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Genetic testing plays a key role in the evaluation of epilepsy patients. With the expanding number of choices for genetic tests and the complexity of interpretation of results, genetic literacy and knowledge of the most common genetic epilepsies are important for high-quality clinical practice.
In this episode, Gordon Smith, MD, FAAN speaks Sudha Kilaru Kessler, MD, MSCE, author of the article “Epilepsy Genetics,” in the Continuum February 2025 Epilepsy issue.
Dr. Smith is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and a professor and chair of neurology at Kenneth and Dianne Wright Distinguished Chair in Clinical and Translational Research at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.
Dr. Kessler is an associate professor of neurology and pediatrics at Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Read the article: Epilepsy Genetics
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Dr Jones: This is Dr Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME.
Dr Smith: Hello, this is Dr Gordon Smith. Today I've got the great pleasure of interviewing Dr Sudha Kessler about her article on epilepsy genetics, which appears in the February 2025 Continuum issue on epilepsy. Sudha, welcome to the podcast and please introduce yourself to our audience.
Dr Kessler: Oh, thank you so much. I'm Sudha Kessler. I am a pediatric epileptologist here at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr Smith: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Are you a geneticist too, or how did you get into this particular topic?
Dr Kessler: Yes, I want to emphatically say that I am not a geneticist. I'm not an expert in epilepsy genetics at all. I take care of all sorts of patients with epilepsy. I actually do mostly epilepsy surgery-related care. But this part of epilepsy is, every year, increasingly important to our everyday practice. And I think it's fascinating, often a little daunting. I think I was asked to get involved with this article as a non-expert to help translate from the experts to the rest of us.
Dr Smith: We're going to get there, because one of the things you do a really good job of in the article is talking about genetic concepts that are germane to everything we do. And I think you're an expert. You do it in a way that I understood. So, I'd like to get there, but- and this is a really hot area. For instance, I really loved your figure that shows the arc of discovery of genetic causes for epilepsy. It's really breathtaking, something we wouldn't have thought possible that long ago. And it's also a lot to digest. And so, I wonder if maybe we can begin by thinking about a framework and, for instance, you talk about these different groups of disorders. And one that seems to be particularly impacted by this unbelievable A-rated discovery. Our developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, or DEEs. What can you tell our listeners about that group of disorders?
Dr Kessler: Sure. I think that, you know, most of what we think about in epilepsy genetics now has to do with disorders that are attributable to changes in a single gene. Genetics is obviously much more complicated than that, but that's still where we are in the stage of discovery. And the graph in the article is definitely one to take a look at because it represents the explosion that we've had in our understanding of single gene disorders leading to epilepsy and related manifestations. The DEEs are a group of disorders where any individual disorder is fairly rare, but as a group they are not that rare, and very impactful because they often cause epilepsy at a very young age. And either as a consequence of seizures or as a consequence of the underlying pathophysiology of that gene change, they are typically associated with really significant developmental impairments for a child 's entire life.
Dr Smith: My understanding is that there's therapeutic development going on in this space. So, the early recognition of these genetic testing offers the promise of very impactful treatment---like we now do for SMA, for instance---early in the disease course.
Dr Kessler: I think that's right. That's one of the most exciting parts of this field is that so much, just around the corner, for drug development, therapy development in this area. And as you can imagine, with a lot of these disorders, earlier intervention is likely to be much more impactful than later intervention when a lot of the developmental consequences are sort of… you know, when the cat 's already out of the bag, so to speak.
Dr Smith: Yeah. So, this is really transformational and something that everyone who takes care of kids with epilepsy needs to know about, it seems. So on the other extreme, I guess, there are the self-limited epilepsies. I didn't really know about this in terms of genetic discovery, but can you talk about those disorders?
Dr Kessler: Yeah, sure. I mean, I think some of these are the classic childhood epilepsy syndromes that we think about like childhood absence epilepsy or what we used to call benign romantic epilepsy and now call self-limited epilepsy of childhood with centrotemporal spikes. It's a mouthful, shortened to SeLECTS. Those are the epilepsies that occur typically in previously healthy children, that affects them for a few years and often remits so that epilepsy is just age-limited and doesn't continue for life. They clearly have genetic influences because they tend to run in families, but the genetics of them is not generally single gene associated. And so, we haven't actually explained why most of those kids actually get epilepsy. I think that'll be sort of another interesting area of discovery that will help us even understand some really fundamental things about epilepsy, like, why does this syndrome start at this age and tend to resolve by adolescence?
