significant potential.   Dr Hogans: A hundred percent! And so, for example, one of the things that probably does factor in for chronic pain - not in everyone, but in, let's say, many cases - is a prior exposure to trauma, whether it's PTSD or adverse childhood events. And so that's why, you know, clinical psychology is, like, very high up on my list of collaborators. And one of the things that I really like - you could say love - about working in the BA system is the ready availability of mental health co-management. So, I would say about a third of my patients in neurology are co-managed by mental health. And what it does is it sort of defuses a lot of what would otherwise come into the visit and be my job as a neurologist to manage, if not treat, right? I still have to manage, you know, someone who comes in with untreated mental trauma or mental health conditions if they're coming into that visit, and I'm trying to open the topic of whether mental health co-management could be helpful. That can sometimes, strangely enough, antagonize people. We’re still in an era of substantial stigma. But I can just say the practice of neurology, together with appropriate mental health co-management, is far superior than going alone. Dr Weathers: Absolutely. And how fortunate that for a lot of your practice, your patients do have those resources available to them. And I think it speaks to the importance of those resources, that all of our patients should really have that availability, and the importance of access. Dr Hogans: Right. So, at Johns Hopkins, we also have exceptional access to, you know, some of the world 's best clinical psychologists. And I've been really privileged to work with my colleagues in clinical psychology. The challenges that - in some of my roles, I interact with trainees and learners who are in clinics that are not as well resourced. And therein lies just tremendous heartache and difficulty. We've been trying to build some resources. There are federal resources that can help to open those conversations and maybe take some of the initial steps towards things like cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance commitment therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction. There's many of these psychological therapies that are proven to be effective for pain and chronic pain, and yet we haven't really had that conversation as a society about, how do we get people connected with those therapies? Many of them can be delivered on a larger scale. And I think we just need to think a lot more thoughtfully about, how can we have more of a public health approach to chronic pain and wellness? Dr Weathers: Absolutely. Such really important points. So, we've talked about the really kind of important, obvious points for what we very much kind of know to be accurate. I want to talk now about, what are the most common misconceptions that you've encountered in treating patients with pain disorders?   Dr Hogans: Yeah. So, this is where, you know, physician as advocate for the patient really comes into play. So, I think the number one misconception that I and many of my colleagues encounter: that pain is the patient 's problem, or that that pain reflects an excessive sensitivity. I think one analogy that I use with students that helps to kind of piece this apart is the immune system, right? There are people who have immunodeficiencies that they're not sufficiently protected from the environment, and then there are - lots of people have allergies where their immune system is sort of hyper-alerted to things that are not a true threat. And the pain system is exquisitely regulated. The neurology of the pain system is fascinating and compelling, and once you learn a little bit about it, you can apply it at the bedside, time after time after time. So, number one: pain is real. And there is an association between strong pain and increased risk for chronic pain. And then sort of the flip side of that is that malingering or, you know, fictitious pain is probably a lot like other functional disorders in that it's part of a complex. So, I think we need to do a lot more work to discover, you know, quote, what is pain that people think is amplified or manufactured and how can we frame that in a clinical context rather than just casting blame or- we already mentioned stigma. You know, stigmatizing people does not help. And there are people who have real pain problems that are really severe and disabling, and neurologists can actually help support those people as they encounter their environment. Dr Weathers: I really love that response. And I think you're right in that we do so often, in the medical system, tend to stigmatize these patients, even as we say the right things and we, I think, talk about it and we recognize… and yet, still, it's almost these unconscious biases. I think, as good as we've gotten in some areas, it's still hard to separate them. It's almost kind of one of the last unspoken, still-acceptable ones in some ways that oh, they must be drug-seeking or, you know, to your point, you use the word, kind of malingering, that they’re somehow, you know, either at fault or that there's some nefarious behavior going on there. And I think you made such really important points that we have to change our way of thinking that it is such a common and, frankly, wrong misconception that a lot of us really carry around and it's really hard to break. We have to kind of recognize these biases in ourself and