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The Word Before Work

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Aug 19, 2024 • 4min

3 practices for planning for tomorrow without worrying about tomorrow

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Double-Sided WisdomDevotional: 2 of 5Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)We’re in a series exploring five pieces of “double-sided wisdom” we see in Scripture. Today we come to the couplet of biblical commands to Plan for Tomorrow AND Focus on Today.The virtues of the first side of this double-sided wisdom can be seen in Proverbs 21:5: “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” Jesus echoed this idea in Luke 14:28-30 where he assumes that a good worker will “first sit down and estimate the cost” before “building a tower.”In these passages and others, we see that it is wise to plan for the future. But the flip side of this double-sided wisdom is to “not worry about tomorrow” and focus on today (see Matthew 6:34).So, how can we both plan for tomorrow and stay focused on today? Here are three practices that work for me.#1: Schedule recurring times on your calendar to plan for the future. If you fail to plan for tomorrow, you plan to fail and worry tomorrow. Which is why I have three recurring items on my calendar: a quarterly, weekly, and daily review to plan what I will work on in the upcoming quarter, week, and day. This level of planning massively helps me not worry about tomorrow. Why? Because, to quote David Allen, “You can only feel good about what you're not doing when you know what you're not doing.” These reviews help ensure that I know what I’m choosing not to do.#2: Block tomorrow’s worries from your physical view. The Daily Review I mentioned above is the only time I look at my calendar for tomorrow. Once my review is complete, I set my calendar back to show today only. That simple habit removes a ton of temptation to worry about tomorrow, allowing me to focus on what I believe God has called me to do today.#3: When you’re feeling worried about tomorrow, take it to the Lord in prayer. Anxiety is the symptom that we’re not holding the tension between planning for the future and focusing on today well. When you experience symptoms of anxiety—tense muscles, a wandering mind, shallow breathing, etc.—“by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).With those practices in hand, go forth and focus fully on the good works God has for you today!
Aug 12, 2024 • 6min

New Series: Double-Sided Wisdom

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Double-Sided WisdomDevotional: 1 of 5“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:39-40)My readers frequently tell me that they love my ability to extract wisdom from God’s Word and apply it to their work. I love that too, of course. But one of my greatest fears is that in our well-intentioned pursuit of living by “biblical principles,” we will become what author Jen Wilkin calls “Bible-worshippers” rather than “God-worshippers.”That’s the red flag we see Jesus raising in today’s passage. Commenting on these verses, pastor Skye Jethani articulates this danger poignantly: “Discovering and applying [biblical] principles does not actually require a relationship with God….the Christian can put these new principles into practice without God being involved. God can be set aside while we remain in control of our lives. He may be praised, thanked, and worshipped for giving us his wise precepts for life, but as with an absentee watchmaker, God’s present participation is altogether optional.”Is that convicting to you? It is for me. And those words bring me to the first piece of double-sided wisdom of this series: the biblical commands to Study the Word AND Seek the Author.The biblical evidence for the “Study the Word” side of this double-sided wisdom is clear: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). “I cannot truly be a God-worshipper without loving the Bible deeply and reverently,” says Jen Wilkin. “Otherwise, I worship an unknown god.”But study of God’s Word is a means to an end, and the end is God himself. That’s the flip side of this double-sided wisdom and what Jesus was getting at in today’s passage. “Eternal life” is not found in God’s Word, but in Jesus Christ—the Word who became flesh.So, how can we hold this tension well? How can we study the Scriptures while ensuring we are seeking the Savior above all else? Here are three ideas.#1: Calculate how much time you spent studying the Word versus seeking the Author this past week. Of course, there’s no biblically prescribed ratio of Bible study to prayer. But this quick analysis can be a helpful diagnostic of where you’re at today.#2: When you close your Bible, open your heart in prayer. Martin Luther was a master at this. As much as Luther loved the Word, he loved God more and refused to finish his “quiet time” before conversing with his Father about what he just read. To see how Luther did this, read page 18 of Redeeming Your Time for free here.#3: Resolve to spend more time listening to God than any other teacher of the Word—including myself. Because while biblical principles are good and valuable, they are worthless without a relationship with the One who authored them.
Aug 5, 2024 • 5min

