Welcome to episode 269 of the Grow Your Law Firm podcast, hosted by Ken Hardison. In this episode, Ken sits down with Bert Parnall, Owner & Attorney at Parnall Law. Bert grew up mostly in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but also spent several years in Africa as a youth. While pursuing a major in history and French at Rice University, he spent a year studying at La Sorbonne in Paris and six months in Laos. After receiving his undergraduate degree from Rice in 1993, Bert attended the University of Mexico School of Law (J.D., 1997). Bert spent four years as a prosecutor in the most violent county in New Mexico, convicting murderers and rapists through trial by jury. In 2005, Bert began his personal injury practice to help victims of negligence and crime. He now leads a law firm of 15 lawyers and 105 team members, helping thousands of victims recover damages for serious injuries. Bert proposed to Marta Strzyzewski (Miss New Mexico 2001) two weeks after they met. Luckily, she accepted, and they made their home in Albuquerque, together with their four children. Bert is involved with the following community organizations: Rotary Club of Albuquerque (past president), Mothers Against Drunk Driving (board member), New Mexico Trial Lawyers (board member), and the National Crime Victim Bar Association. He and his law firm also sponsor trips for children through Make-A-Wish. After competing in judo for 15 years, Bert now enjoys teaching his kids judo, as well as taking them on hikes, camping, and other trips. What you’ll learn about in this episode: 1. Importance of Teamwork: - Focus on hiring the best people - Emphasize values like teamwork, talent, truth, and tenacity 2. Growth through Learning and Development: - Encourage continuous learning from failures and mistakes - Promote a culture of listening, learning, and sharing ideas 3. Mastermind Groups for Growth: - Leverage mastermind groups for idea sharing and collaboration - Invest in personal and professional development through mentorship 4. Strategic Decision-Making: - Prioritize working on the business rather than in it - Make strategic decisions to drive growth and success 5. Hiring for Success: - Evaluate candidates based on qualities like being humble, hungry, and smart - Seek individuals with a story of challenges, successes, and lessons learned Resources: FB: https://www.facebook.com/ParnallLawFirm Twitter: https://x.com/BertParnallLaw Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/parnall-law/ Additional Resources: https://www.pilmma.org/aiworkshop https://www.pilmma.org/the-mastermind-effect https://www.pilmma.org/resources https://www.pilmma.org/mastermind