really fight against them when we encounter these patients. Dr Hogans: I think part of how we got there is the opioid crisis. Dr Weathers: Yes. Dr Hogans: You know, unfortunately we still do not have a fantastic understanding of opioid durability. Like, how long does opioid analgesia last? Not from, like, hour to hour, but, like, from month to month. Roger Cho has done some awesome work looking at long-term efficacy of opioids, and it's surprisingly modest. And yet, opioids have this profound kind of behavioral impact, that they really are highly reinforcing. And so, once they're in the conversation, you find yourself in, like, almost this life-or-death struggle between, you know, am I going to get opioids at this visit? How many? You know, if not, why not; are you going to decrease? And so those of us who are working today, you know, and have been working for the last five years, have been through this terrible struggle. And that struggle is not yet resolved. But once opioids are kind of off the table or neutralized, then we actually have a conversation that is really, you know, A: how good of a clinician are we? Do we really understand what our patient is going through? And how can we bring, like Hippocrates said, you know, get the system to bear on the problem and not just, you know, try to throw drugs at it. So I think that, really, pain challenges us to be our best selves and to, you know, really be clever and kind and helpful. And it is a really great opportunity to help. And as I said, the mechanisms of pain are fascinating neurologically. So, it kind of satisfies some of what we come to work for, but I think it's not all done yet. One of my challenges has been, I wrote an article in 2011 with one of my trainees where we counted up the number of hours documented in the double AMC database for med schools, and we found that the modal value for US medical schools at that time was four. So out of four thousand curricular hours, there were four pain hours. And when you think about the prevalence of pain, that's just a drop in the bucket. So, you know, it's getting better, but we need to come up with some new strategies. So I wrote, I've written three books now. The latest one is really designed to give that intro-level knowledge of pain. But also, obviously, the Continuum article, I wanted to kind of set the table, lay the foundation, and give people some core knowledge to get started with. Dr Weathers: And again, a fantastic article. If our listeners haven't read it, I strongly encourage them to go back because I think you did just that. And as you were just talking, I was thinking about that, especially for those of us who, you know, depending on when in your training was, you know, mine started in the early 2000s. We've kind of lived through that era with the pendulum swinging. Where was, you know, the signs were posted in each clinic room. You know, don't forget to ask, you know, your provider about your pain meds, and it was the sixth vital sign, and all of that. And then the pendulum swung very quickly and very severely the other way, where it was, you have now created this problem, right? We have all caused this epidemic and we're supposed to immediately take these meds away, right? And now to your point, you know, we've all been in these situations with opioids where that was all that was talked about, right? So, you know, we've all been on call and now you're getting the call overnight from people trying to get their opioids filled when, you know, not their prescriber because they knew if they called - or family members, as soon as you got prescribing rights, were now calling and asking. And we've all been in these very hard situations. Dr Hogans: Just because you have a hammer doesn’t mean that everything is a nail. Dr Weathers: I know. So, in trying to negotiate and navigate, you know, these very rough situations… And I think now we're reaching kind of this new era where, to your excellent point, realizing that there are a lot of other solutions. And I love how you framed it, that this is really where we can be our best selves as providers. And actually, to that point, so - as I've mentioned on this podcast many times, clinically, I'm a neuro-hospitalist and I actually wanted to get your opinion as one of the foremost experts. So, a challenging situation I'm also often faced with in my clinical role is when a patient with a chronic pain condition such as diabetic neuropathy or lumbar radiculopathy is admitted to the hospital, often with a totally unrelated condition that either results in a new acute pain, but often also exacerbates their underlying chronic pain, what's your approach to the assessment and management of similar cases? I know our listeners will return again and again to that fantastic approach you laid out in Figure 1.1 with the coordination of the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapies, as we've talked about several times just throughout our conversation, how important both of those approaches are. But a lot of those options are unfortunately limited in the in-patient setting. So how do you balance those? Dr Hogans: So, there's a whole other toolkit that comes into play for acute pain or sort of pain palliation. And you actually have some important allies in the hospital. It turns out that nurses, generally speaking, have some more education than do most physicians about pain. And the nurses that I encounter really see themselves as genuine, sincere advocates for the