Dr Smith: And the other thing I found interesting is disorders that I might have thought going into it would have a defined genetic cause or some of the disorders that there are not. So JME, for instance, or childhood absence, which is a little counterintuitive.
Dr Kessler: It's completely counterintuitive. We call them genetic generalized epilepsies, and we know that they run in families, but we still know so little. I would say of all of the disorders that are mentioned in this article, that is the group where I think we have explained the genetic underpinnings the least well.
Dr Smith: Yeah. Isn't that interesting? It's… wasn't it Yogi Berra who said, it's hard to predict things, particularly the future? So…
Dr Kessler: Yes.
Dr Smith: Who would have thought? So, we’ve talked a lot about kids. What about adults? You know, what role does genetic testing play in adults who have unexplained epilepsy?
Dr Kessler: Yeah, I think that that is also a really important emerging area of knowledge. I think many epileptologists may think of genetic epilepsy as being solely pediatric. There are definitely not how many of these disorders can manifest for the first time in adulthood. Not only that, many of our children with childhood onset epilepsy that is due to a genetic problem grow up to become adults and will then need adult epilepsy care. In order to take care of both of those groups, it's really important for all epileptologists, including those that take care of adults, to have some knowledge of the potential impact of genetic testing. And how do you even approach thinking about it?
Dr Smith: The message I guess I'm getting is if our listeners take care of patients with epilepsy, no matter how old those patients are, they need to be familiar with this. And the other message I'm getting is, it sounds like there are a lot of patients who really need genetic testing. And this came through in one aspect of your article that I found really interesting, right? So, what are the recommendations on genetic testing? So, the National Society of Genetic Counselors, as I understand it, said everyone needs genetic testing, right? Which I mean, they're genetic counselors, so. Which is great. In the International League Against Epilepsy, they recommended a more targeted approach. So, what's your recommendation? Should we be testing anyone with unexplained epilepsy, or should we be focusing on particular populations?
Dr Kessler: Well, I guess I think about it as a gradation. There are certain populations that really deserve genetic testing, where it is going to be absolutely critical. You know, it's very likely that it will be critical knowledge to their care. If you diagnose somebody with epilepsy and you do imaging and that imaging does not reveal an answer, meaning you don't see a tumor or you don't see an old stroke or some other sort of acquired lesion, the next pillar of testing for understanding underlying etiology is genetic testing. That is the point at which I typically send my patients, and that's whether they're refractory or not. I think in the past some people felt that only patients with refractory epilepsy deserve or require testing. I think the reason why not to limit it to that population is that what's on a person's mind with epilepsy, or a family's mind with epilepsy, is what's going to happen to my child or to me in the future? And if genetic testing can shed some light on that, that will have a huge impact on that person's life.
Dr Smith: You've got great cases in your article, which, I just want to give you a compliment. The information and entertainment, frankly, for per page: off the charts. It's not a long article, packed with useful information. And, I mean, some of your cases are great examples of patients who are heading down the surgical epilepsy path and you discovered, nope, there's a genetic cause that really impacted their care. What's the yield, right? The number of patients that you send genetic testing on for epilepsy, what percentage come back positive for a relevant sequence variant that you think is either causing or contributing to their epilepsy?
Dr Kessler: That's a great question. I think that is actually still in flux because it depends on the population of patients that are being sent for testing, obviously, and then also on what testing is being done. So, I know in at least one large recent meta-analysis, the overall yield was 17%. And somebody hearing that number might think, oh, that's not very high, but it's actually very comparable to the yield for imaging. And we all do MRIs and patients that have new-onset epilepsy where the yield of MRI testing is about 20% or so. So, quite comparable. And then with children with DEEs, the yield is much, much higher than that.
Dr Smith: So, 17% is actually a really great diagnostic yield. When I think of my yield and doing genetic testing on patients who have an axonal CMT phenotype, right? I mean that's better than what I get. So, good for you. That's exciting.
Dr Kessler: It's interesting. I think that maybe an assumption might be that you're working somebody up. You do a genetic test, it reveals a difference, and thus surgery is off the table. It's actually quite different than the head, which is that some results may make surgery be even more “on the table” because you might find a gene that is known to be associated with a propensity to vocal cortical dysplasia, for example. And you may take a good second look at that person's MRI imaging or do other imaging to reveal the MRI invisible vocal cortical dysplasia.
