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The New Mason Jar with Cindy Rollins

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Mar 28, 2024 • 42min

S6E79: “A Bit of the World’s Work” with Anne White

Ourselves, our Souls and Bodies is much used in the P.U.S., as I know of no other attempt to present such a ground plan of human nature as should enable the young student to know where he is in his efforts to ‘be good’ as the children say. The point of view taken in this volume is, that all beautiful and noble possibilities are present in every one; but that each person is subject to assaults and hindrances in various ways of which he should be aware in order that he may watch and pray. Hortatory teaching is apt to bore both young people and their elders; but an ordered presentation of the possibilities and powers that lie in human nature and of the risks that attend these, can hardly fail to have an enlightening and stimulating effect. Charlotte Mason, Towards a Philosophy of Education Show Summary: On the New Mason Jar today we welcome back Anne White, veteran homeschool mom, author, and member of the AmblesideOnline Advisory How Anne first discovered Charlotte Mason About Anne’s new book title and how she came to write this work Is this book for homeschoolers? How can we understand and apply “justice” in the way that Charlotte meant here? Why children need time and space to think and let ideas work in them What do you mean by the statement that “there is is only sacred, sanctified education, or desecrated education”? How Anne tied the magic of narration into the ideas in this book Books and Links Mentioned: For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay A Bit of the World’s Work by Anne White Offering Ourselves: A Lenten Journey with Charlotte Mason by Anne White Honest, Simple Souls by Anne White Ourselves by Charlotte Mason   Find Cindy and Anne: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Anne Writes Anne’s Author Page on Amazon Anne’s Blog: Dewey’s Treehouse   The worth of any calling depends upon its being of use; and no day need go by without giving us practice in usefulness. Each one is wanted for the special bit of work he is fit for; and, of each, it is true that– “Thou cam’st not to thy place by accident: It is the very place God meant for thee.” Charlotte Mason, Ourselves, Bk. 1, pp. 209-210
Mar 14, 2024 • 43min

S6E78: Morning Time for Moms, Part 1, with Jami Marstall

The mind is a spiritual octopus, reaching out limbs in every direction to draw in enormous rations of that which under the actions of the mind itself becomes knowledge. Nothing can stale its infinite variety; the heavens and the earth, the past, the present, and future, things great and things minute, nations and men, the universe, all are within the scope of the human intelligence. Charlotte Mason, Toward a Philosophy of Education, p. 330 Show Summary: On The New Mason Jar this week, Cindy and Dawn kick off a new series of the podcast, Morning Time for Moms, with our first guest in the series, Jami Marstall How Jami first came to hear about Charlotte Mason How much of AmblesideOnline’s curriculum Jami has personally read as the mother and teacher What practices Jami put in place to ensure she was growing in knowledge How the mother-teacher is the guide, philosopher, and friend What is the significance of the “spiritual octopus” quote from the intro? How can moms build a reading life in the busy seasons of life? What Jami is reading now and what some of her other activities are Books and Links Mentioned: Beyond Mere Motherhood by Cindy Rollins For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay For the Family’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay Towards a Philosophy of Education by Charlotte Mason The Idea of America by Gordon S. Wood John Adams by David McCullough The Universe Next Door by James Sire The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas The Once and Future King by T. H. White Lynn Bruce’s article on The Spiritual Octopus S2E22: Charlotte Mason Through High School with Jami Marstall Find Cindy and Dawn: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Dawn’s Swedish Drill website Dawn’s A Reasoned Patriotism website Dawn’s Substack What we are concerned with is the fact that we personally have relations with all that there is in the present, all that there has been in the past, and all that there will be in the future––with all above us and all about us––and that fullness of living, expansion, expression, and serviceableness, for each of us, depend upon how far we apprehend these relationships and how many of them we lay hold of…. Every [mother] is heir to an enormous patrimony, heir to all the ages, inheritor of all the present. The question is, what are the [educational] formalities necessary to put [her] in possession of that which is [hers]? paraphrase of Charlotte Mason from School Education, pg. 186
Feb 29, 2024 • 54min

S6E77: Seeing the Big Picture with Heather Martin

Three Questions for the Mother…She must ask herself Why must the children learn at all? What should they learn? And, How should they learn it? If she takes the trouble to find a definite and thoughtful answer to each of these three queries, she will be in a position to direct her children’s studies; and will, at the same time, be surprised to find that three-fourths of the time and labour ordinarily spent by the child at his lessons is lost time and wasted energy. Charlotte Mason, Home Education, p. 171 Show Summary: On this week’s episode of The New Mason Jar, Cindy and Dawn sit down to chat with veteran homeschool mom, Heather Martin about a wide variety of topics How and when Heather actually learned about Charlotte Mason after organically using many of her methods all along How getting a teaching certificate actually ensured Heather would choose to home educate instead Were there challenges specific to having only boys? What were some of the intentional things you did in your home to build your family culture? Some encouragement for moms regarding mathematics How Heather started local recitation gatherings with other homeschoolers Books and Links Mentioned: Mere Motherhood by Cindy Rollins Range by David Epstein In Vital Harmony by Karen Glass Find Cindy: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram
Feb 15, 2024 • 35min