patient 's interest. They're at the bedside, they're working very closely, and their training actually does, I think, give them a number of tools and a set of inspirational ideas that build towards patient comfort. So, if you communicate with nursing staff about your desire to provide more comfort for the patient, whether it's padding, positioning, activities such as, you know, having them participate in something, you know, whether it's just having a family member, you know, take them for a walk, whether it's in a wheelchair or having an older adult sit by the nurse's station just to give some form of distraction. Ice, you know, cool packs and hot packs, you know, supportive toweling or pillows, all of that can really help. Years ago, nurses used to actually be trained in giving massages, and that can provide some comfort. You know, supportive touch is kind of how we frame that nowadays. But the other piece that you have is, in many cases, PT is getting involved much earlier in the patient, you know, rehabilitation course. And remember that motion is lotion. So, our endogenous analgesia system, which actually involves both endogenous opioids and endogenous cannabinoids, can be activated through many forms of motion, as well as immobility is actually a cause of pain itself. So, you just, you break out your in-patient tool kit and, you know, there are other tools and there's other allies that you want to think about in that context. Dr Weathers: Those are all really great tips, many of which, I know, as you said, a lot of us tend in our thinking to go right to pharmacologic strategy, so wouldn't even be considered, but I think really thoughtful, and that we do have at our fingertips. So- Dr Hogans: I wish I had thought to put them in the article. Dr Weathers: No, they were fantas- but again, why we podcast, agree for complimenting the article… we encourage people to take advantage of both. Well, this has been wonderful, and I know I have learned so much, even more than was in the article. I always like to end on a hopeful note, so I would love to hear what developments in the field of pain that you're most excited about. What do you think is coming down the pipe? Dr Hogans: Well, I think, like a lot of people, I've been waiting for the opportunity that's happening right now, which is, there's a massive investment in pain science being made by the NIH. Finally. You know, we've moved from, you know, just like, little things here or there, commercial kind of entities, to, we now have large NIH dollars flowing into pain. I'd like to see not only a focus on small molecule development, which will ultimately lead to better pharmacological agents, but I'd also like to see a thoughtful approach to non-pharmacological therapies, whole health approaches. Things like healthy communities, safe exercise spaces for all ages, more nutritious food, yoga, Tai chi. We know from Skelly and Cho's article in 2020 that there are many, many non-pharmacological therapies that actually work for chronic pain. There’re some things we still don't know. Like, do older adults respond as well as middle-aged adults? And how can we get NPTs - non-pharmacological therapies - more accessible to people who are subject to disparities? I think part of what happened during the opioid era is that you could get, you know, a bottle of pills for a four-to-ten dollar co-pay and physical therapy was twenty dollars a shot. And we know PT will get you to a better place, but that person that you're talking to may not have three hundred dollars to go to a course of PT. And we need to figure out, you know, how do we do this better, safer, more healthfully. Dr Weathers: And, I think, forgetting even the co-pay; it's the coordination, the time off work, all of it, right? So it's, I think, all of those challenges, but I think all of that are such important points about - and I think, that's really where I'm hopeful. Right? The emphasis, we talked a little bit about trauma-informed care earlier in our conversation, but the focus now on addressing the underlying social disparities of health and overall healthcare disparities, I think, is so promising. Dr Hogans: We need to think about the long-term consequences for human health; and pain has a terrible impact on human health for many reasons, and, I hope, will continue to be the focus of effort for years to come. Dr Weathers: Absolutely. Well, that is such an important statement to end on. Thank you again, Dr Hogans, for such a fantastic conversation and again, such an overall excellent article. Dr Hogans: Thank you, Dr Weathers, it was great to speak with you today again. Dr Weathers: Today I've been interviewing Dr Beth Hogans, whose article on principles of pain assessment, diagnosis, and management appears in the most recent issue of Continuum on pain management and neurology. To learn more about the topics of pain assessment and other topics of pain management, don't forget to listen to Continuum Audio episodes from this and other issues. Thank you to our listeners for joining today. Dr Monteith: This is Dr Teshamae Monteith, associate editor of Continuum Audio. If you've enjoyed this episode, you'll love the journal, which is full of in depth and clinically relevant information important for neurology practitioners. Use this link in the episode notes to learn more and subscribe. AAN members, you can get CME for listening to this interview by completing the evaluation at Thank you for listening to Continuum Audio.