Dr Smith: Outstanding point. Let's talk a little more about the genetic testing itself. So, we've got all these genes. We understand when to test. What do you do? For instance, last night I just looked at the company that we use for most of our neuromuscular testing and they have a genetic epilepsy next gen panel with, I don't know, three hundred and twenty genes, right? Do you use that kind of panel? Do you go directly to a whole EXO? What's the right approach?
Dr Kessler: Yeah, I think that that is quite dynamic right now, meaning that recommendations seem to change often enough that I rely on help. I have the enormous good luck of working here at CHOP where there is a fantastic epilepsy genetics group that I can easily refer to, and I know not everyone has that resource. The current recommendation is to start with an exome if that is available and is covered by that patient's insurance. When exome is not available, then the next best thing is a gene panel. You know, in recent years there have been a lot of sponsored gene panels, meaning free to the patient, administered by a company that then, you know, has other uses for compiled or grouped genetic data. And I think that as long as all of that can be clearly explained to a patient, and- along with all of the other things so you have to explain to a patient before doing genetic testing, about the pluses and minuses of doing it, I think that you sort of go for the best test you can that's available to that patient.
Dr Smith: The sponsored programs can be very, very helpful, particularly from a payer or a patient payment perspective. And so, I guess the lesson there is it's great if you got the resources and CHOP to help you decide, but better to get whatever panel you can get than to do nothing; or, of course, refer to a center if you're not comfortable.
Dr Kessler: And also, just know that these things change often enough that if it's been a couple of years and you might want to recheck whether the EXO is available to that patient or whether a gene panel can be sent that includes more than they had eight years ago.
Dr Smith: So, are there situations to go to the other extreme where you just do targeted sanger sequencing? Like, just sequence the specific gene of interest?
Dr Kessler: Yeah, absolutely. I'm still a big proponent of thinking clinically about a patient. If there are clues in that patient's history, exam, imaging, anything that gives you some sense of the disorder that this patient might have. And I think a classic example would be tuberous sclerosis. If you see an infant who has new onset spasms, you see hypopigmented macules on their skin and their MRI shows a tuber, you know, also known as a focal cortical dysplasia, then sure, send the targeted sequencing for the TSC1 and TSC2 genes.
Dr Smith: And Rett syndrome?
Dr Kessler: And Rett syndrome would be another example. And there are many examples where, if you feel like you have a good sense of what the disorder is, I think it's completely acceptable to send the targeted testing.
Dr Smith: So, I'm going to get further down the rabbit hole and get to from easier to harder. I always get confused about things like chromosomal microarrays or, like, karyotypes and rings and stuff like that. What role do these tests play and what do our listeners need to know about them?
Dr Kessler: Yeah, I think that it is really important to have at least some knowledge of what each test can't tell you. I tell my medical students at my residence that all the time. With anything in medicine, you should know what you're asking of a test and what answers a test can tell you and can't tell you. It is baseline knowledge before requesting anything. And if you don't know, then it's best to ask. So, chromosomal microarray is used when you think that there is a large-scale derangement in a bunch of genes, meaning there is a whole section of a chromosome missing---that would be deletion, or that that information is duplicated or is turned around in a, you know, in a translocation. That is what- the kinds of things that that test can tell you. I think of doing a microarray when a child has not just epilepsy and intellectual disability, but also has, for example, other organ systems involved, because sections of chromosome can include many, many, many different genes and it can affect the body in larger ways. That's often when I think about that. So, a child with multiple congenital anomalies. Karyotype, which we think of as the most old-fashioned way of looking at our genes, still has some utility because it is useful for looking at a specific situation where the ends of arm of a chromosome get cut off and get sticky and then stick to each other and make a ring. For example, ring chromosome 20 is a disorder which can cause epilepsy, particularly hard-to-treat frontal lobe epilepsy, and that sometimes doesn't show up until adolescence or even early adulthood. That's just one example of something that karyotype can tell you.
Dr Smith: And it goes without saying, but just to emphasize, these are things that you would miss completely on a next generation panel or a next genome?