God showed me how this “best practice” was hurting the poor

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Wisdom for Work from ProverbsDevotional: 7 of 7She puts her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle. She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. (Proverbs 31:19-20)The woman of Proverbs 31 described in today’s passage teaches us an important lesson about work and generosity—namely, that the two can be inextricably linked. As my friends at The Theology of Work Project explain:Because she is successful in spinning, she has something to give to the poor, and conversely, her generous spirit is an essential element of her capability as an entrepreneur/executive. In other words, Proverbs claims that generosity and fiduciary duty do not conflict. Being generous to the needy out of the household’s resources does not reduce the owner’s wealth, but increases it.Because God will always, always reward the kindness we show to the poor (see Proverbs 19:17). Sometimes in this life and sometimes in the life to come.Jesus said this most famously in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy…But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy” (Matthew 6:19-20).“Christ’s primary argument against amassing material wealth isn’t that it’s morally wrong but simply that it’s a poor investment,” says Dr. Randy Alcorn. “Jesus doesn’t say to do it because it’s right but because it’s smart. Because such treasures will last, Jesus argues from the bottom line. It’s not an emotional appeal; it’s a logical one.”Amen. So, how can you and I invest in what lasts by being kind to the poor through our work today?#1: Respectfully question any practices that might be disadvantaging the poor. Last year I followed the “best practices” of my industry by giving people a 20% discount if they paid for my retreat upfront instead of spreading payments out over three months. Who did that disadvantage? The very people who most needed the financial break! Thankfully, God revealed this error in my ways and gave me a chance to repent. Take a second right now to ask God which practices within your organization might be harming the poor.#2: Advocate for a benevolence fund at your company to help employees in times of crisis, such as unexpected medical expenses, housing issues, or natural disasters.#3: Volunteer your professional skills to a non-profit that supports the poor.Again, don’t take actions like these just because they are the right response to the gospel. Take them because they’re wise. Proverbs 19:17 says that “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Take God at his word and make the wise investment to be generous to the poor today!
Jul 29, 2024 • 5min

How to get constructive and sanctifying feedback from others

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Wisdom for Work from ProverbsDevotional: 6 of 7Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. (Proverbs 27:5-6)According to the Harvard Business Review, “By roughly a three to one margin, [employees] believe [that corrective feedback] does even more to improve their performance than positive feedback.” In other words, most people accept the wisdom of today’s proverb that an “open rebuke” is “better” than “hidden love.”There’s just one problem. While the vast majority of us prefer constructive criticism to pats on the back, “only 5 percent believe managers provide such feedback.”So, what can you and I do to encourage others to correct us in love? Here are four ideas.#1: Offer the gift of open but loving rebuke to others. This can be tough for Christians who feel the call to be kind. But you and I aren’t called just to be nice. We’re called to love as Christ loved us (see John 13:34), and he often rebuked those he loved (see Matthew 16:23 and Luke 9:37-56). “You don’t get crucified for being a people pleaser,” says pastor John Mark Comer. Jesus was a people lover, not a people pleaser, who knew that true love says hard things graciously. We must do the same. And when we do, we will make it easier for others to correct us in love.#2: Give at least one boss, client, co-worker, or friend explicit permission to rebuke you when necessary. Here’s a sample message you can copy and send right now: I’ve been reflecting on Proverbs 27:5-6 and I feel convicted to invite more open and honest feedback into my life. If you ever see something in me that you’d recommend I change to better serve others or better reflect my values, PLEASE don’t hesitate to tell me!#3: Choose a question you will begin asking to draw constructive feedback out of friends and colleagues. Here are three ideas:Where do you think I am least like Jesus?What’s something you’ve wanted to tell me but haven’t for fear that you’d offend me?What can I start or stop doing that would make it easier to work with me?#4: Embrace the awkwardness. As the author of Radical Candor points out, if you ask one of the questions above, “No matter how good your question is, the person you ask won’t want to answer it. The only way out of this uncomfortable moment is through it.” So ask one of the questions above and then say nothing. Mentally count to five and refuse to break the awkward silence. Seeking out “open rebuke” is not easy. But remember, “wounds from a friend can be trusted” (Proverbs 27:6). Embrace the discomfort for your sanctification, God’s glory, and the good of others!
Jul 22, 2024 • 4min