Oct 2, 2024 • 21min

October 2024 Pain Management in Neurology Issue With Dr. Nathaniel Schuster

In this episode, Lyell K. Jones Jr, MD, FAAN, speaks with Nathaniel M. Schuster, MD who served as the guest editor of the Continuum® October 2024 Pain Management in Neurology issue. They provide a preview of the issue, which publishes on October 2, 2024.  Dr. Jones is the editor-in-chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology® and is a professor of neurology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Schuster is an associate professor and associate clinic director in the Center for Pain Medicine and Department of Anesthesiology at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California. Additional Resources Continuum website: Subscribe to Continuum: More about the American Academy of Neurology: Social Media @ContinuumAAN Host: @LyellJ Guest: @NatSchuster Full episode transcript available here Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME Journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, a companion podcast to the journal. Continuum Audio features conversations with the guest editors and authors of Continuum, who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal have access to exclusive audio content not featured on the podcast. If you're not already a subscriber, we encourage you to become one. For more information, please visit the link in the show notes.   Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology. Today, I'm interviewing Dr Nathaniel Schuster, who recently served as Continuum’s guest editor for our latest issue on pain management and neurology. Dr Schuster is a pain neurologist at the University of California, San Diego, where he is an Associate Professor of Anesthesia. Dr Schuster, welcome. Thank you for joining us today. Why don't you introduce yourself to our listeners?   Dr Schuster: Thank you so much, Dr Jones, for having me. My name is Nat Schuster. I am a pain and headache neurologist at UC San Diego, in the Department of Anesthesiology. I do research, clinical practice, and of course, education of med students through pain fellows, and it's been a pleasure to be the guest editor for this forthcoming issue of Continuum.   Dr Jones: Well, I want to thank you for editing the issue. I want to thank you for putting together, really, an incredible list of topics and, really, expert authors. It's been a long time since Continuum has dedicated significant space in an issue to pain management, which is obviously a hugely prevalent, major problem in society, and I think a big gap for many of us – I know it is for me in my practice, so I've enjoyed learning about it – so I want to congratulate you on the issue and thank you for doing it.   Dr Schuster: Yeah. I was just at AAN a few weeks ago. I was chatting with the person who edited one nearly 20 years ago, a prior pain Continuum issue - so, really glad that for another generation of neurologists that we're going to have this as a reference, and hopefully, it'll serve them in their care of so many patients, because this is just such a ubiquitous problem facing Americans and people around the world.   Dr Jones: Yeah, and a lot's changed in 20 years, so let's get into it. And I will say, you know, now that with our open podcast model, we're interviewing the guest editors, you have, really, an incredible view of the entire field at the moment. And with your reading of the issue and your experience as a pain expert, Dr Schuster, what do you think is the biggest controversy in pain medicine right now?   Dr Schuster: Yes, certainly. I think the most controversial thing facing our practicing neurologists is the opioid issue and how things have been changing with national guidelines since 2016, and, fortunately, we are going to have an article by Dr Friedhelm Sandbrink - who is not only a neurologist, but he is the national director for the VA system - on pain management, opioid safety, and prescription drug monitoring programs. So, it's really wonderful that we have him as an author, and I hope that all the neurologists take an opportunity to read his really important manuscript, because it's dizzying, and, you know, if you're not reading the latest things from people like Dr Sandbrink pretty much every couple of years, you're probably falling behind when it comes to what are current attitudes, what is necessary to be, you know, most responsibly continuing your patients who have been on opioids for so long (many of whom have really debilitating neurologic conditions, nothing else is helpful for them), how are you able to best treat them, best monitor them in the appropriate ways to be doing things in compliance with guidelines.   Dr Jones: And I think monitoring is one of the things that, for neurologists who are uncomfortable with pain management, uncomfortable with the modern role of opioids, I think part of it is, well, what are my accountabilities? What are my responsibilities for doing that? That article will have great insights for our readers. Cannabinoids - that's another one I hear a lot of questions about, and it's obviously evolving. The science is relatively less mature there. From your perspective, what's the role of cannabinoids in a modern pain practice?   