S6E76: “Beyond Mere Motherhood” with Cindy and Dawn

No one knoweth the things of a man but the spirit of a man which is in him; therefore, there is no education but self-education… Charlotte Mason, Toward a Philosophy of Education, p. 26 Show Summary: On The New Mason Jar this week, Cindy and Dawn sit down to chat about Cindy’s newest book, Beyond Mere Motherhood How this book came to be What Cindy hopes this book to be and who it is for What you can expect from each chapter of the book How this book is helping launch a new podcast series coming soon! Books and Links Mentioned: Toward a Philosophy of Education by Charlotte Mason Beyond Mere Motherhood by Cindy Rollins The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer “Why the KJV?” by Lynn Bruce Blue Sky Daisies Find Cindy and Dawn: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Dawn’s Swedish Drill website Dawn’s A Reasoned Patriotism website Dawn’s Substack We allow no separation to grow up between the intellectual and spiritual life of mothers, but teach them that the Divine Spirit has constant access to their spirit and is their continue Helper in all the interests, duties, and joys of life. paraphrase of Charlotte Mason’s 20th Principle
Feb 1, 2024 • 55min

S6E75: A Sacred Sacrifice with Hannah Paris and Amy Edwards

Like all music, the figured bass should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the recreation of the soul; where this is not kept in mind there is no true music, but only an infernal clamour and ranting. Johann Sebastian Bach Show Summary: Today on The New Mason Jar, Cindy talks with Hannah Paris and Amy Edwards about the new Lenten companion book to Hallelujah, A Sacred Sacrifice How this book came to be through the years Some thoughts on why St. Matthew’s Passion is such an appropriate piece for Lent How the book is laid out for families to use Some thoughts on approaching Lent if it isn’t a normal part of your church tradition Books and Links Mentioned: A Sacred Sacrifice: Cultivating Lenten Traditions with Bach’s Great Passion by Hannah Paris The Story of Charlotte Mason by Essex Cholmondeley The Charlotte Mason Book of Quotes: Copywork to Inspire by Lanaya Gore Blue Sky Daisies Truly parents are happy people, to have God’s children lent to them… Charlotte Mason, from a letter quoted in The Story of Charlotte Mason Find Cindy: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram
Jan 18, 2024 • 57min

S6E74: The Lives of Charlotte Mason Moms and Military Wives

As a matter of fact, we do not realise children, we under-estimate them; in the divine words, we “despise” them, with the best intentions in the world, because we confound the immaturity of their frames, and their absolute ignorance as to the relations of things, with spiritual impotence: whereas the fact probably is, that never is intellectual power so keen, the moral sense so strong, spiritual perception so piercing, as in those days of childhood which we regard with a supercilious, if kindly, smile. Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children, p. 260 Show Summary: Today on The New Mason Jar, Cindy and Dawn chat with guests Elizabeth and Stacy about the challenges (and benefits!) of homeschooling while serving in the military How Elizabeth and Stacy each first learned about Charlotte Mason What are some of the challenges of military life and frequent relocation? How have you found homeschooling community and friends when changing duty stations? What are some of the benefits your family has experienced because of military life? Are there any homeschooling resources available to military families? How do you adapt your homeschool schedule during the year to stay flexible to change? Books and Links Mentioned: For the Family’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay The Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola Find Cindy and Dawn: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Dawn’s Swedish Drill Book Dawn’s Reasoned Patriotism Book Dawn’s Discerning Home Educator Substack Every look of gentleness and tone of reverence, every word of kindness and act of help, passes into the thought-environment, the very atmosphere which the child breathes; he does not think of these things, may never think of them, but all his life long they excite that ‘vague appetency towards something’ out of which most of his actions spring. Charlotte Mason, Parents and Children, p. 36
Jan 4, 2024 • 55min

