Keepin states that the essence of God resides in the heart; this supreme reality is deeply personal. His work as both a scientist and a seeker of spiritual wisdom reveals that we are witnessing the birth of a vast, unified worldview that unites and cross-fertilizes East and West. This far-ranging conversation also includes a scientific view of consciousness and more.Tags: Will Keepin, God, Divine Love, Satyana Institute, J. Krishnamurti, David Bohm, nondualism, theistic traditions, devotion, nondual path, Bhakti path, Path of love, Path of the heart, path of devotion, Shankara, Advaita Vedanta, Sri Aurobindo, Upanishads, Islam, hadith, Rumi, Urgyen Rinpoche, Dzogchen, Ramana Maharshi, surrender, T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets, implicate order, Bell’s theorem, quantum entanglement, spooky action at a distance, holomovement, fractals, Laniakea, Father Thomas Keating, Jesus, Arjuna, the divine fire in the heart, Spirituality, Peace/Nonviolence, Religion, Science