Dr Schuster: Yeah. Once again, so much controversy there and so much variability across the US, of course, between institutions, between states - hugely different. And as we speak, it's looking like cannabis will very likely be recategorized as being schedule III, so things are changing, you know, even between right now, probably, and when people are going to be reading the forthcoming Continuum and listening to this podcast. At UC San Diego, we certainly have been on the forefront of doing clinical trials, looking at these clinical trials. They're academic studies using the NIDA drug supply. So, they're not the size and scope of so many of the things that we use that have had industry-funded, large, multicenter studies done, but the research that we've done has shown promise for quite a few different neurologic conditions, ranging from my most recent research was in the migraine space, looking at acute migraine (and I just had the pleasure of presenting that data at AAN a few weeks ago), looking at other things over the years, looking at spasticity pain and multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury pain, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, other peripheral neuropathies. So, in the conditions that we as neurologists so often do treat, that does seem like there is a lot of promise. It's something that in our practice, some of our doctors are more comfortable with it, others are less comfortable. I know, myself, I'm very conservative when I discuss it with patients, because there is, you know, addiction concerns, misuse concerns, abuse concerns - I don't believe that it's to the degree of opioids, and I don't think that the risks are anywhere close to what they are with opioids - and while it's less in opioids, we have other things, fortunately, in this field that don't carry those concerns, and so, I certainly try to use those other options as much as possible before having the discussions about cannabinoids. That said, so many people are using them, and so I'm able to guide them towards, you know, telling that very often, doses that are lower than what they might need to get intoxicated might actually be the doses that are therapeutic, and recommending using high CBD and low THC is probably going to have less side effects, and there's some evidence towards, hopefully, having more therapeutic benefit, especially in our most recent study looking at acute migraine that you want to have that CBD component with the THC.   Dr Jones: That's outstanding. So, we know more than we used to. It still feels like a relatively understudied area (and that's partly been the regulatory barriers to doing science on cannabinoids), so we'll look forward to hearing the latest and greatest in the issue. When we think about in neurology - and I'm thinking here as a clinician - when we think about pain and neurology, we often think about neuropathic pain. And, personally, you know, I see a lot of patients who have peripheral generators for those symptoms of neuropathic pain, but central neuropathic pain is an issue, too - and we have articles on both of those, one on peripheral neuropathic pain, one on central neuropathic pain. For our listeners, what should they know about the differences between those two and the treatment approaches to those?   Dr Schuster: Yeah. So, we fortunately have two wonderful articles - one of them from Dr Charles Argoff looking at central neuropathic pain, another one looking at peripheral neuropathic pain from Drs Misha Bačkonja and Victor Wang. And one thing that I think is really interesting about central neuropathic pain is that for these same patients, we don't need to only be thinking about the central neuropathic pain alone, and not everything that they're experiencing is going to be central neuropathic pain, because they can have “frozen shoulder” - post-stroke shoulder pain is actually a really big deal. Of course, you need to be concerned about things like sacral decubitus ulcers in so many of these patients. And so, they can have nociceptive components in those same patients, and us as neurologists, taking care of these very complicated patients, need to have our eyes open for the central neuropathic components, but also in those same patients, the other pain generators that we can do a lot for.   Dr Jones: So, the musculoskeletal and other generators of pain are relevant. I think that's something that many of us have experienced. Certainly, when I trained, Dr Schuster, the general construct around pain was that it was a really biological phenomenon, and it's an adaptive phenomenon, but it becomes a clinical problem when the pain is unmanageable or out of proportion to the patient's coping skills, and it seems to have evolved - at least in terms of our understanding of it, how it impacts people's lives. It's not just a physical or biological process, right? There are psychological factors here, there are social factors here. How does that inform your thinking about management of pain?   