S6E73: Music and Group Singing with Bethany Stuard

Few things could be more disastrous (as, alas, few are more imminent) than a sudden break with the traditions of the past; wherefore, let us gently knit the bonds that bind us to the generation all too rapidly dying out. It is well that we gather up, with tender reverence, such fragments of their insight and experience as come in our way; for we would fain, each, be as an householder, bringing forth out of his treasures things new and old. Charlotte Mason, Formation of Character, p. 156-157 Show Summary: On The New Mason Jar this week, Cindy talks with Bethany Stuard, homeschooling mom of 3, about incorporating group singing into the homeschool day How Bethany came to know about Charlotte Mason as a second-generation homeschooler How choral music connected Bethany with poetry, the liturgy, other cultures and more Practical tips for helping children sing confidently at home How folk songs help connect us to other cultures and our own history Tips for finding a choir for a child to join Tips for making the most of composer study Books and Links Mentioned: Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay James Herriot Peter Kreeft Melody Sheet Music Poetry Set to Choral Music on Spotify   Playlist of Folk and Children’s Songs on Spotify AmblesideOnline Folk Song Selections Feierabend Song Collection Books Kodaly Collection Find Cindy and Bethany: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Bethany’s Website First Colony Homeschool Ensembles ...a classical education does more, turns out men with intellects cultivated and trained, who are awake to every refinement of thought, and yet ready for action. But the press and hurry of our times and the clamour for useful knowledge are driving classical culture out of the field; and parents will have to make up their minds, not only that they must supplement the moral training of the school, but must supply the intellectual culture, without which knowledge may be power, but is not pleasure, nor the means of pleasure. Charlotte Mason, Formation of Character, p. 213  
Dec 21, 2023 • 55min

S5E72: “Six Voices, One Story” with Donna-Jean Breckenridge

Donna-Jean Breckenridge, a veteran homeschool mom and grandmother, shares her heartfelt journey with the AmblesideOnline Advisory. She discusses the evolution of online friendships and their impact on collaboration in education. The heartfelt creation of their collective narrative reveals challenges, particularly the loss of contributors, and the importance of supportive relationships. Emphasizing Charlotte Mason's philosophy, they highlight how storytelling fosters spiritual growth and deep community connections, reflecting grace and creativity in their educational journey.
Dec 7, 2023 • 1h 10min

S5E71: Reprise of "Christmas Memories with Lynn and Donna-Jean", Ep. 47

Our flesh the Word became, and dwelt with us, And we beheld His glory, as, of God, The only-begotten Son: we who believed Knew glory when we saw it, by the signs— Not of the pomp and majesty of Kings— But Grace, the touch of God, showed sweet in Him; And Truth, discerning all things, made Him simple, His glory saw we—full of grace and truth. Charlotte Mason, from “Savior of the World,” Prologue to the Gospel according to St. John Show Summary: On this episode of The New Mason Jar, we bring you a replay of a special episode with Cindy’s friends Donna-Jean Breckenridge and Lynn Bruce, who has now gone to be with the Lord. What did homeschooling look like around the Christmas holidays? Why it is okay to take time off from your normal school work for Christmas celebrations Why traditions are so important, possibly even more so as children grow older What are some traditions that your family keeps from previous generations? Handling changes and trauma as the years go by and still keep Christmas with courage What are some Christmas “fails” that happened in your family? Books and Links Mentioned: Saviour of the World, Volume 1 by Charlotte Mason This Country of Ours: Annotated, Expanded and Updated, Vol. 1 by Donna-Jean Breckenridge Episode 40: Donna-Jean Breckenridge on Updating This Country of Ours Hallelujah: Cultivating Advent Traditions with Handel’s Messiah by Cindy Rollins The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder Find Cindyand Donna-Jean: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Donna-Jean’s Facebook Donna-Jean’s Instagram Donna-Jean on MeWe
Nov 23, 2023 • 34min

S5E70: A Casual Chat with Cindy and Dawn

Education is a life. That life is sustained on ideas. Ideas are of spiritual origin, and God has made us so that we get them chiefly as we convey them to one another, whether by word of mouth, written page, Scripture word, musical symphony; but we must sustain a child’s inner life with ideas as we sustain his body with food. Charlotte Mason, Toward a Philosophy of Education Show Summary: Cindy and Dawn take some time for a more informal chat about some ideas that have been on their minds and hearts lately The danger of “windows and mirrors” and trying to see ourselves instead of looking to God Some thoughts on narration and attention The value of listening to the experience of older homeschool moms Books and Links Mentioned: The Lord Bless You and Keep You by Michael J. Glodo Six Voices, One Story by the Ambleside Education Foundation   Education, like faith, is “the evidence of things not seen.” Charlotte Mason, from Toward a Philosophy of Education   Find Cindy and Dawn: Morning Time for Moms Cindy’s Patreon Discipleship Group Mere Motherhood Facebook Group The Literary Life Podcast Cindy’s Facebook Cindy’s Instagram Dawn’s Swedish Drill Website Dawn’s Articles on

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