Ignoring this proverb cost Yahoo more than $7 million

The podcast discusses the costly mistake made by Yahoo in hiring a CEO who lied about his qualifications, resulting in a $7 million severance package. It emphasizes the importance of diligent hiring practices and skill development in the workplace to avoid similar consequences.
Jul 15, 2024 • 4min

How to say “no” more frequently and “yes” less quickly

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Wisdom for Work from ProverbsDevotional: 4 of 7It is a trap to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider one’s vows. (Proverbs 20:25)How many times have you and I fallen into the “trap” this proverb is warning us against?I’ve said “yes” to projects at work only to later renegotiate the deadline I could have never hit. I’ve agreed to volunteer at church only to grumble and complain about the commitment on Sunday morning.Sound familiar?You and I need practical ways to avoid the trap of saying “yes” too quickly and flippantly. Here are four practices that typically work for me.#1: Delay every “yes” by at least 24 hours. It is really hard to say “no” if you feel pressured to give an answer to a request for your time the moment you’re asked. So, the next time you’re asked to dedicate your time to something, do whatever you can to delay responding for at least a day. Buy yourself some time by saying, “Let me sleep on it,” “Let me check with my spouse,” or “Let me check my calendar and current commitments and get back to you.”#2: Assume the commitment will take 50% more time than you expect. It is human nature to underestimate how much time a new commitment will take, both in hours spent on the core task and what Cal Newport calls the “overhead tax” of saying “yes” (unexpectedly long email threads related to the commitment, meetings associated with the project, etc.). So, before you agree to take something new on, assume the commitment will take 50% longer than you think.#3: Seek out godly counsel before saying “yes” to something that exceeds a certain time threshold. If I’m considering dedicating more than 25 hours to something, you better believe I’m going to ask some Christian friends for wisdom before I say “yes.” Why? Because “the way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice” (Proverbs 12:15).#4: Remember that saying “no” is oftentimes the most loving thing you can do. Contrary to our caricature of Jesus as a nice guy who always said “yes,” sometimes Jesus said “no” out of love (see Mark 1:35-38). We must do the same. When you “dedicate something rashly and only later” consider what you signed up for, you’re not going to be able to give your “yes” your all. Which means you’re likely to do harm to yourself and those you promised to serve.Whatever decision you’re facing today, ask the Lord for his grace in helping you avoid the “trap” of saying “yes” too quickly.
Jul 8, 2024 • 5min

2 ways to avoid the sin of “shoddy work”