Dr Schuster: Yeah, so, I think that that's one of the most important running themes throughout this issue of Continuum that readers will find, is that there's a movement away from the biomedical model towards the biopsychosocial model in thinking about patients. And, at least for myself, when I was coming out of neurology residency, my training was much more on the biomedical model and on medication treatments. And throughout this issue, what you'll find is discussions of the importance of the biopsychosocial model, having pain psychology as being a component of the treatment for so many of these patients. That medications alone (for many of our most challenging patients) won't be the answer by themselves - that you'll need to have involvement of physical therapy, of pain psychology. And we have an article written by the pain psychologist who I work with at UCSD, Dr Mirsad Serdarevic, which I think will be very interesting for so many neurologists. It's also wonderful that we have an article on facial pain that's written by a neurologist, Dr Meredith Barad, together with a dentist, Dr Marcela Romero-Reyes. So, it really takes a team to treat so many of these very challenging patients who we are treating in our neurological practices.   Dr Jones: Yeah, thanks for that. I realize that with a complex problem, a lot of times you need more than one area of expertise, right? It's a team process and a team effort. When you think about your own practice, Dr Schuster, when do you bring in other specialists or other perspectives in the management of patients with pain?   Dr Schuster: So, one of the articles that I really enjoyed reading in this forthcoming issue of Continuum is the one from Dr Narayan Kissoon on widespread pain syndromes. These patients who have widespread pain syndromes very often are the patients that I'm referring to our pain psychologist. Neurologists can do so much for these patients by making the right diagnosis. So often, these patients might be treated by one specialist for one organ system, another specialist for another organ system, and they can have so many different specialists, and they can be going from institution to institution. And a neurologist is in a really good position to be able to take the full history, put everything together and say, “I think you have a chronic overlapping pain condition. I think you have central sensitivity syndromes” - to be able to talk to them about their central nervous system being amped up, and that there are treatments that we can give them to help to treat these conditions, fibromyalgia and others, that affect so many of our patients who we encounter in neurologic practice. So, the International Association for the Study of Pain now has this term, nociplastic, and some people use the term neuroplastic to talk about these central sensitivity syndromes, and while not all neurologists maybe are hearing those terms used yet in clinical practice, I think it gives us a good framework - and between Dr Kissoon's article, as well as Dr Beth Hogans’ article on general principles of pain, I think that those will give the practicing neurologist a lot of good updates as to how our thinking about these patients has evolved.   Dr Jones: I know, as clinicians, we have a very cause-and-effect kind of component to our training, right? Here is the problem, here is the lesion, here is the result, and what do I do about it. I think patients also want to know what is the cause of the pain, and I think it's, maybe, historically been frustrating when someone clearly has pain and there's not a single factor, especially a removable factor, that causes it. So, I think, hopefully, having this language that we can use to communicate it with our better understanding of pain, hopefully that will help. Does that help you in your practice when you're talking to patients, when you explain what's going on? Is that well-received in general?   Dr Schuster: Yeah, you know, I think a lot of doctors are afraid to talk about fibromyalgia, for example, with patients. And what I'm finding in my practice, actually, is that a lot of patients are liberated when they can receive a diagnosis, such as fibromyalgia, that they can read about, they can learn about treatments for it, they can join support groups online and find that they're not alone - indeed, this condition affects 2 to 4% of people, and that very well could be a underdiagnosis. It keeps them from looking to different specialists for each painful body part and potentially having unneeded surgeries - and surgeries that might make things worse. So, I think physicians are understandably concerned because there is stigma - there's stigma around a lot of painful conditions, and there's stigma around some of the treatments that we use to treat these patients - and I think that physicians who are sensitive to that can sometimes be hesitant, but I'm really surprised how often patients are just really appreciative to get the right diagnosis.   Dr Jones: And you mentioned a minute ago that things have changed even since you came out of training, and, obviously, training is really important to know how to manage these problems. In my own world, I've seen, I think, an increase in the interest in pain management as a subspecialty among neurology trainees. There's obviously something that grabbed you, something that pulled you into this field. What's been your path to being a pain specialist?   