Dr Kessler: That's correct. Because this isn't about sequencing. This is about large structures. You know, with my patients, it's sometimes, I think, very hard to explain. It's hard enough to explain it to other physicians who aren't in genetics, but it's a whole other undertaking to explain it to families who may not have a lot of literacy about cell biology or genetics or, you know, anything related to that. So, I often rely on analogies. And one analogy I use is that if you're- all of your genetic information is like a book, that book is split into chapters and those are the chromosomes. And you can be missing entire paragraphs or have paragraphs duplicated. And that would be the kind of thing that we would be looking for with the chromosomal microarray with sequencing or, you know, with sequencing, we're looking for spelling of words, and we can look at one word at a time. That would be targeted sequencing. Or we can look at many, many words at a time. And that would be next gen sequencing.
Dr Smith: I just want to say that you are the genetic whisperer. You know, translator. I love it.
Dr Kessler: You can continue using it down to the level of explaining the possibility of a variant of unknown significance, which I think is sometimes difficult to explain. So, I often will say, I know how the word color is spelled: C O L O R. But sometimes in other places it will be spelled C O L O U R and that's still the same word, that's still color. That's just what we would call a population variant. If it is spelled C O M O R, that changes meaning; that is not a word, and that is probably a pathogenic variant. But if it gets misspelled and it’s K O L O R, then I'm not sure. Could that be a variant that means something different or not. And so that I would call that a variant of unknown significance, meaning its impact is to be determined.
Dr Smith: So, I was going to ask you about variant calling, but you'd beat me to the punch. And that's a great metaphor that I will definitely remember. All right, here's another concept that I think people often find challenging, which is read depth. Can you tell us about reading depth or sequence depth?
Dr Kessler: Yes, hopefully I can. Again, not an expert here, but as I understand it, the way next gen sequencing works is that pieces of DNA are getting read. And the number of times any given nucleotide is read in this process is the read depth. It basically just translates to the number of times the processor, the machinery of doing this, pays attention to anyone site. The reason it's important is that the process by which this reading is done can sometimes result in errors. The greater your depth, the more times something is read, the less likely you are to have a mistake.
Dr Smith: In either direction. So, you're presumably less likely to have a false positive or false negative. Yep, again, very well explained. You know, I've got a lot of other questions I want to ask you, but I do want to be respectful of our listeners’ time. I wonder if we could pivot a little bit and just let's go back to where we began. Really exciting time, right? Amazing. And you've been doing this long enough. I'm sure you didn't think when you started that it was going to look like this. What does the future look like? I mean, we talked a little bit about therapeutics, but the world's changing fast. Five, ten years from now, what's your hope for that?
Dr Kessler: Oh, that's such a great question. You know, we are at the point with genetic epilepsies that gene-based therapies, either antisense oligonucleotide-based therapies or viral vector-based gene therapies, are actually now being developed and administered in trial situations to actual patients. And so, it always feels like we're on the cusp, but I think actually now we really are on the cusp of having gene-based therapies for genetic epilepsies. I think that there is still so much to sort out, both from basic scientific point and from a practical administering these things to patients and what are the potential long term consequences.For example, unlike medications, which are therapies that you can stop if there are adverse effects, often administering a gene therapy is a one-and-done thing that can't be retracted. Thinking even about the ethical framework of that and the framework of explaining to patients that we don't know the ten, twenty-year consequences of that, is part of the informed consent process, for example. So, there's still so much work that is going to be transformational, not just from the, you know, the big picture, but from developing all, you know, from going through all of these steps to really make these kinds of therapies a reality.
Dr Smith: Well, it's really amazing. And, you know, we're seeing this in multiple different areas in neurology. So, well done. You run the child neurology residency program there, I understand. I try to snoop on people before I talk to them because we haven't met before this. And you're obviously a very a very good educator. Thank you so much for talking with me today. I don't spend a lot of time in epilepsy, but every time I do one of these, I kind of want to go back and do something different because it's such a neat field. Thank you.
Dr Kessler: You're welcome. It was my pleasure.
Dr Smith: Again, today I've been interviewing Dr Sudha Kessler about her article on epilepsy genetics, which is truly outstanding. This article appears in the most recent issue of Continuum on epilepsy. Be sure to check out Continuum audio episodes from this and other issues. And thank you, listeners, for joining us today.
Dr Monteith: This is Dr Teshamae Monteith, Associate Editor of Continuum Audio. If you've enjoyed this episode, you'll love the journal, which is full of in-depth and clinically relevant information important for neurology practitioners. Use this link in the episode notes to learn more and subscribe. AAN members, you can get CME for listening to this interview by completing the evaluation at Thank you for listening to Continuum Audio.