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Wisdom for Work from ProverbsDevotional: 3 of 7One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys. (Proverbs 18:9)There were many causes of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986. But a culture of “slack” work was undeniably a contributing factor. In his book, Midnight in Chernobyl, Adam Higginbotham explains that:The quality of workmanship at all levels of Soviet manufacturing was so poor that building projects…were forced to incorporate an extra stage known as ‘preinstallation overhaul.’ Upon delivery from the factory, each piece of new equipment—transformers, turbines, switching gear—was stripped down to the last nut and bolt, checked for faults, repaired, and then reassembled according to the original specifications, as it should have been in the first place.That’s an extreme example of what Solomon says in today’s passage—namely that mediocre work “destroys.”Of course, it’s unlikely that poor performance in your job is going to lead to a nuclear meltdown today. But it can absolutely destroy trust, relationships, and the credibility of your faith with your clients or employer (see Titus 2:9-10). You know that, of course. But what are you going to do about it? Allow me to suggest two actions to help us avoid becoming the slack worker Solomon calls out in today’s proverb.#1: Ask the Lord to reveal a specific aspect of your work that you’re growing “slack” in. And when the Holy Spirit convicts you, immediately jot down an action you’ll take to course correct. Because as my friend Randy Alcorn says, “Nothing is more fleeting than the moment of conviction.”#2: Commit to a dollar figure and a deadline for investing in your professional growth. Avoiding “slack” work should not be our standard. Christ-followers should be marked by a peaceful but relentless pursuit of higher levels of excellence in our work for the glory of God and the good of others.But that takes an investment of time and typically money. So if you don’t already have a budget for investing in your professional growth (via courses, conferences, books, etc.), make it your goal to set one this week along with a deadline for spending it. And note that if you work for someone else, they often have professional development budgets or will create one upon your request.Whatever works for you works. But we must invest in our vocational skills. Because as author Matt Perman says, “Shoddy work…is a failure of love.” Love those you work with by taking steps to proactively fight against the temptation to do slack, destructive work today!
Jul 1, 2024 • 5min

“Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.” Here’s how that leads to rest.

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Wisdom for Work from ProverbsDevotional: 2 of 7Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans….In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps….The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. (Proverbs 16:3, 9, 33)In his terrific memoir, On Writing, novelist Stephen King says, “I used to tell interviewers that I wrote every day except for Christmas, the Fourth of July, and my birthday. That was a lie. I told them that because…I didn’t want to sound like a workaholic dweeb…The truth is that when I’m writing, I write every day…not working is the real work."I deeply resonate with that last line for two reasons. First, because I (like you) love the work God has given me to do. Second, because rest is an act of faith—it’s a way of trusting that the world will keep spinning even if I’m not doing the spinning!Yes, Scripture frequently commands us to hustle and work hard (see Colossians 3:23). But it also tells us to trust that it is God—not us—who produces results in our work (see Deuteronomy 8:18). And that trust ought to lead to a deep rest for our souls (see Matthew 11:29).What does it look like to hold this tension between “trust, hustle, and rest” well? Solomon answers that question systematically in Proverbs 16.First, Solomon calls us to trust by instructing us to “Commit to the Lord whatever you do.” Before we roll up our sleeves, we are to commit our work to God and recognize that whatever fruit our work produces is “from him” (Romans 11:36).Second, Solomon calls us to hustle by saying, "In their hearts humans plan their course.” While God has clearly called us to express our trust in him, he has also given us brains to “plan,” strategize, and execute our plans at work.Finally, Solomon calls us to rest. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.” In other words, if we have trusted in God for the results of our work and done our part to work “with all [our] heart” (Colossians 3:23), we can rest knowing that “the lot is cast” and the results are in God’s hands.I don’t know about you, but I need constant reminders to trust, hustle, and rest. If you need the same, let me encourage you to write down one of the following three reminders wherever you’ll see them as you work:Trust (Deuteronomy 8:18), Hustle (Colossians 3:23), and Rest (Matthew 11:29)“Without God, we cannot. Without us, God will not.” — Saint Augustine“My job is faithfulness. God’s job is fruitfulness.” — John PiperWant to see one of these on the lockscreen of your phone? Download a graphic here.With today’s passage in mind, I pray that you will work diligently with your hands and gently with your soul, trusting that the outcomes are in the Lord’s hands!
Jun 24, 2024 • 5min