Dr Schuster: Yeah, so I was a neurology resident at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, and fortunately, there, they have a few pain neurologists - and also, in the community, we have a few other pain neurologists as well that I had the great fortune to work with. And I was so impressed, especially those who are doing both pain and headache treatment, that you were able to help so many people treating very high-prevalence conditions - very often, younger patients, people who are going through school, building families - and being able to really reduce their disability, improve their quality of life and the quality of lives of their families is very gratifying. So, I encountered that as a neurology resident. I had their mentorship. And then, I applied for both headache and pain fellowships, and I did both a headache fellowship and a pain fellowship - and I think that that's been a wonderful combination for my career. To have that mix of patients has been really wonderful for preventing burnout. I think having a combination of slightly different patient populations between the headache population and the pain population, as well as, of course, those who have comorbid headache and pain conditions, has been very gratifying to treat people with these conditions. Not that many neurology residents think about doing a pain fellowship, and I wrote, together with my good friend and colleague Jacob Hascalovici, back in 2018 (that was published in the Green Journal), an article on pain neurology as an emerging subspecialty within neurology - and certainly, I would encourage any neurology residents who are interested in potentially pursuing a pain fellowship to read this article. There's such a need for neurologists in the pain field.   Dr Jones: It can be a little bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, right? So, obviously, role modeling was important to you, right? You could see the practice when you were in training, when you could still make the decision, and if there aren't enough pain neurologists (which I think we can agree that there aren't), there are probably a lot of trainees who don't have that window into what that practice can be like, which, again, makes it kind of a barrier to folks entering the field - so, hopefully, being more comfortable with it will help our listeners and our readers, you know, integrate this into their practice and see it as a path forward for their own careers if they're interested. One last question for you, Dr Schuster, is - you know, looking into the future, obviously, when we have more options to treat these patients, it's rewarding and engaging and exciting - what do you think the next big thing in pain management is going to be? What should our listeners know that's coming down the road for these patients?   Dr Schuster: Yeah, so the interventional segment and the neuromodulation treatments are really changing a lot these last few years, and I believe are going to keep on evolving with new treatments coming down the pathway. And so, we have two wonderful and really nicely balanced articles on these topics: one of them from one of my former mentors from my UCLA days, Dr Vernon Williams, wrote one on spine pain, and he talks about the interventional pain treatments; and another from Dr Prasad Shirvalkar on neuromodulation for painful neuropathic diseases. And these are really wonderful articles for the neurologist who wants to learn about what treatments are available that, they might not personally be doing these, but that they can refer to colleagues - and these are changing a lot. Epidural steroid injections, for example: helpful for a lot of patients, but there's so much more to the interventional pain field than just that, and I think our practicing neurologists will learn a lot about, “Oh, what can neuromodulation be useful for within the pain field?” And, of course, because there's industry involvement in neuromodulation research, you need somebody who's really good at being very balanced, and I think Dr Shirvalkar did an incredible job about writing a really balanced article about the neuromodulation options that we have for patients with neuropathic pain disorders.   Dr Jones: It's exciting stuff. I think there's a lot to look forward to. I think the update that our readers and listeners will have from this issue will be extremely helpful for themselves in their practice and for their patients. For people who are audiophiles, each of these articles will have a corresponding podcast, so we'll refer people to that. And with that, Dr Schuster, I want to thank you for joining us for a really thorough, fascinating discussion on the field of pain neurology and our brand-new issue on pain neurology. And again, we've been speaking with Dr Nat Schuster, Guest Editor for Continuum’s most recent issue on pain neurology. Please check it out. And thank you to our listeners for joining today.   Dr Monteith: This is Dr Teshamae Monteith, Associate Editor of Continuum Audio. If you've enjoyed this episode, you'll love the journal, which is full of in-depth and clinically relevant information, important for neurology practitioners. Use this link in the episode notes to learn more and subscribe. Thank you for listening to Continuum Audio.