New Series: Wisdom for Work from Proverbs

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Wisdom for Work from ProverbsDevotional: 1 of 7When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable, but one who restrains his lips is wise. (Proverbs 10:19)Hamilton might be the fastest-moving musical of all-time. Sung at an average of 144 words per minute, the show is more than twice the speed as average-paced productions like Phantom of the Opera, largely because of how much the show’s protagonist, Alexander Hamilton, has to say.When Hamilton first meets Aaron Burr on stage, Burr is blown away by how much Hamilton can talk. So he offers Hamilton some free advice: “Talk less…Fools who run their mouths off wind up dead”—a not so subtle foreshadowing of the day Hamilton’s “many words” will lead Burr to kill him in history’s most infamous duel.That’s a good, albeit dramatic, case study of what God is warning us about in Proverbs 10:19. I love how the New Living Translation renders today’s passage: “Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”We’d be wise to apply that advice to our work where “many words” can be particularly harmful to others and ourselves. How might we apply this wisdom to our work today? Here are three practices.#1: Be content not having content on every topic. We’re living at a time where many of us feel pressured to say something about everything—largely because we see our colleagues weighing in on every topic on social media (including topics they know nothing about). Refuse to be that fool. Can’t help yourself? Consider quitting these services.#2: Don’t share more information than you have to. I once had a professor define advertising as “telling the truth, and nothing but the truth, but not the whole truth.” That always made me queasy. But I do believe this wisdom holds in certain situations where telling the “whole truth” could defame one of God’s image bearers. Take the example of telling your team that you had to let somebody go. Giving every detail and reason for that decision is unnecessary and unwise. “Restrain your lips” accordingly. #3: Use software to check yourself before you wreck yourself (and others) in writing. Tools like Grammarly can be super helpful in pointing out phrases in emails and other written messages that may come across as offensive to others and where fewer words might be prudent.Proverbs 17:27 says that “a truly wise person uses few words.” Be wise with your words for the glory of God and the good of others today!
Jun 17, 2024 • 5min

An acronym for how to love your job without making it an idol

Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at Working Without IdolatryDevotional: 4 of 4Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:21)We’ve seen a few helpful definitions of idolatry throughout this series. Let me offer my own: An idol is anything you can’t live without. It’s anything other than God that functions as your deepest source of joy.And so, if we want to keep our work from becoming an idol, we would be wise to voluntarily practice self-denial—resting from the good gift of work as a means of proving to ourselves that God is the only thing we ultimately need.Pastor Joe Rigney whose book Strangely Bright inspired me to write this devotional series says this about self-denial: “Biblical self-denial is the voluntary giving up of good things for the sake of better things…[it] keeps our legitimate love of earthly things [like work] in check. We enjoy them when we have them. But we don't covet and crave them….We can voluntarily give them up for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord.”That brings us to our fourth and final principle for enjoying our work without turning it into an idol. Principle #4: Limit your labor regularly. How? Here are two ideas for practicing this principle.First, take a full day off once a week. AKA Sabbath. While this ancient rhythm is not commanded under the New Covenant, it still stands as wisdom. Sabbath is one way to once a week declare that you have joy apart from the gift of work—a way of loving and worshiping God apart from your vocation.Second, choose the Word before work, rather than work before the Word. According to a 2016 study from Deloitte more than half of Americans check their phones within five minutes of waking up. Be counter-cultural here. Before you check email or the day’s news, commit to time in God’s Word. Limiting your labor in this way is a powerful way of saying, “As good as your gift of work is, Lord, I choose You before all things.”My goal with this series has been to provide us with a biblical and practical framework for enjoying our work without turning it into an idol. Here’s a summary of the four principles we explored (which just so happen to spell out IDOL for those who love memorable acronyms): Insist that Jesus is better than your work or any other created thingDelight in your work freely and fully as a means of better appreciating the “betterness” of JesusOffer your talents generously in service of others Limit your labor regularly via self-denying rhythms of restYour work is a good thing, believer. But only God is the ultimate good. Enjoy his good gifts today, and as you do, I pray you will delight in the Gift-Giver all the more!

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