Sep 25, 2024 • 24min

Therapeutic Approach to Autoimmune Neurologic Disorders With Dr. Tammy Smith

Dr. Tammy Smith, an expert in autoimmune neurologic disorders and a researcher, joins the conversation to explore therapeutic strategies for these complex conditions. She discusses the importance of personalized treatment approaches and the role of social determinants in diagnostic challenges. The talk also highlights the pressing need for diversity in clinical trials and the advocacy for evidence-based practices over traditional methods. Dr. Smith expresses optimism about innovations in personalized care and the future of treatment breakthroughs.
Sep 18, 2024 • 25min

Neurologic Manifestations of Rheumatologic Disorders With Dr. Jennifer McCombe

Dr. Jennifer McCombe, an associate professor at the University of Alberta and a renowned author on rheumatologic disorders, dives deep into the neurologic manifestations of these conditions. The conversation highlights how central nervous system issues can sometimes present without obvious systemic symptoms. Dr. McCombe discusses the importance of early intervention, personalized care, and the complexities of managing neurosarcoidosis, including treatment strategies like corticosteroids and TNF inhibitors. The talk also covers future advancements in understanding immunologic diseases.
Sep 11, 2024 • 23min

Autoimmune Neuromuscular Disorders Associated With Neural Antibodies With Dr. Divyanshu Dubey

Dr. Divyanshu Dubey, an expert in autoimmune neuromuscular disorders and published author, joins to discuss the intricacies of these conditions. He highlights the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment, particularly for disorders like myasthenia gravis. The conversation delves into the role of autoantibodies in both diagnosis and management, exploring the limitations of current testing methods. Dr. Dubey also emphasizes the significance of personalized therapies and ongoing research to improve patient outcomes in this evolving field.
Sep 4, 2024 • 22min

Stiff Person Syndrome and GAD Antibody–Spectrum Disorders With Dr. Marinos Dalakas

Dr. Marinos Dalakas, a leading expert on Stiff Person Syndrome and GAD Antibody–Spectrum Disorders, delves into the importance of accurate diagnoses amidst rising public awareness. He shares insights on the complexities of treating this rare disease, highlighting the need for early intervention and the link between mental health and autoimmune conditions. Dr. Dalakas also reflects on his journey to expertise and the excitement of upcoming clinical trials, while indulging in his passion for abstract art and wine collecting. A fascinating blend of science and personal interests!
Aug 31, 2024 • 53min


Dr. Michael Grasso, an expert in autoimmune neurology, dives into the clinical nuances of NMOSD and MOGAD, highlighting their distinct features and differences from multiple sclerosis. He examines gender and ethnic disparities in these disorders, stressing the need for precise diagnostic criteria. The conversation covers effective treatment strategies, including the role of prednisone and plasma exchange. Grasso's insights into a complex case study illustrate the challenges of early diagnosis and tailored management in neuromyelitis optica.

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podcast player

Listen to all your favourite podcasts with AI-powered features


Listen to the best highlights from the podcasts you love and dive into the full episode